Slimecicle Plays Palworld

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hey guys I'm slim SLE and today I streamed pal World a very ethical game about collecting Pals anything could be one enjoy the VOD so I've played a little bit of this um but I I don't think I've ever really talked about it on stream I tried to do a Nuzlocke at like one point I absolutely love I love Pokemon so much like I like grew up on Pokemon I like went to the local library we like had a little Pokemon training card club and I would go there and I would like try and get all the gym badges and win the gym badges so when I saw when I saw that there was a not that this is at all like that franchise not at not that the story is related at all for legal reasons but when I saw the trailer for this game and I saw not todoro who's not an electric type wielding a definitely well definitely a minigun and whatever's going on back here you know they've just got full turrets out I I I I I was sold and then I saw people playing it more and it actually looked like kind of fun and really like exciting to play so I was like all right it so I I I I tried a little bit of this we're going to try a little bit of it today we're going to run through see what sort of fun Pals we can get world name chat what do you think what do you think something that really says there's no law here or Consequences Gunk World [Music] grimus wait a second guys you're just saying stuff cuz I just say stuff crap slunk world the free states of grun the free uh the free territories of grunk the free and okay the free territories of grunk how do we like that beautiful grunk Nation let's go difficulty Oh Let's do let's just let's be normal let's be normal for one second here okay hopefully that's good all right who's ready who's ready to make some Pals who's ready to be my pal huh this was the first thing I was thinking about in this game is if you like bump into someone and call them pal is it like are you is that like the same as calling someone mut or like dog like can you say that what's up pal what the did you just what did you just say about me all right let's see oh player now I got to think about this I got to think about this all right you know what let's just let's stay simple slango Slinger cuz I'm going to be slinging I'm going to be slinging I'm just going to make I'm just going to make what I look like I'm just going to make me I'm just going to make me God it's me right there it's so me it's unbelievable God that is me let me get a peek at those pretty dark pretty dark eyebrows that's me right there that's literally me that's literally me yeah that's literally me yeah yeah that's literally pretty much that's that's pretty much literally what I look like if I had to if I had to say that's that's pretty much literally what I look like though right Prett and I guess I better give my build too ah oh I was supposed to acquire pokeballs not turn into one Jesus Christ give my build why can you do that Holy hey that's I I don't know if I'll like if I ever play this again I just don't think I'll be able to like look at myself if I do that oh God you can really get into it huh okay see like yeah that's pretty pretty pretty much what I yeah it's pretty much me it's pretty much yeah it's pretty much it's just I feel still thick I don't okay I I I messed with the sliders too long and I don't remember what's human I messed with the sliders too long and I don't remember what humans look like anymore 50 is nor just a normal human being I mean come on though though let's let's get we can get a little we can get we can get a little silly with it we get subtly silly we can airbrush we can airbrush a little bit that's pretty much what I look like Yeah o oh my [Music] God I don't I don't know what I look like I'm going to catch here look like I'm holding in the crazy sneeze of my life and I have been for the last 20 years oh okay that's like the most normal so far these are wild the these like these two people can't these two things don't occupy the same plane this and this don't there not's no way that those things can live together together in harmony that is two completely different art styles right that's like two completely different realities this look I this looks like those old like Ms paint like anime edits on YouTube like that's someone looks like they did that to me okay all right let's see Giga Chad I'll be I can be normal oh I could be oh man look at him all right chat what do you think how long how long one year one year muing streak or 20 26 normal okay I respect that I respect that here's the it's like if I if I thought I would never play this game again I would do a funny one but I have too much I have too much gamer self-respect genuinely I'm just you know what I'll do um um um um um um oh man uh oh man you know what guys okay all right you know what it I'll I like I like it I like it catching the good creatures and I want it to be me okay so it's going to be me I want it be me last night I made my arms arms huge and I called myself Chuck I don't want to repeat of that I don't want to repeat oh what you need to oh you need to watch the streamer make his guy green and call himself the grunger for the 19th time it's F you'll be okay you'll be okay you'll survive God that posture is impeccable though nope something about this still still this does not actually I this doesn't sit right with me either something about this feels very I'm why are my hips so wide why why I I didn't I why I it's like just a little too much hip listen guys there's a reason I set the cam only from the shoulders up all right my mom runs a bakery she and she passed it down she passed it down acquired one technology Point cool don't don't type got to catch them all that's that's revolting let's talk with this person a Castaway been a while since someone who didn't stink of Pals wow okay I I mean all right this island is living hell the people I came with aren't with us any longer those damned Pals ate every one of them you be careful out there here take some basic supplies need it to toughen up what that thing that thing ate your dad spit it up spit him out spit him out let him go you like games you want to you want to be soccer you want to be soccer it's about sending a message yeah use roll out listen what who what okay hang on uh that that that can have been yeah what don't you you roll out okay all right let's get some berries probably need some berries okay think we're think we're good why is everyone going whoa I'm look I'm I'm looking at where it spawned in I'm not looking at my looks looks Max pal pal moger level 100 I'm I'm not looking at my I'm not looking at that I'm not looking at that I'm not looking at that Alexa disabled ey tracker was not maxing I think that's just called making friends but I think if you call it pal maxing you're probably not doing very well at it at at pal maxing okay all right we need to get some Stone okay that does eight okay this is what we want this is not working too out I've unused St points though let's go ahead and up our probably HP yeah and we have technology points so first thing we would definitely want a pal box we definitely want a pal sphere um yeah campfire seems like a good pick we'll figure out the rest later God damn I I'm just watching the I'm just looking at the Rock I was thinking of how how I mean holy oh I've been getting Stone this whole time sorry I was don't know why I didn't notice that the voice oh I never changed the voice oh it's it's fine it's fine I've inhaled a lot of pal helium it's too late I have very wide hips and a very feminine voice but you know what I'm going to have the most Pals you've ever seen let's upgrade work speed cuz I cuz I cuz I work God God Dam seriously guys I mean I'm not trying to like I'm not trying to draw attention to it again but God damn did I make a pal spere I did okay ready come here come here I have wide hips and a Long Gate you cannot Escape me with your small felon stride come here you're mine you're [Music] mine caught my first pal press e to summon a captured pal whoa okay cool I've got a kativa oh I'm going to catch you next but I have to weaken you first don't I lamb ball oh is that is that a megas spere I don't think I've seen a pal yet that would require a mega ah wider range of Pals kativa weaken them is it a gun kadiva oh oh kad's dead what 18 she's real [Music] all right she faded she She fainted She fainted that's okay um she Whited out she just don't worry chat come on we we've we've all we've all played we've all played Pokemon you wait it out take the gun wait what did she drop can I take the gun no oh sorry it's very limp light body okay I have some wood I need some more wood and Stone no gun that's okay we don't need it we don't need it oh hey I see you I'm actually in the market for a new kativa I'm in the market for a new one you can run just the whole chat just going Minecraft not a single thought over there Minecraft Minecraft I didn't even think about it I just started punching trees so ingrained okay let's make ourselves a stone axxe that sounds familiar two sticks and three Cobblestone anyone just a little reference to um a little game yeah now you don't want to say it anymore do you now you don't to say it oh my face hang on I'm going to move my face cam it's in the way you can't see you can't see my level three kativa which I'm very proud of she did die recently um from gunshot wounds but it's actually that's a worst place to have it I'm going to keep it up there okay so let's see tutorial check the options with Escape I didn't do any of this check the options with Escape check the survival guide okay that's the survival guide what should I do first okay build a workbench ax and pickaxe great build a PO Box that'll become your base as your level increases make weapons in a pal sphere night time can be dangerous prepare for your first night by making a campfire a torch and a bed okay shoty bed uh campfire and a torch okay sounds sort of sounds like a little game you all know doesn't it Minecraft that's actually exactly what I was thinking of sort of has an art style that never really gets old and we all feel the same when we hear that Telltale behind us in the mine y level 10 is the best to find diamonds oh it's actually y1 that's that's real that I thanks for correcting me it's good to see a fellow enjoyer in the chat it's good to see more people like me okay how do we make a shoddy B oh there we go shoty bat and a pal box I need more palum fragment let's go get a palum fragment uh yeah let's do that my kativa died tragically um come on oh I've got oh that's a lot of pal rocks oh that's a lot of pal rocks you look like enough XP to level up what's your type mine is man and stick wrong Bridge you picked the wrong Bridge more of a dog person do they wash down the Jesus Christ that's crazy this game is for crazy people I think I love it is this uh is it a little too loud by the way I'm going to turn it down just just a nudge what is this Cast Away nope don't care about the lore what are you saying my type don't chat don't clip my type as man don't clip that don't clip that don't take that out of context hang on whoa whoa wait wait wait wait wait wait no oh oh it's like high school all over again it's like my first day over again okay all right there we go P dech technology um what would I really want I probably want clothes I probably want a a bow would be nice yeah okay I think the sun setting so we can make some stuff hang on let's up our let's up our work speed again one more time I really like that here we go fair enough chat fair fair enough just every time I mine I didn't see the option I didn't see the option I didn't see the voice iide whatever I'm living it now okay oh I can make some PPH okay big day I I I I don't know what to tell you I accidentally gave myself a female versus and vo and wide birthing hips okay and if I do a playr this I'm locked in man I'm locked in h have a field day have a field day um okay we have a torch let's make the bed um build it [Music] indoors okay okay should I make a base neutral type very different than normal here I go just mining a tree don't mind me okay um how do I oh okay and then shoty bed here we go he got a little shoty back God damn it I'm never beating the shoty allegations all right I'm going into shotty rub okay I need a I need a a roof okay Minecraft um this reminds me a little bit of a game I've played before I don't know last time uh last time I saw a shotty in this game it killed my only friend so maybe don't use that word please chat Maybe please don't use that word okay so we need a roof now do we need to place the fire hang on yeah people are saying it's a lot like Ark but I've never played let me just put it right at the foot of the bed like this I've never played Arc so I don't know oh that's oh hot hot hot oh oh shotty on fire onto mattress oh please where's the roof perfect this is a safe this is safe conditions to sleep in what a build what a build there there we go and we skip it all right cool all right no I'm sure I'm sure the house with a with no ventilation a single door made of wood and a fire next to the bed I this it'll it'll hold up don't even worry I'm not even worried about it let me make another workbench right over here here we go okay I've made this workbench there this is much more efficient it's right here okay so we need to get we need Stone we can make some more pal fragments and then we're going to catch some Pals today no sorry we're going to make some Pals we're going to make some Pals wait the cat's back kativa I thought you brutally were murdered in front of me but it turns out that's just my little mind playing tricks on me are you help wait are you actually helping can I pet you you are so fast you know if you were that fast when I was beating you near death with a stick you you probably wouldn't even be in my in my inventory right now okay kativa we've got 10 pal speres let's go catch some more Pals let's go catch some more Pals oh I love kativa hang on oh she's actually my buddy oh there we go 11% I want one of everything kativa violently kill kativa kill to death yeah you do that I'll work on this one that's just a that's just a chicken that's just a human chicken oh kativa I don't know what happened in it in it in its way to the on its way into the palis spere but it did in fact it did in fact give me some meat and it did in fact egg itself oh I'm hungry well not going to worry about where that came from sort of clipped clipped the leg a little bit I want another actually like this one the most kativa M kill kativa use kill swipe good job kativa wasn't needed I just wanted to see you do it can I name can I nickname them oh I want it I want this oh god oh we're collecting now build a PO boox in an open space all right well let's let's go a little further and then we can have we can make our first little base oh they're really cute they're really cute let's commit some war crimes sorry this is called using tools if you evolved it maybe you wouldn't be in the ball it's it is very violent let's let kativa solve this problem holy that was hype boom kativa Oh kativa attack use furry swipe yes excellent work I this is actually this is my dream game in so many ways like when I was a kid I just kept thinking like God I just wish I could like be there in the fight which Pokemon Legends like rcus kind of did it but I was never really I could never get into it but like do you know what if you if I'm going to say this name of this game and if any of you in chat played this I'm going to be so happy I loved spectrobes if you have any idea what that is I'll be very happy I love Spectra you like you like undid these like fossils on the DS like you tap them and and then you'd have like you'd also like you had like a gun and like a laser sword and stuff you'd fight them and you couldn't really do that much cuz they were you were a dude and they're spectrobes but that game was so much fun I Lov I play I played that game so much and I loved being able to like beat in the fight with my little dudes it's like my favorite thing in the whole world oh like Fossil Fighters you calling me old you calling me a Fossil Fighter huh you calling me a Fossil Fighter what did I come up here to do oh I I came up here to build a pal box let's build it right uh in the middle I guess here pal on whoa what the pal let's put this is my nope that's my main now but they're all really cute and I have a lot of them chicken Rush roly poly punch flurry I love I'm loving these names fluffy Shield what is egg layer can I read these hang on view details oh this is awesome sometimes lays an egg when ass sign the ranch oh this is hype okay leveled up open your inventory let's get a little more HP just so we can actually stamina seems pretty pretty cool um a spear okay yes uh common Shield we can almost make normal parachute that seems really good oh guys this is I kind of love this I kind of love this um oh a little feed box for my children get clothes please oh I can do that hang on what it's just one more layer between me and my wide birthing hips that I accidentally gave myself close boom you should catch a human at some point I already tried they are slippery they are slippery things okay now the question is how do I make a the parachute it's more cloth okay so I can make cloth hang on oh this is big this is big try again again since she waited out right um yeah that's for sure what happened uh she she might she might have waited out for a while I don't know if she's going to do they do they do the people respawn she slipped I'm uh I'm sure she's out there in in the wild grass somewhere I'm sure she spawned in on another route I'm sure she's out there in the wild grass uh so good thing I'm here to make Pals not friends huh okay we're going to make a bow kativa help me with your little paws hey are you helping oh my God that's awesome I love you yes yes yes yes did I already make a normal parachute oh kativa will you please do it for me oh I love it here and your sanity still at 100 that'll change gadiva that'll change on the farm I kind to love this don't get too attached why why wouldn't I get too attached to my kativa we're literally we're literally Pals we're literally Pals can kativa come over here and help me with it no no no reason okay huh all right you guys are worrying me a little bit in the chat but I'm sure it's fine okay we have two pal spere we need to capture five lamb balls to earn an exp bonus you mean my pals have hunger bars you guys are stressing me out eat an egg kativa eight egg it seems a visitor is heading towards the base kativa get a get the clubs what do you mean a visitors heading towards is it the cops oh do they know what I did don't miss clicker oh that's that's the bench then we're fine a visitor is heading towards the base I don't see one come kativa okay we need need to catch two more lamb balls I see one this is actually going to be so happy again there nope made a very manly sound when I threw it as well that wasn't even for my character that was actually for me ready 26 h a oh my God I should have given myself bigger I put all my skill points into my hips well got to make some more make some more of those where's some palum there's a bunch of palum ore down there oh what is that oh I mean I say is I hit the water with a splash skill points always go right to the H yep here we go didn't make that I didn't make that sound there a glitch it's actually a glitch collect and offer them to a okay when did I stop being naked when I put clothes on next question I figure if my character is making those very feminine noises and I'm making very masculine noises they will cancel each other out and be normal noises for the stream to consume I'm not I'm not overcompensating I'm just using my normal voice I'm not over I'm not I'm not overcompensating for anything whatsoever how dare you I wouldn't I never do that the visitor left the base I didn't even see the visitor oh I almost visited the back rooms okay we can make eight of these that's big oh kativa please help me please help me please help me kativa I'm confused and scared now the question is how do I deploy a pal thank you kativa to work at the base oh oh I really like kativa is so good here all right you stay home kativa I'll take out some stupid livestock to go go against the world they will automatically search for jobs good job kativa yeah Palace without beds will get stressed do I even have that do I even have pal beds no I don't have the technology um um um um oh my God I'm so locked in oh that's my chicki okay I need more wood how do I name kativa wait wait how do I name you can I name it oh okay no I don't want to do kitty Fleet but everything everything reminds me of her let's do something else let's do something else GTH gor Sydney gaiva ear gun let me look it let me look it in the eye eyes let me look this let me look this creature in the eyes let me just type in kativa again let me look at this thing in the eyes thank you kativa what are you hang on it's coming to me got it oh you should trust me with your pets prbo good job prbo that's the one that's the one guys that's the one that's the one I don't often and I don't often say that and I often don't go out on a limb and say yep that's the one but that's the one I'm making you a bed prbo I'm making you a little Lair prbo can you name the pets oh man yeah absolutely chat I'll let you the guys name the pets I'll I'll let you do it only the ones that are important though only the ones that are important like prbo don't even worry if you've got a good name if you've got a good name it'll win it'll win okay so we need a pal bed uh straw bed oh it pulls from the oh that's nice okay oh prbo prbo you're sleeping with me hang on prbo can you I guess this will have to work what do you mean what what do you mean what you don't have a pet you don't have a dog that sleeps in the you guys are freaks you guys are freaks you don't deserve prbo promo's going to be watching the Stars how do they get up prombo jump on a short break are you come on come on prbo I love you you know there's no breaks okay so we need to capture four lamb balls oh lamb ball oh what is that well I've got a little ball of my own Lambo 33 back bonus how do you like my chicka chicka use egg layer chicka use Beck blast holy that was so hype good job chapi my God it's Out For Blood chicka yeah there it is let's go oh I'm hungry I'm hungry I'm hungry I need to eat I need to eat I need to eat uh chick ptry boom boom yes a taures thank you for the sweet message I'm glad you're you enjoyed the video the balers G 3 I'm I'm every time someone said something sweet about that the balers Gate 3 video I'm so happy cuz I poured so much into that raw meat it's fine they had a little despair we all we've all got a little despair what does that mean what are you doing prbo what are you doing promo Okay so we've got more lamb balls let's put them in here I don't really let's let's have one lamb ball one Shiki prbo you're doing great oh we need to name these guys all right chat what are we thinking that's what it looks like you see it right there poofy zerk zubble you guys are like blombo this is nothing Craig clunker fluky blomus boink snoof toe fungus slurp Fungo scoof barbecue ribs round sheepe wait wait wait wait wait wait there was a really good one I just saw I just saw a really good one hang on I lost it so fast it was something that I really liked um um oh what was it you should name it stupid head my my four-year-old cousin has stolen my save file we have a winner now we just need a name no we just need a name for my level five car what shall it be chat what shall it be do try okay okay okay for we got it okay we need to increase my player level by capturing 30 Pals and build up my base until it reaches level seven how do I even do that okay so 30 Pals is a that's a lot of Pals okay they'll do that um oh let's go brumo you need stairs for prbo God these these new Pals they just have everything given to them on a silver platter don't they sorry guys I made a very masculine noise you might have just heard prumo can't climb she's tiny in two round she's a cat she's a cat what is she supposed to do not connected to a structure I have to like build a found okay prbo I'm doing a lot for you I want you to know that I'm doing a lot for you right now prbo prbo there's no physical way wait hang on there we go oh promo's going to be happy prbo is going to be happy about this yeah pobox upgrade hang on B up yeah I can do another one feed box and a straw pad okay oh we can put we can do two more okay let's put some of these random let's put one chika and one lamb ball to work just come from Heaven thank you guys and they need some beds too no they don't need names these ones don't need names they'll have to earn it not like prbo it's like Pokemon in fortnite I I'm really enjoying it need more wood no way they've got to earn their keep until then they can be I don't even remember what they chicka and Lambert or whatever lamb ball okay there like a spot there we go see the thing is I I I make them sleep so that they have to it's to it's to show them how delicate the work life balance is the same balance when they go to bed between sleep soundly and falling 10 ft to their to their death the thing is I can't get sued for a work rated accident because they were sleeping and that's on them I don't encourage that I don't encourage that sort of behavior so there pretty cut and dry if you ask me what the are you doing oh it's oh it's not sorry guys sorry the rat race got to me there we can go to bed we can go to [Music] bed dude you have to build battle prbo prbo can speed Bridge better than any of you probably I love I actually love prbo okay we need to build a feed box do I even have that I haven't even invented the wheel how am I supposed to inv a feed what is a feed box feed oh I just need wood oh no way Lambos taking the oh this is actually mad cool don't mind e yet just mining I love throwing the pig skin and drinking Gatorade uh feed box feed box feed box oh this is cool um let's put it over here by this little wall like right there we can do some more oh this is cool okay feed box there amazing emo wheel when hang on let me let me check cuz tonight will be the night such a weird bit um okay hoc's upgrade complete we upgrade this again it's already further than I got in like 4 hours last night build a berry Plantation and we can depal depal we can de I don't want to deal I don't even know what that means serious work speed plus you're going on the special Farm literally give prbo a castle prbo is a logging foran that's insane pbo's a coward you're kidding no proo proo is a coward oh I need to make like little pal quarters or something I some some sad sad pal is sleeping over here I don't know which one what about chat what are you saying about cock's in my party right now I've got in mecase okay build your base still okay Berry Plantation how do we make a berry Plantation Berry Plantation oh here it is it's just more wood no cocka doodle get back get back in here I just wasted a palis sphere that's so embarrassing um okay okay what was I doing uh right on need of the berry Plantation okay more wood did the wait wait wait did this just grow back oh no shot this is growing back he hang on big day on the pal Farm weapon is damaged oh do we need like a repair thing okay let me just invent invented thank you WBO or whatever your name is I'm never going to get more of you so I don't know stone pickaxe repair wait repair repair okay worked cool all right promo's on a little break right now are you oh do you work here sorry I haven't opened the technology tree and invented lunch breaks yet get back to work earn your keep and earn a name prbo I love you Chicky what the where the are you going I'm going to open your menu pet oh that's cute that's cute Shiki you're a flying type right come on show me oh that did they did pal take pal take fall damage yeah okay that was really bad of me I should go say sorry to prbo and then pet prbo prbo I'm so sorry I did that I love you prbo I love you oh will the get back here who do you think you are Berry plant I still need more wood oh it feels good that is pal abuse what do you mean it's a symbiotic relationship I get everything I want and well that's it going to make a spear okay let's see I can do this for my club now big day did I get any wood just now I did not put this in here put this in here am I just like am I just like zoning out every time I try to get wood no it's very symbiotic we're both we're both happy I'm definitely happy and um I assume everyone else is and if they tell me something else that they're lying and using me oh someone in t chat said the the palace is coming they are they are called Pals maybe they should build me one maybe they should build me a palace something I deserve it gave them a home took them off the dangerous dangerous roads and routes it's all for you prbo everything is for you I love you prbo okay now I can make a Berry Farm let's put it over like here boom a thanks prbo oh cool you're here too seed seed seed seed SE seed seed SE SE SE SE seeding sorry just planting my crops sprinkle tinkle and water sh sh sh sh sh sh sh I'm not parasocial about prombo just cuz I tune into all their streams just because I tune into all their streams and I'm a tier four and I have every prombo emote for The Last 5 Years doesn't mean anything just cuz I have golden prbo badge and 30k prbo points prbo burned your family alive holy is there a VOD okay let me make some PR balls no items in Q yes but I'd like to required handiwork why can I not have my hands gone soft I've forgotten how to craft have my hands gone soft is this like too close oh here we go yes oh I'm fast now what the actual hell good job there's your game for the day there's your play time why would I like I've put this in a really weird spot I think might need to like move some stuff okay all right pal box upgrade available boom build pal gear workbench what the is a pal gear workbench accessing all of human information uh pal gear workbench a Crusher oh I know who's going in that oh there we go allow Pals to use partner skills cool and a statue of power okay I need some palum fragments for this met prbo at VidCon and he told me he loved me oh prbo I told you to let me handle all your meetups man I told you to let me handle that stuff can I give prbo a can wait can I strap prbo going to go get a bunch of this poor I think so it looks like there's like it I mean it looks like there's oh that hurts them okay so when I do this you see there's like a little bonus there in the [Music] bottom so what happens if I hit 10 what is that what is that now is your time go Freddy fast ball let's catch this P oh he's looking help help help good job Freddy use fluffy Shield holy we're going to die oh my God oh my God we're going I can't do it I can't do I can't do Freddy get in front of me fr did I just did I just send him to his death oh my God oh my God I actually just take him not me that was crazy okay you know if proo was here this would go a lot differently that's all I'm saying where is it oh did it despawn oh the thing was really cool I don't think I'm strong enough Attack One it just doesn't seem worth it I feel like we should just pump HP so that we don't die guys there's a lot of uh anti- sort of prbo propaganda going on right now in the chat can we please ease up on that just cuz prbo literally saved my family from burning building prbo literally delivered my son crbo was the doctor prbo pulled him out prbo was at prbo was at my parents funeral prbo literally like saved a few kids from a burning orphanage the other day and he did it while carrying a whole flamethrower on his back how impressive is [Applause] that oh dinome that thing's crazy I don't think I can fight that [Applause] thing but maybe cockadoodle could 17 that's a high level come here come here come here get what is that mamist 34 oh that that's not happening [Music] hey that's just not happening yeah go cockadoodle do what you're going to do nice we're working together as a team holy it's dead oh my God it laid it's fun little game where I this thing is like my cockadoodle is Out For Blood and I need to try and take care of stuff before it finishes the job holy it is actually it is like nuts get in there huh I threw that a little hard no cocka doodle you're B out more than you canu retreat oh [Music] Jesus Christ I need to go I need to go I need to invent a Contraption it's not still coming after me is it can't there's no way it could see me over there with this Paleolithic eyes right it's not running right towards me f it's okay it's maybe it's weak to water it's not weak water got out of stamina oh God oh God oh God oh Jesus there was nothing I could do it it just hit me with like a legendary pulse and I died instantly my why would my why would my pal do that my keeps getting to me into fights I can't end okay this this okay that's good yeah all right let's get another lamb ball get him nice here we go okay one more lamp ball and we'll have whatever the bonus is there 10 chapas boom Oh yeah this is huge this is getting crazy you're no prbo but you got to get in the ball come here sorry my allergies my all prbo is taking a break prbo is something [Music] wrong fix my my armor no way dude no way my hips will block most of the damage anyway there's no point um I have unused stat points okay hang on I'm going to upgrade my HP so that I can't get one shot by a literal dinosaur anymore what is Def I can't upgrade that weight I can upgrade weight's kind of kind of poggers so maybe that what is that small pal soul they have so oh god what have happened they have souls what have I been doing to them can I even stop anymore I've been taking their been taking their souls my God wait I'm a monster I'm a I'm a monster all I know is the hunt all I know is how to how to befriend pals new pal [Music] spoted I want you I want you I want to be the very I want to stab this wild animal with my spear whoa you're a fire type humans invented that centuries ago I cannot make you dodge backwards Dodge backwards go cocka doodle use Peck use holy I didn't I didn't teach him that that was actually crazy I like those odds yeah oh man all that's making me hungry good thing that one didn't have a soul what is that oh I'm out of palar I'm out of Pals do you bleed do you have a soul do you have a soul why we do a little training go cockadoodle oh my God it just ran over those things that was crazy cockadoodle lay a powerful kill egg let me get some more palum learned air cannon no way dude what is wait what is happening over there holy what is happening over there oh my God the whole ecos system's fighting back this is a perfect chance go cockadoodle get him Co yeah use air holy I shooting laser beads oh my God I just just I just have a chicken I just have a chicken return it's getting damaged go other chapi unlabeled chapi get him get him oh my God oh my God it's his mate it's his mate chicken P distract him while I run away good job great job Jacob keep up the good work it's the bond between us is so strong right now it's really strong get returned oh that was terrifying Sawbuck what is that is that a is that a Pyon or whatever they're called I've never heard of that in my life this is probably a completely different animal this one's based on a deer I don't think Pokemon's probably thought of that so I don't think proon thought of that I mean for God's sake that's a chapi it's a pal that lays eggs you don't just come up with this Charlie go to sleep SL lore or SL UNL [Music] where am I name the Firefox oh you're so right hang on I have a lot of paldum this game's awesome I'm having the time of my life right now so we have to name that thing right we have Freddy fball cocka dooodle what do we want to name this thing chat only your greatest suggestion foxy wait a second second if I'm playing this game and you're typing in chat then who's watching foxy okay all right all right what should we name this thing Firefox snorp snorp I'm just keep going to keep reading until I see what I like burnt toast gorano slarks someone put I like that like there's so many nonsense words and then one person was like not super confident in theirs and added question marks like is I don't know is is slarks anything guys kind of like slarks actually flame on that's really funny to me for some reason flame me on like I I could name it anything and I name it and I name it flameon unrelated to any existing IPS go flame on okay so now I need to craft a pal gear workbench and a statue of power I can do that I think my base is like getting bigger like facing out that's kind of cool here I like this I love flameon that's not Lucario dude that's BOS sario it's completely different that's a b that's a wild boario enhance my capture power yes please enhance Pals well I can use pal souls to enhance I'll enhance flame On's attack think flamion is my favorite name so far I it's so dumb that that's my favorite okay what what is it going to take for us to make more uh more pal spheres hang on what are we missing oh we need to repair my armor hang on uh here we go cloth right righto little crafting then coming right up oh dude I I'm so sorry Chad that I said that I forgot about prbo oh I forgot about oh I actually forgot that's oh that's really bad I'm so sorry oh my God where's prbo prbo I'm I'm I that's that's not really what it's not what it seems like at all oh come on chat when you you you made it weird it wasn't me you made it weird you made it weird I didn't I didn't do anything base upgrade okay I need to build a pal gear workbench now I need wood okay oh these trees grow back thank God I'm not I listen flame On's a great name okay but that doesn't change prbo being my favorite proo pet prbo pet prbo pet prbo pet come on prbo I don't mind that you're Idol and a coward I love you all the same I love you prbo see guys it's okay now everything's okay now Fine's fine yes I hate that yeses has like been actually added to my vocabulary if I had if I listen to my mom if I got a real job yeses would not be in there oh five Subs yes thank you yeesh oh I have meat yeesh only one Rock today Lambo huh okay we repair that repair this repair that beautiful now what's it going to take to make some more pow balls okay that's good two more Pals and I increase my player let's go and then I need some wood for a pal gear workbench guys I hate to say it I think I'm sucked into the gameplay Loop there's a video out that says you're quitting my friend sent it to me yeah if you um yeah it's it's go watch the video If you haven't I I I sort of explain it all there but there's just I sort of moving to to something else okay I have I'm I'm sorry I'm actually sorry about that that was no that was that was wrong that was that was actually wrong with me you know what it was I had a recording at 12:00 and it was 11:50 and I wanted to get the video up and it was already unlisted and everything and I was like oh man I got to get I got to I have to set up my VR and like I was going to do a thumbnail of check the second Channel if you're confused um for context uh slim kickle and I was like oh I got to set up VR I had this whole thumbnail idea I'm going to put my hands up in front of Freddy as he's jumping out it's going to take so long to film and then I remembered the intro to the video and I realized oh wait a second wait a second I could do something right now I could do something right now and all it would take is just one little screenshot a little dark vignette and a little drop shadow and I and I did and I did and you know what it's doing great should I do I regret it no should I probably build Crusher that's what they call me in my Minecraft they call me the build Crusher okay Crusher Stone pit and logging site we're this is like fully okay we're industrial we are fully industrializing now I'm so I'm so sorry for anyone I upset with that I'll be like I thought it was F I didn't think about the consequences at all that it would make people upset you have so many worker slots oh I'm so sorry I'm so sorry pretty funny video though right so like it makes up really um I literally threw up and like myself it was a really good video I like threw up everywhere like I I like throw blood I start throwing up all over that was one of my patented make up start making up chats like look at chat and just start making things up um okay Crusher Stone pit logging site I do that a lot by the way if you don't TR if you don't trust me from that video you should know most of the time I'm reading chat I'm not I'm reading the first three words and I'm inventing I'm inventing your life we didn't know that we didn't know that I know that's what I'm telling you yeah I know what you're so convincing I didn't realize yeah I know I know okay your cat is watching the stream prbo prbo reference I can't believe that cats is a species evolved as a prbo reference prbo feeling D down because of bad work wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hang what hold the phone what why is prbo so low sanity Pro you're happy though right okay yeah it went up it went PR almost Pro fine PR's look at how enthusiastically prbo is mining five of the 9,999 Stone yeah sure that's sure it's fine huh okay weird uh anyway um not sure why they they have nothing to be unhappy about uh okay I need one more Stone a herd of man eating Wild P what holy you're kidding it's time oh oh oh oh go Freddy fastball use fluffy Shield quick Freddy fastball take the hit for the team good job good job Freddy fast ball hold this is not going well Retreat go flameon flameon kill what is a Le's punk I want that I want that thing go get in there don't eat me don't eat my man how are we doing how we doing everyone where's the last one the enemy has been defeated was that mine uhoh I need to take it to the PO Box wait how do I take you to the PO Box how do I take it to oh you died all right you go in there oh I have so many slots I have so many slots holy okay let's get another AA out here good job prbo you're doing great let's get I think the civas are like really doing well so I'm going to okay this one's unstable and a coward this one's downtrodden this like all have a lot of a lot of mental and physical problems um maybe a lamb ball is there another good lamb ball ferocious lamb ball get in there okay we need two more pal beds now start making little pal quarters oh and they can build them themselves oh that's cute that's oh my God look at this did I catch the lizards no way I did chat hang on Capac okay this one's got a Burly body was that mean defense nice we're going to take this one all right chat what's the name is this slave labor what is their hourly pay I think you misspelled pal pal catches you emo gizzard kind of like gizzard see doesn't really look like a lizzard though dark lizard emo wheel flirt spiky guy glor key emo Zilla I really like emo Zilla do Emo Zilla it's good as dark lizard is too let's put this actually hang on let's take uh this guy hasn't done anything in like three full days let's put him out I upgrade the base now oh I still need a logging site uh can I build one I need more wood I'm getting into this all righty Milla do the Freddy flash fast ball and flamy on my team right now let's see what he looks like why is he so shy where you go oh IMO you don't have to do that oszilla it's okay let them handle that let them handle that I hope prbo is doing well wait what's going on over there that's why is promo doing like why is he shooting red lasers it's probably evolving classic prbo probably evolving in his sleep oh man he's going to evolve into probably like PR Blaster is on really cool make a PR blast in the night probably a really cool probably evolve into something with all those red lines how do I okay there we go okay we still need to oh God damn it I keep getting distracted ah I keep getting distracted and spending all of my resources thank you lamb ball I love you not as much as prbo though why did I put this here there we go I keep getting distracted and using all of my materials I need wood I need wood okay I have to remember I need wood I wood I'm not neglecting prbo I'm talking about how much I love prbo live on stream and that's more important than quality time or good conditions is saying words okay let's look at this and prbo the first there not surprising not not surprising not surprised at all not surprised at all by that promo impressive as always all right nice thank you prbo and a Crusher okay that's wood and more palum fragments oh they all respawned okay I think soon I think soon we got to go out into the world they're hungry eat then eat there's a site full of rocks and there's a site full of logs and there's a chest full of rope come on proo wait is promo going to die who who put that in chat how dare you how dare you imply for a second that I don't know how to take care of my pals you should be watching after your own Pals you should be watching your back you know why because you have an increased capture rate from behind and you never know you never know what it is it's true it's true that's all I'm saying that's all I'm saying not trying to imply anything just standing facts not threatening anyone in fact I treat all my pals very well prbo needs food then prbo eat what level am I 3 million you probably couldn't face me oh you're going to call PPS on me you're going to call PPS yeah good luck I'll catch them too I'll catch them too excuse me excuse me there look at all that food look at all that food everyone's happy now everyone's happy okay we still need to build a Crusher need more wood don't call the pal Patrol on me don't call them I'll catch them too I'll catch them too that's the thing that's the thing is that the law always shows up at my door thinking oh we're going to catch you this time but the thing is they're always the ones that end up in the sphere I'm just trying to tend to my own I'm just trying to tend to my crop you need to fill the feeder with food wait what has it always been like that I've never done that has it always wait has it always been that way oh um don't show PP don't show PP ass please please don't show them look at that look at how high their levels are getting and they say this doesn't build character and they say it doesn't build character I need so much wood hooray look at that Pals with enough hard work like I just did that one single swing against the tree you too can be at my level which is 10 if you were curious upgrade my HP again cats are carnivores Charlie you gave them berries well then maybe they need to evolve maybe they need to just evolve how many Pals do I have 700 I'm going to catch the moon holy it is so fast it is so fast that that's that's not normal right that is not we're going to die someone is stealing it it's so why why is the moon so fast okay can we make a Crusher let's go overlaps with an object okay over here maybe boom oh we're crushing we're crushing wake up kativa it's crushing time oh does le is Le Punk nocturnal or something oh I'm hungry let me just eat this meat in front of all my carnivorous Pals I guess I could guess I could part with a few someone in chat said I thought that was my stomach Manion what wait how did I I can cook oh that's cool oh I'm going to oh I know what I'm going to do where are you prbo prbo where's prbo that's not prbo prbo here prbo you've earned this okay let me have this this whole thing I cooked for you yes brumo oh it's okay that you're a coward prbo it's okay I'm scared I get scared too sometimes of not being the best pal trainer the world's ever seen I say as my hundreds of indentured Pals run around with no sign of stopping build a hot spring primitive F okay okay so now Blood Of The Dragon that's crazy you're working you're working if you've got that all right current team is cockadoodle Freddy Faz ball flamon and emo Zilla what is drop paline me to like let them go and now the next thing is to challenge the boss so let's get ready oh this is going to go hard take prbo out of the workforce but prbo loves it here no you're but you're right you're right prbo was my first my first pow prbo Freddy fball flamon emo Zilla and Co koodle the world doesn't stand a chance let's make some arrows I have a bow right I have a bow we have bow a spear guys I think today's my day I think today's my oh prbo promo's on the front lines but prbo was always really on the front lines let's be honest it's just like mining prbo just picture them as the stone just picture them as The Rock prbo all right we're going to go we're going to go test out their moves in the field we're going to go see who's worthy of challenging the tower we need a train this is really cool this pretty much like all on ated now does anyone plant these well whatever we'll deal with the food crisis when we get back proo you're coming with me where's the tower right there let's go let's show the world that we're more than Pals all right let's test them all out in the field these are all level one lamb I'm realizing now I never left the starter area I have no idea what's out there I have no idea what we're going to be up against you demand the emo wheel I don't I think he learns that at level 10 I don't think he has that yet okay it's right over there all right first I need to to test if I if my skills are up to par use primitive Arrow It's very effective it fainted it's faint fainted oh my god oh why P gullet oh so oh it went so fast that's actually pretty cool all right let's try it out go prbo use use attack and BRBO no you you going to kill you with an axe catch it prbo if that doesn't work you have full permission to deal the finishing blow prbo I need you you have to move now prbo prbo prbo prbo prbo you need to move prbo that's the king of the forest prbo all right let's see oh there's there's a bunch of new ones a gumas go prbo nice let's catch it come on come on come on come on let's go good job prbo did prbo just level up yes I think prbo is pretty battle ready yeah Freddy W protect me you've got this use roll good job he probably won't be able to counter attack of that to oh you you shouldn't have done that you should have Freddy retre who God God that would have turned you into paste man Freddy that would have turned you into paste he's com Jesus Christ oh my God it just K just killed it with its mind it just killed that thing with its mind Jesus oh it's so fast okay can't follow me down here they can't follow me down here here we go I want this gumas ow boom holy there was a bird I didn't even see see that I was so scared what Peng gullet I love pen gullet go Freddy fast [Music] ball use use fazu yeah oh you you sort of suck actually a little bit okay hang on oh my god oh that's that's really embarrassing I don't even this is like a oh oh it's Out For Blood oh it's Out For Blood get out nice there's a bird above oh well it's dead there's a bird above really didn't see one back by the ocean this bird it's gone now well I didn't even see it looks like I'll need to upgrade my pal senses I don't have one of those I don't have one of those go Freddy fast ball kill kill that's a 10-point buck Freddy fast ball let's bring it back oh no Freddy Retreat go flameon flameon use kill oh my God it's really powerful can aim for the neck flameon bam come on come on come on come on come on oh nope this way here we go flame me on oh it's dead go e Mozilla oh my God this is bad okay we need to focus on this one oh em mozilla's taking the cocka doodle go oh my God it's so powerful oh I like those odds I like those odds I like those odds you I didn't like those ODS come on come on yeah oh nice now we do have a we had a death in the family but is there anything I can do about that I think I have to go I think I have to switch oh I think flame On's dead I have to go home for a sec I'm sorry flameon okay we can switch it with either our new Peng gullet gumas or this deer thing what do you think full disclosure I'm really loving whatever this is the deer okay everyone everyone is s the deer all right let's do it chat what's the move oh hang on someone said gumas big okay who said when someone said gumas in the chat oh this one's Swift all right all right chap what are we naming it what are we naming it oh I love sappy oh that's so cute sappy oh well I think it's safe to say that's the best choice we could have made all right how do we fast travel now let's go back sappy oh I love you sappy okay yeah we're we're we're good we're going to do great we can train a little bit on the way go sappy sap him yo the deer could not have done that safe to say boys safe to say boys could not have done that why would I switch out Freddy Faz ball why would I switch him out you're just not making sense that sappy I know you've just really been born into this world but I think it's time for uh I think it's time for you to see your first hunt sappy are you ready to use your moves sappy talk to him you're a new face don't tell me an outsider nothing that matters to me okay well you're on this island why not try and catch some Pals you get XP for catching 10 you know they say pal Tamers get stronger the more Pals they capture here take this oh thank you I have something something for you too sappy sappy use kill use kill use kill shot oh is the cops yeah Sabby I like those odds I like those odds I like those odds we got savy we got to go retreat Freddy hold him off they're coming for us Freddie he got that he's got a very soft he's got a very soft there's no way the bullets will be able to pierce through his soft shell retre okay oh Serpentine Serpentine Serpentine oh z% stay back stay back that's the tower that's the tower we'll be safe in there sappy oh I like this I like that thing they're coming they're coming we got five stars sappy hold him off Freddy hold him off come here come here Freddy Freddie Freddie come here take the fire Freddie take the fire we're almost there fredd oh hang in there all right okay he died doing what doing really the only thing he knew how it's okay your sacrifice won't be in vain Freddy it won't there's so many of them there's so many there's so many PPS agents we got to go oh God I heard so many guns oh okay we got the Fast Travel point we got the Fast Travel point oh God they're guarding it sh sh oh my God oh God oh Jesus Christ but the good news we have a new pal wait where is he where's my new pal why don't you rest for a little bit Freddy sorry no way out God what the we're going to need your skill SK you shouldn't have named yourself skilled Islander all right I need someone with your skills I don't know what they are but I know you have them now okay we're going to go back to the base for a [Music] sec oh no he's fighting the boss with me hey chat what do we name him come on maybe we can name him gorvo or zorus what do you think what do you think Paul Steve come on guys get creative clunk like Zen horpus that's a good one here welcome to the team you're horpus now your name is horpus and you are a pal now let's go Retreat horpus oh this it oh this ain't quite right okay let's just repair our clothes wouldn't want something bad to happen can make some more arrows oh God oh God he's only level five you're right we need to train horpus we have to grind so that horpus can learn some new moves oh horpus is getting some XP okay nothing dubious about that pet pet horpus that's sappy that's cute but it's come here horpus what are you where are you trying to go come here here what do he evolve into I don't think anyone's ever gotten that far hey horpus you know what they say pal Tamers get drunk the more BS they capture oh God oh God oh can I oh oh horpus oh I don't all right let's take these arrows um and let's go fight the you were right orbus they do get stronger the more BS they capture God he's just trapped he's just trapped in that he's trapped in that moment forever oh wait that was the emo wheel hang on sit and share you seeing this horpus that's not horpus all right this is it Tower of the rain Syndicate yeah now Corpus you're going to need to really no horpus don't be don't be shy the more Pals you capture stronger palet trainer you are isn't that right holy horpus are you seeing this welcome to the stream everyone welcome to the stream Raiders you uh didn't miss anything but it looks like I'm going to need to put up my strongest Pals against Whatever She's Got oh Hey Zoe and Gris bolt your Gris bolt won't stand a chance against my horpus go fuckus no what is that go osilla attack holy she's killing the hell out of us you six sense osilla I sense that we're oh God Jesus oh my God my my acquaintance todoro please emilla I'm going to cheese it come back in holy that actually worked goozilla oh it's really it's this thing is really strong and I don't have that many of these left oh okay I got to retreat cockadoodle God oh God it's your time up up yeah 30,000 health is a lot I don't know what it's doing retreat go go all there's no way right I've only done 3,000 damage oh cockle I'm carrying right now you need to St God so super effective I don't think I have a I think my team sucks it's what help oh I touched it zappy go use mud and oh oh zappy help my ass oh God good job sappy keep it up Retreat sappy I know what I have to do oh go prbo this is my number one pal you don't stand a chance not in 100 years not in a thousand years wait I prbo it's really coming from prbo prbo prbo you're you're attacking a wall right now prbo get out there get out there prbo prbo go oh oh my God that was a that was a laser beam okay prbo is not prbo is a bit of a coward okay I'm not just saying that it is I need to bring up big it is in fact in prbo stat sheet we need to train don't we bring back horp horpus is dead this he's not a pal that was a that was a real person I put in that pow ball he is he is dead I you watched that happen you watched it happen you know what happened to him he was struck by lightning his his entire body crumpled instantly there's no way to come back from that we need to train we're not strong enough we need to train get guns from cop no guys we don't need need horpus we don't need you saw what happened to horpus thank you so much for the subs by the way no no thanks nope we all saw what happened to horpus okay it was tragic but there was really it was unavoidable there's really no way I think Corpus was always meant to meant to be in that battle and you know he he he saved horpus saved my life Corpus saved my life life he's a corpus now that's crazy that's crazy that's nuts that's insane oh that's insane okay okay Corpus all right what can we what can we like can we like make any that will really help here let me just check tropical outfit Tundra outfit any like armor three shot bow sounds very good feathered okay three shot bow um maybe poison arrows do we have no we don't have any of that fire arrows oh a shield hang on that sounds very good can we make a headband first three shot bow is great but it only uses normal that's no that's good we'll get that we'll get that bro your streams are so funny this is like the first time I've actually stayed in the Stream for more than three hours thank you man but I'm really I'm I'm really just listen I'm not trying to do jokes I'm just being myself I'm just being myself and overse you know I'm just really trying to look out for this is this is just who I am this you know this is just what I this is just what I love doing discomfort streamer for real you enslave people well it was only for a bit and then he died they'll cancel you for anything now huh they'll cancel you for any what does the crusher do well I believe it's a good way to probably get rid of rid of the horpus evidence okay so we can make a shield that's great you can revive him yeah I could he just takes up a whole slot in the pallet box I mean someone said there is a way to get rid of the evidence you need to be higher level what I'm listening okay let's make a bunch of arrows and then I'll go get some wood for three shot bow Chad I'm not Reviving horp Chad if we get a level six hype train I'll revive horpus not an not a second before that not a millisecond before that will I revive orus not a chance ABS literally not chance I will I will only revive horpus for money thank you star syil for the resub unfortunate timing but I appreciate it probably didn't mean to sub right now cuz I mean I'll just why don't we just so limp so Lim oh my God gifted five thank you so much you just keep that up I'm just going to move him towards the crusher just in case it's I don't mind if we can't hit this skull guys seriously there's no pressure there we go we can just leave him there for now just in case thanks so much for the level two H turn that's great okay I just need to help with this well lots of Subs coming in for some reason uh I'm not really sure guys again just chill stream no no pressure thank you so much for the gifted 10 lights that's a lot okay it's a lot of okay what are we what level are we at three four oh oh got you level three complete okay still still need three more levels so it's probably not going to happen you're probably fine thank you so much Naruto for the res what was that ding ding ding ding ding I just had an [Music] idea thank you lamb ball oh that's level four okay I know I'm way down by carrying too many um we can make a three shot bow let's do it thank you for the subs everyone probably got enough now doing all right you know I'm doing okay I'm a streamer you know I'm not trying to get you to empathized I'm really just here to entertain so no reason to keep him coming no really no reason um I'm happy you know I'm happy enough so it's all good seriously it's all good okay uh thanks for the resub elites really appreciate it squilly as well guys okay all right you know take it easy maybe don't maybe this is the stream where I tell you not to steal your parents credit card you know I was wrong it's bad it's I shouldn't have done that objectively morally weird of me to say so we can stop we can stop we can probably stop bandwagon fan oh God damn it horpus were you a stream were you a par of social horpus oh yeah all right good good good time to try out big those are the whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa no stop not the wood Dam what are what is that what is that what is that shoot the kill not the capture shoot the kill shoot the kill horpus what the I did not like that I did not like that horpus you've got a you've got a strange viewer base thanks for the subs what level are we at level five hyp I'm going to here's what I'm going to do I'm just going to run to the bathroom and when I get back hype train will probably be over and I'll just go to the dungeon we can do the fight without horpus without Corpus he's not funny Corpus is not funny is not funny for for I actually just tripped on a 70 lb dumbbell it hurt my foot so much and I sure hope that I will come back and not God damn it what's horp and Harpers fine fine fine fine fine you win you win Chad are you happy you win horpus is getting healed up we love horpus let's get some horpus in the chat let's get a horpus emote let's get a horpus emote let's do okay okay new sub goal guys at 200 Subs I'll be horpus I'll become horpus new sub goal new channel channel number new tier new sub tier horpus tier you become horpus in that tier you become horpus I really like flameon I think I want to switch cockadoodle for flameon okay let's go hang on what so I'm I'm level 10 we should probably go and try and like while horpus is is well horpus is recovering let's go try and train a little hate that I have to here we go 1,000 HP that's got to be something all right let's go this [Music] way chal is such a manipulative genius what what just cuz I just cuz I lied in one video that now has 300,000 views that I said I was going to leave YouTube Forever and just cuz I I make you pay money to bring horpus back you think what just what just just cuz I get a little funny just cuz I just some jokes who's saying prbo is better than horpus you're absolutely right I hate I hate that horpus is has to be around now what is go what is going on in here oh my God it's a what is that it's a war zone go big that guy oh my God that's crazy you're you're awesome big actually oh God damn he's sick with it I want to see them do with it again can I sorry man I captured in his in his moment of death that's the juiciest kind that's the juiciest kind that's the juiciest kind oh you you you you're a poacher huh why did I poach you like a egg new warp is unlocked I want to get another uh I want to get another their Fox parks for their little oh actually I just want their Fox Parts hang on go sappy sappy kill Fox do sappy do you bleed oh that's sick oh it dropped FL yeah so that's what I needed was flame organs are those level six go out there sappy kill your brother what is that oh good that's a melpa oh the cage hang on I'll get back to it no you're so right I forgot about that let's fight this thing zappy get back in this is a job for prbo oh that's coming for me I want that I want that thing I want that thing come on come on ah yeah come on 37 oh really H come on 37 37 three times 100 billion oh 3 37 come on 6 nice not going to be able to put it on the team though because we need to save a slot for horpus f fantastic fantastic stuff what is that that's actually kind of cool release the pal it's like a little flower [Music] thing what is making that sound what made that sound is there some what what was did you you heard that right it was such like a majestic like flower creature and then it was just like that was crazy that was actually crazy oh okay I need to get all my gun up to like level 11 what level am I I'm level okay I need to capture more let's let maybe level 12 is where I want to be at did sound a little gaggy didn't it this game is way too fun I'm going to be fully real with you this is like the game I've wanted since I was a child and like yeah maybe there's like a maybe 200% too much hum trafficking okay in the in the game of my dreams didn't really didn't have that part didn't have that part in mind we already captured enough chickas so we don't really need more right there's also cannibal what do someone say pal fluids in the chat come here pen goet you look like XP for my sappy sap him sap him to death 42 I'll take it oh come on oh nice job sappy killing that wild animal going on 62% that's pretty good yeah yeah yeah all right we got it nice yeah I I I saw pal fluids I saw that pal oh sorry I accidentally called you pal you know the drill oh this is like a new little area hang on pank wait what is that too a scorching egg oh guys I know what we need to go I know how we train I know how we train right now yeah it's an egg chat don't freak out we all lay them ow so they can breed oh yeah oh yeah just realizing the implications that all Pals can breede with the current load out of our of our [Music] box God you don't think they wouldn't right they you don't think we could oh you don't think we can mate horpus oh no oh they would they absolutely [Music] would oh it's like a there's a mega ball here hang on this is crazy there's a lot okay horpus is going to be a mom I can't wait to see what's in orp's Little Egg there's like there's there's like something there's like a horrifying there's so many horrifying implications to this right like you get captured what the are those oh it's just like little pites level five hyp level seven hype train and I will breed horpus let's enter the dungeon okay all right go wait hang on I need a good type prbo this is a job for you prbo we'll take care of the little ones first before the big one they're high level bro him up from oh God oh God he just broke all my shield chug jug I need a I need a pal jug I need a pal jug oh oh my armor is oh my armor is my armor is oh my god oh they're kicking my ass how's it looking BRBO not good over here not good over here thanks Vortex pie for the five Subs why now why now Vortex pie why now why now huh why now yeah that that kicked the out of me it wasn't even close how do I not die immediately thanks sure much for the I listen all I'm doing is providing the option I'm just giving you the Detonator and you're there's thousands of you trying to pull the trigger yeah my clothes are gone you can see my very very wide hips that I customized okay it's fine I'm getting them back I need to repair my armor though I don't know that we can fight that thing well 15 maybe with flam on um okay let's see so I can let me repair this repair that repair I've taken a lot of head trauma I didn't even realize repair that repair the old bow repair the three shot bow let me equip that real quick three shot bow spear pickax ax bam okay make some more pal spheres right can we do that out of pal okay um no usable recipes unlock from the tech menu okay this is what I wanted to do so we can make Fox Parks harness which sounded kind of cool we need flame organs and palum fragments yeah so I think we we just get our team we're we're level 11 right now we get our team up there maybe to level 12 and then we'll be able to take this Tower I think I think so I've got oh God horpus is probably F oh he's probably back [Applause] okay all right chat you're going to need to decide you wanted to do this so bad you're going to need to decide who goes for horpus you're going to need to decide who on my team is Unworthy of life so that horpus joins the team prbo are you kidding horpus horpus has the blood of the Dr what that's crazy that's objectively crazy that horpus has the blood of the Dragon what the are you all right Ms can you do a poll can you do a poll I want to keep flam on because I want to try this thing out so it's between emo Zilla big prbo and sappy who leaves I didn't I didn't realize horpus is goddamn dovakin press e okay yeah we don't have anymore can we do a little pul a lot of people are saying sappy I love Sapp what's the problem with sappy we need the Gunner Gunner is not horpus sappy okay sappy or prbo oh I don't even see the pole hang on let me pull it up on my phone I don't even see the B now pull this up oh oh Sapp's in the lead by a long shot oh it's not even close okay all right fine fine horpus congratulations buddy you're back on the team you're back on the team horpus people are cwl going to die we're all going to die we're going to die in this battle there's not a there's not a there's not a chance in hell there's not an actual chance in hell I need a new bed for someone hang on I don't need to build this I I I I I I can't believe that actually can't believe this fully cannot believe this oh my God why horpus is leveling up right now breed horpus and I'm the and I'm the sick one and I'm the sick one huh I'm the freak my God why is it so finicky here we go oh God I can make okay make some more arrows and then let's make this this thing for flame on you I don't even know what I don't even know what to say to you guys I don't even know what to say to you I never I've never seen that thing in my life I've never seen half of these things in my life how many are there my God there's 111 holy okay um we can get a metal axe metal pickaxe pet oh we're we're getting there we are getting there what's like the craziest thing you can make that's nuts that's nuts mounted missile launcher is crazy oh God Nails I don't not even sure I can just unlock a bunch of this stuff rench maybe I can strap a missile launcher to horpus and point him in the general direction of of [Music] anything okay the next thing we want to make is I got to remember how to do this how did I do this it was in the tech tree Fox Parks his harness yeah which we make at this thing no we make it over here uh we need more flame ARG and pal fragments okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I think they were over here yeah I want to get the harness I want to see what that does so I think I remember there being a bunch of them here ppus kill that deer good job horpus oh oh Go Pro up oh my God I can't why is why is he out he shouldn't be out here he shouldn't be out here dude he should he shouldn't be out here if I didn't if I did not suck him into that ball at that perfect time he would be dead right now 100% he would be dead oh there's too many of them there's too many okay that works go big this triple shot's really good oh come on I want you I want you I want you in the ball I want you Inn the ball I want you in the ball I want you in the ball I want you in the ball [Music] nice good job big horpus great work out there today I really could tell how hard you tried think you landed a punch that was sick dude never seen anything like it all right horpus we need a couple flame organs from these Fox Parks do me a huge favor huge favor horpus that's right horpus horpus return all right that was that was a close one prbo go go prbo it's dead why does horpus look like that I don't I don't know he's previous pal trainer must have bred him that way this game is this game is crazy hang on okay there we go need some more flame organs nice level 12 let's go okay so now I need some more palum palum pal what the is creis that's not real that's not real there's no there's no cre there's no Cris there's no such thing as creus oh my God that's a Cris the names are awesome the names are so awesome cream [Music] is let's look for some pal fragments there we go yeah I think we just we just need to be a little stronger I think oh one of my Pals fell ill oh that was just a white Eevee what's an Eevee I only know about Corpus I only know about my favorite pal horpus go prbo I think it's going to kill this thing here we go oh what the hell oh I hit something I don't even know what's happening right now good job prbo keep it up come on nice these things are a little hard to catch come on yeah bro nice yeah I think Corpus and Cris will be really good friends guys too I really hope they play together I hope they get [Applause] along I just can't I just I just can't with horpus right now I really can't withhold this right now okay the tower's back there I think we've got enough stuff to make that harness now two hours of Pals can we get a sub go to free horpus a thousand to today 1,000 subs today so no no horpus ST lost guy Gabe I really do appreciate your enthusiasm and go get her attitude but there's no way oh what the oh um yeah well it didn't fend off didn't fend off that oh God get in there Cris Cris Cris come on cram is level four stop doing that okay nice another creis for the collection Corpus is is really dragging behind in the levels a little bit Charlie has changed opinions on horpus three time we have a very whoa all right that's that's going in a ball who's got who's got like range oh you go big go big maybe it'll land let's go big I need to know where you going where are you going that's a different fight go big you know what to do you know what to do it's in your name it's in your name it's in your name nice nice the combo I've got I'm actually out of spars oh that sucks oh that really sucks you should not have landed you should not have landed on this earth oh my God oh my God I love the way they just absolutely fly I'm sorry I was out of spares I couldn't I couldn't I wanted it I wanted it I caught too many silly little things okay I can make this now um are people hungry in my I almost called it my chat people are hungry at the base there's plenty of food though right there's berries there's meat now there we go okay okay let's see what this does fox Park Harness here Chad a little fish some fish flakes for you fox Parks harness uh do I just have it now Huggy fire oh my God that's incredible I can Dodge her oh that's amazing where I let him go so far oh that's that's actually that's incredulous okay let's do yeah I made an actual flamethrower fully wrong word just loaded the first thing that came into my head that's all can Horus do that I think I need a horpus harness first it's going to be a few levels before I can get that okay we're almost at level 13 again I I like I'm just I would go in there now but I do think we're going to get killed so well I need more pal speres hang on sorry I need to make more po my God it's still going on yeah dude we're harping we're harping over here we're Contracting hores we're in it dude um what was I oh Pals uh what do I need for more stop I'm so into this game it's unbelievable I need wood broken bone I have a broken bone oh my god oh one of my pals is a broken bone oh Lord that can happen they have bones that doesn't look like it when I'm sending them flying across the Horizon with my with my big using my big battle okay I appreciate your help so what do we we do about that they have one bone like Among Us how do we make a medical bench do I even have that can I even do that medical medical ah matal medical workbench well that's expensive walk it off walk it off maybe trying to get into the you did great you did really good get in there here we go okay we have how many now 11 that'll work that'll work that'll work we go here add food add food they are hungry I did I did I did they're fine they're F they got berries they we got berries everyone's omnivorous if they're desperate enough surely they got plenty of berri those berries have been in there for days do not eat I guess if they need meat it's really one pal that really one pal that stands out is a good probably option for that it's not very good at Battle least effective s pal I have really me um but uh yeah hope it doesn't get to that it did oh what is that whoa what is that is it a you shiny sorry that's f a sparkly what is is that oh my God oh my God oh my God I don't know I don't want to kill it holy holy holy huge huge huge 35 please please let's go let's go let's go barbecue come here gumos come here oh my God that's amazing that's awesome that's amazing am I almost I'm level 13 okay no way I got a shiny coak what what are they what are they called chick chick chick cho cho what the are they called I know I don't even remember huge we've claimed the huge KFC oh the colonel will be happy about this one we have to put in on our party right chapi oh that makes more sense is it good in battle the Giga no oh okay shinies get a random busted move okay oh it's the bird I'm going to catch it I I I I feel like I have to use it right I'm just going to keep upgrading HP so I don't get one shot go big do what you do best you missed that thing's crazy 7% oh my God it's nothing 133% okay come on come on come on nope nope certainly not one more one more oh oh God damn it big gets okay gets a little excited sometimes all right let me just take a look let me just take a look at hugecock I have a busted stats in a special ability whoa really how do I tell which one yeah okay Dark Laser I hate to say it but emo Zilla hasn't really earned their spot yet Dark Laser I can't remove horpus obviously but Dark Laser what there's some more berries for you guys that'll make you happy we have to train I want horpus to explode yes you can name it yes you can name it this is like the most important name that we've done so far what are we calling it chat what are we calling it no she she actually has that dark dog in her Giga storm gigantic cockaroo King King I like King kog I think that's the one that is impressive lucky it's got like everything oh my God it's crazy that has dark laser okay so now we go here we go here we go here we just need to get King coock up to the level that the rest are at so some some crazy stuff should spawn at night and then we're totally good go King coock use dark laser Noe that's just chicken that's just chicken attack use dark laser kingkok please kingkok use dark laser King you holy mother of God oh my Lord kingkok come back nice okay kok's already level five we just need to keep grinding these out we just need to grind these out get him flame on kick his ass kick his ass nice good job PlayOn okay I have a feeling King coock is going to come in very King clutch let's just keep walking around and killing we need another pullet [Music] still we do flameon don't relent don't relent don't relent kill them all flameon eliminate creus there's got to be some higher level stuff isn't that one pal starving move on move on huh move on King coock is level seven move on King coock is is now level I don't know what level he is he's high level what is this down here King has learned air cannon I don't mean to brag these are new creatures let's hunt them for their fluid there's got to be like a stronger one around here somewhere right there has to be a new there like a stronger one right they're really getting up there though in the levels this is looking good for us so glad to happy to see your stream today thank you so so much honestly I this is I feel like I'm in my element right right now and my element is the wild hunting beasts and training my king and His Dark Laser they're sleeping kingkok they're sleeping you know what to do kingkok Dark Laser Now kingkok use dark laser kingkok that was a good move but I know I know you got more specifically specifically kingkok one that I'm thinking of one move that I'm thinking of kingkok I think you know the one not specifically that one but you know which one I'm talking about King kingkok do me a favor do me a big favor king that's there it is there it is there it is yeah oh that's Dark Laser that's my that's my K oh depresso oh no King cure depression Cur it [Applause] concu oh you shouldn't have done that dude you shouldn't have done that as soon as he as soon as he stops staring into the void into the abyss you're done for okay K level eight oh that thing looks like it's actually hang on that's like level 10 we I want to fight that it's like behind a branch come down here okay come on go flame on kick the out of that thing yeah flame on oh hang on actually let's do it together that's crazy nice okay kingkok is currently level eight flameon is level 13 the flame Cannon is so good it's unbelievable I think you know what I think we can do it oh there's some level five Daydreams over here I think we we run over here I think we can do it no I didn't capture it I don't think I have any orbs I don't have any balls I'm fixed fully fixed nice job nice job take out the whole species flare I mean flameon not not not Flareon that's a ridiculous name that's such a crazy name for a pal I have three Mega balls oh thank you for reminding me I actually didn't know that come on flame on no you know what when I see Daydreams I know who I think of hit keep dreaming horpus go go horpus horpus don't run into that wow is you this like you're doing nothing to him I'm actually really impressive how little you are doing horpus horpus Dodge that Jesus Christ tpus [Music] crumbo proba we kill this thing nice okay oh hoot cranked don't mind if I open that up all right you know what king is level nine I think it's time I think it's time let's do it you can capture people no I'm just employing him for free when he's technically alive which is not when he's in the ball and has stasis forever it's completely ethical really if you think about it horpus is fighting with you learned helplessness no way dude learn horpus change the name I don't even know who you are or why you live here huh huh I say manly it's a it's a Electro uh be it's a buzz buzz bolt okay GIS bolt thank you for the birthday wishes glad you remembered go horpus use your move horpus nice see before you were able to take care of horpus in one move but now he's gotten stronger he's actually level 12 Corpus is and as long as he doesn't stand in the line of fire nice job horpus you're doing great oh God horpus return go promo I don't even know how well we're doing right now oh that didn't do like any damage to proo we're good Bro okay I don't want to be I don't want to be this close to this thing oh promo's popping off prbo oh promo's not looking good prombo okay all right go big you know what time it is big and it's not cuddling oh why is it laughing big come on okay 5,000 damage in uh one minute we can do we can do this we can do this we can do this we can do we can absolutely do this I wish I had more arrows but it's okay oh I can't be close big do your worst it up big Le Punk is slapping I don't care if Le dodg it nice King use dark laser please King coock you know what to do king coock Dark Laser yeah oh oh it got cut off it got cut off uh uh uh flame on go okay flame on come here there's going to be an opening now oh yeah oh now we're cooking with peanut oil oh now we're cooking with peanut oil flameon we're good flam on stay in there nice nice nice nice wait we're actually popping off flam me on Retreat get oh ow build I need a workbench I can't build okay okay wait flame on Retreat you're danger you're in danger horpus Corpus distract it good job horpus you're stronger now remember that I love you horpus you can do this you can do this horpus horpus you're not even drawing a micro amount of attention you are so in insignificant you just you probably wasted a minute horpus oh that is actually that's poggers proo get back here big go it big I'm going to withdraw right before it fires now nice big go nope don't even care come here let me stab your ankles I can use tools GIS bolt sooner or later you're going to evolve into me oh my weapon's damag too oh that's really bad that's actually really bad that's actually really really bad big please help big I can't help but notice you're doing nothing right now uh uh uh uh uh this will have to work I don't want I'm hungry are you serious I can't eat I have nothing keep going big we're going to need to withdraw it we're going to need to withraw draw it now King wait that's flameon King go you know what to do use dark laser kingcock kingkok use dark okay no that's tackle use dark laser King I going to have to withraw you yes use dark D it's like an Alexa Dark Laser Dark Laser please King coock use dark laser yeah oh flameon go come here oh flameon that's so bad that's so bad get here nice oh I'm going crazy play me on I love you flame me on okay we need to switch we need to switch horpus distract him all right prombo now from behind he's targeting on me go crazy go crazy go crazy brombo go crazy oh that looks like a really I shouldn't be close I shouldn't be close I'm out of arrows Pro big go come on come on it it big please big please please okay and while it does that I'm going to be right back here and I'm going get ready to unleash big with dark laser it's targeting me it's fine it's fine okay big he's attacking he's attacking kingcock use dark Laser Dark Laser kingcock that's gust that's gust use dark laser flame on go oh this is a this is really intense FL me no it's not I know your tum I know your tummy rumbling oh God but you know who's not hungry you know who only the only thing he's hungry for is Victory go horpus good job go proo come on oh I can't be in there I can't be in there oh my team's getting low my team's getting low my team's getting low big from behind [Music] oh no I have to withdraw I have to withdraw no promo's actually really good if promo can get the combo off okay we only have 2 minutes so we need to play aggressive now we need to start playing a win King coock go use Dark Laser Dark Laser Dark Laser one of these days play out come here come here play play out oh we need to go a minute are you serious oh I don't think that's enough I don't think I think that's enough I don't think that's enough I don't think that's [Music] enough flameon please flame on please flame on please I know what I need I know what I I know what has to happen I unfortunately know what has to happen and it starts with d and ends with Ark Laser Dark late please probo go probo I need this need this so bad prbo proo I'm not even going to take you out pop off prbo go crazy proo go crazy proo go crazy yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh my God oh my God prbo prbo [Music] prbo it was always meant to be prbo I was looking in the wrong place it was always meant to be prbo thank you prbo pet prbo you were always the one you're my Dark Laser prbo one I have one HP oh my God there's no better way I could end that this this stream there's no better way hey I hope you guys had a wonderful time
Channel: Slimecicle VODS
Views: 293,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slimecicle, slmccl, palworld, slimecicle plays palworld, pokemon, funny, gaming, pal
Id: Ceud3thKZzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 24sec (11844 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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