Breeding The MOST OVERPOWERED Pal in Palworld

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so this my friends is a man named grisol he is maybe one of the most powerful Pals in all of pal world for reasons you might not expect I mean let's be honest here his skills aren't that great but what he is good at is breeding one might even call him the rybolt because if you look at these family trees he can breed into almost any one of the other most powerful Pals so my objective today is to take that fell right there and try to get him to be the Super most powerful pal that I can never imagine through breeding and when I breed this F I want to give him stats like being a legend give him plus 20 attack and even ferocious which is another plus 20 attack so we're going to make its family tree very very shallow and very very imbred now the good news is we have this palad who has Legend and ferocious which are two of the most powerful traits in the game now I thought I wanted to use the Vixie but I'm totally not come on paladis you're going to breed with the fox Sparks and it's time for our boy shiny to come back out of the cage and make some babies just kidding though cuz paladis is a male so shiny so we'll start with the padus is together to hopefully get something good and in the meantime I'm going to tear down some of this building because frankly everything gets stuck in here and it's really kind of annoying oopsies there was a there was a box up there kind of forgot about that does that statue break too it do and we'll use that space to make another breeding farm and that's beautiful we got a nice giant shiny egg over here what is this a common egg can I can I have it everyone nope sorry not enough cake I just want to pick there we go yeah huge common egg now this one should create a oh another paladis right and yes I have incubation time turned off my world is sitting oh wow that's that's kind of crazy I wasn't expecting to get all of those stats on it not going to lie that's almost perfect in its own way that Celestial EMP Emperor is really strong plus ferocious and Legend and then Runner to make it even faster that's cool I think the funny thing is though it's significantly smaller than its parents cuz it's not an alpha but you can go into the breeding station and we'll bring a fox spks along just for fun I'll grab the 199 cakes that I have created give you 59 to do whatever you do with that cake and great another padus egg has been laid they're not quite ready yet because these guys had a little head start but let's see what this does too come on give me good stack motivational leader Legend of ferocious that's pretty good I'm not a huge fan of having the motivational leader but that should work pretty well now to make this a little easier we need to find some Fox barks that have some decent traits I could use gigas speres on them oopsies that was a legendary sphere I'm sorry I didn't want to oh I only have all right we'll try Mega Spears that one's a Works life that is not what I'm looking for beautiful here's one more egg of the paladis we'll see if this one did good for us ta Legend sdus Nimble the limbo Nimble is kind of nice because that's a speed upgrade I also wouldn't mind building up a thingy myob right over here so things get a little bit faster yeah you guys can do that you're much better at building than I am give me that well done so this should be a ray Hound Ray Hound we're looking for good skills on hopefully the lucky ferocious legend legend and Nimble not the greatest I also just find a lucky I don't even know what it is oh wow another Lucky Lucky Fox bks that's actually kind of cool and it's another male so we're just going to tame this thing wow you've got a lot of hit points Could you actually have some good stats a dang this would be awesome it's like my first lucky that I ever found is currently breeding you know what just getting the ball I don't know why I'm dealing with this I mean I could one shot that guy back there if I really wanted to nice wow he's got Vanguard vanguard's a good one one right okay Vanguard isn't the one I was hoping for and it's 10% increased to player attack but we'll get another padus egg popping in like so we'll get this thing to incubate Anda just a Celestial Empire that one's the worst one we've gotten so far you're probably also wondering why am I making these ray ray ray Hound cuz if I put a Manda with a ray Hound then gives me the Grizz bolt so we just don't need to do too much okay Legend capacitor I want the legend plus luck with the ray Hound all right I just got another one you could barely see it there it actually had the stat that just magically came up the last one that we need which is muscle head so we need muscle head and then lucky ferocious and Legend those four will make the perfect attack creature I'm kind of excited about that because um I was kind of dreading going to find one but now I just have to make this family tree even weirder and it should be fine so things have changed slightly out here in the world um mainly because I've been afking and breeding eggs like crazy now I want to show you something super fun it wasn't that rocket picked up but check out these paladis is they're Legends their muscle heads ferocious and hooligan so their work speed really really sucks but I mean they're super strong and they're kind of slow too but who cares cuz they have triple jump you guys told me my goodness these things are cool look at all High it goes now I've been breeding those paladis that are super good with the fox Sparks to create the ray hounds as you've already seen but I've been having trouble getting the proper motor Ray hounds but I haven't been having trouble with the puses look how many I have it's ridiculous there's also a ton of Ray hounds so I'm going to breed up a few of these and I'm hoping that we get the right stats on at least half of them cuz we still have to breed these ones with the MOs sandas yeah that's what we're getting like one of the four is what we need but if we get two of the four which we didn't there or there actually one is better than having multiples but for some reason we still get garbage ones like destructive pyromaniacs even though their parents are like perfect hey that one's not bad lucky Legend and that's the other thing with the paladis they cannot get lucky because there's no way to breed up to them there we go Ah that's still not good but a musclehead legend is pretty nice so is lucky and ferocious too bad there was Vanguard on it there we go ferocious musle head and lucky so that's three of the four just missing that Legend I think it was there's the muscle head Legend some of these are doing nice that one was lucky and ferocious this one is aggressive and hydromaniac it's kind of crazy to me how the parents can be so good but then all of a sudden like all of The Offspring are just not great I mean this one's mom or dad is shiny Fox bgs the first shiny ever got I think one of the first and you've already produced another egg my goodness now here's another problem I have my in inventory of Pals is almost entirely full so it's time to do a tad bit of condensing here oh nice climb that was fun we have one of these two I don't know which one to go with they're both the same stats which one's higher level they're same whatever we'll just do the first one and I'm going to start pushing all of these into it I don't think I have 64 remaining but we're going to attempt I don't want to put the alphas in yeah not quite I only had 30 remaining H oh there's another one just just hideing out in there oh there's a few more hiding too so 40 of 64 remain my goodness but at least that gives me more room for these eggs now these ones should be better we have a chance to get the perfect four out of them I think an egg just popped up right there didn't it and give me something cool nope it's totally not you're a purebred Ray hound and you still don't even give me the good sets hey that one's really solid I just need the perfect stats that's all I need please that's not the perfect ones oh just burns Me Up Inside every time we get a bad one so now it becomes kind of a chore to go through all of these eggs we just hatched and try to find the best pairs to make six breeding ones yeah cuz those all kind of suck and we don't need to breed these two together anymore cuz we have plenty of fox spks or Ray hounds sorry so we'll sort everything by their pal deck number we have one page at the end that's empty and then we have all of these my good that's three full pages so we grab the ones that have like lucky muscle head Legend and we'll move them to the end so I can sort them better and now let's see what we can get so lucky muscle head Legend lucky ferocious that's decent that could be a breeding pair this one if I can get a female with ferocious a ferocious Glutton that might be okay so what we'll do is we'll turn these out and do a little bit of a swappy swap no come here don't get any funny ideas with that fox Bark's buddy and then this six of them should start creating a bunch of really good eggs or hopefully anyway let's see if any of the first three have good stuff in them come on please ooh okay ferocious that's so hard this is so hard to breed through three different trees there's the legend and the final one is the one I'm looking forward to when it only has two of the four a so I'm going to let these guys AFK for a little while longer and see if they can make any more babies oh no I wasn't recording but we got one we got one of the four that we oh that means I can start work oh where are they hey I got to page through the mess it was somewhere in here cuz that's the last one oh why do they all have to look the same my goodness I should be better keeping track of my stuff there it is right there musclehead ferocious Legend and lucky this is insane 30% attack 20% attack 15% attack and another 20% attack plus defense and movement speed increase oh my goodness now I lost it again oh no where'd you go friend so that is a male which means we have a bad male somewhere in here not really all of these males are pretty good or here's the other thing I could just bring like these ones back in and then start immediately going with the Moss sandas hey you you come here come here it's time for you to make some weird little hybrid baby things there it is all right so Ray Hound with moss Anda is going to create the Riz bolt all right Riz where are you I've lost you in the giant piles of Sparky dogs all right we have an artisan there was one in here that was pretty good there's the muscle head oh but they're both males there's a female with swift is there one that just has no skills oh yeah a male with no skills so I guess I'll just make them try to make some more babies and I might need to go find some Moss sandas it's kind of annoying to do though unless one of these three eggs is a female with great Stats come on be a female with perfect stats nope last one and that's a negative two actually your stats are pretty good so I guess I'll just go find one of these dinguses hey bud I'm sorry that has come down to this it's so abusive oh balls I killed it you dead I won't make the same mistake twice get in the spear this is going to be incredibly difficult to a female with no stats or just a saddest here you guys have one of these you need it I promise you deserve that I think we might have just got one with no stats uh-oh sorry about that fell just blew up blow me and that's Vanguard I might have just found two more of them kind of looks like eyeballs nice well lucky there a female with no stats that's perfect we'll put you with this guy it'll be fun I promise kind of sometimes halfway wonder how the biology Works in this game and then I just I just don't care anymore like I don't want to think about it o but I do want to think about that egg give me that come on something cool give me something cool yes another good Ray Hound n that's sick you know what I'm going to do to this guy because I really need space I'm going to double check make sure it's the perfect one and then we're going to like mash all of its friends into it cuz that doesn't get weird at all muscle head Legend lucky ferocious right that's the perfect stats all right time to add some dumb things to it we'll start with you and you and you and you and I renamed him to perfect Ray Hound a because there's going to be multiples that's a two star and a three star and I can't quite make a four star ah 15 short oh scratch that we've got him all right perfect fourstar Greyhound Ray Hound wow I mean he's going to be pretty powerful but I feel like that's a colossal ways to do to that whatever wouldn't it suck too if I put it in the wrong one but it looks right I don't have any souls in it yet but we could do that too all right you're going to come down here we're going to put you in the box that you need to go into and then I'm going to give you a girl of your dreams I know it's not the same variety as you we're going weird Evolution well good news my friends the first of the Riz bolts is here oh wouldn't it be crazy if we got this combination on literally the first attempt huge electric egg show me the secrets of your people please be all four three of the four my goodness GIS bolt I love that oh that's so cool we got three of the four that we needed just keep doing what you two do best and I'll keep working on you two I just really need a female perfect female strain not like that that's not that's not the perfect female so the first batch of eggs I mean we already got one out of it but there's five here and I would like to start breeding the gis bolts instead of this weird Contraption here so let's just see if we can find anything cool out of it come on I mean just two of this o ferocious and musclehead that's actually nice I don't like having coward in there but I mean I'm not going to say no there's three that's fantastic that's even better all of that one needs is what was the one that needed there you're kidding me the lucky muscle head ferocious legend in the fourth egg we got the Riz bolt we got him oh that's cool now if I can just find him in this cluttered mess that's it that's the perfect one 30% attack speed 20% attack 20% attack and 15% attack we need to we need to unlock the the RIS Bolt's minigun we also have to name him edit we'll just get rid of the G and just name him Riz bolt now you my friend you're going to be a permanent member of my squad anyone else we still have like three eggs wouldn't it be crazy if we got an another one hold up an entire Squad of rzy boys I'm so shocked that it was on my third or fourth one hot dang please tell me I have enough technology GIS Bolt's Minun I have it unlocked why did it say I didn't have it unlocked maybe I don't have it the actual world is happening here why do I not see it because I don't have four technology points I see how this is maybe if I find some chests I can find schematics and stuff or maybe zoom in through a dungeon to find the chest at the end that might have some parts in it for me hello excuse me sir don't mind if I just come strolling through here I would greatly encourage you not to attack because this thing is more powerful than you will ever be do you understand me right now Thug just killed two with one really I'm going to hit you with an iceberg you Dingus have one of those and would you like a Power Bomb too you dork Get Wrecked be kind of funny to see whatever the boss is at the end of this level a cellay okay here have one of these whoopsies I guess that did it but I'm hoping we get things out of these chests attack pendants I don't need those against my better judgment I am not going to comment on what's Happening Here but the boy seems to be really enjoying charging up that electrical pole also they've mined up six or 4,000 which is cool what happens if I do a lava dungeon can I get more stuff in here oh boy syate Crusher might actually be a little dangerous oh well I'll just ignore him that's what I do best then we get a level 40 fuddler Who lit himself on fire what a dummy what does this mean oh uh I think it died you have to clear it nope those aren't what I needed but this dungeon has a Nightwing in it and I want to see if Riz can take care of him wait that's a grisol named grisol that's not a RIS bolt he still does the work though oh he's dying never mind yeah he's not what happened to rybolt oh he's dead you're being very annoying please stop thank you there that's a good shot well done palus I'll take care of it though nope and do these chest have the ancient Tech manuals in them nope and nope third dungeon oh yeah Innovative tech manual times one oh but that's a good two Tech points that's exactly what I needed to get Grizz bolts minigun all right so now we should be able to make the minigun which is legendary kind of shocked with that but we'll have Queen Anubis take care of it it'll M last a couple of seconds and there it is beautiful all right rybolt let me see what you got oh he's big and fluffy and he's hanging on to it like Spiderman I really feel sorrow for sorry for this little crise but I mean mean we got a minigun oh that's so dirty that actually does a lot of damage wow I am a little bit shocked this big chunk is a little bit slow though I'm hoping that the uh dungeon right here is up and going goodbye Little Penguin my goodness here have a stone you want one of these oh the dungeon is ready let's have a blast in here I almost feel bad about this level seven celer whatever unleash the minigun this is so good oh this game gets better and better every time I play it why is it like this oh no I ran out of that have some Sparks in your life that didn't do very much I was thinking that was going to be cooler and get wrecked do this one again I want that one fine do this one again yeah this boy he's only a level one so it is highly effective yeah just get right in your face we can do this all day wow all right that was kind of cool do it again it'll be funnier the next time one more time and then give me your loot problem is he is stupidly slow I mean you can expect that for being a guy named rybolt thankfully we do have our paladins so we can blast through these dungeons really quick and get lots of fun things anyway my friends that'll do it for today's video of power world hope you enjoyed it if you did let me know tell me what we should breed next so keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time bye I'd also like to thank all of my channel members and patrons including autod Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippus General Harris trenten Cino RIT La Warrior Keegan H zarov maxer Ral BC engineer sarx Spencer T whiskey YH splatter saxs Doug rules Fred dton C cander D Payton plays fussy badge link hillet Kyler J Nitro Nitro WK and Rainbow Dash
Channel: Blitz
Views: 206,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld incubating, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser, palworld most legendary, palworld grizzbolt, palworld breeding guide
Id: rjlwZCbHbLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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