I Gave Monkeys GUNS And Built The Best Base Ever in Palworld

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so I've got a big problem this basee is cluttered it's messy and it doesn't work very well the petals get stuck down here in the water it just leaving gigantic piles of wood down there and there's no room to place down the bigger buildings also I learned that the monkeys can have assault rifles and that helps when you get raided by The Syndicate Raiders this shouldn't be too bad because the shiny Fox Sparks here is probably just going to destroy every one of them before they can do anything my goodness is this guy wrong hot dang goodbye Raider I kind of feel bad for you so I'm going to tame you uh that's a big pal spere come on come on come on can we start oh my goodness we just got a level 14 C to get Thug and a colossal pile of loot my goodness look at all those pal speres and stuff so when I was doing a bunch of farming for those Fox barks I found this area that looks really good it's nice and flat it's big and open and I should be able to build a pretty good base right in here I hope so we'll start it off with you know just a generic pal box to make it right in the center of the base we'll build this up and I'm wondering oh nice so we can actually get the pals here at base to begin with that's cool so they are shared between the two the other cool thing is that it shares the base so this is a base level 12 we make some fluffy pal beds and I can deploy a bunch of Pals here too so they're going to start smacking all of the Rocks Gathering up a bunch of things we're already getting raided here and I'll put a chest together so my little furry friends can do that cool are we getting raided here or is at the other base no they're definitely getting closer so let's just uh drop a Power Bomb on them die little oh I missed well let's do like a power shot there it is that did I missed too hit again my goodness oh okay these things explode too no boom Get Wrecked all right everyone's attacking nicely I'm going to try to tame this one get them friends get them ah he's blown up hey I got him enemy's been defeated not quite so I want to get the resources up and running pretty quickly so I'll put together a stone pit and a tree pit for them to gather Stone and rocks I also need food going on so that means I'm going to build up some Berry plantations and this rock seems like a great spot for it and and I'll make one of the deers start to gather all of the trees for us just smack your head across it he's a mind Foreman he works really well I'm also going to need some sort of creature that has both the green and the watering so I can plant and gather I'm not seeing any of them we might have to go find some more but my grin tail here he's really good at plant stuff so and he's kind of adorable looking I want to lift him up why can't I pick him up he's not even good of planting I don't know what that green thing is sorry grin tail I wish The Syndicate Thugs and Kevin I wish they could do things all right so I got a monkey I've got a penguin and I've got a dino the dino will help getting trees and water things nicely and it's time to build that wooden defensive wall these are going to be kind of expensive but that's all right especially since I can get rocket launchers for my Penguins all right so real questions here how well do we need to defend our base I'm not exactly sure cuz I've never done that in this game but building this is stupidly easy to do I love it oh insufficient materials so how big is this gate oh that's pretty good size nice it's a little bit wonky I don't really care can you get straight somewhere my friend is that is that going to be good maybe I should have started with the gate oh that looks so cool Tada the gate is completed my goodness all right let's open it up nice that's great all right now we need to kind of remove these I will can say that that is a completed wall right there blocks it off for the water and even we can take out some of our other PS and go swimming off if we needed to oh dang I think a shiny deer just spawned oh my goodness all right it's not night time I need to build up a feeder thankfully I can afford it and I do have better spheres oh no no no you need to come away oh this is going to be rough I need to fight them outside of the base cuz I don't want my friends fighting oh man all right oh all right we're going to take out your friend first oh great you did it you've angered the locals that's all right as long as I capture him I'm sorry that is super dark oh my armor is damaged wow at the amount of uh hit points that this guy has all right all right all right all right Noe missed missed again stop missing oh okay come on get him I need a shiny yes come on shiny shiny deer hunting that is awesome oh it's it's it's dark clock out here though okay I I got to use that new shiny as a mou is that you nope there he is okay sorry King elaka we don't need you right now we have other fish to fry oh he's so big yes that's cool oh look how fast is too gumas you are not allowed to enter my kingdom Tada get dead oh what is this attack oh my goodness I don't even know what that did but Power Shot all right that just one shot the fool okay this guy's awesome I like my new Mount this base is working out nicely for us so since we did get ambushed from the side by the shiny deer I built up a nice wall on this side too I know it's not on the high side but like we can only build out areas here and I kind of want to have like little shotgun Nest here for my little monkey boys so I could actually unlock that now technology where's the sandbags where's where are the sandbags those this is one of those times where it's like I'm at a Mexican restaurant and everything looks delicious but I couldn't find what I wanted I didn't realize I had it unlocked sandbags so I don't know how this works but if I put like a sandbag down right here and build it can I assign monkeys and stuff to this spot I'm pretty sure I just heard more shiny sounds something's happening over here uh I don't know what happened but everything's in a bad way so you know what let's just treat this guy like a baby treats a diaper and poop all over him call down the meteor strikes from space it'll be funnier that way nice job Chinese Fox Sparks oh and you hit your friends I'm cool with that oh it wasn't it was this monkey they were fighting he just made a rag doll out of the monkey good job Kindred deer I need to block this off too thank you for showing me the weaknesses in my defense now the other only place that I have an opening is right here so I slapped a gate up on the gate I guess we're completely surrounded inside and I think it's time to make up like a barn or something for my pals they're getting a little bit depressed so I did make them these things I don't know if they're going to use it it's also really annoying that I placed on a nice foundation and this one turned up sideways so let's UNS sideways that and turn it the proper direction good do I need to go backwards anymore let's actually see can I yeah we can clip it into the mostly uhhuh tell me again why I can't place that down even though it's fine whatever we'll just have the barn looking a little different and I thought I defended my base well but a mammoth just walked in 35 I really don't think I can attack him but I do know that I should probably build some fluffy pal beds this is funny cuz these things are are so small something else I thought would be good to have is a monitoring stand we can place that up here on the roof and I believe this thing is what allows me to tell the pals what to do normal super hardworking movement speed ah interesting all right we can set them to cruel work no no no I don't want you guys to do that regular is fine oh nice Mission completed po boox upgrade available delicious hopefully that expands my base a little bit more oh no a sphere assembly line and a power generator my goodness I also really like I don't know if like is the right word I also find it weird that roofs don't work like you can't connect a roof to the top of something you have to build it off the ground first like that and then you can build it up uh-huh and then I won't be able to connect over here n why are you what is wrong with you all right so that's a decent looking little Barn over here I'm going to build up some Towers yeah that boy made it all the way through the base too by the way all right so this is pretty cool we got ourselves a watchtower forgot to put a top on it there we go and there's something else in the technology that I saw that might be even more fun than what we just had it's going to be a little bit before I can unlock it but it's the mounted crossbow so now that we have those two guard towers there I'm not sure that I want to put any over here cuz this is the way people attack from but I do think I want to build up a house right in this area like a workbench area with kind of a mansion thing on it so figured we should use like stones because we have a lot of them and it's an unlimited resource unfortunately there aren't too many fun building pieces we can use so we'll just use what we can I'll be honest I don't quite know where I'm going with this build but I kind of like it so far as long as okay we can use Stone stairs for the roof or slanted wood roof there's no found there's no okay we'll just try it uh-huh and then tell me again why you don't want to clip to the actual oh it did it I was getting mad at it all these days and I just knew that I was doing it wrong or something I don't know oh yeah I like the way this looks up here now let's see what it looks like from the outside I know I messed up ooh okay that's kind of cool a little bit maybe I should I think so sorry I'm thinking outside my brain while talking and it's not working why are you I want to on second thought I don't like this area at all so we're going to rip that out place in a new window and a new roof unlock some carpet it may be a nice fireplace and a bathroom set I don't even know what that is but I'm going to waste one of my tech points on it oh this will bring the room together it takes flame organs it's kind of funny actually that does look pretty good though an antique bathtub why does this exist in the game like for real like real talk can I actually use this no it's fully for Decor okay it's kind of funny you just get a shoddy bed like this and like that's literally all you need so these wall torches are kind of buggy uh-huh you build one and then another one somewhere else falls off you hear that sound yeah they're falling off down below I don't know how to fix that oh yes um heard of wild Pals is coming to raid I kind of want to see how they get into my base it looks like they're going to come through the open gate which is exactly where I want them to be unfortunately I don't quite have an army but uh this should work pretty well oh oh it's working it's working so well I kind of want to teame you I got him I got him I think I don't even know what it was but I used a giga ball on it so please yeah inceram oh is that the is that the mount that I have oh there's more bad guys here hey how did you get in here I don't know but he just got obliterated from space thanks to shiny so I'm just a little bit away from level 26 and I figured I might as well get an assault rifle and go ahead and grab one of my little monkey friends this guy looks good we will leave our Dino behind go big Dino go chop down some trees it'll be funny I promise because my little monkey is about to get Firearms oh he's not using it though look how adorable he is though oh don't shoot at him bro you have no idea what you're unlocking right now you you can't hit me ow that hurt you hit me you also have an interesting pet in here I don't think I've seen one of those before and attack rifle time oh it's not quite unlocked come on pull it out pull out that gun there it is there it is come on he's got him the assault rifle look at him go you supposed you're not supposed to be shooting those guys you're supposed to yeah these guys over here all right let's let this little adorable little creature out I really just need to level [Music] up okay we're almost there rib bunny interesting so anytime you see trees like that that's a place that dungeons can spawn I was hoping there was one there but I think there's one on this Cliff too but this dungeon should have enough XP for us he just loves that gun oh come back here oh you stop why did you why'd you run off there buddy I'm just going through and collecting every pet that I can in here yeah come on one more there it is all right little monkey man let's go have some fun against these guys there should be enough XP here for me to level up I hope all right Vixie huh I don't know if I've seen Vixie before all right fire the minigun okay he's attacking regularly fire oh yeah this is amazing no no no no no no leave Vicki alone ow that actually is kind of dangerous all we're going to try to capture that one oh okay defended off the sphere let's attack the tail uh-oh good tail hit oh it's dead shoot wow are little monkeys doing pretty good that one dead too it is all right we're going to switch over to a megasphere and call you back you did so well I'm proud of you catch wow 94% I think this might be the first uh Vixie I've gotten and could this level me up too oh so close New Pal captured yeah it is I just recognized that I wasn't recording I managed to level up to 26 but I found this big chunky boy a bron Cherry he sounds delicious I love cherries what would be happening if we were to use a machine gun on him and attack attack come on use your skills oh my goodness it's knock BR out attack again tenzy wait I love him oh I missed I do want this Bron Cherry though I need him for Science and stuff nice shooting TCH oh why I shot right at the wrong time good head shot nope not me okay this is rough I need to switch over ball got it oh I'm so close to being dead this is terrible come on get the brog Cherry yes another one a scent drastically changes before pairing oh there's another Bron are you kidding me right me I need it I need it for science go get him this should do a little better yeah he's a little bit stronger uh-huh one more shot why me don't attack me that'll work nope that didn't work got it yes that's two Bron cherries and another fast travel Beacon although I am still trying to figure out how to get honey if anyone knows please drop a comment this is also kind of funny I'm just going to Yeet over him into there and then turn him on and be aggressive this is going to be dangerous I feel bad for all of them no no no shiny fox go go kill them what is that they have a friend captured mine now thank you I have one of those already but whatever I just found another crazy cool creature it's called a sweepa and I don't know why there's one there and then there's just squeeze okay let's try to capture these they're only level five so they should be fairly easy a you ruined all my fun go away all right no pets we're just doing the sealed fashion way oh it's a kitty cat no I killed it about you guys don't shoot me I didn't do anything wrong to you did I get him oh balls I got him that time oh there's more here there used to be more so now that I made it back home I made it to level 26 I can unlock the mounted crossbow I just need to figure out what it takes to build it some some nails and ingots I was totally hoping to have everything ready to go but turns out they want to attack yet again it's okay my my Huggy flamethrower of death will pretty much destroy everyone oh man how badly do I want machine guns mounted on this wall wow so many pal Souls too that's good I need all the upgrades I can get so I guess I never really showed in here what I did I put up all the workbenches on this side a little door so my fox Sparks can get in and light the Torches when it's dark there we go I've got the uh the the sphere crafter and the food crafter here there's some medicines that people need I put the repair shop here because I absolutely need it and up stop is a little living area now outside here we I did change this out so I didn't I could uh put some outside stables and that thing it actually reminds me that I want to put a chicken out there so so he can go produce eggs indefinitely I guess she can or he can in this world I don't I don't really know but I totally want to place this mounted crossbow oh it's so close right on the okay I'll just do it like this and then rotate it oh that's fantastic now do I get to ride or do I get to use this or can I assign someone to it I'm not actually sure about that but oh requires handywork okay so someone with handiwork can come up to that look at him he's defending all right can we call in here you come attack me it'll be funnier come on Sparky oh that was close yes oh whoa get him again buddy wait he's defending oh okay this is really difficult I don't I want to get off the Wild Ride oh that was close I'll open the gate up for you spark it he abandoned his wow you going to go out there and have some fun big fella ow oh this is a bad idea wow we've angered the entire group this is amazing this game is so much fun please don't blow me up anyway my friends that'll do it for the best base oh no everyone's charging outside this will do it for the best base ever in pal World hope you enjoyed today's video I had fun making it so get your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time time and i' like to thank all my patrons and channel members including spider sacks Doug rules skunk chess bred dton c scer d Mr gripple one Pon pleas fussy badge missing sniper Len HT Kyler J Nitro VR nro White H Auto Dave Ben dick J Teddy hippus General Harris Trent M Cino rler Warrior Kean H zarof maer ra VC engineer scarx Spencer T whiskey and YH
Channel: Blitz
Views: 435,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld incubating, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser
Id: 6GEjninfzdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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