I Used Breeding To EVOLVE The BEST PALS Ever in Palworld

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so it's time to start breeding some creatures we're going to take this and place it right about here very good now let's hold this to build it up and just like that we have an endless supply of new Pals well kind of we have one problem though we are required to have o give me that wood we're required to have cake and in order to get cake I need a cooking pot and flour milk eggs and honey which is kind of annoying but thankfully our giant adorable cow is making us lots of milk and that guy's making us eggs we have berries being farmed up there and I can build a wheat Plantation right in here some come on that's not where I wanted it ah you know what that's not bad nope cancel we're moving it just a little bit right would you get out of the way thank you there we go then we'll plant the wheat because the rest of my pals are being lazy right now and water the wheat because the rest of my pals are being lazy right now next up it's time to get a little bit unhinged because my crossbow wasn't doing enough it's time to make a makeshift handgun let's start that production it's going to take me a little while but it'll be entirely worth it now that it's ready I kind of feel bad about this cuz this game gets awkward and weird but it'll be better if I equip it and then I can use it oh boy oh man this is so wrong now the thing is I have to find a pal that can make the honey and then we'll be building cake uh I've heard rumors you guys have told me in the comments that somewhere up in here there's something so I teleport over here and there's an entire War happening dire how what are you doing like go away oh you know what on second thought uh come here a little bit closer good boy who's a good die wow that Mammoth just destroyed everything I need one of those sometime soon and there's a wild Dingus in my way oh nice that wasn't so hard three shots he's gone uh-oh one two oh I missed three h here's an idea catch just kidding oh wow fine be that way then so there should be some creatures over here a floppy oh what are these okay these are moths cin moth can the moths give me honey I kind of doubt it would you not I mean that's fine you can do that that's cool okay I just need ow is it you you killed it Elie boy we're supposed to be taming these not killing them got him all right are you getting attacked by something else come in here what is that one a bristel oh stop it we might need to capture that too okay the cinemas are attacking devout this boy really does not want to be captured does he come on come on here we go there we go okay I need to look at the pal deck uh-oh that's not a good sound we're good honey lettuce seeds and wheat lettuce seeds interesting okay so I need a few of these thankfully there looked to be a few of them whoa what is that a Robin quill don't like you oh hey wait wait wait wait wait I need to capture you ah okay and our moth is Con all right we're going to use some bigger oh missed no why did you do that that was cool looking we got any loot from it bro come on you can't you can't kill him like that but I got some honey so that's good yeah use the meteor Sparks from Earth that'll work there it is thank you for yeah that works all right we got a second moth and no that was close catch that and a third one whoa what is this a Gil Gil claw oh where'd you go you're being all sneaky in junk whoa there you go this is how you do it all right I don't want to waste any of my bullets cuz they're kind of expensive get him shiny o that'll work that'll work nope really I wanted to tame him hey what is that a floppy hello floppy oh I'm sorry you're cute and I accidentally head shot it what did I just find here there's another moth oh cool wow okay let's uh unlock this real quick unlock nope oh really all right Robin quill I feel like you've met your match again there oh good hit good hit come back in here and capture I don't know what that thing does but I definitely want it stop it oh I missed those are expensive I only have two balls left hopefully we get a capture nice there it is Robin quill hunt and live in the forest key to understanding Pauls diverge from humans interesting everything is so dangerous here what are these things more floppies all right we're going bird hunting Gail claw in the thingy knew it oh y there's a gigga ball going up we should be able to catch you with a giga Ball come on one more come on yes yes Gail claw oh I think I found bees elizabe wait is that like a b maybe hello no you guys hey I have an idea maybe they'll weaken him up for us hey elizabe and beard yeah those are totally bees ow ow again would you guys fine you've angered me one too many times attack that worked and do this oh really you don't say join my club it'll be fun oh you got the dancing shoes on y oh I missed now where' elizabe go elizabe is level 28 let's capture one of these others before we do that ah whoopsies that was a little bit too vicious here I'll try this one can you reach maybe can you blow fire underwater friend oh you can H whoops I guess these guys are allergic to Flame y are you allergic to fire too elizabe oh a little bit attack uhoh you have way too many hit points I'm just going to climb a tree and hide pleas can't pleas can't flying trees oh balls hey stop no you killed elizabe you're highly effective but at least I got some more honey oh and I got a staff what does that do is that a weapon it is I didn't know you could get like rare weapons is it a it's a melee weapon gross what is that thing I want to kill it actually I want to capture it uh but I don't have health all right whatever we're doing it all right big Dingus oh that was actually a pretty good shot it's adorable too nice hit buddy oh it does this weird attack in space all right you're coming back with me uhhuh nope eyeball shot and capture wrong button capture I said I said capture I said capture okay that's the one that's got to be it no balls I don't have too many of these really this my last one I'm going to waste on you but I'll use a green one and capture doesn't make sense all right I thought those guys might have been rare but they're kind of everywhere what is that there's a cave up there too we're going to leave these cats alone and go on the hunt for some more bees whoa I didn't realize the bees exploded oh balls no no no no no no that's me that's me it hurts it hurts okay great okay that one exploded hey I got it oh nice I got I I captured it awesome that's what I needed whoa you survived a 10,000 explosion there's something very cool about that oh I love that fox Parks he's so strong he just nukes everything stop shooting at me yeah there it is that's amazing okay I'll help good job blitz so now that I have this bee and this cin moth I think I might be able to put them into the farm I don't know who you're not doing anything all right cin moth I want to know you're going to go grazing you're going to hang out yeah we totally don't need all of this stuff great if you're grazing in there that means you're going to give us honey right I think so and now that we have everything to we don't have flow so I'll build a mill I guess I'll do that right in front can I do that up here yeah out a sight out of mine and there we'll make the maximum out that's all I can do all right whatever ding is the Penguin here guys stuck so I'll just tell him to start watering good job little buddy and I believe at my other base I should have quite a bit of wheat in here there's no wheat in there but there's a lot of wheat in here and I can make 122 more great so I should put me over the top to start baking some cake so we can start breeding why it's a flower again give me maximum cake somehow you build cakes bake cakes by frying chicken legs eggs and I don't I don't even know potato chunks are potatoes even in this game all right so my first cake is ready I've got it right here I kind of want to eat it but I'm not going to we have to use it here to make babies oh what's this honey neat male and female not present how do we get this weird thing to work also what do we want to breed I kind of want to breed chillet except I only have two and they're both males nope a and the humans aren't male or female that's weird oh I do have more chillet hello nice to meet you all right buddy you're going to come in here oh oh boy he's excited hey no you're supposed to stay in there and then I'm going to put this one in as well where do I put you in at yeah we don't need the dinos on right now come here there we go there we go and Y all right time to get awkward it says they're working should I be watching is this awkward how does this work do they they do the thing oh it's taking a little time love is blossoming between the two Pals oh my wow something else you probably didn't recognize but I built a an energy power generator up there and I think I have enough stuff to build actual lights now they're really expensive I don't have electric organs right here I do have a raid this is also really awkward I don't know what's happening right now close the gate open the gate there we go that worked somehow I'm sorry you shall not pass this is my Fortress now you're dead everyone dead you're dead too that is such a strong spell and thank you for all of your ammo we greatly needed that it's expensive one thing that I'm wondering is if the uh if the traits from the parents go to the babies so we have like a waterproof and a Vanguard both are waterproof and one's waterproof Vanguard okay that's interesting cuz I've got some pretty good Fox Sparks that we could make work so any second now the egg should be ready I should have built an incubator H interesting oh oh there's the egg okay not enough cake a frozen egg H you got any cake ready almost so I'm going to build some of the incubators on top of this roof I think I can fit like two or three in here and by three I entirely mean four so we can set that Frozen egg inside seems like it's regular it's only 5 minutes really all right the egg is ready let's incubate this thing up and I'm hoping it's another yeah another chillet okay it's a Vanguard pacifist abnormal so it did get it did get the two traits of the PA parents but it also got abnormal and pacifist interesting what does abnormal do oh incoming neutral damage weird he's a cute little baby so another question is can we maybe make babies across different different animal types let's just try this out for a second all right we got our shiny we'll throw this shiny into here this might be weird oh oh they're working oh my goodness what is happening that mean is that okay they don't have they don't have they are making an egg they're making an egg you can make that's weird can I put the can we try the humans like the humans don't have male or female this is going to be awkward all right time to be a little unhinged but that egg is not enough cake oh love is blossoming between the pals yikes that's that's weird why is the can I not pick up that egg I should be able to yeah a large common egg it's large I'll set the egg in it's a green one so that's going to take 40 minutes my goodness buddy what are you doing here you got a case the big dumb in your life so evidently interior barns are not the way of the future here or just having giant antlers you know I never checked but that b seems to be really really strong oh wow planting and workor lumbering medicine production production Gathering and farming that is really strong all right and I want these two to make a baby now yeah is you are you a female okay we got we got two males never mind doesn't work that way all right let's try this into to get Thug no no no no oh I can't actually assign you anywhere but I do want to see if the stars uh because our shiny has got four stars I want to see if that carries over so I might have just changed the world settings oh okay let's just set that egg can I take it out put it back in again yeah that works better I didn't want to sit here for 40 minutes to see what kind of weird Contraption we come up with a lunaris well hold on that actually created a different kind of animal there's the lunaris handiwork times three my goodness this is actually pretty good and manipulates gravity increases the player's carrying strength wow that's amazing so we'll get a few more cakes being made up you got to love it too when your sheep are just mass-producing ammo for you good job little lamby all right we got another scorching egg ready not enough cake to make that work but I'm going to see what kind we can get out of this and if it's got any special stats like that's the real kicker there let's incubate the scorching egg up and what do we get a lucky Artisan Fox Sparks so I want to know if we can continue having this trait or the Stars cuz I leveled this guy up so he'd have the the shiny plus the stars but his baby doesn't have any of that but he is lucky so that's kind of cool and an artisan dude's got a good work ethic we'll pin him to work instead of this guy well anyway my friends that'll do it for today's video where we breed up the creatures that's a really interesting mechanic and if you have any suggestions or ideas of things I can put in there you'll have to drop a comment down below and let me know anyway thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and I'd like to thank all my patrons and channel members including spider sacks Doug rules skunk chess Brad dton SE SC Mr one Pon please fussy badge missing sniper link HT Kyler J Nitro VR Nitro y H Auto Dave Ben dick J Teddy hippus General Harris Trent M Cino R Warrior Keegan H zarof maxer ra BC engineer scarx Spencer T whiskey and YH
Channel: Blitz
Views: 243,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld incubating, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser, palworld breeding, palworld best pals, palworld evolution
Id: aBcqLf_Nu7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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