How To Lose Pure Belly Fat

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you want to get rid of that disgusting sloppy sloppy jiggly mess that you call a stomach ladies don't you want to wear crop top and bikinis and be sexy just like all the real women you see on Instagram men don't you want to be with all those beautiful women that you see on Instagram but that disgusting gut just keeps getting in the way well today's your lucky day because you can now order gut be gone I'm a porn model I'm an instant model I'm a fitness model I used to be gone daily dubby done has a variety of different ingredients that will strictly target your gut fat the most powerful ingredient in gut begone is green tea and poured it straight from China because Chinese people are thin which means if you drink what they drink you'll be thin too right well that's what we're going with other ingredients include random berry extract lemon juice and honey that have little to no effect on weight loss but we just thought it would be nice on the label oh and don't forget garcinia and cambogia which is a powerful fat burner and it was on dr. oz so you know that statements accurate if you would like to change your sad and pathetic big lights purchase gut be gone and use my coupon quote so get a fat enormous 10% discount off the original price alright that's enough of that that sounded dumb and way too good to be true right let's talk about belly fat and how to get rid of it hi guys and everyone who's new to this channel my name is Michele McDaniel and this is my page my thoughts won't probably offend you and today we are exploring the question that you guys keep asking me in the comment section what is the best way to lose body fat around your midsection and tighten the tummy I've been getting this question quite a bit in the comment section so I thought that I would make a whole video dedicated to the topic to help you out with your gut problem all while debunking some myths and popular trance put out by those wonderful supplement companies teeth check you know red lipstick now before we just dig into this topic let's just take a minute to understand fat cells and why some areas are more prone to have fat than other parts of your body fat cells have various receptors called alpha or beta receptors the beta is in this case are the ones that you want they encourage fat to burn the Elvis are your body certified douchebags they tell the fat to be stored summer in fat areas such as the saddlebag area of your glutes have more alpha receptors so if you want to burn more fat in these body parts you want more beta receptors and less of the alpha H bags the reason why is that alpha to beta ratio would be so high it is basically because of insulin stubborn fat is more in sensitive which sets your fat cells into storage mode when you eat an extremely high carb diet all right let's take into these myths myth one products that promote that taking their product will target a specific part of your body many supplement products on the market promote the bacon specifically help you lose a specific part of your body aka your gut the truth is is that that's completely impossible you can't reduce specific parts of your body even with working out and eating healthy you literally cannot tell your body listen here body and new diet I want to lose body fat right in my stomach and a little bit in my butt unfortunately we are living in reality and that just doesn't happen no overpriced pill is going to help you reduce a certain part of your body such as your stomach your butt or any other part of your body the way that fat is put onto your body or the way that your fat leave it your body is all up to genetics and your alpha to beta receptor ratio the only way that you can lose body fat specific parts of your body if you head up Kim K's special doctor or someone like you and it's gonna cost you quite a pretty penny for a couple of thousand to a million dollars not a thirty dollar bottle of pills myth two tons of crunches is what's going to get you on the road to flat tummy town false sorry to tell you about all those late night infomercials with the abdominal contraptions or doing 8,000 million 500 million crunches isn't going to get you any closer to this in order for you to slim down the waist you need to lose body fat say hello to cardio running jumping rope rowing swimming are all forms of cardio but in my opinion the best type of cardio to burn fat is strategic cardio so high-intensity interval training mixed with some slow steady state cardio and of course being at a calorie deficit a calorie deficit is a smart way of saying eat less than what you burn in a day three juice cleanses are detoxes we burn the fat right off thanks the Instagram people are under the impression that drinking some green juice that tastes like ass cheeks or teeth the safe detox on them is going to get rid of their gut no I don't want to get too deep into this topic because I'm going to make a whole video about cleanses and detoxes but I will touch on it in this video similar to myth 1 about supplements and pills juice cleanses and teas are not going to get rid of the gut strictly on your midsection or really any other part of your body will make your stomach smaller because most juice cleanses you're just drinking so you're flushing a lot of stuff out of you and the tea's usually contain some type of natural diarrhea and a diuretic is a cool thing that'll get you on the toilet so taking these things are doing the juice cleanses will make you think that you're losing weight right in your stomach but in reality all you're doing is pooping and losing water Queens twist will come right back once you decide to eat and drink again if you really want to reduce your blue or water way all you have to do is drink more water you can also buy a natural diuretic something called dandelion root that you can buy online at sprouts or really mostly any grocery store and that'll cost you a big whopping five dollars once again you won't be losing body fat you'll be reducing inflammation and blue myth 4 do not lets heavy on your abs it will just make your stomach bigger this is kind of true I treat my abs like I treat every other part of my body in the gym I incorporate weights many people don't incorporate weights on their abs because they think it's going to give them the dread hit bulky waste and yes that can slightly happen if you're lifting a wait on your abs and putting on like tons of muscle in your midsection and not losing the layer of body fat that's on top of the muscle then yes your midsection will get bigger honestly just like any other part of your body you add muscle without loosing the body fat you're gonna look bigger aka both can reduce the amount of ice cream cake and hot seat of the cob and control your calories you'll lose body fat that will reveal a sleek tight sunny I like to incorporate 5 to 15 pound weights along with some pretty heavy rope crunches and my AB routine so people what is the best way to reduce body fat around your midsection and get a tight stomach the best way to reduce that gut fat is to implement some type of cardio into your workout regimen be at a calorie deficit incorporate weights if you would like more attention and a challenge to your ab routine and most importantly give it time it's up to your body where your fat decides to leave as you lose weight and no pill drink or exercise can reduce fat in any specific part of your body all these Pacific doctors can make that happen for you so guys I hope this answered your question and helps you out if it did give it a nice big thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to my channel turn on post notifications and as always follow me on Instagram and I will see you guys next time what am i selling today and what am I supposed to be fitness model okay got it when do I get paid
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 97,347
Rating: 4.9592118 out of 5
Keywords: How to lose belly fat, fow to get a flat stomach, how to get abs, how to burn belly fat, how to lose weight, how to lose weight around your stomach, how to get a small waist, how to lose body fat, how to lose pure belly fat, my thoguths will probably offend you, michelle mcdaniel
Id: zvUaldz80A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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