Everything Wrong With Fat Acceptance

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hey guys I just wanted to take the time to apologize because a few weeks ago I posted a video saying that the fat acceptance movement being overweight and morbidly obese is unhealthy a fat acceptance Facebook group ended up seeing my video and sharing it and ended up hurting a lot of people's feelings I now know that what people say being fat is healthy and I should not say that it's not and back up my claim was science and facts because the truth is not nice I should go along with this fat acceptance movement and be more understanding and never tell anybody the truth about health because that's me so I just wanna say if I hurt anybody's feelings that I'm deeply and truly so well that was insanely nauseating everything wrong with the fat acceptance movement or whatever the you guys want to call yourself warning this might be kind of a longer video not the normal four to five minute video because I have a lot of [ __ ] to say about this stinky a ridiculous bull movement so please sit back relax and enjoy this video so apparently last week was world obesity day fun fact world obesity days actually a day where you bring more awareness to obesity and all the risks that you have when you are obese but the facts of this movement likes to twist things around to help fit their feelings so I'm gonna read you guys a post from a very outspoken fat black feminist don't come for me it literally says that in her Instagram bio so I'm addressing her as to how she would like to be addressed anyway so I thought I'd use this post up the mood for this video countdown it's world of BC day [ __ ] you a movie public service announcement that phobia is violence battles don't die from being fat [ __ ] you if you think we don't deserve to exist so I'm just going to occasionally use this post to refer back to for some of the points that I'm gonna make in this video what you guys spread lies the main one being fat is healthy or like in the post and I quote fat folks don't die from being fat type-2 diabetes high blood pressure heart disease strokes certain types of cancer fatty liver disease kidney disease and more all of these things are caused by being overweight or obese and all these things can lead to deaths too you guys don't like when people talk about your bodies but you're the first to talk about somebody else's appearance I can't count how many times that make an educational post talking about the risk of having a certain amount of body fat of the fat people who jump on the post and say something like this kid she looks like a man when I said nothing about appearance we're talking about health and body fat levels calm down 3 you guys don't know what the [ __ ] phobia actually means the definition of phobia in persistent irrational fear of a specific object activity or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it nobody walks outside and see the fat person walking down the street and starts to lose their [ __ ] 35 point seven percent of Americans are obese if someone had a phobia of fat people there's a good chance the moment they walk outside they're going to run into at least one they started screaming and going through convulsions on the side of a fat person you'd be damn sure that we would hear about it because the media loves that type of [ __ ] you guys translate our words and do completely ridiculous statements that we never said aka you don't think we should exist I haven't who are you nobody said that that's you in your own brain just twisting people's words around it's just like when someone says oh this weight is not healthy to you guys that translates to this chicks ugly need to put a bag over her head no one said that I personally know that fat chicks would be begging actually love some people hate it I actually really like it with someone who's fat or someone who doesn't have like the best body has confidence still I like when they're confident as they get healthy but you know I love a confident woman I personally do not like a lot of this woman's ghost but I do think that these pictures that suits book are very tasteful she's obviously a fat chick there's no way around that I mean she says it herself but it's also an help me to have that much fat crushing your internal organs in your bone see you can still think someone is pretty and unhealthy all at the same time though stop twisting turning words around just so you can have something to complain about five you get upset that flute Lee companies charge more for plus-sized clothing and they claim that it's discrimination they use more fabric to drape around your ass which cost the company more that's not discrimination its basic business pricing it's like when you go get ice cream and you get four scoops of ice cream instead of three you pay more DUP six you're upset of the world for forcing women to have a certain body standard but at the same time you force everybody else to accept your body standard seven you claim you're confident but the moment Simon Says obese is not their favorite body type you throw a grown-up temper tantrum and roam the streets and skin-tight we apart keep protesting and gyrating around so that people just give it to you it's not the fact that they like it it's the fact that they just want you to shut up if we were at home for as you say you are that you wouldn't have to constantly seek out approval the men that are obsessed you are sick individuals I believe everyone should have love but these women are obsessed with this are finished I think you want to feed you and they want you a bigger if I was big I would be slightly very offended if someone was dating me for the pure fact that I was fat and that they wanted to feed me and make me bigger they are slowly killing you and that's pretty disgusting it's like if your partner kept influencing you to do drugs that's not sweet it's actually relatively sick now come here my fat [ __ ] yup I'm hungry I want you bigger I want you fatter it will please me nine you guys forgot about the bad news where are they in your movement oh yeah they're not there because they're jokes you guys promote being comfortable in our own skin love yourself blah blah and blah but that's mostly geared towards women I see so many pictures of drawings of these fat women with their boyfriends remakes of Disney Princesses and female superheroes John is a realistic body type for real women but there's no fat dudes why is it always the overly large woman with a relatively thin average or fit do the majority of these pictures is a 500-pound shake and the arms of an obviously very strong man and that's not a dish that's science if you're able to carry a 500-pound chick in your arms your strongest chick and that's awesome or the [ __ ] are the values in your movement where are the drawings of the remix of the real men superheroes saving a very attractive thin or fit one where's that spider-man swinging from building to building oh yeah they're [ __ ] jokes all the remakes of that superhero men are pure fat jobs while the women are realistic empowering and real the men comics are pure [ __ ] jokes number 10 to piggyback off the number nine you're not even attracted to the male equivalent of you but looking at a lot of the outspoken body-positive women in eight relatively thin average size or fit men but then if you tell everybody else if you don't think someone's fat you're not attracted to someone obese that you're fat when in reality you guys aren't even dating Batmen hypocrites 11 you've ruined the word kirby for everybody here we used to mean white shoulders small waist big ass pins Marilyn Monroe Beyonce now everybody is curvy I mean I can understand thick but you want a cute man who replace bat but kirby is curvy if you're 500 pounds I'm pretty sure you're not pervy just like a fashion model is not curvy 12 you don't want your own people to change you guys are extremely unsupportive if someone in your group says that they want to lose weight or they want to try to get home because none of you want to be the fat friend saying things like you're fine the way you are why would you want to change your beautiful is in no way helping your friend or family members you see we do not want people in your group changing feeling good and losing weight and getting healthy well you sit there eating a pack of Oreos you're a true friend you would tell them you know what that's awesome I'm glad that you're trying to better yourself but do not look me in the eye tell me you are on Weight Watchers and then in the next breath say you are body-positive 13 your denial all the risks that are connected to being overweight you block out any scientific evidence that does not fit your movement or that will hurt your feel 14 you claim a reason that you're fat is because of medical shoes whenever we elevate the percentage of medical issues that make you beam weight is in the single digits and mostly medical issues don't make you balloon up into a 400 pound plus human be 15 you literally don't know what the [ __ ] you're actually offended about one person gets offended in your group and therefore all of you get a finish and you have no idea why you're dis offended because you're obese clan leader decided to be you've all have heard instead of actually forming your own opinion I specifically asked five people that were offended from my video of me stating that a fat nail salon that caters to morbidly obese individuals and who serves their customers mimosas and cupcakes enables unhealthy behavior I asked these five people that were so offended by my video specifically Tommy what in the video did I say that was so offensive they couldn't tell me I still don't have my answer it's been about three and a half weeks they just kept saying oh the owner hires you know she hires a lot of black people okay that's not even point five relevant to the topic of the video so next sixteen I'm obese and I don't have any health issues my doctor says I'm fine that's like someone who does drugs say well I don't have Ellis this season since I don't have any that means in certain medical issue related subjects here is it true Congrats you haven't had a heart attack yes say not proven facts aren't you just because you don't have it yet is one of the most ridiculous thing that your movement has ever said one of them there's many things that you said that are completely ridiculous that's one and if you're 100 to 400 pounds overweight and your doctor is telling you that you're healthy you might want to find a new doctor quickly seventeen you guys took a really good movement and turned it into we hate skinny [ __ ] agree with that so we're gonna drag your reputation into the ground because you don't agree with us but remember we're the victim when this whole thing first started it was more about stealing everyone that not everyone is meant to be a 16 figure me as a naturally athletic body type with naturally big size naturally big ol Deeks was very inspired by it adverse because I was like wow there are actually other people that have body types like me and then y'all go way out of hand with a one hundred and four hundred pounds overweight is not a body it's a body that has neglected to be healthy became addicted to food and therefore I spend a significant amount of weight an addiction should not be glorified you had always say our weight is none of your business we're not hurting anyone was it to you if you want to be like this let me tell you something nobody gives a fat [ __ ] if you want to be fat nobody problem that people have with you is that you guys are saying that this is healthy that actually does affect and her people it affects our family members or our friends that we actually care about and your movement is giving out false information and unhealthy motivation to be dare I say it a fat slob if you want to overeat and sit on the couch have these mints feed you and have people glorified you know how big you are and say that you love yourself the way you are and that you're happy that's perfectly peachy keen with me that specifically not hurting me or anybody else in any type of way shape or form but don't try to tell on us that it's healthy and that you can't die from this and that we shouldn't say anything we're so quick to say how unhealthy and a wreck cigarettes drugs if we didn't say anything to the people we love to are addicted to these type of things then we would be [ __ ] right being this overweight you're addicted to food the same way an anorexic is addicted to being super thin and not eating so fat acceptance movement what is it a good time to say something about this addiction because you know good and damn well that you guys are very vocal to talk about the addiction of anorexia and not eating and having the fascination of being very thin and what is that a good time to speak out against the people who are influencing and enabling this type of addiction I want to know my name is Michele McDaniel this is my page my thoughts will probably offend you and I'm positive that I offended quite a bit of people today let's see if you can actually speak logically or are you gonna prove my whole video correct see you next time bye guys [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 144,232
Rating: 4.9246454 out of 5
Keywords: fat acceptance, fat acceptance cringe, fat acceptance owned, fat acceptance debate, fat acceptance buzzfeed, fat acceptance is death acceptance
Id: I0bsLI3mGFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2017
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