HUGE BOX STERLING SILVER I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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grand finale can we finally see okay so they stored the sterling silver everything else has been labeled the exact on so we have no reason to doubt that this thing isn't filled with sterling silver [Music] cricket RC helicopter the new 25 inch powered cricket engine this is absolutely insane this is incredible this is the biggest train score we've ever had and remember we'll do a whole nother video on it because there's just too much this unit the gift that keeps on giving we didn't tell anybody bought the box we found in the back did we know should I show them every box that we have found has been labeled and correct this is a giant Home Depot box labeled sterling silver do you think we should dig into it okay well you're gonna have to wait to see how much sterling silver is in here and our friend Ken is coming to go through all the trains with us too isn't he so he's gonna help us put a value and organize the whole trains that we found we were scared to actually get into all the boxes but let's see what we have here what's this say taps what do you think that means it means tap on it and then yes tap it three times you get a wish what's in it yes yes yes yes more you know what this is look at this this isn't a baby this is an actual that's an engine this is a flyable this this is just amazing that I don't know but I know is that a harmonica down there man Oh give it to me that reminds me there reminds me of the little harmonica we found when we practice I don't I think there might be more than one oh here here here here I'm gonna play you a song okay let me take my gloves on ready yeah two beautiful thing Jeremy playing the harmonica and the Sun setting that song was for you you know what I call it nice my Egyptian stars should I start playing the harmonica during our Sunday live q and A's and while you strum the guitar that's the M Hohner is the echo but I don't think this is the only one because I see some other I see some yes wow this one's changing keaney's alright so some of these old harmonicas can be worth a lot of money special yep oh my goodness I can't believe this unit the chrome Etta this one's made in Germany maybe they're all made in German man maybe we might have a couple hundred dollars right here we're gonna have to check them somebody was a serious for Monica player they were a model lover train everything okay this is a sure microphone okay so sure is a microphone company this is gonna be old school I love this unit it's there there you go there's the antique sure microphone gotta be worth something yeah we're gonna use that it's gonna be a new microphone for the live Q&A for sure you get it for sure do you get it I said for sure you get it now dad jokes man I love dad what is it someone mentioned I mentioned that I was either getting sick or I was allergic to you [Music] I'm probably allergic to your badge oh oh I'm allergic to you laughing up the dad jokes there we go this is the old transit really it's radios and look at this this one has a clock Wow my grandpa used to have these for listening to the Cleveland Indians this is just incredible I love it woi Oh nineteen my baby's here huh interesting very interesting do you think do you think maybe they were involved in television have I told you how handsome you look today no never tell me that well I just told you oh I thought I was waiting for you to tell me you know what else I'm waiting for it to get into this sterling silver box are you ready yeah okay except we're not doing it yet it's labeled the store so here's the crazy thing this is an old box it's labeled storage but they have like newer duct tape on it so it's cool we got we got double everything in this unit has just been amazing it's been pretty awesome yeah I'd say and then some here's the jewelry box nice my goodness if we find jewelry we definitely this is definitely an affluent family for sure look at that little Dutch porcelain shoes there this must be like the knick-knack china cabinet yeah there's another you know what we haven't found yet is many collectibles that we found in this unit we haven't found collectible money so collectors a lot of times they collect money too we have not found money but that doesn't mean we're not going to this is a porcelain napkin right those are napkin rings there you go so Somerset napkins mirrors oh are we gonna let our viewers know how beautiful they are sure you are so beautiful to me you guys see yourself and you see more mirrors more mirrors there's definitely a lot of mirrors lots of tissue paper here's something here's an old is this a Zippo this is a Robinson here's an old Robinson Robinson Robinson I don't think Caruso or not Robinson France and sorry not a smoker not not hip with all the smoking League lingo all right Bronson there's there's some stuff in this images of life handcrafted in the hills of Galilee design okay all right so here's the one thing we did go through personal pictures we know they went to Israel and here they have here something that came from Israel images of life handcrafted in the hills of the Galilee so this may be some of the actual souvenirs that they brought home from their trip to Israel they were extremely religious and anybody who is in the Christian faith knows that Galilee Jerusalem Israel extremely important to see if these are more oh look at that look at that that's beautiful is that made out of wax it's uh it's made in China it's like a porcelain waxy viewfinder no but I bet we're gonna have some really neat collectibles in here look at that that's that's gorgeous baby that looks like me and you that somebody's cake-topper sweetheart she looks Egyptian that looks like you that looks like me I'm all you know I'm the darker one except I'm not that tall and yeah you're right you're not you're right look at that it's really cool it's a really cool collectible oh here's another one from the from the Galilee I bet you maybe it's wood I don't know I don't want to open it might keep these here's another here's another figurine beautiful that looks like a duplicate oh no no no this is a different one two little girls that one's from China okay see these feel like like oh there we go very these feel like these two over here feel like that tissue boxes still look like a cake topper you want me to save this for us baby baby baby baby baby you're my Egyptian starfish and if a mannequin can get married and have kids but I don't we don't we already agreed we don't want kids you have a 20 year old I have a 20 year old a mannequin we don't get very I'm just saying there's hope for all of us state mannequin if a mannequin could get married Jeremy could be able to get married someday someday maybe maybe and he's back I mentioned yesterday we had to get my buddy Ken here so you told me you had a killer train collection so did you believe me this extent No so it's even better than what you thought it was oh yeah ken has actually if you look we've got tables out everywhere okay ken has table set out everywhere and he's gonna walk us and talk us through some of this stuff he's been working for the past couple hours through all of this so what do you got to show us Ken this box here I counted there's about 37 cars in there some of them still in the boxes oh the old planners peanuts right there look at that typo show Wow and a lot of it is either taiko or the aah em both taiko wasn't the best company ah'm with a little better they had some nice stuff a lot of it in the box so if you had to put a value just on this box what would be looking off top of your head 37 let's say times 5 per car so probably $150 just that box okay what else we got this is nothing but engines here and then some passenger trains this is a whole set except the tenders missing so if somebody was interested in that all they'd have to do is find a tender to go with it comes with the box now did we did we pass up something special over here at the corner these are pretty slick these are pantograph buses this one here is from Japan you can see on the kind in Japan and it runs off the overhead wires and this one's from Germany I have never seen anything like these dispersor I've seen pictures of them but I've never seen them in and you've never seen one in person yeah okay so there's two of these neither of us have ever seen one in person I can't even guess on the price on that yeah we'll have to do some searching on that so let's just take a peek at some of this stuff how cool Pennsylvania Railroad Union Pacific Oh what do we have back here Ken that's a big mallet I don't think he ever had it out of the box did he do you think you did and then just put it back wow you got Santa Fe passenger cars Pennsylvania passenger cars Wow yeah this is this is the best railroad find we've ever come across and it was on accident oh you found my puzzles puzzles Jeremy called him and I told him in a way you're correct you do have to put them together but the difference between these puzzles and a regular puzzle is these have instructions on how to put them together but there's just just comment on most of them are already put together but there's some in here that haven't even been opened yet yeah they're still sealed still sealed so we got a lumberyard an office building we've got a home yeah there's we get multiple lumber yards huh yeah yeah there's just a lot of cool stuff a lot of cool stuff passenger station yeah this is just some of these that have the actual in it yeah could go anywhere from yeah five to ten bucks they're got a full box of them very very cool this is the second table of h:o stuff here's one whole box is just nothing but track it is all brass some people don't like brass some people do but brass gives us some in Saito's we profile what does that tell us about his collection means his collection is over exactly yes so that's good news we we like older collection look at all this bland neutral yeah this is all brand new track and scenery stuff Danny had this is a bunch of senior stuff in here in this box yeah Wow is this is this the same things that track it's all tray hauled on brass track all the right load you out loaded Wow our switches wow this is kind of neat this is a military train the only thing you don't have a military engine for it yeah cars trucks on the flatbeds I mean this is just very cool so all we're missing is the engine yeah and you begin you did go through everything right yes yeah so somewhere out there there's got to be an engine and from here on up this is all a circus train the flatbeds with the carriages to put on them circus life look at that this is just odds and encourage he really liked or cars he's got double double cars in each box except for one the best part is he does have the boxes like a ton of this stuff is boxed oh yeah I mean yeah that makes it nice collectors love it that way keep stuff from being broken and stuff this table looks amazing over here wow this is the creme de la creme as far as your train Hall right this is this is where it's at huh this is all American Flyer stuff okay the only thing I have was tracked for it so no no track for the scale this he had plenty of Lyon L track but no no age track and this is you said this whole table is American Flyer right so just look at this Wow Wow we when we were finding boxes inside the unit I was just I was overwhelmed I couldn't believe it I'd never seen such a collection like we get we get train stuff all the time but to this volume yeah nothing like this anything special on this table the one thing I liked was the the royal blue here's the three passenger cars and here would be or you've got two royal blue engines yeah either one would pull that and you mentioned these cars up here these two are tin plate which would make them older if you had to guess just if you had to guess what do you think on age maybe forties well everything was wrapped in paper though too right yeah okay so there's there's a there's a pile of paper back here it was actually layered what was the date on the paper oh look at there right there there's one right there Tuesday April 26 1966 I will take you back this is just and any any of this American Flyer stuff can be earlier than that even I mean that's just what he wrapped it in this is just this it's amazing I once can put it all out on the tables like this you start to actually see what you actually have there's another table down here isn't there we're very let's go take a peek down here so some stuff were showing you that's cool to show some stuff you know you've seen things like it before so we've set it aside Ken's done a great job of actually sorting everything he's been at it for about two hours now plus so this is all I know it's missing the tender for the engine some parts are broken this is missing a little turn wheel like this on the back and there's some support pieces for the credit crane yeah and this one's got some broken pieces the chimney jack smoke jack and the corners broke off so these could be some of them are good some can be used just for parts if someone needed purpose is Lionel the most collectible in your opinion is that what everybody wants yeah pretty much my line now an American an American Flyer Wow okay so this is a whole box of track plus three switches that's for it and that's for the line oh right yes okay so there had to be some stuff that you just went whoa yeah I need that in my collection yes did you did you set some things aside oh I found his box okay we got to know we got to know that's a B&O steam I've got some B&O passenger cars I've been wanting a steam engine to go with it even though I do have some diesel north-western that's similar to the one that was on the first table that you looked at Wow there's a Pennsylvania here's another bno little tank switcher how cool is that and then this stuff was just more less scenery stuff scenery this head oh we saw that tin and we didn't open it I'm just curious to just find it had it had all lightbulbs and stuff like set pieces that's cool I was curious what was in there and then this here this light poles and cars and stuff everything huh Wow so this collection exceeded your expectations so so next time I call it I say I have a collection you're gonna be like well is it better than this one and this one's gonna be this one's gonna be the collection that everything else is compared to yeah they're either deaf or they're just yelling at each other she hears a bunch of workers over there which you can't see it echoes baby just like when you do that do your do your Egyptian now they're going to each other I'm chick is either death or she's yelling at that ruggedly handsome man can we finally see okay so they stored the sterling silver everything else has been labeled the exact on so we have no reason to doubt that this thing isn't filled with sterling silver and we're in the warehouse and she doesn't have a knife we're surrounded we're surrounded by boxes in the winter house why she's fighting with that here's the warehouse here's everything we just did with trains with Ken it's freezing outside so we're trying to do the unboxings inside and there's there's just a portion of where everything goes so let's go back you got it okay how's it look without love well she has very sensitive skin the only thing she can wear with jewelry is sterling so we're okay huh okay she just took this whole padded thing off my heart is starting to pump is yours yeah when you took that whole thing off it looks like they're hiding an entire thing well you got a look at the bottom sweetheart here take the glass out yes I think it's silver because they live with it but please be please please silver-plated okay this is a blanket let me show okay you see silver plate right there silver plate Italy so but that doesn't there's a blanket wrapped in something okay oh come on we could have thousands of dollars just in silver weight alone that looks like brass coming through this plated see this see see look see this so they were rubbing it so this was plated this should have said sterling plated unless somebody knows something that I don't know that looks like brass coming through okay let me see she's getting excited too something's broke something broke there okay I mean there's potential it could just need a really deep cleaning but that really looks like brass coming through I said that old man there's something else wrapped in here there has got to be silver in here why would they label it silver and there not be actual sterling silver I think we're getting to it I think we're definitely getting to it when that beam ms/ms all right there is a label it's right right there what does it say silver plated all right come on come on they can't have everything there's got to be some sterling silver in here this one I don't see anything any marking why would they keep it in here if it was an actual sterling silver I don't see any brass or copper coming through usually it's copper or brass okay this just looks like it needs cleaned this might be see that just looks like stained silver you're gonna find the markings on the bottom okay there is no marking on this one that I can find and so I think wait you see the rubbing here see that oh she just found one over here what's the marking say [Music] it looks foreign to me baby your foreign okay I don't know either I know there's got to be some solid silver in here why label it everything else wholly heavy please be please be solid sterling please be solid sterling it is man alive if this is solid you can see the patina for sure so you see the discoloration the patina here this I tell me what do you think in the comments below is this solid sterling or is this plated because from my eyes which are messed up admittedly so I am colorblind I cannot see like the regular person sees so I have to make all of these guesses based on bad eyes this looks not plated to me and this you just pull this out of there too I don't think I don't think this is even plated I'm not sure why that was in there I have to clean that up now that that looks probably plated should be on the bottom okay we have a marking but okay that looks like a handle that probably broke off so she just threw it over there we didn't get to see it but now we see it and we have we're gonna turn it around we have made and I get too close England EP and okay so electroplated there and silver on copper so that's that is plated so that's silver on copper this box has got to be sterling you can't label a box sterling yeah copper again you can't label an entire box sterling silver I'll not have a solid piece of sterling they were there were everything else was so perfectly labeled what do we have any 198 I see that the silver company International Silver Company 81 98 okay we got a few more pieces I know there's gonna be a solid piece how stickers gone on that one I see him marking where Chippendale well she says she sees something that says Chippendale baby what you're doing talking about shipping well you know about Chippendale better not know anything about Chippendale oh you can know about them the rescue rangers definitely needs polished that needs a good polishing even if this is just silver-plated I'm still thrilled with this entire unit this entire unit has been so incredible any markings right there Oneida okay so you see Oneida right there you see Fiesta ware and there's a Fiesta Oneida Ltd alright here it is this one looks solid this is it if it's solid we got about $2,000 worth of silver here and we're gonna polish it and we're gonna turn it into a mirror I don't see any copper coming through anywhere that was a sticker I don't see any copper coming through anywhere there's a little bit of patina here again my eyes aren't as good as everybody else viewing I don't see color the way that you see it so flip it around I have to guess based on my eyes and what I normally see I see patina that's all I see I don't see any copper coming through we're definitely gonna have to get this piece checked this potentially could be the piece that is actually sterling silver [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 57,840
Rating: 4.892066 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: 47jZ_JzEJJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 10sec (1930 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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