WHAT'S INSIDE AMMO BOX I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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ever since I saw this ammunition box I've been waiting to get into it back at the warehouse today I've got to unload that trailer because I bought three storage units yesterday now you only got a peek at one in yesterday's video because in one of my rental properties there was a fire I had to go take care of things there and was there most of the afternoon and evening so what we've got to do is get the trailer unloaded figure out what's good inside and then we've got to go pick up these other three storage units it's gonna be a couple days worth of work the good news is it's in the 30s in Ohio now and not the 20s so that's a Hailes of a lot warmer don't forget to subscribe and hit that Bell button what the hell are you waiting for as we dig just a little bit further into the trailer I have half the trailer to go lookie here alright this is always a good sign one we're profiling units so this has the whole sportsman theme which is a great thing because we can find high-dollar items a lot of sportsmen will spend a lot of money on a lot of high-dollar items and this just looks really cool for a man cave for you know hey let's just face it this would be amazing in the bedroom Bass Lake Lodge who wouldn't want that right above right above their king-size bed the Bass Lake Lodge North American game fish I think that'd be a perfect spot for it actually I might hang this up above my bed what I'm doing right now is trying to take some of the bigger items out because Gwen is coming she'll actually take them off the dock into the warehouse price at all so I can keep up so these these children's items here we're probably looking we'll just say $30 $10 a piece on those okay we won't know until they actually sell now here's some other things here and whenever you get furniture chairs and a table set a table without chairs will almost never ever sell in the Ohio area but chairs okay we got six maple chairs there I could probably sell those for 200 to 300 if they were actually oak I'd be looking more at 4 to 500 now the good news is is we actually have the table I see the legs there's a leaf right there so we'll have the full set whenever you're looking at furniture and storage units try and make sure that you have the chairs as well this vacuum here this vacuum I have this exact vacuum at home I bought it at an auction for a dollar best vacuum in the world you can take all the filters out we'll probably still only get $10 for it and there's even a garbage can we'll get a buck for that I'm getting to the point I'm just digging a hole so I can get the table out because Glen's gonna assemble it and put it up for sale in the warehouse but look at this we actually have an oak single bed okay if we have the sides which we do there right there we're looking at an easy I mean for that oak that here is gonna sell for an easy hundred and fifty dollars now remember everything is regional based what sells for me in Ohio may sell for less for you in your region or it may sell for a hails of a lot more but they did get a lot of furniture we got to dig it all out and see what else is inside look at that oh that's interesting it's gonna be really interesting well see if we can make some money it's able to dig a little bit more of a hole I'm putting all the boxes and crates over here because I got to keep Gwen going look she already got all the furniture off and in the warehouse so I gotta keep her going with the big stuff now this looks like at first I thought it was a desk I bet you this is an old hutch Broyhill was this oh there's a Vizio quick start man if we have that TV that'd be awesome but this is like a hutch for midgets this comes up to my shins so I'm not sure I think we probably get 50 bucks for this and then we're gonna try and dig the rest of this out too and see how much we can make warehouse isn't open had a gentleman stopped by looking for music equipment what's your name Tim Tim came by and it just so happens there's music equipment in here we just did a deal so these Samsung mics there's just the two of them you're gonna take just two yeah so we said 10 bucks apiece for the Samson mics so $20 there we go we just made 20 cash just like that Tim I got a note the microphones how are they gonna be used where are they going to be used well my name's Tim I'm from Sri vohiyo I play at a coffee shop in our local village here at Shrieve Ohio we're about 10 miles south of Worcester on Friday and Saturday night that is the two days after Thanksgiving we're gonna be have praise and worship all day long up till evening time I will be playing from 2 o'clock on Friday and 2 o'clock on Saturday and that's at the coffee shop that's a he brews coffee he brews coffee shops like 108 South Market Street and Shrieve Wow okay so that's an incredible thing the microphones we just sold are gonna be used for praise and worship at Hebrews God God put these things back to use that's you know yep yep put some back to use I love it I'm probably gonna give you $20 back well I thank you very much and hope to see you at Hebrews god bless so moving all this furniture out I just moved this coffee table and as I moved it a ton of money fell everywhere this amazes me there's money always in every unit sometimes you just have to dig a little bit harder sometimes it just rains out of coffee tables all right I am getting further back here this is a tall cabinet or dresser usually they call these lingerie look money so lingerie dresser more money okay see what we have here oh we definitely have stuff let's see what we have we've got where can you alter luster take you off to a lesser Worldwide Inc I don't actually know what that is I'm not sure what that is I have to look up ultra luster there's a blanket now we do right now we're donating our blankets to George George's son school so that'll go the donation I'm looking forward to getting this out see what that looks like just turn this dresser around I love it look at how beautiful that is look at the craftsmanship the work there Oh whoo we just found we just found what we find in every unit let me shield you there okay so we found money and over here we found the balloon collection this one has soldiers on it oh they're blue this is gonna be really good for my collection look at that blue as well with SS and stuff look at that money oh there we go simpsons movie maybe oh okay I was wrong on that one let's see what we got here there we go much better maybe we got some old rock tees or something like that [Music] look how gross that is I've touched it I have to go burn my gloves now these old keyboards which this one may not be very old but this is a Yamaha it's a Yamaha there we are Yamaha PS r e4 33 these still have collectability and so this looks like good digital display here missing a knob but I'm sure we could replace that really easy somebody who still easily give us I'm gonna guess conservatively $50 on that but we'll have to look that up here's a cool dartboard as well and I found a bunch of darts so here's a couple cases of darts this will go for sale in the actual warehousing again that'll pull in and easy $20 the actual professional dartboard with the darts that's an easy moneymaker one is out here moving furniture and regardless that she's like 13 months pregnant she still won't let me help her so she's moving it all inside she's a she's an animal regardless of what you tell her she won't stop so that's a great thing she has an incredible work ethic this is the dresser the piece and I like this piece too I love that I just love natural wood I know a lot of people would repurpose this but this natural wood looks incredible so all that furniture came out of there let's just we're gonna put a rough estimate let's just say $300 on all of that furniture and now we can get back in and we can dig through the actual totes and boxes look at this brand new I don't think these were ever used brand new folding cots all the pieces are there you just open them up and you're ready to go and look we even got a camp chair because when you're the man of the year you got a you got to just relax a little bit and you're caught well you know what these are singles if you put them to bet together to make a big bed you got a queen right there here's a g-force racing gear helmet there's got to be some value there although I'm a little bit concerned because there's actually a screw see that right there at the pointy part the screw is actually sticking out so hopefully there's some value look at here here's a Nordic Cross tent and originally 99.99 so a hundred dollars will we'll get 50 bucks easy out of this tent at the warehouse so excited about that but more excited to get into these boxes and totes totes okay books and Gettys now until now until looks like that books can be worth money if they're collectible some books honestly some of the things I've sold the most for on eBay our books that was a man so that's okay so you just gotta find the right books see here we got human anatomy physiology the medical advisor maybe somebody was studying to be a doctor that's one of the ways that we can profile remember there were three units in here students mastery to accompany clinical procedures I bet you something was actually studying to be an offender so all these will have to be looked up online and then we'll find out if we should sell them on Amazon or Ebay we got loves you guys know how much I love my boxes let's see what we have we've got two head-to-head baseball oh you know whose favorite game this is Justin Grimes Grimes fives he loves the shoot off I like the arcades no thumbs allowed ah the hilarious thumbless challenge it's actually never heard of it looks kind of cool that would be fun probably I'm guessing some kind of alarm clock so we're looking at nickel and dime stuff except we might be okay somes there there's a power button right there not sure what this is it's got to be oh you know what you put your you put your phone in there it's for game all right I'm not up to speed on all that that skylander that's for video games so I know that some other cool stuff in here there's a model kit models are always cool on and collectible here's a sharper image drone autopilot dx1 is it in here it sure looks like it is it feels like it is well there is the remote control and the actual drone I wonder is it that nope I don't think the drone is in here unless I'm completely and totally I don't think so so you don't have the room I think that's handmade last ones the last time you saw a mummy dab okay oh here we go this has got to be collectible look at this look at all this porcelain I had baseball stuff that's on porcelain one second well you hear that hey you hear that I hear money alright let's see what we got and there is 75 80 99 we've got 97 cents that's almost a buck right there that's good money okay set that aside that'll go in the jug to take care of later this is really kind of cool we got a 65 Chevy Impala and it feels like it's in yeah a brand new sweet that's another easy five dollars right there now we'll set that aside I'm not sure what that is some booties more booties like baby items play-doh toxic waste toxic waste hazardous ly sour candy no way look at this if it if this was really candy I might but I think it's play-doh I think that's just plain Oh some kid put play-doh way back all right let's dig into some other cool stuff we're taking the no thumbs allowed challenge to the extreme here in the trailer with the storage unit okay let's dig in again remember no thumbs allowed right okay so we're gonna see what we have but we can't use thumbs and obviously if we can't use thumbs we can't use gloves that oughta make you guys go crazy this looks like CB equipment if I could use my thumbs I'd be able to tell for sure this is a Cobra 2-1 Ltd classic okay something else down here as well remember I'm not using my thumbs at all so my thumbs are right off to the side oh this is the Cobra as well so you see be lovers there you go I didn't say CBD I said UCB lovers there is a cobra and it is a 18 ultra weather band see be okay super cold don't you think that's great isn't it yeah okay so we're gonna slide that over and we're gonna break this one down again no thumbs we wouldn't dare use them I need to be really easy to just pop that you know with thumbs right now but oh you know what I got that some on backwards there we go you know I'm just all thumbs here we go let's see what we got and we got a mongoose bike seat like that that looks like a brand new bike seat I'm not sure how much that would go for but let's just say conservatively we'll say 10 bucks here in the warehouse okay dust my iose deceiveth to me do you see what I see please tell me you see this please tell me you see this this is alright we're done with the thumbs this is the fist of all fist pumps right here look at this this is a Hulk fist pump oh this is better than George's George George will never know if I actually take this for the next Sunday Night Live and I pull it out of randomly know where I am just pump you all okay you guys be ready with the super chats I'm gonna keep this from George don't let her know and then I'll have this ready for Sunday and when you guys super chat one cooper- teacher stop hitting me you see yeah BAM there we go all right that's really cool that's great Oh money money right underneath it did you see that well fifty five percent of money it doesn't look like it's the whole deal there is us polo empty we got click baited oh this is sharp look at that connive didn't we find another one of these recently I almost feel like we did I think we found one of these recently okay look there's some fishing tackle so we've got some addition tackle there we've got a 79 jag FC operators manual I'm not sure what an FC is let's find out FC now I know it's the sled it's a snowmobile okay so 79 jag snowmobile right there look at this you guys see this alright these are skateboard wheels now I've shared in previous videos especially when we go thrifting that some boards can be worth a ton of money but a lot of times the actual hardware and the wheels are worth more than the bore so we'll have to actually look these up to see if they're worth anything and the way that we look everything up is on eBay and simple things like this just a this would be a suction cup a suction cup pencil sharpener this would sell the last one I've sold like this on eBay went for twenty five thirty dollars so now is the time because before Christmas you can sell anything magic putty laser putty I have no idea what laser putty is but there there it is whatever it is there it is I'm not sure what laser putty is here is some jewelry some other pieces I'll give those to George because she'll probably use those in a bulk lot what's this oh nice nice we just found a free kid's meal at Texas Roadhouse you guys thinking what I'm thinking I'm thinking we go to Roadhouse tomorrow and see if I can actually claim this free kid's meal I'll go in as an adult and see if they'll give it to me let's give it a try I see a gift card I don't think it's actually been released a member it hasn't been used yet so we'll have to check that out that will go in our our county and gift cards what's this marbles marbles or no it's bling oh man that is some serious bling look at that oh I could go gangster style with this this is hot you guys think huh am i bringing it go oh look look there's something else in there you see that there's something else oh you know what here it is what do we have that looks like gold hey we got some other did we get it I think we got it a couple more things oh yes what's that yeah 10k do you see it right there now it's not the best gold in the world but I don't care because gold is gold Gold's worth money it will always be worth money it's when the zombie apocalypse happens it's gonna be toilet paper and gold that's why I'm blinging it all right set that aside I'll have to check everything else for gold later and taking our bling off my bling is close what else do we have here that's really cool little cast iron dolphin anchor that would go good in my bedroom I've got a nautical theme there is this gold some kind of key brooch it's kind of neat looks like we have I don't know something and looks like another brooch actually there's some kind of made in France look at that wonder if that's gold-plated ever since I saw this ammunition box I've been waiting to get into it I've actually I've found these before this is maybe the third one I've ever found and you can pick these up I don't know they're twenty twenty-five dollars so let's see what we have we have have a coconut it puts the lime in the coconut amazing Bev up you put the lime in the coconut amazing both said alright so we got got some shells there looks like we have Swiss tech gloves those glow if I put the light on those are glow but all the old people will complain just like they do with George's gloves you're blinding me there is the back of a rifle that's kind of cool the rubber boot okay we got the outdoor first-aid kit contents three asks for two tablets wonder what year this is made in USA I just broke it and see that I broke the lid and huh goldfish giant foam goldfish that's what you need for first aid right there who would have thought but there it is we've got headlamp and it looks like it kind of works I should probably turn that off let's see okay that's off what is this what is okay sweet and sour master of mixes elevate your spirits with natural citrus flavor so this isn't this wouldn't be alcohol right classics our cocktail on the rocks Martin mixer frozen margarita this would not be alcohol right item drink alcohol so I'm just curious if it's natural citrus flavor I'll set that aside look at this it's sealed okay I have not had lunch I have not had time it's been busy for the gloves and it is from well it's from that person which means they must have opened it do you think they were trying to poison anyone no it's sealed it is sealed oh not only is a sealed oh special dark and you guys know I love special dark I'm with an Egyptian oh that's when chocolate just goes wrong that's bad that's really bad all right all right I'm gonna have to save that for off-camera later yeah yes good see that here's a Remington hat it's kind of cool is this okay Copperhead bee bees we haven't seen an actual bee be done yet there's a whole bunch of bb's is that n M a Huron County I know we're here on County is national what Association anybody anybody at all know it n ma stands for there's a badge kind of cool let me know in the comments below what that could stand for this looks like arrow tips so that's four darts that's why men darts well there's a turkey caller we got two Samsung phones with that this will go with the other 5000 that I have is probably more like 1,000 oh wow yes yes yes yes that's an easy $25 Harley Davidson belt buckle right there that's money that is money George will probably actually auction that off on the channel here is a lighter she likes auctioning these off to West Coast Choppers 2007 limited edition Oh see what I'm seeing there we go got ammo we do have ammo set that aside take care of that appropriately and we got sent oh it's a dangerous scent maybe if I use this haha maybe if I use this Georgia be all over me like moon fire wildlife actually I might try this just dab some of that on right now mm-hmm yep I'm gonna try this tonight see what happens okay hope for the best hope for the best all right we've got bullet point field points we've got is that a walleye fishing tags got another headlamp look at this USS Ronald Reagan wow that's cool Detroit Lions and some kind of shake well oh here we go all of us some more the good stuff he's gonna put this on right now and I'm headed home and I'll see what happens [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 28,257
Rating: 4.915493 out of 5
Id: tV75--XzvkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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