DRUG ADDICTS ABANDONED LUGGAGE / I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes

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28 brand new speedo all right i tell you what if i find more jewelry you have to put this on if i don't find more jewelry i have to put it on deal uh-huh all right george i did it again i bought a storage unit come here come here now this one's inside remember usually when storage units are in climate controlled indoors people have more valuable things i got this one for 125 dollars not a bad deal and it is packed george it is peck come on come on i got to show you guys i'm coming i'm coming are you ready all right you haven't seen this yet this was through an app at public storage i'm in akron you ready to go let's go here we go open her up i know you love lunch look at all of this luggage luggage luggage luggage luggage there's so much luggage now since it is indoors and we don't have lights in here i had to get my handy dandy light here so let's uh what would you say we are where do we start there's so many let's pull this one first look at that i think this luggage piece right here alone itself is probably worth a good 50 maybe more dollars oh my goodness we're already finding stuff look at that it is wait oh you know what this is there's locks keys this is accessories to this luggage but uh we need to oh look at that look at this piece look that literally has wheels too that's nice although it's so full we we actually it's so full i can't bend it so let's find out what's hiding inside nothing there nothing there and first piece of luggage here we here you go you ready oh now remember people hide different things in their clothing so we're gonna actually go through we'll we'll look do you think she was a flight attendant do you think so he or she uh oh it was i thought maybe we just found something i think anything is possible the story is always in the unit there's always a story we will find we always try and guess ahead of time based on what we find my guess right now is she's a grandma and older and obviously is she because we think this is she stuff let's uh that's a nice piece of luggage yeah the luggage is really nice a lot of the clothing what we do with the clothing is we actually will donate that so that luggage is you may want to hold on to that actually you know what as long as i'm down here it's not my color it is nice though there's that there as long as i'm down here grab another piece of luggage or do you want to look at something else yeah grab luggage all right here we go we got some luggage right here here's some more george look at this what look at that right there i don't know but we're gonna find out it could be all kinds of secrets in there all right let's check this one out more luggage man if somebody has this much luggage they either love to travel or a flight attendant or they're a flight attendant who makes that or skyway skyway there you go you're you might be on with your flight attendant stuff what's the craziest thing george that we have found in luggage that's one of the common questions we get all the time what is coming crazy is the craziest thing we get but what's the craziest thing we found in luggage oh and luggage in luggage um this zipper is broken teeth we have found teeth teeth yeah we have found money and now now we found jack whatever that is we found jackie okay i found the unmentionables even though we're mentioning it right now and is there anything oh we have found we definitely have found uh adult toys in luggage what's that instant hot compress that'd be good for your back george george george george look i have look a bad back is that real you see any markings i'm looking it is yeah the markings are right down there oh nice it is 14k yeah look at that 14k and how can you look at that pearl is real well you can do a couple different things number one you can go back and ask the oyster where it came from or yeah it feels good the grit test if it feels gritty okay so look at that in all of this underwear all of that under all right i i need to hand that off to you george yes will you hold on to that ring for me absolutely i can't believe oh george there's more oh my goodness there's more look there's gold there's coins in here oh my goodness i can't believe there's a rock not a petoskey but there is a rock he is out there in the parking lot okay just hit the panic button okay you ready [Music] nope not out there not out there we tried okay so there have been i know people who have found fire oh george george oh wow oh my goodness look oh my goodness look at this gift cards gift cards galore oh man we love we love doing well you tell them what we do with all the gift cards you tell them you tell them so what we typically like to do is we we collect all of the gift cards that we find out of storage units and then once we have enough like a high stack or three we do a cashing in gift cards video and then we call it and see if there's a balance on it those are a lot of fun and we we compete against each other so you who picked the better stack let's see what we have don't peek really quick gift card all right i want people just in case uh some names are on them oh nope not that you didn't show that did you no all right so there is all right there is two fifty dollar prepaid cards gift cards and there's a walmart gift card i'm gonna set that aside let's take the jewelry i can't believe this is only the second the second oh man this is only the second um suitcase that we got into look at that oh do you see this you like turtles you know what i let doodles you do love turtles look at that really cute look at that okay now i saw a gold ring in here i have to find it again this is gonna be stainless that's copper where'd the ring go that i saw is it right there where oh there it is and now that i'm seeing it it looks like it was actually pleated yep it was plated it sure was so that one was plated still really cool little cross ring and are these earrings gold let's see now those aren't gold what about this is this silver this is that looks plated too yeah it looks plated way you can tell if you can see the finish coming off rubbing off yeah that one's going to be plated nothing's marked and then this one is just going to be copper but i'm going to check anyway it's going to be plated copper sizes uh let's check is that the one you want size eight there you go fits great and grant me this friend oh somebody but well here's more of the story so we've got alcoholics anonymous or addicts anonymous coins so um there's more to the story there that could be why they actually lost the unit after that last suitcase what do you think another suitcase or what about even this we got a we got a drawer there look we got big boxes we didn't even see a suitcase suitcase suitcase suitcase there's suitcases everywhere there's abandoned luggage everywhere what do you think all right let's see what's going on in the drawer all right let's see what we have here oh we got paperwork paperwork always tells the story so let's see what we have we've got okay citizens bank medicaid lease cartel there you go right there that's probably part of the story right there you see it bankruptcy that probably has something to do oh look at this cards envelopes and stamps we love finding stamps you do love finding stamps let's see what we have for anything collectible let's see what we have as far as stamps goes um let me let me look in here this is probably see one of the oh my good i thought i had more gift cards carl instantly regretted asking his buddies for a birthday cake with a chick in it hope you get what you want on your birthday all right oh here we go yeah here's the stamps there you go right there forever stamps that's more money more money remember stamps cost money so we could actually have already the 125 dollars that i spent on this unit we can have it already just in the gift cards we don't know we have to check it all right pip gas electric so they were on you know the program um let me get too deep in here let's look in here let's see we have we've got here's a cell phone look there there is four mini so there's an four mini let's see and i don't think she was a flight attendant it looks like she actually worked for the school system okay so either that or there's somebody in the family that did let me take a little baby do you you want some you want some uh ink yes ink is very got some serious ink there by the way when you guys find ink and storage units make sure you're selling it on ebay ebay is a great place to sell ink all right and we ain't talking about tattooing let's um uh what do you think this one right here yes all right go for that one she says man we're gonna have some nice luggage we gotta pack our bags for florida it's getting cold in ohio when are we hitting the road uh our new goal is to get down to florida after the west virginia trip yeah after the west virginia trip all right this one's kind of jammed uh or head down to florida after west virginia west virginia ohio trip and then florida uh i mean it's going to be after the election because we have to see what's going to happen in the world okay all right ready okay clothing do you think there's going to be more jewelry in this one maybe something even more valuable than jewelry maybe a shoes there could be a puberty oh lady pew pew that would be awesome if we found a lady pew pew would you carry okay just making sure all right we got some shoes what you know what these would look perfect on you um that would go a little smiley face with my elf costume a little smiley face you could finally be happy again you could look down at your feet and be like lol smiley face [Music] you complete me green slippers okay i don't think there's anything astounding in here let's move some of this stuff out of the way and then we'll we'll dig into some other stuff george i found you something what'd you find splashy balls hoops drop the splashy balls there you go little water bomb balls thank you look at this uh we got a giant suitcase here but look here there it is there's that printer for the cartridge i was gonna say this is probably let's see if i can get it all right there's a printer right yeah there it is all right so we got a printer so i'm gonna set i'm gonna set this i'm just gonna put this over here on the file cabinet okay i don't think anything's hiding and yeah nothing's hiding inside but look at this under here something brand new you see the the label oh my goodness there's two of them look at that was 9.99 now 39.99 twin bedding is that what it is is it twin well look at this there is two of them at first i saw what i thought was 3d so i thought it was a nintendo 3ds but it's actually studio 3b and oh this has been you we're going to have to open them we're not going to do it right now we'll have to see if they're hiding anything what do you think this should i pull a box or let's go for this luggage right here luggage because it's just outstanding bam do you see this here how much do you think this thing is worth aerosol treatments breathing treatments oh they can be kind of pricey all in there all in there this right here could be the purchase of the unit yeah which is what we always try and encourage find one thing that pays for everything and then everything else is profit that's how you bid and you actually make money in this business your gambler guarantee you you're gonna be homeless in no time don't gamble with money okay and this is a really nice suitcase we might we might need to take this one on the road too i do like the color scheme black and yellow here we go okay nothing in there come on more jewelry more jewelry please more jewelry what do you think is there going to be any jewelry please be more clothes please be more unmentionables how about this stale french fry oh i knew you were getting hangry we typically don't show clothing in garbage bags but this is what we usually do afterwards we check every single pocket for money it just so happens i told george go ahead turn it on just for the fun of it we just found money in that pocket don't worry we will go through every pocket afterwards we'll see how much money is actually in here that case you want to know what's in it right yes yeah so do i let's let's figure it out after we get through all the after why not now yeah trust me after after okay okay i don't think you're ready for that she wasn't ready you're ready for that look at all this george a bag in a bag no it's there's like all this is coconut rose this is thousands of dollars of i know what somebody's getting for uh halloween halloween yeah i'm gonna give a lot of this stuff out to the trick-or-treaters oh okay yeah the neighborhood kids would love to get a useless trailer elizabeth taylor perfume for another coconut rose for another sure it beats getting a box of raisins yeah or oh man some of those raisins or those people who would like right there boom now if that's not appropriate to give out i don't know what it is so appropriate after you eat all the candy brush your teeth healthy reminder one of the kids is going to get this as well here you go kid a healthy reminder and for the kid and the kid that stinks old stinky kid that we all went to school with you're getting that all right look at this there's tons of stuff like that in here here's more v05 all kinds of toiletries brand new never used what is this headband oh i thought that one somewhere else i like your headband thanks that flashlight headband pretty awesome right look at there there's a canvas kit kit for kids to paint and is this the first you think there's gonna be jewelry and money in it uh-huh okay and anything nothing we didn't manifest hard enough oh i thought we were mana guessing well i guess this is myself scapegoat for the whole manifest crew oh you didn't manifest hard enough oh oh sorry i mean that's why it doesn't come true all right okay i'm manifesting really hard right now i'm not bald i'm not balding i'm not balding am i still balding uh-huh now you have gray hairs being with you will do that to a person okay how do you explain all my gray hairs you had them before i met you being with you you had those well before i met you okay careful because there's about an avalanche coming avalanche careful careful you okay check out this this might be more of the story here wellness counseling residential detox yep we're getting more of the story so bankruptcy probably due to drugs and aaa due to drugs packing bags due to drugs so this is usually this is typically the story that we see and i got to be really careful because there could be syringes there could be anything this is typically the story that we do see in storage units that drugs drug abuse drugs is involved in a lot of them they they get detox foot pads i once had a detox party okay where we detoxed our body through our feet do you think maybe this isn't for drug abuse this is just somebody who is detoxing their feet maybe all right i mean we could be wrong the story we always know the story afterwards we look everything up so we'll sit there right over there and uh oh i got a feeling though that tonight's gonna be a good night woohoo i said tonight gonna be a good night more uh trick-or-treat giveaways yeah listerine ready tabs look at this man i got a feeling they actually did go into detox and family members were gifting them soft and cozy there's the bible is it usually alcoholics anonymous or aaa gives out brand new bibles you're gonna have uh a lot of all this stuff coming up more coconut rose is that hand sanitizer the coconut rose stuff i don't know if it is it's worth money damn boom what's a boom a bloomberg oh that's the niv that's a brand new niv bible pocket bibles nice all kind look at this brand new man fancy i actually really like this unit jewelry gift cards brand new teeth brushes brushes toothpaste the whole deal i bet there's so much more toiletries i'm just gonna i'm gonna kind of pull them out and set them down irons and this is i'm i'm seeing all kinds of brand new stuff look at this oh george i see a coach wallet look at this got avalanche all over me there's a coach wallet i don't know if it's real or not let's see give me a sec there's stuff in it there's definitely stuff in it and it's not safe to show yet not yet not yet and um now you can show i got past the personal stuff okay okay and nah nothing in there listen but look at oh my goodness uh are you thinking what i'm thinking uh-huh put it on friends don't let friends wear speedos but this is speedo racing i thought you were thinking the same thing i was thinking 28 grand 28 brand new speedo i tell you what if i find more jewelry you have to put this on if i don't find more jewelry i have to put it on deal uh-huh all right all right let's set that aside with the jewelry come on we gotta find some more jewelry did you see me shaking my head no as i said uh-huh you i know what's in there all right so um here is a recorder and garbage bags always important to clorox have wipes are always important to have as well for sure the most important thing is i have to actually find uh some milk but other than that how do you pronounce that word same way you do milk i say milk that's what i just said milk milk i said milk you pronounce it m-e-l-k milk no i said milk milk what are you talking about lemonade english is your second language and you're trying to teach me how to pronounce it look at all this brand new mary kay how do you say how do you say milk in um in arabic uh give me a sec look at that train case brand new brand new there more colgate i love me some cold is that a is it this is like deja vu this is like maybe she went twice i found more jewelry does that count or does it have to be gold and silver did you specify what kind of jewelry i know who's wearing the speedo look at they must she must have been going and uh oh this is a 31 bag look at that these must be like care packages for going into rehab yeah you know what that makes sense you know what it is it's rehab so what happens is the churches usually make care packages you're deeply loved by your creator these are care packages put together by the churches so she got multiple care packages so i think it's safe to say although we don't a hundred percent know but i think it's safe to say that um we definitely have uh somebody who is struggling with drugs and the cool part is that she was getting help obviously was getting help so that's a that's a great thing there and then look these are just probably more care packages more toiletries and more toiletries care packages brand new lip balm cherry bombshell george george if i put some of this cherry bombshell on you think i can get a little i'm not on camera you won't off camera just a little that's a different story i can see up your nose a lot of these items are brand new and that might actually explain the suitcases as well she might have been been giving suitcases for the drug rehab we haven't opened this one i'm just going to set it aside look at this obviously kids had to be involved at some point right there's ice skates multiples i'll give you that here's another you think of what i'm thinking all brand new look at this all brand new oh my goodness oh dub is my fave and this is your face better be putting that speedo on by the end of this video this one right here that bottom wash oh that's the one that you always buy yeah i'll tell you what instead of the other one i'll put this one on and i'll give you that dove if you actually give me a little sugar give me some sugar sugar and i'm sure the ladies from the church were actually you know taking care of these and building these as well so that that makes sense all the luggage you know it's somebody that was drug rehab look at this there's a giant box of let's just pee all right that's shower curtain clothing yeah that's the clothing let's look at this one can you see down in there uh-huh yeah that's clothing as well uh set that one aside brand new baskets the people from the church were probably putting all the toiletry items in these brand new baskets yeah and that's why there's so many brand new baskets all of that let's see what's in here here's a little bench oh my goodness look at this george look at this a little storage there's a purse you think she was getting free purses too [Music] gianni i don't do you know how to pronounce that gianni i don't know what that is i don't keep up on purse fashion look all brand new okay let's move that aside look at this a bunch of purses a bunch of them this one obviously was well used okay and then oh if we can find some money in here i doubt it but oh oh my goodness as soon as i said that guess what i just found george money for you because i know how much you love you love your shiny quarters so that proves there's money in the clothes there's money in the purses usually everything has to just be put in storage really quick if somebody went into rehab typically the story is this the family put everything in storage she went into rehab because of the drug issues or the landlord had to and then when i'm done with it and so stuff hasn't been gone through as far as their gold their silver as their money as their jewelry you name it so that's an encouraging thing even though it's a sad story you're not going to believe this what is that this unit has everything even a spare tire spare tire why i put a spare tire back here you know why i tell you but it's in secret okay so we still don't have along with all the other i still have this luggage and again i got to be somewhat careful because obviously drug addict oh there's a lock now i understand some people will be offended by a same drug addict but um this is the reality of this diction is real it's real and so our storage units and us buying them at auction and we try and show the realism nine out of ten the people are incarcerated it's usually drugs and that's how you end up getting them so that's that's the realism of it we don't wanna we encourage people to get into this business we don't wanna get encourage them get in this business and them not know what they're getting themselves into they have to realize this is what they're getting themselves into so we do a lot of restorage the love and people love the resource the love project this is not a restorative love project we're not going to give something back with somebody that's incarcerated we stay as far away from that as possible but if we don't come in and buy and look at all the brand new goods in here what's what the storage facility will do brand new bag look at the oh my goodness look at this there's more highest your gas this is all uh what will happen is the facility will actually put all of this in a dumpster it goes in a landfill so you got to pick and choose what is it that you want you want to see this all in a landfill or do you want to see somebody buy it find new good homes find new good homes everything gets used and just curious what do you think it is soap no [Music] brandy chocolate i am addicted to sugar expiration date never all right it says expiration date never never you want one you can have one what about you i always think of you first which one do you want no milk chocolate or dark chocolate not my jam okay there's a caramel right there so it's from the ladies from the church how was it good it's not stale and hard that's a little stale but hey so are we we're old too all right oh there's something in here oh my goodness something heavy whoa what brush wow that's a lot of limp those are new too take a sip damn more clothing let's see more luggage what's that national school oh that's right she was she she worked for akron public schools all right let's see or volunteered one of them oh my goodness jordan are you seeing all this there's more oh i can think of some good things to do with that i have a bad back oh good on my lower back okay what's this oh that's an antenna okay those are probably just other pieces what do we have over here remember we still have to get into the briefcase and one of us has to put that speedo on okay more soaps more more deodorants underneath it more perfumes more gel i have a feeling oh yeah we know who's putting the speedo on we know there's been out of doubt the deal was if i find more jewelry you have to wear the speedo and would you agree this is more jewelry yeah it is jewelry you didn't specify costume or reel so jewelry is jewelry it's real a deal let's look let's look right here let's see what we got more jewelry look at that and this is made in china there's a chain there brand new across i mean there could be there could be gold and silver in here we're just going to have to look through everything yeah all right here's what we got to do let's look in that briefcase and then somebody's getting that speedo on come on all this crazy stuff you know what could be in here i mean she's a drug addict we know that now we got all the story the whole deal you know what could be in here what are you thinking so i'm crazy so i'm crazy enough to get you in a speedo cause you lost here we [Applause] come on jeremy a deal is a deal this ain't right george i won turn around this isn't right turn around do a 360. even when i do win somehow i still don't win this isn't right i won my name is jeremy welcome to walmart how can i help you would you like maybe a crack pipe so we are at the warehouse a few days later and actually going through a full sort we found the drug paraphernalia and absolutely 100 she was 100 in drug rehab and so it's a sad situation we did find a number of phones there's another motorola right there we haven't powered it on yet and we did find oh yeah for the crack this was with the crack pipe in this pocket right here this is what you grinded up with and then we also found the eight gigabit flash drive in the phone every sunday night on our on our live streams 9 p.m eastern standard time we show you what we find make sure you're there [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 268,541
Rating: 4.812737 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: gMABgiYG430
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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