MONEY IN OLD TRUNK I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes EPHEMERA HAUL

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let's find out what's inside these okay we're gonna start with the National Bank but there is definitely something in here I'm back at the warehouse ready to find out what junk is in this trunk okay this trunks absolutely incredible we found this in the $1 unit which was the sister you know the other $1 unit and I'll have all of those videos in the description if you want to check those out as well but this trunk we've been waiting for we're finally ready to dig in we got backed up on time but now we got all the time in the world because it's Thanksgiving break so let's dig in don't forget to subscribe if you haven't yet what the hills are waiting for and hit that Bell hit all notifications so you know every time we upload a new video every time we go live [Music] look at this I moved the rocking chair out of the way and behind it was another trunk this is absolutely incredible it's time to get in the trunk there is the other trunk that we found that one's already been shown and now we're on this one here so let's dig in let's find out what's inside I can tell you it's heavy because my back hurts nothing here we got there here we go in three two I see personal paperwork actually I see a hodgepodge mess alright I see a lot of everything look at this old pictures okay this is all right let's do this let me bring the camera in down further and let's see what we got now remember I like I can already see names here I've got to cover those names up so I can't show you those names but I'll show you what's inside all right I've been able to get us in just a little bit closer let's take a peek of what we have here but I have a few yeah we're gonna have a lot of personal stuff so anyone anyone can be a father but take somebody special to be a daddy so we have personal pictures look at this look at it though grazing on the back this this group of photos father and mother James and Laura Elyria would something would right there look at that now normally what I would do is I would pop this to see if there's anything hidden in the back I'm actually scared to oh wow okay hold a second this must have broken transit alright here's another look at this this must I actually broke in transit well this one this back has popped on this let's take a look Wow okay so back has popped so maybe there's nothing here so maybe there's nothing than the other one either but there is another got newspaper okay I know some of you want to look at the dates of newspaper look at this look at that wow that is look at that look how the frames were made back then one two three four four pieces man okay let's see what else we have we have some more pictures this looks like a hunter and it's as hunting dogs there's actually something on here look at this do you read that can you read it it says December 23rd 1928 1928 right there Wow look that looks like a sight like a tin cup or would that be silver no I think that's a tin cup this I mean this very well could be World War one you know world war one world war ii army issued tin cup that would be my guess this before the pound puppy must have been this guy this this thing was loved to the point where he lost his nose if you've ever loved anything that much you understand look at the matting on the fur this was obviously important to somebody a little handkerchief in everything okay oh wait wait there's more down here all right I'm gonna show you these first we got the old shoes now if I'm not mistaken and I know you guys will let me know if I am mistaken I think these are the shoes that all the kids used to wear before the Air Jordans you know all the babies so before they used to wear these the little sailor shoes is that right let me know in the comments so there's a little sailor shoes look at all the intricacy of the frame yeah look at this it's it's like metal flecks of what actually made up the picture see if I can show you without a reflection and the actual flecks are are breaking apart look at the ornate design on the actual frame man I don't know about you I just in time for Thanksgiving metal-rich mrs. Smith's pie got another one and we got another we got three antique pie plates I think the holes are in there to let the pie crust please let's see what we have here and let's see if we can find a date on the paper oh here we go look right here alright do you see it November 23rd actually today's today's 25th I was going to say I thought it was the 23rd 1990 so there we go oh man look at that look at that now if I'm not mistaken this is actual gold leaf I think that they would put on the glass if you know for sure you let me know in the comments but I think this is actual gold leaf that is beautiful oh wow we have here ok I'm not sure what it is but a home assortment shafts blue banner chocolates okay I'm curious how many of you had these chocolates this could be this could be some good stuff and here 1 pound see what we owe oh wow ok you guys see what I'm seeing this isn't chocolates this is even sweeter this these are old postcards the Theo chrome PA June 5:30 a.m. so 1 cent stamp I'm trying to find a date I'm trying to find a 1912 look at this 1912 January 8th 1912 let's see if we can find one wish you could see the wonders of the city National Museum Washington look at this ok dear ones all all something after my visit at home received a card from somebody today praying for her friend Lester since left with heart trouble very sad indeed hope you are all well and State Street Capital New York it looks like somebody was potentially traveling the world look at this in the clouds the official folder the scenic line of the world and let's see if we can find a date night it looks like nineteen something let's take a peek oh this is all old postcards these aren't used yet Wow okay let's take a look at some of these how are they here we go look at some of this now what do you call this Anthony Lia M ferny I don't know what you guys would call it there's some e word for those people who collect paper look at all this now I do know that paper can go for a good ton of money depending on what you have now obviously people love the story and the stamp too so that's always a cool thing look at all these different oh look at that Clark's horse sales mile city here's okay old cards like this best wishes for Easter I guess it's not a card it's actually a post card but old cards can go for for good money as well so my goodness what an incredible find just right there in the chocolate box let's move over here and let's see what would have over here this okay that we've got a beautiful little dowel and a baggie let's open it up maybe you guys can help identify this I've never seen one it's definitely look it's got porcelain and actually those are the feet those aren't shoes those are the feet it looks like but I'm not sure oh there it goes it does come out check that out maybe some of you actually had a dowel like this wow it's definitely old and it's definitely porcelain and it came in this little little protective bag I'm gonna put that back in here oh wow okay Oh Disney the Loch Ness monster how cool is that theme from the Sun dour I don't even know what that is Oliver newton-john home ain't home anymore let my people go Donny Osmond people go which way to nowhere okay so we got some old records that's cool too look at this old baby shoes obviously meant a lot to somebody set those aside some more there's some more of them oh and here's a baby dress all right wouldn't that be a baby dress set that over here and here's another record oh look at this okay all right I want to know what's in there I know you do too I'm gonna set it aside we're gonna we're gonna let the anticipation build we're gonna wait for that but look at that that was down there in the corner that's got to be that uranium vaseline glass now the way to check that is with an ultraviolet light to see if it glows which we have them I just don't have it with me right now you know it's kind of like a knife okay but we do have this and how cool is that this is a Yankee a Yankee Bill citty now surprised across something swept clean by steel and fire on d-day oh my goodness this is from World War two this is d-day this is a picture from d-day Wow okay I bet there's gonna be a lot of cool war stuff in here there's so much paperwork look there's a picture old school picture okay I think there's an airplane on it I think this would be a shoe polisher right we did shoe shiner and maybe a shoe shiner that worked in the airport except I'm not sure how long airports have actually been around so maybe I could be completely off on that well here's a book and handbook for boys handbook for boys 65 cents this looks like Boy Scouts I've been looking for the original Boy Scouts handbook for boys Boy Scouts copyright 1948 I've been looking for the original Boy Scouts book for almost 20 years 1948 right there and this is the sixth printing so we obviously know this isn't the original Wow all right let me let me look at some of this paperwork I want to I want to kind of get some of it out of the way and clean it and I promise you we'll get to this I started to look at everything in here I thought all right I got to show them so there's like all kinds of plots and plans but that's not even it this is all this is all this is all military stuff everything has military on it for example this is military there's just piles of piles look at this order report and Armed Forces all of these letters Armed Forces this is from being in the war all of these letters right here first national actually First National Bank First National Bank these are bank statements non contesting lights company life policy there's a life insurance policy so we've got bank statements here's a mortgage actually here is a mortgage I know some of you who love this stuff let's just see what the mortgage was I'm gonna see what the amount was 50 okay this was in New York in night in eighteen oh my goodness look at this I just kicked the jewelry box in 1897 fifty one dollars and 33 cents was the mortgage wait is that yeah the mortgage was fifty one dollars and 33 cents that was the mortgage that thing is over a hundred years old this is wild look at this some of the papers deteriorating Bancroft GE Oh Bancroft I'm not sure what that is Washington there's just some wild wild the papers that I'm that I'm moving actually they're they're getting blown around in the water and a suit this is look at that that looks like an old hot plate you'd set your plate on there I'm gonna set this as a paperweight we'll see what the date is on the paper May 10 is two years old 40 years ago may 10th 1979 there's stuff in here over a hundred years can you believe that look at this okay I'm just gonna I don't even know what to do with all this this is gonna take a lot of time to actually get through American agency insurance real estate let's see what's inside we have we have everything we have all the paperwork for insurance real estate that might amend the place in oh man look at this look at this where in the world this is a record album this is before we have CD cases master in Mississippi the thing these are for the old Victorian I'm I'm walking behind you the glory of love from the four kings you belong to me with a song in my heart look at this oh wow look at that are my ears on straight I hope you guys can see this I hope it's in focus this almost dropped it this is incredible look there's another one there's actually another one in here oh look what's on top of it the National Bank okay all right I've got the jewelry boxes I'm up at the National Bank over here we'll find out if there's any old collectible money come on this hole let's hope all right smooth this aside the best okay let's see all right let's see what we have another record album it's full look at this look at this these records have probably been in here for who knows how long what's this the King and I the music of the King and I some of this stuff could be worth a ton what's this one in the back sunday-school songs sung by red folly jesus loves me obvious sunbeam so there's a whole nother record album right there my goodness this is amazing okay what's a shoebox there's a shoebox right there let's find out what's on these before we get into the shoebox and I went ahead and removed the pictures that were on top here I thought I thought we actually had another jewelry thing but I removed the pictures and now we can get into the shoebox look at that there you got prize lists and regulations 7th annual exposition southern Steuben Agricultural Society over 2,000 offered and prizes do you see that oh my goodness look at this look at this these have gotta be look how small that is is it gonna be war time there's gonna be war time love letters look at this the history that's here my goodness there's a here's a check and see how much the check was for I can't tell Wow there's there's a praise and praise service bulletin from the church this is just wild so it's like flowers doesn't look like chocolates what we had before look at that oh my goodness oh just look at the age these are like on plates look at this look at that this is absolutely incredible this is Alfred Center friendship New York this is all from New York New York New York what is this entered according to the act of Congress in the 1865 General Tom Thumb wife and child this says General Tom Thumb that is a picture of General Tom Thumb I think there are songs written about him look at this guys this is absolutely incredible the history that's here look there's actually color in this one how in the world did they get color everything else was black and white what house is in here that she looks Indian Wow I mean we could have some originals of presidents we could have we don't know what we could have look how small that one is that one isn't any near bigger than my thumbnail Wow this is just there's another one wow wow wow wow wow let's see what else is in this box okay all right here's another box it says reputations reputation and think wait yep it's a chocolate box reputation and it actually has metal on it and I just bent it okay I gotta get it be a little bit more careful who's this set that down old birthday card no these are more postcards no way he kept everything look at this all the old stamps it's all there it's all there alright let's look at some of the Front's I've there's a mint here just an old postcards in epithelia whatever you call it whatever the the collecting of paper is this is it like this is like a jackpot okay let's look because there's something else under here look what is this driving park annual fair races these are tickets from the fair look at this these are is it all tickets it is all tickets family ticket look at my goodness I can't believe this this is absolutely look look guys I just picked this up more postcards more more and more it just keeps going and going I move all these papers off here which we've got all kinds of stuff look at this and let's look at this real quick this one's oh wow okay that's military as well so we're gonna gonna move all of this paper aside there is a look a couple of these things really quick look at that somebody actually saved pumpkin seeds maybe these were saved for aroma maybe they were saved for snack later I don't know but somebody's safe oh look at that Waggener where cast-aluminum that's an old juicer put the orange on or grapefruit or whoa look at this t-shirt that is Raggedy Ann no this looks like another plate or a pop holder or would it be a pot holder or you set a hot pot on there and then it doesn't burn anything that one looks really cool look hearts in it sweepers we have a box remember we're still gonna go through this - I have set it aside here let's see what's in this box we have oh yes we have an entire box of Victoire or Victoria Victoria for our high resale records for the old record players look at they're all in the door there they have there a paper sleeve and be careful the paper sleeves are so brittle I set those aside [Music] we've got some kind of up it's got some chips look at that see their chip chip no doubt still it meant something to somebody there's something here wait wait there's a couple somethings I don't know if that's stitch work or all like that railroad old railroad nails look at that the old railroad nails that's cool this is a book this is a scratch pad more paper notes scratch the vessel Hulk's down here let's take a peek jihad our our Gossie these are no way these are these are yearbooks you've got to be kidding me these are yearbooks here is a yearbook from 1939 1939 under that some pictures 1941 this is just there is so much history here okay there's some little odds and ends time to get down to business let's find out what's inside these okay we're gonna start with the National Bank but there is definitely something in here so we're gonna start with the bank bag here we go yes ready there's some in there it is there's a oh there's ago there is a hold money in here I see it look at this there's a couple things in here okay there is a new nixon penny and getting smaller and smaller there you go there's the money and [Music] the new Martinsville Bank full driving service all right these are left which one should we do first let's do this one first all right here we go the red one definitely something in there I can't hear anything here in three two one ah nothing in that one that we can tell except the note okay there's definitely something in here hear it in three how old that is two one what is it it's a hearing aid it is a hearing aid that could sometimes be more valuable than any Jules [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 43,280
Rating: 4.862 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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