FOUND KINKY TOY BAG I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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all right here we go let's find out what's in here oh my I'm back in Massillon picking up the $600 storage unit that I bought just yesterday now I got to work fast because everything's based on time here I've got four hours to load it get it out but we're gonna take some peek in some boxes do a little bit of unboxing as well and then we're gonna take it back to the warehouse and we'll finish the unboxing there this is gonna be exciting I can't wait to see what's in this unit and again if you want to continue to see what the Hales we find on a daily basis make sure you subscribe and hit that Bell icon what the tales are you waiting for [Music] I've got this unit for $600 there was sales tax on top of that $50 security deposit which we'll get that back afterwards so this was kind of one of the units that everybody wanted let's open it back up and let's find out what the hell's is inside this one is gonna be a good one quiver but it's not a quiver it's middle-earth war of the north right there Lord of the Rings Tolkien oh cool look at the hiss I found all of the fans no wait you're the fans you're the true fans but these fans will probably get $5 apiece for in the warehouse come summertime again so there's a good $20 right there so that's not too bad we're on our way to make them profit you guys are gonna believe this I can't even believe it because I didn't see it yesterday this is crazy I was just saying to everybody yesterday how we have not found swords in months absolute months I just moved some pillows out of the way nobody wants to see pillows right and what do I find under the flat-screen TV three swords I can't believe it this guy's a hobbit love and Star Trek II probably Dungeons and Dragons playing nerd I love nerds nerds know how to spend the money we're gonna see what those swords look like we got to go through the actual totes first to get to them now I'm gonna look at clothes this time because who the Hales knows what kind of vintage rock t-shirts could be on there anything this look cool we don't know with this unit like this this could be a vintage wow that's a buck shot this could be a vintage t-shirt that could be worth hundreds if not thousands I've got some slippers no oh I knew it is next one in the way this big barrel so let's just peek here I'll be a little bit careful looks like looks like we have another basket in the barrel now I particularly like getting garbage cans because that means I don't have to spend any more money these are great for sorting for garbage at the warehouse let's just load this one up and then we're gonna get to the bad boys I'm gonna pull the ladder out that's an aluminum ladder that's an easy 25 dollars but this is what I really want to look at right now let's see what we got here it looks like we have three of them now I'm out here all alone oh I found another weapon Wow wowzers that's a big weapon right there that one is a 42 deep so there's a slingshot let's get this out of the way very carefully yeah there's three of them here okay here's one right here check that out J not the coolest but still cool we'll set that right there man who who knows what we're gonna find this just gets better and better holy cow the whole belt and everything these guys must have been into roleplay I don't know what I just did to the camera but let's pull this sword out oh yes yes yes yes yes there we go check out the emblem there the sword there the sword there it looks like a piece actually broke off all right look at this one this is awesome this one looks much better this one looks like from Lord of the Rings doesn't it all right let's see let's find out for sure man I was just saying we hadn't found any and there we go three of them right there oh I love it I opened up a box just to see what was inside it said clothes has had moms clothes lingerie never did I think I was gonna find vintage WWF this is so cool look these are pants lounge pants WWF man no wait wait that's not even WWF there's Wonder Woman even better who doesn't need a Wonder Woman in their life I thought it was a WWF or my childhood how crazy this Wonder Woman from my adulthood we got to the TV it is a sharp but it needs a little cleaning so we got to clean that bad boy up I do have the remote as well so for that sharp TV I don't know that's probably a 30 something maybe a 42 I think we'd get anywhere from 75 to $100 for that hopefully on the upper end of a hundred dollars and not get our TV stolen this time that would be nice too so let's put a hundred dollar price tag on that just to be on the upper side this time around we got a portable air compressor tank here seven gallons so roughly 25 bucks in the warehouse we'll just sell that or we'll send it to auction one of the others still get 25 bucks look at this after I got some of the clothes out of here we've got a police public call box I'm not sure what it is or oh here we go or what's inside here we go let's find out together in three two well apparently my one is broke all right I'm doing this one-handed oh here we go all right now right now there's nothing in here but maybe this was set up somewhere for something maybe it has some value I'm not sure let me know in the comments below if you think this actually has some value or not I've got this side and back corner cleared out some cool stuff back here there you got a minion looks like some slippers what's this oh we got a bank we got a minion bank we'll just need the plug stop her oh it looks like they were saving up maybe for maybe for like an engagement ring maybe but look at this it's just boxes everywhere of cool stuff and I can't wait to see it all and look we also have dressers let's just see I can't get it open I wanted to see if there was anything in it but there's one too a matching dresser it looks like they repurpose look here look right here so here's a bag and we have Xbox 360 sweet just keeps getting better and better you guys see what I see in this the laundry basket I see another piggy bank and it's not just a piggy bank if that one says car the spongebob one says housing so plug is there I'm guessing I'm guessing they did not get the car I'm guessing they did not get the housing but they did get swords I was able to pull the first dresser out obviously they repurpose it let's take a peek we got 12 another man China I've got some jewelry but I don't see any markings we've got wire we dug through another hole and again kept boxes upon boxes I like this we have another drum so that's great news for us there's like a college dorm fridge and we'll look at that later but here's a Coleman cooler the extreme 5 it looks brand-new let's take a look this is never easy doing it by yourself but I've had to live with life learning to do everything by myself most of the time you're by yourself it's brand-new never been used that's an easy 25 dollars easy all right we got another dresser over here I moved that as well let's peek now there's some money there's 10 cents so that's getting us back we got an empty empty empty and empty that's not good I'm going through all these boxes actually I'm not going through them I'm actually just loading them we'll go through them at the warehouse but then I found this one DVDs and games and I had to get a connive and I just I had to know we've already seen the Xbox 360 I love retro games and make sure you always cut away from the sausage so let's find that yes yes yes yes all right even even original Xbox is good which looks like we've got it and the games are all PlayStation 2 crash nitro Kart okay that's cool so we got some PlayStation 2 original Xbox this is great there's Xbox 360 halo 3 we've got games video games for sure oh here we go now we're getting into the stuff all right fable fable 3 all right fable on Xbox 360 fable 3 fable anniversary those are good role-playing games here's everybody's favorite assassin creed brotherhood assassin creed rogue minecraft right there there's a fable to SAS and creed again this is great and you see Xbox Xbox Xbox 360 we got some great DVDs we always always always get DVDs oh there's a funny one that was funny that's pretty funny and this one there's blu-ray Star Wars Force awakens we're getting down to the last bits of it there is this really cool witting wooden crate and I have not opened it I want to open it I really do I think we're gonna save that crate for me going through it tomorrow at the warehouse and you'll probably see it on Monday in Monday's video so stay tuned because this could be absolutely amazing we're to the college dorm fridge hopefully hopefully 2014 hopefully it's not nasty let's see here we go and it's kind of stuck yeah it's not bad nice $50 absolutely $50 easily originally I thought this bag said Amy that's not Amy that's army so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna set it down here we're gonna get the tripod set up we're gonna see what's inside all set it definitely says army looks like we've got pet hair all over it as well not always the best thing kind of turns me off let's check the side pocket first wondering wondering what there's definitely stuff in there there's nothing on the side pocket let's see what's in here there is no there's nothing there either all right here we go let's find out what's in here oh my okay here we go all right this is climbing rope this this frankly I don't know what it is but this I do oh this is oh my goodness is a cat-o'-nine-tails this is a fetish bag oh this is a sex oh my I can't believe it this is a sex bag so this must be straps and this must okay so here's my goodness every single unit there's the blindfold here's rings for who knows what there's more straps here is the hot dripping wax I cannot believe this here is another whipping and fleshlight renewing powder this is a fleshlight renewing powder brand-new that's sealed it's not to be mixed up with a flash light there's more P cord mat man why why every single unit there's the baby oil even though it's leaking everywhere here is the tarp just in case things get way too messy here is more rope to tie people up with more rope to tie people up with oh man what is this I can't believe this alright curse I don't know what this stuff is I know George will know what absolutely all of this is I'm too pure for this stuff this is just crazy and more more candles for dripping wax these people cray cray cray [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 37,131
Rating: 4.8905473 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: t87gqGbs_Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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