PREPPERS SECRETS REVEALED / I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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very very interesting george i took the one gig flash drive and i have it hooked up to the laptop right now and this is why come on isn't even safe george i know i don't look it but i'm getting old i'm getting old and i'm getting tired you may be old but you're still immature and a kid and i'm fat p-h-a-t don't you forget it this is our last stop our last look at the hoarder prepper whatever i don't even know what you want to call it would be the it would be the duke's day prepper right hoarding of the preparing for the doomsdaying that is that dough so let's open her up one more time and let's see if we can finally find those pew pews we're at our first our first live auction in 2021 let's do this oh man this is insane that was crazy we've got some homework to do tonight this is insane our viewers always tell us make sure you check for bitcoin we have never ever found bitcoin and all of a sudden there's a possibility this is 21 is our year 2021 just might be our year i have a bad back here we go okay now we've got all of this out and loaded we still have to go through all of this i love i love our favorite totes are the black and yellow totes black and yellow black and white okay i'm gonna set this over here we're ending it with epic awesomeness this one's labeled pictures but i have a feeling anything and everything could be in there oh george are you seeing this what do you see remember i think she served in the military i think is this the navy flag this is i think we have a navy flag right there oh yes we have united states u.s navy look at that how cool is that that is pretty neat we got a giant american flag and u.s navy i'm going to set that over there while i okay that's all right grab this still haven't looked what's inside this case yet okay okay all right here we go i'm thinking ammo i'm thinking who the hell's nose this one's labeled and that one's labeled and [Music] that one this one's labeled cords oh yeah the laptop okay let's do this let's we got we got to get somewhere with this stuff so let's do this let's pull this out here all right let's see what we got we got a little bit of a volts oh some of the dvds might be in there that would be awesome actually i think they're probably going to be over there and all those totes but not seeing them we've got xbox one halo it's in there okay we got is this minecraft yep minecraft for xbox one in there okay nice now if you recall and only george will recall this but during the auction uh there was one individual he's like you can't sell any of those games it's all part of the tactic of bidding trying to get people to back down it was he and i bidding at the end and his wife told him nope no more at 600 we got it for 550 xbox 360. ultimate alliance 2 in there now one of the things that we make a lot of money off of video games lots and lots of money on video games gears of war in there and there as a matter of fact christian and patients have been listing a lot of the video games on uh our ebay which is ebay id what the hails all lower case one just look for what the hails and you can see a lot of the stuff that uh christian and patients have been putting up for bid video game systems look at this video games brand new new balance all right them are definitely some grandma shoes these are your shoes wide wide width available these are all for george now i have narrow feet these are 11's 11 wides these are for you i wear seven seven not eleven seven you will grow into them but my mama told me i'm done growing up let's see we got swifter we could definitely use that at the ranch this was probably for a motorized chair yeah okay we got let's see if planes isn't yeah this one's actually in there is that a dvd i don't know what that one is a simulator but yeah that's the dvd right there some of these need a little bit of cleaning remote control there's xbox xbox remote control wireless oh the xbox could be in here it very well could be you know what else could be in here underwear always the underwear that smells like dirty man-bun butt definitely smells like man butt or wet dog exact same smell just different identical yeah just different species um we've got a griddle in there there's definitely a griddle in here no xbox though but you know what it smells so much like man butt that i really i i think i'm done digging with the griddle when you start to fiddle with the main blood smell you know what i'm saying i know what you're saying same for sure there's like a ton of drapes there's even a part [Applause] it's like somebody just tarps some stuff together furniture care kit threw it all in here and boom okay so let's throw the drapes in there these these appear to be all brand new drapes we'll just set those aside let's find out what's in here okay so we've got we got tools that that's a 25 chisel right there wow okay so tools nice little tool set there we have something on here this is the battery charger i'm gonna use this to put my knee on whatever that is battery charger for something oh remember purple umbrella remember the um ella ella ella remember the prep kit that said mom yes and then we just found the piece to the mobilized wheelchair yes i bet your mom was in a wheelchair unfortunately wow okay we've got a little more packing tape more packing tape dibs on that all right george is calling dibs on the packing tape there's binder clips dibs you ain't getting these from me don't you haven't tried them they're all yours yeah you better believe they're all mine okay umbrella ella ella dibs really you don't even drink pop soda pop what do they call it down here a shred of privacy in my house northerners why do you have to share every aspect of my life floridians call it so why do you have to share every bit of my life with the viewers you're there maybe i do maybe i do drink you are the trans maybe i do drink pop you don't know you don't know me you don't know my pain better than you know yourself thunder stealer all right and looks like we got more drapes in there with the pepsi so we'll just uh is that where you store your pepsi why wouldn't you put that aside oh man lights just went out again what do you think i got you that's a bed for a dog that's a dark bed i i see you know or a rester for your kidneys well that's right when you're doing storage units empty bag there rubber we got some concrete pieces george what firearm muffler some more you know your protector three of them and another tab amazon kindle wow that one looks a little damaged that's three tablets so far and one laptop you think of what i'm thinking what are you thinking i'm thinking the firearms are in here the pew pews yeah they could very well be and there's two dressers we can go through all right let's just we've got the totes over there still too all right here's some cocoa powder foundation okay not sure what that is all right here we go here we go and tools uh the hardware not what i was hoping not as much as i was hoping for what's in this over here look at this hey hey now hey to the now is that your size that is it's your size why don't you tell me if it's my size or not it actually looks so good on you finally got the dressers uncovered can't wait to see what could be inside all right you ready i'm ready now i know i know at my home in ohio i will hide pew pews in the dressers and so we found cases let's see if we can find bam the rest of what's going on is it safe yeah it's safe measuring tape okay we've got science award uh we got universal studios she was a food service uh individual employee at universal there's slam let's see what's in here super x-men thorn some lanyards bam right there we'll share that sunday night or do you think we should just share it on this video it's up to you you know what let's share it on this video instead so this video will let you see exactly what's on here we find some of the most interesting and disturbing information we really do and hopefully we find some bitcoin because bitcoins look like 40 almost 50 000 right now so that's uh pretty good right there and anything there no not on just air in there i was checking the corner because a lot of times a lot of times the best stuff gets hidden in corners here we go web root internet security with antibiotics all right i didn't know preppers i didn't know preppers actually were on the web and that was a personal photo and then yeah look at this here i'm gonna back up for a second super dry packs this is this is what my cartridge is my ink cakes at home oh nice that just saves me 60 bucks all right i mean i only had to pay 550 to save 60. but you know the math all works out it all adds up at the end all right ah that was easy okay so here's what we're gonna do we've got one two three four five more totes in here and we have the thumb drive so let's load these up we'll go through these totes then we will get on the thumb drive so george didn't want to show this she thought they were tombstones i thought they were headstones headstones they're not this is actually a garden bench this is the base and then this sits up on the actual base so once i looked at it there's a bridge of memories from all of those from heaven above it keeps the dear ones near us in a bridge that we called love i'm thinking chicken coop aren't you yeah chicken coop or some more that yeah we can we can give this one to put it to use this is what oh man oh man i'm gonna say this is what we call service but she's about to toss me into toss me into a unit five more totes then we get to see who's on the memory card all right here we go ready to diggity dig dig is this why you were thinking that was a tombstone because we keep seeing things that say mem yeah like memory like maybe memory yeah okay or the dog i don't know i think this is just i think it's graduation oh no is that a cowboy oh no more cowboy it is it is definitely a cowbell apparently somebody was playing cowbell so in school all right um you know we'll do whatever we can to get personal items back but the the reality is is you leave them and then the storage unit facility tries to get in contact with the individual the individual never contacts back or they would have paid for it in the first place and it all ends up going to the landfill it's a sad process um but it is it is the process when somebody abandons and doesn't pay their bill that's that's just the reality of it we don't try and hide it it's the reality of it and we try our best to make the best of something that may not be the best oh my aching back we have not done this for a while okay it's been a while it's been like a month that's why you were thinking it again right memories yeah all right let's see what we got oh my goodness this is like a military military this is definitely military okay i'm gonna i'm gonna move that [Music] oh man this might be maps of service okay i know how to fold flags like that okay there they did pass away they did pass away so whoever this was did pass away i almost showed there okay don't worry i wasn't recording that part usns mercy so i'm a little confused right now because the lady was the prepper and we know she was the one in the navy as well i think her mom may have lived with her and her mom served in the military look at this do you think her mom was in the actual i think so she was the navy nurse at this oh my goodness george oh wow america stuff wow oh my goodness patch after patch after patch that's really cool navy patch boy scouts patch ontario patch oh my goodness that's pretty awesome talk about the history there oh man oh man do i see ammo yes you do and a lot of it okay this is all the paperwork all right this is remember the other plaque that we found uh-huh so this is navy this is communications department so that's the and that is not so if anybody goes oh well that's who it is no that's not who it is that's probably who gave the plaque and here is used ammo so these are these are empty cartridges empty blanks here but this probably meant something to this individual this is a memory from oh my goodness bullets maybe during a ceremony or something or during war or [Music] look at this george look at this this is military look oh man i'm devastated that there's hair all over it but man what do you think this one's gonna be this one is i saw a patch on the sleeve wow wow look at that korea this is the patch that i saw yeah he probably served in the korea war so that might be her grand her father's or her grandfather's probably served in the korean world as a boy scout how cool let's see what else is in here okay okay this says sports and appropriately titled as well don't you think we can use that as a rant well we need we need cords for everything and um you know anywhere and everywhere so we didn't bring but just a couple with us that we had in the in the camper and we've been using them over at the house so i'm pretty thrilled about this and i was thrilled about as thrilled as the other toad there what about pictures pictures well i'll let you take a peek before i show you want me to take a week or do you want me to take a week what don't look yet though yeah okay you gotta give me some time here we'll just look at the top of your head for now dun dun dun dun [Music] let's find out no no i don't okay so there's some cool stuff in here but it is it is all family photos now i cannot keep leaning over like that my back this business will destroy your back i mean you can set it up higher but you choose to do things the difficult way that's why i'm with you because you're difficult all right let's see what we have in here we have more logs rubber ducky you're the one you make storage units so much fun robert ducky you're the one for me you're such a weirdo my key okay we do have more locks so that's good so we can find the seat of that we'll add that to our storage unit collection if this is schrade i love schrade knives and no it's not this looks like a cheap knockoff but there's three more tins for you oh my goodness george oh my what what you're not seeing it i see something in a frame all right here we go okay it's gonna blow your mind look at this united states of america oh wow this is the nicest one we've ever seen before we find quite a bit that's in a frame fold it up like this but this one's got to be the nicest one that's definitely the nicest one we've ever seen and then we have more targets a bunch more targets wow what a hails of a unit this one had a little bit of everything let's go back let's check that flash drive let's see what's on that very very interesting george i took the one gig flash drive and i have it hooked up to the laptop right now it's it's safe you can swing around it is safe to look you this one is safe okay so usb drive e it's empty this one is empty now we've got another eight gig right here all right you better go over there i'm gonna okay i'm gonna toss this in that's that's odd that that's actually empty we don't usually get empties like that we still have this to go through too and i've had that on the charger so let's let's hit this one right here a lot of times we do this on our sunday night lives but we're just so um intrigued and this is why come on is it even safe it's safe so far it's safe so far you see this private now i have no idea if i'm gonna see privates or private information go go back there go back there because this could be really i'm gonna tell you come on back is there a reason come on back come on back come on back okay so it said private but it's his private file for the nintendo wii we're gonna open it let's put on extra and let's see what's on here oh you know what what you can take pictures of yourself on the wii right view extra large icons all right i think this is probably just all codes for the nintendo wii all right it was labeled private it was safe one more thing we had the flash drive we had the memory card i'll i'll just erase that later and then we'll we'll auction that off and then we have the kindle okay hey look at that it definitely charged powered on verify that your kindle is registered i don't even know how to verify that enter password i know what it is t w-h-a-t-t-a e h a l e dallasin and okay nope please try again okay we're gonna have to we're gonna have to look up on youtube how to hack into a kindle but we do have a working kindle we just don't know it looks like it's looks new to me we just don't know how to get we got to figure out how to system reset it too yeah how do i get in how to do something like that but yeah this looks great that's that's a really nice find right there very very nice this whole unit was a nice find [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 74,055
Rating: 4.9380293 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: xw0dJxGpNqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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