SHE GAVE IT ALL AWAY / I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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that's it competition's over i won i won we're in gainesville florida we're one of our super fans what's her name george lee anne leanne is gifting us she's restoraging the love to us not one unit but two units two two giant units i think we should have a little competition today don't you george i'm always up for some friendly competition all right we're gonna find out who can find more profit in their boxes today is it team jeremy or team george who's george me george i have that florida accent all right she went pull she went full floor didion on you bam [Music] we're here with miss leanne she met us at the u-haul facility leanne tell us the story and why you want to give us these units well my mom had a stroke in 2017 i quit my job took care of her she passed away in 2018. i'm so sorry and so she was 87 86 87 and my dad was 91. and he wasn't doing very good so you quit your job to take care of both mom and dad correct yes and then mom passed away um so it was just my daughter and i living there with my dad and my husband was still taking care of everything in our house so we were running two households and finally we decided it was just too hard to handle two households so we moved my dad in with me and so we had to clean out my dad's house and that was in 2018 and it's kind of been sitting here ever since my parents they didn't throw stuff away he passed away in february of 2020 yeah so and uh so we've been paying on this the whole time paying on two units and have tried to get rid of little things friends promised that oh we're gonna have a garage sale but they never included us yeah and we live way out in the country yeah we don't want anybody out there so and leanne you've been following our channel for quite some bit and you're familiar with our restorage the love movement correct so this is leanne's way of restorating the love to us and we really appreciate you thinking of us yeah i love you guys i love what you do we've been restoring the love all week and now we have so we we were able to restore the love to kathy with eyesight and then with robbie which uh we took we took the hawk smash and some trails for him got smashed and now leanne's returning and restoring the love to us we thank you so much well i'm a hugger liam can i get a hug absolutely oh we appreciate you ladies first so i'm gonna go first let's open her up oh and now i'm gonna get a box i'll bring it out here we'll see how much profit i can get and then we'll switch that's uh hails of a lot of boxes all right leanne help me out i thought wait hold a second i thought we were going to rename u-haul to you hails yeah but that's pretty mature we're not there either oh okay not there yet okay am i allowed to get leanne's help and for her to tell me which box to choose i think that's cheating because she probably knows better what's in the boxes i'm sure leanne can help you as long as leanne you helped me pull this box out but this box doesn't count it's empty that one doesn't count yep that's your box my turn it's pretty obvious oh okay that was leanne's box so she she claimed that box all right i'm gonna go for this one right here that's a big old box let's see all right let's see what she's got here all right it's not very heavy it's not very heavy where's your knife it's in my back pocket oh i have a feeling i'm winning already we do need uh throw pillows on the couches true so we could this will match this will match true um you do need i do need an electric blanket we may use some of this stuff for the ranch look at that uh-oh uh-oh i don't know was that tebow that's tebow all right that actually that might have some value leanne that actually might have some value there uh-oh some more florida gators stuff actually do you want to tell everybody what was down in our creek yesterday in our creek yesterday did you see one dun dun dun a baby gator but we didn't see it brett and teresa yeah we didn't see it they took it was the baby one it was the little one oh yeah [Music] love it you know what that'd be a nice shirt for me to wear a little mid-drip yeah or rob let's give it to robbie robbie can wear that actually he would love that that would highlight his dad bod pretty well highlight the dead highlight yeah absolutely okay crop t-shirt all right oh this looks like a comfy hoodie that's the end of the box all right so far your profit margin zero what yeah because i want to keep it all what are you doing jeremy cheating i'm actually i'm actually trying to make sure i win now i see silver what are you looking for this box look at that silver that'd be a good box that's heavy too that's really heavy you don't want to go for the silver i don't know if i want to go for the silver are you looking for gold bars i'm just i'm just looking oh man so much to choose from yeah there really is there is i for sure thought you'd go after the toy chest since you love your toys that's here yeah actually you know what that's uh probably what we're gonna have to do that way we can uh make some elbow rooms all right little tykes here so this is the old toy box who's was this liam this was your daughter's your daughter's how old is she now she's 14 14. let's see if your daughter had good taste love bug never seen that before um well we got another gator gator that's always good and some kind of whistle thing here that was a stranger danger whistle is that what it was yeah all right let's see well here's something there's uh that would be a book cover right that's for junior that's a book cover strawberry okay so strawberry shortcake if you can find the old original strawberry shortcake yes uh dowels yeah and yes i did say dowels in the package those are still pretty collectible yes they are so this one is american ingredients yeah they came out with strawberry shortcake what's the 2008. so that's a little bit more contemporary clean probably with alcohol the the book oh the ink yeah we got mickey mickey there's mickey that one did make some money we got that thing there definitely do a plush lot okay we got a crazy monkey reminds me of robbie's lemurs okay let's see let's see we've got we got a little bit of uh home depot the home depot nascar we got some wrestling here the animal animal you're an animal yeah i said it we also have is that cabbage patch we're at we're at this right here that's naked baby that's what that is isn't he a cabbage patch though no that is creepy naked baby that's what it is but most of them stayed naked and i think i think there was some diaper doodoos going on there too [Music] i still think with this strong start that i just had i'm killing you you may be in the lead mr jeremy but i'm gonna catch i'm a little concerned about you two ladies cheating look leanne just showed us this check this thing out what was that uh something police would carry beaten stick now that was your great grandfather this is my grandfather's and she tried to give it to george so that she could beat me in this competition so i'm a little concerned right now at the cheating um there is a lot to choose from there is quite a bit but a ton of fishing poles but i can't my arms don't reach that far yeah so i think we only have so much time i think i'm going to grab this box you're going to get the church box you're going to take me to church yes that's odd because you won't go with me but now you're going to take me with you uh-huh right underneath the towels box do you think um oh look at this box of lance stuff a lance right now the wall art is taking george out and then but that's okay because she'll fall on the towels leanne is everything is everything labeled uh appropriately that you're you think maybe okay oh don't worry about it knife we don't we never use a knife we're anti canife this is more fun manhandling we're anti-connives all right here we go now leanne your father was an elder in the church right yeah okay let's see what we have here we have the joy of gardening i definitely don't have a green thumb what are those those are my brothers and mine oh those are the old report cards report cards look at that look at that these aren't church these are pictures yeah you're going to want to hold on to those for sure and the report cards let's see we've got mastering largemouth bass some of that might not be church but it was in the same area buying fish anywhere anytime freshwater fishing secrets okay uh i will be publishing a book mastering largemouth ethnic women uh that will be coming soon uh being published by who's who's my publisher george who is your publisher oh the chicken okay published by the chickens okay 37th avenue church of christ from oh that's probably all the information yeah yeah for the church here's some jigs that's a squid look at that that's a little a little squid jig uh the fencing contractor who came out to the property today told me that cedar key is filled absolutely filled with shark he said all the shark come in there to to have babies he said this time of year if you want to catch shark go over to cedar key look at this hurricane tracking chart i see that it's got to be worth something my husband i see that a little hammerhead out there a little little baby hammerhead that's what the guy today was telling me is like they catch baby hammerhead left and right for reals they go out um looks like more paperwork like that they go out every year oh look at that look at the old razors those were grandpas yeah wow look at those old races i once sold one of these for 75 dollars very cool yeah okay what's in there then if it's grandpa's razor set oh george may have me here because that looks like that might be that might be gold yeah that's possibility you think it is leanne why are you putting gold in a storage unit everybody always wants to know why do people put valuable things in the storage unit there's a metal oh look at that look at that so this is grandpa's okay where where did grandpa serve what was he doing i want to say he was in the army okay my dad was in the navy there's an old i'm sorry the air force there was an old old cake right there and then i bet you i bet you that's gold yeah my grandfather was a small man so that looks like a class ring now you said he was a police officer right yeah what does he do williston police department okay do you see any markings on it you'll have you've got the better eyesight that's true it's the lasik eyesight let's see hmm it feels like 10k this is 10 karat gold leanne that's 10 karat gold that was my grandmother oh look at that college of this this wasn't grandpa's it's not this was grandma's this is college of women florida state then that would have to be my grandmother that was grandma's 10 karat gold it's not it's not expensive gold but it's still gold my mom went that's it that's all that's in there jacksonville all right i'll give you i'll give you a little bit of uh street cred for finding the gold wait this which no you're done you're done remember i thought it was paperwork yeah it is paperwork but look wait you're done look closely you were done that's it competition's over i won i won leanne what are who collected these my brother i can't even talk so how many are oh my goodness look at that so it's he collected money from all around the world then he did he would collect um paper money and coins and very cool we do the same thing so we we find a lot of this in storage units all the time and uh then we keep a collection honestly the collection of all the foreign money it goes to my oldest daughter awesome she gets it all um look at that oh my goodness that one looks so cool i didn't have the time i don't think i've seen this i messed with any of it so leanne um to all the people out there that say that people never leave money in storage units or gold what would you have to say to them right now there's proof there's proof and yeah we thought we got a lot of this stuff out but we packed up really really quick that's what happens people pack quick it goes in storage and we put my dad's house on the market it sold within three days wow and yeah we didn't have but like two two and a half weeks to get everything cleaned out and that's how you get everything in a storage unit oh this one's not even labeled that could be a little bit of anything and everything her her grandparents and parents lots of antiques uh-huh this one's not labeled that could be antiques um i bought a lot of stuff and it never even got used a lot of things we found that were still in the original packaging oh wow well hopefully i can find that right here who needs a knife when you can just manhandle everything see what we have i changed my mind you see this one you did what now i changed my mind i don't think so really because you change your mind every moment of every day and now all of a sudden i'm not allowed well i have it on film that you change your mind every moment of every day all right let's see what we have here let's see what we have here we have one ball of paper tape all right oh leanne this is usually a really really good sign so usually when we find when we find coin rolls we find actual collectible coins oh yeah it never fails i think we definitely have some family uh projects here yeah there we go they're looking they're looking down a well for timmy timmy fell down the well timmy can you tell what that is uh is that a chicken leg that is a chicken leg how creative there's a chicken he put a chicken leg my friend did that okay we've got baby shoes liam's gonna want that first bland you're probably gonna want these too right yeah i might change my mind on this box again oh there we go there we go right there we've got a really cool that's a homestead miami um six oh six homestead man scale diecast we got a die cast in there do you guys do a lot of races we haven't in many years so here's the cool part about going through a storage unit with the actual owner we get all of the story we don't have to guess right we don't have to look through all the paperwork and be like oh well here it is and here it is what happens we actually are getting the story i think this is going to be a lot of paperwork if it says ronnie it's probably more pictures more pictures more pictures okay family photos and i bet you what let's see pray more pictures who's that oh come on who is that that kind of looks like you is that you when i had hair you still have hair well i know what you mean who was throwing darts at this [Applause] yeah well we know what george is going to do with this board now i'm going to switch the picture over to your license i'm gonna take a photo of your license plate you do see why ex-boyfriend brother ex-girlfriend ex-girlfriend that makes a lot of sense very old so jeremy's gonna take it and put a picture of me right in the bull's eye and then george is going to flip it over and put a giant picture of me right there i know what you i know what you're going to do george you very funny jeremy are you cheating this is the original first box i actually the original instead look at that there's a blonde in there check this out you see how uh we haven't had a knife we've found two connive so far and neither of them will be used today no but look at this look at this this that's ralph lauren which maybe there's a watch nope no it's the case itself yeah that could be collectible and i've sold many many watch boxes oh these are old you know what these are passports no no no these are old bank loans these are your banks all the bank books and people collect classes look at these are so stinking cool look at that the funnest part is to see what the original mortgage was back in the day so it looks like oh this is just the account this is how much money they had in the account how cool i don't know if that was my appearance or maybe it was grandparents maybe grandparents yeah because i should i actually should have started with this oh how and you might find see that's what you get for cheating i wasn't cheating i was making an executive decision look at that leather leather wallet and if that was her brother's then you know what's going to be in here and that was my grandfather oh look at that that's your grandpa yeah that was my mom's he was an honorary he was an honorary deputy deputy sheriff check look at that out she's so handsome that was an elephant look at that look at all that hair i don't like the way that blonde chicks looking at me she can look at me then all right let's see what we have here the complete guide to the girl scouts who was in the girl scout my daughter i was too but girl scout cookies sound so good right now you know what oh i might have just found some girl scout cookies samoas are my favorites well look at see these are all the fun things where they get a little tin and they throw everything leanne we're not gonna find anything that your kids don't want us to find are we spongy sponge that's garbage but that's how i used it when i was younger i would take off my fingernail polish oh really yeah you could you put a little piece of sponge in there and then fill it up and then poke your finger in there yeah now they sell it that way yeah now they sell it that way look at this dude that could have been your million dollar idea here we go here we go i just opened this little this little trinket box oh i love that box that's cool and oh yeah that that's money that's seven cents right there not only seven cents jewelry that looks like all that looks like cotton it's costume jewelry some high-end costume jewelry though it's the antique this is going to be more contemporary so there's there's like a giant fly that's cool giant fly i actually i really i should have been in this this box instead and then well this box should be it should have been mine since you already went through your box no no you have to pick your own box because you and leanne are cheating mm-hmm let's see what do we have this is you guys see it here first look at this we got a card jeremy be cheating i wasn't cheating we can start a card lot you guys you guys were cheating helping each other out not telling me where the money was and there it is it's right there seven bad oh cents that you you and your brother the pixie haircut oh my goodness show it down this way because my camera can't focus that's terrible oh wow [Laughter] she was all ready for the school dance leanne found all of her old band photos and you were in the gator band as well look at that look at that oh wow that's when i was a brownie oh the brownies were you ever brownie or were you just my brown sugar mama here we go i was a browns fan all right your turn to get a box all right no cheating i'm gonna get in between these two this time because they're helping each other that's the one that said silver that i've set up there so i think i'm gonna go for this one or should i switch it up and do something else i don't even think you're strong enough to lift that up it is heavy don't worry i won't ask some of that stuff i packed way way heavy and i caught heck from my husband's uh-oh because he was the one that had the problem he had to move it all huh all right i'm gonna go for this little guy okay and oh she's dropping stuff out already look at that is that an old battery bathroom boxes are the best batteries you remember the last time we found a bathroom box it was just filled with jewelry yeah yeah they usually are bathroom beats battle star galactica that's what i think you're gonna find in there do you want the old timers and we can put them we can put them in a night light lot for george yeah that'll work there's mostly pictures in here we'll just throw them right here in george's box leanne's taking all the family all the family photos and everything and something leaked are you sure it wasn't you yeah oh look at that there's another tooth there is another tooth a little fun fact when people ask us what's the weirdest thing you've ever find in storage units we always say teeth not anymore it's rosanna's bush now that's what that was the weirdest thing this would have been my brother oh did you just find coins in there so cool so that's that was your brother's coin collection oh that was probably when he was younger boy scouts right there that's canadian i have no idea i don't know about that one we find a lot of this in storage units that looks that's chucky chucky cheese yeah we did go there look at that nickel that was a nickel that got totally fine yeah very cool that looks german or dutchland i might be wrong on that somebody's gonna correct me into one two three chuck e cheese chuck e cheese you can never have enough chucky cheese tokens oh so chuck e cheese is still yeah i know where we're going afterwards chuck e cheese what'd you find followed by dave buster's there's a better place than chuck e cheese well you guys like uh barbecues right uh we can't get enough all right is that even a question you've never even had ribs oh this sounds like it's biblical now it's good it's definitely it sounds biblical adam gave his ribs cleaning supplies some caulk is this a nose here trimmer actually you could yeah i win i win you need that you should use that right now right now let's see if the battery store if the batteries are working the battery's not working you that's storage unit life though you have to pack up quickly get it in and that's how we find the things that we find we always have plans to come back and do it i see what i'm going for what are you going for i'm going for the money and you know with my bionic eyes that i typically can find it before you can so i'm just gonna have to move a few look at all the fishing poles back there there's there are a lot of fishing poles leanne who was the fisher [Music] leanne's dad loved to fish when we were younger my dad used to take us to lake erie all the time and we would fish we'd catch walleye we would catch perch [Music] there might be something good there in this brown toe it's labeled driplock oh my goodness there's some awesome stuff hiding back here okay this is this is what i wanted this is what i wanted bionic eye always sees the best stuff you ready uh-huh and three two come on down try and tell me i wasn't right um maybe i wasn't right right there a heating pad there's a heating pad that's you need that for your bad back because we all know you have a bad bath baby baby shoes baby shoes more baby shoes those are probably mine oh those are mine napkins all right i think i might have just got the kitchen appliance tote the popcorn popper nice that still works and it's good love love popcorn poppers oh wait wait there's some cards what are those okay i bet you these are race and nascar cards now i want m m's now i want a cat over the hulk um you're trying to get rid of the hawk i want a dozer i need a dozer i keep breaking the hawk you better not say you want a course there you go more eminence let's get to that card let's see what's in this box right here let's see it is a oh god do i know what it is i have no idea do you know what that is that is you know how you get fruit flies or gnats in your house yeah it's a fly trap it is oh really yeah interesting you put it you put a piece of fruit in there and it traps them in you can put some some type of bait in there that you i there's no apple cider vinegar apple cider vinegar works great you can do that too and i still do that to this day but that'll trap them and they can't get out look at that when you don't know what something is the original owner does ownership you just asked they're like yeah this is what it is this is so much easier we don't have to rely on the on our viewers to tell us it looks like this owner's right here she was like you hear when i first found it she was you know what that means there's something crazy hidden in here what do you got your eye on now i was eyeballing this box right here yeah because it's little because it says small and it's small and it's my size fun size but leanne's getting the cookies she's ready to she's ready to slice it whoever boxed this did a really good arts and crafts time got some fall decorations whoa whoa whoa this is more than arts and crafts welcome look at this that's a treasure chest that's a full treasure chest hidden in there first aid kit we've been finding all kinds of first aid kits let's see if it's really in there though it is there it is rescue breathing my brother was um upper management with mcdonald's corporation yeah he ran like five stores and pictures looks like yeah pictures i see a princess in there [Music] no no points no money for you in that box you'll probably want this we're going to restore the love back to you and give you that yes absolutely has to take falling apart so i really don't think you have to take the pictures you have to take the pictures the first aid kit i'll need this after we leave because george is gonna rip me a new one so i'll need that this i'll definitely need out this this i i gotta have that i need that first aid i finally got back to where i needed to be this has got to be one of the coolest things ever check this out careful wow this is a prototype leanne's grandpa was the inventor no man's grandpa was the inventor of the unicycle this was the prototype for the original patent unicycle unfortunately because of the uh because of the pain that it caused here in the nether regions it didn't go off real big like you thought it was going to but with the correct alterations the unicycle became a big big big deal on all college campuses across the united states another million dollars another million idea but that was that was the beginning of it right there that's the beginning of it super cool honestly that that's like an outdoor decor well you know what it is what is it unicycle prototype no leanne previous owner is saying no you are wrong mr hale it's just like everything i say on youtube somebody corrects me you know that's how he would dig his rose for when he would plant his garden right there so it's the old the old cloud right there and he would tear it all up and get it flattened out and then my version was more exciting i still get a box don't you dare don't you dare turn that thing off i get a box i don't think i'm getting one whether you say you're nice you guys see it here jeremy's cheating on right here i'm getting i'm getting this one right here the one that says silver that you couldn't lift this is my box right here oh oh this is what lean just said i've been beaten she said this should go to jeremy i've been beaten kicked lied to cussed out swindled taking advantage of the laptop but the only reason i hang around this place is see what happens next that is so stupid is that not scream fomo it does that is so stinking true that's so fomo oh my gosh fear of missing out look at this okay so a lot of this this is going to be silver plated over brass or copper or any other kind of metal base metal but it's still beautiful beautiful stuff now the value isn't there if it's not solid silver but it's really really cool stuff and since uh leanne's family were such collectors there could be there could be something in here that it actually is solid silver i'll have to take a peek here i'm not seeing any markings there but look at the patina there yeah you can definitely see the patina so pretty i don't think that that one goes to that one but here's another piece here see that there she would polish it up and keep it she would polish it keep it pristine oh wow look at this they took the uh there wasn't that much that was solid so yeah yeah and they left so there's probably oh i almost i almost dropped that entire area there so you've got so sentimental things like this whether that's going to be that's cake cutter right uh-huh okay so it's engraved so that's gonna be sentimental to the family even though there may not be much value to a reseller such as us but but people hold on to that all the time in storage units because this was probably part of their wedding cake would be my guess just to guess leanne can tell us if i'm wrong or is he right or wrong because i was apparently dead wrong on the unicycle he's like why'd you have to correct her that looks like the cloth that polishes this polishing yep silver and gold polishing yeah still not terrible but they clean them right up yeah they'll clean right up i think you got a full full set of flatware right there full set of flatware yes it's plate well that i don't know if that's plated yeah it's not even plated but still when you don't have a spoon or a fork that's that's the good stuff to go for right there this is how much money are you giving me for this box you're asking me yeah you you took away my patent on the unicycle you're definitely in the lead if that's what you want to hear gotcha a great one for you gonna stick to a small one a small box you're still going with the smalls yeah i can carry them all right nobody got time to pull their bags you know as bad as my back has been i think we've made time for it we got going on here she's ripping she's slicing she's dicing and boom we're in we're in leanne's going crazy she's like why do these idiots not have knives they never have canives uh leanne i'm gonna tell you a little secret that's part of our recipe never have a knife that's that's what makes us so successful and now you figured it out all right we got a steaming heating tray okay i've never seen one like that tons of decorative napkins we could always use napkins around the ranch special convection oven oh yeah thank you i don't even remember what it was oh there's recipes in here i'm guessing all you got was vintage air that's what i'm thinking you got vintage air there cutting board you think that i can use this to dice uh fruit and vegetables for that cyprus for the chicken these are my favorite i came from whatever oh you can use this for your hot flashes works as a cutting board yeah you can use that as for your hot flashes then i'm winning all day more cutting boards all right you're still in the lead jeremy in the lead in the lead i won you totally won [Music] [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 51,099
Rating: 4.9230008 out of 5
Id: rqhefyqFQ6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 44sec (2444 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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