ABANDONED LUGGAGE OPENING I Bought A Storage Unit Locker Auction Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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okay you guys ready here we go it's time to find out what the Hales we can find in the rest of the $600 unit that we got Maslin now George is up with her son Joey north and Ohio Joey heads out for the military today we're excited very first member of the family serving in the military that's an incredible thing so Joey we thank you for your service and no doubt you're gonna want to thank him as well today we're gonna see if we can still make some profit and remember if you're not subscribed yet what the Hales are you waiting for many of you've actually said who are subscribed that you're not getting notifications that little Bell click on that Bell unclick on that Bell click on it again and YouTube notifications should correct for you make sure you hit all notifications when you do just like this [Music] okay is this alright here we go let's find out what's in here oh my you know what you guys should open there's a box back there labeled in honor of Joey leavin today for the military and since it's actually his mom's George's favorite thing we're gonna do abandoned luggage there are three suitcases in here it's still gonna go through all this though and then I promise we'll get to this we're gonna get to it we're gonna find out what's in that abandoned luggage this one is labeled books glasses fragile looks like it's definitely books okay now George says I don't like the books but alright this is a clan book vampire than men all right this is this is role-playing so that was bought for nine dollars these role-playing this is exactly what I thought we were gonna find in this unit because nerds spend money right there star wars role-playing game right there yes okay if we can find boxes of this this is gonna be incredible this is what we want look at that more Star Wars role-playing game right there what do we have more Star Wars yes role-playing games okay I'm liking it well this the thing that we found the other thing the maze that was a couple days ago orphans survival God guide I apologize guide Book of Shadows that's for the game as well we've got goals fatal addiction this is all role-playing that's how to draw drawl this was it like dull and potentially drawling is that like dahling there's some money in here for sure there's some money in here I don't know why but I always find these little especially when they're taped these little hope things fun to go through and mostly because it's like going through somebody's junk drawer which sounds pretty weird anyway why would anybody want to go through some of his junk drawer but the reality is is there's usually some pretty cool junk I had to edit some things out because there's just way too much personal information showing but look at all of these cards now I'm gonna go through those off-screen and I'll show you what was actually on them what we pulled out but for example here's a Walmart one and that's good news here's a Hobby Lobby actually I'm just gonna show you right now there's a Hobby Lobby here's here's a Dunkin Donuts perks card hopefully there's something on there here is hustlers Hollywood there's wild card here's the Kroger so we got some good stuff there let's see what's in Jordan number two and then I cut that oh I didn't cut both sides upper hand lower okay there's a lot of personal information in that last one so we got to be we gotta be careful all book about tape there too all right we got tape everywhere holy cow well they definitely taped a shot good all right let's go I think I already see a magic trick do I the bright bugs magical flies from one hand to the other a green light flies to the hint this looks cool this would be so cool to do for George's George's and nephews I'm probably gonna hold on to that okay oh here's another one look at this here's another one so I don't have to figure this out so there's two of them don't know how it works yet but I'm gonna learn some magic I guess in preparation a bit too bold Oh Oh feel the pain I feel it okay we got paperwork what's this tone accessories something here all right that's us phone all right let's see what's in door number three see if this won't open of course uh-huh okay that tape is stronger than me that's some good tape okay so here's what I can see now I can see there's X Box right there there's a remote for the Xbox we gotta get that back with the Xbox so there's probably gonna be more Xbox stuff down here it's like we got to Liz there's a box in there we got to get it out somehow I'm just gonna have to dump and see where it's getting hung up right here it's getting hung up down here on the bottom we're stuck in here look okay I must have been for the gaming and what's this oh definitely computer gaming they were into it Dave while I work on boxes Gwen is actually going through clothing and what you find look at that we're 90 cents richer right there that's not too bad but I missed some things in the stair light so here's the things I missed okay this is a hard drive back up so I have two hard drives right here that's gonna be interesting this is an Amazon giftcard bookmark how much $50 we'll save that for our gift card cashing in we've got a expect Xbox one damn central gift card Zippo lighter and all of you guys probably know if you buy Zippo you send it in they'll take care of it free of charge to fix it but what else sixteen gig flash drive and micro SD we're gonna have a lot of stuff to go over Sunday night livestream 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time we share with you what's on these things it ought to be a hails of a good story this isn't the normal type of thing I would go through except all right let's be honest there is a little bit of candy in there and normally I would go through that but I saw at the bottom that it looked like there was a box because this is clear that's a dandy I was looking to see if that was actually a build-a-bear oh there we go uncle sy okay all right so really oh there we go here we go double-barrel slingshot right there I swear I saw I saw a box down there because the tote is clear and I wanted to know what was in the box cuz a lot of times yes these people seem to be hiding a lot of stuff a lot of places some air freshener that's called shimmer okay here it is here it is yes okay it is this is what I saw in the edge and it's Jordan all right let's see three two one well that was a disappointment okay but there could be here here here here here stuff your stuff this looks like a jewelry box there is alright let's find out no that's smooth they were keeps aching and here tickets okay there's jewelry here clay we definitely have jewelry is this I don't see I don't think that's silver all right we definitely have a lot of stuff in here actually I don't think that's look at this handful of it right here it's off to go through and see what's silver what it I'll look at this how cool is that the sailing and the anchor charm right there that's cool I love that my my bedroom is all nautical themed that's really cool and is it 9:00 to 5:00 but I don't see it anywhere it doesn't look like it could be if I find anything else cool in here I'll let you see it afterwards in preparation of getting to the actual luggage here's a satchel a Highland it looks like it's brand-new here is the actual 15 inch canvas messenger it retailed for $29.99 it looks brand-new but it's obviously used because there's stuff in it so I can't wait to get in the luggage let's peek in here look at this somebody stuffed a lot of stuff in this satchel what do we have here hock optics and they're in there they are they're in there I wonder how much those are worth we're gonna have to look those up but that's like the amber you know protect you from the UV ray UV rays or whatever people call those things nowadays there we go I'll wait I thought it was a gift card it's just uh it's a reward card well even if there's some Reed Ward's on it maybe we could cash it in I have about 2,000 triple-a batteries at the house that have all come from storage units it's getting old finding them there's a body spray there you go there's another $5 right there with the tools more hot hands use those to warm myself up at night it goes right in the bed cuddle right up against them here is some kind of mobile something mobile well I'm sure plugged in and you did something with it here are okay here we go here are the earbuds that we found the package for a day or two ago and now there's the actual earbuds which there's all kinds of things that in here Direct TV who puts this in their purse or their satchel H HDMI cables or something here something or some know if there's anything in there or not nope that one's empty okay starting here oh I am sick right now definitely have a head cold I might keep those just for that yeah there we go we got money and hopefully we have silver and we have collectible money do you see it all alright in the comments below sandwich baggie how much do you think is actually in this sandwich baggie here's the deal alright stole that from storage stalker and from Justin Grimes from Grimes finds because well just because so like Justin because so here's the deal whoever guesses the closest whoever guesses the closest to how much is in here and by the way there's one dollar pieces in there as well will win this entire bag of money and we're gonna announce the winner on the last Sunday of October 's livestream will announce the liver winner then and whoever's closest wins all the money put your guesses down in the comments below definitely time to get into the abandoned luggage that's what we have left but before we do check out this lamp super cool look at the bottom of it okay it is Holland mold now I don't see a date but I think it's really cool I'm gonna have to look this up and see what it actually is worth let's get into this abandoned luggage gotta say this is a pretty fancy pattern always remember keep your gloves on I like to go through the outside sleeves first oh we got something I got something here we go here we go handmade glass jewelry glass brothers oh look at that look at that eye of the beholder Wow like a dragon eye that's kind of cool okay here we kind of go got it what do we have we've got a trio talent search Ninja Turtles ninja turtle goggles that could be good but birthday cards okay this looks like all personal stuff I'm gonna have to go through this individual okay definitely definitely got clothing got milk I got a feeling there was some milk in there that was a gallon all right we got clothing we got this thing okay what did you see this what is that it's like a secret wand for little girls to do magic with I pronounce you in love with me are you maybe I don't know all right we have oh wow look at this do you guys see all the metal here let me let me scroll down let's just get a closer look here let's get into this okay I'm not sure what that is oh you and what these are these are for spit wad wars just spit wad okay nitin cold got all kinds of jewelry I see all kinds of jewelry got a marking there - can you tell nine-to-five I'm pretty sure that's 925 I got a feeling we're gonna hit up Jack pie here oh I'm gonna set that aside I don't mean to be disrespectful I just need to get out of the camera oh here we go there we go all right there we go George would be all over this right now I just pooped myself don't tell her we'll keep that our secret okay there's a Avon should you wish man I didn't even know they came in that many colors all right we've got look at that look at that beautiful crystal elephant I bet you that's actual gold inlay on that - oh that makes more sense now she collected elephant trunks see it's the same thing right there all right got a lot of jewelry definitely have a lot of jewelry yep but here look at all this okay and I'm seeing silver - I'm definitely seeing silver this is this is great this is really great that doesn't look like a gold chain but here here here II it's kind of gross my goodness she loved her elephant trunks who does it right okay we've got some connives we've got guitar picks more elephants and all kinds of all kinds of jewelry and stones down here that actually might be gold alright that was pretty actually pretty cool less tiger's eye alright let's get in the next one let's see if we can be the tiger eye of the beholder of treasure number two let's make a little noise here we're going three two I know you want to know was then you're just like here we go okay let's see we got reminiscing through the decades we've got finger moustaches actually this would have been incredible for that episode that George and I did talking with our hands we've got the music harmonica I got the blues [Music] we got a Samsung touchscreen phone dr. dot famous faces we have the New England Patriot cheerleaders we got a ton of autographs okay hopefully that's worth something we've got more autographs from geo cities calm Broadway and the Laker Girls so there's that got a butterfly in there look bandhans their luggage like this there's a this seems I think that goes in the army back there we from the kink bag the that had all the stuff in it oh man we just found more kink wax strippers and oh my goodness look what's in there there's a memory card okay again Sunday night we're gonna look at it all Sunday night be there or don't find out what's on there New England Patriots I think Browns play them next some P chord time people up that wasn't the only thing they were using MP right there here we go we got a Samsung gear s2 classic empty unfortunately whoo look at that look at that George would go crazy for that we best not tell her about that we'll send that to Grimes there's another one there's the zombie killer check that out the zombie killer it's pretty cool here's an army belt look at that u.s. army that's a sweet belt Hey something was in this box oh it just fell out it was this watch that's what it was okay here here's a book a soldier's handbook so ayiti I'm not sure what I eat E is maybe you guys know what it is oh okay well okay that's a piggy bank will hold off for that there is some kind of boat okay and another little pocket connive we've got it's like another German mug with keys so maybe we'll actually find some keys and it looks like we got some stats mate we got an l GV and nothing baby there you go okay we got a disc so we'll hold on to that what suckers just in case I got a Dale Earnhardt the Intimidator we got a common task skills 94 oh that's a soldier's manual yeah let's see can we get this open let's see we can we can't okay I don't see any dollar bills and I don't have the flash on right now so you can't actually see huh there you go there that's how much is in there I'll have to count this all later all right it's getting dark so I got the lights on out this is another bandage see what we got in three two and here we go oh maybe this is the original Trapper Keeper 1991 The Meat Company from what I've heard the old Trapper Keeper oh oh dungeon and Dragons okay this is exactly what I thought we would find in this unit and here you go here you go we're gonna have to price all of this we're we're gonna have to price every bit of it and some of this I've sold some of these manuals for hundreds I've seen some sell thousands and what I was beginning to say is some of the old Trapper Keepers are collectible now oh look at this connives look at that the World Encyclopedia of connives let's open one up for George she'd be all about that right there for sure so there's some knives we've got we've got Oh ghosts true encounters with the world beyond man out of dick look all right ghosts we've got the US Army Engineering Center for you Fort Leonard so that kind of stuff in there we there you go you got the King James Holy Bible right there got that right there and under it we got we got green witchcraft number two we've got a pentagram we've got green witchcraft number three and we've got a green witch there you go there I don't know why people put this stuff all together all the time look at this we got here's the Wiccan Bible so we actually had the Bible and the wicked Bible those two do not mix they don't play well together see what else we have yeah this is what happens fireworks explosive those don't mix together at all that's kind of cool I have to try those up tonight look at that pokemons that's got to be worth something there looks like a charger I'm gonna try and look that up here's another le font Edyta fault I'm gonna put that put that in the collectible Ben it'll be fine there we got an Asian pouch when there is something down here another another memory card all right that's another one that's another one for Sunday night okay look this looks Asian - okay it's taped okay you guys ready here we go guys look at the dirt and the dust in the sky vehicle there's got to be gold in here there's got to be gold in here look at this how old this stuff is whoa what's this is that gold this looks like that might be gold it definitely looks like that might be gold I think I just dropped a piece of punch the app that looks like gold to I think I just dropped the gold pendant this looks like jewelry Wow all right I'm gonna I'm gonna have to take this crap you guys know what happens when I get excited I start dropping stuff everywhere okay let's just open it and just see if they're gonna find any gold and silver if we can get it open okay look at it that looks like sterling right there that looks like sterling I think there's some gold pieces in here for sure and there's definitely some sterling in here Wow okay gonna have to take that home for sure we're gonna have to deal with that to go through that with a fine-toothed comb we're gonna bangles hat we got a doctor who's something or other okay doctor who we've got a Seuss Susie Susan ma something passed probably I don't know we've got a time glass right here as a giant one we got another giant one not too long ago this one looks a little bit bigger though that might be an actual hourglass we've got I wonder if that was being used for spells we've got this this is you know what I think that might be memory or it might be a charger we'll take that home we'll see if there's anything on that as well and we can't even see this look at this look at all the money there's wheat heads we had wheat head foreign coin foreign coin more wheat heads foreign coin I'm sure there's some silver in there too foreign coins there's Canada all right all right we're gonna have to take this all home we're gonna have to check it all this unit has been amazing look at that coin right there [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 88,248
Rating: 4.8942475 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandon
Id: rJeNtRR6fpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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