ABANDONED LUGGAGE OPENING I Bought A Storage Unit Locker Auction Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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what do you see Oh God what the Hales are we doing today George but it's freezing today oh it's like 40 degrees it feels like winter remember the way to win it at an auction you gotta outlast everybody if you can withstand the elements better than anybody else you're gonna outbid everybody and then you're gonna out win everybody that's how you roll are you ready weird smells I'm ready all right but don't forget to subscribe and what else do they need don't forget to hit that bell so you get notified every time we release a new video and when we go alive every Sunday yeah just like this [Music] on each garaged you find there's $100 cleaning deposit $500 brunch drinks and duck will give you till Monday morning at like 9:30 or so they always here at 9 o'clock so if you want your deposit back you have to clean out the garage go inspect it and then you get your deposit back you're not here by 9:30 Monday morning you run the chance of losing your deposit if he has to go through ok it's really that simple so everything's cash money gotta have cash so an easy scenario is if you pay $100 for a garage you need $200 plus my fee of 25 and $100 cleaning deposit so it'd be $225 so pretty simple math and we'll follow the red sweatshirt here we go adventures with the Hudsons are here there's Beth and James they three hours to come to bid on six units so this should be interesting unit number one I didn't bring my flashlight I was stupid I didn't bring my flashlight we could see all the way back there I see I see old stuff for sure what do you think George crazy stuff go give him $50 Beck give me 20 bucks at me and go give me $20 Ben get me going right there to go anybody can do that $30 say yes give me $30 bid sir you want back in at 30 only go to 30 bit in now five thirty dollar bid now fine now five your turn to get other stuff together $30 better now five thirty dollar bid now 525 say yes give me 35 $30 better now five your turn again at 35 so your 30 bucks and it's number one number one that was a really good buy and the red sweatshirts going that way away we go I don't know there's a tote that says to keep our this one is steelwill blocker give me $20 been taking chat systems full they haven't went through this one folks who give me a $20 bill give me 10 bucks let's go 10 bitter now 15 then bitter now $15 billion $15 bud you want back in at 15 only got a 10-minute out 15 15 better now $20 been to only been an hour fired Olivet and 5 million our 30-minute our fives 35 year 35 billion $40 bid 40 billion our 5 $40 better now 545 better now $50 bid see if you just gave me 50 and one had to do all this give me $50 bid $50 then you went back in at 50 they say yes give me 50 now these are the ones that will have the treasures in them because the people didn't Ram sack them give me a $50 bid you want back in at 50 only got a 45 elevator now 50 on the outside give me 50 so your $45 and he's got to be number 12 I want to know if his name is Louella if he's supposed to keep out that's Louella you better keep out there's a katana sword in the back corner hopefully George didn't see it as she saw if we're in trouble he'll give me about a $50 min and get me going go give me 50 give me 10 bucks who commits $10 Ben say yes 10 min an hour 15 $20 bill 20 min an hour five bending out $30 better now 535 minute now 40 40 minute our five better now 55 55 went back in at 55 55 in our 55 65 75 75 and 85 85 dollar bid I got 75 give me 80 then 75 minute now 80 only got a 75 bid an 80 bit in our five minute now 90 dollar bid 90 dollar bid 90 bit in our 595 million 100 all of it in now 105 105 110 110 and 115 115 say yes just give me 115 but intend elevator now 15 you're turning in at 115 take a second look give me 115 went back in a 115 115 euros good 115 115 120 120 minute now 5 122 5 minute now 130 130 better now 135 and now 140 a 140 minute now 5 145 and I won $50 bid 150 minute now 155 do white I have no idea 155 160 dollar bid $150 55 minute now 6 that you've been now 155 bitten out sick today so your 155 and our numbers to number two's the lucky buyer this one looks like the furniture unit the good sign is you see the dust so there's a layer dust the bad sign is pet hair so you gotta weigh things out there again we have nothing against pets we love our pets when we've had pets but resale value $15 bit only got 15 look at these great decorations here Winnie the Pooh give me 15 went back into $15 been $15 and walked back in at $15 bid $10 been an hour 15 15 so you went back in at $15 bed that's wrong let him get it on one bid $15 bid so 10 bucks number three lucky number three this one looks interesting you have money box yeah a couple little boxes two of them right down I have a feeling there's no money in them after looking at everything else in here I don't think there's much in here a little curio give me gone oh can be fit to give me ten bucks he'll give me a ten dollar bin Satyam right there to go in it I got ten billion fifteen there are no lock boxes everything else in there thirty-five billion now forty they got a conference situation we need the conference - did you see the lock boxes you didn't see the lock boxes there's two gyms going back from he's gonna do it is it gonna do suitcases boxes George just said that looks like a bike a wrapped-up bike that's rescue heroes 20 dollar bin give me five bucks let's go go give me five I live in 95 been out 10 10 min now 15 minute now $20 been 29 I've been 20 bitter now 525 bitten out 30 35 sorry $30 $30 bid you want back in is $30 in say yes just give me 30 can't see anybody around the corner went back in at 30 back there he's gonna have to yell out give me $30 been $30 been you won in a thirty dollar business $30 been $30 bed so 25 bucks George you got it what's your number what the Hales did you just do George $25 yeah we got frozen overnight so I think we all are what the Hales why'd you bid yeah I thought I thought she was bitten on the suitcases yeah so this is the very first thing she saw she saw this thing wrapped in plastic with a ribbon so she figured this was what it's got to be maybe brand-new we'll have to find out maybe George George's son or daughter what you just find that's brand new kerplunk scale the right there that's a scale right here sweetheart right here the scale that's the scale you see it's a musical scale but I'm Bob change that's what we're usually wears friendsgiving oh we have an announcer but this video is gonna come out after we announce it so they're probably all gonna know well they're gonna be guessing where the hills where the hails are we gonna be for friendsgiving is that what you look like those eyes aren't big enough and neither is that diapers your mom has told me more toys [Music] [Music] maybe we could bring this to friendsgiving this long maybe because hopefully it's going to be warm hopefully you said were going down how do you know we're not going up I've never felt like I was so surrounded by baby George's and all of my life nothing nothing what'd you find that'll be that'll be $15 at the warehouse but I think is what's the Hat OBX chloroform that's a good idea adventure 24 hours trapped in a locker can't wait go someplace baby can i peek I can peek in some stuff she's letting me see oh this one might actually babe there might be something in here I'm seeing better stuff than what you've seen with plates for sure okay all right can you pull it pull it babe babe pull it what do you see pull it alright so down there alright here we go now we're getting into something there's an Amazon fire stick alright here we go here we go we got the movies this in itself this will pay for the unit if it's in there do you think it's in there we just missed Halloween Jim Jim is allergic to calamine mode sweetheart check that it feels like it's in there and this might be the big money item right here it is brand-new brand-new with the remote there's a big money item maybe something else in here hopefully there it is look at that baby I only opened one box look how sniff it out with this no see how big this knows this that's that finds the good boxes alright she's digging here's another random box and 300 watts rampage it's a little scuffed up it's got to be worth something yeah it's got to be worth something at a bare minimum it's got to be work for $25 Oh sweetheart do you see any memory cards or sticks in there flash drives Oh in your boss you got other electronics in the box is there anything for our Sunday Night Live person flight that book bag is so inappropriate for right now we had 70 degrees earlier this week and now last night don't let it snow don't let it snow we said no don't let us know don't let us know go dog go go there's some in there that's where I keep mine [Laughter] here's a bunch of dr. Seuss books those who do all right yes Jackson loves to read so there's a talking dog do you know what that's for no you don't know what this is for this is for fishing for frogs fishing for frogs congratulations by the way for those who don't know Jim is now ordained and so if anybody would like to get married in a storage unit make sure you let adventures with the Hudsons no yep yep yep so that's hockey the dummy and Jim will marry you right in a storage unit so Jebus and amber you're all set we got we got your location but we're gonna find a strainer so for those who don't know this is for people like me who have kidney stones and this is how we mined for our kidney stones treasure hunt so this is good for treasure hunting as well all of these DVDs will pay for this unit and then some so one of the ways that you've been getting money from the DVDs is how I've been scanning them on the app declutter so if they go for a high number if the clutter actually offers you something decent so you sell it on eBay then and if it's cheap then she just sends them off to declutter and then they also will sell in the warehouse for two bucks apiece but they get a few months in the warehouse and if they don't move shibi clutters them and then eBay's them but the warehouse mr. e luggage your favorite hair she goes yeah you want to get inside your - should we go to Texas or something lay me a song you're the Egyptian use your horn blame me a song whoa was that Egyptian I thought that was an Egyptian lullaby oh nice I want to know what your forecast is surely with a chance is there any for all of Chile is there any forecast for hanging out with a little beach I don't get your joke are your question it's cold in Ohio I need Sun water sand oh okay look at that that's a nice one widescreen okay I have to pour it at home so here's the deal Sunday night on our live stream when is our live stream every Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time okay following this video with this video this video is gonna be at the beginning of the week so at the end of the week on Sunday we're gonna share with you what's on it look better than mine we got another back after this find out if that's [Music] we got a lot of got a ton of CDs let's see if it'll power on see all right so charge that how do you see a gun do you see it I think we're okay we're gonna be all right this is a co2 by my gun this is the C p99 compact by Walters so we're okay it was pretty easy to tell it's very very heavy and they actually it's gonna really boiled it really well so that's pretty good there they took care of it they did take care of it so it's on safety we do it is it is an early Christmas gift Oh - Jeremy - that's a German Wow or - George - just open it I got a no I got a no is this is this a brand new what kind of bike do you think it is I think it's a Radio Flyer I think a Rick yeah because there was a little gap right over here and [Laughter] it's brand-new I should not I should not hold my secret because for once I impressed her for once in my life I impressed her it's brand-new there you go this was worth this was beyond words the purchase right here your nephew would love this you think baby just rip it you only know a knife Griffin look at his brand stinking new it's beautiful that was worth the purchase right here I love it I love it not a bad buy babe yes okay George want to tell them what this boxes I was hoping you would tell the viewers what this box but you're so easy to work with I thought you would do it this is everything that you kind of saw but didn't see things that we found that we haven't shown yet so we're doing like a treasure hunting with Jebus recap yoga you know you didn't almost fall you did so we do have these size 13 I think they're 13s naik Wow but he's kind of missing a foot no shoes though do you see on the bottom there this is like we do have a PlayStation controller better than that I found a new shirt that I'm gonna start wearing it says exercise I thought you said extra fries this is my shirt it looks like a chair size do you think this is real that one's not our detective that there is a real flu Reena what about the ring the ring isn't silver either I couldn't find a marking I didn't look really quick but we do have a couple this is a droid phone we haven't we haven't turned it on yet but we will for the Sunday night livestream yeah we've seen the amp already there's some other cool things down oh my goodness look at the remote definitely is working so this is the actual AT&T cable service remember when you find oh when you find cable the cable services you have to call the company and see if it's actually bought or if it's least if it's leased they own it you can't do anything with it if it was bought by the person you own it you could probably get 200 300 400 500 depending on the system okay this one do you know what this one is you see that this one is an expensive one Tallulah so that one's the most expensive one so for watches in this unit and they didn't see this video game either Frogger beyond for the gamecube gamecube is da bomb I didn't show you that one yeah sure that no okay so there's that one two favorite things in the world knives and horses maybe I didn't show you so we found a butterfly knife oh I showed you this one though for don't know my son was enlisted in the tanto style with a serrated edge very nice you know how you love marbles now yeah nice and then you have a buddy that specializes in my roles so there's a club : now you're gonna find silver down here so we didn't show this stuff but what's our jr. down there brass 1 and define the real Zippo George has been working with George George as I finalized this unit and I found the large the longest longest lighter you know what they say once you go white you always got a light you think that's real gold I saw a marking but oK you've got I forget which ones were silver but there's a ton of jewelry down here that's pretty juicy I think this one was this it there is silver in here oh there you go they were big time into haunted like all kinds of books on hauntings in the whole deal and so jewelry and then we're going to go through the HP the laptop on Sunday night's livestream that's it [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 58,491
Rating: 4.9179568 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandon
Id: vXJjhokl2zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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