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it's that time of week again where we go live every sunday 9pm eastern standard time happy sunday fun day everyone welcome back thank you so much for joining us and hanging out with us jeremy always likes to start the live with the song no i don't you don't no hold on see told you i don't did we promise them a song this week what did we promise them the very first song the second song you wrote for me no actually it technically would be the first song dedicated to me but they they would second song you've ever sang to me they would also have to understand that this is filled with inside jokes yes tons of inside jokes between you and i even though it's so simple and so ridiculous but you'll get it but you'll get it all right so we met on july 27th right which day did i sing this to you august 10th 2018. how many days later is that it's like two weeks two weeks july august all right let's roll with it let's see what we got well she made a profile on a dating site looking for a dark-skinned man he started to talk and much to her surprise i'm just another white guy with a tan one still darker than you yeah you are i am the dark one in the relationship there you are do you remember what happened on that first date i remember most of it i remind you order for three months now she wants to be my favorite uh remember the whole fake bride joke thing yeah that was crazy ah 2018 seems like so long ago stare deep down into my eyes and said she had a secret to share she explained she wasn't exactly ocd but could she rearrange everything in my house would i cared this is 2.0 version this is the remix there you go i know exactly when i fell for her she was scraping food off her tongue appreciated the very moment do you remember when you fell for me is when she found the how well i bond you gotta love what the hell that by the way that's an inside joke every time she's like look at me i'm a lady now me and this pretty lady pouring our lives in a forge ever together living side by gotta love oh that song took us back on memory lane that wasn't she made a profile on a dating site over two years ago looking for a dark skin is this on loop when we started to talk much to her surprise i'm just a white guy grammy ellis sent to 599 super chat says you seem to be the smart one george oh do you agree with that or do you appreciate it who who do you think is the smarter one smart one for maybe sticking around and putting up with you really okay all right i'm i was curious where do you where you where you would put us in on that so that's interesting that is interesting so tonight they're they're going to ask whatever questions they want yeah we have a ton a ton of mail we have two so much mail and we didn't even our boxes was overflowing but we have two boxes that were too big to go in the p.o box and they were closed when i went today so we don't even have them so i'll go tomorrow yeah you're gonna have to while you're tomorrow so there are a couple boxes that we don't have because they weren't actually open yet so are you you're getting all the all the chats bc eagle jab sent to 4.99 super chat says just wants to support the channel love you guys and am checking in from vacation you guys rock oh wow that's right that's that's flattering while you're on vacation you still hang out with us deb appreciate it it must be a very boring vacation or she could be still somewhere on the east coast where it's nine o'clock and that's true it's time to just settle on in so let's uh let's dig in really quick as far as as far as um just a few things to housekeeping things to remind everybody uh channel is doing extremely well as a matter of fact record after record after record after so last sunday last sunday we celebrated hitting a milestone of 250 000 subscribers now we're at 256 so we've gained 6 000 subscribers organically from last sunday up until today which impresses us the most is that we're at 61 million plus views sixty one point million views this is incredible the craziest thing this past saturday saturday yesterday we for the first time ever received over 300 000 views total in one day in 20 means out of all of the videos on our channel that's how many views we got three hundred thousand over in one single day it's a brand new record for the channel as far as views and that's what we watch the most we want to see the views yeah absolutely phenomenal just with looking at the analytics that's for sure who's more obsessed me or you i think probably you but i look at it multiple times a day yeah yeah dream maloney sent a dollar nine super sticker appreciate it all right you get guidelines i've gotta get that stink bug it's gonna drive me nuts okay guidelines for what shirley pearl sent two dollars says george how is your dad he's doing really well i actually talked to him uh maybe an hour or two before the live and he um he typically watches the live or he'll go back and watch the replay but he's doing much better he's back at work and um he's not in as much pain so thank you so much for asking you're gonna hear the vacuum really quick here so it's stink bug season again again i feel like it never went away but there's a stink bug you'll hear the vacuum going there is a stink bug on the umbrella light and jeremy just sucked it up so now it's going to have stink bug babies in the vacuum and just multiply if we don't suck the stink bugs up in the vacuum they'll come flying in front of our face it's crazy bc eagle jeb sent a 1.99 super chat says i i'm in wild wood new jersey guys nice hugs sending virtual hugs back to you deb appreciate it patrick goodhue sent 10 dollars says for you guys to use on your coin pusher videos appreciate it patrick thank you so much so we uh we had an incredible week this week it may be a little premature to actually share this but we were looking at property on kelly's island yeah we started the week off is it premature to share this it's we started off are you sure it's not premature to share i personally think it's premature to share that we were just looking at a piece of property we started off the week at the casino of course because i'm addicted not only am i addicted to my elvis addicted to this guy addicted to sugar but we did and then we made our way back to the island just to look at properties yeah we looked at a couple vacant lots we were there for less than 24 hours unfortunately it was exactly 24 hours which is awesome arizona scratcher sent a dollar night and says do vegas casinos have the high limit coin fishers you have to call them find out yeah we don't know we live in all every state is different so there's only a few states that actually have coin pushers that are legal and so you have to find out what states those are yeah a lot of people from out of state because we do have a lot of subscribers and viewers that live either out of the country or out of the state that ask us how do we find how do we find them you just gotta look you just gotta google you gotta go yeah first you have to find a state where they're legal yeah all right so we went definitely we were up at kelly's island we were there for less than 24 hours we did look at a piece of property did we buy no we did not buy so we have not purchased anything but we did actually go up and look at property so we we looked at it premature to tell people that we were looking at property don't you think we looked at a piece of property a little premature we were just looking just looking it's like it's like when you're fine when you find out that you're pregnant you don't want to mention you don't want to say anything until you're like 13 weeks in otherwise it's too premature to announce that you're pregnant it's the same thing with like whoa buying new properties whoa you have to wait until things are finalized and then make the announcement we're not announcing that we bought property and number and to be very clear we are not announcing a pregnancy definitely no definitely not pregnant impossible absolutely impossible david foster sent five dollar super sticker appreciate it we're not announcing we bought anything we looked at a piece of property blood sweat and sent two dollars says is there still possibly yes we absolutely are doing the october caving trip so stay tuned once we hit october this which will be next sunday we're going to let you know the dates and when we're going to be down there yes leaves will be changing and that's why we're beautiful it's going to be absolutely beautiful it'll be a ton of fun so we uh we looked at a piece of property we didn't buy then we came home and now i want to go back he was so upset that we left so early well you so george and george george came my brother george george yeah that night we got there weather was perfect slept in a tent with the top open watched the stars all night weather was perfect for sleeping in a tent you're right by the lake crashing the sun rise which you will actually see on what the asmr next week the sunrise peaked through the actual tent and i ran to go and actually film it and i think george george got some of that too he did so i got that for what the asmr beautiful absolutely beautiful and and then these two got petered out and they were like well you know let's let's go home well george george had a prior obligation he had to be at a party at a certain time and it was and he has to drive two and a half hours we were the only ones on we were the only ones leaving the island you want to guess why so we literally got there right on time we were supposed to go look at another property and i was like oh look the fairy just pulled up and he's like skirt skirt debbie dever just sent 2.99 love the asmr videos thank you so much appreciate it yeah if you guys don't know we created a new channel how long ago uh what about a little over a month ago yeah we have over 30 30 videos now and having a ton of fun yeah we have a second channel and it's just strictly asmr there's no speaking a couple of them you can kind of see us in the background but we don't speak we just let you enjoy you gotta try and find us we're like waldo so while we travel we get to share our experiences with you and you guys get to travel with us and just get to see the scenery blood sweat tears just sent uh probably our channel accomplishments thank you so much it's been fun it's been record month after record it's four months of records in a row every day a new record is being set for the channel what's happening right now now some of the things that are happening we attribute to we we are able to figure out some of the things that are happening and we attribute it to certain things and it is just to put it to put it bluntly blown our minds it's been incredible it's been an incredible ride i don't i don't even know why anybody would even watch i mean we've said it before it's still it's just crazy it's crazy never in a million years never what i've ever thought that i'd be sitting here right now going live on youtube with our awesome community charlie hamble sent five dollars says i am grammy charlie i bought a stone from george george so excited nice that's awesome george george has got to have a hundred two hundred probably a thousand pounds of petoskey stones yeah he's got a ton that are polished and ready to go we're not there yet but we did give away some free stones as part of the trivia question but we don't have enough to sell yet but we do want to give away some more hopefully by next sunday i had one prepped i'm trying a new system of spray-on lacquer to actually bring out the the petoskey and i messed it up so we were gonna give it away tonight there's supposed to be two and i messed the first one up so there aren't two rosie laval says is it premature to say i'll get sniped tonight during the auction probably premature that was for grammy ellis 4x hoodie that's nice uh teespring goes up to 4x right yeah so you just get you get it right down below there there'll be what's called a teespring shelf and their hoodies are right there yeah we have our what the hell's merchandise up we have mugs we have tote bags i think there's now fanny packs we don't face anymore like we used to have we used to have these and we have like nothing anymore right so now we drop ship nothing we we have nothing everything goes through another company so teespring does it you order from teespring t spring ships it out and um uh varys of ryan wants to know have we ever been in any kind of commercials i i in high school this is gonna sound ridiculous and i can't believe i even just remembered it in high school there was a man who was who was writing a musical and he was trying to take it to broadway and he needed singers for the musical to pitch the broadway uh musical and i sang in his demo for the broadway musical but that was and there was a there was a bad word in it and i told him i said i'll sing this but i won't sing your bad word i'll sing your song so he had to change the word what was the bad word oh he changed it to ham oh i mean but i can't remember being in any commercials now my my brother my twin channing tatum has been in a few things but other than that and then my other brother brew triplets uh nick lachey he's been in a few things too but those two have really never hit it as big you mean no that was my excuse me when i first met you when she first met me she was like nick hey he did he reminded me of nick lachey so my but my two brothers there they haven't hit it as big as i have so they're a little bit in the shadow but you know it's all right i've been kind of in a commercial it was more work related it was to kind of promote the facility that i was working in um now whether it made like a network i don't know but i know that we advertised and it went in like it was the the advertising before a movie starts so if you go to the movie theaters it's like shown before the pre before the previews so you did an ad for the movie theater yes mick just sent a couple bucks she says how do you mess up lacquer well mick what i did the stone's two-sided so if you put too much it'll pull down the lacquer will pull down and stick on the bottom and then it's not clear it's all blah and so i put too much two coats so far actually two and a half and i messed up the one i put one of the coats was too much tracy what did tracy say tracy sent 10 says love you guys interested in crafting jewelry making supplies me and my we've got a bunch company ex-sister-in-law are both disabled and run a crafting page called shaded gems ooh do we have questions tonight i brought a huge crafting box we do have crafting for jewelry making but we don't have enough to to lot off so we will soon we will we'll definitely auction that often in a future auction tracy appreciate it we will really soon looks like george sent three bucks sent five dollars appreciated george cd sent five george sent five i don't know why i said three my my uh blurry right through it nick sent a ten dollar super rick see even my eyes are like you had lasik too i did years and years ago tony gonzalez sent five dollars says george and jeremy thank you tony america now sent five dollars says love the channel auctions and towers tower power appreciate it tower not good tower not good it's a it's definitely a love-hate relationship between those towers uh ibm says please don't get pregnant just adopt me all right we we took in six chickens originally eight originally eight two turn out to be roosters so and they're both they're both together we kept them together they're at a very good home now and we can visit them any time we want i don't you're pretty much you're done with kids well i love being an aunt but my son is 21. you also love being an aunt and being able to drive away as fast as you can yeah we both like our freedom being able to just pick up and go like slow down slow down i'm out of here yeah my son called right before the live two he's 21 so it's like it just sounds silly to start all over again now that he's grown he's grown mix uh should have put the rocks on pegs to stabilize good luck you're right it's true it's like trial and error so maybe put less of a coat next time so like when i did the um the resin i just i did the entire rock so when you set it what it did yeah at the bottom it dried and made it really um it did look really bad so next time when i do the resin i'll just do one side and then flip it over and do the other side so then i went out and got spray lacquer i was like wow just but if you go too heavy it's going to drip then it sticks on the bottom and and the tractor takes a while to actually dry yeah it's definitely been fun because this is something new for for the both of us but yeah we love it it's awesome what is it is it too old to adopt georgiana says 62 here well i i mean we could probably be adopted but it'd be a little bit better you know yeah i mean i think we both still enjoy the freedom to get up get away and you have george has a tolerance for kids so she she hits her her tolerance level like boom well yeah i love my nieces and nephews to death but just like i think anyone else just like grandparents just like they're lucky she loves to send them home you love you love children in small doses or other kids children in small other people's children yeah what did i say uh crazy stuff no don't worry about it i'm used to it everybody wants to know did you leave mother mary at the island do you want to answer yes mother mary now has a permanent spot on the island mother mary's adjacent to the original mother mary and we did check up on her we do check on her multiple times every time we're up at the island but yeah she's there and she's in one piece so that makes us happy if george george is in the chat taking a risk he'll tell you the very first thing well the same with with uh conquest flipping adventures very first thing you do when you go to the islands you have to stop the mother mary and then traditionally then you have to you have to stop last that's the last thing you do before you get on the boat as well it's part of the tradition vickie dodson says loved being a grandmother but love being a great grandmother i can spoil them rotten and then send them home exactly perfect yep that's the way to go that is the way to go so we uh this week we had we have storage unit videos as well do you remember what monday storage unit video was monday so far and so long ago monday was it's cursed so that was the fifth episode in this the final right that we we purchased we split with conkeys flipping adventures and that was a ton of fun so much fun and it was fun being able to record there on site and then conkey and noreen were recording there on site too so we got to see what what each of us had in the units and then he would come over and brag about what he found which they i mean the reality is is they they shared their videos we shared our videos and the truth is once you go right you finally went right you know you that was the right right direction you picked the right side did mick just sent another super chat said could could make up a deal on mr draper to adopt ooh there you go that would be a fun adoption that would be a mick has to come with him are you guys a package deal and i think i see obx eric obx picker he just hit us 1 000 subscribers which is a big deal in youtube's world the biggest part of that is when when you're a youtuber you can go live from a laptop or a computer from a cell phone until you have a thousand subscribers and one of the reasons youtube did that is because all these kids would go live in school they were broadcasting things that didn't need to be to be broadcasted you know frankly evil things and in school and you we all know some of those horrible things that happened in school so youtube put the guideline is you can't go live until you go hit a thousand and eric hit his thousand subscribers so proud of him right now what else gets unlocked on the youtube platform once you get a thousand that's it you have youtube's constantly changing you have other thresholds with that you have to meet to do other things but yeah uh valerie i hope you got my box bet they're at the post office we got a lot you know what we should probably get into the boxes right now is that mail time it's how far be behind here you get this you get the super chats okay kristen williams sent a four five dollar super chat says it's funny that i knew that lady that owned that unit you and i split she was a nice lady but but strange uh no doubt about that her unit would would definitely give testimony to that did i wonder how she knew that it was her unit though did we accidentally show a name nope she just guessed it no truckers 10 cent a five dollar super sticker appreciate it kristin appreciate it truckers 10. i owe them a fist pump uh i buried your fist pump where is it then i'll just use yours double fist pump okay don't start until i do get to the mail song oh my goodness oh it's gonna i open my entire side of the table is just spilled i prefer packages i prepped everything so it wouldn't take so long and there is another one it's like christmas it's like christmas every sunday now it's incredible okay and then here is another one oh my goodness okay these are straight from amazon all right oh wow i think it's mail time we got assistance moon a little bit you need assistance yeah all right if you send super chats why we're doing mail we apologize if we miss it yeah you're gonna have to scroll down because i stopped it uh what happened when we scroll down it doesn't always so she's got her first box i'm gonna help her by going through some of the letters the first box is directly from amazon it's straight from amazon okay and the first letter is from nancy fuller and nancy says jeremy and george you are both worth a million you give me many smiles love the fun you share nancy aka one pegasus two one four four five and she sent us one million dollars check that out one minute did you say one minute one million dollars nancy sent thank you so much nancy nancy this okay so this box came from eva flanagan and shout out to eva she's the one who makes my lucky bag so right now we're on lucky bag 4.0 she says george enjoy your gummy bears please give patience and christian a bag of candy from eva flanagan jeremy now you can take a bottle with you when you got to eat normal no more carpal tunnel from evil flesh yeah is that a six pack that is here oh i'm definitely going to be reusing this i love getting packed i want to see my six pack are you not entertained oh my goodness this is bigger than the bag that we get how many pounds is that this is a five pound bag we get the three pound bag that's the best eva sent a five pound bag this would last what maybe seven hours seven hours okay she says hours albanese is our favorite gummy bear bears they make gummy bears gummy worms and butterflies somebody said they make um they were saying they make something else too i forget what it was the next box came directly from amazon this one's heavy too and i've got uh one here from leski which i think i know yep one of our viewers everybody knows i'm looking for ghostbusters stuff and i'm looking for sega stuff and one of our viewers actually reached out and said hey i've got a dreamcast memory unit thank you so much sent the dreamcast unit this is great thank you appreciate it george and jeremy enjoy i agree these are great from ellen glazer it's like deja vu oh my goodness it's deja vu five pounds now okay if at another six pack of ketchup that is ten pounds that is ten pounds of gummy bears so far and that is twelve packs of ketchup thank you so much it's eileen glazer appreciate it so much thank you eileen that is six packs of ketchup i'm going to be on the road all day tomorrow at a storage unit ketchup ketchup is going to be worth it for days he eats an entire bottle in one sitting this came directly from amazon i'll see if i can grab something else over here too this one came from dan gresley or griezly oh i don't see a note in here there's got to be something i don't see but another bag of gummy bears gummy bears is that five pounds that is that's another five pound that is five pounds of gummy bears right there so for those who are keeping track that's 15 pounds of gummy bears oh i can't get credit to whoever sent it i don't see a note anymore and you know what those are for those are jumbo those are for your quarters or for your jumbo dogs could be jumbo dogs too could be jumbo dogs too i'll give you that oh i wish i could give credit to whoever sent this all right damn maybe i'll find it dan grisley sent us jeremy george what the hell's been a great source of entertainment and a tool of knowledge for me i've seen the videos of the warehouse license plates on the door which we are we're putting license plates all over the door the different states it gave me an idea for the fish net in the background during the lives on sunday what about sand from around the world and look at this dan actually sent sand from different species how cool is that what a great idea that is so what we would do is hang up the sand from the different beaches from around the world up in perfect all right dan goes with our nautical theme that's perfect absolutely love it there's santa monica uh we've got emma yeah i love it i absolutely like so we have five vials of beach sand here to go up into the that is super cool super cool love it love it love it love it what a good idea so we've got to start getting we'll gotta get kelly's island sand and then we gotta wherever we go now i'm gonna have to find uh the little travel box bottles and just keep them as we go yeah what a great idea next package is from michelle watkins all the way from aurora illinois says george i saw this and thought how lucky you are with the pusher oh this would bring you luck in the picture look at this guys look at this she made that card viva las vegas baby look at that oh how the heels do they do it that is beautiful oh doesn't this look familiar yeah and he's not broken his arm's not broken we have one just like that that we found in a store but his arm his playing arm fell off wow so now now we can replace the broken one with that one all right this one is from amazon as well and this one must be for you i think i just got one for you too but hold a second this is last night 9 20 couldn't turn your live stream off for a minute you're all 100 family to me absolutely endure respect you both thank you so much i'm not liable for dental bills or jenny craig from jay paul patton that is 20 pounds those who are keeping track of this deja vu this is 20 pounds of gummy bears right now that's 70 pounds now he can't blame me for it for gaining an additional 30 pounds he could blame all you guys that are sending guns thank you so much this turtle must be for you i like turtles he loves turtles oh you know where this turtle's got to go this turtle has got to go on the net for sure for sure absolutely i love it i love it awesome i'll help you with another one here now there may be some that got opened and that um okay there were seven ounces of sour gummy bears here but this guy this got well it got opened earlier in the week and um you see this guy you guys you guys hear it and see it first he he'll eat an entire bag by himself no shame it could have been her it could have been her this is from cheryl cheryl in ohio but but hold a second i think it very well it could have been could have been for me because check this out catching up with jesus oh that's awesome i love it what does it say let us let us praise and relish him because we he loves me from my head to my toes i love it that is beautiful okay so let's see let's see what cheryl has to say oh it says please read i forgot to read it but you know what the gummy bears were probably for you okay let's see what we got here dear what the hell sending love from vic vickery vickery ohio i enjoy watching your videos every day my favorites are the coin pushers i'm sending a t-shirt for jeremy i hope it fits them it will and the candy is for well let's just move on please continue to do what you do god bless you both sincerely cheryl go buckeyes that's awesome sure cheryl thank you so much cheryl 20 more pounds over there 20 more pounds so sh forgive me forgive me thank you cheryl so speaking of ketchup this next package has ketchup candy canes i had no idea they even made ketchup candy cane a lot of our viewers have been telling us that they came out with ketchup candy canes it's from fran all the way from in andover new jersey says george and jeremy i enjoy all of your shows i think i have watched all of them from buying storage units to going on vacations with you you guys are the best keep up the good work george continue getting well one of your one of your best followers take care friends and then she sent this little chicken it's like a glow-in-the-dark chicken new friends are you gonna put that with your other chickens yes i am i found her a pewter chicken the other day so i'm gonna add that my mom gave me a plastic chicken in honor of us getting the chicken and then he gave me a pewter chicken uh earlier this week and now i'm gonna add this glow-in-the-dark chicken with my collection people always ask do you collect anything so now i have two collections i have i have collections of all of the mail and cards that you guys send i keep it all and then now i'm gonna have a chicken collection and then i also have an elvis collection so all of the goodies that you guys send that's elvis related like that's my new collection prior to that i've never collected any storage legends wants me to eat a ketchup candy king on the line do it that would be like asmr go ahead try it on the live yeah i can't do that on the live they all want to see it baby i have to this is this is from the liscos this is typo one in the chat if you guys want to see jeremy try and catch up did you bring well this card came came earlier this week and this is from conkey's flipping life jeremy george uh conkey and i want to say thank you for hosting us on a recent daycation on kelly's island it was really and truly appreciated they sent us a 25 gift card for gfs to go get more jumbo dogs and on our way up to kelly's island what did we do we spent two weeks we spent it we got jumbo dogs we did we got super dogs jumbo dogs thank you so much lee and we saw them on saturday yesterday yeah yesterday so yep yesterday yeah and we went out to lunch with them when we told them that we spent it yeah we were eating jumbo dogs left and right look at all the ones that the chat's overflowing with they wanna they wanna see you try one of the ketchup uh candy canes all right i'll tell you what blood sweat and soul sent two dollars says jeremy has a gummy bear collection now i'll i'll try appreciate it i'll try one during the auction uh this one is from billy okay this came from billy wiggins oh bailey and billy even sent ice packs billy pa billy sent us an entire thing filled with candy this thing was busting at the seams and you ate it didn't you and he couldn't help himself all right so there was a lot of other candy in here and mostly chocolates mostly chocolates and some skittles and uh it has gone down a little bit a lot and billy we sure do appreciate it we've been digging into it already and by we i mean me and um but thank you so much billy look at that billy even gave us ice packets in there make sure that the chocolate didn't go bad that's awesome we could definitely reuse those you can reuse those yeah oh cool i didn't know you could reuse them uh the next box is from gloria gloria all the way from minnesota gel ice pack long-lasting and reusable freeze to reactivate yup you're right of course you already knew that didn't you well we find them all the time in storage units oh do we throw them away or do we keep them we've kept a couple of them nothing else is in here is that your last package yeah i believe so for those who are counting that's 20 pounds in gummy bears gummy bears so far but there's still more packages at the at the uh how much you want to bet they're probably it's more gummy bear and ketchup we can we can hope we can hope we can only hope huh okay while you're getting that i'll do what i can it looks like ketchup it could be a poster i'll try a ketchup candy cane i can only go so high we missed a lot of super chat so anybody that would miss a super remember when i was just telling you guys about the collection that i now have this will go with my collection thank you everybody for the mail we appreciate it we appreciate your love and support bonnie fleming sent five dollars this is as far as i can go back as far as super chats the chat doesn't let me go back any further as we look at it on our stream yard link bonnie sent five dollars sent you a message on yahoo about aussie figures still waiting for a response bonnie we are months and months and months behind on comments yes we'll get to it bonnie it may be it may be six hours from now and it could be six months from now but if it's there eventually we'll see it thank you so much bonnie and then kristen williams sent 4.99 i knew it was her unit because of the leather hats the wigs the sunglasses the press papers and her and the name she went by which was mother nature uh so she went by mother nature and she knew it and so lee already talked to me and was like yeah she gave all the personal information we didn't show anything but she knew the lady for sure oh wait there's a note from gloria oh gloria's gotta know gloria says george and jeremy i had to send this to george we have been watching you for over a year we need our daily dose i sent you those wood bobbers if you think you have heard my name before very cool right here yep right up there and said someday i'll love to buy one of your bulk items but that's but not brave enough yet thanks for the entertainment we can't find kelly's island yet dave pearson says how often do you do the mail thing every sunday every sunday we open up fan mail blood sweat and cell you said this already basically jeremy has a gummy bear collection yeah thank you so much i'm trying to get all the super chats do you have the candy cane ready to go i said during the auction yes to go for during the auction we will be okay all right but all you have to do is you have to eat five pounds there's 20 there five pounds of gummy bears and i will eat a candy cane during the auction you expect how many of you want to watch george eat five pounds in one sitting they're your favorite they are my favorite but i can have like five fingerprints like a handful which is five five pounds how many of you type one if you want to see george don't do it type two for a no two isn't enough that's unhealthy everybody type one if you want to see george type two for no incredible gifts she can't say that i ate it all she can't say that i ate it all which i could put this whole thing down in one evening he can he really can no joke look majority of the chat saying no nope hard no there's 20 pounds you got to get on that you have got to get on that one one um ketchup candy cane isn't equivalent to five pounds of gummy bears that's just unhealthy there's so much sugar you don't have to eat them there's so much sugar in in ketchup you don't have to eat the whole candy cane just try it that's all that's all i said was to have the chat type of one if they want to see you try it so we know we missed a bunch of super chats thank you so much for the super chats we apologize i'm so sorry if we miss any yeah we apologize for missing the mess we went through mail we appreciate the mail it's a ton of fun you guys are all awesome we do know that we have two more packages that we weren't able to get because they didn't fit in the actual mailbox and so when we went to get it next sunday we were gone on the island again this week so normally the the ma the post office is right on the way to the warehouse so normally it's a daily stop for us tim martin said eat five pounds if he if he eats six bottles of ketchup tim you and i gotta go get it right yeah we got to get out camping with tim uh we should get tim because tim got a camper a couple years ago for the boys and then tim and i both have a love for pumpkin whoopie pie well i love pumpkin whipped cream it's good with coffee but i've been trying to give up coffee it's just good it's so good and pumpkin whoopie pies i get a tray of pumpkin whoopie pies i'll eat the entire tray of pumpkin whoopie pies he can and they come in six six he'll eat the all six of them without with without a breath you know it's just i don't breathe in between they're that good isk 750 so what's the isk what do you think that is well aaron thomas i'm firm and watching iceland it's from iceland how cool is that that's our first ice center you get a block of men's cologne put together you actually you've got a bunch of stuff going up dude there are there are lots being put together so thank you so much that's cool iceland that is so cool nikki nikki t said does somebody say yeah if you're if you if you live in a different country and you have a u.s shipping address it would it would definitely save on shipping because we do tell you if you are international and you live out of the us you can bid on a lot but you have to pay extra for shipping tim goes i've seen him eat all six there's videos of me on facebook eating all six with tim so if you don't know what a pumpkin whoopie pie is pumpkin whoopie pie is one of the greatest things in the world wait hold on it's like stephanie hancock says iceland how cool is that no pun intended i found out he loves how good i pun um so i was in amish country which is holmes county in ohio and the crazy thing is amish country in ohio generates more tourism dollars than any other county in the state of ohio cedar point the island you name it and there's this little place called hershberger farm there's a petting farm coolest place ever we like to go down there and they make the most incredible pumpkin whoopie pies yeah they are amazing i can't we've tried all of the flavors but pumpkin hands down pumpkin is the best yeah and then you go over to heine's cheese which is going to be overpriced amish cheese but their fudge that they make they're the fudge so we like rainbow sherbet the a w root beer fudge oh my goodness it is so good you know i'm not a fan of root beer but it's so good i don't eat the fudge cassandra morris is asking where do you get pumpkin whoopie pies burger farm burger farm yeah anything else you get in a store is going to be it's going to be bad so valerie sent five dollars says box no name was mine oh nice valerie appreciated valerie thank you valerie so pumpkin whoopie pies if anybody ever goes to amish country homes county in to millersburg or berlin in ohio just send a message i'll tell you the best places to go so you always want to go to miller's bakery which is gluten-free donuts they've always been they've been amazing the cream sticks the maple cream sticks are the best of any donuts any bakery that you can find down there trust me i know this pumpkin if you like meatball pumpkin whoopee pies well they have chocolate and they have they have other flavors as well vanilla but pumpkin whoopie pies you want to go to hershberger farm then you want to jump over and get your get your fudge from honey's cheese you should i keep going or should i stop that's well that's the routine we like to take but there's so many places you can visit there's so many places that you can eat at thank you frank there's no way you'd be able to visit it all in one day now the best ice cream ever is actually up by kelly's island in sandusky toss is the is one of it is the the oldest uh dairy farm in the state of ohio their pumpkin ice cream is absolutely amazing and it's a seasonal thing it'll come out near thanksgiving it is so good i'll drive up there with a cooler and i'll buy a couple three gallon tubs of it last year we went to go get some they were out they were completely sold out so was it two or three flavors i don't remember what we got we ended up getting three gallons of like two different flavors yeah there was it was like a chocolate ice cream with chunks of brownies maybe even marshmallows in it and then the other one was like a banana cream pie both really good and i was looking forward to trying the pumpkin pie but they sold out so we're gonna try again this year and then come to find out with the season being over i tried calling because we went to a storage auction literally we were a half a mile down the street from the toff's dairy and the auction was on a saturday and they started closing on on the weekends so we missed it they're only open monday through fridays now and they won't have it yet but it's getting real close to what they will so i tried calling to see when it would be available but they were closed so i got to remember to call during the week and jason legrand sent ten dollars says just curious what happens to all the quarters that elvis gives up will there be a charge uh change cap yes there will we actually took a clip of it already and made an asmr out of it and so jason must have read our minds so our bank our bank is incredible so our our local community bank is wayne savings and it's only a community in wayne county in ohio and they are absolutely incredible they are one of the only banks that have a change machine that they don't charge you anymore and and they're great so you're going to see you're going to see an asmr of of quarters what we did is we took a clip and it actually is a five minute clip and we just looped it for an hour but there will be a cashing in video coming as well so keep your eyes out for that as far as cashing in are whoopi pies like empanadas no empanadas are probably similar to fry pies but whoopie pies are more of like a cake type cookie with like a cream filling and then another like cake type cookie it's just good someone earlier asked are they anything like moon pies speaking of we actually ate moon pies yesterday she got moon pies they were horrible i like moon pies they're chocolate with like marshmallow in between and then like another and then like another chocolate jason legrand sent another five dollar says awesome i think it's monday that the asmr video comes out but all it is it's a loop of five minutes of that video and it's a loop for an hour so you can just keep seeing the change go round and round and round um g4w weeblehead says how are patients and christian great they were just i love those kooky kids they were just here and christian will be with me all day tomorrow on the road patients will be working at the warehouse and then uh christian will probably be with me all day tomorrow's monday tuesday christian will be with me all day monday and tuesday on the road and patience will be at the warehouse leticia sent two dollars says we heart j and g but need to see jeremy try the candy canes it's coming it's coming when do you think you'll try them sometime during the sometime during like between lot one and lot two i didn't say that can you give us like a an eta of when you'll eat the candy the ketchup candy canes smell it smells like ketchup no joke oh debbie vaughn says moon pies are yummy if you heat them a little smell it you're a big time smeller do you smell ketchup i smell cardboard i smell plastic don't smell the ketchup no no you guys smell smell it you guys have smell-o-vision at home smells like ketchup we'll have to i'll have to try that you can't smell that all i smell is plastic and cardboard there's ketchup definitely smells like ketchup definitely smells like ketchup what else did you want to talk about as far as like housekeeping we're way past housekeeping that's the beginning you want me to sing my song again no wait i have the perfect i have the perfect um how did it go again she made a profile on a dating site looking for a dark skinned man he's so proud of this song her surprise i'm just a white boy with a good tan he does tan very well darker than you you are darker than me i've been trying to stay out of the t or out of the sun probably best yeah probably best yeah probably best so what else what else did we do this week we had a huge a bunch of people said yep they can smoke cardboard too we had a huge restoration to love and here we love restoraging the love so that was friday's video right that was friday's video but the actual the actual restorative love happened a week before that because everything is pre-recorded and then it goes up and it's and it's you know like right now what the asmr there's a week's worth of videos ready to be released so we're always trying to be ahead of things so the frustrating thing with restorage the love is this is the thing that gets me with re research loves number one we love it the frustrating thing is when viewers then respond and go jeremy why didn't you give him a job jeremy why didn't you give him 500 cash jeremy why didn't you do this you should have done that you should so somebody left a comment they're like you should have given them 500 cash and i said well i'll send you their information you can send them 500 cash i don't have 500 cash i i love how everybody yeah we we say this all the time we could do the best thing in the world and we'll get criticized they will just criticize and complain and i just shake my head the greatest videos we're trying to restore the love we want people to share that good news story with other people and encourage that movement and those are the best videos and you know what's getting the best views right now found a dead body finding ashes so you know you've got the you've got the the drama of the negative finding ashes in a storage unit getting a ton of great views right now and the restoration of the love not getting those types of views i wish the restorative love videos would just take off yeah we haven't had any go viral yeah i wish they would just take off because those are the greatest things they are to encourage other people to do the same thing forward yeah we know we're always going to get complainers and and things along those lines but you don't get the real story in the video we don't tell it and uh what if we do a little treat for the viewers tonight in the last few minutes you take care of super chat super chats and i tell the full story i'm going to give you the back story on the restoration love video beverly uh sent a five dollar super chat says have you tried ketchup potatoes chips yeah you can't you can find them in canada you have tried them have happened chelsea used to get them for me all right so here's the back story on the restorage the love video that you don't know and nor does does the individuals know so when i went to the auction george was in the truck which is normal and um so we try and stay away from most people in the beginning because you know because we can get bombarded with people that want you know autographs or talks or things like that and we've got to stay in focus and in the game and sometimes it can be overwhelming so i told george i'll go register you stay in the truck and i go in the truck and the two workers are actually talking they're like oh i can't believe he's here i can't believe da da da da da and they're talking and they're back you know they're they're saying horrible things about an individual and they're talking about he's here to buy this girlfriend's storage unit he they tell me that the girl says she's a stripper all of her stripper clothes are in there number one we did not see anything that insinuated stripper clothes none whatsoever they owed over 600 or the girl owed over 600 the boyfriend came to bid on it to try and get it cheaper and so while i was in the office most storage unit facilities they will work with you and and they will be kind and but they were just being downright nasty and so here's what i do being me i was like circle which number it is on the paper i'll buy it i'll make sure he doesn't get it what do you think i'm planning on doing so they circle it i know okay so here's the thing and you're never gonna see this in the video and i never told the individual i know he's bidding against me and i know i'm buying it no matter what he's not going to spend his money so the storage unit facility is happy because he didn't get it back which i'm sure they watched the video now they're unhappy because they did get it back and i saved the guy the 160 dollars that he was going to spend to try and get his girlfriend's unit back so that being said you don't get any of that backstory you don't know that the facility manager did not want him to have it whatsoever and that i actually went in there and went you tell me which one it is i'll make sure he doesn't get it i want it once i legally own it i can do anything i want with it so even afterwards he approached me after the auction he came into the office after the auction and you don't see any of this on film and the the staff went crazy i was like it's okay he's giving me an address everything is fine he's like calm down everything is fine he gives me the address george and i go to another auction we buy a unit there which is the guitar unit we film that we go back to the other one we meet up with the boyfriend and the girlfriend and they didn't have to spend any money they got everything that they wanted that they could handle because space is an issue very it was very limited very very limited that they could handle uh with their situation so you didn't see any of that nor are you ever going to see it nor did we tell you but all of that was going behind the scenes that's how i knew there was a restoration love opportunity because the facility manager was complaining and i came back and i told her i know which one we're buying and so i already told her we're buying it and so it was already set up and in motion so a lot of our viewers will go oh i love your resource you love videos i want to see more well we can't just pull one out of thin air the situation has to be there we don't we we can't just you know go oh well we're going to do this or we're going to do that and that situation was perfect that day and it worked great and it was a ton of fun and and now you got a little bit more of the backstory that you'll never see in the video yeah i i think a lot of people don't realize that some of the units that we get the previous owner is in jail for good reason so you know obviously we're not going to give nine out of seconds back not only those loves so it's we could never give all the units back you know you you literally cannot because of incarceration yeah but this one was this one was a little bit different and the boyfriend was there the the manager was complaining to her boss i was there in the office at the perfect time and i went i'll solve your problem circle which one it is i'll buy it i'll make sure he doesn't get it so i did i made sure he didn't win it then i gave it back which they were thrilled the best part was tara actually said she said i woke up this morning i was praying for a miracle and for a blessing it was the right timing i heard the conversation it wasn't i just bought it and and knew i was in the office heard the complaints from the facility and acted on it and was able to actually restore the love so you never are going to see that in the video if you're a super fan you're on the live stream now you know the backstory and a lot of people will go oh yeah drugs are involved and we don't share that part of the story with these people but the reality is yeah we know that they've shared that with us we're familiar with that and we take appropriate precautions in regards to that so when somebody goes oh you should give them 500 well that's the last thing i'm going to do is give somebody an issue a gateway to more issues and and what i mean by that is i'm not going to hand cash over to to a former addict uh nor am i going to hire an individual that has struggled with those things um so all that being said uh just be we we want people to be excited about those types of videos and how fun they are and encouraging that they are and now you know exactly how it actually came to fruition makes sense makes absolute sense yeah it is auction time already yeah it's been an hour already are you uh are you getting a little are you guys getting excited to see him try the ketchup well i was wondering if you were getting hangry i was going to get you one if you were hungry no i'm good you're not hangry at all i'm going to let you try it first i do want to try it since it's auction time don't you think you should go through all the guidelines yes while i uh unpack your snacks yeah figure out which cane you're going to eat during the life you don't seem thrilled or happy at all or excited i love ketchup i think we're more excited to see you try it than you are all right so if this is your first auction we will go through the rules um if this isn't your first auction thank you again for coming back and joining us uh first things first make sure that you are in live chat and not chop chat super important because then it lets the viewers at home including ourselves watching the chat um see as it goes we see the chat as it goes versus top chat we'll just mix everything around so you want to make sure you're on live chat all bids begin at 20 false all bids start at 25 um and that includes free shipping if you live here in the u.s yeah still still smell plastic if you if you live outside of the us you are more than welcome to bid on a lot however keep in mind that you will have to pay extra for shipping and it's hard to quote you on a shipping price because it all depends on the weight the dimensions of the item and where you are located in the world but like i had mentioned earlier if you have a u.s address that'll save you from paying extra on shipping not right now but thank you sure yes if you are the highest bidder i will send you a paypal invoice tomorrow and you can pay with either your paypal balance your banking information or your debit card and credit card um our auction style is minute to win it you have to wait to place your bids in the chat you have to place your bids in the chat once jeremy says go you have one minute to place your bids the highest winner by the time our mod says sold will be the the winning bidder at that time jeremy will tell you to what information to send we want your youtube profile name your real name and your shipping address and we'll flash it on the screen which email to send it to it's what the hills again will remind you throughout the auction if you're the runner up and you want to be considered as the backup bidder you're more than welcome to send your information as well youtube profile name real name and shipping address if for some reason the highest builder cannot pay then you will be considered as the backup bidder everything is sold as is there's no guarantee there's no returns we auction off everything as we find them out of the storage units it looks like you're uh you're getting ready to try it now what or is that premature that's premature don't you think well premature southern yeah flipper i was looking at the candy southern yankee flippers sent a five dollar super chat says love what the hell's i just started my own channel thanks for what you do uh isn't didn't he mention he's close to hitting a thousand last week might be i don't remember um another thing is know your customs law so if you are out of the country and you are a highest bidder make sure you know what your import fees are and what your custom laws are so if what i just mentioned what if if everything that i just went through makes zero sense we'll do a practice run on a on an item that technically isn't going up for auction but it'll just be practice you smell it now i do smell it now yeah you do but it doesn't smell like ketchup can i smell it again here don't stick it up my nostril you stick everything in my orifices not things that you're gonna eat or put in your mouth it doesn't smell like ketchup that's for sure what do you think it smells like i can't i can't pinpoint what it's what it smells like can i smell it again i might need a chaser one last guideline for the auction tonight if you are the winning bidder if you're the winning bidder we're requesting that you email us immediately after you win the bid all right so once you email us and confirm that you are the winning better then you can continue to actually bid on other items if you don't email us if we don't get communication from you then then we won't accept your bids on other items so you've got to communicate immediately with us to actually continue to be a part of the process if you do if you do bid you do not pay unfortunately we will have to block and ban you from the channel and you will no longer be able to participate and the reason is very simple because people are bidding based on their business their resellers they're buying and bulk to resell this is how they feed themselves their families and we don't want to take that opportunity from them so if if you wanna you know if you wanna come in and crack a joke or troll you're just gonna be blocked and banned and we'll continue on flipping adventure says everyone think hard and let's man a guess when jeremy will try the ketchup game all right so oh wait i gotta put me on screen and we're going to auction this off it's not really again this is just practice did you send me a minute to win it yes yes you did all right so this is practice we're gonna go through a practice round right here with george and i'm gonna get the microphone over there to her i'm gonna put her other screen up and then we're gonna adjust here don't worry we are not selling this we are not selling this yes this is just this is just practice practice for minute to win it okay just practice i wasn't paying attention as george went through all the guidelines but i'm sure she knocked those out of the park so this is it practice run you gotta bid fast you gotta be furious because you only have one minute to win it here we go here we go one minute to win it oh we already got bids coming in we got 600 ui it's better than that 30. we got chow choking at 20 at five but you got to beat you got to be more than that you got everything started has a million bottles of ketchup i got one pack of french fries and lots of ketchup a week without anything um candy canes we got candy cake coffee said one small turtle i like turtles oh rosie said a six pack of ketchup i like ketchup we got all kinds of bits coming in here a tanker truck full of ketchup that would actually be nice i would love that 200 hours of free ebay listing labor panel i could use that for sure for sure no doubt about that bob case said free junk removal do you have any junk spotless said a uh 30 gift card to taco bell taco bell gift card oh hey now uh-oh all right now we're waiting for flipping adventures to stay sold once flipping adventure says sold then we will know no other bids are taken after that and sold i just saw it right now so the reason why we do that is because there's a lag from the live about sometimes five ten seconds and so we are all good to go i think you're going with a 30 taco bell did you see someone uh auctioned off a pool of ketchup a swimming pool of ketchup auctioned or or do you think i should maybe just take a little taste of this first yeah they're all waiting all right first one is a fishing lot first lot fishing live it is fishing season kind of like ah there's plastic on that i didn't taste it yet um i have to set that down because george actually has a fishing lot coming up this fishing lot includes 64 packages it has a combination of doors here we go it has jigs it's got spinners it's got worms it's got hooks and um it also has weights does it have any ketchup candy canes no ketchup candy cane does it have any gummy bears no gummy bears just strictly fishing equipment not a single gummy bear no there's gummy worms there's cheese flavored worms that would be awesome gummy bear worms for fish too yeah now this this lot is for real so all of your bids in the chat will be real this is not pretend anymore just a reminder holy cow if you have no intentions of getting updated look nice are you kidding me oh my goodness oh my goodness we just hit the hugest record ever this is like christmas here's those worms i was telling you about crazy youtube just updated the information she scented worms this is crazy this is crazy it's crazy crazy did you see that is that not insane i can't believe my eyes oh my jeremy my estimation is gonna be right or five i don't remember uh today would be four holy cow holy cow all right so we got all these fishing lures which are absolutely amazing there are some weights different size weights fishing jigs again one once once we start the real bids do not if you don't have intentions of paying do not bid or you will be banned that's a lot of fishing right there there's more worms you want to try some of these with my candy cane yeah maybe you guys want to see jeremy try some cheese scented worms i've got worms remember that on gum and drummer yeah that was funny i got worms all right that's it again 64 packages and this assortment of lures jigs spinners worms hooks and weights you guys ready to bid all right all kinds of crazy things going on here with the fishing lot you guys know you guys know the drill so you you've got whatever george said in regards to what there is there in the la remember everything is as is no guarantees and there are no returns we try and represent everything as it is but remember everything comes as it is that's how we find it that's how you're going to receive it as well so that being said you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it let's go here we go all right looks like we got td td mega lean at 30 30 hybid right now nick elements got a tackle box chair diller's at 25 meals at 30 as well we got 35 rich powers now we got 40. we got we got bids everywhere i can't even keep up with them we got bids everywhere there are 40s there are 50s there 55s i think i saw 60s i don't even know i don't even know what 60 albert moore is at 60. melinda young is at 60. i'm thinking i'm thinking albert more this sound seems really low i think albert okay deanna wright is at 65. remember this is free shipping here within the united states elder moore is now at 70. sharon dale i can't even keep up will's brown is at 100. willis brown is now at a hundred that is the first hundred i've seen cow falling gaming at 90 but will's brown is not 100. there are bids anywhere and everywhere albert moore keeps biddings at 80 100 is a bid to beat remember free shipping here in the united states 100 is the bid to beat 100 110. carol came in at 110 cal canal came in at 125. i see everything and anything i see him coming everywhere 6 y 7 u 6 tty 155 high bid nice job nice job all right six y seven u six tty you where's what you wanna do you wanna send your youtube name all those numbers and letters your real name your shipping address your bid amount and what you bid on right there to what the hails at we need you to send that email immediately to george or you will not be able to bid again if we do not get an email from you by the end of the evening the lot will go up for bid again or will go to back up off to the back up buyer backup bid was kyle was it kyle george is saying it was kyle at what was his bit out i think 150. 125. kyle feldman your backup bidder at 125. kyle we need you to send your youtube name your real name even if they're the same shipping address the bid amount 125 and the item you what you'll do is you'll send that right to george and don't mind go ahead and send that right away if we do not hear from from 6y7u tty then uh you will get that that offer as far as backup if we don't hear from either of you it'll go right back up at the end so want to send those emails immediately if you would please appreciate it all right oh oh oh oh here we go here come all the yarnaholics here come all the yarnaholics here we i'm gonna they can't even see here put it in my hands for a second before you weigh it so they can actually see what they're going to look at because your camera always is straight down you are bidding on all of this yarnaholics and she can never show that all to you yeah in two there's two different colors there's these are all double rolls so you'll get nine of them full screen i'll let you know if we get the emails so these are dreamweaver made in the us you'll get double double these are double packs so you'll get nine of these so 18 of these so nine double packs and then you'll get 10 of this color so 20. so 10 twin packs totaling 20. so all together between this color and this color are 19 double twin packs that's a lot of yarn so 38 that is a lot of yarn okay let me see so this this color scheme is perfect because fall is coming these are all different like fall colors i'm not sure exactly what i'm supposed to do to bid on auction items hopefully this might even give you my information all right that's not these are fun bright colors so again you'll get nine twin packs of this color which is 18 skeins and then you'll get 10 twin packs of this color which is 20 schemes jonathan raspberry send a two dollar super sticker appreciate it jonathan all right still not seeing emails from the first lot we're going to go ahead onto the second lot we're going to head into the yarnaholics lot here we well not yet because we have to go through the oh i gotta weigh it yeah she's gotta weigh it she didn't even weigh it yet so let's get into the weighing yeah that's probably the most important thing she loves to weigh and then another thing that we tell you is to refresh in between lots and make sure you're in live chat that way you won't lag that way you won't fly kathleen saying would love all that yarn that's a lot of yarn that's a lot of yarn how do you say that you always say that's a lada how do you say it good lord that's a lot of yarn that's not how she says mick draper makes the prayer blankets she sent us one though yeah i still have beautiful absolutely beautiful all right 25 starting bid no guarantees everything is as is although we are gonna pretty much tell you these are brand new in the package over 13 pounds over 13 pounds of yarn and remember anybody and everybody could win a free lot tonight if you answer the trivia question right at the end of the uh auction so 25 starting bid you got a bit fast you got a bit fierce because you only have one minute to win it here we go um wait hold a second hold a second technical difficulty here hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold a second hold a second technical difficulty technical difficulty that is definitely not the one let me let me here we go if i can get this all up and running and here we for real this time go here we go looks like we already got bids coming in i see sue davenport looks like he has high bid right now 75 there could be others but there is other oh rap god is not 90. rap god is that 90. rosie is at 90 as well rep got his 90 high bid at 90. rap got is now at 100. midwest picker is in at 60. lee says this is cruising rap god is at a hundred rep gun is that 100 bombers coming in 900 rosie's at 100 but rap god has high bid at 100. cecilia yeah is that 80. she's at 80 with 30 seconds to go all right rap god you really don't have to bid yourself when nobody did more than you all right rap god either has no clue or is a troll so we're not gonna accept rap god's bids because absolutely not bidding the right way rosie although is at 101. rosie is at you see rosie at 101 lisa avery is now 106. lisa avery is at 106. high bid seems to be lisa avery at 106. lisa avery 106 seems to be high bid right now lisa every 106. let's see what happens let's see what happens it's solely savory 106. nice job lisa there were 100 dollar bids everywhere nice and oh sue davenport tried to come in at 107. didn't quite get it didn't quite get it but lisa avery did lisa here's what you're gonna do lisa you're gonna send us your youtube name your real name even if they're the same shipping address your bid at 106 and what it was the yarn lot right there what the hails make sure you spell it correctly or we'll never get it and then backup bid let's see if i can find out who the backup bid is i think it might have been rosie let me see because rosie was in at 101 101 101 101 101. pretty sure it was rosie so rosie as far as i can tell rosie you are backupbid at 101. exact same thing rosie you can send us your youtube name real name shipping address bit amount 101 and the lot so we get a lot of backup bidders that go i was backupbidder we have no idea what you were back up there on we have to go back and watch which we enjoy doing but it helps if you just got a backup better on the yarn lot and we want you guys to go ahead and email us right now uh we got you on the yard okay alpha says we got you on the yarn lot so did i do do over oh what are you on now you're on the beanie babies yeah trying to see if i figured if i did anything wrong alpha i think lisa and alpha or roy and lisa yes roy and lisa uh public storage auction run tomorrow roy and lisa okay let's see what we got uh as far as what the hills here's some accessories okay beanie babies are up next waiting for uh we're waiting for the fishing lot email and then we are also waiting for the yarn a lot emails as well we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna put george in the big screen i didn't count how many beanie babies but you saw it was over 24 pounds it's a lot of beanie babies almost as many beanie babies as we have gummy bears yeah it's getting close very close it is getting close that is a lot of a lot of beanie babies a lot of gummy bears and we still have ketchup candy canes too i think they're all dying to see you try albert just said that is good resale on the fishing lot fishing lures go for a lot yeah that is great resale value there there is some damage to the packaging of these so maybe some of the plastic bubbles are discolored or that may have some dents or moisture yeah want some water yeah it could be some moisture cards looks like they're a little bent up as well so jk is here prematurely these are the beanie babies from the mcdonald's toys jk just got here he's premature is that what he said yeah yeah he's premature he's pretty much really here oh yeah that's right because he's been falling asleep and watching the replay right falling asleep or he's watching he's watching you talk about being premature to everything one or the other and debbie bond said that's what she said remember if you guys want to if you guys want to network with one another you see something a lot you want to buy feel free to share your information with the with the buyer and like this is curling yeah you can put that in the actual chat and if they want to sell that they're welcome to sell to you we just won't share anybody's information with you renee is calling what dude i'm on a live stream right now yeah i have a three hour live you know i go live every sunday no no i won't be done until midnight my time i'll be i'll be doing this for another hour and a half i'll talk to you tomorrow no no no we don't no we didn't now but i'll talk to you tomorrow about it all right all right talk to you all right um we've got okay was he about to make a premature announcement he was about to make premature announcements all right uh yarn lot we have winning bidder and we have backup bidder we don't have anything in regards to the fishing lure lot yet so as of right now that one's going back up but we do have winning bidder and backup bidder on the yarn lot so nothing on the fishing lot yet flipping adventures said hi renee deborah says uh gerard and jeremy love you two to the moon and back thank you so much debra oh i appreciate it debra michael oard says what happens when you go left you know you've gone best boom it doesn't really rhyme but yeah you we like it better when it rhymes what is that a snail uh yeah that's a snail look at that unicorn horns what's the trail look like ribbit ribbit i don't know if i'm gonna show all these do you know how many are in there 24 pounds worth 24 pounds we don't know how many are actually in there okay we've got backup bidder for fishing equipment james just just messaged so so we don't have we don't have look how cute this one is oh that's the bat nice that's so cute it closes up with uh velcro so backup bidder for fishing equipment and we've got winning bitter and backup bitter for yarn this one has this one's cute i've never seen this one with the glitter in it that one is cute oh there's so many 25 pounds of beanie babies there's a lot in here there's probably well over 100 beanie babies so if you're a collector or if you're a reseller or if you want to start getting early christmas gifts these lots that we auction off are perfect so we got james on the back up on the fishing james george will george will actually send out um she so george will send out invoices tomorrow so we here in our time zone we'll end about midnight 12 30. i have a very early morning tomorrow i have a storage unit run all day tomorrow and then the following day as well so i it's really we're i'm gonna go to sleep tonight she might be working oh there's an ohio one but um she'll send out she'll send out invoices and how to pay tomorrow so we did we did get your backup bid we have not received the original uh bidder yet yeah and i'll if you are the backup you are the backup better i do acknowledge the email and i'll let you know and she'll let you know so if she doesn't get the original bidder you'll get it for your backup bid which is great which is great get that one it's got a graduation hat class of 98 i was 95 when were you 98 double o 2 000 i'm robbing the cradle we're five years apart we are yeah i thought maturity level we were right there with one another well men tend to mature a little bit later in life i hope i never mature i wouldn't be any fun do you want to do you want to taste this before i taste it no you've heard but you're a foodie you could do the honors not yet not yet all right so she's you can see what she's got here there's a ton there's a there's a ton and let me put this back up there's a ton and there's going to be even more she can keep showing but you're looking at 24 pounds that's what you're looking at most of them have the ty tags on them so you're they're exactly as they are no guarantees as is no returns you got a bid fast you got a bit furious we have not checked tags for errors okay if you know anything about your beanie babies the error ones are the ones that are worth the most we have not checked tags they have literally gone into a tote they were probably they were probably all in that tote when they were found and we never went through them nope they were probably showed them on a video and then we never went through them yeah so if if you can remember them in a video and if we found any error tags they're there that's if that that's what it is so that being said you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you only got one minute to win let's go here we go 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states we will ship to other countries but you will be responsible for shipping kevin hoyle's high bid at 100 that's a great bid there i got 50s and 30s everywhere i got the hundreds everywhere now kevin is still high bidder at a hundred dollars now we've got melinda young at 101. melinda young is now high bidder at 101. now sukeng chan is at 105. justin is now at 110 truckers 10 is at 150 150 is the high bid to beat right now with 25 seconds to go 150 with truckers 10. oh truckers 10 truckers 10 you don't have to bid 205 yet you're still high bidder all right truckers10 you either don't know what you're bidding or you are not a real bidder all right we're just gonna we're just gonna justin andrews is at three 300 okay i'm getting all over the place i don't even know where we're going with this i don't even know where we're going with all that where did we go where did we go sold is where we went all right here's what we're gonna do because i don't know where we went with all that okay everybody who was bidding just pause because i think we had a troll in there okay so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go and do it again we're counting that as practice because conkey took the troll out all right so we're going to do that whole lot again this is going to do the lot again because it got too confusing with the troll by the way the more we do coin pushers the more we get trolls from a different genre and so we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna do that all over again so that one didn't count this one's for reals this time you gotta bid fast that was practice you got a bit furious because you really only have well you have a second minute to win it here we go second minute to win it all right 55 55 seconds to go here we go we are bidding for real this time catherine p is at 50. catherine p is high bidder at 50. gg the party man is that 125. gg the party man is at 125. we got bids coming everywhere i see hundreds left right everywhere 125 is the bid to beat right now 125 is the bid to beat 125 is the bid to beat 30 seconds ago justin andrews is now 130. kevin oil is at 130 as well justin andrews that 130 kevin oil is that 130. we got aaron breeden at 127. melinda young is at melinda young right now is high bidder at 131 melinda young hi bitter hybrider justin andrews is now at 1 45. justin andrews is a 145 hybrid at 145. melinda young's backup bidder at 131 justin andrews high bidder at 145. 145 as i bid with three two one and catherine p is now at 132. let's see what happens we got sean graham at 165. sean graham got into snipe at 165. let's see what happens and and we'll be shawn will it be sean will be shot at 165. it looks like it's gonna be the anticipation is killing me sold for sean 165. nice job jk wanted to know if that last minute was pretty mature that last minute was premature jk all right sean sean graham you are high bidder at 165 sean graham here's what you're gonna do that is a great buy make sure you check the tags for errors make sure you check every tag for errors we put plenty of videos out on how to do that why to do that why they're worth more so sean graham 165 you're going to send your youtube name your real name even if they're the same shipping address your bid amount 165 and the beanie baby lot right there to what nails back up bitter back up bitter is justin andrews at 1 45 justin bidder or justin andrews at 1 45 right there all the same information we need your email now uh so sean graham send your email now so that way we don't have to put it back up for auction we know that you are in contact with us and george will send you out that invoice so go ahead and send that email now if you would please for both the initial bidder and backup bidder so that would be sean and then also justin uh april i got your email in regards to the cookbook we are nowhere near finding the cookbook that stuff is it's gonna take us months you're just gonna have to be patient with us we deal with hundreds of thousands of items in a month and so it's going to take a long time you just got to be patient we got we got a ton of people looking for things and we get we literally will receive 50 plus thousand communication pieces in a month so it's just george and i going through the emails so we apologize that it takes so long but um it does it's just part of the it's part of the process all right sean graham uh we got beanie baby on sean graham we just need justin andrews on the back up and george is bringing out the thai lot the thai lot there are 73 ties these are all tabasco this one still has two tags go ahead and show those for a second i'm gonna mute for one second while you're showing all right so go ahead and show them all right she's got all the ties do you think they're ready for me to eat the uh this one still has the tag on it 25 nice very nice very nice vintage tie is that tabasco sauce wow i'm getting i'm getting a little uh a little hungry for some candy cane do you want a bite no you're sure you try it first and then i'll try it you promise you're gonna try it yeah yep i'm gonna see i'm gonna wait to see your reaction that's your plan yeah you wanna see my reaction that's your plan i wanna see what your reaction is and then i'll try it here's an ohio state tie oh here's a look here's a pie tie remember pie in math class i remember pumpkin pie i remember peanut butter pie this is a americana series down by the river circa 1887. down by the river i think i need to refresh there we go by the river now's a good time for everybody to refresh as well here's a christmas tie with stockings another polka dot tie oh look at that nice nautica tie do you want me to open up one of the pounds of gummy bears not even one remember pie i remember pie you would you like some gummy bears i'd like some egyptian pie i know you're craving the gummy bears and peanut butter pie that's why you're asking there is the 73 men's ties 73 73 that's a lot of ties that's a lot of ties all right so you can keep showing them there are a ton of them and then i'm going to start the bidding so there's 73 total ties guys there are a lot of ties george which one had has a tag of 70 dollars you dare me to just take a lick right now yeah you just want to know what it tastes like does it taste anything like ketchup remember how we talked about flavors like peach flavor tastes nothing like the real fruit you have to get a taste of this like the great the artificial grape flavor tastes nothing like the real fruit you have to get a taste of this same thing with like strawberries tastes nothing like strawberries you have to get a taste of this oh my goodness no bueno no good you're over there choking i need to i told you i needed a chaser where's those so so what you're saying is i shouldn't try it but i wouldn't like it i'm saying i'm saying i'm gonna open this and have some gummy bears as a chaser just a pound just a pound um if anybody was wondering if ketchup candy canes taste good the answer is absolutely because you don't like indian food i love indian food i just needed an excuse to eat the gummy bears you very sneaky jeremy this high reminds me of um what's that show i've never watched with the wizards that uh border of the ring no the movie that i've never watched with the wizards yeah harry potter harry potter all right even though my mouth is pulled with gummy bears that you guys sent we're going to go ahead and bid on this lock you all to get a taste of this here everybody up to the camera get a little taste can i try good right yeah you can on camera why does it have to be on camera why can't i just try it they have to see your response on camera all right 70-some ties there's a bunch of them she's still showing them 25 starting bid let's do this here we go debbie vaughn said it tastes like a computer screen all right justin's in that 75. jeff is in that 75 midwest pickers in f50 we got bids coming anywhere and everywhere uh if the gray area is not 80. hybrid is a gray area 80 gsg went into 80 as well rochelle is now at 90. 30 seconds to go rochelle gold is at 90. pamela gaming at 80. for shells high bidder 25 seconds we got ts ge not a hundred 100 tsge 15 more seconds to go you guys know ties you know how well ties do on ebay don't ever overlook ties at your goodwill your thrift store debbie illinois is now at 101 it's instagram is that 110. 110. we got ts ge at 120. tsg at 120 let's see what happens here let's see what happens and so tsge 120 tsge you're going to send us your youtube name your real name shipping address your bid of 120 and you're going to say tai lop right there with what the hills hell yeah we got a whole bunch of bids of snipe bids that didn't get in but i think it's a great area i believe was backup bid it's a great area your backup bid at 110. all the same information look at that cleveland indians and they took chief wahoo away that's going to go up in value and so it's a great area all the same information say your backup bidder at 110. go ahead and send those emails now ts ge go ahead and send that email now so you can keep bidding if we don't get your email you can't continue to bid we've got to know that you are set and ready to roll and then it's a gray area you're all set as well now would be a good time to refresh and make sure you're in live chat as well uh-oh women are men all women are women here we go here we go shoes these are women's shoes designer shoes there's ten pair if anybody's interested in a tie from tsge like liz barnes uh you can start making deals right then and there so you can we don't mind if you share your information in the chat we will not share anybody's information with you personally i'm gonna put george right up here she's got the ladies shoes these are a pair of guest wedges all right um what what do you want me to guess they're wedges they're the name brand is guests i don't know women's shoes i can't guess that's the name brand they're gonna want sizes if you got them oh these are express these are size 10. the guest ones were a size eight and a half these are eight and a half and then these guest shoes are size six and a half these shoes are made for walking gianni beanie bonnie these are size nine if i wore these i would be just as tall as you if you were as tall as your personality you'd be taller than me these are also guests these are size seven and a half these are bcbg generation these are size eight these are inclined these are a size eight and a half this is clayborn size six and a half six and a half holy shoes baby fat wedges size seven and a half and then last pair these are jessica simpson snake skin heels these are size six 10 pair women's designer shoes sizes all different sizes all differ all right remember the last slot we still need your email what the hell's that so last law last slot hi bitter back up there we still need your email this is the shoe lock the shoe lot looks like she's ready to shoo me on so you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you only have one minute to win it let's go we got 55 seconds tony just sent four dollars on the size ford foreign and the heels are too high all right sarah lopez is at 50. you got angela 75. melinda young is at 75 high bidders angela powell right now 75. melinda young is now at 77 with sarah lopez is in at 80. 80 is high famous sarah lopez right now with 30 seconds ago melinda young is now 81. ian's one mom is at a hundred ions one mom is now at 100. sarah lopez is now 101. sarah lopez with 15 seconds to go sarah lopez's high bidder at 101 and we got ten nine eight seven six five jk wants to know do those come with the two e width crystal oral is not 102. 102 with crystal earl sarah blossoms 105. therapy is coming anywhere and everywhere michelle came in at 103. sarah lopez is still high better at 105. so sarah lopez at 105. nice job sarah lopez here's what you're going to do you're going to send your youtube name your real name shipping address your bid at 105 and you're going to say the shoe lot you're going to send it all right there what the hell's at make sure you spell it correctly we're not responsible for emails that never get to us because you didn't sell correctly and back up bitter all right b s b g s e backed out conkey go ahead and uh block him and then the thai lot he backed out so again people if you have no intentions of paying do not bid so we'll just put that one back up because we didn't get the backup bidder uh so let's just put it right back up um and i think rochelle rochelle colt you are back up bitter on the shoes at 103 so you can do the exact same thing send your youtube name real name shipping address also your bid at 103 and the lot which was shoes right there what the hell is that oh it was wasn't it for the ties yeah if so if it was it's a grey area we already know their email address yeah all right it's a gray area you are high bidder on the ties can you let us know if you're still interested in those or we'll put them back up we'll put them back up for uh for auction and if anybody wants to see george taste the ketchup uh candy cane will do that too all right next lot are i have girl scout and cub scout anthony henniney sent uh buck 99 bram thank you so much we sure do appreciate it all right george has got some super cool stuff here i'm just gonna give her the whole floor with all these different patches maggie just said that's a great deal yeah there's a ton of great deals we love passing the deals on to you guys absolutely love passing the deals on to you guys so this comes with the the patch stash sash and then the vest that has a ton of patches on them uh jesse schwartzentrueber wants to know what does the money go towards jesse this is what we do for a living we're actually resellers so we buy storage units then we sell everything from the from the storage units this is how we make a living so the money uh particularly george george gets every penny from these auctions so this is her salary uh girl scouts and then there's a compass inside the pocket you know they want cookies with this stuff right are you selling any cookies no cookies we didn't find any cookies in the storage unit no cookies in the storage unit if they were i probably ate them or they were stale and you guys wouldn't want them but no jk was a boy scout for one week they threw him out he was too creative i could imagine that we have to and then here's the cub scout outfit you get this top with the different patches there's some pins on this side of the pocket boy scout of america and then it says cub scout psa tons of patches on this top conkey i see what they're saying about uh tsge didn't refresh and they were on the the thai chat so you use your judgment you see more than i see let's see if there's anything in the pockets if there's another compass or anything good hiding in the pockets rosie said my husband said he ate a brownie once that's awesome that's what she said there is a patch on this sleeve we got backup bidder on pilot okay so so we've got rodney uh message on the tie lot so you're all set to go so yeah it's a gray area you guys will get it we're all set there look at all these cool very cool so this is another girl scout outfit what is this a friendship book debbie m just made a good point she said next time if we have a necktie lot call it neckties instead of ties because we did a beanie tie lot so tai and tai can get confusing with people well she's right cy t-y yeah i was called beanie babies yeah these are really cool items and if you guys look at the ebay sold comps girl scout and cub scout stuff items go for some good money patch on this sleeve very very cool stuff here's the belt that goes with it and i think that's it gene suiter saying look at all those beanie babies gene you are probably lagging way way behind right now that is the other thing we need to take into account as far as people lagging and they don't even know that they're lagging gotta hit refresh show your refresh or hop out of the live and come back on gotta hit refresh okay so what are we calling this live we're calling this the girl cub scout girl cub scout sarah lopez just messaged about the shoes so you're good to go there yes sarah's a good buyer uh so we're calling this the girl scout cub scout lot this is really cool uh i actually have a boy scout collection books particularly so i i've collected some of the books from the earliest books i'm still trying to get a first edition boy scout book i have a first edition girl scout book so may not know that but um now you do really cool stuff i love this kind of stuff i love anything outdoors camping you name it so everything is as is no guarantees uh you're getting it as we got it and you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it don't you worry we're gonna get george to try that candy cane rosie says it's the girl pack here we go this is a really cool really cool lot this would be so awesome displayed on a wall melinda young is at 60 dollars barbtee's at 50. melinda young is at 60. barbtee's now at 75. 75 with barb t one of the cool things things like this movie uh movie set uh prop people will actually buy we have movie prop people buy from our ebay a lot a lot they need props from certain area eras barbecue is not 80. this is the girl scout the girl cub scout lock 81 now with melinda young barty and melinda are going head to head here melinda is high better at 81. barbtee's now 82. i got a feeling melinda young's going to come back at 83. 83 most likely barbeque is now high better at 82. mark t no melinda young came back at 85 barty came back at 90. it is a battle back and forth mark t right now barty got it at 90. nice job barb t you're high bidder melinda young backup bidder barb t we're going to have you send just your youtube name your real name shipping address your bid amount 90 and the girl scout cub scout lot right there what the hell's at please go ahead and send that email right now and then excuse me and then we also had melinda young back up at 85 all the same stuff melinda you can send all that information as well that's a very very cool lot very cool lot i love that kind of stuff and i got a feeling you guys are going to love what george is bringing next is what i think it is what do you think it was oh it's not what i think it is this is the first time we're doing a lot like this we're gonna weigh it so we have so many people begging us literally emailing and begging if we don't get 500 emails a week begging us for a cell phone uh we probably get a thousand so george has put together a random cell phone lot almost there are 22 there are absolutely no guarantees nothing has been checked nothing at all has even been done to power them to turn them on here you go i'm giving her full screen there's a total of 74 phones in this box it's a combination of smartphones flip phones blackberries none of them have been tested there's a lot of ones that are in rough condition but we do get a lot of requests that they um people want cell phones just to kind of pick for parts pieces and parts and they are worth money online four parts yeah you can sell this for parts a lot of people will pick it for gold whatever whatever i have whatever hobbies they have they do like taking them apart and putting them back together see like this one has a cracked screen again none of these have been tested we find them in the units and we just throw them in a box and now we're auctioning them off again they're 74. it's a combination of smartphones all different assorted name brands there's even flip phones in here so like a phone like that samsung right there that's probably a five or six what the what most people do they'll buy that on ebay then they'll replace the screen resell it so if you're good at refurbishing this would be a good lot i'd love it to send two dollars love the videos thanks for the entertainment i love it thank you so much for the encouragement we truly appreciate you watching and for all the support so we haven't charged anything we haven't that literally we don't have time to do those things it goes into a box and we have people begging for cell phones all the time so you want a cell phone lot for parts you want to work one you want to work on one you want to fix one you want to sell them for parts you can buy them in bulk then resell them if you're a good repurposer this would be a perfect lot for you there's going to be droid there's going to be iphone there's going to be everything motorola and we probably have a thousand more what do you think we have more of gummy bears or cell phones right now gummy bears now that i just felt my mouth now what cell phones are gummy bears are you chewing with your mouth full never am i chewing with my mouth full yes i mean are you talking with your mouth full um i'm a leggy there's a throwback for you blackberry like this samsung looks like it's in really good condition but again we haven't turned it on we haven't tested it so no idea what's on the phones none of them have been factory reset we just find them in the units and just throw them in the box some of them are missing the backs and the batteries here's a throwback for you that's the phone i still use hello 1980s are calling hello hello have you ever seen so many broken screens in all your life not until i got into the storage unit business and we probably have a thousand more that might be an original iphone i don't know if it is it's worth money if it's original uh jk says those phones are very post mature they're post mature what are the phones all the phones yeah i love that somebody gets my viewers now some of you right now may be thinking what a broken cell phone lot look on ebay get your ebay comps we teach you all the time the value of things all the time things you never thought were worth money people sell tablets for parts rocks on kelly's island remember this the slider yeah i do remember the slider vintage underwear i mean we've taught you some of the craziest things in the world that are worth money we're still teaching you things that are worth money that was it okay uh 74 cell phones some of you right now are thinking why the hells would anybody bid on this because this is worth money if you were to get on ebay you would see that all right um again everything is as is no guarantees none of this has been tested we haven't charged anything we haven't powered anything nothing it literally goes in boxes so we're gonna give this a try we're gonna see if you guys like this and if you don't everything will end up going on ebay so here we not yet not yet remember nothing is guaranteed everything is as is so bid accordingly giving you an extra moment to check your ebay comps and bid fast bid furious you only have one minute to win it let's go daniel knows yep they they process the gold out of the phones on the connector biker tim said just looked on ebay wow exactly all right over five bills comic con is that 50 we got 60 we've got 75 75 75 see 75s everywhere all right pamela is at a hundred a lot of people who actually buy the phones they were they will actually process they'll mine the gold out of the connections adam perkins is not 110. this is a cell phone lot 110 is a high bid exactly some of you guys are on to it now they want the gold you guys got it chris james is at 120. chris james is at 120 adam perkins is now at 120. chris james's eye bitter at 120. gigi the party man is at 140. 140 is the high bid right now now if you actually fix these phones you sell them you get more than just the gold 140s i bid right now adam perkins is now 150 with three two one if the gray i'm not sure if i'm saying it right but adam adam is at 150 adam's at 165. sold to adam adam adam you actually up bid yourself you were at 150 it's a gray area came in at 150 you then went 165 it would be 150. so adam here's what you're going to do you're going to send and it's a gray area your backup bitter you're going to be backup bitter at 150 as well so adam what you're going to do is you're going to send us your real name your youtube name your real name shipping address your bid at 150 what the lot was which is the cell phone lot and you're going to send that to what tales right now we need that message right now it's a gray area you are backupbidder at 150. let me see if yeah you would be backup bitter at 150 and then back up to the backup bidder would be gg the party man at 140. so it's a gray area your backup bidder at 150. same thing go ahead and send a message and gold refining that's what they do they want it on the connectors they want it on the pins and there's a ton a ton of people out there that that's what they'll do with laptops old tvs cell phones they try and get that gold and they make gold bars from it and that's not even that's not even the that's just trying to get the gold from it that's not re-fix rebuilding refixing selling and uh refurbishing them so we are good on uh girl scout lot we got the message there and we got something on the disco lot that's all you have to disco light and you still gotta run charity events i would like to send it to you yeah somebody wants us to send them a free disco light to the uk interesting um and so you saw 26 pounds of vintage tablecloth and linen that was what we just saw i'm gonna give her a full screen while i'm checking the email so these vintage tablecloths remind me of like when i was a little kid oh yeah for sure does it does this take you back on memory lane i didn't count how many times that would be halloween right there and like vintage linen there are but you just saw it there's about 26 pounds of it these are all the vinyl tablecloths strawberries okay we got girl scout backup as well this looks like a table runner a christmas table runner somebody else that wants us to sell their stuff for them uh yeah we're currently not doing anything we have them they're in texas there's no way we don't do consignment we don't have enough time to do all of our stuff and run youtube yeah uh there's other auction houses that'll do consignment for you yep check your local area yeah adam just messaged us on the cell phone so we're good to go there we're good to go there very good here's some dollies well hello dolly hello okay you're all set on your lot so far okay jk said those are dollies i love it these are table linen do you call them dollies or doll why do you call barbies a dole barbies are dolls so what are those these are dollies why not doll because there's additional vowels more table linen tnb says it's pronounced doily it's a doily a doyle doily no you're pronouncing it for once you're pronouncing it wrong i am pronouncing it wrong doily doily you hear take a lick of this uh candy cane ketchup candy king and maybe maybe it'll help you pronounce things right i mispronounce things all the time i do it on purpose like broccoli sometimes i'll pronounce it broccoli or broccoli like uh sometimes canife on accident i'll call it a knife yeah that's silly that's a lot of dollies tomato tomato no it has nothing to do with tomatoes or tomatoes it has nothing at all to do with that daniel says they're really pronounced money what a lot this is pretty it looks like it was there a little stain on there maybe maybe i saw a piece of fuzz i don't know just keep in mind we haven't opened everything we don't know you know we can't unfold everything on camera for you and we we never unfolded it in the first place so you've seen it as we're seeing it as we're showing it to you there could be stains there could be holes there could be loose threads just keep that all in mind bit accordingly because we we we don't have time to open everything up you know just bid accordingly in regards to that chris james wants to know are we going to be on tv no chris james we have um we have friends that have been on tv we have we've had invites and we we couple things number one uh if you want to be on tv you you think of people that are gonna be someone's oh man people make big money on tv they really don't so who you're referring to they're not making anything they're not getting paid at all so if your goal is to be famous if you want exposure then go on tv but my goal isn't to be famous george's goal isn't to be famous we work hard and and we do extremely well at what we do and so to add another component to an already packed schedule that doesn't work for us so the goal is never to be famous the goal is to generate income and frankly the goal is to generate income to be able to give back and so that being said that doesn't fit being on tv does not fit with goals that i have for my life are or i i'll speak for george currently that she has for her life and the other thing is is i think if we were on tv we have it's a struggle enough being in a relationship and working with one another i think uh we would kill each other pure and simple and i don't think she's ready to kill me right now you can't you see her i'll show her to you she's looking at me she'll see these eyes she's looking at me why don't you show them what you just looked at me like um it's probably you not to be on tv you basically have to be the producer's puppet we like the freedom to be able to to be creative on our own and make our own schedule yeah i i do this so i can be self-employed not to work for somebody else our end goal our end goal is not to be famous we don't want to be famous i'm famous what about that no no she says no all right you showed them all yeah all right we answered the uh four pounds of tablecloth and table linen all right all those tablecloths tail table linens and dollies doilies oh she says doilies now you gotta be fast you gotta be furious because you only have one minute to win it baby here we go there we go she's saying tomato to model this is no this is no tomato tomato uh becky g says she counted 21 tablecloths all right sure the pearl is in that 30 there's shirley rosie is at 75 sandy's at 50. high bid is at 75 right now remember 25 starting bid that's with free shipping lisa is now 77. matadom is at 76.77 as high bid melinda young came in at 78 78 with the tablecloth rod k3 1995 is at 80. truckers 10 is at 80. we're where 80 is the high bid shirley pearl's not at 100 put the gauntlet down rosie came in at 100 as well shirley's at 100. lisa came in at 100. shirley pearl has high bid at 100. shirley pearl's high bidder right now now lisa came in at 114 114 114 as i bid angie is now wait truckers is that 120 truckers have 120. 120 is ibid with three two one and rosie's high bidder at 125 let's see what else is going to happen here looks like some more is oh truth is out is it going to be rosie is it going to burger rosie i think it is i think it is let me see it oh it is it's rosie it is it's rosie nice job all right rosie rosie rosie rosie that's your mom's name rosie knows what to do rosie you already know what to do your high bid at 125 youtube name real name shipping address what you bid on all that stuff rosie you know what to do go ahead and do it what sales and then backup bitter i believe truckers truckers 10 your backup bid at 120. so again you're going to send your youtube name real name shipping address your bid of 120 and uh and what it was which was the tablecloth lot you're going to send it bam right there what hails at let george know that you are the backup bidder oh man you are going all out for the ladies tonight you are going all out here come the pool the men can vote for their ladies in their lives christmas is a comment so this next slot is a combination of purses wallets and bags purses wallets and bags i might as well just like handbag there we go purses and then random bags this looks like a travel bag this is made out of suede oh fancy fancy a total of 50 in this unit 15 yeah she just said 50 in this lot so here's a little clutch wow truckers truckers10 you wanna unless you were sending that your all your information to somebody else in the chat uh you wanna send that to us at whatthehails not in the chat unless you meant that for somebody in the chat but we can't do anything with your information in the chat you got to send it to the email you got to follow the instructions and if i'm saying that incorrectly if you were doing that for somebody else i apologize yes did you just hike up your shorts yes yes i did thank you for noticing does it feel good absolutely wait till you taste this ketchup uh this ketchup candy cane it's gonna taste so good west side gary we'll see you later appreciate it see you gary this is a lot of purses and wallets remember we have not verified anything so for example if there's a gucci in there and i don't know that there is or a coach or or michael kors or anything else we have not verified anything you're bidding on everything as is so please bid accordingly that is the same wallet that's up that mother mary isn't it yeah something similar yeah something like this is up at the mother mary on kelly's island somebody put one of these over at the statue this one's cool do you see this one that's a mason wallet yeah wow all right you guys know that's money right cc bookstore wants to know what the status of the warehouse is uh as george is showing you the wallets and the purses uh we obviously we had the camera stolen uh well first we were locked out we had the camera stolen then she did not pay the water and we lost water so we lost our toilet facilities cleaning and just a couple days ago we actually lost the power you haven't seen a video yet but she has not paid the power she got the electric shut off now as well which is a major issue for us which you won't see this in the video but we know that the super fans are the ones that watch the the live stream the issue that we have with that is we no longer have power to our cameras cameras run off of wi-fi security runs off of wi-fi i have no wi-fi now i have no security no cameras if mitch tries to come back and break in because he is out on the streets right now on bail or anybody else tries to come and break in which we did catch a gentleman the other day uh on the property um we have no way we have no way to secure anything anymore so this is is beyond it's beyond out of control it's beyond frustrating and the court date still isn't until may 10th next year so my guess is that uh she's gonna settle before then because she still wants me to buy the building but uh it's ridiculous it's out of control uh brian is gonna have the junction by or actually the panel he's going to have the panel wired up for um for my generator so i'll go i'll hook my generator over at the warehouse so patients and christian can work and we can at least have some power it's it's getting it's out of control but uh and this is where most people go why are you still there why haven't you moved we don't share with you the end game or the end goal uh that's like showing your cards playing poker when you know the other opponent is seeing all your cards and we know the landlady is watching the videos uh i seriously doubt she's watching it in their lives but uh the end all goal you'll never receive all the information in the videos because we're never going to give it to you because of who's watching but there is an end-all goal that being said i'm going to put it back on to george because i just answered your question conkey said get a solar setup to power the security system yeah we need some type of macro we could with that that's a 10 000 square foot facility with a flat roof we literally could put solar up there flipping adventure says she keeps this up you're gonna get the warehouse for little no money and be nice you are correct that's the end game it's an end game the more illegal things that she does the more liable she is and so it's an inconvenience right now but the end game long run it's it's a better situation in the end game in the long run you just have to put up with the inconvenience and thomas messer goes well it's not worth the trouble well the reality is it is if it wasn't worth the trouble i wouldn't be doing it i'm not successful in business because i do things wrong i'm successful in business because i actually do them right and so it is absolutely worth the trouble right now now i don't i don't think that any viewer on the channel is going to think it's worth the trouble because we show you the inconveniences and we show you the struggles and that's because it's all being used in court it's evidence we're not going to show you the end goal of of why it is worth it it's more than worth it especially for the end-all goal that we have all right this is the last of a lot all right george says that's the last of the last houses in this lot 50 pieces you have to remember even like even tonight when we shared with you behind the scenes on the restoration love video there's you see this much of a story on a youtube video when there's this much to it and you're never gonna get the whole story so so you'll never know what we know you know what we show if that makes sense okay and and so for you guys to you know we always ask your input we enjoy doing that rosie sent you for the tablecloth but um you always understand there's a bigger there's a bigger uh story and there's a bigger goal in mind all right purses watches or not watches purses wallets and all kinds of things i don't know if there's man purses in there or what purses and bags and bags she says you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it here we go that works as if your end game is what i think it is then it's worth it if you know me you probably understand that storage units have something to do with it all right sharon dillard has 25 crystals at 65. 65.75 melinda young is at 75 75's high bid right now we got bids coming anywhere and everywhere lisa is now 77 77 is the high bid 77 is high bid catherine just put the gauntlet down 120. what well nope she she missed tight uh caitlyn it was caitlyn not catherine all right message retracted we are still at i think 85 i think 85 is live and lisa is now hyping at 100. 20 seconds to go lisa's high bid at 100. dale says i'm gonna donate time to work with you fix what i can appreciate that dale lisa's at a hundred hi ben is not a hunter kimberly is now at 125. eileen came in at 125 as well eileen sent ketchup and gummy gummy bears thank you so much eileen and crystal's now 126. eileen is now 1 30. eileen is at 1 30. crystal's at 126. eileen is at 130. debbie's coming back at 127. aaron is not 140 aaron got it aaron sniped it aaron sniped it at 140. oh my goodness aaron breeding got it at 140. wow what a lot what a lot if you do the math if there was 50 did you say 50 50 pieces so then she got it for under three dollars a piece that's incredible frank appreciate it so much bam thank you frank all right aaron knows what to do oops i'm on the wrong laptop trying to make things move we got three laptops in front of me literally all right aaron you know what to do all the information your bid the whole deal and then eileen is back up bitter eileen you are back up bitter at 1 30. and so i eileen you do the exact same thing youtube name real name shipping address your bid 130 and the purse bag lot those that looks interesting mm-hmm the next slide are belts and belt buckles going for the men's now there's a total of four belts those belt buckles look amazing and they are pretty all right you guys should be looking some of these buckles up on ebay while she's showing them make sure you're doing your comps these belts are so ornate i love them look at that let's try and show you sizes if they're on here but there's four belts look at how cool this one is it has animals in the leather that's really cool size 44 on that one this one has a buckle on it wow is this check check and see if there's any silver markings uh there could be but i didn't i didn't see any all right so we don't know if there is any silver like these pieces could be silver but i didn't see any markings very cool there are a total of 24 goodnight bonnie miller look at these belt buckles now why don't why don't you move the belts of out of the way and move the buckles forward so they can get a good look so they can try and get some cops while you show one to one as well look at this that's wells fargo what does that one say this one says bronze crump crumrin so it must be bronze interesting very very interesting this looks like a midwest picker lot to me this is the kind of thing that he likes to sink his teeth in that and racing pamphlets and knives i mean it's up and down that's for sure this one's really cool holy cow wow 1975 on that one wow very cool jk used to love love belt buckles until he got his dad bod now he loves suspenders he just keeps his pants up another one maybe moby dick probably yeah that's probably moby dick these are incredible is that marines so this is the only one i looked up this one's going for like 45. almost none of these are being focused on now you have to focus on the back that one focused german silver so what did we find out about german silver alexa what is german silver according to wikipedia nickel silver melacort german silver argenton new silver nickel brass alberta alpaca is a copper alloy with nickel and often zinc the usual formulation is 60 copper 20 nickel and 20 zinc nickel silver is named due to its silvery appearance but it contains no elemental silver and less plated all right there you go alexa just shared everything with you look at how shiny and sparkly the center is yeah peter just said german silver's knicker and copper and brass and zinc there's zinc in it as well it's not actual silver and i sent i sent everybody's uh devices off too to tell them this one's for you that one's got to be worth something too motorcycle check out this ninja one see the ninja star that is super the ninja star comes off the star comes off yeah see very cool undercover ninja this belt buckle is perfect for you very cool uh eileen and aaron have messaged or aaron and eileen have a message on the first wallet lock so you're good there yeah that ninja one is awesome now remember this is all gonna be sold as one law so highest bid buys it all and then if you guys see a buckle you want feel free to not work with each other these are women's belt buckles this one still has the tag on it it's 18 i'll put the tag on it and then these are two that connect together so that's what it would look like if you put it on a women's belt and then same thing with the fish they're two separate pieces and then they hook together how many pieces did you say was in here there's 24 belt buckles and then four belts 24 belt buckles four belts he got a bit fast it got a bit furious this one i think is women's two unicorns through the unicorn i know some men that would probably wear that yeah you're right because you only have one minute to win it let's go here we go all right i think bridgette is getting her bid in early 100 so far we got lisa at 44 we got adam at 50. uh this is an incredible lot here one oh we got melinda young is at 105. uh aaron brennan is at 135 135 aaron breden right now aaron breeden is at 135 i see bid's coming anywhere and everywhere air breed in this high bidder at 135 from what i can see although there have been a lot of bids all right truckers 10 is now at 2 40. nope retracted hit the wrong button we are at sharon is at 150. striker's at 151 niche lady is at 155. kathy is at 160. there are bits coming everywhere it's hard to even keep up with them with eight with seven seconds i think 155 with the initial 80 is a high bid right now 155 striker joining us out one and one 61. 161 is high better trucker seven gaming one sixty one two one striker ten checkers we got the ninja lady at one 175 truckers 10 did not mean 270. we already know that niche lady is at 180 180 got it this lady this lady got at 180 wow wow wow wow wow nice job wow there are bids coming left and right after as well nice all right niche lady this lady you know exactly what to do go ahead and send your youtube name real name shipping address your bid amount and what you bid on what a great buy on this lot a handful of those belt buckles potentially will pay for your whole lot everything else is profit after that what a great great buy most of those buckles are from the million dollar house uh the niche lady again 180 backup bid is aaron breeden you are aaron your backup bid at 178. all the same stuff you know what you know what time of year it is right george yep it's time to get scared i'm gonna weigh it just for fun it's time to get scared all right we bought storage unit this past weekend and uh we pulled every you you won't see the video until monday you'll actually see the video monday but you're gonna have the opportunity to bid on something from the unit today and you might as well just bring it over here in my camera because you'll never see how big it is there's 110 dvds of nothing but over films these are all horror films a handful of blu-ray dvds most of them are in the case there is a couple out of the case this is all horror all of it there's a total of 110 dvds total oh mike morrows is gonna mail uh ghostbusters this week thanks so much mike appreciate it i love my ghostbusters 93 of them are in the case 93 in the case of them are blu-ray six blu-rays then 11 of them no case 11 no case given george the layout here and 110 we know how many of you love horror and this would be perfect to add to your personal collection or even resell his horror so no matter what time of the year it is no matter what it is people collect horror more than anything else it's crazy it is crazy i didn't believe it until i did the research myself but these are the ones these are the 11 dvds that that do not come with the case the last exorcism a total of 110 dvds we were actually looking at them today asking each other which ones we're scared of like are you scared of this one are you scared of this one carrie didn't scare me like i've never seen 95 of these i've never seen michelle jones five dollars love you guys thank you so much sending love right back to you michelle thanks michelle there's everything i've never seen texas chainsaw not scary never saw that never saw that never saw that i've never seen this was not scary but it was good never saw it it's very gory texas chainsaw masker doesn't scare me just glory i saw blair witch she scared me like that psychological horror will scare me against me how scarred was you i slept on the couch with the light on for a week that's how i scared it out nick gregel sent two dollars stay strong and stay frosty messiah bless you thank you so much we appreciate it appreciate it that's his favorite thing stay frosty like jason didn't scare me michael my myers doesn't scare me i never saw halloween the paranormal act the paranormal videos are in here yeah those scared me because you don't see you don't see the spirits like this scared me there's so many lee and noreen we actually i i i sorted the uh unit today at the house instead of the warehouse and then went through every single one of those movies oh you have to you're gonna give them dvd tomorrow i'm gonna give you the the office dvd i'm bringing to the auction tomorrow we watched it last night the extras and the shorts there is a bunch chucky scared me when i was younger the omen damian saw didn't scare me but you haven't seen any of the songs right i haven't seen any of that stuff just because it's not something you're into or i've never been into any of this the garage somebody just asked if it was in there it's in there yeah they're all in there some of them look like they've never been they've never been watched and some of them have been have been watched so again everything is always as is all in there but they've all been checked as far as are they in the case they're in the case as far as scratches or anything like that we haven't checked for that so you've got to you know bit accordingly in regards to that but there are you're getting it all uh michelle wants to know any conjuring i'm pretty sure the conjuring was in there too actually it's in her hands right now they're in there the ring scared me the girl crawling out of the tv and then the ring two more saw i saw the orphan that one was kind of dumb she was supposed to be a kid but ended up being a real woman yeah there's the founder i don't know what the conjuring is uh what lies beneath is in there yes 110 dvds 110 dvds for you horror lovers these are horrors children of the corn that didn't scare me get out that didn't scare me you saw that one too yeah it was weird but it was good aaron breden asked the mist i don't think the mist was after the video game i don't think the mist is was in there i don't remember seeing the mist i looked at all of these today oh that's an oldie one the mist remember it is free shipping so minimum bid of 25 free shipping 110 dvds most in the case only 11 don't have a case the rest are in a case we did we did lot them up and they'll be future lots we did a lot um comedy and then romance and children's and there's blitzwear blitz blair witch project again that's it that's all 110 of them all right george says she showed you what she had to show you there 25 starting bid you are getting free shipping with that there are a bunch there are a bunch remember everything is as is no guarantees no returns you gotta bid fast you got a bit furious because if you don't michael myers jason freddy somebody might get you i don't know the it clown who knows let's do this come on let's go all right clark's crazy find some more is that fifty dollars sharon builder is at 50. rochelle is at 110. rochelle's already at 110. and willis brown is not a bid just trying to call it all right we got richard cuttner's at 200 that's a great deal at 200. richard is at 200 200 aaron is at 175 richard is at 200. 200 is the high bid that is free shipping here in the united states it's a gray areas at 165 200 is the high bid to beat and 200 is the high bid caitlin is now at 210 210 with 20 seconds to go caitlyn hall's uh nope caitlyn pulled back out but karen is at 211 211 so we were at 200 now we're at 211 with karen mchugh karen mchugh five seconds to go i got a feeling there's going to be some snipes in here from all these horror lovers karen is high bidder at 211 i better at 211 karen mchugh let's see what happens and aaron breeden is now at 237. here come the snipes aaron breeden is now 237. soul air got it eric got it aaron got it she got there are there's a snipe aaron got it though aaron you got it just in time 237 aaron breden nice job aaron you know exactly what to do and where to send it what the hell's at backup bidder backup bidder was karen mccube karen mchugh you can send all your information that would be your youtube name real name shipping address your bid if uh i think it was 211 eleven and what it was the horror movie lot right there what hails nice job aaron got it for 237. good deal good good deal though erin you're going to see all of those tomorrow you're going to see them in tomorrow's video and you're going to see a whole bunch of other cool stuff too so over seven pounds of key chains i have so many more keychains to bring back home to you for the um from the 150 dollar mark martin mark martin unit that i'm still not done sorting we've been uh we've been i've been running to kelly's island for the past four weeks in a row so what happens is i can have employees do certain things but sorting is one of those things that you have to have a knowledge of a little bit of everything to actually do that job and so sorting the 150 mansfield unit with the mark martin right that that unit is not done being sorted yet and then the unit that we split with conkey's flipping it flipping adventures that's not done yet or the other two units that we bought during that same auction so i've got a lot of work ahead of me but i've actually been taking a lot of time off and going having fun at the island too we're a little behind behind on sorting plus we're behind on that big time behind on sorting but we needed we need it's been we got to get we got to get up to the island all kinds of cool stuff here well clark's crazy find some more found a 500 um keychain yesterday in a box indy 500 nice so nice mick draper centerbuck99 jeremy do you have a question yes there's the question that my question is what's the question oh my goodness lisa says she's hoodie weather yeah there you go mick it is it's hoodie weather it is perfect weather it is perfect camping weather so someone was asking about trolls earlier there's some trolls right there tony has uh size four dallas cowboys on the back uh smile time guest wants to know will i marry them and while i'm flattered absolutely flattered the answer is hails to the no i'm sorry smile time yes i'm sorry i know i'm a heartbreaker very ballsy i'm a heartbreaker i am standing right here it was a joke they said duh will you marry me they were trying to insinuate that i asked you to marry me i see debbie i see debbie i don't know what bit it was i can't remember any of that if we get the message we get the message if not everything will be okay flipping adventurous has not hoodie weather in florida yet so is it premature to say when we're gonna go down and finally see physical properties in florida is that premature too not even allowed to let you guys know when we'll be in florida but we will be in west virginia caving again mid-october mid-october all right we got aaron's uh email for the dvds as well i think i'm ready you're all set to go with the keychains all right george says she's all set to go with the keychains keychains sell for great uh for keychain collectors on ebay if you check any of that out pretty much you see what you've got there everything is as is no guarantees no returns and you got a bid fast you got a bit furious because you only have should we give them two minutes nope you only get one minute one minute to win it here we go here we go keychain lot they say it's hotter than hales in oklahoma right now here we go jk said this whole show is premature you can't handle the premature all right gigi the party man is that 40 rosie's at 50 50 is high bidder right now 50 for all of the key chains that's free shipping as well caitlyn came in at 50 but 50 is already there gg the party man is now 60 35 seconds to go sixty dollars high bid right now plays a card fine tomorrow is that four forty five you got starting at 55 but 60 60 is high bit i think it was i forget now yep gg the party man is that 60. no trucker 10 is out 65 katelyn came in 65 personal great mid 65 65's high bidder to beat truckers 10 truckers 10 is now at 70. 70. is now at 75. lisa wilson is now 75. 75's i better bid all the keychains for some reason it is not focusing their announcement focused chuckerson's now 80 80s i bid on the keychains with four three two one and get it where are we at where are we at where are we at we are at i think it's jenna jenna i think it's at 75 truckers is now 82. aaron is at 82. and it's truckers 10 truckers 10. all right truckers 10 high bid at 82. am i getting that right yep i'm getting that right yep that is all right truckers 10 at 82 you're going to send your youtube name real name shipping address high bid at 82 and what it was the keychain lot you're going to send that email right now what the hell's that george will send you out an invoice tomorrow she'll tell you exactly what to do and how to pay and then up bid i believe was aaron breden at 82 as well ab 82 as well aaron breeding chad becca bid and aaron you can send all that information too remember if you see a key chain that you want and you want to offer truckers10 uh something you can talk to them in the chat we encourage you guys to network that way absolutely encourage you guys to network that way again we won't share anybody's personal information we don't we don't um we don't want that responsibility we ask when people get our information we ask them not to share that as well and we we practice the same thing that we would want we we don't share anything but if you guys want to share back and forth bam ben go ahead all right two more lots until the free lot the next one cheryl wants to know what app you can use to check music cds uh music cds dvds blu-rays you can use the declutter app and here's what you do you'll download decluttr scan it most of the things declutter is going to offer you 10 cents which means they can sell it for two to five dollars some of it won't even accept because they know all they do is they resell it online on amazon ebay so if it comes in at like five dollars or or ten dollars like if we scan one it's at ten dollars we know that thing is going to sell for 50 or more dollars on ebay if you scan it if you scan it it just tells you immediately what the value is without having to do comps on ebay and then you can decide whether you want to actually sell or not is this jewelry lot it's jewelry box jewelry box lot here we go so there's a total of five jewelry boxes five jewelry boxes okay keith message on the keychains we're good there vintage jewelry boxes this one the mirror needs re-glued see the mirror came off oh yeah i do see that and then there's 23 regular boxes like some type of jewelry box or display box these come with the pins i think this is the only one that has something in it so like this is a watch display box these sell on ebay i've got i've got several empty watch boxes on ebay and they've been selling for me uh so all of that boxes jewelry watches a little bit of everything empty ring huh remember we still need to see you taste this ketchup candy cane okay we ain't messing around debbie vaughn's gonna have nightmares jk's inducing them also you don't want to know you do not want to know all kinds of boxes here rod wants to know you living the dream doing this we live the dream absolutely every day i tell george what's it like to live in your dad's best life we make it look so easy in the videos but it is a lot of hard work there's a lot of hard work like loading and unloading a lot of hard working is fun i do like disorder biggest benefit of doing this is you control your schedule how much you want to do where you want to go it's freedom now freedom doesn't mean that you don't work freedom actually means you have more responsibility to work because you don't get paid if you don't but uh it's it's crazy mike morrow wants to know jeremy would you bid on a treasure storage treasures nonlin i answered your your message already mike don't ever bid on a manager special so manager special is a unit that the manager of the facility put a bunch of stuff in from other facilities people left behind so if there's a safe in it what the manager did either found an empty safe and threw it in they've already gone through everything so the chances of you finding any money in a safe in there it's next to none so never ever ever bid on a manager's unit which i emailed you that already mike don't ever bid on a manager's unit which most of these people in this chat they can tell you that already because we talk about it uh on a lot all right so total of 20 28. 28 boxes jewelry boxes watch boxes 25 starting bid everything's as is no guarantees no returns and you gotta bid fast you got a bit furious because you only have one minute to win it let's go here we go the box lot the jewelry box watch live daniel says do what you love you'll never do a work day of work in your life lance said his grandma had one of these and it brought back memories oh really yeah rochelle's high bidder right now 65 let's see if lance is going to get in as well sarah lopez is now high better at 66. rochelle 65. sarah's at 66. 35 seconds to go cool kid one seven six three one seven six three a little redundant there cool kid 75 75 is high bid right now we're cool kid sarah lopez is now 76 76 sarah jewelry box watch lot sarah lopez high bidder about 15 seconds to go caitlyn hall came in at 30 lagging behind we are at 75 0.76 angie powell's now 77. 77. high bid 77 angie powell caitlyn hall coming in at 70. she's definitely lagging i think a little bit lagging behind there andrew powell still high bidder at 77. 77 is high bid angie powell 77 and going once going to my soul angie powell oh sarah and katelyn both tried to snipe it in and missed it sorry guys angie powell hi bitter you know what to do you're gonna send your youtube name real name shipping address your high bid 77 and the box lock bam right there what the hell is that backupbidder was and she was 77. sarah lopez 76 sarah you're gonna do all that same stuff you're gonna send that on over to georgia what tales remember winning bidders george will get you invoices tomorrow it will be too late tonight here in this time zone and i have a very early morning tomorrow out onto the storage unit runs i've gotta drive a couple hours one more lot until the three and she's got one more lot remember you still win a free lot and she's still gonna taste the ketchup candy cane it is very very unique is it an acquired taste uh george loves i do love exotic food flavors whereas i'm um more of a meat and potatoes kind of guy or burger and fries kind of guy whereas george loves anything and everything you might as well just put that right over here in the screen the last slide is a christmas live christmas is it too premature for a christmas live uh i would say everything you're doing is too premature definitely premature definitely premature nutcrackers first out of here if you're cracking nuts i'm out of here look at that he's holding a race car how cool is that and it says winner here's a nutcracker that looks like uncle sam here's an army nutcracker here's a little mini nutcracker these these are 15 inches this nutcracker let me move these out of the way here's a little plush toy on the sled these will need new batteries most of these plush toys are battery operated this one still has the tag it's a musical puppy but he will need new batteries here's a little santa basket so santa please throw me a bone this one still has the tag this one also is battery operated we'll need new batteries and then the last thing in this lot is a little penguin also battery operated we'll need new batteries and that's it are the nutcrackers gone the nutcracker i'm not coming back until those are out of here why are you so afraid i'm scared why are you so scared i had bad experience once okay i'm the weirdo all right that's it christmas lot the premature christmas lot very very premature christmas lot we haven't even gone trick-or-treating yet but here we are a bunch of christmas stuff in the stores premature you saw it premature in the stores 25 starting bid free shipping here within the united states you got to bid fast you got a bit furious because it's premature bidding let's do it christmas lot make sure you premature bid here we go premature bidding only on this one all right michelle's at 55. debbie's at 25 rochelle's high bidder at 55 richard is at 50. charlotte pearl at 35. we got bids coming anywhere and everywhere gigi's the party man it's now 75 katherine b is at 75 as well gg the party man is high bidder at 75. catherine p is now at 80. captain freeze high better at 80. dollars or thirty seconds to go gather breed is high better at 80. remember free shipping here within the united states clark's find some more it's coming in at 80 as well anna murray is now at 85. remember premature bids we want your premature bids and clark's crazy find some more is that 95 my favorite holiday is christmas george's favorite holiday is christmas as well clark's crazy find some more is at 95. do you see what conkey put uh no just proving to her christmas lot yes i did now i see crazy clocks find the more is that 95. catherine pizza at night caterpie's not 100 calories at 100. catholics had 100 anna marie's coming in at 98. valerie views coming in at 101 101 with valerie is it going to be valerie is it going to be valerie it may oh my goodness it is it's valerie uh jk prematurely bid two hours ago so valerie valerie you know what to do go ahead and send your real name youtube name shipping address and your bid nice these are really cool your bid and the item or the lot that you bid on to what the hell's that backup bitter exact same thing boy valerie catherine it was you catherine uh excuse me i got the hiccups after eating the gummy bears catherine p at 100. thank you so much catherine and valerie got it those nice those nutcrackers are actually pretty cool yeah they are all right we've got we've got some trivia tonight based on our questions i took you out yeah you took me out prematurely so let's put her right back in let's put her in the free giveaways are masks i'll just get in the screen here patriotic face mask cocky said those are premature gummy bear hiccups and then we've got the peanuts the peanut crew oh we just had the nutcrackers to crack those these masks are really really cool really cool so we will ask a trivia question from the least viewed video of the week and the first three people to answer correctly how do you know it's the least viewed video of the week because that's what we tell them okay that's where we come up with the trivia question all right so there's three people to answer correctly make sure you are in live chat one of these super cool maps so believe it or not one the uh video this week that was the least viewed second least viewed is the restoration love video which i love the videos those are so fun to be a part of and to edit but um the least feud was the last one the wrap-up video of the unit that we did with cocky's flipping adventures so there was a lot of ton thing a lot of fun things in that unit as a matter of fact you were watching it earlier today laughing and cracking up like crazy so she's just like because last week i asked jeremy i said he was a little under prepared and so i'm a busy man so i said well i was a little premature in my preparation figure out what the trivia questions are gonna be going forward and he's like yeah maybe you should so i started watching it to come up with a trivia question he's like oh well i already have one so you typically i don't know what the trivia questions are she was premature on so so so i'm like oh okay so what's the question so this time i do know what the question is all right so we had a ton of fun on the cursed unit it really was a ton of fun uh and as we split that unit with conkey's flipping adventure he went right he definitely went right and we went left and uh pretty much like angie powell said it won't let her send it make sure you send it to what the hell's at if you send it to the wrong domain or if you have it if you type it in wrong it will bounce back and it won't let you send it so make sure you send it to what the hails so we had a ton of fun filming that it was a lot of fun the weather was perfect in the cursed video there's actually a really fun moment in there where we're visited by conkey's flipping adventures and this is based off of the question is based off of that video and one of those interactions we want to know what was it that conkey stuck to the trailer conkey stuck something onto the trailer what was it that conkey stuck onto the trailer we want to know what he stuck to the trailer what did he stick to the trailer what it my goodness we have some oh my goodness i didn't think anybody would ever know this you think anybody when he told me the question i was like what i don't know anybody would ever know this literally stuck it to the trailer stuck it right onto the trailer without any hesitation look at all the answers still coming in you thinking nobody would know it me thinking nobody would ever remember such a thing and everybody everybody least viewed they all tons of answers coming through a ton of you are right on i think they got it what do you think yeah and time is up all right the answer was debbie von said he threw heads at you he's actually bowling the heads trying to knock us over as if we were bowling pins and then not two three but three he took the heads which had suction cups on him and stuck them to the side of the trailer so dan resley you are the very first correct answer it was heads so dan send us your name your address and let us know that you are the winner of the trivia question so you're number one and then debbie vaughn got the answer correct as well she's number two and then william hester william hester you are correct number three so in that order william's on fire this is three weeks in a row not messing around like taking notes watching the videos so it's dan debbie william all three of you thank you so much for watching thank you for uh for for knowing this useless trivia that nobody in their right mind would ever remember except for all of you that are still on this this live stream over 1100 people still watching this is crazy 12 15. here in ohio why they're watching they're waiting for they want you to taste this okay all right i wish i could describe the smell to you guys it definitely has a distinct smell no no no that is not a taste no no no no is spicy it isn't spicy all the way in swish it around it's it tastes like tomato soup tomato soup so if you've ever had v8 and it smells like if you've ever had g8 it tastes just like and it's got a kick to it too it's got a serious kick to it it smells like v8 it tastes like v8 and it's got it's like a bloody mary if you've ever had a bloody mary it's got some kick at the end oh wow there's like a pepper yeah that definitely it definitely has a little kick at the end what do you think you like it it definitely tastes like v8 juice you like it would i eat an entire one to myself probably probably it's almost like so it's got the same kick as like a cinnamon a cinnamon candy you would have cinnamon candy or like red hots it leaves like that tingly that's not a good kick that's what this is like not bad some may love it some may hate it way past our bedtime thank you guys so much for tuning in if this was your first live hopefully you had fun with us you'll come back again if this isn't your first live thank you so much for hanging out with us we appreciate you guys so much we love you you guys are amazing say good night am i gonna sing you're just playing you sing three times so no good night i everyone i should just hit end right now i wonder what you appreciate it carla up above the world so high yeah like a diamond diamond in the sky twinkle twinkle oh susan smith is from seville ohio no
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 28,766
Rating: 4.8875217 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: Uod0DM-uHHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 18sec (11958 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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