GEORGE WITH ANOTHER MAN Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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you know what you guys should open there's a box back there labeled okay is this alright here we go let's find out what's in here oh my and we're back $600 unit that we got in Massillon this is the unit that just keeps on giving so we're gonna see again today can we get that $600 worth of value as we unbox as we open all the mysteries up and we find some treasure and by the way if you haven't subscribed yet what the Hales are you waiting for make sure you do everybody else has hit that Bell icon as well in that way you get all the notifications every time we upload a video every time we go live [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is what we have left to work with so as you can see we have a full trailer without a doubt full trailer and if you remember the Star Trek poster that was in the very first video of buying this unit so we're gonna definitely have some more cool things oh look there's mica knife I didn't lose it I actually know where it's at right now so that's cool and there's the important papers so let's dig in I want to know down in the comments below do you think I can find $600 worth of merchandise today Hales yes or Hale's no let me know in the comments below we got an iTT Technical Institute bag this is actually we found the diploma already in another video here we go Texas Instruments these are collectible so this would sell really well online what do we have what do we have we got more magic look at this and one of the other videos you actually got to see all the magic items that we found so scotch and Soda diamond penny and we got 75 tricks with a stripper deck there's got to be some value there I wonder what kind of stripper deck it's talking about never heard of a deck of cards called a stripper deck we've got look at that we should send this to storage auction pirate we'll take that pink right in the middle we'll make that into a mohawk I got a feeling this is probably all this is probably all part of the magic get up he was a clown yeah the shoes the whole deal so it looks like we got a really cool we got a clown get up here which would be great cuz it's almost Halloween this looks like a brand new metal arc for weddings birthdays celebrations I'm not sure how much these are so let's just we're gonna go ahead we'll put a price on this we'll say $10 for the metal arc if I'm wrong I'm sure you guys will actually correct me you always do and let's see what we got now we got clothes here summer winter clothes we're actually gonna check the clothes because the important thing with these clothes is some of this could be vintage we see a lot of star trek dungeon and Dragons X bar you know all that kind of stuff so some of this could be really good and some of it some of it could be absolutely perfect you see what I did there I think you did there is Batman hat whoa look at this look at this here is mo bettah the authentic mo bettah it's a large and I'm not sure what the deal is with it but it's got to be worth something it's all leather it's got all the fringes let's say we're gonna go $25 on this jacket I think that would sell easily for $25 and I'll go through the rest of the box and see if there's anything good in there there was something really really cool in there check this out it's a magic cape watch it works see now you see me and hahaha now you don't it works a lot of times I don't show the clothing because clothing bores me and so you get to see what I'm excited about but this is pretty cool live to ride ride to live so really cool belt buckle there that I found in a bag of clothing that you didn't get to see on screen cool belt buckle I like it somebody's gonna love that make it their own we got another box here I don't know what's in here but it looked good and I think I think I was right we've got an entire Zumba fitness exhilarate program now I don't know how much these programs sell for right now see if it's in here I bet it is it's heavy enough to look this up and then I'll flash a number it's all in there it's all there look at that you got the weights and everything so super cool discs are in there so the entire program is there we'll have to figure out how much that actually is weird that that puts us on our way we've got the Garth Brooks well it looks like the limited series let's see what we have in here limited it's all in there it sure is check that out it's all in there okay so we got a couple different limited series we got Garth Brooks we've got turned that around we've got George Strait okay and we've got this one right here so I don't know how to pronounce curses last name it was never good at French although I did do three years of French but I think we're on our way to some profit here for sure we found another pair of these justfab's not too long ago George canonic a knife and boom she comes through again in the pinch okay so we found a pair of these in another video look at these ones 7995 and size 10 so let's slice it open while she's working on that I work on this and it's this incredible brand spanking new look the paper is still on the straps there's no reason I wouldn't be able to get $50 easily for these the brand new never touch never worn I mean if I could get ten more pair of these in this unit I would be extremely happy that would be just fabulous all right let's see what we got here whoa we're getting electronics I just bought the s9 let's see this one feels heavy come on be in here be in here man if the s8 is in here this is the plus I don't like the plus cuz I don't need all that extra stuff remember I do everything on the phone if I can figure out how to open the box everything ah it's not in there not it let's see if we at least have some accessories earbuds are always good the Samsung earbuds here we got a couple accessories these pieces whatever they are so I'll probably hold on to those yeah I'll hold on to those pieces for sure and then we've got an LG I don't know if this is brand new or no it's not new the tape is cut here it definitely doesn't come out okay here we go ah we don't have it we do have a USB cord well we scored on the boots if you recall when I bought the unit we saw a guitar case and was a Keith Urban and look at this now we have the amp so that's an urban as well easily get 25 bucks out of that amp so that went well maybe not 25 bucks with a little bit of damp we'll say let's just say 15 dollars for the amp okay normally these would go for 25 bucks but we'll go conservative on $15 now what I want to do see this box here I'm gonna readjust and let's dig in there see what's inside okay we're all set now there's this as well I want to open this up first alright here we go we got a 16 piece carving chisel set so again bare minimum we're gonna be looking we're gonna be looking and again this is low but we're gonna be looking at $25 on the chisel set for shizzle ma chizel alright let's see what we got here this this is gonna be a ton of music we're gonna back up a little bit I know it's shaky I apologize so looks like yeah we got it Nickelback JLo Notorious BIG there's a ton of music so I'll go through all that normally there's typically well there's a typically adult stuff in that - we go through that kind of stuff let's see what's in here this bag is just randomly here I'm not sure what that is a ghost - a bag check that out check that belt out kind of cool looks like a Texas Longhorn there we got some gloves this is like looks like potentially a junk drawer we do whoa whoa what do we have here and we have the Rocky Horror Picture Picture Show action figures here we go that was in the bottom of that from Gamestop check that out look at that okay this one this one is missing the actual bubble sit in there nope it's not in there all right Oh what's this yes I think it is deep all right can you guys let me know what this is is this chapstick is this lipstick oh you know what this is I think this is what construction workers use they put it on a string to find level right that would that is a plumb bob is that what they call it a plumb bob maybe but I did see something else in there - all right this Sunday 9:00 p.m. on the livestream oh that's a 4 Giga right there we'll share with you what we find on the 4 gig flash drive this Sunday on our weekly live stream there were some other cool things in that box that I didn't get to see this butterfly display we've got quarter wrappers which makes me hope that there's actually more collectible coins which we found some already in one of our videos check these out Batman earrings there you go there's the bat Batman earrings we got some kind of coin here as well hooligans I'm not sure what that's all about military police MIP so Afghanistan that's got to be another challenge point Walking Dead tag with crossbow and another flash drive that will reveal that one is 64 gig and this we got an I fit I'm not sure what a knife it actually is but this you're going to get to see on Sunday got the official sandwich artiste what happened to your hat oh you know what you know what you guys should open there's a box back there labeled Xbox games you two should open now so that is George's son Joey Joey's been in videos before I will make better some mistakes tomorrow do you see it back there Joey Dave and Buster's remember when storage legends found some and you yeah and you got all the tickets that was amazing I got peanut butter alright somewhere back here Joey there's an actual Xbox so okay you found the Xbox but somewhere there's a sealed Xbox games it's labeled I haven't seen it yet we'll try and find it we'll bring it out we'll open it you gotta help them George no no I don't you guys found it alright they found it Joey's a gamer and it's what it say on it Xbox 360 in court and chords okay oh we definitely yeah is that a special edition that's the halo this is the halo edition halo 4 right ok I have like three charges they have other councils hmm it's a cool looking controller tonight halo though so Xbox came out with special counsels I've got another one I think I have a red ball there's some Mouse Tony's what is that okay so the special councils are are a lot more money than just a normal one so here's a halo 4 and a lot of them are actually what is that down there a lot of them are actually expanded memory and oh see here's the okay so here's the Gears of War 3 one here's the halo 1 320 these normally came to 50 so they bought an extra yeah I was at 360 this is a 360 also cases like the 360 like anywhere with George what in the world was down there okay so that's the Kinect it's like a Wii bar but this what is it what is it I already found collectible coins silver gold money please be my lady count it down great one she was an artiste wait that's perfect for our Subway sandwich artiste George says I don't want to open a books box but I grabbed one that said books I'm gonna open it just to prove her wrong because that's what you do and there you have it we found one of these before and oh okay all right hold a second hold a second hold a second look at this there is a $25 prepaid gift card all right there's there's personal information up here a check for five hundred and eighty eight dollars and twenty four cents you've got to be kidding me well at least I got a gift card all right please be more please be more I kind of actually like open in the books box now this looks like oliver spells or his could bend his or her I don't know something else no money I think I just saw a demon up somebody's butt okay sorry for the graphic the graphic commentary there for those of you who are accustomed to it Polar Express I'm just looking I'm looking for gift cards and money now how did we go from witchcraft into ours Rhode Island and this one that looks like a signed this one is this one is signed by the author right here mark our Leo the author signed it how cool is that this box looks rather odd it's all sealed but it's labeled 50 TS I was hoping that stood for toilet supplies like toilet paper because we all know that that's the currency for the zombie apocalypse so let's go ahead remember cut away from that sausage whoa wrong way and Oh has something to do with toilet right well there's the poop emoji yeah being a princess of exhaust game I'm a princess more princess deodorant this one was not what we were looking for this one isn't labeled it's a little bit crushed but I thought for sure I have something so let's figure it out looks like we've got layers upon layers come on perfect that was still hold a second and there we go okay here we go all there's a good sign right there we've got a cell phone we got a qlink z te so there's a sign right there look at this we got wax warmers I can always use another wax warmer my house is 2200 square foot in Ohio and I like wax warmers I find him all the time and I find wax all the time was actually my oldest daughter when I was throwing them all away one she's like dad don't you know how much those are worth no clue I would throw these all away and now I can't get enough of them so this isn't probably go home with me I'll put one in each room and this ha well asian asian not there it looks like little santa casa there's the wax for the top of that one yeah I'm gonna take those home some of you have more more knowledge in this area than me your herbologist what kind of herb would that be is that what I think it is in there or is that something else let me know in the comments below and we'll figure that out together there's a heating pad oh we got a shoe box shoe boxes are always fun shoe boxes are always fun paperwork what's this a tape measure some kind of chart of the signs and laundry day drop your drawers here probably not here at the warehouse because number one we don't have a washer dryer we sold them all number two is a little chilly and windy out here okay Oh Jory there's a jewelry box seat in there I think it's jewelry see it's no Samsung maybe it's your buds okay well I just popped them all over the place so we got ear buds some tools looks like some ear plugs so we'll just set those aside oh here's an old rail wear tie nail so those those are pretty cool and collectibles box down there too okay here we go and oh oh okay good news good news but I can't show you everything there's a lot of personal stuff in here let me let me do it this way all right let me do this all right here is collectible money so we just found collectible money more collectible it looks like Romanian and the coin here let me take let me take my gloves off all right and I realized some of you right now we're gonna go that's current Romanian money it's not gonna lock the ball well some people are still collecting it let's see what kind of coin this is here we go all right so there's the coin we got the paper money as well we'll open that up and we'll see what else is in that box this is turning out do I like this kind of stuff this is cool to me it's cool so Romania and I got some missionary friends over in Romania so that's cool that's awesome that remind you to pray for them set that aside and see there's a lot of yeah there's a lot of paperwork I'll have to go through this all individually and then let you know if I find anything aside and then there is with all the crazy stuff we don't find it really important papers oh here's here's something there's hope you hear it all right here we go the okay Faith Hope Love the greatest of these is love that's the love chapter from the Bible first Corinthians yeah yes yes yes here's some money there's some money I see right away nice nice nice I wonder if any of this is gonna be real okay I can feel the magic floating in us ice this definitely looks silver see if we can find any markings it's too tiny for me to see right now see what else we have in here see come on is there anything we can pull up anything at all that will just come up look at that mess let's see if we can find some silver and gold all right here soon I don't look like a pearl well we here you see the markings 9:00 to 5:00 we definitely have silver in here yes okay this is good when we find one piece we find others this is really good although it's kind of disturbing to be honest skeleton weird [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 58,632
Rating: 4.9300294 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandon
Id: AN8tgZsPNE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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