Mom Needs Her Deceased Son's Abandoned Storage Unit Back At Locker Auction / Real Life /Storage Wars

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getting it all back getting it all back mom [Music] this is a video that you absolutely want to have Kleenex for and what else do they want George watch from the beginning all the way to the end because it is very touching here at what the Hales we encourage you over and over and over again to hashtag free storage and we had a great opportunity to do that yet again today because of you the viewers you like you comment you share and feel free to share this all over your social media and subscribe and it enables us to do more and more and more as we restored the love is it government folks like to welcome you out here to thank you a bunch of storage in Norwalk Ohio in this beautiful day there are eight units to sell today we're going to open up the door let you take a peek inside sell the unit to you close the door for the house lock back on it when we're done with the eight units you can meet me over at the trunk settle up and then I'll peel the house locks off and you can have unfettered access have all day today all day sunday until the close of business on Monday to get these units cleaned out to get your $100 to clean up the plaza return to you so same as always cash or credit card there's a 5% buyer's premium which we will waive if you pay with cash are there any questions we know you have options we like to thank you for coming and choosing us today and remember there's a reason why online storage auctions are not made into a television show they're just not that exciting a man on this kind here it looks pretty good 304 beat I'm gonna saddle them in three three three hundred fifty to two hundred let's go to youtube if I'm given hundred otterby let's start it it'll give one hundred out of a home you tell mother say home get fifty fifty dollar bill home good unity another 50 75 75 1575 so many of our what is a Lerman 50 here in 75 mail form 50 bid 75 75 y/o RM is 75 85 85 85 and 95 95 hundred five 105 fifteen dollar bill of 105 here 15 bill Jose hürrem 515 105 and 15 other pair of homes 805 here 15 y'all down here one hundred and five hundred fifteen dollar bill 105 here fifteen dollar bill home was a hundred five fifteen y'all done I so it's here what's your first name Jim 105 thanks Tim got a safe there's a safe right back there in the couch see that right there you're seen so many turtles on the road is like last week folks unit number two today is number 27 here looks like an easy clean out will he give on this kind here to go you tell me how about our here got some old stuff in there showing some age right here now but about are you telling to be two hundred look at two on this kind here together I'm into you I'm into you I'm gonna be a farm 100 Otto let's go ahead 100 bill going me template 801 okay 50 $50 bill another $50 bill home at me out here 25 a spoon it'll be 25 9 25 mil home let's go here 25 25 is 125 $10 bill $10 l28 I'm at 10 here 2011 I'm in 10 20 30 $30 bill want me turn 30 in a 44 mm in 40 here 50 that'll be able to say 50 or $60 bill want me to Meredith petite city $60 be able to say 50 not a bit of um today 50 years we all done 50 bit now $60 former to say if it behaves if you a lot of a homer I saw Bertie 50 bucks what's your first name [Music] the line isn't moving the crowd is stuck and that means they see something good what do you guys think sup they're connives swords saves trunks the first unit had a safe they're not moving at all they're not budging there's something good in there let's find out what they were looking at half hour later now we're up here see a Schwinn BB gun they're checking out all these cases with furniture okay there's a jewelry there's a jewelry box right back there in the corner they're always hiding the good stuff in the corner this unit this unit looks nice it's gonna go for a good price real slow okay 500 are there that I'm in five 500 min over there that I'm in five hi 200 let's go I don't get to forum right that I'm into you I'm into how to give a honey honey here now have another ham now - - louder here now hat I've been doing a half three 300 a bit I've been doing a hat now three 300 two and a half three and three and a half three and four 400 bill but I'm in three and a half here and 400 of all time in 375 help you out here 75 375 time in half near now 75 75 and now for four here now for driving up in 425 425 2500 they have all men women for heme 25 25 it'll be over but it's a 425 425 25 bit of omens ahead of them at 425 20 Bobby all done 425 20 bottle beer now quarter good 25 you all done what does a last call and I sold it to you for Hyundai in the back we're inside down which typically means climate-controlled and typically means people have better stuff because they want to reply Matt control let's see what happens how much in this one I guess we know what's in the what's in the bag nice oak dresser how my daughter's on this one here you tell me it'll get 25 $25 bill right here is close to the door other women 25 hi money valid we'll get $10 bill $10 here 15 little 10 here 15 mm in 10 here in 15 the real what do you say $10 here 15 by mail order them in 10 here 15 y'all down here I'm in $10 now 15 that a bit of Ottoman 10 here in $15 so that you wait 10 bucks what's your name nice buy for that dresser that's a small one in sign 6 and 7 on the day they're together I'm gonna start with 337 right there they're not together it's pretty good right there around 337 Homma dollars on that one right there to go eat Elementary say close to the door , dollars only you tell me to say 50 ok 50 on that one there to go over to say that I'm in $50 video I'm gonna get 25 337 ok right there looks good you're 25 let's go time in 25 9 2500 2500 up in 10 10 on the rail let's good it'll be 10 20 I'd have been 10 here in 200 a bit of our would have been 10 now 20 but I've been $10 now 20 little bit of mint and Hinata what I said I'm in 10 at one eight hundred by your done I don't I'm in ten here 200 men one of them in ten teen twenty I know you one day out up in ten he in 20 what'd he say I remain 10 he don't obey or intent and whatever whom you all done so let's say 10 bucks what's your first name as good merchandise this one here really blows folks it's a 335 unit right here hotter here you tell them it'll get 25 ml form get 25 right there I'm in 25 525 it'll get $10 bill 10 20 I'm in tenth one of the minute I'm in 10 here in 2020 veil from you bidden ma'am but I've been 1022 wanted a bit of um you another mints in here in 29 what he said I'm at 10:00 here normative a one day 20 30 and now 40 30 40 little bit men 30 here 45 a what I say 30 here what a minute I'm in 30 here whatever if I'm gonna sell it to you 30 bucks [Music] appreciate you coming out in that's a beautiful day like today I know you have options so thank you again make sure you check out bender auctions calm keep abreast of any future auctions coming up and if you know anybody that needs an option I do pay referrals so keep me that in mind $50 let's go here I'm in $50 bills gonna get 25 let's go 25 25 and 31 to 32 535 members a 35 40 42 5 45 50 45 50 now 550 550 550 better now if Isaac an advisor can he filed a bill Hormann signify you beggin in sixty five seventy dollar bill seventy dollar beer bottle min 65 here's only 17 500 move on to something IV t battle bill from Brady now 585 a bill eighty-five ninety ninety dollar bill hundred eighty five now night it'll be a home to eighty-five ninety now fired up in 9500 bill harm hundred or above I'm saying hundred a home for 1900 here now 1021 10 and now 2012 over said 100 yen now 2020 Rover 1% y'all done so lot to you my son passed away I called told me he was in the rear so I said I'll pay it she says you can't do that you're gonna keep it but I can't talk to him do you know how much in the rears is um they told me three hundred and some dollars at the time they called me and so I turn around so unit 507 right so no I'm here just asking everybody to please let me help my son stuff okay so how about I do everything I can to to buy it and then I work with you afterwards deal is that fair yeah cuz there's nothing of any value in there it's just personal okay how long ago did he pass away to be my share alright I'll do whatever I can to help you get this belongings back okay thank you fair there it is [Music] let me go in there huh partin's [Music] so this is the one when we got here lady was passing out flyers her son passed away she's trying to recover the unit we said we would try and recover the unit for so our goal is to balloon [Music] this one your brothers this is your brother yeah we're gonna get it we're all about restoring the love I'm glad I could be yours how mad are you tell me 200 little get 200 right now that I'm into too gentle are my order them into to give out on a bail $400 hook up a hundred in this one here to go you tempers a 50 let's go along here five seventy five hundred bills y'all now quarter hundred quarter you tell me one hundred quarter half I don't have seventy-five 175 in two bills to to hear quarter on that I'm into 25 to a half I've been told I have seventy five 275 your turn and now three three hundred four now a quarter of them in 325 25 double arm 325 now had I've been 300 at home three and a half and 75 75 mail for me turn 75 now for 400 for own quarter 400 quarter now had a dime in for nahan available in quarter bidding now having a 75 75 475 500 and now quarter five and a quarter that have been 500 a quarter 25 now I had it I've been five and a half here and 75 575 it'll be a home to save you five here now 70 miles 7e thought to be a form final quarter now has have somebody hired I mean if I were to have hearing so many 575 a home but I say if I were to happen 75 yield back in and now six six hundred and now quarter a dime in 620 finds again hearing 25 25 double Arnold I'm in sixteen twenty five twenty bottle bill what he's added them in 1625 you went back in 25 and I sold it tier 600 all right George we're in George's name we've got it and you're gonna get it back [Music] we found out that his unit was going up for auction about three months ago I offered to pay for it I was told I couldn't get into the unit because it was I wasn't a key holder to myself so we had to wait for it to go up for auction I was meeting people at the auction with the letter stating what happened and everything asking them not to bid against us because we just want something or something that's where I met you you offered to pay for the unit and let us do what we wanted to and I just so much welcome now this is your brother's unit right out of curiosity how high were you guys able to bid or willing to bid to secure everything how much they go for we went for 600 so we got it guys we got it [Music] I don't even have a sure that is or anything well you want to know the good news right you're gonna get it all but ever you want hunt so any shirts what else what about tool boxes I I gotta believe those tool boxes were his yeah so yeah look at that is this his handwriting right there yeah you tell me what you want and I'm gonna help you load it thank you [Music] we got a teenager [Music] holiday I mean he got into that so much so is that all the Halloween decorations are you finding them labeled Halloween decor that was his favorite all of us definitely Halloween decor yeah that is how would he go all out at Halloween [Music] is that his baby blanket did you make that for [Music] she's capping down [Music] [Music] so I understand how precious it's an et sheet set my mother collected and when she passed away Richard about the collection and now my daughter this is football uniform yes from high school yes look at that it's all in there is that his glove his glove the ball is in there as cleats his cleats are even there what number was he number 63 the idea was good what position did he play the full summer end of money like oh wow how old was he Wow very first bike that he worked at was a big teddy bear [Music] was he a big Steelers fan yes he was no we had to steal with his lunch box and everything 1984 that is yeah was he the was he the animal that's the senior ball Wow [Music] you're getting it all back getting it all back mom let's move is that him right there let's preserve his memory [Music] [Music] he was in Sta [Music] yeah he would eat a hole he would just sit and eat the Bologna salad you didn't add bread all we ask is that you storage above as well pass it on pay it forward do the same for somebody else and share like crazy so we can keep the movement going forward free storage the love [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 341,774
Rating: 4.9174056 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Id: wgGSF8ejIHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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