How To Manipulate External Connections for Profit in Cities Skylines!

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of the city skylines with me biffer thank you very much for joining me ah yes i've had a lovely relaxing week off with my family and i'm ready to get stuck in back again with building in this city but first let's catch up with hugo with a word from our sponsors at nordvpn hugo is visiting his scandinavian cousin bjorn hugheson bjorn works at the city of antarctica's snow dump and is training hugo on the safe and efficient way to remove snow and keep the streets clean for all the city citizens while he's visiting hugo will also be training bjorn on how to surf the internet safely and game securely with nordvpn so if you want to secure your internet connection while on public wi-fi watch your favorite tv shows while abroad and block malware ridden websites their nordvpn is for you with nordvpn like hugo you can have a fast and secure roadway to your destination with over 5400 superfast servers in 59 countries you can be fast and safe traveling the internet no matter where you are or where you want to get to to get nordvpn go to biffa and use the coupon code biffer and for every purchase of a two-year plan you get a bonus gift plus a huge discount while hugo will soon be heading back to sunny new zealand but he is happy in the knowledge that cousin bjorn hugheson is protecting the internet for the fine folks in antarctica with nordvpn i'm just looking at this junction up here look and if they come out too quick because of the sharpness of that turn it's like whoa they nearly turn over and crash their car so we're gonna have a look at that and there's a few other things we need to fix as well i'm glad you all enjoyed the episode where we went through and gutted our train network and sort of changed it all up and did all sorts of things there's a couple of things a couple of mistakes that crept in we're gonna fix those as well but while we're here why don't we just use some of the tools that we have available to us to try and fix some of these things i'm just gonna see whether just doing something like that oh look at that instantly that should be so much better let's just see when the next car comes around here now nobody wants to come down here now which is just fantastic and also what we could do with in there is grabbing one of these upgrading to one of those doing a bit of jiggery pokery with the move it mods everybody's got their own own space their own lane all that good stuff this bit in here got distracted now you see um uh i'll change that to bend oh there we go look at that oh that looks nice no it doesn't i thought i was gonna get some better connection through there let me try that again custom there we go that's the one and then we can use our intersection marking tool and get this all lined up oh look at that lined up perfectly first time that is good [Music] [Music] there we go i think that looks much much better get a few lines on there here comes some big trucks merging in nicely everything keeps moving right so the other thing was our train lines over here is a couple of things i want to change this little bit here i'm going to change and there's going to be a reason for it as we can see this line goes into a bridge into a bridge into a tunnel here underground comes out again goes back underground again comes out again we don't need this up and down a little bit here so we're going to change this into a part of the tunnel there and that is also going to help with something else that just seems excessively high let us just lower this down there that'll tell what we're going to do actually we're going to use the network multi-tool smooth the node thing we're going to go from there to here there we go that should all be underground excellent there we go that's fine so having that underground is going to help another problem that was spotted by some eagle-eyed viewers so thank you very much for that if we look at our lines at the moment this yellow line can't get to where it's supposed to go which is from the glass box over here to npa island um it goes all the way up the top here and then it turns around and comes back again once it gets to that station i think during the episode i actually added some stops up here and it wasn't supposed to go all the way this way up so what we're going to do because if we look at our lines our rails and let's do it back this way again it comes down here it comes on this side and then it could split and go under here which is the other direction one but that then joins this main line here past the point have been able to go down here so we just need to add i reckon a little bit of tunnel coming off of here and let's pop that back on again as long as we can keep this all underground i want that sort of to merge out this way oh okay you're gonna do it like that and i just want this to connect to over here like that there we go i think we might just need to do a little bit of jiggery pokery with the move it mods so let's just move that back a touch yeah i think that should be okay there's the next note there there we go excellent so now that line can come around underneath there we go just moving that out a little bit excellent so now if we go back into our stops up here this is the one i want actually so to stop this yellow line going all around the houses when it doesn't need to which one is it this one here sparty and emerson so if we turn all the rest off and leave sparty to emerson on and then when we go all the way up here which is not where it's supposed to be we can hopefully delete stop to move it i'm going to right click that and the other one there we go excellent that doesn't need to be up there background here again easy it's coming out going up here taking that new little shortcut that we added in and heading over to where it should go to no problem at all fantastic that is gonna work much better now there's also another couple of little fixes that i wanted to do one of them involves all these people that are waiting over here to come in there's a heck of a lot over here not as many as there was before but a lot they're getting serviced by trains a lot quicker now that we've solved our problems let's check this side over here not too bad what have we got on this one yeah nothing on there so that's good but i wanted to put a station along here but before we do that and spend all that money i'll come back to that idea about the station in a moment i wanted just to take a look at something in my budget i mean this is going up now which is excellent because we were wasting so much money we go into our economy tab so electricity we've got extra that's fine not gonna worry about that sewage treatment we're gonna need to look at garbage processing we're gonna need to look at is education some people pointed out to me that i've got so much capacity for elementary school high school because what i tend to do is place them down for their area of effect to help people want to upgrade their residential living places but if i drop the budget down to get this lower then my university's going to drop too low because it's one slider for all so i'll show you what i mean we'll go down to say 79 give it a second and this will drop there we go that will drop a little bit university wall now we haven't got enough university spaces so yeah we need to i think add more university spaces in and then we can over drop the budget and save some money so over here are no problem at all by alien rock park we of course have our zoo that we built a few episodes ago and on the other side of the road we have just a very small limited university campus that's also got some stones in here and i'm just wondering oh man man my man struggling for power okay i tell you what that is that is a distance thing oh got distracted yeah that is a distance thing coming down here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to up that to 101 and just hope that that solves it and then we can always build another power thing over here stop the brown out i'll be okay everybody happy everybody happy okay good we'll keep that in mind so yeah we've got this little thing here i want to just check that is the same university district as everywhere else what am i looking for here districts university yeah that is the same one throughout the whole of the city if we sort of hover over here we can see we've got a campus there we've got a campus in emerson hills we've got a campus in myrtle square we've got our tea in the middle here and that then is joined to our main campus up here so yeah let's add a few spaces in here and if we have a look at the oval screen here if we get some more students in we can definitely go up a level as well which should just be fantastic so we've got this little outdoor study area here i think what would be nice if we could just sort of put some dormitories around this i think that'd be looking good so let's get our brush size brush strength that's not too bad and just sort of build out the platform that we've got on here we can go back a little bit like that which is probably just go a little bit more over there probably enough room i'd like to move these rocks out put them in we've got to sort out this collection of rocks at one point it's just a complete mess isn't it um let us delete that power line there and just check out how the power is getting across here i'm just wondering whether we could just run a line along here instead if we go from there i think that'll get our power across and then we can just remove this one yeah that'll be good excellent and then around here we could pop in uh some nice paths there we go that's looking okay we can remove some of these trees because they're all going to be in the way anyway and then we could add so option i mean we've got the dormitory adds a capacity for 300 we do have a couple of dormitories over here we've got the liberal arts laboratories which will add 350 places and we've also got the auditorium as well which would be fantastic so if we could actually just make this more space over here then we can add those items in and really beef up our universities i think we're gonna have to just sort of build this up like this then we'll come back and we'll smooth it down again in a moment so which is the largest one probably that one let's maybe pop that one there and this one come back up to the water here i quite like that they're all looking down onto this nice little nice little campus there excellent let's smoothie smooth all of this out over here so back to our tool again and what we're going to do is take that height bring it out enough to give us something to work with and then we'll take this one here the smoothie tool soften terrain and just take that back what i hate is when you get these like that you know that's the corner that buildings that's been placed so sometimes yeah it takes a little bit of work to get it looking natural and fitting in i think that will be okay this is still wide enough the water's going up a little bit there [Music] yeah i think that'll be okay let's get our water pipes there in for these lovely people that should cover them all and then maybe a few trees around here i'm just going to use our tree brush for now and then we can always come back add a few more bits of detail i think we'll end up we're going to end up expanding this again at some point anyway so if i just throw these in here for now and then yeah at some point they're going to be removed and replaced yeah i think that's looking okay it's a nice little camper so let's just check out how that takes our figures here excellent look at that so not long to go academic works 48 out of eight so we certainly don't need to have any more academic staff on there i think we're gonna leave it all as it is and hopefully we will get up to the next level very very soon so let's just check out again then over here so what have we got oh yes still not a huge amount is it you know what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna grab another one of these so already getting rid of one of those trees let's pop that along there so you got three of those backing up against each other yep that's fine so 22 000 so what could we drop this down to [Music] yeah 95 i mean that's i think we could still have some room you know we could still have some room to do more so how about let's turn that on over there where was our next campus so our next campus is over here could we add anything into here so we've basically only got here the liberal arts gymnasium we've got all of this space let's have a look at the education over here uh graduated hey everybody's graduated that needs to be i'll tell you what it is is we don't have that many people in the city that aren't graduated is there anywhere that's crying out aha we have found an area that is crying out for university education this is it this is where we're going to do it so we're going to attach a university zone to our main zone look at this piece of land here this is just calling out for a nice little university campus ah biffa tell me what sometimes your brain amazes me uh so we need to attach it to where's the nearest one here it is sparta university so that's going to come out let's take the small one come out of there it's going to come across all the way over i've lost where it is oh here it is we're almost there and it's going to come up to here and i'm going to just draw this in [Music] there we go and now we can get rid of this excellent there we go so now we've got this nice little area we can attach to um let's just have a look at the lie of the land so we've got some power going through here which i'm pretty sure we could just delete that connection now power connects up there yep that's fine everybody's so happy everybody's still good yep excellent and we've got this road over here so i'm pretty sure this is the road we're going to attach to and i think maybe right in the middle down here oh let's pick a nice let's pick a nice road a nice tree-lined road let's let's just take a look i think that's going to end up coming down the middle here maybe to there and then what i feel like i want to do at the end is we get a nice little rural road and we're going to go like that in the middle we're going to go that is far too far but i'm gonna do it anyway oh look at that that was close there we go so we're gonna go anarchy on all the way to the end yeah that is far too far but anyway then we're gonna get a roundabout builder here we go and what we're gonna use let's use the one-way tree line road yeah yeah there we go excellent excellent excellent i think that other road that was under there has disappeared there we go we'll grab that one we'll upgrade this one excellent and it's like i come up to the end enjoy the view turn around i go back again i think that's good i feel like i need to just remove a few little trees from around there just to give us a bit of space we're going to remove some from in here as well and down yeah we're going to remove these because it's going to be a posh tree lines roads down here which means we may remove these trees and put some other trees we'll see we'll see [Music] there we go i think that looks pretty neat here alongside the water very good oh i think we're getting an auto save let's have a quick sip of tea hmm there we go so now that should be helping all the people over here to fulfill their educational needs let's take a look in here yeah there we go look a lot less red a lot more blue people are heading over here fantastic so now we're up to 22 000 wow that doesn't add a huge amount does it some of these ancillary buildings but we're getting there just wanted to check the access so i put a little path through here and we've got our main road connection up here of course let's just give these guys some dedicated turning lanes and you can give way through there and we'll do that there as well we'll do that there as well i thought i'd done most of those that's fine so walking from here isn't too bad i mean we could add you know these little paths here it could connect over to there just another way of getting in that's already connecting there so yeah lots of ways to walk and get over here lots of access available and then buses in this area what have we got what have we got okay so we've got two bus line 45 and bus line 46 so bus line 45 i'm going to slightly change that color there we go covers this area and then down to our transit operation down here then the other one goes up there what i'd like to do is just grab one point along here and bring it into the school area um what's going to be the best way of doing that well first of all we need to be in our bus tab if i grab that there it's not going to work is it because the road connection is over here so if it goes along here and we want it to come up where's the road into our university there we go and just stop somewhere down here anywhere we'll do really that works well doesn't it and you know what we could do that with the other one as well let's do that on the other side so they won't get in each other's way just take a slight detour as they come up and down here and that'll give everybody access to this area fantastic and darn it at some point i've turned off the notifications we have got up to acclaimed which is great so for the next the last level whichever that is i can't remember we've got plenty of academic works plenty of attractiveness it's just literally getting people in to be educated so if we go back over here eligible fifteen thousands uh what do we need eighteen thousand so do you know what that is not too shabby so if we only need eighteen thousand ah that is some good information so we can drop this down until the capacity gets oh capacity 13 down hang on am i reading that wrong let me read that again no i read it wrong sorry we need 1 800 students to hit that our capacity is 13. that's because i'm looking at a long flipping tab i need some more tea what's going on with my brain so we've got enough eligible we've got plenty of capacity so i can get this down to that point there i think we're just going to save ourselves a load of money let's put it on the university tab and we're easily going to get the next level that's probably going to be too low yeah 85 i think is probably going to be the sweet spot no 88 we're gonna get it i feel like we're not far off let's just go for 90. so i barely dropped it down at all but anyway you can see how this works shane we don't have individual slider tabs for each of these that would be really helpful oh dear and of course it doesn't help if our amount of students drop below what is needed for the actual level that we're on so i think this is just something we're going to have to keep running in the background and as we expand our city more we're going to get more students but i still like this little build over here that is looking nice right so let us zoom out to the outside connections on our city and see what we can do about all the people queuing up here yeah there we go look as the game's been running these are building up a little bit more so what is happening with our trains here people are getting in each other's way no i think they're doing okay so what i've been wondering is whether adding a train station near here uh so for those who haven't seen we've got a internal connection to the outside and then we've got an uh external connection going to the outside so in and out like that i'm wondering whether adding a train station along here is gonna make these people here instead of standing around so long waiting for a random train to appear and pick them up they will actually walk over to the train station um so this is our yeah this is our passenger line over here so it's going to mean making some alterations who's going to get through first they're both going to go together okay so maybe let's just move this highway so i'm going to pause that i'm going to grab this double click nodes and we're going to grab just that highway along there let's have a look how that's going and then we'll grab hold shift and grab those then it goes to the end and then over here we'll just grab those and just sort of move those up a touch like that i'll move them up into a weird place first of all we'll put our train station in and then we'll sort them out and move them back so i'm just thinking of adding in now we can keep the game running just a normal train station it's going to need road access as well isn't it oh there's locks in the old days it's all going pete so how big would that be we'd probably need a little bit more room [Music] so we just do that for now that is not the road i want let's go for this one here there we go that's fine and then we'll add this in excellent okay that is not too shabby and then what you want to do here we want to get this connected up like that and then we want to get this connected up like that now there's different things we could do i know a lot of people will do like an internal external sort of train connection like this so they you what you could do is you could set this station up here to only ever have intercity trains and nothing else um which i'm going to turn off on this one for what i'm doing so then what you would do if you had that on the institute trains would come in drop the people off and then you'd have another train station where they or not yeah another train station next to it that would be set like this and would just bring people into the city and that way you would stop any intercity trains heading into your train network but what i'm gonna try and do is get these people up to here they're not liking this road coming in here are they maybe we could just help this out a little bit so let's run this road down here oh man look at that rock that lock just wants to get deleted doesn't it let's get his little baby brother as well and i'm just wondering if we just have this down here i don't think they're actually gonna walk onto here you know i don't think this is gonna work at all uh let's just put a path down here and see if that just makes any difference at all let's add a little path under there we'll just connect it to over there so they're all jumping on this train over here standing on the path okay well let's just finish this off then so then what we need them to do is let me just think is to get on here yeah oh another auto save missed that one might as well have a sympathy what i'm thinking so we want in city trains turned off and then one a stop that goes from here and just brings them into the city yes that could come into there and go back again excellent there we go let's just see how many trains that's going to add to do num so far one what are we gonna get three yeah okay and then we just need to get power and water out to this oh man this is going to be the world's longest oh my goodness me look at that highway connection where's our nearest water pipe i'm going to run this along the highway as it's only a little test i'm not going to worry too much about getting it under the roads where they belong as we know and then maybe over here we'll just put a little bit of power in point whoa just the one please up there and we'll bring that straight down into there so that should be okay for power and water yep there we go excellent so oh look we have people walking up here so some of these are now deciding to come over here park their car and take the train and what i also wanted to test was i wonder whether i could just move this whole thing a bit closer when i did it there it was basically because of those rocks i didn't want to delete them do you know what i'm just going to do this again and just move it all a bit closer okay it's closer than it was it's now right here by the junction people are starting to come along here and use it i didn't extend the road this time i just put a path up here so hopefully as the trains start running in and out people are going to use this now the other thing that i wanted to do which is going to start stressing our outside connections if we look at our city information and our policies here we go under city planning it's called boost connections outside connection traffic capacity is increased by 20 applies to boats planes trains and private cars cost 10 000 a week well we can afford that even though our budget even though our thing is at minus 56 000 at the moment it goes up and down i was going to put that on and see what difference that made to how many people come in there's a sudden influx of people just walking in then and whether our train station over here helps to alleviate some of that so over here we know we're getting even more people going a bit of an experiment this one uh where's the other connection here we go i mean here there's not hardly anybody waiting there nobody waiting there and a ton of people waiting there which is a little bit odd but we're going to just test on this one here first see how it goes and the idea is as we get where is it where is it here we go the idea is with that one let's go back into here boost connections we get more vehicles carrying tourists increasing increasing the amount of visitors into the city so more visitors equal more money so yeah do you know what i'm just thinking as well for this path here if anybody here has got a bike in their backpack we could just let them cycle up there and if i did that along here as well would they jump in their bike they are they're jumping in their bike they're cycling up there and then they got these people over here so what are these ones doing they're getting out of the train so these must all be tourists then so they're getting out of the train and then walking out of the city okay interesting there we go so i thought i'd tidy the place up a bit here had a few trees straighten the road out and yeah a lot of people are using this station now so there's some coming in and some going out just interesting let's just pause this a minute here grab one of these people that are leaving jeremy holmes and just follow says using public transport leaving the city where is he gonna go so he's literally just gonna walk off the map okay that's fine there he goes he's gone and oh jeremy holmes confused why is not confused he's confused because he's left the map but he's fine so instead of coming down here and getting on a train and leaving this way they've gone to here and then decided to walk out instead okay so we're learning so we're learning so we it seems like we can't force everybody coming in here to get on a train that's nearby i mean i spoke i don't know whether you probably could if you deleted like the train line and i'm not going to get into all of that i mean i even added this path to connect to the outside here to see if that would make any difference but it just seems some are going to wait here for trains and that is just the way it's going to be um did we allow intercity trains on that you know what i'm going to put that on actually i've just suddenly thought could we have it so the inner city trains had to stop in here picking these people up we'll go over there i don't think that's going to make any difference but it's definitely well used um if we jump or it's more used i should say than i thought it was going to be i wouldn't say it's well used train on 11. 77 passengers there we go so 82 waiting here um the next stop's over here 38 weight in there now back to 86 yeah so interesting interesting little experiment not the outcome i was looking for i would definitely say our outside connection has been boosted a lot more people coming and going and our money is doing okay it's just quickly wears over the mountains over here you know what i mean yeah these ones aren't getting overloaded so i think i'll leave them as they are right a couple of other little fixes that i wanted to do if we head into our city um when we were sorting out our train lines before i think it was this one where i mistakenly said this is a bypass station it's not there's four platforms here but i tend to want the trains that aren't stopping i've only used if i remember correctly the outside ones and try to treat the inside like it was a bypass but all the trains were going everywhere and i tried like this guy here was he stopping was that an intercity train that came in there no it looked like it's me i tried to change the speed and went like this held shift and said no it's not letting me do it you hold control ah there we go and then it changes the speed of the individual lines i made a mistake so at the minute these this one here this one here all unlimited so what we're going to do is slow down the outside ones so they're only going to take those um if they are there we go stopping here and anybody else so it's 120 oh it's average the two out everybody else will go through the middle if that's average the two and it's 120 i'm gonna actually do that yeah there we go hopefully that will act in the way that i want it to work rather than the way that it was made to where there we go excellent that little bombardier use the middle section even though you've got to stop in there fantastic and i think there was there one other station that did that that comes up along here and this one here but i think this one does it automatically anyway because it's got the bypass in the middle let's just check the speed i don't think the speeds are going to be any different on that oh i've done it already look there we go excellent all right that's good so while i'm letting this run to see how well this little setup works i don't think it's going to get all of these people over there but it's certainly uh helping with a few i wanted to go along my train line because i did like a little time lapse in the last episode of following a train along and seeing what the line was like and there was a few spots where there was some real lumpies and bumpies as city planner plays would say and there was a couple of spots as well like this where we've got like big things stuck in the middle of the uh there we go let's move that over there stuck in the middle of the track and there was a couple of things like that trees and different stuff so i want to just go along and fix that i'm doing the main track first um and i want to use this tool up here so this one here this one here i think if we go from there to how far along with that let me go yeah i'll have to select that one then go along here we can actually see look zero percent all the way along zero percent how far can we go aha here we go we've got a bit of a dip along here so i'm gonna right click and deselect all of those we're going to go from there to there level that out yeah that is much much better oh look that's why it was it was leveled out done it because of this underneath do you know what i might just do here let's use the move it mod i'm going to move that to the middle and we're going to make the road go up and down instead as a little lump over the top maybe not quite as much as that let's move it back a spot how does that go let's come in under here oh i mean maybe just a teeny tiny bit more i mean we could have just left it how it was but i think that's good yeah we'll go with that and then we'll continue along here and we'll do the same thing and we'll just use this tool to test how lumpy and bumpy everything is and then every time we find somewhere now that one here look we can see that one goes down deliberately because of that bridge i'm not going to adjust that one every time we find something we really need to fix then we'll do that and we've got all the way out to the other side i think that's okay let's follow this one here i think this one's going to go up and down anyway oh it's actually not too bad is it so it's the road that dips down on this one which is good we've got a plus 6.6 there which is quite high um if we take that from there to there yeah it suddenly jumps right up over here so i'll tell you what i'm going to do actually i'm going to use the movement mods we are going to take that that and that and drop those down instead because we've got these rocks here and then hopefully let's do that again from there to there that is much much better let's try it from there to there yeah that's okay we'll go with that yeah a couple of other spots here and there that are just ever so slightly out and there we go that will flatten it out nicely then it comes back around here again pretty sure this is all okay this is all the long buyer industry that looks all right to me excellent i think that is our train line sorted out as regards to lumpy and bumpies excellent and then just as i say that i find some more there we go oh that is still quite steep but i think that's just because it's coming in and out of a tunnel there so i think that'll be okay we'll just go with that so taking a look back at our external line here 205 passengers that is fantastic so that is getting used quite a lot i'm really pleased with that so yeah maybe we'll leave that there maybe we'll add one to the other side but certainly the amount of tourists that we've got has been increasing we have been making more money which is good overall but i just think we need to expand we need to expand a lot where do you think we should expand to next let's put the map this way round so i'm going to get you lovely people to vote so shall we continue down no problem at all up here on the right that is going to be area number one shall we build over here near our birdsong transit hub our hickory district that is going to be area number two or how about heading into one of the island chains that we've got down here we've got that on the left or this island down here so let's say this is number three this section at the top and this new island is section number four let me know what you think in the comments below and thank you very much for all of your continued support and ideas check out the next video on the screen as well if you haven't seen it it's probably my top five tips that most people ignore take care have a great day bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 127,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, Cities Skylines best mods, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines mulligan, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city builder gameplay
Id: UrjnD6iqvxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 32sec (2372 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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