How to Get a High Score in PTE Reading

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hello everybody my name is J I'm one of the expert Pte teachers here at e to language which is the coolest best place in the world or it's a website where you can prepare for your PT e okay in this class we're going to look at how to get a high PT reading score what we're going to do is specifically is I'm going to give you a quick overview of the reading section just very quickly take you through the different tasks that you'll see on test day then we're going to meet Alex who is a vocabulary expert and she's going to talk to you about how you can build your vocabulary which will be very helpful then we'll talk about how to improve your reading strategies which is also important and finally we'll talk about time management so before we begin though if you're not yet a subscriber to this wonderful YouTube channel click that subscribe button that would be fabulous okay let's have a quick look at the reading section of this test so this is called reading and writing fill in the blanks this is the first task that you'll see on on in this section of the test and as you can see it's quite a long text and you have dropped down answer options each of those dropdowns has four answer options you have to choose one this is testing your word choice it's very much a vocabulary driven task the second task is called multiple choice multiple answers and it looks like this and you'll see a text up to 300 words you'll see answer options and you can select more than one answer option more than one answer option will always be correct but this is a pretty straightforward multiple choice type of question this one's called reorder paragraph you'll get a paragraph on the left hand side that will be in the incorrect sequence and you have to reorder it on the right-hand side pretty straightforward this is testing for coherence and cohesion which we'll talk about later on this one's called fill in the blanks you'd have to drag and drop a word into the gap to make a natural sounding phrase this one's testing vocabulary but more specifically its testing collocation which we'll talk about later as well and this is multiple choice choose single answer very straightforward multiple-choice question where you choose one answer option cool okay now I want to introduce you to Alex hello Alex today alex is going to tell us about vocabulary which is so critical for a high PT reading score so we're going to look at three questions why do I need to build my vocabulary what vocabulary should I learn and how can I learn vocabulary so let's look at the first one here why do I need to build vocabulary Alex can you explain this graph please yes well if you want to answer questions about a text you really need to understand what you're reading you don't need to understand a hundred percent of the vocabulary but you actually need to understand quite a lot of it experts say between 95 to 98 percent okay for every hundred words that I'm reading over text I need to understand 95 to 98 of those words yeah to have a really good understanding writing okay that's interesting because in the Pitti some of the tasks are quite short there might only be 300 words that means I can only not know about ten or twelve words yeah Wow so obviously the more vocab you know the better your comprehension and the better your communication as well yeah cool hmm understood cool okay great so I definitely need to build my vocabulary how like what vocabulary though because vocabulary is complicated which vocabulary should I learn Alex well if you analyze the reading texts from PC or any tests really an English test you'll find a breakdown like this so a big proportion about 80% actually comes from the first 2,000 words of English 2000 most common words in English and you probably know all of them there are basic words like ah good okay bad spend idea yes a high-frequency words yeah okay so they make up the majority okay of every an even academic text okay that's good okay they make up the bulk of it okay and what's this academic word list so this is a list of 570 words that appear often in academic tics so exactly the kind of text you're gonna get in PTA and again this a fairly common word seems like research theory initial acquire valid and knowing this list will help you get an extra say 5.5 percent of the text okay cool and what about this other portion of the Pioneer so there's everything else so that's basically everything that's not on the academic word list of not in the first 2,000 words but we tend to talk about these a technical or topic-specific vocabulary so if you were reading something about animals you'll see words like habitat predator okay livestock okay team okay so there's an uncommon or infrequent words sort of technical words yeah because in PT is well you might get a little reading passage on crystallography or yeah or exactly some sort of habitat thing yeah and you can afford not to know some of those words yeah it's worth your while spending some time building vocab around specific topic so around the animals around agriculture around space the more that you build it then the less chance you're gonna have of encountering a text where you only know 50% of the word gotcha yes that would be not a good thing okay so it's a mixture of the first 2,000 words the high-frequency words the academic words and then the technical words there so that's gonna make up your reading texts or the vocabulary that you should focus on cool okay so how can I learn vocabulary what is deliberate versus incidental vocabulary learning yeah how do you learn vocabulary the big question that's a combination of different things but you can group it mainly into deliberate and incidental so huh deliberate is when you are trying to learn vocabulary like consciously exactly so you might be writing it down looking it up in the dictionary recording yourself saying it listening to the pronunciation you're making an example the focus of what you're doing is to learn vocabulary yes one part of it yep second is incidental this is like accident all that you just have to bump into the word hmm a lot so you you can't just see a word once like get a list of vocab read it once unfortunately knowing yeah you've got to get out there and see it hear it use it as well okay do you have a little methodology by any chance you do all right cool what is grow your vocabulary this is a system that we use across our courses and it basically stands for four things G stands for gather so you got to gather information about the word first of all what does it mean is the translation in your language how do you say it in context in specific context that might mean different things yes okay make at least make your own list make flashcards whatever it is put it into your phone yeah gather information okay our is review yeah review review review and then review yeah over and over it or else we forget right yeah so that's my flashcards there okay pretty cool yeah nice oh it's for own it so you've got to also then force yourself to use it right in your sentence say it out loud if you're particularly if you're preparing for a test you're never gonna accidentally say that word and you've never said it before yeah accidentally write the word so yeah take ownership of it move it from passive knowledge to acknowledge nice yeah and W means stands for wander around so don't just look at your textbook don't just use your academic word list yeah get out there use Google read something yeah go to the zoo what kind what's a TED talk yeah and as you wander around you're gonna bump into those words yeah and you're also gonna meet new words and start the process again gather information great I know get out there are you great cool well thank you that was really helpful because yeah vocabularies in reading it it's almost everything really like grammar sure there's meaning in the grant in the grammar but it's all about vocabulary cool that was very helpful thank you Alex okay now let's talk about how to improve your reading strategies but before we do that you should check out a to school comm because alex has developed this vocabulary building course which is built for PT and IELTS so if you're struggling with vocabulary for either of these tests you can go to e to school comm sign up for a course called test ready and it will build your vocabulary and test taking strategies it's really cool and it's cheap as well which is great which is really good okay let's go back though so let's talk about how to improve your reading strategies so the first task reading and writing fill in the blanks is ultimately a test of your vocabulary because it is a test of your word choice that is when you click on one of those drop-down answer options and there are four words these words are going to be synonymous they're gonna be synonyms they'll be pretty similar in meaning but only one of those words is going to be correct within the context of what you're reading okay so they're all plausible they're all possible for example they all work grammatically but again only one semantically in terms of its meaning is going to be accurate or correct so again the broader your vocabulary is and the deeper it is that is the more words you know and the how well you know them is going to result in high scores for this particular task cool so let's have a look at this one here here's the text I'm going to read it out and then I want you to choose which of those past participles is the correct one so the last wooly mammoth lived on a wrangle island in the Arctic Ocean and died out 4,000 years ago within a very short time an international research team has now reconstructed revamped renovated or regenerated the scenario that could have led to the mammoths in extinction what are we looking at here what is the correct word according to the context what did they do did they reconstruct revamp renovate or regenerate again as we can see they're not quite synonyms these words but they certainly look similar they all have that prefix ar e as in re reconstruct revamp renovate or regenerate only one is correct do you know which one it is pop it into the comments below let's see if you get it right the answer is reconstruct they reconstructed this scenario they didn't revamp the scenario they didn't renovate the scenario and they didn't regenerate the scenario those three are incorrect semantically in terms of their meaning they are wrong reconstruct is the correct one okay let's talk about fill in the blanks as I mentioned this one tests your vocabulary but in particular its testing your collocation your awareness of an ability to use natural sounding phrases what I mean by that is do you know in English we have these strange sorts of word combinations that in your first language you probably don't have those combinations and when you hear it in English you think why do you say take a shower for example take a shower why you're not taking anything but it's just this strange sort of combination of words that we use to create this very natural sounding phrase right this is what this test except it's testing more sort of academic ones like accept responsibility for example so let's have a closer look at the collocations here okay let's look at this one here two professors have found our something relationship what's the collocation is it strong relationship make relationship habits relationship or a big relationship well we can immediately eliminate make-in habits because they don't really work grammatically and so we're left here with two adjectives okay we've got the noun here and we've got a spot here for an adjective whoopsie how do I spell adjectives d.j okay and of course we know that this is strong relationship you might be familiar with that particular collocation a strong relationship let's keep going so they found a strong relationship between students grades and how much sleep they're getting what time students go to bed and the consistency of their sleep something also makers something difference okay so here we've got sleep and it's acting as a type of adjective so sleep strong sleep makes sleep habits sleep big hmm let's go with sleep habits for example that's a nice collocation what is your sleeping habit also make a something difference this is an extremely common collocation whoops where are we we're here a big difference a big difference that's a very common fan a chiral sounding phrase in English so the answer to that gap there is big let's keep reading it takes several nights in a row of good sleep to again make a difference so here's another collocation here you make a difference so you can have a big difference with an adjective or you can verb make a difference okay all of these are examples of collocations these are critical this is ultimately vocabulary but instead of learning a single word what you're doing is learning the word in its context with its partner with its friend if you like they are usually just two of them together sometimes they come in groups of three or more but typically two words that come together like an adjective and a noun anyway cool hopefully that shed some light on this task so if a reorder paragraph what you're looking at here of course is vocabulary this one focuses a little bit more on grammar and especially it focuses on coherence and cohesion and what I mean by that is your ability to take sentences and to seek when so the information flows from one to the next in a logical way that is what a paragraph should be okay if you have a paragraph it's a collection of sentences but it's just not randomly put together it's like a little story it starts with an opening and then the next sentence follows which provides some information etc etc and it comes to a little closing so you've got yourself a little narrative or story that's what coherence and cohesion mean it's a way that their sentences are put together and the way that those sentences connect to each other that's what this task tests for so you're looking at something like ideal one connects to idea two connects to idea three idea for an idea five and ultimately this is a transmission of meaning from one sentence to the next to make a coherent and logical paragraph cool if you require any more help with Pte if you've been failing this test if you've failed at once don't unless you were like super close please don't go and take this again without doing some good preparation what you can do an e2 language is excited for our Express course which is valid for three months you can cram it in like a week if you want to you can stretch it out over three months it comes with heaps of practice questions all the methods that we've been talking about the vocabulary lists that Alex mentioned comes with live classes overviews lots of stuff there and you can also just upgrade to any of the other packages the higher courses if you like to come with tutorials writing and speaking feedback more live classes study plan consultations etc so do check out that website if you are preparing for PT and you just want to get it over and done with and finished okay so this is multiple choice choose multiple answers and this is again a test of your vocabulary ultimately but really strategically this is testing your ability to identify synonyms and power phrases let me show you what I mean here okay so what we're going to do is actually do a little multiple-choice choose multiple answers I'm going to give you 60 seconds to answer these seemingly simple questions about Jack and Jill and then I'm going to teach you something about the strategy behind this you okay let's go through this you may have thought yourself a hijack and deal I'll do this easily but what you're going to find out here is a couple of things one is this is Old English so some of the words would be unfamiliar to you but what I want to point out to you is the importance of understanding synonyms and paraphrases let me show you what I mean here okay so let's take let's make sure we read the question from so what happened in the story of Jack and Jill so Jack walked home slowly excuse me Jack walked home slowly okay but we're looking at this sentence here it says up Jack got and home did trot I don't know if you know this in English again this is Old English so this is a synonym well this is actually not a synonym it's an antonym slowly is has different meaning to trot trot means to walk quite quickly so what the answer option says is Jack walked home slowly what the text says is that he walked home quite quickly they contradict each other so you haven't found a synonym here they haven't said the same thing in fact I've used a similar word like slowly and quickly but they contradict so I'm not going to choose that one next one says Jack and Jill both fell over okay so this is Jack fell down and this says Jill came tumbling after okay so fell over so here we have some sort of paraphrase or synonymous language falling down tumbling after they both fell over I think that's correct so I'm going to choose that one there this one says Dame dog nursed Jack this one says here first of all you can do a bit of words spotting here to find out where to read in the text which is good Dame da band you see Dame dub and it says two old named dog who patched his knob which according to Old English means nursed so patching especially is the important word here and we can see from the context that Jack's got a sore head so Dame dub nursed him so yes I'm going to select that that's a good one until ascended a mountain okay what's another word for it ascended well up here we've got went up for example or climbed Jack and Jill went up the hill ascended okay so they ascended they went up that's correct but here we have Hill and here we have mountain these are two different words they mean different things I mean they're related one's a hill and one's a mountain they're both natural geological objects except they didn't go up a mountain they went up a hill so I'm not going to choose that one hopefully what I'm pointing out to you here though is an understanding of words that mean the same thing or phrases that mean the same thing in which you'll probably select it and words that are related but mean different things or even contradictory things in which case you will not select it okay this is what this task is all about it's all about synonyms and paraphrases and you identify you look at that answer option you read it carefully you read the text you find the corresponding part of the text do they say the same thing in different words or are they saying something different that's what you're asking yourself in this task that's how they construct them last one says Jack and Jill has sold a bucket of water here it says Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water so pail of water and a bucket of water is similar they're synonyms but selling and fetching different they contradict each other so the answer options here are B and C that's an interesting little way to teach that cool so multiple choice to choose single answer is also about synonyms and paraphrases let's do this one again this time however we're not going through the answer options and finding him in the text to find out if they say the same thing or they say something contradictory or different this time we're going to either read for main idea of that text you want to understand that entire text or for this question here going to identify a sort of detail so let's go through this one together it says according to the passage what is the relationship between Jack and Jill okay Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after up Jack got and home did trot as fast as he could caper to old Dame dog who patched his knob with vinegar and brown paper what is the relationship here are they siblings well it doesn't say we can assume that but it doesn't actually say this in the text anywhere clearly okay it does not say that they are brother and sister they are neighbors it doesn't say that it is unclear let's leave that one they are Dame Dobbs children it doesn't say that it is platonic if they have a friendship well it doesn't even say that they're friendly does it is it plutonic or platonic and i can't remember the spelling there someone correct me it is definitely unclear so we want to select that one there but what this is an example of is an example of reading for a specific detail and this is a good example of not selecting an answer where it's ambiguous it has to be clearly written in the text and you don't want to use any of your personal information or knowledge rather about this text here I think in fact they are brother and sister from the old story but in the text it doesn't say so we choose this one here cool now that we've done that thank you for sticking with me that's really good of you let's look at time management so these are the tasks that you'll see reading and writing fill in the blanks multiple choice choose multiple answers reorder paragraphs fill in the blanks and multiple choice single answer on test a you're going to get five or six reading and writing fill in the blanks and you should spend about two or three minutes on each as we saw the text lengths are quite long these ones take quite a bit of time okay same as multiple choice choose multiple answers you get two or three on test day they require about two or three minutes each and just remember in PT reading you are managing your own time that's why I'm talking to you about this these are not individually timed tasks reorder paragraphs you get two or three these should only take you about one or two minutes then not long the sentences within the paragraph are not long fill in the blanks you get four or five these can be done in about 45 seconds these have extremely short text I think there are 80 words and remember you're just dragging a word into the gap to make a collocation so really this one you should not be spending too much time on this one should be done rapidly and with this one here you'll know pretty much immediately if you know the answer or not if you know that collocation like strong relationship that we saw before or big different cool you drag you drop it you got it if you don't know there's no point sitting there thinking I don't know I don't know just guess and move on to save time for the other tasks and then you've got multiple choice choose a single answer of which you'll get two or three on test day and you should spend one or a couple of minutes on each of these cool for lots of practice questions and live classes for free check out e to language comm thanks very much for coming along I hope that was helpful remember to subscribe to this channel my name is Jay I'll see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: E2 PTE Academic
Views: 93,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTE, PTE Academic, E2 PTE, PTE E2, E2 PTE Academic, E2, E2Language, e2language, PTE Listening, pte speaking, pte academic, pte reading, PTE Writing, How, to, get, High, Score, in, E2 Language, PTE 2019, pte exam, pte mock test, e2 jay, pte results, pte class, pte mock exam, pte describe image, pte retell lecture, pte reorder paragraph, describe image, pte e2 describe image, pte course, e2 pte course, pte preparation, esl, e2jay, E2 PTE Listening, The PTE Reading Test, Reading, e2
Id: yRvaEpEGScY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 7sec (1627 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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