How To Customize Your Twitch Channel! - Twitch Bio, And Panel Essentials!

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your twitch panels and your  bio are incredibly important   they provide information to your audience such  as how to follow subscribe or how to donate they   can help you grow your social media and they can  even generate passive income and passive revenue   for you while you're live but most importantly  if they look bad it makes you look bad so let's   upgrade your stream today let's upgrade  those panels and give you a full makeover   hey i'm Eljay with i'm also  a variety streamer over at   there's a link to me and to in  the description if you're interested i get asked   every single day what do i put in my twitch bio i  always get asked how do i add panels and how do i   use extensions properly but the thing i get asked  the most these days is how do i add these little   purple lines and make text bold and dot points  don't worry i'll be covering all of that today so   that you can go from zero to hero with your twitch  panels but first you know what else is a hero own not only do owned have a bunch of animated  overlays and static overlays depending on how good   your pc is but every single overlay pack comes  with panels that match it but also later we're   going to be looking at an extension that owned has  created called the animated panels extension with   this you can add some production values some flash  and some animation to your twitch panels entirely   for free there is a link in the description to  own so if you guys want to feel free to head over   there and grab yourself a whole set of panels  or a full animated overlay whatever you need   and by supporting them you support us which really  helps us out guys there are also time codes down   in the description so feel free to skip ahead to  whatever part of this video you want straight away   let's cover exactly what a twitch bio is exactly  what a twitch panel is and how you can find them   so if you go to any twitch channel such as my  which is linked in the description click on the   about section and scroll down you will see the  twitch about page as well as a whole heap of   social media bars now if we look below the about  section we'll find the panel section and you'll   see that most streamers will fill this up with  commonly asked questions and a whole heap of   information that helps the viewer now i'll cover  exactly what you can add later in this video but   first i want to throw it out there there are other  streamers though and we're going to call these   streamers billy because these streamers just chuck  on a donation button and they'll call that a day   don't be billy and i'll explain exactly why you  should never be a billy soon but first let's   talk about adding our twitch bio and our social  media now if we head back to our channel and we   go to the about section again there'll be this  button right here we're gonna click on the edit   about and the links on your twitch page you'll  be met with a preview of what you have and then   options to add a bio that is under 300 characters  and your display name below that are a series of   social links you can add as well you just write  your social names such as twitter and then you   drop the link in and hit save let's talk about  your bio though what should we be writing in our   about section now we only have 300 characters  which means it's only a little bit bigger than   a tweet so we need to make this nice and snappy  anyone who reads your bio should get an instant   and fairly solid grasp of the type of creator  you are just by reading it as well for myself i   start by introducing myself and my experience i do  this because i do these types of youtube videos so   it helps to establish i'm the same person from my  channel i make this very short and then i use the   rest of my bio to tell a short and embarrassing  story from when i was a kid about how i stole my   brother's game boy color and wasted his master  ball on a dratini my bio is relatable it shows   that i'm a gamer and it shows that i'm not above  poking fun of myself now before i show you exactly   what types of panels you can add to your stream i  have to cover a kind of awkward conversation while   i was researching for this video i was clicking  on a lot of community members from this channel   and while doing that i found out there's a lot of  you who have just copied and pasted my exact bio   and then swapped lj for your username but kept  the story about me and my brother i don't really   know how to feel about this but i just want  to throw it out there and give this advice if   you're trying to grow as a content creator don't  pretend to be someone else just be yourself no   one's going to watch you long term if you're just  pretending to be someone else because you can't   capture the same style as them so if you're one  of the people who has my story in their bio maybe   consider removing it okay let's add some panels  to our stream and also cover why adding just this   one big old donation button right there is such a  massive mistake if you go ahead and add a donation   button and nothing else to your panels just like  billy has here and you get a potential viewer who   wants to find out a bit more about you maybe check  out your twitter and they scroll on down and they   see there's only a donation button then honestly  you come across as greedy you come across as   only in this for the money you're not even willing  to write 300 characters to tell someone hey this   is what i like and this is what i'm about no  you're just there to say hey donate to my stream   it's not a good look if we're going to add a panel  let's head to our about section and let's click on   the edit panels button this will open up your  editing section where you can upload images and   write out what goes beneath them if you don't  already have panels downloaded then don't worry   there are thousands of different designs out  there that you can grab you can either buy them   from owned like we said at the start of the video  you can grab some freebies from our website over   at it's linked in the description  or you can grab the freebies from our discord as   well but once you have them what do we actually  add to our panels well the about me section is   probably the most common one that you would add  as a streamer for my about mini section i added   the same bio from earlier on but i also expanded  it to add a little more direction so people can   find more information such as where my schedule  is and what my goals are as a streamer next up   you absolutely have to add a rules section now i  will be entirely honest with you guys i will give   you some advice that a much larger partner gave me  people like billy don't read the rules you put in   your bio or even your chat rules no they're not  there so that people read them and know what not   to do they're there so that when billy spams links  or just generally spams and you ban him or warn   him ah he can't turn around and say well you don't  have a rules section so how am i supposed to know   i know it sounds depressing to have a bunch of  rules written out that no one's gonna follow   but they're not there to help people follow them  no they're just there so you can point at them   next up is an optional panel but personally i  really like to add a subscribe panel now this   panel will cover everything that a viewer  will get for subscribing and i'll even turn   the panel into a clickable button if you add a  link to the section that i show on screen right   now it means that when someone actually clicks on  that image it'll open up the link it's a really   good way to have extra little call to actions  if you're like me and you have custom alerts   for certain bit amounts or donation amounts or you  have channel point commands or generally some fun   track commands i really recommend adding a panel  that lets people know exactly what all of those   are if you choose not to add it well you need to  find another way to inform people and teach people   about exactly what they can use to have fun on  your stream a frequently asked questions or faq   section is good but absolutely not mandatory i use  it to tell people when i reached affiliate when i   reached partner and some of the games that i have  played or will be playing soon so don't constantly   get asked hey what are you playing next or hey  have you played this game you'll absolutely want   to add panels to pretty much all of your major  social medias such as discord twitter youtube or   wherever else and i absolutely recommend adding  the link in so that these become clickable it's   very common knowledge you can click on these  images for most people who are viewers of twitch   and it really helps of course you'll want to  add a donation panel no you won't don't add a   donation panel if you really need to add one add  a tips panel if you have tips it is much easier to   avoid people charging back against paypal and  two for the love god please make sure you set   up a stream labs tips or stream elements tips  system don't just attach a random paypal to it   also if you do choose to use a paypal please set  up a business paypal so you can hide your full   name your date of birth and everything else don't  just add your personal one it will dox you and   you'll give out all of your personal information  if you currently have your personal one connected   do a one dollar test donation to yourself you'll  get a receipt sent to you and you'll be able to go   oh my full name date of birth phone number and  email address is being sent out to every single   donator finally the last panel on mine other than  my extensions is my specs now the reason i have   this is so i constantly get asked and every  streamer constantly gets asked what equipment   they are using now i've set my specs up so that  someone can click it it'll take them to my kitko   which gives out all of my equipment and the  best part is these are all affiliate links   which means for no extra costs i get a little bit  of a payment whenever they buy something on amazon   there is an extension which does something similar  called amazon blacksmith but at the end of the day   that doesn't work in every single country  and the amazon associates program is a   bit weird with it so i recommend it said set  yourself up with an amazon affiliate account   and then create a bunch of links in your kitko  it also just looks nicer and is easier to handle   a small bonus tip that i stumbled across as well  is that in my about me and my general panels are   some spelling mistakes nothing massive just  some small ones like a forgotten word here   an apostrophe not put in just things  that people notice and they come into   chat and they go just give me a heads  up there's a small grammar error there   and the best part about this is i could fix them  but did you know if someone comes to your channel   and they chat even once they are much more  likely to return and chat again even if   it's a small spelling error i'm willing to  take that as a reason to get engagements   if you're looking for other ideas about what to  add in your panels of course feel free to check   out my bio or check out the stream scheme article  linked in the description i have to show you guys   how to add all this custom bowling and all this  formatting as well as how to add extension panels   but first i want to throw it out there guys this  video helps you out at all consider subscribing to   the channel we have videos that come out weekly on  everything you guys asked me about and at the end   of the day it's free and you can unsubscribe later  so you want to make your panels and your text   stand out with emphasis and formatting it is so  easy to do you'll do this with a system called   markdown this just means you add symbols in  certain places to tell twitch hey this text   needs to be bold italic or embedded for example  if we add two asterisks at the start of a sentence   write the sentence and then add two asterisks  and hit save that sentence comes out in full bold   now if you actually click the edit panels  button you'll see that there is a guide   for markdown right there on every single panel but  nobody ever clicks this because why would you i've   included in the description as well so give that a  click and let's look at the text emphasis which is   showing on screen right now as well you can see  that by adding a asterisk before and afterward   it'll become italic as i said two asterisks  before and two asterisks after will be bold   now there are other things here as well but i want  to keep going let's check out the formatting rules   so if you were to add an arrow pointing to the  right it adds the purple line and pushes the text   to the side further down the page we have a list  now if i use the arrow to add the purple line and   then i use a dash to add a dot point in my lists  it comes out looking like this and i know all this   sounds daunting and i know it all looks daunting  but there's the guide in the description and if   you just have a read and play around you'll be  fine billy okay let's talk about adding extensions   now you can only have three panel extensions on  your twitch page so it's important to pick wisely   personally i'm using the streamlabs  leaderboard the streamlabs schedule   and the emote showcase now the streamlabs  leaderboard is for tracking top emotes top   chatters top gifs and all sorts of other things  and then the emote showcase is to show everyone   what bttv francoface z and subscribe remotes i  have on my channel and yes before you ask billy   all the streamlabs extensions i show in this video  will work for obs because it doesn't matter this   is entirely just on twitch streamlabs just are a  brand who made the tool now to add an extension   you're gonna go to your creator dashboard and  you're gonna go to the extensions button in the   bottom left of the list once you're in you'll  be able to search up whatever you want to use   for example let's add our schedule search  schedule select stream labs stream schedule   and you'll click install in the top right and  then select configure you can actually select   the days your lives at the times and the time  zone then customize the extension color you'll   click save now go to the my extensions button and  make sure the schedule is in the activated section   is set to either panel one two or three as i said  you can only have three panel extensions active   at a time personally i would love to remove this  schedule extension because at the end of the day   there's a really good one built into twitch now  but people are still learning to check that people   are still learning to use that tool so i'm still  using this for now until i can completely change   over now you can also search up the other two  extensions such as the emote showcase which i   really recommend and the streamlabs leaderboard  or whatever leaderboard you want to use but if   you're looking to add a little production value  and a little flash then you can also search up   owned and check out the owned animated extensions  tab it's free if you want to try it out   and it just looks really cool now i have a massive  bonus tip for this entire video which i'm pretty   sure a lot of you would never even suspect but  you absolutely should be checking out and that   is switching between light mode and dark mode on  twitch to make sure that your panels look good   now my panels don't actually look good on light  mode and i'm not going to change them so they do   because i want people to come to my channel and  say hey there's a weird effect on your panels   so i can make fun of them for using light mode  at the end of the day you shouldn't be doing that if you watched it now make sure you  comment down below i'm not a billy   and i'll probably believe you because  you watch the whole video so good on ya
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 34,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch about me panel, how to add panels on twitch, How to add twitch panels, customize twitch panels, twitch panels, how to set up your twitch channel, twitch channel tutorial, free twitch panels, how to customize your twitch channel, how to make your twitch look professional, how to customize twitch channel, twitch streaming tips, Twitch bio and panel essentials, how to make twitch panels
Id: qQvpeRDXm4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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