How To STOP Bots On Twitch!

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follow bots and bot raids are incredibly  easy to deal with so take a breath because   i'm gonna be showing you guys today how  to protect yourself from them prevent them   and how to remove follow bots afterwards  but i'm also gonna give you my number one   tip to make sure that you never  get follow botted again let's go hey i'm Eljay with i'm also  a variety streamer over at   there are links to both those in the description  if you have any questions or want to find any   more resources on becoming a twitch streamer or  content creator in general so what actually are   follow bots and what actually are bot raids for  example let's cover that really fast a follow bot   is usually when an individual decides to send a  dozen or a few hundred or sometimes a few thousand   bot accounts to go and follow the streamer  tying up their alerts and filling up their   follow list with a bunch of bot accounts a  bot raid is kind of a next tier up from a   follow bot attack and essentially what it  is is they'll send dozens if not hundreds   and sometimes thousands of bots into your  chat to spam slurs and hateful messages   or sometimes they'll get really specific and say  things like you're too old to be playing minecraft   and you're clearly balding lj but i'm pretty sure  that was a bot even if it was just one account a quick note here is there are other smaller bots  that you should be aware of for example like the   hoss magnolia judge duty slayer bots these have  been recently following twitch accounts instantly   unfollowing them which causes streamers to be  curious give them a click and check out their page   some of them have a malicious third-party  extension that can grab your ip address apparently   those names i just gave you will sometimes have a  string of numbers or underscores underneath it if   you get any of these please don't click their  channel page just block ban and report them so   these all sound like a really big deal right  and they're quite detrimental to your channel   well no the truth is is that all of these  different types of bot attacks are fairly   pointless and at the end of the day they'll only  affect you as much as you choose to let them   affect you you have all the tools to prevent them  and to deal with them at your disposal currently   at the end of the day the types of people who use  these bots to try and attack streamers are kind of   like the same kids you saw at school the travis's  and the biancas used to try steal your lunch money   or disrupt class they're just a bit sad lonely  and looking for a reaction and some attention   that said it can still be daunting especially  the first time it happens to you so let's cover   exactly how to protect yourself and how to deal  with it afterwards first let's talk about the   twitch integrated tools that you can turn on or  adjust right now in order to protect yourself   while you're live i recommend that every single  streamer has their stream dashboard open in some   form whether it's on another monitor or just in  the background so you can alt tab to it quickly   this allows you to have your quick action  widgets or quick action buttons available   to press in an instant when needed i'm going to  cover a few of these quick action buttons now   let's imagine you're hit with a bot raid and we go  over to our stream dashboard your alerts are going   off and your chat is being spammed the first thing  you're going to do is turn on follower only mode   meaning only users who follow can chat this is  literally the only time where you'll hear me say   use follow only mode by the way just turn it on  and make sure you set it to at least 10 minutes   that way you have 10 minutes of time before anyone  who's just followed you can spam in your chat it   will say if you use the quick action by default  it will turn it on for zero seconds so it's not   overly helpful so you'll have to go down to your  chat click on the cog wheel and i believe you   can turn on follow only 10 minutes and go from  there next you'll want to click on the clear   chat history widget in the stream dashboard as  well this will clear away any messages in your   chat that could be from bots or hate raiders or  just generally trolls i'll also show you in a   second how you can use your community to rally a  really good positive response in this situation   in a second now if you've been follow boarded  all your alerts are probably going off so your   next step is to mute or skip your alerts now  depending on what broadcasting software you'll   be using it'll be done in different ways if we  look at the screen now you'll see streamlabs   has a pause and a skip and a mute button here  which is very easy we have to do is give these   a click and you can go from there or if you're  using stream elements i have it on screen now   where you can go to to pause and or skip the  alerts next this one's just for you affiliates   out there if you're being bot rated or follow  bothered run ads there's nothing more powerful   than taking away the ability for these idiots  to see your reaction just run your ads from the   dashboard because then they're not going to be  subscribed to you so they're going to have to   watch ads for a whole two minutes plus when you  get bot rated your view count spikes up because   it's technically a bunch of accounts i don't know  if you earn money for the ad revenue there but the final step is to add a marker using the quick  action button as well because when you go back to   the stream later i want you to be able to find the  time this happened easily so you can report the   accounts later you don't have to do it straight  away you can report them after your stream   right now there's more important things like  entertaining your audience if 10 minute follower   only doesn't make you feel confident enough then  i recommend turning on subscriber only or emote   only because then people have to subscribe to be  able to talk in your chat if you own a stream deck   all of this can be done in the click of a button  literally all you have to do is install the twitch   plugin for your stream deck add a multi-action  tool and then just add all of these widgets i just   told you in that order pressing it will activate  everything it's kind of like a lock down button   there are other tools like streamer dot bot and  lior on board as well if needed everything i've   shown is also entirely able to be done by your  moderators as well so make sure guys if you have   mods please send them through this video so they  can understand exactly what they can do in these   situations to help you out plus also they're able  to ban and report people and just thank you mods   mods are great so i want to show you guys how  to set up auto moderation on twitch and with an   external bot i also want to show you how to remove  followers if they get pushed onto you and i want   to show you guys how you can remove every single  bot account before it even hits you but first   this next tip is so important this is my number  one tip this is the most important part of the   video if you can take away anything from today  please let it be this when you get follow botted   when you get hate rated or bot rated  or when you have trolls in your chat   never give them a reaction because that is all  they want from you don't engage with them don't   argue with them don't give them any reason  to see that you're upset because at the end   of the day that is literally all they want from  you they just want that reaction need some iron i think i'm being botted uh we  should probably turn on sub mode look at that i just got botted that's  the first time i've ever been bothered   can you make your house look like a duck i'm sorry otka i'm not that good there is  a direct correlation between streamers who   have a massive reaction get angry and try  argue with the follow bots and the raids   and then who get them again that same stream or  the next day it is seriously all they want but if   you give them nothing they get bored and they  move on because most of the time these people   aren't targeting you personally they're just out  there trying to troll randoms on the internet   they're just like those bullies i mentioned  earlier in the video travis and bianca except   they have even less power than them because in  this situation you can literally just clear your   chat set it to follow only and ban them and they  can't do anything else or if you set up the tools   i'm about to show you then sometimes when they try  and bot rage you or when they try and troll you   nobody in your chat will even know it happened  well i use a combination of twitch auto mod and   streamlabs cloudbot moderation which means that  usually if anyone tries to do anything bad in   my chat it just gets caught and removed easy as  that so let me show you all of my settings and   how to set all of that up right now but also  i will throw it out there if this video helps   you out at all please consider subscribing it  means a lot to me and the channel is so close   to a hundred thousand it is insane anyway sorry  let's go head to your twitch dashboard and select   moderation at the very top we have the auto  mod rule set see mine are quite loose right now   because i have actual moderators in my chat and i  have cloud bot auto mod but if you're worried you   can change the settings you use here and adjust  the value you see fit what happens is twitch   will catch a message before they get sent in your  chat and say hey mods this term looks like it's   breaking x auto mod rule set do you want to allow  or disallow it this means if you have your race   ethnicity or religion moderation settings high and  a bot rate decides to hit you with slurs none of   those messages will make it into your chat only  your moderators and you will be able to see it   the bots are getting smarter at getting through  filters but every time they change up how   they spell the words so does the auto mode get  updated and you can also add your own variation   if you go back out of the moderation and click the  blocked terms and phrases i'm not going to open   this because it is a literally a list of hateful  slurs and things i don't want shown on my chat   but you'll open it and write yours in below that  is your permitted terms you don't really need   this but essentially if auto mod keeps picking up  words you can edit it here for example sometimes   it gets the word pig caught a lot for me and that  doesn't make sense no one's calling me a pig we're   just talking about minecraft but below that we  have two very powerful tool so let's take a look i   recommend having block hyperlinks on to avoid bad  links being spammed or sent at all in your chat   you'll see mods admins and vips can still  post links who should all be trusted viewers   meaning if someone wants to share a clip from your  channel for example they can ask someone else to   post it or you can ask them to post the clip in  your discord you have another tool called the   non-mod chat delay as well so you can add a delay  to your chat for anyone who isn't a moderator this   gives mods a few extra seconds to catch and remove  messages and you might be thinking well my mods   aren't robots they're real people how are they  supposed to catch it in those first few seconds   because remember we're gonna have auto mod cloud  bot set up in a second as well meaning that he'll   have a few extra seconds to catch it and he is a  robot below that we have the channel privileges   now i really recommend turning on email verified  accounts this will stop the lower end bots that   haven't been verified with emails however  anyone who has put effort in can verify bot   emails incredibly easily just while we're here  i will say chat rules should be set up as well   and then unbanned requests with a cooldown of one  or two minutes because usually trolls couldn't be   bothered waiting a minute or two to ask for an  unban i do recommend turning on moderator tools   in chat as well it is a huge help for mods who  want to track bands timeouts and reasons for   bands and timeouts that is the on twitch tools  briefly covered now let's get off of twitch head   over to streamlabs cloudbot and get ourselves set  up there so we have a robot in chat ready to fight   for us and i'll also show you how you can use  this tool to take it from a moment where you're   nervous or worried about being bot rated and  make it a really positive example for your chat   let's head over to and let's head  over to cloudbot as well you'll need to have your   twitch account linked with your streamlabs obs  account so make sure you go and do that but once   that is done you're going to head over to your  dashboard and click on cloudbot and just hit this   little switch here to turn it on when you click  on the button to turn on the cloud bot sometimes   it'll get stuck just hold ctrl and then f5 it'll  clear your cache try again and you should be sweet   now i will just throw it out there you can be an  obs user and still use streamlabs cloudbot but   there are other bots out there i'm just going with  this one because i'm most familiar with it and   i've had zero problems using it if it works for me  i'm gonna recommend it to you guys that's all it's   not as playing favorites next step head over  to your twitch channel and type slash mod   stream labs this will set the bot as a moderator  congratulations the bot is now active in your chat   so now you have it set up let's click on the  mod tools and turn on some auto moderation   now i won't be going through every single step and  if you've already watched my video about setting   up streamlabs cloudbot you're about to probably  hear a few things that you've already heard before   but just bear with me the main moderation tools  i use are link protection simple protection   word protection paragraph protection and emote  protection simple word paragraph and a mode are   all set up to avoid spam like ascii art or large  copy and pastes but link protection is just set so   that my mods and myself can write exclamation mark  permit at someone's username in the chat and that   gives the user 60 seconds of permission to post  a link i will throw it out there if you use the   block hyperlinks that i showed you earlier in this  video then this exclamation mark permit will not   work unless you're permitting a vip or a mod in  this situation the major one you'll want to use is   word protection this mod tool will remove  offensive or derogatory words you can set   up the settings if you click preferences auto  permit will allow you to allow people who are   subscribers regulars or both to post without being  caught but i would leave it set to none because at   the end of the day it doesn't matter if someone's  a vip if they're gonna post something disgusting   they should get caught by the bot and i know  what you're thinking but they're a vip well   people will surprise you sometimes now you can  turn on the default blacklist this will catch the   majority of offensive words but you can also write  your own if you need be i also recommend turn on   the punishment message and you can customize it  as you see fit but here is the part where you   can get quite custom i won't click it here but  if you click the blacklist you can add words or   phrases to the list and set custom punishments for  certain words i have bands set up for racial slurs   and such but if they just use an incredibly harsh  swear word or a word that i don't like being used   in certain contexts it'll be purged and timed out  by the auto mod instead the different punishments   are purge timeout and ban a purge will just wipe  all of their messages aka one second timeout the   timeout when selected you can change the length  or of course the straight band now inside each one   of these auto mods such as word protection link  protection etc there are different preferences   and different settings you'll edit them the exact  same way you were shown here so i really recommend   going through each one and having a play until  you feel comfortable with them now remember when i   said you can use this to actually set up a really  fun positive moment with you and your community   here we go what i want you to do is head over  to your command section i want you to click add   a new command i want you to make a command called  exclamation mark vibes or whatever you want for a   positive moment now i want you to add a bunch  of emotes and really positive things whatever   you need put it in there now go over to the delay  and make sure global is set to zero and user is   set to five or six seconds hit save and make sure  your community knows about this command the moment   something bad happens the moment someone hate  raids the moment someone bought raise whatever it   is you take all your actions you do everything and  then you say your community hey can i just have   a wall of vibes and they will wipe away any ass  hattery from your chat with their vibes remember   all the way back at the start of this video when i  said to add a marker using the quick action button   so you can go back and find exactly where the  bot raid happened now we're up to the part where   we're going to show you how to remove follow bots  and why that was so important before we do this i   want to preface it by saying that follow bots are  one of the dumbest ways to try and hurt streamers   they're so easy to deal with and they don't matter  at all for anything other than just when you want   to have clear metrics of growth follower numbers  don't really matter at all you can have 20 000   followers and have five average viewers you can  have 20 000 followers and two thousand average   viewers it entirely depends on your ccv or average  viewers whether or not someone respects your   contact not a single sponsor or anyone i've ever  met has actually given a damn about the follow   account the only time it really matters is if you  hit a big moment and you just want to celebrate it   if you get a follow-up please don't think it's  the end of the world because at the end of the day   it doesn't really matter but if you do want  to deal with it how do we deal with it well   straight out of the gate if you just want to get  a simple way i recommend reporting five to ten of   the follow bots and then within a month and a half  usually twitch will have wiped them out they're   very quick these days at getting rid of follow  bots as long as you've actually reported them   to them but say that you want to remove them  yourself now and you can't wait a month and a half   i completely understand that is where your good  old friend commander root comes from that's right   that guy who's been in your chat everyone's first  viewer is actually a bot and he's actually kind of   a good bot at that commander root is actually  a series of tools that can help streamers now   he's linked in the description but i will preface  this is not a follow bot removal tool this is a   follower removal tool which means if you use this  incorrectly if you don't read the guide on their   site if you aren't incredibly sure of yourself you  can do what i've seen already hundreds of small   streamers do when they use this tool and they  will remove every single follower from their list   not just the bots so please use it carefully that  marker that we set up earlier will allow us to go   back and find where the bot attack happened  so commander root doesn't remove every follow   just the ones in that section and it'll also  help us when reporting commander root also has   an auto block bots tool essentially this tool  has a giant list of bot accounts over on twitch   and by using the commander root tool you can  have them all blocked it will take a couple   hours it takes up a decent amount of time in your  computer but it'll get it done i haven't done this   it doesn't really bother me it seems like too  much work personally but hey if you want to be   extra safe that is there as well i want to be  really honest with you guys but first i will   also throw it out there link in the description  is a video by devin nash who is a fantastic   expert in this industry he is literally the go-to  guru for everything i have questions about here's   a video that covers bought raids and why it is  such a complex issue that there isn't a fast fix   in this situation i think it's probably one of the  fairest videos about bot raids lately so please go   educate yourself by watching that mainly i want  to echo a sentiment from that video that really   struck me and that is the fact that as an online  creator you're going to receive so much worse hate   than these bot rates you're going to receive  so many personalized insults and comments   attacking you as a person that is just  a fact about how awful the internet is   the bot raids and the follow bots are just one  dude on a computer being sad i get bot rated once   a month or sometimes once every two months and  that never bothers me but it is so hard to get   the comments from individuals who are picking you  apart personally and keep going for example when   i make videos about streamlabs obs because at the  end of the day i'm a guides channel trying to grow   by making guides i get told by people that i  should kill myself because i'm not using obs even   though i do use obs now i'm just making guides  about another program or if i repeat a tip that   i've already given eight nine months ago people  tell me that i'm useless and i'm washed up and i'm   trash but i'm not even gonna mention the amount  of comments i get daily insulting my appearance   my personality and just my voice it is brutal  to be an online creator all of these examples   aren't just me these happen to literally every  single person who goes on the internet to try   and create content but after 4.5 million views  and thousands upon thousands of nice comments   from you guys it starts to get easy to ignore  the trolls on the other end of the keyboard   so i know this video is about dealing with  bots but here are my tips for dealing with just   ass hattery on the internet focus on the positive  comments never engage or start arguments with   people who are clearly there to hurt you and  then be prepared for it to happen again because   as awful as it sounds if you're going to step into  this industry then you have to be prepared for   this you shouldn't have to deal with disgusting  awful people on the internet but that's just a   fact of life that they are disgusting or people  on the internet so here's my last piece of advice   and a favor that i'd like to have you guys  please be kind to each other please support   each other and please lift each other up  because there's enough hate out there already oh and share this video to someone  who needs help setting it up   let's also do that one that's a good  favor to do see you guys next week bye
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 33,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: follow bots, twitch follow bots, how to remove twitch follow bots, removing twitch follow bots, can you remove follow bots on twitch, can you remove follow bots, how to get rid of follow bots, will follow bots get me banned, commanderroot, who is commanderroot, follow botted on twitch, followed by bot accounts, can i remove bot accounts, twitch bots, remove, follow, bots, twitch fake accounts, twitch hate raids, twitch raid bot, twitch bot, bot raid twitch, viewbot raid
Id: 5yWsOWKn1EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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