3 FREE Tools You NEED To Grow On Twitch!

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guys we have to talk about not one not two but  three amazing tools that you have to be using to   grow your stream today i'm gonna be covering  the brand new follower and subs widgets that   twitch has just introduced and how insanely  overpowered they are but i'm also going to be   talking about the brand new ads manager they've  just released and how it can actually help you   increase your brand new chatters and brand  new viewers by potentially 46 and i'm also   covering my secret weapon that i use  to make my stream more discoverable   that literally any person on twitch can use  and yes that includes non-affiliates let's go   hey i'm Eljay from streamscheme.com i'm also  a variety streamer over at twitch.tv/eljayem_   i am incredibly keen to cover the features that  i'm going to be talking about in today's video   specifically i'm excited to shed a lot of light  on ads that i think a lot of small streamers don't   understand and have some serious misconceptions  about and if you don't take action after hearing a   bunch of the information in today's video then you  might be capping your growth by an extreme amount   there are time codes in the description so you can  skip ahead to whatever part of this video you want   but first something that won't be capping your  growth our sponsor own.tv i feel like one of the   biggest problems new streamers have is hardware  limitations they just can't stream and play games   and have a full overlay as well that's why owned  absolutely fantastic because not only do they have   static as well as animated overlays but they've  also got completely modular overlays meaning   that if your pc can't even handle a few static  assets you can pick and choose exactly what you   want rather than be forced to use the entire pack  heck if you just want alerts you don't even have   to buy a full pack you can just grab the alerts  seriously guys if you're looking to upgrade your   stream look no further than own.tv and you can use  the link in the description as well to support us   and this channel without owned we couldn't keep  making these videos so i really appreciate it   okay let's start with the brand new follower goals  and sub goal widgets that have been absolutely   blowing up my stream over the past few weeks  follower goals and sub goals we've all seen them   on streams they are a great way when used right to  boost your followers and your subscribers because   at the end of the day sometimes all it takes for  someone to follow or subscribe is to be reminded   that they can actually do that this is called a  call to action or cta but this feature takes it   a whole step further than your classic on-screen  goals which i'll cover in a second first let's   show you how to actually set up the goal inside  twitch i want you to head to your stream dashboard   and i want you to go over to the right where you  can see your quick action buttons and i want you   to click on the plus sign button i want you to  search up goals and i'm going to click add to   your buttons next click on the goals button and  you'll be met with the ability to start a goal you   can select goal types so subscription or follow a  goal you can set a description for what the goals   aim is for example reach affiliate 50 followers  and you can edit the overall goal you're aiming   for once that is done you can click start goal and  it will actually run across the top of your chat   much like a community challenge points or like  a hype train if you were to reach your goal then   much like a hype train it would scroll across  the top of the stream saying you reached a goal   and you can celebrate as a full community and  full chat as well which is honestly awesome once   active if someone subscribes or follows it'll run  past the top of chat again telling everyone the   progress of the goal but the part that i think is  much more powerful is how it actually appears in   the twitch chat not just at the top of the twitch  chat let's use subs as an example if someone were   to subscribe or gift subscriptions while you had a  goal active then it would actually appear next to   that person's name for the entire chat to see you  can actually see the full progress there as well   that means the entire chat can see that bootyman  69 with two wise was the 456th sub out of 460 sub   goal and they're only four subs away from reaching  the goal you can also add your goal directly into   your obs or streamlabs obs to appear on screen  using the browser source that twitch provides you   that said you don't really have to though the  most powerful part of this as i said is how   it appears in chat because it doesn't take  up any screen it doesn't block any content   it is non-intrusive but still prominent enough to  remind people when it comes up saying there's only   four subs left after bootyman 69 gifted that is a  big incentive and a big reminder to show everyone   hey we're really close to that goal if i want  to help i can and i might be the one to push us   over that goal you can see now why i say this  is a very powerful cta or call to action with   very little downsides speaking of downsides let's  quickly weigh up some pros and cons of this tool   before we get into the ads manager and my secret  weapon to making my content more discoverable   because this is directly through twitch and  they are doing total subs or total followers   out of total goal it means that if someone were  to unfollow or unsubscribe then this will be   updated instantly to remove that person who  unfollowed or unsubscribed and i know that sounds   bad but this is actually fantastic because with  most widgets such as stream elements or stream   labs follower goals they're going to have to be  updated every single stream or even sometimes   halfway through the stream because people unfollow  and they're just counting how many follows you get   rather than going off the total number you have  these new twitch goals don't go out of sync like   that the second pro i want to shout out is the  fact that this is available to literally everyone   which means if you're not an affiliate you can  set up a follow-up goal for 0-50 and i think   that is brilliant that twitch made this available  to the entire platform but there are cons though   this isn't the absolute perfect tool the first con  would be that there is very little customization   everything i've shown you is all the customization  you can do currently on these goals this means   that if you do want to include the bar on your  screen then you better like pink because that's   all you're getting i would like to see some basic  customization maybe so that the bar isn't always   pink or the icon isn't always that if we had a  little bit more control i would love this the   second con is i really don't like how they made  it so the browser source the thing you add the   widget to your obs or slobs with is just your  channel username the reason i don't like this   is because it feels weird to think that bootyman  69 with two wise could add my sub goal widget   to his obs very easily and i can add anyone else's  to mine as long as it's running i don't know why   you would but a lot of people are weird and i feel  like it's probably going to happen so i'd like to   set a custom code but again it's not a big deal  and drumroll please for the absolute biggest con   i can't run a follow a goal and a sub goal at the  exact same time please twitch add this feature i   want to be able to aim for 25 000 followers while  also aiming for my daily sub goal the fact that i   can't run both feels really limited i just love to  see this added please that's really it though at   its core this tool is optional and you don't have  to use it but if you choose to use it and you use   it correctly it can go a long way to increasing  your overall growth it won't work like this for   every single community but personally for me i've  seen some massive growth with this tool normally   i average between 300 to 350 subs per month  however since i've started adding sub goals   using this tool i have ballooned to a massive  600 average subs with only 150 average viewers   which is absolutely immense every time i set a  sub goal people go oh i can reach that that's   only five ten subs away and they just instantly  start subscribing or gifting which is incredibly   generous and insane to me so i'm going to show you  the brand new ads manager tool that you can use   to turn off pre-roll ads without even having to  worry or think about it so that when new viewers   click on your stream they don't get a pre-roll and  then leave before even seeing your content which   yes absolutely happens and i'll show you more  info on that soon as well as my secret weapon   to making more discoverable content but first  i want to throw it out there guys if this video   helps you out at all please consider subscribing  to the channel honestly it means a lot we're so   close to 100 000 liking and subscribing are free  of course as well and you can always undo it   but please don't undo it so what is my secret  weapon when it comes to making my channel and   my content more discoverable well if you  have ever been to your stream dashboard   then you have absolutely seen this tool and  you have completely ignored it most likely   a tool that i recommend to every single streamer  and that you should absolutely be using is the   marker tool and the clip that tool these are  both quick action buttons and they are so   powerful when used correctly one of the hardest  parts of being a small streamer is finding the   best bits of your streams to turn into content on  other platforms so you can be more discoverable   so you're live and you're having an awesome stream  and you do something absolutely hilarious or   you do something absolutely downright awesome all  you have to do is click that marker button or clip   it and essentially keep streaming when you're done  you can come back to your vod and you can go into   your highlighter and then find every single clip  and marker that you put in you can then highlight   these and download them or simply download the  clips you've made and bam you've got all of the   best parts of your stream i started doing this  because i watched an interview with dunky where   he talked about his process for creating videos  and he talked about how whenever he was recording   for a video he would always have a button set  up that ended the recording and then started the   recording again every time something happened that  was good for a video he would press that button   and it would stop recording and start again then  in the editing process all he would have to do   is go to every single clip he had and skip right  to the end and you'd instantly find the best bit   this is the same concept you've got a huge list  of highlighted best bits from your stream now   you can go in and download them and then edit  them for other platforms such as youtube shorts   tick tocks or any other social media you want i've  actually been doing this exact process recently so   that i can test out youtube shorts and tick tocks  which i guess i can actually officially announce   to you guys now i have a second channel just for  youtube shorts there's gonna be longer stuff on   there soon but i wanted to quietly without telling  you test out youtube shorts and see how it goes   for growth and it's been really interesting and  i have a whole video coming on that soon so if   you can't watch me live and you want to support me  or you just want to see some examples of youtube   shorts you should go check out my second channel  it's a damn good time if i do say so myself   quick note as well if you have a stream deck don't  forget to install the twitch plugin and set up   these as both a marker and a clip button on your  stream deck that way you don't have to alt tab out   you can literally just press the button on your  stream deck and you're good to go okay it is time   for the most important part of the video we have  to talk about twitch ads first let me explain for   those who don't know the major problem with twitch  ads and how it is hurting so many streamers if you   are a twitch affiliate or hire then you might be  losing a huge number of potential new viewers and   new chatters because of pre-roll ads and because  of this downside i get asked constantly if twitch   affiliate or twitch partner even is actually worth  it when it has such a huge effect on new viewers   coming in kevin nash our stream and marketing  angel as well as my personal hero has actually   said that one in three viewers who get a pre-roll  ad will click off before they even see you your   stream or your content now i apologize if that  number is out of date or incorrect i believe right   now as i'm saying this that is what he said that  said on our end when we poll our audience of small   streamers it often comes back to be about 50 50  on whether or not they will leave a stream before   they even see the content because of pre-roll ads  the exact numbers are on screen now and you can   see it's from our latest poll this is still up  if you want to go and vote and also join in on   the discussion so 5050 is pretty rough on whether  or not someone will actually see your content but   it's way worse when you realize that our audience  who voted in this poll are small streamers small   streamers who are more willing to put up with  negative viewing experiences small streamers   who are okay with bad microphones who are okay  with laggy streams who are okay with ads because   they want to support other creators because they  hope that others would put up with it to support   them then it becomes a much more difficult  situation when you realize that viewers aren't as   willing to put up with ads and aren't as willing  to put up with negative viewing experiences you   don't have to like this every time we talk  about this on this channel in the discord or   wherever i have a lot of small streamers getting  defensive and even angry at the fact that people   don't want to watch pre-rolls they don't want  to put up with 30 seconds or 90 seconds of ads   just to support a streamer and that's fine you can  be angry at the masses but you can't change the   masses and we have to accept this is a problem so  how do we deal with the problem so do we just not   accept affiliate and become multi-streamers well  yeah there are really big plus sides to doing that   if you do it correctly or do we just leave twitch  entirely and become youtube streamers well there   are also reasons to do that but that doesn't help  solve the problem of the people who want to stream   on twitch and are affiliates who have to deal  with this situation so what was the old solution   well it was to manually run our own mid-roll ads  because it turns off pre-rolls for new viewers   for a certain amount of time who got an ad  when they joined the stream can i ask i'm   doing some research doing some research  has anyone here had an ad so far today   ad free not me no ads no ads zero ads no  ads none nope not me i didn't oddly not   this time it's not odd it's not odd ladies and  gentlemen you're welcome alright you know why   i remembered to run my own ads at the start of the  stream so they've been off for the last 20 minutes   we would do this in the same place as the rest of  our quick action buttons all you have to do is go   into your stream dashboard and click the run an  add button now quickly i have to cover another   misconception that small streamers have been  commenting on these polls about ads and that is   the fact that they think that these ads are going  to make them money or that twitch in general is a   better way to monetize and make revenue than other  platforms honestly this topic is an entire video   so comment below if you want me to break that down  but for now the reality is is that running an ad   won't make you any money unless you are xqc ludwig  or even pokemane sizes that is the only time   you'll make money from these ads but if you're a  twitch affiliate you should still be running your   own mid-rolls in order to turn ads off for other  viewers for example if i run 90 seconds of ads   this is usually three ads back-to-back it'll turn  off pre-rolls for new viewers for 30 to 35 minutes   i'll give you more examples of that in a second  now i don't recommend running another 90 seconds   exactly 30 to 35 minutes later don't just pump  these out on repeat over and over again i only run   ads at the very start of my stream during bathroom  breaks water breaks or just generally during big   content breaks before i run them i always say the  same thing hey i'm gonna run an ad i'm not doing   it to make money i'm doing it because it turns  off ads for new viewers and overall we will have   less ads in the stream if i do it myself you won't  miss anything it's just to be right back screen or   it's just a loading cue so i apologize i also have  my stream decks up with a multi-action button so   that when i press it it runs the 90 seconds and  it also posts in my chat the exact same apology   and explanation for everyone who didn't hear it  because of this process that i do with my ads   i rarely see a dip in my viewership when i run a  mid-roll but i will always see an increase in new   chatters and new followers in the 35 minutes that  follow me running the ad with the pre-rolls being   turned off because there is less barriers for  these people to join my stream and see my content   that said i can't promise that you won't lose a  small number of viewers when you roll a mid-roll   ad it's entirely up to you and your content so  you need to learn to balance out how many to run   when to run them and how it affects your stream  the reality is for the majority of people who   have real discovery backing them running these ads  opens you up to get more and more people coming in   with very little downside and with all that  context explained now we have to talk about   the fantastic new ads manager that'll allow you  to set and forget to keep prayer rolls turned off   with ease and also give you much more control as  a creator over your ads because before then those   buttons were all we could do so first we have to  find out if you've got it they're rolling it out   slowly so don't stress if it isn't there for you  but first head your creator dashboard go to the   affiliate button click on that or for me it says  partner and then i want you to scroll right down   to the bottom where it says ads manager but before  you click on it please make sure you've got this   little button here turned on the disable pre-roll  ads when you run your own if you don't have that   on all of this is useless once that is on click on  the add manager and you can start customizing as   you see fit here you can schedule your ad spacing  meaning how often ads play you can change the ad   length so for example 30 seconds is only one  ad and that turns pre-rolls off for 10 minutes   or as i said you can set it to 90 seconds or three  ads which is 30 to 35 minutes these two new tools   need to be balanced very carefully personally i  am setting mine to 60 to 90 seconds worth of ads   every 45 minutes to an hour but find what works  for you and your community please don't just   cookie cutter what my community are okay with as  i said mine are mostly small streamers and they're   more open to putting up with negative experiences  like ads next up you can set a delay now this is   really important to set this as short as possible  because you want pre-rolls to run literally at   the very start of your stream because it takes a  little while for people to filter in this means   get your pre-rolls turned off as soon as possible  so when your followers who aren't subbed click   that go live notification they don't get an ad  this is future lj with a small life hack last   night out of habit i ran 90 seconds worth  of ads at the very very start of my stream   one minute in the ads manager ran my scheduled ads  and both of those stacks giving me 65 minutes of   no pre-rolls on my stream all it cost me was to  run two sets of ads for about 15 people at the   very start of my stream who are all subscribers  so they didn't see them anyway thanks twitch   that's i'm sure that's working as intended but you  might be thinking this sucks what if it runs an   ad automatically during a massive climax of  a story or during a really awesome moment of   a stream maybe i'm top two in my fortnight battle  royale and it runs 90 seconds of ads because it's   scheduled or maybe you're thinking great so now  i'd be more regimented with my breaks every hour   getting up to go to the toilet this sucks well  no they've actually come up with features to help   you deal with that and it's also made it pretty  much impossible for you to accidentally run an ad   during a climax or a hype moment and that is where  the heads up timer which you can see right here   comes into play the heads up timer will warn you  when your ads are about to play and you can even   set how much warning you want so i'm going to  set mine to 10 minutes so 10 minutes before an   ad plays it will warn me this means if i'm coming  up to a big climax of my stream i can click snooze   and the ad break will be pushed back by a small  amount and i'll show you where to find the snooze   button in a second but before that make sure you  turn on the add schedule and actually hit save   once you've done that go back to your stream  manager click edit stream manager and add the   ad manager down here in the bottom right this will  allow you while you are live to see when ads are   coming up from your stream dashboard you'll also  see the snooze button here which is what i was   just telling you about and you can also change the  length and also still run them manually with this   button look obviously ads still aren't perfect  on twitch and there is a long way for them to   go before they can compete with something like  youtube's ads which are targeted and skippable   mind you but i love that they're giving me as a  creator and you as a creator more control more   features and making it more accessible so that we  don't have to worry as much at the end of the day   that is still a massive win for everyone sorry  for the long video i do hope it helped comment   down below supercalifragilisticexpialidocious  if you watched all the way to a hundred percent   and hey gonna throw it out there please  go check out that youtube shorts channel   i'd love to know what you think about the  shorts and if you want that video about them
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 165,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on twitch, grow on twitch in 2021, how to grow from 0 on twitch, get more viewers on twitch, grow from 0 to 25 viewers, grow from 0 to 25 viewers on twitch, grow from 0 on twitch, 0 viewers twitch, 0 viewers on twitch, more viewers twitch, more viewers on twitch, how to get 25 viewers, your first twitch viewers, get more viewers on twitch in 2021, how to get viewers on twitch fast, Twitch goals widget, Twitch ads manager, twitch, how to grow on twitch 2021
Id: 0_V9csV5X8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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