How To Make Your Webcam Quality Look PRO! - Webcam Settings Guide In 2021!

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today i'm going to be showing you guys how you can  take any webcams which is this c922 pro right here   one of the most used streamer cams of all time and  take it from this to this in just seven actionable   steps that you can complete right now and i'm  also going to explain why we do each steps that   you can understand and create some unique styles  for your webcam entirely for yourself let's go hey i'm Eljay with i'm also  a variety streamer over at   there is a link in the description to that if you  want to go check me out while i'm live maybe ask   me some questions or just call me an idiot while  you watch me try and solve puzzles and video games   there's also a link to our website it has over 700   guides for all things streaming related  all these content creation if there isn't   a video covered on the channel for a topic  then i recommend checking that out because   it is written by streamers for streamers and  it's a fantastic resource entirely for free   today i'm going to give you a step-by-step and  practical demonstration of how you can take a c922   that's just been plugged in and set up inside obs  or streamlabs from a brand new camera all the way   up to a full unique style and what's going to  break down the do's the don'ts and the issues   i no longer use a webcam but back when i did use  the c922 pro i used this exact setup to make it   look good and you guys were constantly asking me  how i did that however i would never go back to a   webcam now upgraded to a mirrorless and i think  there's even a better middle ground that you   can start doing right now to have better quality  than a webcam but i will cover that in a second   because first i want to tell you guys about our  sponsor skillshare i am sure you guys know about   skillshare by now and i'm so excited that they've  teamed up with us because if you don't know who   they are they're an online learning community with  thousands of classes or creators of all levels and   the first 1 000 subscribers of mine who sign  up with the link in the description will get a   free month of premium membership which means you  can check out watch and learn from any class you   want over the next month i actually use skillshare  every few months to refresh myself on production   concepts such as lighting composition photography  and graphic design because in this industry it is   so easy to get stuck in a routine a class i just  watched this week was youtube success script   shoot and edit which is written by marcus brownlee  one of the biggest youtubers on the platform and   someone i really respect it was nice to remind  myself that i needed flashier hooks at the   start of my videos to help engage and retain you  guys skillshare is a fantastic platform focused   entirely for learning it is less than ten dollars  a month with no ads and you can watch as much as   you want in that time so you get as much out of  it as you choose to get out of it is a fantastic   investment in yourself as a creator and if you're  still not sure again first a thousand people to   click the link will get a free sign up so check  it out okay so first things first let's get into   setting up your webcam and getting it inside  slobs or obs you're obviously gonna plug your   webcam in and have it all set up so it's looking  at you but then you're gonna go into your obs or   your slobs you're gonna click add source you're  gonna click add new video source and you're gonna   select your webcam now what i want you to do is to  full screen this you'll right click it and you'll   click transform and you'll click fit to screen and  you're gonna see that it looks just awful so we're   gonna turn off all the automatic settings right  click the camera source properties change default   to custom now you can edit the resolution to be  1080p or 720p that said it is more intensive on   your pc so i also recommend 720p for most people  who don't have high-end computers next up is fps   or frames per second now i noticed some lag issues  when i set this to highest but they went away if   i set it to match the source or set it to 30. so  that's something to keep in mind in this section   color space you want to set the 709 and finally  color range you set to full now we click the   configure video button and when you turn off all  the automatic settings by clicking these boxes   and the final step the exposure setting  i'd like you to set this to -5 personally   because i found other exposure settings cause  aggressive lag however if you're finding it with   negative five you can change it from there your  exposure essentially cuts light or adds more light   depending on where you set it to so this will give  us our base look just a dirty webcam shot without   any adjustments and just a room light on now  depending on how big your room is how much natural   light it gets or just where your lighting is  already placed in your room you might have a much   higher quality image than i do but the reason mine  looks like this is because i have quite a small   office with zero natural lighting which means i  have to do a lot of work to make the image look   good we'll be adjusting all of our settings today  inside this little video configure box however i   know that some of you guys use a different looking  box or you adjust it in your own webcam settings   so i'll be covering exactly what each setting does  so you can adjust it in yours as well before we   get into the practical settings i want to talk  about how no matter what you do or sometimes   no matter what tweaks you make it's going to be  very hard to make a webcam look high quality and   professional and in fact the more tweaks you do  digitally alter the image the more you're going to   degrade that image and make it look less quality  for example later on i'm going to be cropping my   image in slightly to get rid of some of the ugly  stuff around my shot but by doing this i'm also   going to lose some quality so we're going to be  covering the balancing act that is getting an   image to look good while also trying to make sure  you keep the image quality high the major problem   is that webcam sensors are tiny and they process  images terribly not just that they also handle   color really badly as we're going to see when we  get to the white balance section in a little bit   they're fine to start out with when you're just a  beginner but i do recommend if you do have an old   smartphone or even a dslr or mirrorless camera  that'll work just laying around using either of   those will go a much longer way for example a  smartphone has a much better sensor in it and   will provide much better color science in order  to give you nice looking skin tones and a nice   looking background but you're here to learn about  webcams so with that out of the way let's get into   making your webcam look pro the first step to  making a webcam look good is you obviously need   to get some sort of lighting now the major mistake  people make with lighting is they don't understand   the concepts of lighting a subject because when  you're just starting out you think of lighting   and you think of room lights or you think of just  light bulbs behind someone but the reality is that   all lighting isn't just designed to make an image  brighter it's in fact designed to make a single   subject brighter unlike myself as the subject and  you're gonna be lighting yourself as the subject   let's turn off our room light and instead  switch over to my elgato key light i know   elgato key lights are a bit expensive but i think  buying one of these will really set you up when   you're starting out you see you'll never need  to upgrade it ever again you can even get the   key light airs that are a bit cheaper or the  elgato ring light which will do a similar job   these aren't sponsored either i just think  they're great lights that you won't ever need   to replace or buy a new one and when it comes to  buying gear if you can purchase something that   you'll never need to upgrade ever again that's  a great investment now instantly when i switch   to mykiller you can see a big difference in how  my image looks and how much more quality there is   with my key light i've placed it in front of  me raised slightly and angled down to shine   light just on one side of my face that causes  shadows to occur on the opposite side adding   depth and what gives me a cinematic look for  my face except my lights up the exact same way   for this shot so if i would be looking at my  monitor right now rather than the lens you can   actually see the light to dark and the depth  that it will add so let's do a quick test now   to show you how light works if i were to raise  the brightness of my light all the way to max   you can see what's going wrong now the  technical term for this is i look like   i'm just kidding it means i'm overexposed it means  i'm too bright so let's lower me all the way down   to zero now as you can see here the technical term  for this is i look like [ __ ] but in reality it   means i'm underexposed you need to find a good  balance for you and obviously without lighting   your background as well the crucial thing is to  make sure that none of your face is overexposed or   none of your face is completely underexposed make  sure you light yourself and get a nice balanced   light on it once we've done this we can also use  the gain feature to slightly do adjustments i also   think that if you want to underexpose yourself  slightly and then use the gain feature to bring   yourself back it'll go a long way to make sure you  don't have a really bright light shining in your   face now the gain feature will digitally brighten  your entire image which means you will also add   digital noise now when i say noise i don't mean  noise for your ears i mean this kind of background   fuzz and this background texture which i'm going  to try and show you here as i mentioned earlier   you can also use the exposure tool however the  exposure tool adds a lot of lag to your image   so maybe don't bother with this one just use  your gain so we need to start talking about   white balance because this is where it gets hard  now the reason i love these elgatos is because   they actually have multiple white balances i can  set them to orange aka tungsten or i can set them   to white aka daylight you see the second major  mistake most people make when setting up their   shots especially with webcams is that they don't  understand what a white balance is now a white   balance essentially means that different lights  produce different color temperatures and then   inside your cameras and your webcams you have to  set your white balance to match that light or else   your colors will look wrong for example that's  why sometimes you look super pale or super green   on your webcams because it's trying to adjust for  a white balance that is incorrect i can change my   elgato key light to produce around a 3000 kelvin  orange white balance or i can set it to a 6 000   and produce a blue these are the complete opposite  ends of the spectrum but it gives you an idea of   what it means i try and set this to be around 45  to 4 600 which is a nice white light and then i'll   set my webcam or my mirrorless to be the same for  now i really recommend looking up white balance   charts and watching some videos specifically about  it so you can understand it more in depth but you   can also just set the 4500 to 4600 on your lights  and on your webcam or adjust it slightly until you   find a nice skin tone for it just don't do this  automatically because very often your camera will   get it very wrong so to adjust this manually go  back into camera configurations with that little   white box and you can drag it around here and set  it to different numbers while watching yourself   on your screen i do recommend doing this after  you get your key light set up as well and once   you've got it honed in to look nice and expose  you properly because if you do it before it's just   going to need to be changed again after okay  so you have your light and you have your white   balance now we need to talk about framing because  this can be honestly a make or break at moment   first things first you need to clean up your  shot clean up your room the amount of people   who i click on their stream and they're streaming  in a room that's full of vaseline bottles toilet   paper there's trash everywhere i understand that  your bedrooms but if you're gonna broadcast it   to the internet please clean up please it's not  hard to do it's also important in this section   to make sure you're framing yourself nicely  as well as your background i think a lot of   people give themselves far too much headroom  and they also give themselves far too much   down here feel free to crop in just enough that  you've got your background and you in the image   obviously you can do this by moving your webcam  around or if you right click add filter you'll be   able to add the crop pad filter and actually start  cropping in that way don't go too wide or too   tight on this and i will give you the warning that  the more you crop in because you're essentially   digitally zooming into the image making it larger  you are also going to degrade the image slightly   and have a lower quality at the end of this video  you're going to see that if i hadn't cropped in i   would have a much higher quality sharper image  but because i had to crop in to remove fans and   other things from my background it's going to  have a lower quality but also 90 of the time   you're going to be in a much smaller camera on a  game screen so most people won't notice that drop   in quality we'll notice it today because they'll  be full screen though next your eye line is really   important here now what i want you to do is i'm  going to set your eyeline up to be pretty much   on par with your eyes i don't want it to be too  high looking down on top of your head because   that's a bit weird and i really don't recommend  going too low because if you go too low it's going   to be looking up at your chin and accentuating  any double chins or in my case a triple chin   with a beard that a 15 year old could grow if  you can i also recommend placing your camera   so it's close to where your chat is going to be  on your screen so when you look over to read chat   you're also looking over and kind of looking  down the lens a little bit because it really   goes a long way to engage people and make it clear  when you're looking over at them your audience if   you're really struggling with nice framing maybe  you're not in a place where you can have your own   background or your own space then i have a tip  coming up for you soon that should be pretty easy   to make sure this is all solved for you but before  i get into that let me throw it out there what   is more important than your webcam quality that's  right your microphone now if you want to set your   microphone up maybe you just bought yourself a  usb condenser mic like the yeti or the at2020 plus   i have a link in the description which is my how  to set up a microphone video it's probably the   video i'm most proud of on the entire channel  because the amount of people who have commented   on it saying it helped them so much if you want to  upgrade your mic and make it sound quality without   actually having to buy a whole new mic go check  that out it'll help you a lot also links in our   description is our discord that's right feel free  to join our discord it has over 26 000 members in   it every single person there is just talking about  the problems they've encountered and how to fix   them how to grow giving tips and advice we don't  have any go lives or any kind of spam so that   means it's literally just devoted to education  also it's where you can go to download our free   animated overlays and our free stingers and other  resources that i've released for you guys go check   it out even if you want to download them and leave  you can just jump in download and leave go for it   these days i use a mirrorless camera for my setups  and i've always used one for the videos on this   channel which means i've gotten a lot of people  asking the same thing lj how did you add that   blur filter to your background which makes me very  sad because it means that apple and nvidia have   successfully convinced people that everything is  just a filter the reality is this blur is called   depth of field and it's the idea of just having  an out of focus background you see on real cameras   you actually have lenses and on lenses they have  f-stops and these f-stops will change how much   light and how much is in focus on webcams you  don't really have any of this which means it's   very very hard to get an out-of-focus background  meaning that everything is in focus and sharp and   means it's much harder for you to stand out from  your background to fix this i recommend doing two   things the first try and add as much distance  between you and your background as possible   the more distance you can get the easier it'll be  to make you stand out from your background but i   also know that we're working in offices and small  rooms so the next option is to use colored lights   now i don't mean fairy lights or these kind of  like bar lights here i mean specifically wall   lights like lights that are going to shine a big  bright color across everything another option you   can do is to get a smaller light and shine it at  your back like in my old videos where i had that   kind of rim around my shoulders this will also  add a separation between you and your background   your background should be a little bit darker than  you if you've lit yourself right but not so dark   it looks like you're living in a cave if your  background is overexposed it's also going to be   too distracting as well so why don't i recommend  getting fairy lights or these little strip lights   well on a webcam as i said there's no out-of-focus  effects there's no way to make it look blurred so   it means that when you have these fairy lights  they just look over exposed and bright whereas   in my image on my mirrorless camera when i've got  them it kind of smooths them out makes them out of   focus and gives you what's called bokeh b-o-k-e-h  if you want to look up more about that this is why   we start with lights that don't necessarily appear  in the shot and instead add a whole color to the   background to give you separation by doing this  you won't have the ugly kind of overexposed bulbs   and it'll give you more depth and if you can't  make your background look nice don't worry i   do have a tip coming up for you so stay tuned  okay so this next section is actually going to   be crucial for a lot of you guys and i haven't  seen a single webcam video cover this sometimes   when you add a light to your background it will be  so bright and overexposed it is impossible to tell   what it is for example my little twitch lamp there  a lot of you guys would put something like that in   the background and it wasn't look anything like  what it's supposed to this is because your gain   or your iso on your camera is set to be really  high it's digitally brightening your whole image   and that's usually because you're trying to  brighten yourself but by brightening yourself   you brighten every single light in the image  including these little lamps now if you can't   turn the lamp down to be less intense on the  actual lamp then what you're gonna need to do   is you're gonna need to drop your gain or your  iso down until your lamp looks good and then you   have to boost your key light or the main light  that's on you until you look and match you're   balancing out the brightness of your image and  the brightness of your actual light in the shot   in order to find a good match i'm not going to  call people out but i've actually seen twitch   partners give advice to people and say just  give out it's too bright you won't make it work   no you can just brighten yourself  with another light my god also i know i said it's really hard  to add depth of field to a webcam so   i know i'm gonna get people commenting things like  well actually lj there's software that'll read you   and then read your background and add the blur to  the background yep there is and it's incredibly   gpu and cpu intensive and 99 of my audience  doesn't have a computer that can handle that   encode a stream play a game and be good to go so  no i'm not going to tell you guys to use digitally   blurred backgrounds speaking of gpu intensive  and cpu intensive things let's talk about color   correction and adding a lut because these are the  final steps that you have to do once you've done   everything else if you do these things too early  what's going to happen is you're actually going to   make your image look really really bad by color  correcting and adding a lut you're essentially   saying i've got my image looking as good as it  can i now need to do my final tweaks if you add   a lut to a bad image with bad lighting you're  essentially just going to be sprinkling glitter   on a dog turd and if you add color correction to  a really bad image and have to correct it a lot   going to be degrading your image digitally and  really stretching and pulling colors you need   to get it looking as good as possible inside  the camera before you do any of these steps   there are two ways to color correct the first  is by going back into your camera configuration   and changing it in here you can make slight tweaks  to your contrast your brightness your saturation   and kind of work to get a nicer looking image  or a nice looking color or more natural color i   really recommend trying to get it looking as good  as possible here first as i said the second step   is to add a filter and add the color correction  filter now inside this color correction filter   you have a few settings your gamma aka your gain  or exposure which really doesn't work for you here   because if you boost your gamma in this section  you're gonna digitally brighten the entire image   on top of everything else you've done which is  gonna cause issues you've also got your contrast   which means you push your brights and your darks  to the opposite spectrums it's a nice way to add a   bit more edginess to yourself but it can also add  some shiny bits to your nose and other parts of   your face brightness is a weaker gain essentially  i wouldn't worry too much about using this one   saturation is how colorful you are how rich the  colors are for example so you can boost this up   a little bit but only by a tiny bit q shift  i don't think you guys are going to need much   but essentially it kind of just pushes all of  the colors to be a little bit different on the   spectrum meaning that if you're slightly incorrect  you can push it a bit to go warmer or a bit to   go greener but if you do this slightly wrong it's  going to really throw you out and opacity you only   need for very stylized images it essentially makes  you go see-through again i'm going to say this as   much as i can do small tweaks if you do large  tweaks in color correction or large tweaks to   saturation or to any of these things you are going  to push yourself to look very odd boosting your   saturation up a lot boosting your hue up a lot  will really throw out the colors and make it very   obvious the next and one of the most important  filters should be the final one that you add to   your entire webcam is a lut filter right click add  filter apply lut is the filter you want to pick   and now you will need a lut file for this i'll  add some free ones in the description for you   now what is a lut well it stands for lookup table  now this means that there's a bunch of squares   inside the folder that tells your computer what  colors should be it'll say red should be shifted   to be this type of red i hate to explain it this  way but it's pretty much like a bunch of instagram   filters but if you've ever used an instagram  filter you'll know that if you have a very   orange image for example and you apply an orange  filter for example then it's going to push all   of those orange colors to be even more orange  and turn the entire thing into an oompa loompa   this is essentially what happens with luts if you  put a lut on and you leave the intensity up high   it's going to push all of your colors to be very  extreme especially if you've already pushed those   colors to be extreme before you add the lut i use  a self-made lut on everything i do in fact i'm   using one right now that i've built for myself but  i'll add a link in the description to some of my   favorite websites and where you can get luts for  yours as well i want to tell you one more super   secret bonus tip before i get on to the final tip  about how you can work with your background so   come in close if you're worried about acne  blemishes or scars don't be everyone has them   and you're awesome but if you still are concerned  and want to take some of the edge off of it then   you can actually go into your camera configuration  and just slightly lower the sharpen if you drop it   down from say 128 down to about 100 or even 90  it'll kind of add this nice blur to you it'll   kind of feel like it's a beauty filter but again  don't worry too much about it it isn't a big deal   okay so maybe you don't have enough background  room in order to actually set up all those lights   and do all this fancy stuff maybe you can't crop  things out like an air conditioning unit or maybe   your mum's in the corner throwing beer bottles at  raccoons and you just can't do anything about it   well then you need a green screen that's right if  you want to you can get one for 20 to 30 dollar   dues over on amazon or for a bit more expensive  like this 200 elgato pop-up one i really like   this as well the fact that i can just push it  down to the bottom and it's gone it's fantastic   but it doesn't matter what you get as long as  it works the problem is is that i see a lot of   you guys using green screens quite badly you put  yourself up right against them which means you   add shadows to the green screen making it harder  to key out the green the other issue is you're   not lighting the green screen by itself i really  recommend getting a light designed just to light   the green screen and so it's nice and flat and  even if you have really bright sections of the   green screen and really dark sections you're  gonna need multiple color keys in order to   actually remove it so try and light it as evenly  as possible and then when you jump into obs or   slobs go to add filters add a color key click the  custom color and select your green screen then   you can use the similarity to remove the shades  of green and smoothness to smooth out the fall   off on the edges of green of you then you'll have  removed your background and you'll be good to go   but removing backgrounds is boring it's old hat  everyone's done that do something fun and unique   one of the reasons i grew early on was because  everyone would join and go are you actually in   a milk aisle right now because i found an image of  a milk aisle put it behind me but then i was like   no this still looks fake so i took the  milk aisle put it in photoshop out of   the blur to the entire thing so it looked  like depth of field as we discussed earlier   and then bam everyone really thought i was in a  milk aisle it worked it was my thumbnail it got   me clicks and it really engaged people so find  a way to make yourself stand out with all that   out of the way you should be a pro at setting up  your webcam maybe you made yours look better than   mine join the discord and show me your setups  i'd love to see them and in the meantime feel   free to check out my other content linked in  the description i'll see you guys next week bye
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 82,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Webcam Settings for Stream, Logitech Settings, Logitech Webcam Settings, logitech c920, logitech c922, improve webcam quality, how to improve webcam quality, logitech webcam software, c920 settings, logitech webcam, webcam lighting, setting up your webcam, how to make webcam look better obs, how to increase camera quality, webcam settings, improve webcam, how to improve facecam quality, webcam settings streamlabs, logitech webcam setup
Id: LVRf0g1tndM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 11sec (1331 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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