5 Streaming MISTAKES That Hurt My Growth!

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despite what you might think i'm not perfect i put  my pants on two legs at a time just like everybody   else that means i make mistakes as well just like  everybody else in fact that's the entire concept   of this channel i make a mistake while growing I  learn from it and i pass those tips on to you guys   who are trying to grow that's why today i want to  give you five massive mistakes that i've made in   the past six months that have actually caused  me to lose viewers rather than grow let's go   hey i'm Eljay with streamscheme.com i'm also a  variety streamer over at twitch.tv/eljayem_ there   are links to me as well as streamscheme.com in the  description if you want to check either of us out   i'm actually live right now but as i said today  we're going to be talking mistakes specifically   the mistakes that i've made over the past few  months that have caused me to lose viewers and   i think it's really important as someone who's  supposed to help small streamers grow that i admit   when i make mistakes and pass those on otherwise  be very disingenuous to act like all i've ever   done is grow grow grow but hey i don't want to  be the only one to admit that i make mistakes   so why don't you scroll down to the comments and  post a mistake you've made while trying to grow   your stream or on your content creation journey  if you have a solution to it maybe include that   so it might help someone else and if you don't  have a solution don't worry i'll be answering   every single comment trying to help out every  single person speaking of every single person   i will also throw it out there that every single  tip in this video is applicable to you no matter   what size you are no matter what type of content  you make you'll be able to take something away an   actionable tip or an actionable step to make sure  you continue to grow happily and safely without   making these same mistakes especially the final  tip of the entire video i think that is the one   that will really make or break so if you get bored  feel free to use the time codes in the description   to skip ahead to that final tip and just make  sure you absorb that but you know what isn't a   mistake and you definitely shouldn't skip it's  our sponsor own.tv if you guys haven't heard of   own.tv by now then i have no idea what rock you've  been living under they are your one stop shop for   all things streaming related and i want to shout  out one of their brand new packs the pixel pack   it is a fantastic full animated stream overlay  that i think a lot of you guys would love to use   but maybe your pc isn't top of the line and you're  really struggling to use animated overlays well   that's totally fine they've also got full static  overlay packs and a lot of really good resources   people on lower end pcs and the best part they're  all modular which means you can pick and choose   anything you want from any of the packs and  just delete it if you don't it's great for   anyone no matter what type of pc they have  and no matter what type of streamer they are   if you want to support me guys go and support  owned with a link in the description because at   the end of the day i couldn't do all the videos  on this channel without their support so massive   thank you to own.tv for sponsoring this channel  okay so the very first mistake that i realized was   causing a massive issue to my growth and you're  gonna be really surprised to hear this but i was   so focused on growth that it was actually hurting  my channel that i was actually losing viewers let   me explain at the start of the year there was a  game called valheim that came out and it started   trending incredibly well on twitch there was  a lot of people watching it but the giant   streamers weren't really getting into it and this  was perfect for someone my size around 100 to 200   viewers to sit there and get a lot of traction i  gained 900 followers in the space of a very short   time playing this game and then it clicks for  me i'm at a size now where if i play the new hot   trending games or i play games such as minecraft  or rust that i would get a lot of traction and my   channel would grow incredibly fast so i started  looking intensely for all of these games and sure   these games might be really enjoyable to play and  it's going to be really fun to do as a streamer   because you're getting a lot of new growth and a  lot of new chatters but that is where the problem   starts a lot of these new chatters and a lot of  this new growth you'll get from games like valheim   or whatever the hot new trending game is is  temporary these people tend to follow the hot new   game or if it's a game like minecraft they tend  to stay in that category because that's what they   want to watch on twitch which means as soon as you  transition away from the valheims or the minecraft   you lose a huge number of those new viewers  that came in and what you haven't realized is   that while you've been so focused on growing so  focused on minecraft and valheim you've missed   out on the fact that you've stopped nurturing  your core community and you've lost a lot of   your regulars or a big chunk of the people who  loved watching you for what you did so during this   time after valheim i was incredibly nervous and  also incredibly apprehensive to pick up and play   anything that was a small indie game or any of  these old beloved games such as twilight princess   or detroit become human because at the end of the  day i wasn't going to see much growth from it but   then when i bit the bullet and i played detroit  become human despite the fact that i got almost   no new followers almost no new chatters from the  category of that game the amount of moments that   were incredibly fun for my community the amount  of community memes and the amount of hilarity   that came out of playing that game was incredibly  valuable for example my chat now believes that i   can't pull off a quick time event to save my life  and that i hate bus stops do i want to be known   for these two things no do they keep bringing  it up yes are they right about the quicktime   events yes i just when they say to hit triangle i  always tend to hit the wrong one it's not my fault but essentially guys the actionable tip here  is to not focus on growth because at the end   of the day streaming is supposed to be about  creating entertaining content and entertaining   moments for your audience if you create good  content the growth will be a byproduct and yes   you should always consider the idea of how is my  content going to be discovered how am i going to   grow from making this content but make sure you  focus on nurturing your community and nurturing   your community memes maybe the actionable tip  is actually just to spend a week playing detroit   become human getting an android killed over  and over because you can't do quick time events   either or you can pick one or the other speaking  of taking time to focus on your community this   next one is massive i used to do one event stream  every single month whether it was a painting   stream an amazon stream heck i also did a bunch  of christmas streams where i dressed up in a very   questionable santa outfit that i'm pretty sure  that i rubbed my hands together would have lit on   fire instantly you name it i did so many different  events and then i decided i was going to do a new   event a big charity event and we managed to raise  13 900 usd in the space of one night which is   amazing but the amount of stress and the amount  of effort that went into organizing that stream   was incredible and i just couldn't plan another  massive event stream any time soon so i took a big   break from them and i'll tell you what the absence  of event streams became incredibly noticeable you   see event streams bring up a lot of hype a lot of  excitement and they have an opportunity to create   a lot of community memes another byproduct of  event streams is they tend to bring in a lot of   revenue as well but i don't think you should focus  on that because the community value from an event   stream is so much more important to focus on if  you can't tell by now i put a lot of stake in   community memes and community jokes why because  there's something incredibly powerful about a   group of people sharing an in-joke or sharing a  meme that makes them continually come back to that   channel and that community because they are a part  of it it's how i ended up with these weird painted   gnomes or these weird rat figures and all these  sorts of memes my chat thought it was funny and   i leaned into it and they love it my actionable  tip here isn't to start doing a painting stream   every single month to three viewers five viewers  or whatever you're at currently it's to find ways   to create events around your content this  could even just be that every two weeks   you do a community night where you play party  games like jack box marbles words on stream gartek   on stream and so many other big multiplayer games  you can play with the community safely on twitch   find ways to encourage community memes community  in jokes because if you do these things and you   nurture your community then there'll be people  who will continually come back because they   feel a part of it and they want to continue being  a part of it next up one of the major reasons why   streamers lose viewers is at the end of the day  people just get bored and that's not meant to be   an insult that's just the truth of it there's so  much content out there there are so many options   out there and audiences are just really fickle  so it is so important to keep your stream fresh   and keep those people encouraged and engaged while  also balancing it with what they liked about you   in the first place again after that charity event  i was so burnt out that i spent about a month not   really adding anything new to my stream but then  i snapped out of it and i started adding so much   more stuff to my stream i added new sound effects  i had a new overlays i added new voice filters   i had a new sound alerts based on community memes  that my chat could engage with and interact with   i have this elevator effect now for when things  get awkward i can press that and slowly disappear   as i said i have an old-timey voice effect that  i can throw on but most importantly the sound   alerts that i mentioned based on community memes  have been huge my chat absolutely adores them and   if you can find a way to add community memes as  sound alerts i heavily recommend it finding ways   to keep your stream fresh is not just important  for your viewers but it's also important for you   the creator it stops you getting bored it helps  you improve yourself and constantly sets a new bar   and you can see your own progress even on the days  where your stream isn't growing it's stagnating   you can still see how far you've come because of  all the new tech and all the new things you've   added to your content my actionable tip here is  to try and add one new thing every single week   to your stream if it's small things like adding  new channel point redeems then try out a few   because you know you want to try and push a  real difference when you add something as i   said it'll keep you progressing forward you'll be  able to see how far you've come and it will keep   your viewers engaged and interested to see new  fresh things being added over that time if you're   looking for a few easy ways to add freshness to  your stream i have a video that i released a few   weeks ago called seven easy ways to improve your  twitch stream i really recommend checking it out   it covers things like better twitch tv voice  effects and so many other things it'll be linked   at the top of the description and in the cards if  you want okay so before i cover the absolute final   tip the make it or break it tip the one that'll  decide whether or not you are going to give up on   twitch give up on streaming and give up on being  a content creator first we have to talk about   something else that you guys heavily undervalue  and something that i undervalued as well it's   time to talk about collaborations that's right  because i'm gonna say right now collaborations   are the most important aspect to growing as a  content creator seriously this is crucial you need   to think about how you are going to collaborate  and no i don't just mean joining my discord and   spamming your go live link in every single channel  as a copy and paste i'm looking at you it's your   boy 69 who i banned during this video for doing  that i'm talking about actually networking finding   other creators with similar goals and similar  values similar content and finding ways to network   and collaborate together this could be sharing  ideas sharing overlays sharing skills it could   just be talking to each other about the things  you are struggling with the huge mistake i made   was i let my anxiety and my worry about bothering  other creators get in the way of reaching out to   them and doing collaboration streams i've pushed  through all those nerves and anxiety now and i've   started collaborating with other streamers just  the other week i was streaming with loser fruit   and chibly as part of the twitch anz battles and  then the other day i streamed with reaps and did   a really fun fasmo stream and i'll tell you what  my audience has said these collaboration streams   are some of the most fun they've had watching my  streams at the end of the day it is so important   to collaborate if you're looking to grow you  need to cross-pollinate your communities and at   a certain size you won't actually be able to grow  unless you start communicating and collaborating   with other streamers of the same size as you but  more importantly being a streamer is incredibly   isolating you're kind of on your own and you  can't really talk to people about the things   you're going through you can't talk about really  annoying sponsors or you can't talk about how   you're stagnating in your viewer growth or a lot  of other things so by finding other people who   are going through the same problems it gives you  a chance to collaborate chat and you don't feel so   isolated anymore if you're looking to make friends  collaborate and network maybe join the stream team   discord it is linked in the description i think  it's like a third or fourth link down and i'll   tell you what guys it is fantastic 41 000 people  are in there and it's not spammy no go lives it's   literally just education networking and making  friends my actionable tip other than joining   the discord guys is that no matter what size  of content creator you are find other content   creators who share the same goals as you the same  values as you and who are working hard to grow   network make friends and grow together and finally  the most important piece of advice in this entire   video and now some of you might hear this  and think well that's a bit of a fluffy piece   of advice but i promise you this will make or  break your entire streaming career this has been   something that has come up with large streamers  when i spoke to them something with brand new   tiny streamers and something with everyone in  between and that is the fact that streaming and   content creation aren't normal careers when you  first start out you're not going to be making any   money growth is going to be incredibly difficult  and then once you've started growing they're   going to be times where your viewership dips hard  and there are going to be times where you start   stagnating and you're not growing at all and the  most important part of all of this is the fact   that sometimes it's just not in your control but  you still have to continue to believe in yourself   because if you don't believe in your content you  don't believe in yourself you don't believe that   you are worth watching then why is anybody else  supposed to believe that you are worth watching   there is obviously room for critical feedback  and there is always room to improve yourself as   a creator i'm not saying to yell the word grinding  from the rooftops then stream five hours a day for   seven days a week i i hate the grinding mentality  it should be critical and actionable feedback   and growth but i'm just saying that you need to  have confidence while you're live and while you   were going live if you don't have that confidence  well your quality will tank it'll completely drop   down something i haven't talked about on this  channel at all is that my entire life i have   suffered from very intense anxiety and while i  don't really want to go into it essentially how   this affects me while i'm live is that sometimes  i'll be sat there and i'll realize my content is   trash i am not making good content and i lose all  faith in myself the way i get around this though   i have dozens of post-it notes all over  my twitch setup telling me you got this   don't worry i've got a chat command called  exclamation mark good content which i haven't   had to use in a while thankfully but my vips  my regulars and my mods can use it to give me   a little kick in the ass in chat to say that  i should stop worrying to remind me how far   i've come and see that i'm worth it and then  i can make good content but you guys might not   have mods or post-it notes or anything like that  so i'm gonna do it for you today you are worth   watching you just have to work hard put the  hours in and make something worth it you got this   my actionable tip here is to shut down that little  voice in your head that says you're not worth it   focus on how far you've come focus on how much  progress you've made if you make mistakes remember   you are a beginner even huge experts make mistakes  and that's okay the only difference between you   and everyone else is that from this point forward  when you make a mistake if you have an issue i   want you to take a breath look at the mistake you  made and then think what actionable step do i need   to take to fix this or improve this don't wallow  in yourself just improve yourself and a little   bonus action for you guys won't you scroll on down  and comment wow because that is the 100 crew badge   i hope this video helped you out at all i hope it  gave you a little extra confidence and i hope it   gave you some places where you can start improving  your stream i'll be live all week this week and   i'll be back later this week with another video  i'll see you guys then consider subscribing bye
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 21,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 streaming mistakes, Streaming Mistakes, Streaming Mistakes Small Streamers Make, Small Streamer Twitch Tips, Twitch Guides, How to grow on Twitch, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Live, Stream, How, To, Help, Youtube, streamer, affiliates, affiliate, Streamer Mistakes, Twitch Mistakes, 7 Twitch Mistakes, Eljayem, Audio Issues Twitch, USB Mic, Plan Your Content, Grow on Twitch 2021, Twitch affiliate 2020, worst streaming mistakes, Streaming fails, twitch growth 2021
Id: rY6NnvE0hD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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