7 CRUCIAL Twitch Growth Tips For Small Streamers In 2021!

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every single new streamer's goal is to be a twitch affiliate how do i know that well when i asked you guys to comment your goals on a video a few months ago i got over 500 comments saying you wanted to be twitch affiliate but the reality is even if you guys stream long enough to have your hourly requirements met and even if you get 50 followers a lot of you guys will never reach three average viewers heck even if you reach affiliate that doesn't mean you're gonna be set you need to continue to produce great content and engage with your viewers today i'm gonna outline a few crucial steps that i think you guys are missing when it comes to trying to reach those three average viewers as well as how to continue growing after you've reached an affiliate and i'm gonna give you one of the best engagement tools i've ever created to turn someone who's just joined my chat into a chatter let's go [Music] hey my name is lj with streamscheme.com i'm also a variety streamer over at twitch.tv ljm underscore i am live right now and there's a link in the description to that as well as a link to streamscheme.com which has over 400 guides covering everything you need to know for streamers by streamers seriously check it out it is such a good resource for you there are time codes in the description so if you want to skip ahead to anywhere in this video feel free but before we do that i want to skip ahead to say thank you to our sponsor own.tv you guys have heard me thank own.tv a lot but i really want to hammer at home how much these guys support us and how fantastic their service is they have everything you need as a new streamer seriously the amount of times people ask me where do i get my overlays from where do i get my sub badges where do i get my alerts and my sounds owned tv smash it out of the park every single time installation with own.tv is easy fast and they have an faq there so if you ever get stuck you can go straight to it thank you again to own.tv for sponsoring these videos without them i couldn't do this so if you want to support the channel guys go and support them it really helps us out let's get into the very first tip something that you can do that no large streamers can do as a small streamer you have a tool at your disposal that nobody else can touch you're able to interact and engage viewers on a one-to-one level i get so many comments people saying i wish i had 200 to 500 viewers but if you're struggling to engage and grow to 25 by yourself you don't want that many viewers yet and trust me there is an audience out there looking to watch small streamers i've actually had people leave my community and say i'm just a guy who likes to watch 25 average viewer streamers i get more attention and one to one value there and that's totally fine some people are small streamer community viewers so how can you take this a further step well simply just remembering who they are and remembering something about them will take you further than any other creator can for them i see so many small streamers trying to treat their small community like the large streamers do and that's just gonna hurt you if someone comes into your stream remember them because they come back a second time and you say oh hey bootyman69 you're back for the second time it's good to see you how you been man i promise you that bootyman 69 will come back for a third fourth fifth and probably never leave if you continue to remember who they are and what they like my biggest tip for this is to remember a small piece of information about every single person who joins your stream if bootyman 69 says that he loves the kingdom hearts series lock that in next time he's here ask him about it talk to him about it you will go so much further if your audience considers themselves a community member and not just a number so engage your viewers one to one because it's getting much harder for me to do that now that i'm growing and i kind of miss spending time with just one-to-one people don't take it for granted my next tip is about call to action something i touched on briefly a few months ago during a video about streamlabs cloudbot and people were really interested in the concept and i realized that just because i have a marketing background and know what a call to action is doesn't mean that everyone does a call to action is just simply designed to make a viewer or user take action on something for example it could just be saying out loud hey guys if you're enjoying the stream consider chucking us a follow it's free and it really helps us out that is a call to action it's simple it's easy or it can be more complicated maybe you have some graphic assets that pop up to remind people to subscribe to your channel later in this video i'm actually going to talk about the most powerful engagement tool i have ever created on my twitch stream and hopefully as many of you as possible will start using this as well but first i want to talk about probably the most common call to action and that is on screen follow donation or subscriber goals and why you're using them wrong you see this community we run polls we run a lot of them because i love finding out data and using it to help inform you guys as creators in this particular one we wanted to find out whether or not a donation goal or subscriber goal bar would make people more likely to donate or subscribe to a channel interestingly with just under 5 000 votes on this poll 69 percent nice said that they were not more likely to support if someone had a donation or subscriber goal whereas 31 said they were absolutely more likely to support a few things we learned from the 200-300 comments in the discussion that this generated was that shock and horror if you're not producing good content that's engaging for viewers no amount of call to actions or polls are going to help the second thing we learned is that people are much more likely if the goal is for followers obviously because they don't have to invest any money and there's no barrier for them to do it they can just click follow that said people are more likely to support monetary goals and follower goals if you are close to achieving the goal another segment of people said that they were more likely to support if the thing they were supporting would increase the quality of the content or directly support the streamer for example a big special event stream or a piece of new equipment to replace something that broke now this poll was done to twitch viewers who are trying to become small streamers which means that the results will slightly skew but they're supposed to skew to the side of saying that the goals on screen are going to be more effective at generating revenue which wasn't the case and the other issue is that we know from prior research having a visual call to action or visual goal on screen does increase engagements because those 69 of people didn't say that they saw a goal and it made them not want to support it was just that they weren't more likely to support which means putting a goal up doesn't detract 31 of people are still more likely which means you'll still increase your revenue so let's summarize all this down into some actionable tips for you first things first if you're going to create an on-screen overlay goal make it look nice that's not from the poll i just can't stand how they look a lot of the time from the actual poll though second if you're gonna do it use follower goals more so than other because people are more likely to follow them if you do decide to use subscriber goals or heck even with your follower goals make them daily and make them very achievable set it to 15 followers in a stream or whatever size your channel normally gets make it really achievable and easy i talked about how i used to have a subscriber goal of one sub a stream and it made people often just do it to reach it because it was easy for them to achieve a quick note on call to actions though i want to mention a call to action i see get used constantly follower only chat now this call to action is designed to make people leave your channel because why the heck would someone want to follow your channel in order to simply speak to you you're a small streamer turn off follower only chat for the love of god all right let's keep moving now i've talked about consistency a lot when it comes to schedule and times of your streams but i haven't talked about it much in terms of game and content types but when i have touched on it i always get the same comments i'm not going to play the same game over and over again that's selling your soul i'm not going to play the same game over and over again i don't want to be known for one thing i'm really sorry guys but if you're not willing to stick to one piece of content while you build your first audience it's not that you're not gonna be known for one game it's that you're not gonna be known for anything there is nothing wrong with focusing on one piece of content while you grow your audience in fact it is the best way to grow your audience if you see growth from a small game stick to it if you switch two days after getting five followers from gwent you're probably not gonna have those people from gwent come back and watch you play ballerin transitioning down the line once you're a bigger streamer is hard it's hard to switch between niches you see it all the time but it's not as difficult as trying to actually build an audience across 24 different types of content if you want to build your audience pick a discoverable category that you've seen return in and then stick to it keep working on it be consistent with it and that is okay you see it all the time on youtube people create content and they create content they create content and then one of the pieces of content sticks people enjoy watching it so they double down and they make more of that content it's how we get giant trends of people playing trouble in terrorist town or anything else if you really want to be a twitch affiliate as your goal if you really want to have a small community of 20 to 30 viewers all you have to do is be consistent with your content make sure you never miss a stream lock that schedule in and show up and produce decent quality because i promise you that is 99 more than what most people are willing to do and that's not an exaggeration the reason i'm bringing this up now is because lately i've been seeing a lot of affiliates and even partners who have reached really high highs and then just started tanking and it's because they aren't willing to keep the consistent quality of their content they think they have to keep it fresh and brand new and change things up every few weeks but in reality changing things up is just getting rid of the content that people like from you you need to find a way to keep the content people enjoyed fresh without completely losing what allowed you to grow it is an incredibly hard balance to strike and i wanted to mention it in this video because it's something i've been thinking about a lot lately and i want to make sure that you guys who are trying to grow learn about it before i did at 200 viewers now i'm saving some of the best tips for last in this video such as how to turn off your pre-roll ads and encourage people to subscribe to your channel as well as the best engagement tool i've ever created in order to get a viewer to start chatting with me but first if this video helps you out at all consider checking out our other content on the channel we have videos coming out weekly on any topic we can think of that'll help you guys out as well as some amazing fully animated free overlays over in our discord and there's also 30 free stingers and more packs coming out soon so check out the link in the description in discord to go look at those overlays and get yourself looking fly do people still say fly now a problem a lot of affiliates deal with are pre-roll ads and i've been getting asked a lot about them lately and thanks to our lord and savior devin summer we know that pre-roll ads have a huge bounce rate meaning that people aren't even reaching your content they see an ad and they leave so how do we turn off pre-roll ads well there are three ways we can do that the first is by not being an affiliate which kind of sucks because we want to get subs we want to get bits we want to get emotes for you guys and we want to grow the second option is much better run your own ads if you run your own ads for 120 seconds when you go take a bathroom break you'll turn off pre-rolls for 35 to 40 minutes meaning that people who will join your stream won't see an ad and they'll get straight into your content a lot of people complain about ads on twitch but it's so easy to stop them being a thing on your stream and then another fantastic part about this is that right behind producing good quality content a motivator in order for people to subscribe is turning off ads so every time you have to go to the bathroom and run 120 seconds of ads if a viewer doesn't want to see them or they're more likely to subscribe as long as they like your content and we found this out thanks to the poll in the community in the comments so this is a win-win-win you get to be an affiliate turn off pre-rolls less people are bouncing back and there's a higher chance that people are actually going to subscribe to your channel because of it what's not to love and just quickly on the topic of donations and subscribers i'm going to throw it out there again because people are always surprised to hear it if you want to appear on the front page one of the fastest and easiest ways to do that is with hype trains please affiliates stop calling hype trains to scam trains stop making them negative experiences because these viewers they just want to have fun and support you if you make a hype train a negative experience by calling it a scam or insulting it all you're doing is limiting the amount of time you can appear on the front page because all it takes is three us dollars 100 bits donated from three different people creates a hype train which puts you on the front page of twitch do you know how many times a hype train has started i've appeared on the front page and someone has joined and said hey i just like finding hype trains and supporting them and then dropped a huge sum of bits in order to get to level five six times six times a random person from the front page has finished my hype train for me and it doesn't even have to be just the bits if one person subscribes another person does a gift up and another person does 100 bits or any of those three things combined in the space of three events you will start a hype train and you will have the chance to appear on the front page in front of a whole new audience of viewers obviously if you want people to support you using these methods you need to be an affiliate you also probably need to turn off your paypal donation link so that they're forced to support you with bits and subs but at the end of the day i think it's a small price to pay three usd to appear on the front page of twitch okay the greatest engagement tool i've ever created is about to be revealed no it isn't my question of the day no it isn't heists and gambling you guys have heard enough about those did you know when someone joins your stream they instantly start accruing channel points and if they were to follow your stream they're given 200 to 300 channel points if when they receive those 200 or 300 points there is something that they can redeem for that price twitch will do a pop-up and say hey why not spend your channel points on this now let's say for example that you have a channel point redeemed for 300 points and it simply says say hi i'm new and someone follows you but they haven't spoken yet however twitch pops up and says hey why don't you uh once you redeem this say hi i'm new it's free it's harmless click and you have yourself a new active chatter that you can say hey bootyman69 welcome in i wave back hope you're having a good day i discovered this because i have a channel point redeem called posture check or i used to and it cost 250 channel points and i noticed this because every single time someone followed they would then follow it up with a posture check that's when i found out they were being given these points and told to use them so i switched it out for the say hi i'm new and i have seen a huge increase in turning followers into active chatters and being able to start conversations if you're not an affiliate yet you can do something similar using cloudbot and simply giving people points when they follow but if you are an affiliate you need to set this up right away as a channel point redeem i promise you it takes five minutes to set up and it will go such a long distance so with all that out of the way i hope you guys have some more tips to engage your viewers and make them community members by remembering them turn off your ads increase your subscribers get better call to actions and get those channel points up and running so you can get yourself some chatters i'll see you guys next week have a good [Music] one
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 310,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on twitch, grow on twitch in 2021, how to grow from 0 on twitch, get more viewers on twitch, grow from 0 on twitch, 0 viewers twitch, 0 viewers on twitch, more viewers twitch, more viewers on twitch, your first twitch viewers, get more viewers on twitch in 2021, How to grow on twitch 2021, How to grow faster on twitch, twitch growth tips for small streamers, small streamer tips, twitch growth tips, small streamer tips in 2021, Twitch Growth Tips For Small Streamers
Id: 1nTo7vh-_So
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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