Top 7 Streaming MISTAKES That Small Streamers Make! - Learn From My Fails!

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so recently while i was meant to be at work i was watching a bunch of videos about what mistakes new streamers make and i realized that very few of these videos actually taught people how to fix or avoid making the mistake so today i'm going to give you seven mistakes new streamers make including the biggest mistake they can possibly make which is covered at the end and i'm going to show you how to fix every single one not just tell you what you're doing wrong so let's fix those basics and get your view count building Hey I'm Eljay from I'm also a variety streamer over at links to both those in the description and as i said today i'm going to be covering the seven big areas where new streamers make mistakes these are going to be things such as camera and lighting audio issues community building scheduling technical settings and the biggest mistake i think that most people make is planning out their content now for every single one of these areas i'm hopefully going to give you a few actionable tips so you can go straight from this video to your stream and start improving or making it better and i'm also going to put time codes in the description and the top comments so you can skip straight to the topic you want to cover so i just want to preface this video by saying that i currently stream to about 100 average viewers and obviously six months ago when i first started that wasn't the case i only had zero to five average viewers and i was making these mistakes even though i'm in the film industry for the last six years and i've been doing marketing for two years i still made crucial mistakes that i should have known better and that's not an embarrassing thing that's a part of learning it's part of growing so if you make any of these mistakes please don't feel embarrassed or please don't feel left down or stupid for doing it it's just a part of growing as a streamer so the first big mistake have you ever wondered why every single youtube thumbnail has a face in it well it's because we are hardwired to recognize human faces we bond with them we connect with them so when i first started streaming i didn't have a camera and this was my mistake you should really make sure you have a camera when you're streaming so that way people can see your face they can see your reactions they can kind of bond with you as a person and not just that but they can see you in the thumbnail when they're looking through the streams most people always click a stream that has a face in their thumbnail rather than one that doesn't when it came to first adding my camera i also made some mistakes i was putting it in the bottom left or top left but in reality you need to be putting it on the right because if you put it on the left your face will be hidden behind these little live and view count numbers on your thumbnail and it's harder for people to look at the chat which is on the right hand side of twitch and all the way over to your camera so the closer you can get your camera to the right the easier and less eye strain it'll have for your viewer but the biggest camera mistake i made when i first started was having terrible lighting and this is from a guy who's been in the film industry for as i said six years lighting and cameras is kind of my thing i just didn't take it seriously enough it only took me about a week before i looked at it and thought what the fuck am i doing so i moved my desk back put in some lights and you can really see the difference since starting this channel i've had a lot of people ask me to check out their streams and this is one of the biggest pieces of advice i can give for your cameras stop trying to be fancy with red blue or rgb lights just light yourself nicely make sure your face is lit make sure you're balanced make sure people can see you and connect with you once you have that down then you can start looking at adding in that all that fancy stuff but right now just focus on you your subject needs to be the thing that's lit and that is you i have a guide on how i like my stream linked in the description but i'm gonna be making a video on it soon so subscribe and just quickly if you do use a webcam for your camera you'll need to know how to set that stuff up manually in obs because using auto will often lead to really bad white balances or just kind of exposures that are off so what i'm going to do is i'm going to ask you to go into your video capture settings turn off auto white balance switch over to the camera controls tab and then turn off your auto exposure head back to the first tab and play with your gain a bit until it looks nice or if you need to you can change your exposure and then your gain this way you can balance yourself with the light you have but i really would recommend getting some lights the second big mistake is not engaging with your new followers or your community properly i only realized this was a mistake people made because when i made the best games to grow video which is linked in the description i had a lot of people asking but how do i transition from a consistent game how do i bring my audience from one game to another if someone arrives in your stream and talks or if someone follows it's really important that you ask them where they're following from or what they're watching from or or how long have they been playing this game for or what they like you need to engage them bond with them i'd also recommend doing community nights or starting every stream with just chatting your stream should be less about the game you're playing and more about you as a content creator if you're able to engage with these people on a personal level and host community nights where you play games with them and do just chatting segments it doesn't matter what game you're playing i've never played anything like dark souls and yet my view account hasn't dropped at all moving into dark souls recently my chatters love it a lot of them even said they'd never even consider watching dark souls but because they liked the stream it felt really natural to transition now i'm sure you've heard this next mistake before but i need to say it because people still are doing it if you're a streamer you need to set a consistent schedule and no i don't mean stream eight hours a day to no viewers i mean you need to set yourself up so that you're always streaming the same days in the same time slots again since starting this channel i've had a lot of people ask me to check out their vods or check out their stream and they always say why aren't i growing and often they don't have a schedule you can't even begin to grow if you don't have a schedule imagine trying to go to your local pub or the cinema and they were just closed and you don't know when they're going to be open again they're just gone that's not how you build a business that's not how you build a brand so you need to be consistent you need to set a schedule and you need to be there on time every time so i'm about to cover audio issues and the big one which is planning out your content but first i just want to throw it out there that if you're enjoying this video or it helps you at all please throw a subscribe it is free and speaking of free if you're subscribing and liking these videos it's going to put you one step ahead for everyone else who hasn't because we're about to start releasing a crapload of free animated overlays for stream labs and obs that's right go on are the days of only having static or low end overlays you're gonna have free animated ones as long as you're subscribed to this channel the next big mistake is one that while i personally didn't make it is something that i think every new streamer gets confused by because it is such foreign knowledge and that is how to set up your audio properly now there's a saying in the film industry that audio is 60 of your film now with streaming it goes even further than that people often just throw you one in the background and if that's the case your audio becomes a hundred percent of all that matters now i do have a video coming soon that will break down audio entirely but i want to give you some quick tips now on how to set your audio up and avoid these mistakes first things first i would recommend picking up a usb microphone and not a headset they are just higher quality and you can get them for fairly cheap you don't need to get an xlr and a mixer and all this stuff just yet if you're a new streamer just getting a nice microphone to start with such as an at2020 plus for the usb version is fine secondly i recommend using the monitor features built into streamlabs and into obs to monitor back your audio before you go live so you can make sure everything's working and everything sounds good do make sure to switch back out of the monitor only feature otherwise when you go live you will be completely muted to your audience third i recommend watching back your vod after the stream to look for any issues in your audio and just being critical of yourself in general to try and improve fourth a mistake i see a lot of new streamers make even just streamers in general make is they don't level their microphone on their pc before leveling it in their broadcasting software now if you don't know what leveling is it's just a term to mean how sensitive your mic is and how loud you are now every computer is different so i can't teach you exactly how to level your microphone in your pc but essentially you need to go into your sound settings and find where your microphone sensitivity is and play with that until it sounds good once you've done that you're going to go into your broadcasting software and obviously speak into your mic you'll see your levels will be here you want to be hitting just into the yellow mark if you hit red you're too loud and you will start peaking which means you're going to lose quality of your audio it'll start distorting the technical term if you're wondering for peaking and distortion is it sounds like shit if you're hitting yellow and you still sound like shit i'd say it's because your pc sensitivity for your microphone is still set too high so even though you're only hitting yellow in slobs you're still peaking and it's destroying the audio feed at its source the fifth tip is to learn how to use filters the three main filters you should learn about are noise suppression a limiter and a noise gate these are available in both streamlabs and obs the noise suppression will get rid of things like fans and ac in the background of your audio the limiter will stop it for when you start screaming or laughing it won't go higher than a certain db it'll cut you off and the noise gate will mean that any light noises such as keyboard clacking and stuff like that won't get transmitted across your stream it'll get caught in the filter again i'm gonna have a video coming out very soon about how to set all of this audio up in streamlabs obs and in obs hopefully but for now please just subscribe or if you want chuck it in the comments that you need this video and i will rush it out much sooner so i think the next mistake isn't really a mistake not knowing your technical settings such as your bit rate or your resolution or how things all work together isn't necessarily a mistake the mistake is not actively trying to learn what all the different technical settings mean and instead taking a cookie cutter approach i would love to give you some really specific information here about exactly what technical settings you should use but at the end of the day anyone who tells you exactly what settings to use for your pc you need to be very wary of you see everyone's computer is different everyone's internet capabilities this different everyone's game play is different instead you need to find what settings work for you and your setup for example people keep pushing the dynamic bitrate feature in streamlabs and while i love streamlabs the dynamic bitrate feature in streamlabs is trash please stop tweeting about the dynamic bitrate please stop putting in your videos the dynamic bitrate is a great feature it is incredibly new and every streamer who i've worked with who has tried to use it has had the same problems dynamic bitrate can't tell the difference between a drop frame from your internet lagging and between alt tabbing out of a game or having a stinger transition so when that happens it tanks your bit rate which freaks out your stream and causes a chain reaction the actionable tip look at every setting learn what it does learn how it interacts and try and get better a little step at a time when i first started out i had all sorts of issues and i slowly got my stream up to scratch where it was working we set up a few little things but every time something happens i try and learn how to fix it and i learn what's causing it so on to my final one the biggest mistake new streamers make and that is not planning out their content my go-to question now when streamers ask for advice is i ask how much content do you plan and a lot of the time new streamers will reply to me well i just say what's on my mind or i just kind of come up with stuff on the spot now this is a huge mistake could you imagine a radio presenter trying to go live or a podcaster trying to go live without any information whatsoever especially a new one like it's almost impossible that they'll be good at that like maybe in a few years you can just do that but right now you need to be planning out your content and getting a feel for it you need to go into every single stream with a plan if you don't have a plan then you're not a content creator you're just someone going live and playing a game and you can't grow on twitch like that anymore those days have passed you need to plan out your entire schedule's worth of streams if you're streaming on tuesday thursday and friday i need you to pick what game you're gonna play what just chatting segment you're gonna do what jokes you're gonna tell what talking points you're gonna cover and everything you can for every hour you're live i'd recommend getting three to five talking points if not more just so you can keep yourself talking especially if you have zero viewers you need to keep yourself active and talking all the time the view account is slow you don't know when someone is in your chat and if you're not talking at all they're probably gonna leave your chat before you even see that view account increase so get yourself a little notebook and start writing out points for every little piece of thing that comes up in your life so you can talk about it on stream or make jokes about it on stream whatever just keep writing content throughout the week let me know in the comments if you want me to cover a video about planning your content i pretty much it written already i just wasn't sure if that was something you'd be interested in so if you say yes even one person then sure i'll make a video about that so hopefully you're going to be able to get out there and start creating content like a pro you can fix up any audio issues or your thumbnail issues and really get into it if you liked this video please do subscribe we've got more content coming out weekly and we're about to start giving away a bunch of free animated overlays and all sorts of colors and designs so if you want those hang around subscribe like the video i'll see you guys next week
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 279,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stream Scheme, Twitch, streamlabs obs, obs, top 7 streaming mistakes, Streaming Mistakes, Streaming Mistakes Small Streamers Make, Small Streamer Twitch Tips, Twitch Guides, How to grow on Twitch, OBS, Tips, Streaming, Live, Stream, How, To, Help, Youtube, streamer, affiliates, affiliate, Streamer Mistakes, Twitch Mistakes, 7 Twitch Mistakes, Eljayem, Audio Issues Twitch, USB Mic, Plan Your Content, Grow on Twitch 2020, Twitch affiliate 2020, worst streaming mistakes, Streaming fails
Id: OgY76fO9sYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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