How To Make ANY Stream Entertaining!

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streamers constantly say to me lj i'm  boring i don't know what to talk about   i'm not engaging and i'm certainly not funny  i should just give up on becoming a streamer   and i always reply the exact same way you're not  boring you're just a beginner and you clearly   lack confidence and the best part is that  all of those problems you've just addressed   are so easy to fix so let's do that today the major mindset that causes streamers to fail is  thinking they have nothing to talk about and they   can't be entertaining the core concept of today's  video is going to show you just how much you do   in your day-to-day that you can turn into  entertaining content and i'm going to give   you examples such as bilber ludwig and some of  my own ones more important than that though i do   have time codes linked down in the description  as well so if you want to you can skip to the   very final tip in this entire video which is the  most important one as well it has zero downsides   you cannot fail at it and if you actually follow  through on that final tip you'll become so much   more engaging so much more confident yourself and  generally a better presenter in a matter of days   speaking of being engaging last time i asked you  guys to like comment and subscribe to a video to   help me with the algorithm and it really worked so  i gotta throw it out there again liking this video   and commenting really helps us out and subscribing  is free let's first establish a major issue that   might be causing you to create boring content and  how you might actually be the reason and the cause   for it this is easily fixed but if we don't fix  it there is nothing in the world that can help   you out when you're starting you have to address  this first problem if your stream is gonna go for   three hours then you need to produce three hours  of content it's pretty simple right but what if i   said to you no you need to produce three hours  of engaging and entertaining content well that   becomes much more difficult and it becomes even  more difficult when you think about the fact that   most of you guys aren't streaming for just three  hours a lot of you are streaming for five hours a   session then we add on the fact that a lot of you  guys are streaming five days or more a week five   days or more a week with five hours or more every  single stream that is a lot of content to produce   when you're starting out if you are streaming that  much you might be setting yourself up to produce   boring content because you just can't fill so much  time in your day so my actionable tip straight out   the gate i recommend doing three to four days  a week and doing three to four hours per stream   don't push yourself any further than that or  else it becomes too much the other problem is   when you're not live you probably spend  a lot of time thinking about streaming   what you're going to play next when you're  going to go live what you're going to do to   try stand out or you're just spending your  time watching way too many streaming videos subscribe by the way and that is amazing that  you're so passionate about streaming but if   you spend all of your time so focused on only  streaming well then you lose something that is   so important you lose relatability and you lose  stories essentially by spending so much time   focused on streaming you become a less rounded  person if you're struggling to find things to talk   about then take a step back and look at your  day-to-day first do you stay up late playing   video games maybe you're watching tv are you a  morning person or a night person when you turn   off the lights because you're going to sleep  do you have to sprint to your bed and quickly   dive under the covers because we all know the ax  wielding murderer can't get you as long as you're   under those sheets what chores have you done this  week which ones are fun to do and which ones suck   actually this one might be too straightforward  it's not very open-ended because we can all   agree that doing the dishes is the  best chore tied with making the bed   and then on the complete opposite side the worst  ones are sweeping and vacuuming that's just a fact do you know why the meme only 90s  kids remember this became so massive   it is because it is so relatable to a huge  demographic and it acknowledges people's   existence it makes them feel like they're a part  of a group they see the meme and they go oh my   god that is totally me and this is the same  for your day-to-day people can relate to it   every example i just gave you is something that  i've used in my stream to create entertaining   content and to engage chatters to be more active  but how does it become entertaining content if i   just said i did the dishes today well that's not  entertaining and it's barely even an observation   when you're a beginner i want you to start by  thinking about opinions or observations that   everyone can relate to on some level it  can either be heavily agreed upon but   at the same time you're better off being in the  minority because it sparks a better conversation   so rather than saying i did the dishes today you'd  say man i was doing the dishes today and i swear   anyone who doesn't agree that doing the dishes is  the best chore is an absolute sucker this sparks   conversation because people go what doing the  dishes sucks you touch random squishy things in   the water and i'm not a sucker for disliking that  and then they reply in chat defending their view   but at the same time you don't need the chat  reply it's just it's easier when starting out   to have someone to bounce off next you double  down and give more details you get more specific   and become more visual and it generally becomes  more engaging for example you're absolutely wrong   i'm standing there this morning doing my dishes  i'm in my underwear and one wet sock that i use to   clean up some coffee that i spilt we've all been  there the birds are singing outside as i scrub   some cheese off a frying pan and i'm blissful i'm  more zen than buddhist monks will ever even know   because i know for a fact that my wife who's fed  into the same anti-dishes propaganda the rest of   you sheeple have fallen for that she's not only  going to wash and hang out my underwear but she's   going to be happy that she gets to do that rather  than do the dishes who really has the worst chore   me who's scrubbing cheese of a frying pan or  my wife who's scrubbing cheese off my underwear you establish a setting with details that people  can understand relate to or at least recognize   you escalate it add absurdity and then you subvert  expectations with a punchline it becomes a story   with a payoff i quickly wrote that example for  this video because it has a clear structure and   it shows you how a mundane task can be turned  into something exaggerated and entertaining   it isn't perfect but it works for the example  and i really want to point out the subversion of   expectations at the end everyone is thinking it's  about chores they're not expecting to hear someone   talk about crusty cheesy underwear sometimes the  best thing you can do is subvert expectations for   example like this guess what i'm eating right  now one of your favs rage you're eating dick good for you a lot of creators just forget about  punchlines they'll tell a whole story and there's   no payoff at the end there's no fun moment cute  moment there's no wholesome moment there's just no   reason they told the story there's no payoff and  it leaves you feeling blue bald and like they were   just trying to fill dead air rather than trying  to keep you entertained see i'm not an expert   i'm still learning how to do all this but if you  look at professional comedians like bill burr or   if we're talking about streamers you can look at  someone like ludwig because at these people's core   they are professional storytellers the reason  i reference ludwig is because he follows this   process with almost every single story he tells  and with almost every single joke he tells in   the example we're about to watch he doesn't need  to obviously engage his chat to become active and   get them riled up he just needs to tell a funny  story and i think it's a really good example   of how you can do that somebody came up to  me and asked for a picture in las vegas they   walk up to me i'm minding my own business playing  craps you know how i do come on shooters get a yo   guy comes up to me hey you're luck hey  you're ludwig yeah uh what's up you wanna you want a picture or something no i actually  don't watch you at all ever i'm not even making   this up he literally said that can you see how he  took a story about being recognized in public and   set up not one but five jokes that all made him  more relatable and more engaging to his audience   trying to act cool at the crabs table redoing the  other guy's entrance to make him shorter than him   adding a deeper voice pausing mid-conversation  to throw dice and finally the punch line where   we find out the guy doesn't even watch him this  most likely isn't how the story actually goes   he probably didn't put on a deeper voice and he  probably didn't pause mid conversation to throw   his dice but the exaggeration and the willingness  the joke about his own shortcomings makes the   payoff perfect for his audience while also making  him so much more relatable and so much more down   to earth and i really think this is one of the  reasons why ludwig is one of the greatest creators   on the internet right now whether his content  is your cup of tea or not doesn't really matter   because i think if you break down creators like  ludwig or comedians like bill burr you can learn   a lot about storytelling and being engaging that  is just a fact not everybody is a natural-born   storyteller and that's fine i have a tip coming  up soon that will help you practice these skills   become more confident and become way more engaging  very easily but first let's talk a little bit   about other places you can draw inspiration  from for stories and for content what hobbies   and interests do you have and can you share those  with your viewers most people on twitch play video   games so that is a really good place to start  what games are coming out what cliches do you   hate what game is severely underrated or what game  is severely overrated i once joined a stream and   listened to a guy rant about how much he hated red  dead redemption 2 for two hours i couldn't look   away the lunatic just kept going and it worked  everyone was yelling at him in chat everyone was   telling him he was wrong i don't even know if he  was wrong at this point it was just so engaging to   listen to you can talk about tv shows anime books  documentaries games whatever it is a lot of pop   culture is beloved and will always be trending  and if you're engaging in it then you can engage   others in conversation about it as i said earlier  you should probably have some hobbies outside   of streaming maybe you like to cook photography  board games juggling maybe you're a rock climber   actually not the last one if you're a rock  climber you'd probably have no trouble talking for   hours because every rock climber i've ever  met all they do is talk about rock climbing   you don't even have to draw inspiration only from  things that are happening in your days today you   can take inspiration from things that happen  in the past as well school and work stories   are some of the most relatable stories that you  can possibly tell everyone went to school and   everyone knows that one kid that said you know if  the teacher's not here in 15 minutes then we can   legally leave and there are so many other things  that we can all relate to for example everyone has   had terrible bosses and everyone has had terrible  jobs have you ever traveled overseas have you ever   taken a road trip have you ever peed in a bottle  because you're trying to avoid missing your league   of legends q pop these are staple life experiences  that every single human on the planet has done   they are all relatable and you can use them as  bases to create observations and entertaining   content so what i want you to do is get a  notebook get a pen and spend some time thinking   about stories from school stories from work and  generally things that have happened to you that   you think are relatable to people i think most  people don't realize that everything i've talked   about so far is a skill that you can practice  at and become better at but how do you do that   well you become better at it the same  way you become better at doing anything   just by doing it but i know you're gonna say  streaming is nerve-racking you might get teased   by your friends you might look dumb and you might  fail and there are two ways i can help you with   that the first is by saying that yeah you might  fail and you might look dumb but you're going to   be way more upset with yourself if you don't at  least try to become better at this thing you want   to do and the second thing that will help you with  this might be the most important and most valuable   tip i will ever give you on this channel if you  want to have zero fear of failing and zero fear of   looking dumb while you practice then all you need  to do is get your phone or sit down at your webcam   and hit record don't prepare anything don't  come up with notes and then spend 10 minutes   recording yourself on camera talking and trying  to be entertaining and engaging when those 10   minutes is up stop recording and do not watch it  back put it aside put it away the next day i want   you to sit down and i want you to watch back the  whole 10 minutes don't have anything playing in   the background don't be distracted just watch your  10 minute clip the moment that 10 minute clip is   done hit record and start recording another 10  minutes try and be entertaining and try and be   engaging stop after 10 minutes don't watch it back  go to the next day rinse and repeat this process   daily not only will you notice that you become  an incredibly confident speaker if you actually   work to improve as you go but you'll also notice  it becomes much easier to fill those 10 minutes   and this is the most crucial part because if you  can't fill 10 minutes without a chat helping you   without other engagement without other notes then  you're not going to be able to fill three to five   hours of stream without a chat and if you can't do  this without a chat if you can't be entertaining   without a chat to bounce off well then you can't  be entertaining with a chat that's just a fact   this has been about 2100 words to talk about  how you can draw from life experiences to create   entertaining content but i really think a big  takeaway was something i said right at the start   where i talked about creating a life balance with  streaming i see you guys commenting about how you   missed a friend's birthday party to maintain  a consistent schedule how you no longer have   time to enjoy the things you want to do because  you spend all of it working on streams you're   not spending time with your family and your  loved ones but it is so important you keep   yourself open to these experiences and you keep  this balance intact not only because yes it'll   give you stories and content to talk about  while you're live but it will also make sure   that you're not feeling drained and dead while  you're live if you don't have this balance you   will start hating streaming and if you hate  your stream nobody else is going to enjoy it well that was 2300 words to essentially  tell you guys to go touch grass   so if you watched at this point comment  down below "I touch grass" and sorry   about the ludwig clickbait in the thumbnail  i'm trying out some new youtube techniques
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 27,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on twitch, grow on twitch in 2021, how to grow from 0 on twitch, get more viewers on twitch, grow from 0 to 25 viewers on twitch, grow from 0 on twitch, 0 viewers on twitch, more viewers twitch, more viewers on twitch, get 25 viewers on twitch, how to get 25 viewers, How to grow on twitch 2020, how to grow on twitch 2021, how to become an entertaining streamer, become an entertaining streamer, 1 Way To Become An Entertaining Streamer!, become more funny
Id: 52ZmZwdmS-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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