Streamlabs OBS Beginner's Tutorial: Setup to Stream (Updated for 2021)

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what is going on everyone welcome back to the stream lutes YouTube channel my name is preacher and in today's video we're gonna be talking about an awesome free streaming software called stream labs OBS this video is going to be similar to our platform overview of OBS studio so if you haven't checked that video out we'll leave a link to that video in the description below so what is stream labs OBS anyway well Stream labs OBS like OBS studio is a software that allows you to broadcast your content live to platforms like twitch mixer YouTube and Facebook however stream Labs has integrated a ton of tools like custom alerts widgets and overlays right into their dashboard which is gonna make your job a lot easier when you want to get a really creative look with your live stream today we'll show you how to download and install stream labs OBS as well as give you an overview of the software to help you get started before you go live with that being said let's get into it alright so first things first we need to download stream labs OBS so we're gonna go to Stream and download the software to our computer so we're gonna click this green button here this is download Stream labs OBS once we click on that it's gonna download over here and once that's downloaded we can click on it and run the program then when we go to set up Stream labs OBS we're gonna have to go through their terms and agreements we're gonna click agree and we're gonna choose where we want Stream labs OBS to install for me I've installed it within my Program Files folder once we've done that we're gonna have to log into the account to connect Stream labs with our streaming platform so we're gonna select a platform that we are streaming to once we've logged into our platforms account we now have two options that we can select between when setting up Stream labs OBS now as I said this is very similar to OBS studio what Stream labs OBS has done is they've allowed you to import settings from OBS studio if you've already been working with OBS studio to make your job a little bit easier you can also select start fresh this is what we're gonna do today for the sake of exploring stream labs OBS once we've done that we're going to be able to setup our mic in our webcam and so we're gonna go down here to select webcam and then down here to select our microphone click continue once we've done that we're gonna see a blank canvas with in-stream labs there's quite a few differences with stream labs OBS in comparison to OBS studio such as the menu options up at the top left like the editor and the themes that you can select from as well as the dashboard button right here but we'll go into a lot of this throughout the video down on the bottom left right here we're gonna see that there is a collection of scenes in this case there's only one scene created currently and this is by default when you begin in-stream labs in order to add a scene we're gonna click on the plus sign here to add a new scene and we can name the scene whatever we'd like we'll call it scene 2 now that we've added that scene we're gonna have two blank scenes with in-stream labs that we can rotate between now what we need to do is we need to add sources to that scene in order to do that we're gonna go down to the bottom middle here where it says sources and we're gonna go to the plus sign you're gonna see a pop up menu that's gonna give you a ton of different options of different sources that you can add to your scene so let's add a few sources here to begin let's add a background to our scene here let's call this background and we're gonna click add source it's gonna give us an option to search for a file on our computer I'm gonna select this awesome stream loots background and I'm gonna click done once I do that I can resize this however I would like and fill out the scene or I could add it to just a part of the scene alright now that we've added a background let's add a webcam we're gonna go to video capture device and we're gonna click add source and we'll label this webcam let's click add source and then we're gonna be able to select from any of the webcams that are connected to our computer currently so let's select this webcam here and we're gonna click done and now we can move this and drag it wherever we would like so let's say I wanted to add a display capture so that my viewers can see what I'm looking at on my monitor for example if I'm searching the web or anything like that I could do that simply by adding a display capture adding source will leave it named display capture so let's select the one we're currently using and now that I've done that you're gonna be able to see everything that I'm looking at now what I want to show you is that if you go down below in the sources you should think of the sources like a sandwich it's essentially different pieces that are layered together from top to bottom so what you see at the top is gonna be in front versus what's at the bottom which is going to be in the back so if I move the display capture for example behind the webcam it's now going to reveal my webcam and now we still don't see the background so let's move the display capture behind the background and now that's gonna hide the display capture resizing and relocating your sources is a great way to make sure that your scene looks exactly the way that you want it to look so let's say we want to highlight every time somebody performs an action in the channel such as following hosting donating or subscribing in order to do that we're gonna add something called a widget and Stream Labs has a ton of different options here the one that we want to talk about is the alert box and the alert box is gonna highlight donations subscriptions follows bits or members hosts so let's add that source and we're gonna label it alert box and we're gonna have a menu that's going to give us a ton of different options of the actions we want to highlight within that box we can get a preview of what's gonna happen in the alert and we can adjust the layout as well as the sources and settings if we want to test what each of those alerts looks like we can click test widgets and let's get an example of what the follow alert is gonna look like for the viewer so when I click the test follow it's gonna give me a preview of what the viewer is gonna see when they follow the channel when we click done it's gonna show that our alert box is located right here so we can move this resize it and relocate it wherever we would like on our scene so now that we've talked about what your viewers are going to see in the scene we're also going to talk about what your viewers are gonna hear and so we're going to look at the mixer at the bottom right here and you're gonna see of all of the audio inputs and outputs that are added as sources on a particular scene to edit those sources we can click on the settings wheel here so what you're gonna see here is a list of all of the audio outputs in inputs within your scene for example the desktop audio is gonna capture all of the audio from your computer so if you add music or your gameplay audio all of that is going to be impacted by setting the volume here your mic can DOCSIS your audio input which is what you're hearing right now this I like to highly recommend that you set your desktop audio to a volume that's not gonna overpower your microphone the last thing that you want is for your viewer to be trying to understand what you're saying while they're listening to the gameplay so I recommend setting the desktop audio to 50% or 60% and then your mic audio to a hundred percent something else that's built into the editor is what's called their mini feed and this actually shows any notification or alert that's happening in real time while you're streaming so for example follows or any sort of currency within the streaming platform that's being used hosts all that can be seen right here if you go over to the right you're gonna see a few other options for the mini feed such as popping out the event filtering options so this is gonna allow you to select what you want to see in your particular mini feed whether it's donations follows hosts and effects things like that all of that can be selected right here ok so now we're going to talk about the dashboard through stream labs so when we click on the dashboard in-stream labs OBS it's actually gonna bring us to a web browser with Stream labs com and this is gonna bring us to our analytics it's also gonna be a place we can configure our alert box and our widgets so even just looking at the analytics what you're gonna see here is recent donations you're also gonna see recent subscribers or donations and then further down maybe hosts and follows to the channel if we go to the alert box section this is going to be a place where we can edit anything from our follow alert to our subscription alert or our donation alert we can edit the sound the DeRay you know that sound the layout of the alert we can also configure in add widgets to our stream by clicking on the all widgets tab here and maybe we end up wanting to add merch to our our stream so people can actually go to the stream Labs website your personal stream labs website and purchase merchandise from you and then when they purchase that that can be an alert that you add in as well all of this can be configured on the dashboard here on stream labs comm and then added into the editor of stream labs OBS software ok so now that we've talked about the dashboard and all of the things that you can configure there what I want to talk about is the stream labs OBS themes and this is where I would say stream labs OBS really shines so we're gonna go up to the top left and we're gonna click on themes so what you're seeing here is essentially a theme store that has some fantastic designs that can really make your stream have a professional look everything from be right back scenes to animated alerts and tip jars or event lists all of these things within the package have a cohesive look and feel and it's simply activated by going into your editor in stream labs OBS and adding that package alright so now we've got our sources in our scenes all set our audio levels are looking good we can see that we've got our notifications set so we know what's going on with our stream when we're live what we need to do is a really important step and edit the settings within stream labs OBS so we're gonna go down to the bottom left right here and we're gonna click on the settings wheel and what you're gonna see here is all the various settings that you can edit before you go live the settings that we're gonna look at specifically in this video our output audio/video hotkeys scene collections and appearance so let's start with the output under output mode you can select simple or advanced let's look at the simple option here under simple mode we can select the quality of our stream and the quality of our recordings so under video bitrate for the stream what we need to do is we need to run a speed test to find out what number we need to put here simply type in speed tests on google run speed test once we've established our upload speed what we want to do is we want to take half of that and put that number in the video bitrate for example if my upload speed is 12 megabits per second what I want to do is I want to take half of that which would be 6000 and put that in the video bitrate category it should be noted here that every streaming platform has a different recommendation for the video bitrate based on the type of quality you're trying to push out to the platform for example I push mine at 1080p 60 frames per second but if you're trying to push out a certain resolution in frame rate that's going to be impacted by your video bitrate under encoding we're gonna select the processor that we want to use to process the data of our stream the x264 uses your CPUs processor to process data and this can actually add a lot of load on to your PC and cause a lot of issues as far as quality is concerned the Infineon coder is recommended as it uses your graphics card if you can handle the processing a lot better than your CPU typically now there's two options of Anvik you can use the standard and or the in vang do I highly recommend using the hardware and vinq new as this is the most updated for stream labs OBS and then finally under audio bitrate we're gonna select 128 for the bitrate as this is what's most widely accepted by stream platforms when we scroll down to the recording section this is going to be some settings that impact if we're recording a static video not live streaming but just a video that we're recording similar to this one we're gonna select our recording path which means the folder that those videos are going to be saved to and then we're also gonna select the stream quality I highly recommend using the indistinguishable quality large file size the recording format we're gonna select mp4 this is really the most widely accepted file format for like editing or other things that you might do with the video file and then similar as before we're gonna select the hardware and vank new for the encoder and now that we've done that let's take a look at the Advanced Mode under output specifically what I want to look at is just a few of them for the sake of this video so we're gonna want to make sure our encoder again is set to hardware and vank mu and we're also gonna want to leave this check this enforce streaming service encoder settings because this is gonna help us pair our encoding settings with the platform that we're streaming to we're gonna want to leave the rate control to constant bit rate or CBR we're gonna want to make sure that we use the bitrate we determined before in the bitrate category here and then we're gonna want to set the keyframe intervals to two for a preset we can leave this at quality and this is a setting that you can adjust depending on any quality loss that you see while you're streaming for the profile you can leave this at high some people make an adjustment to this as well depending on the quality that they're seeing from the stream and then under GPU you're gonna leave this at zero and then the max B frames we're gonna keep add to once you've done that select done next we're gonna look at the video tab so under the video settings we can adjust the canvas which is our base PC monitor resolution so if you're using a 1920 by 1080p monitor you can select that here under the output scaled resolution this is going to be the resolution that you're pushing to the viewer or to the platform that you're streaming on so I recommend monitoring this and making adjustments to it depending on quality loss or dropped frames that you might see down scaling this to a lower resolution can increase the quality that your viewers see an experience on the platform they're watching on and we can also leave the FPS type to common FPS values under common FPS values we're gonna select either 30 or 60 now this number is going to be determined by the game that we're streaming for example if we're streaming a high frame rate game like apex legends or Call of Duty we're gonna want to leave this frame rate or this FPS value at 60 if you're streaming a game that doesn't have as much frame movement we can leave this at 30 for me because most of the games that I stream are high frame rate games I stream at 60 frames per second under the audio tab we're gonna select our desktop audio device and our mic auxilary device now we can select multiple of these but for the sake of this video we're just gonna select one of each so under the desktop audio device we're gonna set this to default so that we use our computers default audio output device and then under mica exhilarate device we're also gonna keep this at default so that we use our computers default audio input device under the hot keys tab you're gonna be able to change and set hotkeys for a ton of different actions like switching scenes are showing and hiding a source and this is something that you can use as necessary as you discover what your needs are while you're streaming under the scene collections to have your gonna be able to export and import any of the third party scene collections and overlays that you've installed on your computer and the last setting for this video we're gonna look at is appearance and this is where we can set the theme for stream labs OBS I particularly like the night theme we can also change the scene item selection mode as well as add a live dock for our chat if this is selected we can see it pop up right here and then when we go back to the appearance tab we can change the font size of the text in that chat box once you've decided what you'd like click done now that you've got everything set the way that you like you are ready to hit that go live button and that's it for this video you guys I hope it was helpful if you have any questions related to the stream labs OBS software please make sure to drop them in the comment section below and if you liked this video make sure to hit that thumbs up as always to stay up to date with all things stream loots and streaming make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn your alerts on thanks again you guys and we'll see you in the next video [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Streamloots
Views: 2,551,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start streaming, mixer streaming tips, streamer tips, streaming platforms, streaming tips, streamloots, streamloots academy, streamloots mixer, streamloots setup, streamloots tutorial, twitch money making, twitch streaming for beginners, twitch streaming tips, twitch tips, streamlabs obs, streamlabs obs tutorial, how to stream to twitch, slobs vs obs, how to use streamlabs obs, setting up streamlabs obs for twitch, how to stream with streamlabs obs, Dusty Porter
Id: pY6nhTzc85s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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