HOW TO CUSTOMIZE YOUR TWITCH CHANNEL 2021 (Make Twitch Panels, Banner Setup & MORE)

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does your twitch channel look like this if it does then you need to watch all the way to the end of the video so we can fix that right now i'm going to try and keep this as short as possible so if that sounds good to you drop a like on this video so this cute little pikachu doesn't cry you don't want to see that do you so step one let's log into and i'm right now i'm on the home page once you're logged in with your twitch channel let's go ahead and go over to our channel see what it looks like click in the top right corner and go to channel you'll be able to see that this account is my testing account and there's absolutely nothing customized about it whatsoever there's no profile picture there's no banner if we click on this there's no offline screen there's nothing in the about or panel so let's go ahead and switch that up right now click on the top right corner go ahead click on channel once again and then right now you can see under my webcam right here there's a button that says customize channel so click that button and it's going to bring you to the creator dashboard and then it's going to go to the channel tab under the settings so if you get lost that's where we're at the creator dashboard settings channel so right now you can see this is a preview we can hide the preview if we'd like so you don't get confused because you can't edit this right now you have to edit what's below it but we're going to take a look at what's going on underneath it right now you see your username if you want you can change it if you click this little pencil icon you can change your username if you made a username that you're not too fond of but i'm gonna leave mine the way it is your display name you can change the different capitalizations if you wanna have like a capital c here and then a capital t here and then a capital a but i'm just gonna leave everything the way it is and the first one this is the easiest one is your bio basically just give them like a short like sentence or two about what your name is what you're doing and just like a little blurb on who you are so i'll just say hi my name is cody and i stream horror games and nintendo games once you've done that click save changes if we scroll up you can now see that it says hi my name is cody and i stream horror games and nintendo games so now we're going to go to social links basically if you have like twitter youtube tick tock anything like that that's where you post this here so in the top part you don't post the url you actually post where it's going to i'm going to post it's going to my twitter i'm going to go to my twitter i'm going to copy my url and i post the link the full link with the https in the actual link right here below it and then we click add so now you can see that it says twitter it's got the little logo you can click save or you can delete it if you messed it up but now if we scroll up you can see right here that there's actually a nice little clickable twitter button in your bio now we have the basics down there let's go and click on brand up right next to about and this is where you add your profile picture and your profile banner and then you have the video player banner which is going to be the offline screen that everybody sees when you're not on all right so let's go ahead and add our profile picture basically just go ahead and click on this add profile picture and then i got my logo here i'm going to open it and then you can go ahead and crop it if you want to zoom in or zoom out but basically anything in the circle right here is what people are going to see so i like the way this looks you can also rotate it if you click that little button there but i'm like the way that it is so i'm going to click save you can now see that my profile picture has changed here and on the top right corner so everybody's going to see that that's going to be your profile picture little channel icon so now you can change your accent color let's change this to something eye-catching like green because it reminds me of goosebumps if you guys remember goosebumps i got my good never mind doesn't matter i'm not going to go into it but anyways just go ahead click save changes when you pick whatever color you want you can do the light theme or the dark theme it's up to you if you take a look at the profile banner right beneath the colors you can see that it has a generated background which i wouldn't recommend but what you can do is use a custom image and if you guys don't have a custom image what i like to do just go to or you can just google pixels and it's going to be free stock photos that you can use and then you can just type in whatever you want in the search which i'm just going to type in background let's just find something that looks kind of cool let's do something like these clouds i think these clouds are cool so i'm going to go ahead and click on the download so now what we can do is go back to our channel click on this little custom image click on upload and then click upload a photo and then it shows the recommended size and then it has to be less than a certain amount so click on that and then i'm going to go to downloads where i saved it right here that was the free one that we downloaded i'm going to open it give it a second to upload it says success which means that it was good so now we can go ahead and click on custom image we'll click save let's go ahead and move on to our video player banner and what you can do for this is you can do the same thing with pixels and then you can just like add text over it in like uh paint or something but i'm gonna show you what i do for most of my photo editing and like graphic design stuff open a new tab go to p-i-x-l-r dot com forward slash x it's basically like a free photo editor and what i'm gonna do is click on create new and i'm going to go to full hd which is basically a 1080p picture i'm going to click create and then now i'm going to go back to pixels let's just pick something nice like this one i really like this one so let's just go ahead and download that and then let's go ahead and click on where is it where is it where is it click on add image on the side here and then click on browse and then we're going to go and find where we saved it which is right here click on open and now we wait for it to load and then we got this nice picture right here then we can go and click on the add text button and then i'm going to add new text at the top and we'll just say offline in all caps and i'm going to make it bigger and then we'll just change the font to something nicer let's go with that let's make it larger like that and then now we can just add a little bit of that a little bit of this a little bit of that i'm going to probably get carried away with this let's not use a background let's use outline let's do uh i don't know let's do like black and then let's make the size a little bit bigger then it kind of looks like that so now we have a little offline screen that we can use we just made this in like 30 seconds so i'm just going to go ahead save we'll just call it offline screen and then download it you can do the same thing in like paint but i prefer using this so if you want to use paint use paint and then now let's go back to our channel let's go to update to our video thing click on that click open give it a second to upload it says success and then now we got our offline screen we got a custom image and we got a color you know what i'm going to change the color to something like this make it match our you know stream a little bit and give it so uh some cohesiveness make sure everything's saved by the way on the side so now let's go back to our twitch channel by going in the top right corner click on channel and then now look at this this is a way better start than we had so now you can already see we got our profile picture we got our little background back here it looks a little pixelated so if you want you can pick a different picture you're gonna have to mess with it a little bit and then now we see our offline screen so we click on chat you can see we got our offline screen right here and then we got if i click this it's gonna look normal but i just have that to the side now you can see we got our bio we got our name we got our little twitter link that we added earlier and we got our profile picture but now you want to add the little panels down here this is where it starts to get fun click edit panels and then now what you can do is click on this fresh button right here click add a text or image panel and then now you can add a title here if you don't have any images i'll just click about and then i'll just put hi my name is cody and then i'll submit so now you can see very very basically that we have an about panel and it says hi my name is cody but what you should do is go back i'm going to get rid of this and then we're going to add our own image panel so what we can do is basically just go to google type in free twitch panels and then now you can just go ahead click any of the links pretty much and then like nerd or die is a good one and you can just go and download some free panel templates it's going to be easier go ahead snag one of those and then now add your image i'm going to add my panel real quick right here that says about and then done if you want to add a link you can add a link just make sure it has https before it so if i want i'll just put my website real quick which is https uh and then now we'll make we'll split this up a little bit and then we'll hit submit let's go ahead and click edit panels once again so we can preview it now we can see we have our panel right here and then it says hi my name is cody and we stream scary games underneath it basically it tells them your name obviously just make this more detailed but for time's sake let's just do that but now since we actually link something we can click it and then now it'll bring you to wherever you linked it to and this is my website where we linked it to so now basically rinse and repeat and then you can do an about section you can do like a donate panel so if you want people to donate to you or you have like certain alerts then you can basically make all of your panels here you can also do extensions so like you can see some of the ones here if you want to link your twitter panel let's just do latest followers i'll click on activate right here click on activate again you can configure all that jazz but now let's go ahead and click edit panels and then now it'll show all of our recent followers right here but you can get more if you just go and scan to the right and then click view all extensions it'll bring you to the creator dashboard under extensions and then you can go and search for more here and edit them here but i'm not going to go into extensions that much i already have a video on that so i'll leave that in the top right corner so you can go ahead and look at that now that you know how to customize your twitch channel feel free to check out any of the other videos on the channel this channel is all about helping brand new streamers just like you learn the ropes and everything you need to know in order to be a successful streamer on twitch let me know if you guys have any questions in the comments down below otherwise i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Cpaws Music
Views: 9,163
Rating: 4.9817767 out of 5
Keywords: how to customize your twitch channel, twitch panels, twitch channel setup, change twitch banner, customize twitch channel, how to change twitch banner, how to add twitch panels, how to setup twitch channel, twitch banner, how to make twitch panels, twitch banner tutorial, customize twitch, customize twitch panels, twitch panels setup, how to setup twitch panels, customize twitch banner, how to add panels on twitch, how to customize twitch channel, twitch channel tutorial
Id: UPOAcv43Y80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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