7 Reasons You'll LOSE Viewers While Streaming On Twitch!

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you watching this video right now are probably  making one of if not multiple of the mistakes   we're going to cover today and they are really  hurting your chances of growing your stream   and worse if we don't talk about them and correct  them you may never grow a large audience or you   will grow somewhat of an audience and  then you're going to lose them let's go hey i'm Eljay with streamscheme.com i'm also  a variety streamer over at twitch.tv/eljayem_   there are a link to both of those in the  description if you want to check out the   website or me while i'm live straight away  i want to let you guys know about a massive   charity event that's going to be happening on my  live stream at the end of this month we have 2 000   worth of streamer gear we're going to be giving  away live on stream all in the name of charity   so if you want to feel free to click the link in  the description to my twitch as well as to twitter   and you'll be able to see all the information  there and speaking of awesome things you want   to miss out on i have to tell you guys about the  sponsor of today's video that's right own.tv the   absolute legends they support this channel a  lot guys so if you don't know about them yet   they are your one-stop shop for all things  streaming related they have full stream packages   that are completely modular which means you  can turn off turn on delete sources do whatever   you want to them they have static versions so  if your computer is not top of the line they   will still work as well as the full animated  ones if you're looking for something fancier   i really really cannot stress enough how fantastic  these guys are they've got everything you need so   go check them out as i said guys i don't support  the channel a lot so if you want to support us   go support them by clicking the link in the  description massive thank you to them again   also in the description are the time codes  so if you want to you can skip ahead to any   sections of this video you want including the  end where you can just pretend you watched it   so with all that out of the way let's get into the  video so two months ago i set myself the goal that   i wanted to work one-on-one with you guys more  often so i jumped into the stream scheme discord   and i started working one-on-one and helping  people out because i wanted to see what problems   you guys were facing so i can make videos  covering those topics now of course there   are the topics such as microphones and webcams  and all those things i've been creating content   for that however there are seven mindsets that i'm  constantly having to talk about or bring up in the   discord or just on twitter that i feel like if we  don't talk about it's going to cause a lot of you   guys to just never grow your stream and the really  worrying thing is i'm actually seeing some of you   guys who are fantastic content creators grow to 20  average viewers make one of these mindset mistakes   and then tank back down to 5 or 10 average  and don't worry it isn't just you making   them i made them as well and if you correct them  you'll be fine so let's get into the first one   a lot of people feel like they deserve viewers  especially after they've gotten to five or ten   average they feel like they deserve to always be  at that average but the reality is this mindset is   going to ruin your stream's growth and also just  generally make streaming incredibly difficult   you have to carefully think about the  value you're providing to a viewer   and why they should watch you instead of the other  hundreds of thousands of other content creators   on twitch youtube and the internet in general so  what is your value are you incredibly entertaining   do you click heads like a fortnight pro are you  incredibly personable and conversationable do   you own a hot tub seriously think about what value  you're providing maybe you're a fantastic artist   or you're incredibly knowledgeable on a topic  and able to educate people who are passionate   on the same topic when i said what value are you  providing if you didn't instantly know what type   of value your content was providing you need to  sit down and think hard about what you're going   to provide to your viewers i'm going to cover this  properly in another tip later in this video but   you can't just do the bare minimum anymore you  can't just go live and play games and expect to   grow on twitch it is too difficult so as always  what is my actionable tip well i want you to sit   down with a pen and paper and i want you to come  up with what value you are going to provide to   people what you can do differently and generally  what you're going to do to stand out from the   crowd because i know you have something unique  a personal skill that you can do to stand out   there is definitely something inside you that  will allow you to grow as a content creator you   got this okay so i was going to save this tip for  the very end however i feel like most of you need   to hear this before you click off the video can we  stop calling out lurkers can we stop acting like   people just wanting to watch your content and not  engage is a bad thing a streamer is an entertainer   or a performer now imagine you're at a crowd at  the circus and suddenly clowns start coming down   off the stage and trying to drag you into the  performance even though you've already said no   and they're like lj come on to the stage and  your family's looking at you like lj get on the   stage and they're all pushing you and you don't  want to get on the stage but they're forcing you lurkers don't like it and neither did i those  damn clowns cirque du soleil i ran polls i talked   to you guys on twitter and i even talked to you  guys directly in twitch chat about this and it's   really worrying how many creators honestly believe  that it's good etiquette and expected to talk in   a small stream as chat because it makes the small  streamer happy maybe i'm gonna get in trouble for   saying this but here's the kicker it isn't your  viewers job to make you happy it is your job to   entertain them and when i spoke directly  to viewers who only watch and don't stream   they told me if someone tries to force them or  calls them out and says hey lurkers why aren't   you chatting they leave so yeah stop calling out  lurkers there are really positive and appropriate   ways if you're trying to engage your chat and if  you want to i can make a whole video just covering   that topic bringing together all of my tips that  i've covered across multiple videos so let me   know in the comments if you want me to do that the  final takeaways for this is that lurkers are the   backbone of twitch and yes people speaking in your  chat will make it easier for you to make content   but it isn't their responsibility to be active  in fact it's your responsibility to create an   environment that is engaging enough for them to  want to be active in it the actionable tip for   this one is that if you're trying to create an  environment where people are naturally speaking   then you need to create natural call to actions or  opportunities that'll make them want to engage for   example i like to use the exclamation mark qotd or  question of the day command it's very very organic   they don't have to use it but if it comes up often  people will join in for it i have a few other ways   as well again just let me know in the comments  if you need a video on all of them next up i've   talked about overconfidence on this channel being  a terrible habit a lot and i've talked about how   people have this idea in their head that if they  just got a rage they'd be able to start growing   easily and i don't want to talk about any of  that stuff anymore but i do need to talk about   a different type of confidence and a different  mistake a lot of you guys are making with your   confidence i need to apologize to you guys because  i know i can be incredibly harsh i tell you guys   what you're doing wrong constantly but when  i do i try and give you guys an actionable   tip or actionable step that you can go away and  instantly improve or fix the thing that's causing   you to struggle but that said if you're constantly  hearing the things you're doing wrong it's very   easy to lose your confidence and the strangest  thing about this industry is that the only thing   worse than being intensely overconfident is having  no confidence at all in order to be successful   in this industry you need to honestly believe  that what you are creating is worth watching   if you don't believe that nobody else will or  worse if you don't have that little voice inside   your head saying you can do this you're worth  watching then you'll never take the first step to   start creating you won't even click go live and i  see dozens of people saying every single day that   the idea of clicking go live stresses them out and  freaks them out and it's not fun for them anymore   and that sucks you need to believe in yourself you  need to have that confidence so you can actually   click go live as i always say it takes time hard  work and a bit of luck if you're looking to grow   in this industry but even worse and harder is that  it's not a straight line for growth you're gonna   stagnate you're gonna fall backwards you're gonna  struggle and that is part of the journey you need   to make sure you always look at where you started  and where you are now rather than just seeing   the failures look at how much you've improved  and smash it i have a few more tips and a few   major things you need to avoid coming up in this  video including one where i see people make this   mistake and then they instantly lose half their  viewers and my final mistake that causes people   to honestly just waste so much of their time  when they could be growing but first i wanna   throw it out there if you guys are looking to  meet other content creators meet other streamers   going through the same growth you are who can  answer your questions who you can talk about   ideas with maybe even stream with and feel free  to join the stream scheme discord it is linked in   the description down below you can also in that  discord feel free to download all of our free   overlays we got more coming out soon so feel free  to subscribe to the channel as well if you want   to see when those are released because we post  the trailer here on youtube before anywhere else   and then you can download them from the discord  which you'll already be in awesome okay let's talk   about priorities because honestly i don't know  who is telling you guys that you need to focus   on some of the things you guys are focusing on  but it is so strange to me why are you spending   so much time on your logos and your offline  screens and all these things that won't help   you grow people join the stream scheme discord and  they post their homemade logos with their homemade   offline screen and they come back day after day  asking for feedback and advice to make it look   better but then i click on their stream and i  watch it and their microphone still sounds like   the two-way walkie-talkies i had when i was a kid  after i put them in the microwave for five minutes   the problem is neither of these things are going  to help you grow a really cool good logo doesn't   make someone follow but i'll tell you what if you  don't have any graphic design and you make a bad   logo and someone sees it they're probably going to  think that's unprofessional you're much better off   just having a profile picture or honestly having  a little character or one of your remotes there   it's so much more personable to have something  that relates to you rather than a logo as well   and then the offline screen is really really  interesting as well because most of you don't have   external funnels most of you don't have  a youtube channel that's sending people   to your stream while you're offline or a tick tock  or anything like that but then even stranger is is   that no one sees your offline screen when they go  to your channel these days they see your previous   vods your recent broadcasts maybe your clips but  most importantly they see your channel trailer   which almost none of you have and before single  one of you calls me out i know i don't have a   channel trailer it almost got dmcad so i had to  delete it actionable tip here is to ask yourself   will the thing that i'm doing right now actually  help me grow and make better content across these   platforms i have said it before and i'll say it  a thousand times content is king and your logo is   not part of your content speaking of content let's  add a few of the tips from this video together   and talk about what makes your content better and  what makes it worse because if we figure out what   adds and subtracts from your content it means  we'll be able to figure out what your audience   likes and how to grow your average viewers to  do this the first thing you need to think about   is who is your ideal audience or key demographic  i've talked about this a few times on the channel   when i started streaming my key demographic was  20 year olds and older who are looking to relax   chill and have a laugh after work and that kind of  situation so every decision i made reflected that   key demographic i set my text-to-speech to be 100  bits i didn't have any jarring sound alerts i made   sure that i was playing lo-fi music the games i  was playing were relaxing the chat and the overall   feel of it wasn't immature everything was focused  quite heavily to appeal to them even my channel   points were designed to add to the chat rather  than distract or take us away from the content   we were doing when i want to change anything in  my stream my overlay my alerts even my underwear i   think about how it's going to affect my community  how it's going to affect my audience the example   you probably are facing right now is you're  wondering how you can switch between games without   losing your following well first you have to  think about your followers and when and where they   followed you and what their content they followed  for was if they followed you because they really   liked watching you play some really relaxing  slow gameplay then they're not going to want   to switch over and watch you play titanfall 2 or  warzone or any of those things it's very unlikely   so the actionable tip here is to sit down and  think about what is adding and distracting from   your content what is your focus if you're playing  long story driven games with a lot of dialogue and   cut scenes do you really want air horns playing  for 50 bits every 15 seconds no turn those off get   rid of the distractions focus on the good content  the content that is fit for you and your audience   okay are you ready for the most important tip  of this entire video the most important mindset   you need to break away from the one that i see  commented on every single video on this channel   you aren't the exception to the rule  well actually you might be i don't know   but you shouldn't make your decisions based  on being the exception every single video i   make there is always that one commenter who says  something like lol [ __ ] video why would i follow   these tips have you never watched insert giant  streamer's name here he doesn't do any of this   except every large streamer they reference has  always been creating content for five plus years   or even ten plus years and they have a huge back  catalog of content and they've been growing with   the platform or they grew with a huge youtube  channel with a fantastically unique content on   it or they know one of these other large streamers  and they're able to collaborate and network and do   something fantastic i have not seen a single  person reference a larger content creator and   give me a good reason for why they should  follow along with what that person is doing   if you look at large creators and just follow  what they're doing now and you don't look at them   across the last five years of whatever they've  been doing then you're going to set yourself up   to fail you and me who are starting our journey  now have to do everything in our power to stand   out from the pack it is so much more oversaturated  than it was even just a year ago this means having   a high quality webcam so people can see your  face in the thumbnail a funny title that makes   people want to click on you more content being  shared across multiple platforms you need to go   above and beyond what anyone else does as a small  streamer the actionable tip here is to understand   that youtube and twitch are not fair it isn't  everyone being created equally you have to work so   much harder than the big guys do if you want to  be discovered if you want viewers if you think you   can just do whatever the biggest streamers do have  fun and hope for the best well then you're really   setting yourself up to struggle but if you're sat  there and thinking i want to make this my career   then you really need to go above and beyond like  we've talked about on this video you need to be   smart you need to be tactical and you need to make  good discoverable content because content is king   and you guys are constantly complimenting  my content but i'll be honest with you   what i create is never going to get me  higher than the amount of viewers i have   right now this is probably my peak and  if i want to grow further than this   i really need to kick it into gear and go harder  and that's just me being honest with myself but   if any of today's video helped you out at all  consider checking out my other content maybe   join that disc what i mentioned and i will  see you guys next week for another video bye
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 38,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on twitch, grow on twitch in 2021, get more viewers on twitch, 0 viewers twitch, more viewers twitch, more viewers on twitch, your first twitch viewers, get more viewers on twitch in 2021, How to grow on twitch 2021, How to grow faster on twitch, twitch growth tips for small streamers, twitch growth tips, Twitch Growth Tips For Small Streamers, 7 Reasons You'll LOSE Viewers While Streaming!, Why am I losing viewers, lose viewers while streaming, on Twitch
Id: MHMyRfJfg50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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