How To Stream To 0 Viewers And GROW Your Stream in 2020!

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streaming to zero viewers is nothing to be embarrassed about we all have to do it at some point and honestly it makes the experience of getting those first few viewers and those first few community members so much better today i'm going to be talking about how to stream when nobody is watching and giving you some actionable tips you can put in place right now to help grow those first few viewers let's go hey i'm Eljay with i'm also a variety streamer over at links to all that in the description if you want to check me out while i'm live or if you just want to check out some of the 200 guides over at stream scheme today i'm going to be going over a topic that i've had requested a lot over the last month since i started this channel and that is how to stream to zero viewers how to stream when nobody is watching and how to grow those first few viewers from that point now today i'm gonna be going over a few topics we've already talked about just briefly but i'm also gonna be touching on a few very important topics that i haven't talked about before that i think could really help you guys out when you're streaming to xero or just only a few viewers at a time so i'm gonna get into my first tip straight away and i'm only gonna touch on it briefly because i made a whole video about it but you're streaming over saturated games stop streaming things like call of duty war zone valorent or fortnite they're just you're not gonna grow in those categories it's almost impossible these days check out my video about how to pick games and how i choose games to grow in but on that video i got asked a lot about how to transition from the games that are small into the games that are big if they want to play something like star ju how do they transition to cs go and i realized i probably didn't explain it properly but transitioning between games is all about community building i'm going to talk about that later in this video about how you can build your community so they'll always transition with you however when you pick your game it's important to pick a genre that fits your current audience as well if you have 50 followers and they all know you from shooters obviously don't go and play stardew you should go and play something of a similar level of followers and a similar level of viewers as stardew but in the current genre you want i hope that makes sense but we're going to talk about community building at the end of this video so stick around but i just think it's really important to let you know at the start of this one if you're streaming to no viewers it means you shouldn't be streaming in over-saturated categories especially if you want to grow so the second tip is something you've probably seen a lot but i'm going to give you a pretty different spin on it and it might come across as a bit harsh but trust me it is the best way to look at it if you can get three to five friends or family members to watch your stream then it will boost you hugely that's you know if you're at zero and suddenly you have five viewers that's massive especially if you're streaming in an unsaturated category where that gets you to the top two top three rows of that category so whenever i see this tip in other videos i always see two types of comments down below the first i don't have any friends or family to watch my streams and the second is i'm too embarrassed to show them or i'm scared to show them or i'm nervous to show them the first one i can't really help you i'd recommend just trying to join other twitch streams and make friends there don't go looking for an audience just make friends and you'll get a small group of people and then maybe in the future you can ask them individually not in someone else's stream but the second it's going to come across as harsh but you need to be critical about why you're embarrassed there's only a handful of reasons why you should actually be scared or embarrassed and those reasons are usually that these people aren't good people and if that's the case they're not your friends and that's not who i'm talking about i'm talking about people you trust people who are actually friends with if you're not willing to show them your content why are you really proud of what you're creating if you're really proud of what you're creating then you should be able to show your friends and your family what you're doing and at the end of the day if you're really putting the effort in and you're still scared you just need to take a leap of faith because streaming is all about putting yourself out there you can't grow as a streamer you can't enjoy streaming really unless you put yourself out there you have to be open to failures you have to be open to people coming in and trolling you it's just a part of live streaming sadly take a leap of faith put effort into your content and when you're proud show it to your friends and family that said i know this is going to sound hypocritical there's no way i'm ever showing my mom my live stream and if she ever sees clips of what i do for a living i am going to be in for an earful i think she'd rather i do probably adult films so on to the next point you need to create talking points you to plan out your content now this is something i've mentioned a lot but you need to talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk and before you say oh but i don't have a chat youtubers who do gameplay or other things have been talking to themselves for years yes they can edit it afterwards but they still have to while they're recording talk to themselves if they can do it with practice and confidence then that's all it is for you as well practice and confidence if you're scared to do it do it while you're offline first just do it while you're playing a game in your office or your bedroom or anything like that and then when you do go live just keep practicing just keep that confidence the reason this is so important is because you need to be talking about stuff you need to be engaging happy so when someone drops in they're instantly engaged with you and they're not just staring at a person sitting there silently as they play a game waiting for that little zero to turn into a one even though these days i have a pretty active chat i will still plan out all of my content as if i will not have anyone talking whatsoever i have a little notebook that i write jokes in that i wrote funny tips in that i write stories that i want to talk about in things i saw on reddit that i thought were interesting just anything just get a little notebook and start writing down the things that you're passionate about the things that are unique to you the things that you will actually be able to talk about naturally that said if it's anime body pillows maybe don't talk about that because that that could be a bit weird when you're trying to grow maybe talk about something like sandwiches i don't know just just stay clear of the weird stuff i'm going to throw out a little tip here for you that one of the big reasons i think a lot of people struggle to keep talking is they're playing games that there really isn't anything to talk about after the fifth call of duty war zone round what are you supposed to talk about anymore oh good kill oh i'm in the gulag all right cool play something like skyrim or fallout get yourself a follower who's going to say things and talk to you and randomly bring up complaints and then you just bounce off them and keep talking at them as if they're a real person youtubers as i said have done this for years and it works great when live streaming especially with a slow chat you go into a cinematic and someone's yelling about something and you just throw little one-liners out there and reply to them it's a good way to keep yourself talking it's a good way to practice and it feels a lot less lonely as i said plan out your content play games where you can chat and keep yourself talking because at the end of the day twitch is very slow to update that little zero to a one and it's very slow to update that users that are in chatting list so keep yourself going so that when someone does drop in they're engaged and they're good to go i'm about to cover view count and being engaging in a second in detail but first i just want to throw it out there if this video has helped you out at all i'd really recommend checking out some of my other content i have content on how to make your mic sound good i have content on mistakes a lot of streamers make how to pick good games all of it and if those videos help you out maybe consider subscribing it really helps us out and we've got more videos coming weekly so there are some things about twitch you just can't control you can put in hard work you can ask people to drop by you can create amazing content but sometimes at the end of the day you're gonna have zero viewers in your twitch stream you just can't control it so what i recommend doing when it comes to your view count and your zero little number there is turn it off hide it if you don't know how to just stick a little bit of blue tack over that little part of the screen stop staring at it it will throw you off so much i never turned it off i wish i did turn it off these days i sit there and i still get anxious about it if i'm sitting at 90 i'll be like why am i at 100 i know it sounds ridiculous but view count will always freak you out hide it turn it off don't look at it stream as if you have 10 viewers 100 viewers stream as if you're streaming to the best audience ever just stream with confidence speaking of being critical about your view count and how detrimental it is i just want to throw it out there that people who tell you to stop being critical of yourself and just to keep up doing what you're doing are kind of wrong you need to be critical of yourself you need to want to improve you see tweets from mr beast or these giant streamers all the time saying hey do you have some feedback about what i could do to improve my content these are huge content creators and they want advice from everyone they want tips because there's a little bit of information in every single one so be critical of yourself as i said there are a lot of things you can't control but the other day you can control how good your audio is how good your visuals are how much content you plan what games you play you can control a lot of different things and i want you to go back and watch your vod and be very critical of yourself is your lighting good enough are you really putting the effort in i do it all the time sometimes too much and i really mess with myself but at the same time it's one of the reasons why i'm constantly growing i don't like how my webcam looks there i need to add a light here why does my audio sound like that my audio was fine last stream what changed i need to fix it you can control a lot of different things and it's important to be critical of your failures so that you can improve them and become better if you fell into your own stream and you were watching it how long would you stay click through your vod when you click to a random spot are you talking are you being engaging be really honest with yourself make notes and try and grow don't stop yourself with fear just because you're not doing something right we're all beginners at some point just look be critical and improve and then be happy about the fact that you're trying to improve because that's amazing if you're watching this video it means you want to improve and that is awesome at the end of the day the only way to grow your stream is to be critical of yourself and to keep pushing forward in a positive and confident way speaking of positivity and confidence i'm going to talk about quickly something that i still struggle to do i sometimes get very negative on my stream or i get very wrapped up in my own head try and avoid this if you're hyped your audience will be hyped if you're sad your audience will be sad pretty much your chat is a reflection of you when you stream so you need to keep it positive keep it hyped and then they'll be positive and they'll be hyped it's very easy to get wrapped up in your fears about your view account or a failure in a game just keep smiling keep that confidence and you'll be fine that's less for you guys and more for me but hopefully it helps someone who's watching as well finally my last and most important tip of the entire video and it's more important than keeping yourself talking it's more important than anything else it's about engaging the people who do join your chat if someone does join and say hi talk to them ask them how their day's been why did they find this category how'd they find you what do they do for a living maybe don't dox them but actively engage with them connect with them because you're not a huge streamer yet you're a small streamer and that means one-to-one interaction is something you have that others can't do use this to your advantage and grow a community not just a bunch of random viewers who have followed you and never come back if you're streaming but not building a one-to-one bond with your community or chatters when they rock up then you're never gonna grow your average viewers because they're never going to come back even if they follow you a follow pretty much means nothing unless you engage that person on a one-to-one level it's just how it is building this kind of culture in your stream is crucial i've said it before and i'll say it again until the end of time if you engage someone who joins your chat on a one-to-one level they will most likely become a community member but if you inspire your community members to engage new chatters themselves they will always become a community member because at the end of the day people who are joining twitch just want to find mates who can hang out have a chat and watch something so if they join a chat and like five people say to them hey what's up how are you they're gonna stick around it's just the truth so i'm gonna give you a secret bonus tip right now if you can get a few friends to join your chat and when someone else joins and starts talking if those friends engage with that person and chat with that person and make them feel welcome your average viewers will grow in a rapid way seriously it will do you wonders and it's very very important try it out so there are all my tips today i'm gonna throw it out there if you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing liking checking out our other content we produce videos weekly and i'm really having fun with it the comments you guys are leaving are really really nice it makes me feel like i'm actually doing something to help out a lot of people and i feel like i'm adding a fresh spin hopefully so let me know i'll see you next week
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 768,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stream Scheme, Twitch, how to stream to 0 viewers, why no one watches you on twitch, new streamer mistakes, tips for streamers with 0 viewers, how to talk to yourself, how to get more viewers on twitch stream, tips for streamers w/ 0 viewers, how to grow on twitch from 0, how to get viewers on twitch, mistakes small streamers make, how to stream when nobodys watching, twitch no viewers, Grow on twitch in 2020, How to grow from 0 on twitch, How to grow your twitch channel
Id: yTo-9qRpDuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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