How Much MONEY Do Small Twitch Streamers Make? | My First Twitch Payout!

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what's going on everybody i'm voydu and welcome back to a brand new video today i'll be going over exactly how much i made on my first twitch check how long it took and what to expect when you're just starting out as a new streamer or somebody's been streaming for a while and hasn't quite made it there yet before we start i'm streaming on youtube now instead of twitch almost every single day so please do me a huge favor and subscribe and turn the notifications on below i know everyone tells you but please if it helps you this video helps you please subscribe and turn on notifications i'm live almost every day like i said and i have a lot more content on the way regarding things like starting out overlays twitch streams things like that to help you guys grow your content and monetize it in the best way possible so make sure to hit the notification bell so you don't miss a stream or a video and now let's get right into the video so the first thing to understand is that making money on twitch isn't like making money at a job you don't automatically get paid for doing the work and often it takes a lot of hours to put into your stream and how to present yourself for people to be generous enough to support you with their hard-earned money for example i've been streaming for about four years total and i'm only recently this year received my first twitch check i'll be going over mistakes i made early on that hindered my growth as well as ways to monetize your content outside of twitch in a whole different video so make sure you subscribe so how do you make money on twitch well first you must at least be an affiliate and today we're going to be going over affiliate uh we can go over partner in a different video but this is mainly for people who are just getting started out and wondering how much to expect on their first check and how they can even receive their first check so to become a twitch affiliate you must first have at least 50 followers on twitch an average of three concurrent viewers over 30 days have a total of eight or more hours streamed across seven different days so hopefully that's not too confusing basically this could be two hours streamed on monday uh three hours on a tuesday and three hours on a thursday while you had 50 followers and four people were watching the entire time and then you could apply for affiliate get approved so with twitch affiliate you are gaining access to receiving bits subscriptions advertisement and game sales however i have never seen or had a game sale on this small of a level um however it is possible it's never happened to me so i wouldn't necessarily uh think of it too you know highly it's it's very possible for it to happen but i've never seen it happen to me or any of my friends so breaking down what these are bits are like donations however twitch takes a cut so uh you've probably seen bit goals and bit alerts and things like that it's usually smaller but they can be very large and they're basically a war a site-wide currency that can be spent and bought at your leisure uh subscriptions are five dollars a month minimum and twitch takes fifty percent of these subscriptions you probably already know what a sub is but if you don't it's basically a way to support a creator monthly kind of like patreon and it allows you to have different perks usually emotes uh things like that so that's what you unlock for your channel people are able to give you five dollars a month however twitch just take 50 of that profit so to even get your first payout you must first reach the 100 threshold which means making a hundred dollars before twitch actually sends you a check uh to put this in perspective this would kind of be like if instead of working a job normally say mcdonald's you worked 30 hours and you got paid this much for every hour it would be like if they said we'll pay you your check once you at least work enough to make a hundred dollars on twitch this can be approved over months at a time but generally twitch will only pay out once per month when a hundred dollars is reached or more so if you made 200 they'll give you 200 if they do pay out as far as i know around the 15th of every month and the pay cycle i believe goes from the first to the 30th and then they pay on the 15th afterwards so you got subs from january 1st to january 31st they would pay you on february 15th for that january's money one thing i don't hear many people talk about is if you make less than a hundred dollars per month on twitch one time per year twitch will pay out what they owe you in one lump sum uh so for me this has happened quite a few times this isn't generally going to be what i talk about with my first twitch check because it's usually like 120 after 12 months uh and you don't really know it's coming and so i wouldn't really count that i'll count my first real check what i did to receive it and how much it actually was in this video now that we understand what affiliate is and how it works let's go over how much i made in my first check first mind you this could be either realistic or unrealistic depending on your situation i had a tick tock get over 1.3 million views and drove an insane amount of traffic to my twitch channel after that i had a lot more generous people in my chat which i'm extremely grateful for but that is definitely a unique situation that you are obviously able to take advantage of i mean coming from me as someone who's been doing content for over 10 years this is the first time i had a big kind of wave of people go and it was definitely not something i expected so before we go any further know this you are able to do it anyone is able to do it you are able to make money on twitch you're able to make a living off of it people will tell you it's hard it is very hard it is not easy you basically have to rely on other people constantly but what i can tell you is that there are people out there that will support you as long as you just put yourself out there so now let's go over the twitch dashboard and look over how much my first check was where it came from and how it happened okay so first while we're here i wanted to show you guys kind of how to find this information um because for me it was a little difficult at first so what you can do is go to your and log in of course um then you're going to want to hit your face and go down to creator dashboard uh so now we're here you can see you know quick actions your activity feed your viewers your bitrate you're streaming at your subscribers things like that but what we're going to do is go into the insights and channel analytics now what this shows you is kind of everything that you need to know um about like the time frames that you streamed on uh and other things like that so what it normally does is it does your 30-day check to be able to see exactly how much you would make in one check and then down here you can kind of read out like where everything came from so let's go to my first check okay so we're just before my last month uh in march to march i was really starting to make a lot more tick tocks um i wasn't really averaging a lot as you can see i was averaging 1.4 viewers 4.6 the month before zero before zero before these were months that i took off for a while uh when i came back i started making tick tock content uh and now i'm gonna skip to the next month where the tick tocks really came out and you'll see the numbers change really uh quite a bit so i'll go into a different video about how to monetize your content other places how to move traffic here and how to really grow your brand um so if we look at the next month it's quite a big change uh honestly just kind of starting like april 1st was 4.7 average viewers to six then back down to basically zero and then you hit about april 22nd i believe april 23rd would have been when i when i posted that video that got a 1.3 million views uh and it shot up to 47 average viewers a total of 20 that month um that video is an anomaly however there is an insane amount of potential on youtube on and on tick tock specifically for you to make content and to grow off of it um as long as it's you know good content um so i got 20 average viewers i gained 4 600 followers that month it was crazy 253 subscriptions and my revenue for my first check was 769.32 as i said before my first couple checks were definitely like 120 but they were once a year so i didn't really count them and i actually don't have a way to check what they were because they were basically every single month over a year so i couldn't tell you exactly how it looks but from here uh this is my first check so let's break this down a little bit um so from paid subs there was 67.79 so it looks like there was 27 regular subscribers as well as one tier three subscriber um different tiers are tier one is five dollars tier two is ten and tier three is twenty five i would say that the majority of people on twitch are receiving tier one subs the five dollar ones some do tier threes which is twenty five dollars but i've only had one two three sub in my life i appreciate them a lot and they're right there so 67 there prime subs are the free subscriptions you get with having amazon prime so if you have an amazon prime account link it to your twitch and then you get a free sub uh to anyone you like and they will make 202.50 off of it per sub and you will pay nothing to do it so um if you look at the prime subs there's 430 in revenue uh and i had 191 subs oh i think that was the total amount okay so for just those subs alone was 84 gifted subs was really big so when i mentioned that people are uh more generous um in some ways and you know and people will come into your channel and just randomly give you subs or randomly give you bits uh we did have a couple people um including uh no rod who everyone knows in my youtube stream now in my twitch stream everyone knows no rod uh if you've been around you know him he was insane um he gifted i think over 200 subs this month something crazy like that and it uh it was insane like it was literally anytime someone came into the chat that wasn't a sub he would gift it to them so 100 obviously i'm not bragging because i didn't do anything to receive this except for work hard for a couple years and just wanted to give him a big shout out for that really helped me out multi-month gifted subs are basically just gifting subs over a period of months adds ten dollars one of the biggest reasons i believe twitch affiliates kind of not the best route um is because i mean ten dollars in ads um and the rest of that money went to twitch's pocket half of subs go to twitch's pocket they basically make more money on you than you make yourself which is kind of frustrating especially if you got donations you would make 100 of that money minus the paypal fee cheering these are bits uh so 175 dollars in bits as i said this is a really big month this is not normal i'll even show you if i go to the next month game sales once again i could show you this entire entire four years i've never made a game sale extensions bounties you can't actually do bounties as an affiliate and then other bits interactions which i don't actually know where that would have come from so yeah my that was my first check basically um breaking it down how much i made uh and and yeah it was it was an insane month and it's definitely not normal if we skip to the next one so it was 7 69 next month was 255 and then 5 33 and then 56 and then i took a little bit of a break for a couple months until last month was 100. so you know it it is um it's definitely an anomaly and it can happen but just know that if you're not reaching these kind of numbers if we look back i've never reached those numbers i made zero dollars for years so uh i just want to let you guys know that so yeah um that's basically everything so if you guys have any other questions please drop them down below i'm willing to answer every single question every single comment that's down there just kind of ask me any questions you can think of and i'll see if i can answer them but i really appreciate you guys watching all the way through hopefully this helps you kind of understand where the money comes from and how you can get it and i'll go over in a different video how to gain more traction how to get bigger checks like this like how did i do it on tick tock how do you do it on youtube so i'll go over that a separate video so make sure you drop a subscribe and you hit the bell notification which is very important so that you don't miss a stream or a video i do live stream almost daily on youtube on this exact channel so make sure you do that because you don't want to miss those and if you ever catch me live feel free to ask me any questions in the chat i answer every single question so i really really appreciate you guys watching all the way through maybe have a wonderful wonderful rest of your day peace
Channel: Voidzu
Views: 224,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how much money do twitch streamers make, how much do streamers make, how much do twitch streamers make, how much do small twitch streamers make, do twitch streamers make money, how much money do streamers make, how do twitch streamers make money, how much do small streamers make on twitch, twitch, how much money can i make on twitch, twitch money, how much does twitch make, how much money streamers make, how much do youtubers make, how much do small streamers make
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 28 2020
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