65 Tips To IMPROVE Your Twitch Stream FOR FREE! - Grow On Twitch in 2021!

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whether you're just starting out as a streamer  or if you've been doing it for a long time it   doesn't matter sometimes it's good to take  a step back and just look at all the advice   that's out there so i started doing an faq  document of all the things i get asked the most   and now it's turned into this video 62 ish tips   hopefully about streaming and content creation  that you can use to grow let's get into it hey there i'm Eljay from streamscheme.com i'm  also a variety streamer over at twitch.tv/eljayem_   links to both those in the description seriously  check them out and as i said today we're going to   be smashing through around 62 tips on streaming  and content creation now i've split these up into   categories and added time codes in the description  so there's a particular category you're interested   in you can skip straight to that and take a look  at it but i have a small challenge for us as a   community i want you to go down to the comment  section and i want you to comment a tip of your   own for content creation and for streaming while  you're down there you might see something that you   haven't heard before or something that you don't  know that could help you out or your comment could   help others out as well so chuck a tip down in  the comments and then let's get into it our first   section is general tips for streaming first up  it's important to enjoy yourself your chat will   reflect you if you are sad angry or upset then  they will not be into it so make sure you enjoy   yourself in everything you're doing the second  tip is game selection now a lot of you guys are   streaming in categories where you just won't get  discovered whether it's because it's oversaturated   or because it's completely dead you need to  find that middle ground on game selection i   have a video that covers it entirely third tip is  to schedule schedule schedule you need to schedule   out your stream and stick to it consistently  if you throw in random days or you miss days   it is gonna hurt your growth in the long term  fourth with that being said though do not stream   every single day there are better things to do  with your time you can stream for three days and   then spend the rest of it working on your content  or building up your social platforms fifth tip do   not do giveaways especially while you're growing  people will only come to your stream for the sake   of the giveaway they will not come back for you  seriously it may be a good way to get followers   and stuff like that but it will not build a  community building a community around giveaways   will hurt you in the long run plan out your  stream roughly decide how long you're going to   spend doing each thing come out with content ideas  and bits that you can do throughout your stream   to keep yourself from having to improv everything  and entertain your chat better seventh tip do not   stream for money because money honestly is just  something that will not come through your stream   until you are much bigger when you're just  starting out it is inconsistent if not just   non-existent so don't stream for money stream for  a passion that is deeper than money my eighth tip   is to watch your vods back seriously sit down and  try and watch your bod is this something you would   actually watch if not why is it putting you off  and how can you solve this problem or fix this   problem my ninth tip when you're just starting  out you don't have mods so get a cloud bot or a   different moderation bot to make sure that nothing  bad happens in your chat tip number 10 use smart   goals goals that you can achieve and every time  you achieve one of these goals it gets you closer   to a big overall goal if you aren't an affiliate  yet you shouldn't even be thinking about making   it to partner instead you'd be thinking about  how to get to 15 viewers 20 viewers 30 viewers   set up small smart achievable goals that allow  you to grow over time my next tip is to create   engaging and clickable titles for your streams  something you probably don't know unless you've   watched my video about how to create titles  for your stream is that only 36 characters   will actually appear under your thumbnail after  that it all gets cut off and they won't see   anything else so use those 36 characters to make  someone click your stream tip number 12 is in the   same vein as your titles make sure you're using  your tags tag selectors are fantastic for letting   people find you easily you can use things like  playing with viewers and honestly people do use   these they use them to filter them down and find  creators they can enjoy number 13 is create good   clickable go lives none of this just hey i'm live  seriously write something engaging will we defeat   this boss tonight have that pop up on someone's  phone and they will click it and drop by seriously   good go lives tip number 14 get better twitch tv  seriously it gives you 15 shared emotes you can   use and 15 of your own emotes so if you're not  an affiliate or if you are an affiliate it'll   give you a whole slew of things you can use for  your remotes until you get partner number 15 get   yourself a nice overlay preferably animated but  if your computer can't run it just something that   looks good and brings your branding all together  seriously it takes you a long way to looking more   professional number 16 get good music for your  stream preferably dmca free stuff but essentially   get music that adds to it don't just get betting  now what i call betting is something we use back   in the film days it was just music that stayed  underneath something it didn't add any emotion   get good music that makes people hyped get music  that makes people feel a challenge coming on   seriously get good music for your stream  there's a lot of royalty free stuff out   there a video coming soon on it number 17  you need to learn to understand dmca's dmca's   aren't something that twitch has caused dmca's  are caused by people using copyrighted music   and record labels coming after them youtube has  dealt with the exact same thing and these days   youtube is just as harsh if you upload videos  and get three copyright strikes on youtube   they delete your account understanding dmca is  important stop blaming twitch it is a global   problem number 18 find your unique voice stop  emulating giant streamers i don't understand why   i see so many people cosplaying as dr disrespect  on twitch you aren't dr disrespect you are you be   yourself seriously you will have a much better and  easier time to grow if you're just being yourself   number 19 stop watching giant streamers at all now  i don't actually mean at all i just mean why would   you watch someone who's not going to interact  with chat or you can't learn from you may as well   watch some of those 25 50 100 average viewers  and you can actually learn from them you can   learn how to interact you can see where they're  at and prepare yourself to grow to that stage   the next section is all about community building  so let's get into these tips the next tip is a   question i get asked constantly how do you keep  your viewers coming back lj honestly it's just   by engaging with them i talk to them i get to know  them i build a community and that way i give them   time to get invested into me and the community  then they will come back even if i switch games   tip 21 and also because they all join our discord  and the discord is a place where they can hang out   together and no matter what they get a go live  notification because every stream i tell them in   the discord that i'm live get discord tip 22 is  also to do community nights nights where you as   a community hang out play games together whether  it's on stream or just in the discord place them   among us play some jackpots seriously it's a great  way to connect people and break out of people who   only return for just one game and instead return  for the community tip number 23 don't just ban the   bad vibes because one bad person can ruin your  chat and make people not want to come back but   also gift subs to the good vibes to the people who  are there who can't afford a sub for themselves   but bring good feelings to the chat who are nice  people gift them a sub so that it makes them stick   around seriously it's a great tactic if you can  afford it obviously get rid of the donation button   donations do nothing to build your community  gifting subs however does and getting bits does as   well seriously if someone gifts a sub to someone  else that person is more likely to come back   especially with the state of ads are in twitch  right now not just that but if three people each   drop 100 bits it creates a hype train and hype  trains will put you on the front page of twitch   while it is running which is huge advertising for  you while that hype train is up you will be there   and you will have so many extra eyes on you it's  super important number 25 don't get bogged down   on the analytics just focused on improving your  content with good content those analytics will   grow obviously you can use go live analytics and  things like that to see what we're bad go lives   and how to be better but don't aggressively  focus on them and get analysis paralysis   number 26 if you're follow for following that's  not building a community that's just giving you   fake numbers follow follow does nothing for your  community because these people aren't going to   come watch you and let's be real you aren't going  to go watch them don't follow for follow number 27   keep yourself talking no matter what because if  someone drops into your chat you can instantly   convert them into a community member as long as  you're active and engaging to them number 28 is   to set up twitch emotes twitch badges and channel  points and all those things if you're an affiliate   setting these things up and basing them around  your community and trying to make them unique to   your community will go a long way to make people  feel like they're a part of something special   number 29 speaking of special set up special  subscriber roles on your discord i have a video   on that it's linked in the cards it goes a long  way to make people have a little special place   to hang out number 30 when it comes to community  building it means you have to be consistent in   the type of content you create in the same way  you have to be consistent in your schedule you   have to be playing the same types of games  talking and making the same types of jokes   if one day you're playing call of duty war zone  and then the next you're playing stardew valley   obviously the viewers from one won't convert  to the other easily and vice versa try and   stick to your content and your niche number 31 be  active in your discord if you have a community be   active while you're offline talk to them joke  about them talk about books whatever it is they   like seriously be active when you're offline  it'll make them feel like they want to come back   number 32 create a community name that the  community can get behind we're called the royals   on my stream because we have crowns for our sub  badges and roy el you know so it's royals don't   worry they love it but get something for yourself  essentially people like to rally behind they like   to have a label attached to them and number 33  our final one of community building treat people   like people not a view count not a chatter they're  a person treat them like a person seriously   treat them like a person please please our third  section is all about tech tip 34 is to learn   about audio i have a video covering everything  you need to know so you should check that out   but essentially your mic should be aiming  to hit yellow anything lower and it's going   to be too quiet anything higher it's going  to be risk peaking then your game audio and   the things below that should be just a little  bit lower at the start of the yellow or in the   green seriously it's really important to learn all  this stuff but i have a video covering all of it   tip 35 is to learn about audio filters these are  also covered in that video but essentially get a   limiter get noise suppression and get a noise gate  these three things are super important to add and   they're in obs and slobs number 36 is xlr versus  usb microphones when you're starting out you don't   need to get a fancy microphone you can just get  a usb one and it'll be just as good in the future   sure xlr is great but for now you don't need  one you can just go with usb i swear it's fine   number 37 though is if you do get a microphone  make sure you talk into the right side of it   there are a couple pretty embarrassing  streams there for me at the start   i'll admit it number 38 is green screen screen  screens aren't the ability to remove what's behind   you they're the ability to put something behind  you don't just be lazy and hide everything behind   you you can make really interesting scenes where  you're at a desk or maybe you're in a milk aisle   or something like that seriously check it out  green screen can take your content to a whole   new level just with a little bit of effort number  39 when you're running obs or slobs you should run   them as an administrator it actually just gives  it a little bit more headroom a little bit more   of a boost in performance it's something that  everyone should be doing no matter what run   it as administrator they'll go a long way number  40 you can use a webcam as long as you have good   lighting i use a c922 pro but the lighting is what  makes it look like a dslr number 41 is actually i   will add to that you do need to manually set your  webcam up in your settings and if you want you can   apply a custom lut as well by going to filters  lut and adding a lot you don't have any luts   i'll do a whole video on that coming soon number  42 get a good webcam frame seriously it's not just   what you look like it's what your background looks  like if there's dirty washing if there's a shelf   full of crap make it look good make it look clean  make it look presentable it's really important   number 43 and this is the final one of tech  it's the most important one but you need to   research what your settings and your tech does  yourself you can't go off what someone says to   you you guys comment constantly ask me to tell you  what are the best settings are for obs and slobs   i don't know your computer i don't know your  hardware i don't know the headroom that your   cpu has you need to research and look into these  things and understand what they are yourself   because anyone who tells you that  these are the best settings to use   i'm sorry but they don't know what the best  settings you can use are because your computer   might not be able to handle it at all so we  have a few more sections still coming up such   as how to engage viewers properly and my favorite  youtube content but before we get into that i'll   throw it out there if this video has helped you  out at all consider checking out my other content   where i go much more in detail and in depth on  all these topics i've talked about seriously and   then if those help you out consider subscribing  it really means a lot to us and we've got plenty   of great videos coming up soon as well as more  free overlays that's right we have more free   overlays and more free stinger transitions coming  out in the discord soon check out the description   join this when they come out you're the first  to know oh and don't forget still comment your   tip on this video we get like 300 to 400 sometimes  500 comments on these videos and i reply to every   single one so if every single person who watches  this does actually write a comment or a tip below   i will have a lot of work to do but everyone  will have a great resource of advice and tips   they can walk away with so on to our next section  engagement so first up in the engagement section   i really recommend you get a bot like cloudbot  that comes with something like loyalty points   especially if you're not an affiliate yet these  loyalty points can be used to gamble heist or   even trade in for rewards seriously it is  a great alternative to channel points and   it is a great way to keep people engaged in  your chat if someone is in your checks they   want to heist or slots or gamble or earn  points it means that when you want to ask   a question or you want chat engagement they're  already there and it's easy for them to do it   it just keeps them more engaged number 45 a lot  of people say that channel points don't matter   these people are either too big for channel points  to help or they're not using them properly there   are really great ways to engage your audience  and give them a say about the stream that isn't   intrusive uh if you use channel points stuff like  putting on an accent or redeeming that you have   to tell them a funny story about a certain topic  it actually gives you content ideas seriously use   your channel points properly number 46 if you want  to keep engagements be excited for new followers   every time i get a new follower i am very excited  because in reality i am i'm trying to hit 5 000   but when i am excited and thankful i always see  four or five more followers come in the amount   of times i've started the follower train just  by being like hey bootyman 69 thank you so much   for that follow that means a lot you're our 486th  follower and i really it really means a lot to me   man and then four or five more come in seriously  be thankful for your followers and you'll get way   more of them number 47 chat to every single person  who comes into your stream ask them where they're   from what time it is for them what their favorite  food is do they like the game that you're playing   right now have they played it before seriously  engage every person on an individual level it's   super important number 48 create a question of the  day command meaning that there's a question there   that someone can trigger or just have it say it in  your chat or in your title so when someone joins   they have something that they can instantly get  involved in make it relatable and something that   anyone can you know understand especially if you  make the question today something really relatable   like what's better pancakes or waffles everyone  has an opinion easy to get involved it's a great   way to get chat engaged and talking on different  topics number 49 make yourself some custom   stream labels and custom alerts they're really  really easy to make these days there's tutorials   everywhere on them and people really like it i  use jump scares when i play horror games and i   i swear people love dropping bits just to trigger  a scream or something like that to freak me out   number 50 if you want to keep chat engaged then  you need to create a narrative around your stream   and around your story maybe you're exploring a  new map on a game or maybe you're just generally   telling the story of playing a game for the first  time really line up that narrative really line up   that story set stakes will we beat this next dark  souls boss i don't know what do you guys think   get people engaged in the narrative and the  adventure you're going on number 51 use call to   actions maybe you need a bot that every 30 minutes  says in chat hey if you're enjoying the stream   maybe consider following it's free and it really  helps us out that's what i do and it seems to work   really well number 52 find a way to incorporate  your viewers into your game for example if you   can name pokemon after a viewer that's absolutely  a great idea maybe you can name another hero or   let them decide on which character you're  going to play or which build you're going to go   get them involved it'll keep them engaged and  number 53 for engagement is to play party games   like garcic words on stream jack box and all these  things things where they're involved and they're   active in chat seriously these are great ways  to keep people talking our next section is all   about youtube which is my favorite topic i love  youtube content so kicking it straight off with   number 54 stop doing montages compilations  clips and cut downs of your vods unless you   have a following already people aren't going to  want to see these they aren't searching for your   let's play and even if they do search for a let's  play you're not what's going to come up you need   to create searchable content because youtube is a  search engine which means you're trying to solve   problems or answer questions which leads us to  55 research your content using tools like vid iq   it goes a long way to understand what people are  searching for number 56 when you're just starting   out script your content or at least plan your  content to some degree it'll stop you from getting   lost or having dead air this video is seriously  just a bunch of dot points and i hate this i can't   stand it i'm really struggling by scripting and  planning your content it'll give you more time to   come up with funny ideas or just ideas that will  engage your community engage your comments better   number 57 understand that what used to work  doesn't work anymore the big guys have a monopoly   on youtube and the small guys have to work a whole  lot damn harder than the big guys did you can't   upload sub-par content anymore to youtube and get  discovered you have to put in the time and the   effort to make it as good as it possibly can be  you just can't get discovered the way they did 58   use call to actions but this time it's in youtube  for example if i were to say to you guys hey   consider subscribing if this video helped you  out at all that would be a call to action but it   wouldn't be pushy don't get pushy with it people  don't have to do anything that i want to do number   59 if you are getting less than 100 comments on  each video you should be replying to every single   one seriously we get like 200 or 300 on our videos  these days and i still reply to every single one   people are being kind enough to engage with you  reply to them get involved with your community   that's not good if they just comments  that sat there without a reply   even the negative ones talk to them  find out why they didn't like the video   unless they're just trolls don't just  delete them number sixty watch my entire   how to start a youtube channel and  grow from zero to a thousand video i'm not biased i just really like that video  it's good next section is all about networking   i'm going to smash this nice and quick tip  number 61 is that networking is all about   bringing value you need to understand what value  you have to bring to these people and what value   they have for you if you reach out to someone six  times your size and asked to do a collaboration   you don't bring much value to them you get a lot  of value out of that so understanding your value   and doing everything you can to improve the  value that you bring to someone else will go   a long way to collaborating number 62 is to join  helpful networks and communities to collaborate   do not join places that do fully follow if you  see go lives these places are just bogged down   with people who don't have any value to you join  communities where it's entirely about helping each   other and growing together it's the best way  to move forward if you're looking to network   number 63 stop self-promoting even subtly if you  join someone else's chat talk for two seconds   and then say anyway i gotta head off now i'm  gonna start streaming i'm actually streaming   this game today everyone knows what's happening  seriously stop stealth promoting all you're gonna   do is get yourself banned from other chat or  frustrate other streamers and my final tip if   you've stuck around i believe that is 64 tips that  i've done not 63 is stop making excuses and just   start making actual steps to achieve what you  want to achieve because honestly with hard work   anyone can do this that's been my 64 tips guys  i hope it helped you out i'll see you next week
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 116,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stream Scheme, live streaming, live streaming tips, youtube live streaming tips, live streaming on youtube, how to stream on twitch, live streaming tips and tricks, live streaming advice, streaming tips, twitch streaming tips, tips for streaming on twitch, tips for streaming, tips for live streaming, livestreaming tips, streaming tips for twitch, streaming tips for beginners, how to grow on twitch, how to grow from 0 on twitch, get more viewers on twitch, 0 viewers on twitch
Id: yoM2dryaDxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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