How To Grow On Twitch in 2020 - 0 To 25 Viewers In 60 Days!

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all right instantly let's start the video with an instant disclaimer i'm a very positive person seriously i honestly believe that anything you set your mind to you can achieve but if i hear one more person say to a new streamer that in order to get those first few viewers they need to start a youtube channel i'm going to lose my mind and don't even get me started on this new age follow for follow that people are doing in the comments sections of videos oh come check me out and i'll check you out drop your link here that's just all people want there is people to come check them out they're not checking you out so let's talk some practical advice let's get this shit going let's get you guys to your 10 average viewers probably more if you do this properly hello my name is eljay and today i'm going to give you five tips to grow your first 10 viewers and actually make it so they keep coming back and form a community that will grow on its own if you keep doing these things i promise to give you an example for every single tip about how i use it myself to grow these aren't follow for follows these aren't get viewers quick schemes and they will work if you actually put the hard yards in i promise these five tips are the five things that i used to go from starting a fresh twitch channel with zero viewers to 60 days later averaging 25 viewers okay i know that's not the fastest but that's just what i did i started my stream very first day of march 2020 and 20 days later on march 20th i was affiliate i had 15 average viewers and i had 50 followers and this isn't fancy stuff anyone can do these things if you're curious where i am now i'm sitting at 95 average viewers midway through july of 2020 i have 1020-ish followers it goes up and down by one or two and it's going well so hopefully these tips can help you grow as well no not hopefully these will if you actually do these properly these will definitely help you grow i promise this video is going to be big but there are time codes all in the description there are time kids in the top comment get yourself a coffee i've got mine and let's do the first tip yeah this first tip is going to be the biggest tip of the five and it's more of a story about how i got my first three to five viewers but at the same time i'd rather tell you the story and give you the concept if you're like me you've probably gone off and watched a bunch of tutorials and guides on youtube about streaming and so you've probably heard the advice build off the platform build on a place that's more discoverable not on twitch right and that usually goes into hand-in-hand with people saying to start a youtube channel where the discoverability people say is a lot better and yet discoverability on youtube is better than twitch but i've been doing video production for seven years professionally i've run youtube channels for companies i've literally studied youtube seo so i understand the algorithm to an extent you know no one understands the algorithm and i can honestly say to you unless you are creating top quality gold content or you have a very very very big site backing you you will not be able to grow as fast as most people want to grow on youtube and you will not be discovered the way most people want to be discovered on youtube if you want to get a couple viewers from it it'll take a long time the barrier entry is huge and i honestly don't recommend it especially because most of you guys want to do gaming and gaming is so oversaturated these days and that's fine did you want to do gaming but if the content is saturated it makes it so much harder to be discovered we're going to talk about that in a bit anyway so when i first started streaming i knew i'd have to put in a lot of work to get my first few viewers i'm a very realistic person not negative but i'm very realistic and i've watched a lot of twitch so i know it's not as easy as it looks from the outside truthfully i looked at it and i realized that i had nothing unique to offer i had no value for anyone there was no reason for them to come to my zero viewer stream so i thought what is a game that i absolutely love that has a very passionate community around it and the decision i came to was xcom specifically xcom2 war of the chosen so i looked for the passionate communities around this game that i loved and i already knew of one it was the subreddit uh xcom and so i posted there asking for soldier suggestions because i wanted to do a play through of a campaign based around their soldiers i didn't just say it in a short post i wrote a giant role play letter of recruitment essentially you know i need you to save the world kind of thing i gave them templates for everything i needed to make a good soldier after them and i received over 200 plus replies i replied to every single person if they then replied to me i replied back to them literally nothing went unanswered i engaged directly with every single person it took me literally hours and hours and hours and days worth of work i created a google doc every single submission and i started streaming to my new 200 plus viewers good night everybody video is over just do that no no not at all i didn't even tell them that i was streaming that's right i didn't tell any of these people i was streaming i just went and streamed and did the characters and played the game and enjoyed it after every stream that would only go for a few hours i would write up a full list of everything that happened the highs and lows the the deaths the victories everything that happened i would do screenshots clips i would make this entire report essentially and then i do it as a story i turn it into creative writing it took me a very long time and i would post a summary of that play session and put it on reddit and again i didn't even tell them i was streaming i just did it and the replies were great people loved it but after four or five streams i started sneaking in a few twitch links okay not to the direct posts what i did was i would have screenshots from the game or funny moments from the game in an imgur folder linked in the post and then in the description of these photos would be twitch clips that would link out to go see the clip you might be thinking why didn't you just put it in there you probably lost so many prospective viewers nothing turns people off and makes them instantly not want to do something as much as being sold to or advertised to i wanted to bring real value to this community and give them something fun to enjoy so i've talked a bit about how long this took me but i want to explain it properly before every stream i did about 30 to 45 minutes of prep this was writing out ideas jokes funny things that could happen you know if the game slowed down at all i would then stream for two to three hours i would then afterwards go directly into a write-up i would watch the entire stream back while writing everything that happened taking screenshots making clips and highlights which you can still see on my channel today but i spent hours and hours and hours on these things and i'm not saying how long this took to brag or to say what was me i had to put hard work in i want you to have an accurate depiction of how much effort it goes in to start a community from scratch and i want you to have context for where i started and what i did so that you can go off and do your own and understand that what you're achieving takes time so did it work well yeah several people who enjoyed it came to check out the stream and they were greeted by two or three friends who'd been hanging out there with me so in total i went from having two or three friends watching to having six people watching three people from reddit that seems like nothing compared to the hours i put in but it's actually huge it was massive these were three random people on the internet who had no reason to watch me who had come through because the effort i put in and that kind of set up my entire outlook for streaming these amazing people became my first members of my community i took these three people from reddit three of my friends and i kind of bounced around a few games i checked out darkest dungeon another turn-based game i checked out subnautica and just a few other things and i picked up more people as we went i did xcom for the entire time but slowly it teeded off i didn't have enough time to go and post the actual things as the streams became more and more consistent but really i had enough viewers that the stream could grow from there as long as i was picking the right category which is another tip and we'll get to that in a bit so my tip here i guess is to do something incredibly unique to stand out and get those first few viewers and if you think that you can do that by starting a youtube channel then by all means start a youtube channel the point of this isn't to bash those people who tell you to start a channel it's to tell you to critically think about your skill set find what works for you and use that to build your audience okay so that's the first tip done let's get into the second tip now i mentioned the category you stream in this could be the game or just chatting or irl or anything else the second tip is all about how to pick that now i often get streamers dropping into my stream because they found me through stream scheme the website through the guides or from the channel okay now when they do it's very obvious to tell who's there to advertise because they're not exactly subtle about it we ignore those people but then there are the people who come to chat and kind of swap ideas and kind of actually participate i know strange and those people are the ones that after a stream i'll always go check them out right i'm not saying i'm going to follow for follow i'm saying that i'll go and i'll be critical about myself and look at what they do and see if there's something they do that i think i could do better or a tip that i could pass on in an article or something like that and i'm always surprised to find these people who are clearly doing research because their family through stream scheme who are playing valorent or fortnite or warzone or league of legends and they have zero to three possibly zero to five viewers i think new streamers play these games because they really enjoy them and that is awesome play what you love it'll really help you to grow if you're enjoying yourself but you're not gonna get discovered in these categories at least not as quickly as these people who are doing it probably want to be discovered or probably want to grow here is a question for the comments then why is someone going to scroll past someone with thousands of thousands of viewers to come watch your stream and before you comment it yes people do like smaller communities i like smaller communities you can interact easier and honestly better in smaller communities but why is someone going to scroll past 570 other streams which are majority small communities to come to yours because that's how many streams i had to go past when i was making this video to get to the people with five viewers there was 95 rows of six streams a row before i reached people with under five viewers and you're right it's not all about the category browse page you might get shown on the home page or in a search and if the twitch gods do decide to look down and say this person has a good chat is a consistent streamer in this category we should recommend them you may appear in something like the recommended small communities tab and that's awesome but again if there are 4 717 channels live in the category of valorent when i made this video and we know that around 570 of them were above five viewers what is the actual likelihood that you're going to be recommended no seriously what is that i don't know the math behind that i just know how to count so i counted the channels it took a long time personally i think the reason people pick these games isn't to do with the fact they enjoy them it's to do with the fact that they're new or fresh or they look and they go that it's always in the top 20 games streaming on twitch with thousands of people but i think that's a terrible metric to go by i think there's a much more powerful metric to pick a game to play by and i think that metric is category followers category followers are the number of people who have clicked follow on a category not a direct streamer these people are going to get recommended this game or streamers playing this game on their home page they may also get recommended them without hitting follow if they could get recommended them because they enjoy that category by watching it a lot but i can't see that number so i'm going to go with category followers okay i was going to look at something like call of duty 4 or any of those kind of series games because i mentioned valorent and stuff like that but really i couldn't see value in a lot of those smaller games despite the people who play them obviously love them so i'm gonna go with a category that i know works because it worked for me and i've seen it work for a lot of small streamers stardew valley and i know it's not for everyone but i'm just going to use it as an example okay stardew valley took me from 10 average viewers to 25 average viewers some nights even as high as 35 average viewers it was immense it was incredibly strange for me to think that i was just playing this game people enjoyed it there was so much discoverability i didn't understand why looking back with a few more months under my belt i do start to get it so why is target valley good well stardew valley has 798 category followers which is you know a lot of people who want to watch this game who are going to be recommended this game the game has an incredibly active community both modding both on discord pinterest reddit everywhere i've looked this community is incredibly passionate about this game so that is really good that's important these people want to play it they want to watch people play it they want to talk about playing it the dev is still releasing updates for it which means that every now and then a little bit of breath of fresh air comes to it people pick it back up they want to check out the new update but they don't want to reinstall the games they check twitch but back to the numbers the game averages 500 to 700 viewers in the whole category but you only need to have five viewers to get to the top three rows top three rows compared to top 95 rows that's pretty good and as i said look starger might not be your type of game but that's fine use these ideas about why it's good and apply them to your niche your categories your fit okay find things that people are passionate about that you also enjoy that has an active community and you'll probably grow a lot more already tip number three or point c i don't remember what i was using is creating a clickable stream so if you're following out earlier advice in this video then it means you should be in the top few rows of the stream hopefully now we just need to make it so that people click your stream rather than the other streams and we should be good to go so this is one that i learned pretty early on by accident but essentially i made a joke before i had a camera that i streamed from a milk aisle because i just chug milk and dribble it down myself don't ask but i didn't have a cam i just kind of said whatever because it wasn't attached to me that was a mistake but to kind of play into the joke when i finally got a camera i set up a green screen and i mean i showed everyone that i do actually stream from a milk aisle yeah as i said i started this as a joke but then i realized that i was getting a lot of click-throughs from browse and suggested pages because people just wanted to ask what the fuck i was doing and i was turning these people who might not even click into clicks and then people who are going to click from lurkers into chatters because they just want to know why am i streaming from a milk aisle in a cole's shopping center now don't get me wrong i'm not saying that you need to have like a meme style background that's big enough that people are going to click and come check out i'm just saying think of something unique in your thumbnail that'll get people to drop by okay and if you do have a camera stop putting it in the top left and bottom left of the screen your face will be hidden behind a live marker and a view count marker on the thumbnail as soon as i realized that this milk aisle thing was causing click-throughs i kind of realized i could expand it into my title but i was trying to figure out what's something on the internet people are passionate about and really get heated up over but has absolutely no importance whatsoever so they can move on from it quickly i kind of sat there i thought about it for a while and i realized yeah people on the internet either hate or love puns there's no in-between so i started naming every single stream at the time i was doing stardew valley after a pun that's right literally every single one and it worked honestly sometimes the worse the pun the more people i had coming in because they wanted to insult it and i just do some goofy smile laugh and say that i thought it was great chat would talk about it a bit and then we'd all just move on it was awesome putting a pun or a stupid joke in the title essentially added content for my stream it gave me more things to talk about it made people join to say they loved or they hated it didn't really matter what they said but if they said something i could jump in and say oh you know how's your day going or where are you watching from or anything like that right to make them feel included because that's what you want people to feel you want them to feel included you're streaming and once they feel included then they know that this is a place where people can chat feel comfortable and it's encouraged to talk just like how my stream at ljm underscore linked in the description is a cool fun place to hang out i'm live right now check it out all right ready hello babe how are you all right so you've found a unique niche you're appearing at the top of a category that you've you've chosen carefully you've made your stream clickable now it's time to do something that i'm calling 2d branding now i don't know if this exists i haven't googled 2d branding so if this is actually something else and i've just stolen a name sorry this is just what i'm going to call it okay just roll with me here 2d branding is the idea of branding yourself so that when someone joins they instantly are in on the joke they're instantly in on the community and they can kind of see it flat and then as the longer they're there it becomes 3d branding and they get to know you they get to know your community and they become a part of it but that first initial touch is so crucial why do you think that people have themes for their stream and i don't mean your overlay i'm talking about people who have their channel points set up to be cold brews or coffees or they've themed it after entirely the 80s or retro or a certain type of game maybe it's only rts right maybe they only play rts or you could be an idiot and name it all after milk for some reason i don't know why you would do that it'd lock you into a very strange situation where everything's milk related you probably don't even like milk very much the worst thing that can happen is to have new people feel like they're on the outside of the community they need to instantly join and feel like they're a part of the community i'd even go so far as to tell your regulars your chatters to be super welcoming to new people okay it doesn't have to be some stupid joke or theme at the end of the day it just needs to be welcoming it needs to be a place that people can go to and instantly feel like they're a part of okay it's crucial so on to the fifth tip and i know i wasn't gonna do five but i've actually got a cheeky sixth one that i've come up with just during filming that i'm gonna give it after this one so fifth tip i think this one people don't quite understand and even those who do understand it don't really get the full extent of it but a follower does not equal a viewer and a viewer does not equal a community member okay remember this something you might not know is that most people reach 50 followers before they reach five average viewers often you'll actually see people with hundreds sometimes even 200 plus followers who still only average two or three viewers so if you want to grow your average viewers then you actually need these people to come back to your stream and to do that well you need to treat them like a person not just a number that's popping up if someone does rock up ask how their day is going where they're watching from get to know them ask them if they've played the game do they enjoy it what's the worst boss they versed in it connect with them so they want to come back as you start to get more people start hosting game nights every week or fortnight so that people have a place to come and hang out create an environment where people want to go to two quickfire tips to help with getting people to return to your stream and this one's pretty out there is to come up with a schedule and stick to it having a consistent schedule that people can see and get a part of their routine is important think about when you watch your creators think about when you watch your youtube videos every morning i wake up i make a coffee i get my switch i play animal crossing and i watch the yogscast on youtube it's a routine for me i'm always there i always come back to it set a routine set consistency and you will get people coming back to you my second quickfire tip i'm not going to go into i'll do a whole video on it later if you want is create a discord set it up properly put real work into it make channels that are actually designed for certain conversations and topics create rules and roles for viewers regulars subs whatever you want to do but make somewhere where these people can go when you're offline and they can be a part of the community and interact with each other and for those of you who have stayed to the end of this video i'm sorry it was so long my sixth tip just for you think critically about your stream i'm incredibly harsh on myself i look at everything i'm doing wrong and i constantly try and improve it if you stumbled across your stream in a small community would you stay and watch it would you enjoy it what could you do to make it more enjoyable or more watchable go watch people that have 20 more viewers than you a thousand more viewers than you and critically look at their stream and see what they're doing that might work for you is their audio better is their overlay better is their content just at its core more engaging think about it work on it and make yourself better this video has gone on far too long so i'm just going to end it here subscribe if you got anything out of this video like it if you enjoyed it and comment your thoughts down below it's not really a tutorial it's more just the ways that i grew to where i am so i hope it helped do i just
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 438,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow on twitch, grow on twitch in 2020, how to grow from 0 on twitch, get more viewers on twitch, grow from 0 to 25 viewers, grow from 0 to 25 viewers on twitch, grow from 0 on twitch, 0 viewers twitch, 0 viewers on twitch, more viewers twitch, more viewers on twitch, get 25 viewers on twitch, how to get 25 viewers, your first twitch viewers, get more viewers on twitch in 2020, how to get viewers on twitch fast, How to grow on twitch 2020, How to grow faster on twitch
Id: CygQzmQIblE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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