Need Land Value? Snowmen are the Answer! (Cities Skylines)

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hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffo and here we are in antarctica our unmodded city build and i just love building in this city today we've got a couple of fixes that i'd like to put into place and if we can can we get to our next target by the end of the episode last episode we hit colossal city unlocked a few things nuclear power plants a lot of people talking about how nuclear power is actually green compared to other things so why not let's add that into our city uh but the next one is 55 000. i mean we are so close we are almost at 50 000 anyway so that is just brilliant before we do that couple of issues over here forgot to add any water pipes under here by the look of it let's give these people uh yeah let's go from that well no hang on there we go let's give these some heating which means they probably oh they are working anyway um garbage trucks in use yeah there we go they're working they now make the noise that is good and i'm thinking what i might just do here these are offices but just to help these people here not be too overly concerned about the noise that's behind them let's just add a little bit of a barrier in here just some fur trees if we do some this side probably could just do with thickening those up a bit come on let's just thicken these up a bit block the noise like i said offices really don't care that much with noise and then i was just going to go along here and do the same as well they don't really care with noise pollution yes but not so much so offices are normally a good barrier between anything else that you've got going on in your city there we go also a couple of things that i missed in the last episode or one thing uh in our area here and i don't know whether i just accidentally edited it out of the video but it's quite a lot of comments saying i didn't put any uh medical stuff in here so let's just have a look at this one health looks like i've got healthcare here what have we got we've got the community pool oh did i just put down like pools and saunas sports hall gymnasium yoga garden yo it's so if you're feeling poorly basically run on over to the yoga garden and get yourself sorted out yeah i think i forgot to put in the big hospital i was looking at these two here wasn't i oops um all of this space is pretty filled up let's just have a look we've got all the snows coming in i do like a bit of snow and i'm just thinking whether we could this would be a good spot over here and in fact even just against this main road it won't fit in darn it darn it oh it's taken three minutes for me to wish i had anarchy in the game i'm not putting it against there i wanted a big one in here one of these big ones in here to really give the benefit we could pop it against this road here and i wanted this building as well let's pop it against this side road there we go well that's not ominous at all is it so we've got the shopping center and a nice big hospital right next to it and that's that's gonna that'll cover that area nicely so everybody is pleased we now have hospitalization available if you need it also had quite a few funny comments about the was it the elderly person's place yeah the elder care the crematorium and the sauna all right next to each other each other easy to get too quickly and we have a fire breaking out are they going to be here oh look at that who is this guy this selfless individual firefighter he does not have a name he doesn't care to be named he just comes and fixes your city if you need it removes the fire i'll have a sip of tea boys will you hurry up please there's people that this is a school as well think of the children get that school put out there we go i think we're done yep children are fine yep good excellent well done firefighters so um let's try and get in another 5 000 people this area here i think is ripe for building we started putting this little sort of shopping area and this little back up this road along the back here let's continue that along i'm just wondering whether we could sort of bring that across and then meet up over here um what's the distance let's do it there so that is 900 out so let's just have a look at this was that like a bridge all the way along oh darn it it is as well it doesn't need to be a bridge all the way along there does it because there's nothing going underneath it now so i've no idea why that is still a bridge so what we're going to do is convert that cannot upgrade to this type so is there any reason why you can't upgrade to this top well i'm going to delete it and find out because we're just going to redraw it in there we go that is better that is fine and then we can get rid of this stuff that was sort of underneath the bridge i think that was there wasn't it because we had the railway line yeah hey ho he's gone um so if we connected up sort of like here if we come out we're going to hit this thing here aren't we 900 would be there this flipping railway line i tell you it's the death of me i've moved it so many times we're going to end up moving it again and you know what we could do we've got a train station right there oh it doesn't look nice at night let's just stop for a moment and just enjoy it's not quite night but with the light i go this direction here with the lights coming on the snow falling down i do love a snow city i know snow isn't everybody's favorite i do understand but i i do love it i love the thunderstorms when they kick it as well it's hilarious um so what i might just do here is this railway line is gonna just change again so we're gonna do that i'm to just keep it pause while we're doing it um and then this is 900 over here so if we sort of went to there went to there i'm trying to sort of line this up with some nodes here so we've got that load there so we went like that and this one here we've got a node there which is a different oh i've just got to be slightly symmetrical so that's 825 ish so that would be oh there look that is the spot oh darn it that was there wasn't it so if it came to here it's not what i meant to do i meant to go just like that so we could just get a point to put that to man that was an effort wasn't it man that doesn't look right to me yeah i'm just gonna use my own brain instead and we'll just go where i think it looks right which is there and then we're done and then we can connect this up and that looks near enough to me yep good okay excellent i'm not going mad at all playing playing on modded not at all i've got all my faculties about me so that is now over here i'm just wondering got to be careful i don't end up let's start oh i didn't want to unpause it without a railway line there i mean we could just totally redo this could like come under here or if we brought that i'm going to keep this up high actually because i bet it would go across here let's just see where this would go we've got so much money i really am not concerned about oh really oh seriously now that is like plenty high enough okay okay let's just go up one okay let's try this again there we go we'll go up one there up one there i'll go down one and go back to what we were that little tiny dip over the top is fine and then where is this going where am i trying to connect to over there so we could then swing this around yeah let's do a swing that's not too bad and then if we go across there with let's have a look at what am i looking for new bridges and stuff here we go so we've got the american two lane at truss bridge two lane wide metal truss bridge with road oh i thought they had trains on it okay i guess that's not on there here we go this is what i was looking for in the content creator pack so that's a one way i believe this is one lane one way two lane so basically we'd have to have two with one of these one of these across there might just look rather nice that is quite high let's just bring that flat if you don't mind and then we'll bring that flat on the other side oh man this is what is this bridge doing i guess we're gonna have to sort of do it ourselves like that we can probably flatten this bit out here yeah i might come back to that in a minute and then we can connect this we go back to our normal line there we go and we can sort of bring that round we'll go down a bit and then bring that round to join up here is that not gonna like joining up there yay there we go that'll do that can come off there that can come across there that is not right let me sort that yeah there we go it's quite a sharp turn and i've got to be honest this will probably end up being changed again at some point in the future but it works it connects and it just allows us to have this section down here okay we got there in the end so what i'm going to do here is we want to connect this road in a couple more places rather than just to either end or maybe even just one more connection right through there i think would be good yeah and then i'm just gonna change the end of that to be that and the same on here and the same over here because we all love the asymmetric roads you just gotta have them gotta have them and then i'm gonna take this one here and i think i might just extend that to the end there we go so we now have good access to this new area and we could probably do a similar thing sort of here coming up to the end yeah i think that'll be okay and then if we just sort of build off some of these we're gonna have a little bit of space in between i don't think that's gonna be a bad thing uh what's the length on that gonna be 900 again okay yeah fair enough why not uh 900 i think it makes it more interesting so if we just match that up to there and then match that up to see that he's not quite all the way to the end is it let's get to where the straight bit finishes which is about there how's that look yeah that's okay night time's hitting in again and by the way so far we've been building really well our traffic is 88 percent some of that is to do with these trams i saw a couple of comments saying how long before biffa just ditches the trams because they cause more traffic than they're worth probably not too far off of that but most of the places they're okay we were 90 what i'll probably end up doing is just limiting the amount of trams we've got i mean especially places like this where we've got a metro coming up here because our metro oh now we've got a proper nighttime review oh there look at that look at that yeah our metro if we go back into this view is doing really really well um so these are buses still some people using the buses tram lines lots of people using the tram still um and our metro even the short line 69 people on that one but the rest doing very well and i've gone through and made sure we've got enough trams i'm going to say that every time i'm in metros um on each line to make sure no one's waiting too long so yeah that is working well right where were we we were over here weren't we let's do a little bit more on this one oh also save quick sympathy i've ended up going for sort of a grid here we do need a lot of people um let me just make sure i get this the same size one two three four five six seven so if i go there one two three four five six seven yeah okay that's good yeah we do need a lot of people i'm gonna do the grid like this and then i'm gonna remove a lot of the roads give me seven one two three four five six darn it so we need to get a bit longer yeah i'm going to remove a bit of the road and see if we can add a little bit of interest to it as well so if i go come on okay i'll just remove the whole thing that'd be easier that should give us seven one two three four five six at two huh too far so that was that one we go back one i think that is it can be for count one two three four five six seven hey if i can count just gonna see if we can make this fit over here and i'm also gonna get to daytime there we go that's a bit brighter so we've got that through there if we grab this is there going to be a way of doing this over the top yeah it's just too wide isn't it i can probably do i'll tell you what we'll do we're going to turn off grid road guidelines and road length and get that as close as we can there which is that and then can i get over the top oh i can there we go and we'll go there excellent and then we can just line up with that again perfectamundo um i may or may not leave those ones there we'll see what we do with that bit and then coming across here we should just do this oh it's gonna be the same for this as well darn it okay okay i think what we might do here is just do something a bit different we'll bring that in and we'll just keep that as a separate shape because of stuff now we've got a bit of a a land dip along here so we're gonna respect the topography as i'm being taught all the time my city planner plays and we're gonna bring this one around like that and then try and line that up to go straight i mean we've respected the topography and we've made it work for us a little bit as well so that's okay i wanted this to be a big sort of long corridor but not quite that long i'm going to bring that is a big old block isn't it i'm going to bring that one down there i'm going to bring this one down here i don't want to get those too close together i might just add that in the middle and then carry that one on up there and that one across there which then means i'm just going to remove this one but it's yeah not quite working i think that should be okay and then i'm just wondering oh we can get the game running again so we don't spend all the money that we haven't got i'm just wondering whether in this area here um we could go for another specialized district in a small part of it um thinking of these so we've got our tourism that's going to have noise pollution attracts tourists and then leisure commercial zones are active 24 7. i don't think do we have any leisure specialized industries around here yeah i've just had a quick glance around the city 99 sure we do not have any of those in the city already so i would like some leisure specialization and we could run that along here this section as that is on a main road anyway i'm not quite sure how far the noise is gonna go do you know what i'm actually gonna do it in this section here we've got a metro that pops out right in the middle which is just the best place for doing that so let me just get i don't want that i want this i want that and i want this and i want that so let me get this zone in there we go so that's what i'm thinking this little section here oh man i hate it when it does that there we go excellent so we're going to mark that down as leisure yep so it's going to be noisy we've got these other buildings here that are going to back onto it what i'm just going to do because then i want another zone over here and let's go to this one again that's what i'm looking for the rest of this will be its own zone for residential i think there's gonna be residential with a bit of office around it as well to try and mask from the noise i don't think i'm gonna yeah let me put another zone in here as well there we go so we've got victoria hills and we've got manor park so just checking the noise that we've got going on here anyway that road isn't too noisy but of course we can mitigate that to a certain extent uh with this so let's upgrade this and of course we can't because it was a modded build mat and the roads are too close together do you know what i'm not gonna change it they're far enough away we're just gonna we're just gonna deal with it yep that's what we're gonna do um so we'd like some parks and things i'm just wondering about making this as this is going to be let's have a look this section here add in a little bit of extra something leisurely ish related our botanical gardens in the middle here because why not i think that'll be nice and then we'll get some snow parks and everybody loves the snowman parks we have snowman parks for everybody so i'm gonna have one there and i'm gonna have one there and then we're gonna put another couple down there these guys over here looking pretty sad so we can fit one in there oh man i thought i had more snowman parks around than i actually do well let's uh let's help these people out oh wow these guys are very sad look at that perfect spot for a snowman park and what's interesting is my land value is super high in here which is great so obviously we do have a lot of parks around but maybe not the parks that they were hoping for um so let's just do that and then i mean we do have an industry need which we know our offices will take care of so i want all of this to be offices down here maybe not that far let whoops wrong button let's just take out up to where there's one's already built but then either side of this line here as well this railway line there's going to be some odd sort of shaped offices but they will act as a buffer i'm just thinking whether like the whole of that block needs to be maybe that maybe that yeah i think that'll probably be okay just a spattering through there and then looking at the zone again so that's going to come up to this one here do i need like a row of offices down here i think i do so we'll go three all the way along might as well take that one in as well so that's then the buffer between that and then everything behind here can quite happily just be residential with no issue so let's try not to forget our services at this time so we do have this big hospital here which i think is plenty for all of this uh we do have that that covers there but not all the way over here um can i sort of fit that in where's the other one here so we want to sort of cover yeah so let's go there for the elder home for the child care again we're missing mana park and victoria hills quite a bit i think the house is more or less covered i'm gonna oh i was gonna put it next door but i really can't look at that oh that's so annoying we'll put that opposite the road there we go uh some death care we've got there we've got here i think i'm gonna add just one in back backing onto this road here rather than coming out right at the center it doesn't quite stretch as far as i'd like but yeah i think that'll be okay and why not let's put our schools in first so we've got this big high school and we seem to be getting a bit short on i know this means not coverage these colors here are to do with whether they're educated or not probably misspoke in an episode and got some comments about that yeah let's just plop these there and there i want them in the area anyway and then if we go back to our health then we can add in a community pool i always think that is cool by a school there we go that'll be fine okay so fire coverage isn't the best this neck of the woods so let's pop that there so we can easily get to the main road and cover all of this as well although for some reason it's like not covering up these roads here which is weird but place it against that road oh it will do i think maybe i've just got to pause and unpause the game to get it to turn on okay that's fine and then police again quite good coverage but i always want a police in the nearby area we'll pop that in the middle schools yet we've got that covered university yeah i think we're gonna need to expand our university zone campus area so looking at that we've got our iced tea university it does actually expand to here a lot of these just haven't gone to university so we've got eligible that many capacity that many so we need more capacity and that will actually help us with the upgrading because um we need more students we need more academic work so actually it's going to take a couple and expanding is going to help with the attractiveness as well just wondering whether i want to pop a whole university thing in here just somewhere they can get to i mean if we could just take this university zone let's try that again down the main road what is your problem i'm literally going in a straight line thank you and i'm just wondering whether we could just take in this little section here i mean it's not much i mean we could even take in this little section here and add some stuff in there i mean why not why not um so which is the one we're doing this one here thank you very much that was varsity sports this one here what have we got available to us that we could pop in trade school bookstores we've got some small things but we want something that's going to add capacity so student capacity zero student capacity 350 is too big student capacity 600 oh man if this could fit in this would be great what is this building here let's move that to there oh that is just so close would it even fit in one of these squares if we readjusted i'm surprised it won't just go in there i mean we could oh not in campus area okay just wondering whether we could just re-purpose a little bit of this area yeah okay that's what we're going to do we're going to repurpose we are going to come out of that we're going to take this and move it over there we're going to delete that is that enough room yes it is so if we take our campus just take in in fact we're going to take in both of those so we're going to move that again 15 000 to move that good grief so add this one in here yeah we'll do it like once we'll do it like that that's a nice big auditorium yep adds a lot of capacity which is good just want to keep an eye on beautification as well as that is a big problem um capacity give us a figure do they okay what's this one here try commencement that is huge yeah maybe some of these old dormitories would be good we could squeeze a few dormitories in cafeteria gymnasium it's this one here isn't it library where the heck is it oh i haven't gone all the way back i thought i had dormitory oh man okay this roads dormitory that's me really noisy in it by the road there but i could fit two in oh darn it okay we're gonna do this side yeah you know actually just popping those few things over there these buildings do go together well i like the look of it along here i think that's okay we could do a little bit of decorating here what has that done for our people starting to upgrade what's that done for our overall university statistics still not enough attractiveness oh my goodness me well we got you know a couple of years to get enough academic works to get up to the next level level five anyway so maybe let's just hang fire on that oh yeah water and heating yeah we could we could suddenly have a problem so let's pop this all in and then check how much heating we have available had a comment the other day saying they get really frustrated when i place all these under the road like this you don't have to i mean you're allowed to play the game how you like and you know what i'm allowed to play the game how i like and it's just a fun thing i thought for those that don't know why we do it i know a lot of you do watch um city planner plays as well and he's the one that started it putting the water pipes under the road where they belong and i like it because it just gives me a reason to put water pipes down before it would literally be oh auto save it would literally be you're just gonna do a grid just to cover the city and that was it there was no there was no other reason you were just going to place them all down in a straight grid grid grid grid good grid cover the city if it's just going to be that boring to put them down why even bother um but at least this way i feel like i'm doing something that should happen which is sticking them under the road that one feels like it should go down there so even though sometimes you get some overlapping you get some places that uh yeah they're not complaining that where the pipes are a bit too close together that is just the way it is okay um so they've got everything else electricity i'm a little bit worried about once this starts or people are starting to move in so let us just mark this all out so all the rest of this is going to be i'm going to mark this out and i'm going to come back to put some parts in no i'm going to do that in the wrong place this was our where's my districts yeah this was this one here yeah this is the one yeah i want to make sure i'm doing this correctly so this is come on now this one all the way along here wasn't it um and that which actually means these don't need to be offices here because these are not going to care about the noise there we go so that went how far did it go yeah as far as that and then the rest of this is going to be high density and i'm pretty sure we're going to get up to the level that we need to and let's grab that let's grab those let's grab that bit of a mix going on here that might end up getting removed we'll see how that goes that one that one than that one i think that is about it down here i'm going to put some low density shops low density shops along there maybe mix a couple in here and there i think we should be good to go right let us see what we get in here okay it's going well we've taken care of our needs that we have down here so we need to just probably wait a few moments just to see how things are gonna go um but so far it's looking good i just wanted to check these roads that i popped down here make sure we haven't got any yeah we've got some stop signs which is fine traffic lights that's what i don't want we're gonna pop stop signs in along here keep the main roads going probably not gonna do that at all there we'll take that out and pop that in we'll take that out and pop that in keep you all moving all the ones in the middle will just take care of themselves and then over here yeah we'll do that and i think that's about as good as we're gonna get also we've got some parking on these one-way roads on here which we can fix i believe if we put it with grass or trees even like that and like that it will just stop people parking yeah there we go they're off oh hang on no these are two-way let's do that one that's what i want and that one yeah there we go that's better these are all tree-lined roads anyway so they'll get all the benefit of the trees and what have we got coming in here let's have a look at our leisure go nuts for donuts popping soda all sorts of things i'm just wondering whether we have any sort of specialized buildings that we've got unlocks that we could pop into here which would work well let's have a look in here so we've got our spa hotel yeah so not quite got the right spot for that um don't have the right spot for that yeah i think right opposite the university here if we take that out and we move that just in time the museum of modern art i think would just fit in there perfectly that would just go really well with this little section here nice nice nice and help beef up this air or some of these buildings getting nice and tall that is what we like to see and let's have a look at our land valley yeah land value will start going up here absolutely no problem at all we're spending a lot of money at the moment which is fine um i actually want to change these all to be offices we've got more industry needs there we go whoops how many times am i clicking these buttons there we go that's okay i am going to take that one out it doesn't seem to fit well with me that one and that one there is a little bit odd and then these along the front i think i'm going to change those to offices as well and what are we at 49 000 well surprisingly i thought we're going to get a lot more people moving in here what are we up to population 220. so i think it's just going to take a few moments for this to kick in um how is our traffic 86 percent okay i just wanted to look at our metro stop here so 276 and where does that run that runs along here so right by the tourist bit which is fantastic i was wondering whether to add another stop in here but i'll be honest i think that's okay and all of these roads are so close together people will quite happily walk a distance like that so yeah i think i'll leave it like it is something else i'd like to check just to make sure we're not going to get any trash problems um the nearest whatever these are called waste transfer facilities they're actually not too far away and our processing is through the roof after you all filled me in on what the processing it actually means i knew that anyway i knew i did know honestly i knew um so that's fine electricity is fine water is sort of getting to a point where it could be an issue heat is okay it's -12 so we should be right um that is okay so pretty much all the coverage is all right noise what did that end up being yeah not bad i mean it does spread over to here doesn't spread that far i think yes obviously this is the big noisy section in the middle i think we'll be okay the time it gets past the offices to the houses it's not that bad what's also interesting is because we don't have a ton of factories and we don't have a ton of normal generic industry we are importing a lot of goods but even importing a lot of goods you know traffic is still going okay we can see where all the places are that want the goods but mostly like here they're down the main roads down the main roads down the main roads they've got easy access to get to these places uh agricultural products a few of them want that uh exporting i mean we are just not making goods at all i haven't got of course the mod that gives you the figures on this but or lets you turn them all off apart from one but yeah we are not making any goods do i not have any factories at all my brain is trying to help me to remember we do of course yes we have the furniture factory yep here we go up here and that is producing they're called special goods but they count the same they go to the shops but it's such gonna be a small amount i mean 3640 a week yeah they will go out into our city and some will just get sold as well we do have other options so we've got the printing press but we need to get into plastic for that and we have the soft paper factories got plastic and what's that other one there petrol petroleum okay so oil we've got this big oil area over here maybe oil is the next thing that we're gonna go for so we can start beefing up our factory do you know what i am gonna purchase another so far i don't think we've purchased any more squares have we oh we must have done we got four forget that i forgot we purchased them we're gonna get this one here and this is gonna be i'm gonna mark this down now so we don't forget let's turn on resources there we go this is going to be an oil industry do you know what i think i'm going to get this one as well actually i don't know how many it would be good if there's an option that told you on the screen here how many we have left to unlock i'm just going to leave it with what we've got i don't want to i don't want to risk unlocking too many and then getting myself into it into a corner we've got access to the highway which is good there we go let's take all of that that is going to be industry uh oh darn it i meant to actually paint an industry actually well now we'll leave that in the normal district i tell you why because i'm going to bring that all the way up to there and then this one is also going to come down what what what i'm doing a normal industry which is what i want oh the wrong one i'm also going to bring that all the way down to this side of the road like so in fact i think that's probably going to just go like that yeah like that there we go we'll just make sure they're not overlapping too much industries and then we can actually set this to be oil as well so any industry buildings we put in here will make oil related products which will help with our oil industry stuff that goes in here uh acclaimed and we've got two more academic academic works nice uh let's jump over here and i am going to oh it's building up i'm gonna give another cash bonus let's go for itune engineering 50 000 to help towards the total excellent so down here i mean we could just literally build it off of this road here in fact no all right i'm gonna we're just gonna very quickly pop a couple of things down which are gonna remind us what this area is for we're gonna have a junction there that's gonna come over to there this isn't going to be our main way in and out so actually i might just leave that like that we'll go into here turn those off thank you kindly we'll go into here and here and we'll go like that and put a stop sign on there although probably not don't need a stop sign and then we're going to pop in our oil industry main building which is literally going to back off the road thank you so we get oil pumps pyrolysis plant and small crude oil tank farm so that is going to be this area over here these people they bought their houses with their beautiful view of the mountain yeah i've got news for you people all right sorry about that sorry about that this area has filled out nicely no traffic down the main road down here and down here which is good lots of parked cars that's okay no traffic inside everything is moving let's look at it in this view everything is moving that's good lots of people using the metro and the trams to get around and it's growing up nicely i think we probably just need to wait for these guys to upgrade a little bit more but other than that i like this right next to the railway line there that is looking cool oh and something i've just missed on this side this person is sick the ground is polluted yeah made a bit of a mistake we've got some houses right here and we've got the pollution from this waste processing so i think actually we're going to turn how far back does that pollution go it actually is quite far back doesn't it yeah we're going to remove all of those they are now going to be offices because offices just don't really care there we go and once the fire is put out on this trash processing facility the people living here will enjoy it even more so there we go that is going to be the end of that one we're not going to hit the target we were aiming for today but we've built up a nice area and we've got planned our large oil industry and maybe i think this is going to be a factory complex in here as well thank you very much for watching be sure to subscribe be back here for our modded playthrough in new zealand tomorrow and i will see you all soon have a great day take care bye-bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 18,652
Rating: 4.9702382 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to start your city, how to start a city in cities skylines, cities skylines no mods, cities skylines vanilla, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines how to start your first city, cities skylines vanilla lets play
Id: wWatt4xaeUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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