How to Fill Your Citizens NEED to Shop in Cities Skylines Vanilla!

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hello everybody and welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer and here we are in antarctica yes that's right and before we dive into the main thrust of our episode which is going to be expanding this area that you can see ahead of you here um there's a few little tweaks and fixes that i'd like to implement after reading some of the comments of some of the previous episodes so if we just stop following this truck here and zoom out so we're gonna come over here to our prison island and we had some fantastic names for this island and the one that i have picked did we put a zone over here no we didn't so let's do that first of all so we can name this thing was from engineer everything uh yeah that was your name and the name was let's come into here uh frosty pen i've got to spell this right pen oh my goodness me penny [Laughter] penitentiary that doesn't seem right to me oh there's an eye in there isn't there it's cause i'm trying to type and i can't see my keyboard probably just frosty penitentiary there we go i thought that was a fantastic name there is also some suggestions for this area as well at the minute we've got the disaster response unit but they have to pay through the toll road which i've set up here to sort of simulate a guard gate coming into this area uh but very simple suggestion just to turn this building down that's gonna cost us a whole ton of money nine thousand three hundred and something odd i wanna do it without destroying the path there we go so they can now get in through here without paying through the toll road that's good uh also the suggestion to add into this area here um some sort of play area park type thing for our people so they can get some exercise so let us add in here we go the tennis courts i'm looking for the basketball court well i don't know whether i'm being a bit thick here but it should be under other parks and we've only got the tennis court whether it's because of the type of map that we've got or something like that is not available here so that's a shame but i tell you what we will add into here uh a lot of people mention this it's just to put some trees in here you know so there's no problem with having a few trees it's not like uh you know a prison for an absolutely terrible criminal so they don't mind having a tree to climb up and jump over the fence something like that yep cool okay that's good um what else to put on the prison island so lots of people were saying to make this into sort of an area where you could add lots of other buildings like another snow dump to give some more coverage around our city although we do have these ones over down here now as well as the ones up here um helicopter you know fire and things like that so how big is that that could possibly fit over on this side and our police one as well which is this one maybe those two could come over here yeah i think that's a good idea so maybe first of all let's just continue our key wall around the rest of this area here i'm going to turn off road guidelines okay there we go quick restart and we've got our sounds back so i'm gonna add a little roads should we do it this side here so we've got two t-junctions rather than the rows too close together that pillar yeah do you know what i had so much trouble with this bridge before there's absolutely no way i am going to mess around with it now so let's get this one uh down to the ground and what i'd like to do is maybe just sort of follow the shape of that like that and see what we can sort of fit in there i feel like we're gonna need whoa mama another little road up here like that to make sort of use of this space here i think that'll be okay let's maybe go for these first we've got our police helicopter i mean these are massive i don't know whether they're actually gonna be able to fit these on here at all what about this one uh this one here yeah these aren't these they're just not going to fit on are they even if i put that van the other way darn it maybe we need to sort of rethink how we do this along here so that's going to go over here we just need the road i mean as close as possible to there still not going to fit on shall we expand the island out a bit i think you know that might be a good idea so then if i'd done it with paused instead of unpausing it i could have then plonked that on there uh let's just move this around a bit delete some of these that should get on there so that one goes let's have it further out like there we'll continue this road there we go out to that way so we can do that and then this one here if we go straight i'm going to delete some of this um let's flatten all of this out here we can change the shape in a bit um which one was this one that was the police helicopter depot so then we got our fire helicopter depot which could go there that's good that fits in nicely and then can we fit a snow dump in between i've probably not left enough room have i uh snow dump darn it not quite enough room when i go over here yeah maybe maybe let's remove that yeah let's extend this there we go yes that is gonna just fit once the water goes in there yeah i think that's okay a good use of the space okay let's get this all closed in oh there we go as long as i can tuck it underneath and i can't see it i think that'll be fine excellent um let's just have a look at our land so actually that's not too bad is it we just sort of smooth this out a bit here i think we're okay and up to the water all looking okay as well brilliant well let's get these guys nice and toasty and warm with some water pipes oh there's already a water pipe there i'm wondering whether one water pipe down here will cover all of their needs while we're waiting for that to see another excellent tip with the electricity so at the minute we've got this cable going across here it was suggested by quite a few people so thank you for that suggestion to use the advanced wind turbine so the noise is going to sort of overlap a little bit but that might actually if i get that right up to no i think that's going to get it to jump oh just not quite do you know what we could do to make that final little leap is one of these i'm going to put a little earthquake sensor right there yay there we go we get that final leap across to the other side so that's good um this is connected through here and again we might just be able to use an advanced wind turbine maybe sort of down at this end like that oh there we go look that's hooked in perfectly so then we can get rid of all these unsightly cables and these ones there yeah excellent okay there we go and these are all happy excellent so these are going to be costing us 2 2000 1760 that's just one of those that's fine let's take away yeldi traffic lights from this junction there we go we'll pop a stop sign in there excellent and can i hear the helicopters going out already they're coming back they're going out who's this who've got police helicopter so there must be some crime going on i do love flying over the city like this in a snowstorm here he comes where's the criminal are they gonna jump out and arrest him or just hover in the air and winch him up and then whisk him off back to prison oh it must be a crime wave look they're going to win somebody else in as well fantastic they're dropping him off straight to the cemetery that is exactly what we want to see with our criminals brilliant okay and then let's have a look yeah i think that was about it for this area wasn't it here so i feel like we need to just add a bit of beautification here so let me just do that ah academic works we didn't gain any more oh that was last year oh let's see this year hey an extra academic work fantastic previous level unrecognized so have we not gone up another level we haven't i'm very confused i thought let's just pop over here that we should have gone up another star oh that's really annoying so we've still only got one academic work well tell you what we can now give some money for another one let's go for hospitality this time so we're definitely gonna get one um and then we'll have that little chance of getting another one as well so we'll see what happens okay that's a bit better and i'm just thinking as well the other thing was trash collection now we don't have all we are so close to our waste transfer facilities and our waste processing complex which i think is the next thing so we can finally get rid of we've got here our incineration plant yeah and really get that going and is that going to be the next unlock as well yeah for grand city fantastic so maybe we'll just hang fire on that so hopefully we can put one of those in there as well okay so let's just zoom into this little area here transporty height so lots of suggestions what to put in here all sorts of different things and the item that i would like to go for is the city hall i like that so we want to put that in there and i'm just wondering do we need another little road coming off of there or is that going to be too many junctions i think that's going to be too many junctions so i'm going to try and sort of eyeball that as in the center there i think that looks okay doesn't it let's just zoom in a little bit coming along this main road here very nice very nice and then we can certainly add some more sort of park features and things around here as well it might just mean yeah unfortunately without parkify we can't just chuck anything in here but i tell you what we could do if we go to our zones um and add a little park zone in here like that so we've got two names here transporty heights and the briar rose grounds and then we could sort of turn this into a little mini city park yeah so let's put a if we put a park main gate is that going to be too big i think we might just put it off the side road rather than the main road because that's the that's the main sort of attraction yeah let's put that there um and then how can we do this i'd like a side gate over here as well park side gate on the other side i'll make that zone a little bit bigger just a tiny speck a smidge there we go something like that and let's just sort of see what we can do here so i'm trying to sort of think if i can get like a straight piece out here i could add some park type stuff to that um let's just go out a little bit further can i bring something up here okay i'm going to just change this if i start there how close oh actually yeah i don't want to get too close we're going to put fences around so people can't sneak into the park and then we're going to go up there and it's not going to line up darn you game okay if i go here oh there we go look so if i do that that and then straight down there to here yeah excellent that's okay and then this one here if we just keep the park parts straight then we can easily add more things to them that'll be okay thinking another side gate over there and i think that covers all of this maybe another side gate down there yeah why not why not so then we can have a straight connection there um and just for a spot of interest a curved one there yeah i think that's okay excellent um and then what can we add in we don't have a huge amount of choices do we at first no okay so we've got the plaza which won't fit in there because it's too big do you know what i'm gonna take this one out and we're going to pop our plaza in there then we've got our park info booth restrooms yep definitely we could pop the restrooms i think just opposite that this side we've got a cafe uh sort of squidge in here towards the front actually i want that coming out the back there and then the other thing is the info booth isn't it that's actually a lot bigger oh that's quite a bit smaller yeah we have that by the main gate there we go just a little something oh auto save quick super tea and even these have been sort of snowfall-ified look at that plain chess in the snow huh well done with chess pieces that all look the same and no idea where where to put them this guy's out in his shirt she's like how the heck am i ever gonna know which pieces are mine and where to put it where's it gonna go let's have a look she's cheating i'm sure she is okay there we go oh i thought that was going to stop that path connecting there but apparently it doesn't so i'm going to delete that little bit there and that little bit there to stop any cheeky people coming in and not paying darn it where's anarchy when you need it oh so that means i can't even put any trees in the middle of these rocks oh that is a bit annoying isn't it that is a little bit annoying is there some trick to be able to do that that i don't know about oh that's a nice tree i'll have one of those yeah let me know in the comments below i'm pretty sure there isn't there we go that's like a nice little part nothing too complicated make sure people are actually going through the gates yep looks like they are what about the main entrance over here yeah and i think that's going to be used a lot people are going to use that to cut through i can't put an entrance along here because this is a non-uh road tram network thing and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to change this we're going to have this is transporty height i'm going to copy that and then my park name though can i get just the park name there is going to be a way of getting just the park name but there we go just adjusted the size of the little area there so we're going to change that to transporty grounds park park transporter park there we go excellent so that should oh yeah i was gonna put this up there we go and we'll just see how that goes i'm not worried about getting it up to five stars but just making this little area here look nice excellent right what is next on our list so we had lots of suggestions of a little something we could add to our transporty heights little mini hub over here and that is taxes something i'd rarely use so we're going to take our taxi depot we're going to pop that over here in our utilitarian little section that we've got set up that's taking all of these different things uh do you know what actually i bet that could just sneak in here yeah let's just sneak that in there so that now gives us access to our taxi stands and if we come over here we could probably fit in do you think just one taxi stand would be good so if you read what it says on here when a taxi cab is not busy it will return to the closest taxi stand to wait for a fair unless a taxi depot is closer by so we've got the depot over there to actually stand there we could maybe squeeze another one of those over here there we go by our train station that might be a good idea and yeah that'll probably do we've got plenty of transportation going everywhere else so yeah that's a nice little addition there now we also need to try and get up to 18 000 and we've set up this area over here if i put water pipes heating pipes no so let me just do that plenty of heating available for everybody this area in the center is going to be some sort of oh we were saying shopping area or something like that weren't we let's just clear this out there we go so what do we have available so there's quite a few different shops available to us and we've only got 231 000 bound and some of these are quite expensive so we've got our hyper market which is quite large and we have our department store which is also quite large as well so one of those either end with some sort of park or parking or something like that in the middle i think would be nice and we do have some other shops as well of course if i can just find these here we go so we've got the mall of moderation and we have the posh mall but i'm thinking i would quite like to go for these ones um so has that got a noise it has got a sort of a noise thing around it what is that noise pollution 90 i don't know what the actual noise pollution limit is on what people in low density are sort of happy to deal with maybe we can sort of check on that but if we unfortunately won't go right in the middle so i'm going to put it on the angle like that which is a whole ton of money oh my goodness me and now we can't afford the other one darn it uh where is it here it is the department store 187 000. okay we'll come back to that one i think but yeah i do like this one the hypermarket very cool with its sign up here as well and i was thinking a lot of this and what have we got yeah we've got these roads here i'm gonna downgrade these uh with grass bicycle lanes we haven't done a lot with that yet hopefully but i'm gonna download a download downgrade this ring that goes around here so that's going to allow some parking for these lovely people here um and then let's have a look what else can we do here i'd like to add a bike and walking path through the middle how close can i get like that that's fine right up to there how's that looking let's delete that and get it all the way down [Music] to there yeah okay it looks exactly the same as before and then maybe across here as well just to help people get around this area excellent right let's see if we can add some parking so it is possible to have a parking if so how far can we go there up to here in this area here so what we're going to do is use a zoning trick so if we take a little district and i think this in whoa this in here is going to have its own little district anyway there we go excellent we'll tidy that up in a bit and then we're going to set this one to have it's this one here the organic and local produce and if i remember correctly then if we zone this like let's do the car park in this end like that we are likely to get some parking asset so let's see what grows okay here we go we got some things popping in [Music] i thought it was two by two i'm pretty sure it was so what have we got here is like an outside eating establishment another little building that is not what i want okay i'm gonna keep this going until we get what i want oh here we go parking excellent so what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab that and put that as an historical building very good i mean some of these other little shops i'm going to keep this one actually we're going to keep that one and there we go got another one next to it let's mark that his historical as well uh not this one think if we zoom in are these electrical ones i think they might be you know yeah it looks like it doesn't it hard to read the sign oh we've got another one no one are we having it's the same one there is another saw as well it's got like a cover over it but i think we might have to just wait for that one to come in oh there we go we've managed to get three next to each other and i've just added a little road into here so i wanna do the same at the back here and here and then we're just gonna run a path through the middle i'm not attached to there okay like that excellent and i've got these two shops facing forward and i've got these marked as historical as well so we'll see what we can fill in here and i want oh here we go i can do this one now i want to get that as a car park as well excellent hey there we go just one drawing some stuff down here we've actually got our second academic works we are now recognized which is great trade school cafeteria trade school fountain trade school gymnasium and trade school outdoor study excellent so what i'm just doing at the moment is adding some fences in along the back here is actually quite tricky to get these in the little gap that there is without destroying anything um so if you just do it right you can get that lined up and i can come down there excellent i want to get this one here as well oh what happened there that building went darn it didn't i mark that as a oh maybe i messed it up and i don't want that there and that there i must have messed it up with my fence annoying and while we're waiting for all of those to come in i'm just going to add some more houses over here let's just fill this in with a little bit more shopping and let's just pause that a sec and we're going to put a path through the middle here let's turn off road guidelines so i've done this on all of my blocks and i've got a few comments from people which is firm enough this one's not going to get all the way through is it no we're just going to go to there saying why have i put these the long way instead of going the other way uh how many is that one two three four yeah these houses are gonna have to regrow and i'll be honest it's just the way i've made it there's no real reason i mean i could add you know some walking paths up through here like this as well just to help people get around a bit there we go might as well there we go i don't think i'm going to go and do that through all of the city because we'll lose a load of houses but yeah there we go we'll add that in and that will take us over the 18 000 i'm sure what have we got going on down here nope don't want that don't want that yeah that's what i had before there we go i've got two little buildings facing the front and then all these car parks down the back with a little bit of tree spice as a charged egg would say let's not delete that historical building we're so close we've only got this one left and then we'll have our nice little car parked down and there we go finally got it excellent i love the fact you can still just use vanilla assets and get little details like this uh built into your game and i think that little corner there just looks great so we want to check out the services for this area let's just wait for daytime there we go a little bit brighter so what have we got healthcare options we've got this coverage over here but we're going to need some coverage down here as well and don't forget in hard mode you need more coverage than normal now i wonder whether we could go for the large hospital i like this building here we're making plenty of money and i think around this sort of central core here that would be a nice building to have because i was thinking of raising this up and get into the high debt we got high density we have yeah but let's go into sunset district city planning high rise band so we'd get the taller buildings but without them being too tall i think that's what we're going to try and need oh actually that was just for this little area here wasn't it let's have that on anyway uh yeah we need a whole new zone of course for this area so let me just do that [Music] there we go so we've now got prospect park around the back here again don't forget to let me know some of your names heavy traffic ban no that's not the one high-rise ban there we go so i think from here down it's all going to be high-density stuff with the high rise band so i'm going to do that here and we were going to put in that other we've got the money now haven't we let let's grab this section here and we're going to pop in the department store again that's got a noise of 75 so not as much as this one hopefully it's not going to cause a problem hey grand city fantastic third loan don't need that we've got half a mill solar power plant excellent because we are trying to keep everything as green as we can baseball park very good waist transfer into city bus terminal and the bus metro hub nice okay i'm going to pop this over here on this angle everybody's happy about that so it can't be too bad we're starting to get these nice larger buildings over here which is just what i want uh maybe we could just add some walking paths around here we've been using gravel parts like look at them there we go and then that can sort of connect across there um were these not gravel parts i don't think they were were they let's change these to gravel parts don't want to mess anything up no we're all okay excellent very good very good right let's just concentrate on this area over here so along the front here we're going to have some larger shops and i'm just wondering down at this straight here whether we could just go for offices so i'm gonna put all of those in and then everything else we're going to go for this don't worry i haven't forgot about my services i'm just sort of planning out what we're doing there and there and there and there like that i didn't obviously in those properly i think that can be a section of high no offices are going to be in there and this is we're going to work on uh this here we don't need that power line coming through i would imagine soon so let's change that nope not that one excellent that's sort of what i'm going for and then there's a couple of names that don suggested so this is going to be hawky hawky park even though it's not a park it's a shopping area and this one's going to be going to be click the wrong button pause and this one's going to be borki park we've got hawkey park and borkie park which i think goes together really well so we've got our yeah we've got this coverage and we've got elder care um where's the nearest cat so that is down here so that is sort of covering most of this so if we pop this down a little bit further away it's going to cover this and then anything else we build and then child care again that's over here and that coverage is almost all of this so again that's going to go over this side let's slide that up against there uh death care we now have our crematoriums so we've got these over here we don't have a huge amount oh this one is yeah full up so let's empty that um so yeah probably switch out some of our cemeteries at some point but i'm going to put one of these in let's just pop that alongside there where we've got everything else uh that's disaster i wonder what that was so could we go now for our larger fire stations we've got no fire coverage over here at all so we've got this one we've got the fire house yeah let's go for a fire station and i'm thinking maybe there so it's near the main road still giving some good coverage uh police coverage is pretty high and we've got the helicopters but they do like having police nearby and it will help them to upgrade so i think we'll pop that over here as well and then schools of course um so elementary school high school what's this one here this is the large elementary school no what's this one oh that's the high school so we're going to need a lot of elementary schools in here so i'm going to go through we're going to have one more end one that end and then we'll sort of alternate one there or pop one on the edge there as well four should be fine for this uh high school we've got the large high score let's just go for what do we get in here 300 isn't it oh a thousand of course let's maybe go for two and one next to that school there and then we're gonna go for one next to that school there uh university we've got our university campus area not too far away and then it is just some parks so that's a nice big park what have we got we've got two parks there let's have a park right next to the hospital i think that'll be nice yeah we'll add that in and that's got a nice load of coverage as well and then maybe just a couple of dog parks sort of dotted around we'll have one there uh one here oh and then maybe one over this side oh it's already a park there isn't it that'll do i think we've got two there excellent so that is pretty much everything i want in there so now we just need to see what we're gonna get growing in [Music] [Music] all the population is rising nicely almost up to 20 000 and we're getting trash collection problems so let's just pause a sec and take a look at what we've got going on here so now we have access to our new items uh worth just taking a second to see what we can do with these so we've got no more landfill sites anywhere uh no we've got an incinerator so that does 48 000 a week we have recycling centers which do 24 000 a week but we also have the waste transfer facilities which do 250 000 a week and they only cost 300 a week to look after so it's the same as the recycling and then it costs a little bit more but you also need the waste processing complex as well um so we need to sort of put these in somewhere where we've also got this one here haven't we from our uh content creator pack waste disposal unit 48 000 a week so that could be quite good to pop in but at the moment let's just stick with each we need to put this one in so i'm thinking over here to replace so what have we got here let's have a look we've got our university we've got a few shops couple of recycling centers and things i maybe don't want to pop that there i'm thinking maybe repurpose this area over here um so let's just do a little bit of removing we're going to get rid of these and that one there and we're gonna remove these roads here and we're gonna d-zone uh all of this so that should give us those actually give us enough room for this one yeah space already occupied by what by that road what you're kidding oh man and i bet no i bet it really wouldn't be a problem if i just anarchied that in up there that would not be a problem would it but i can't darn it well that's okay look i tell you what we're going to remove this rope here we can just remove the whole thing and redo it so if we add instead of there it goes here instead that should be plenty of space yeah there we go and then while we're at it we're going to upgrade these roads here so that should get proper roads there we go all the way around the snow dumps excellent that's fine and then we're going to get rid of this industry there we go excellent so we've got one of those there um and then let's have a look let's have a look we delete all of this and then in here i would like a couple of let's go straight out like that there we go i'd like a couple of these oh how much are these gonna cost me 25 that's 50 all my money i can have one oh wow my money i was gonna have one of these up here oh i probably completely tanked my garbage processing no we're okay oh that's good so this is gonna cover we can see the little purple trucks going out let's have a quick super tea so that actually yeah is much more than what these were isn't it so 24 000 what do we say this was 250 000 now that's good but what i want to do is why is this not operating oh is it literally because it's not operating there's been no trash so how this work is is this one here we'll send out is 21 trucks to collect the garbage and then it will bring it back to here to be processed by our waste processing complex that is the idea why are you stopping at that there when you really don't need to is it that thing again with too many nodes close together oh there's a stop sign there it should be that one okay at some point i've messed with these roads yeah that's fine so they'll all get out of there and now this is processing oh no it's just started up that's good so what i was gonna do then was pop another one in here because this thing gets access to this big main road and can go everywhere um which we can do if we maybe add in another little rose i want it like right up against here so then it can go sideways if i went there would it fit on here no yeah what about if i move this down a bit i could move that down a block it's going to cost me 37 000 to do that i know i can't afford this darn it not enough money 25 000. we're almost there speed up speed up speed up make uh make us some more money there we go excellent so that now adds a little something extra to this side and they can head out onto this road and our coverage now should be there we go reasonably good but i would also like another one down here now these are probably going because of education yeah that's always going to happen with a new area like this so i'm thinking to replace these two with another one could we just take out a loan just for now twenty thousand sixty thousand the loan has been taken so i'm going to take those two out and that should fit up against there but it won't pass okay there we go excellent that is absolutely perfect and then we can just run like a little gravel path on the back just to add a little something what's this bus depot taxi depot waste transfer facility excellent i hope hopefully why is that gone down what so i took out two of these so that would be 48 000 and put in one of these which is 250 000. so why is my what what garbage truck capacity 15 these have 20 so five less trucks i'm not misreading that am i i feel like i'm doing something a bit boneheaded there but i'm not entirely sure what it is um but what i'm going to do is i'm going to up my this just a bit until i don't know we have got the money i could just add another one of these so we've got one over there one over there one over here somewhere let's use this little spot here by the train line and just add one in here uh still recognize academic works three i think we need like a fourth one so i'm just going to run that along the side here and we can use this for some services uh let's just sort our junction out i'll come out of that menu go into this one there we go and while we're here that's okay that's gonna stop so make sure there's no weird traffic lights or anything in our area uh no we're fine that's okay yeah so let's just pop one more oh just just got it in on the end there excellent so hopefully then that's going to shoot up a teeny tiny amount excellent okay well anyway that gives us access and then i'm also just going to change the road at the end here to this one and that way around so now they can come out and go either direction yep that's good right so while this area over here keeps expanding i've got a couple of other things on my list that i want to get done so we've got cedar hills over here uh this is going to be renamed iced tea hills which was a name suggestion that i saw quite a lot we've done hawkeyborg park and also charlotte i managed to actually remember your name to put on my list suggested we rename this forestry zone over here which isn't where's the actual name for the forestry zone what's going on where is it there it is it's right here can't see it so cyprus timber processing that is going to be called silver needle tim i'm going to take that process silver needle timber because apparently silver needle is a type of white tea and we're in the snow and why not that sounds like quite a cool name so garbage processing status still not absolutely fantastic which is what i want i'm thinking perhaps could we just do a little something over here when i'm over in this area actually how is my electricity and water so electricity uh these are our heating how's our heating doing uh heating down here heating's fine uh electricity we could do with some more i keep going to press the quick keys for my mods and i don't have them i don't have any mods uh geothermal 81000 that is always going to take all of our money but yeah we're going to add another one of those in there and then can we just hook this up with a normal road uh so that's like a one-way system going around there that's hmm i'm not sure i'm going to get past the end of this with a road no so what i'm going to try and do if i go there and then there and see if we can just curve it around that would have been good if it was possible again one of those situations where a tiny piece of anarchy would probably make all the difference but it's not going to be possible how close can i get over here if i turn off my okay that's that on if i turn off road guidelines yes and turn off grids no leave grid on it turn off road length yeah that's the one let's see how close i can get before it snaps probably not too close i reckon that might be okay no it's just not gonna do it is it it's just not gonna do it i think we'll just have to go with that that'll be fine then we can do a bit of decoration and stuff around there so that's going to take us to yep a reasonable amount i want to keep oh we want 101 anyway so that's fine uh trash that was the other thing i wanted to add another garbage processing unit in here uh that is yeah we can just afford that and that's gonna come off this side street and then i'm really hoping that that's gonna take us it just i don't get it why do they do these with everything that they can do not add much to this landfill storage landfill capacity garbage production a week process into it see it just shows there that it's not i don't know let me know in the comments below what i'm doing wrong there but i think yeah i think we'll be fine so this is growing up nicely let's just check our education levels in here so elementary school eligible capacity lots of capacities that's fine high school we're fine university uh we actually need more capacity on that i think we're going to have to build up a bigger university and we're also going to add in here i would have done if i had the money um not the modern institute community school we should run the public library 27 000 i need for that i think we'll have it in a couple of moments because our money isn't doing too bad it's one of those episodes where i'm not letting the city run too much oh what to say bit super t but i'm still earning money so there we go i want to squeeze that in there we're just going to lose that path oh i'll do it that way that's a shame yeah i'm gonna put it that way and what that will do you see the area of effect that will give a chance for everybody actually let's do it that way everybody within that radius gets an extra chance to uh upgrade their education level so that's going to help i wonder if i do that and that oh no it's not close enough to connect is it oh well that'll do we can sort of imagine that there's some sort of connection there nice so we have a need for industry so i've just added a few more offices down here we can see them growing in i've just added some up there and i'm thinking down this stretch along here as well to really keep on top of our need for industry and i'm hoping that's enough then for this to keep sort of upgrading hmm wonder whether we just add a few more little shops in here you know what i'm going to take out like that this little section here had a few smaller shops in and even though we've got this shopping center in the middle i'm just thinking about taking out just a couple of little slots here and there like that just to take our demand for commercial down and the other thing that's missing through here of course is any mass transit yes of course so this is where we could make use of our little mini hub and add another bus route in maybe to cover hawkey park and bulky park so could we just pop this one on the other side of the road create a new line yep there we go and then where are we gonna bring that one out i feel like it needs to come down the main road and then dip into here so yeah we're gonna come let's have it stop there so it's right by the trams we've got that option there of people switching over from one to the other and then we're going to come up here every other block lots of stops we're not going to go into the main road i'm going to do every other block yeah i want to come yeah around the outside to there and i do actually want to bring it in here as well so if we go there and there and then back out here that's going to bring it down to the main road okay maybe we'll just go down here instead and do the opposite every other block and there and then we're back onto the main road um [Music] do i want it stopping on the main road no i'm going to stop the other side here and then that's just going to loop back around again yeah that's fine so that is going to be bus line two the hawkey ball key horkey bulky line uh we'll change the color on that let's have like green and then the other one goes around iced tea hill so that'll be the iced tea line i can spell that correctly that would be fantastic capital i in the middle there if you didn't notice that excellent probably got some other naming we need to do on our trams and things but i'll do that another time excellent excellent excellent how is our death care is struggling okay so this has been empty and oh i can see look that needs empty and what we're going to do is we're going to pop a little crematorium in here hopefully oh darn it not if we don't take out the path that little slot there there we go excellent i'm going to pop one in here so that's those two we've already got this up here and we've got this one down here and the crate yet that's fine so that's taking us over the limit yes as soon all of these are gonna that's that's one away from needing emptying so we'll empty that as well and then we'll add one up here as well um yeah off that road not enough money not that money what do you mean not enough money good grief i'm gonna have to let this city run for a while what do i need for this 31 000 oh come on we're almost there almost there and there we go just enough money excellent everybody's happy so we'll start getting rid of these ones that we have to manually empty yeah they're going to start causing issues oh look at this area it is going nicely our next target is 28 000 we're not quite there yet but we're getting there let me know what you think of what we've done in this episode of course any name suggestions any suggestions for our city i'm happy to hear those as well if you're new please check out the next video on the screen probably linking to my heavily modded playthrough as well and have a fantastic day thanks for watching take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 125,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to start your city, how to start a city in cities skylines, cities skylines no mods, cities skylines vanilla, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines how to start your first city, cities skylines vanilla lets play
Id: sHdqlezFNbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 33sec (3093 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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