How to Start a City in Cities Skylines, Part 3: 25k to 50,000 Population |No mods, no DLC, Vanilla|

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[Music] hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are building the city of starterville and in this how to play city skyline series uh we are taking the city uh through a variety of population milestones and in this episode we are going to take the city to a population of 50 000. so uh today i think the way that we're going to start this is that we are going to purchase a tile which might sound a little counter-intuitive but i want some area to work with we have the ability to purchase a few tiles so why not start with one so what i think i'm going to do to begin is just build a road that connects up with this highway because i want to have another highway connection as we begin to build out this area and then we're going to we're gonna kind of rapidly develop some residential areas so i'm gonna take this arterial out 12 tiles and then i'm going to raise it and let's actually let's think about how much we're going to raise this so i took this down to the lowest level we're gonna raise it up three so one two three then we'll go across that's not that's not enough so let's try again this is something you have to do sometimes just make sure you have enough height so one two three four and that works so we're gonna just make it over here so uh this is ten and that's about even and then we're gonna go 11 more tiles and take the four back down i just want to extend this out for a ways long enough that i can tell where i should plot my interchange so a couple things i could do here i could make my own interchange if i really wanted to but the game does come with a few that are fine and fine is what we're going for right now and i'm not looking to get crazy fancy or anything so what i do want to do is pause this and through the power of youtube make sure that we're not going to night randomly okay there we go and i'm going to pause this and reconstruct this interstate here so there are a couple things i could do i could acknowledge that i'm probably gonna go and do more here and that would involve me putting in a clover leaf or i could say you know i'm not really sure what i'm doing over here just yet i'll put in this uh i'll just make the connections i need right now i think i'm gonna do a little bit of kind of advanced planning and make sure that i have what i need now and what i need in the future so i will put in this cloverleaf i think it's pretty straight at least straight enough for our purposes right now i want to make sure that we have our road guidelines tool on and our angle tool but really nothing else is all that necessary right now i want to back this out not too far so right now that's about as far as i can back this out but and then it just won't let me go any further so i'm going to turn everything off for a moment just so i can start to get that angle nice and then i'll turn on my road guidelines and that's kind of what you have to do when you don't have move it or other mods available to you is improvise a little bit now this might look like a real challenge but it's not that bad we're just going to take this up take this back a little ways and give ourselves a little bit of room to operate so i will put angle and road guidelines on here and then i'll make a pretty sweeping curve and once i get my angle or my road guidelines in place just make that connection and i'm gonna mirror that going the same direction which might seem counterintuitive but it's the way that you can keep all of these roads lined up well and then i find it easy just to go back and it can make that that curve now there are a couple things i could do here i could leave this as is it's not going to make any difference really or just make a temporary temporary turn here kind of loop back around what i also could do what i might do is just throw a roundabout here so there are some great roundabouts built into the game why not just place one of those here make our connections [Music] and kind of just call that a day so we will have this available to us in the future should we need it we can always change this if we want to but we're good for now so here i'm not even going to get into that level of detail we're just going to make our roadway connections and have a connection to the interstate the main reason i want this is this is going to help feed population into the city as i develop it and that's going to be very very very beneficial so while i'm over here thinking about this i am going to make the collector connection over here as well i kind of want to mirror this area what i'm going to do is i want to keep a 90 here and i'm going to use this dirt road as my planning road and i again kind of want to keep this 12 units back so i think that's about 12 units [Music] little off so i know that's four tiles so i will mirror that again and then i'll go up 10. at this point i just want things to be clean this is a dense area i think that a little bit of uniform planning is a good thing unfortunately the bridges don't line up completely that's because of the angle of the the road but at least they're similar in their construction which matters to me might not matter to you okay so i've got this there i just want to see so there's a pillar in the way if i want to build a road underneath here so i might want to consider that right off the bat so i am going to just add this road here because i do think i'm going to have that road in the future and then in my roadway planning just extend that a little ways past i'm not going to upgrade these i could have switched over and used the correct row and i just kind of those mistakes that you make that that don't really matter so ultimately this would be a collector anyway if i were to build this here which would be problematic now that i think of it so i do have the ability to to have this road here but i'd probably want to to make some changes and kind of this into this other collector because i wouldn't want a local road teeing into this arterial i'm just going to add another collector here what i might do is just angle this over [Music] and i don't want to get too crazy about this but this gives me an opportunity in the future and i'm gonna take that opportunity at some point so because this is on the other side of the train tracks i i think it's important to have another collector over here the train tracks would act as a pretty significant barrier so it's it's important to think about that i think i think it could fall into the trap of of looking up here and going okay well we've got a collector here we're good uh we're not good because the train tracks are a barrier and they're gonna be no local connections through there and i'm not generally in favor of having a bunch of local connections over it's pretty it's pretty weird reasonably bridges are expensive they are prone to needing repairs and as a result you're not going to have more bridges than you need particularly for local roadway connections that don't carry much traffic so you're going to focus your dollars in really high dense high density sorts of applications so something to consider there so the other thing i want to do before i get started is there's this loop here and this could if we plan things correctly be a collector couplet so what i mean by that is when you have one-way streets you really you're building a collector and a collector is like this four-lane road but you're building one half so if you plan this appropriately you would have really a full collector so what i'm going to do is back this out a little ways this collector road and make that connection i'm when i'm thinking about this i see this other collector over here and i might try to get this up to meet up with this road to make a through connection to this area okay so now we have this collector road that kind of snakes through and connects what is our industrial areas to this facility once we connect those one-way streets so we're gonna do that right now so there are a couple ways that we could do this we could just come through and make a connection uh you know kind of square like this if we wanted to that's that's one approach another would be to try to have some sort of kind of sweeping smooth connection and that's what i think i want to do is kind of make a more smooth connection like that i think that's nice the one thing i don't love again i've mentioned this before is that one of the unfortunate things that you have to deal with in the vanilla game is that you get these kind of nonsensical turn lanes clearly the intent here was to make a through movement not to make a loop there is a way that you could fix that but i don't know that it's available to us it is not we don't have three-lane road so you kind of just have to deal with that or you could put a roundabout here as another solution but i think it's still going to work appropriately so we're going to leave it and we'll get we'll get going again i think that we're in a decent spot so a lot of rapid expansion now is what we're going to do so i want to basically fill this entire area in with grid and we're going to zone appropriately to meet the needs of the community in this area along this rail corridor i think we are going to have a smaller industrial area we might focus some of that now that i think of it closer to this arterial there's going to be a lot of traffic going up and down this road in the future so it would be a fairly undesirable place to live so why not take some rather undesirable uses and concentrate them in this area would make sense to me so that's what we're gonna do this is a little problematic so i have this roadway connection here and it's really close to what will be a really busy junction so i think that we are going to eliminate that the other thing i'm noticing that this bridge is a little bit too close as well and as a result we can't get the slope to be what we want it to be so i think we're going to just extend this over let me get the right road in place and i want to turn off the road length because i kind of want to be able to go as far as i need to go and grid and now you'll see that i can kind of smoothly place this road wherever i need it to be and get that get that post a little bit further back or that that that support a little further back which is really beneficial so a lot of people will move those supports into in and move it but you don't have to if you get rid of road length and grid you can slide that back and forth with angle and road guidelines so it's it can be really really beneficial and now i was able to take this road and punch it through which is going to be important because i want to maintain this grid if at all possible [Music] so i'm going to continue my pattern and then i'm going to eliminate these junctions that are a little bit too close to the road and that's really these two that's just way too close [Music] and i think that this is basically going to be the extent of my industrial district and i think this is going to work out just fine for our needs we're going to remedy some of that industrial demand that we have and that's the main purpose of this district [Music] okay so we've got that and i still do not want to zone along this roundabout so i'm going to be very cautious or sorry zone along this arterial so i'm going to be very cautious about that the last thing i want to do is get zoning there and again i've mentioned because we do not have the parks dlc we do not have fences available to us so there are things that i think we might be able to do to prevent zoning we could run a path oh yeah that that refocuses the zoning so that would be an alternative if that's something that you want to do um i think you could do the same thing with this dirt path if you wanted to go for a different aesthetic maybe we'll do that i think that looks nice yeah i like that a lot i think that looks looks good prevents us from inadvertently zoning and then we need to get utilities over here and again i'm going to put these utilities under the road these these water pipes because that's where water pipes belong i know that you know that could be a little controversial but i like to keep it real there all right so now we have now we're serving this area well i'm thinking you know we already have these paths here why don't we just extend them all the way through to make sure that people can make this connection uh it's important to remember this is really kind of a super block now and there's not a great way to get through if you're a pedestrian but if you add this connection here now it's as if that road uh it completely exists through there to per pedestrian so we're making those connections um now i do want to take a look at our traffic lights because we don't want to have unwarranted signals so we are going to get rid of those same thing over here and that's going to help traffic flow a lot more efficiently in this area now this isn't technically a collector couplet like i mentioned so you might want to consider a stoplight here and there could be justification for that just depending on what's happening so one of the other things you might want to consider here so i have this 90 degree angle there that's a tougher turn to make for a for a vehicle at a high rate of speed so you're going to see this be a slow junction just by the nature of the way it's designed a way to fix that would be to round that corner out i'm going back and forth here a little bit i do think i'm gonna signalize that mainly so that we do get some free flow of movement through there it's gonna be a little bit of backup but it's not nearly as bad as the backup that we were experiencing so i want to take a look at traffic 89 we're doing okay we're doing okay so lots of commercial demand right now and it looks like the planner didn't really consider that uh we're gonna need to punch roads through here so uh i'm gonna do that now with my deep regrets to the neighborhood and we're just going to kind of continue this grid up nothing fancy about it a little bit different than the grid we had in that industrial area a little bit bigger now interestingly we have an offset and that is because i didn't go far enough out we've been offsetting our grid because i didn't go far enough out in this neighborhood over here you know i could leave that it's totally fine i think i might because i don't have any zoning i might fix that because it's gonna bug me that said things like that regularly happen in reality and it does make a city feel a little bit more natural so if you wanted to keep something like that that's totally fine totally fine okay so i'm just going to extend this out going to fill it in a little bit [Music] so now i want to make some connections to this collector but i don't want too many connections if at all possible so i might just choose a couple key connections as as kind of outlets to the neighborhood if we wanted we could get fancy with it and have a we're not fancy but i guess just maybe a little ocd with it and have some local connections through here and kind of show that this neighborhood is its own place certainly acceptable i think we might have one more connection to the collector over here but i think i want to keep that as far back from this intersection as i can that's pretty good i want to fill in this area as well and then we're going to do all the zoning in this area next maybe do all the zoning is not the best way of putting it i just want to fill in the zoning and think about how we're going to the composition to this neighborhood in just a moment [Music] so again i'm trying to make sure that all of my angles are as close to 90 as they can be in some cases it'll be really tough to hit that but if you can great you'll end up with a much better connection that functions a lot better uh truthfully when you have intersections like this the closer to 90 you can get that the higher the throughput will be there so might as well go for it if you can so i don't like building out large neighborhoods like this but when you're trying to hit my population milestones this is almost the easy way to in the easiest way to do it and that is because you're able to to plan ahead a little bit now this is not how cities develop in terms of building all of their infrastructure all at once but cities do have comprehensive plans and depending on the city they will go into different levels of effort in creating those plans but some cities will have you know what kind of idealized collector arterial network and say this is what we want orderly development in the community to look like other communities will direct their planners to put together neighborhood plans that go into a great deal of depth in specific areas so you know those are those are different alternatives and options that you can choose and when you're doing that i like to think of this as you know a couple neighborhood plans we made a neighborhood plan here and one right here and we would look at all of the core infrastructure because in a plan like that you would see where institutional and educational uses would be where parks would be and then all of the other uses that would spring up by development would be basically left left uh left behind afterwards so left left space afterwards everything else so that's kind of what we're gonna do here as well [Music] let's finish up our water pipes now one of the things i'm noticing as i place these new water pipes is that we are suffering with our sewage availability a little bit so i want to take a look at our budget we already have this cranked up so what that tells me is we need to start planning for more sewage uh or sorry water treatment not sewage so i think that we are gonna make a plan for more i think we're gonna go side by side with what we've already built well that's not great but we're gonna do it you know and i'd have a preference to put this somewhere else and in the future we might move that when we have a more suitable location the problem is that we're pulling all this water here so even though i'd love to to get these uh these these treatment plants kind of close to this industrial zone if i were to move these plants upstream they would spew this this dirty water uh and we've talked it up with with uh with these these water pumps so the last thing i want to do is that if we purchase this tile we could potentially get fresh water from this lake and maybe that's the way that we resolve all this in the future so we have alternatives i just there aren't as many in the vanilla game without dlcs so we've got to be really cognizant of what we're doing so all right now our water availability their sewage treatment availability is better let's add another pump and then maybe we can lower that the the amount of money that we're spending on this so let's take a look at our power because we have that cranked up in our budget as well and that's not needed anymore let's take that back down to 100 and i think we're totally fine now so completely fine so let's i think at this point would be good to kind of take inventory of all of our core services and make sure that we're covered so with health care we're good death care lots of death lots and lots of death and i think part of the reason that we're experiencing that is if you look around we don't have coverage in a couple areas and we only have cemeteries so i think it's time to build a couple of crematoriums i might build one over here by the mall perfect huh just what you want to see when you go to the mall the other place i might build one is over uh kind of near this this district i might extend the road over here so i'll extend the road over here and kind of on this cul-de-sac have death care i think that'll work just fine we are again so we have these these nice buildings flanking the road but i think i want to to block zoning along this so we're going to use eminent domain for a path which would not happen and truthfully i kind of like the way that these gravel paths look so i might use those the nice thing about adding those pads is now i can make key connections to our local roadway network from there i'm just providing a few options there i think it it's it's really helpful um to be able to get as many pedestrian connections as you can if you can get people out of their cars you absolutely should so we're back at death care we have crematorium availability hopefully that helps us with our death situation i think our coverage is much better now so i think that will resolve itself over time we're going to speed things up yeah we we have nearly full cemeteries so our fire coverage we do have a high hazard so we're going to want to take care of that so we are going to have some more density over here so i think it would be appropriate to have a fire uh a fire station and generally where i put a fire station i will also put a police headquarters kind of as a complimentary facility and we can see that our elementary school capacity is suffering a little bit and because these are going to be mostly residential neighborhoods there will be some other uses we are going to try to have elementary schools with pretty decent coverage which i think will need at least three to cover all of these areas and then for high school availability again we are suffering a bit and i think reasonably we could probably use two more high schools but we'll start with one for the time being yeah we are just basically at the capacity so maybe i will build one more kind of at the corner where the street i think these high schools are really close too close but it'll work we also for our university capacity we are maxed out there as well so one thing you'll notice with all of these uh new buildings that i'm placing is that i'm not placing them along collectors or arterials and that's because these buildings require lots of access and the last thing i want to do is have a whole bunch of access provided to this building on a road that is intended to to serve mobility purposes so we won't do that so i did decide to kind of change things up a little bit here i i had this near the industrial area and it kind of ruined the ground around it and the trees and i just didn't really want that either way i think this will be nice people will be able to walk up from either side and use the sidewalks on the arterial so this will be fine so at this point i kind of want to start planning for what's going to go in each of these areas so around this industrial area i think that the tolerance for both industrial and commercial will be a great deal higher than residential and by i think i mean i know so i'm going to instead of even considering any res any residential anywhere near this industrial area we're going to skip skip all of that nonsense even thought even and just move right to um move right to commercial and industrial development over here we have a need for all of it or commercial in office so office is industrial so it can do fine near an industrial area so we might as well just build it there anyway it can also deal with some of the noise challenges that you'd see close to a railroad so no need to to insulate it from that at all and i think this is plenty of separation might as well build out the grid a little bit here though as well we will need water pipes [Music] i think we're just going to break the grid there which will be totally fine [Music] so the one thing that we haven't planned in this area is parks so i do think that we want to think about that right off the bat before we develop all of the land in this area that is one thing that a community would absolutely plan for right off the bat because it is much easier to get the land dedicated before the neighborhood develops than it is to get the neighborhood uh get the land after the neighborhood develops and it's something i like to think about is uh it's just kind of intuitive obviously it would be easier to get land when there are fewer land owners than when there are multiple landowners and when you use eminent domain you are engaging with multiple landowners to get that that land acquisition to occur so that would be just about the last thing you'd want to do just reasonably so i will also place a dog park in here and then near the schools i think it's particularly near elementary schools it's nice to have uh the small parks if you can that said small park is relative and it's large playground we have a small [Music] small playground here that fits nicely next to the school so i think we'll place that there [Music] maybe move this one by one of the other other elementary schools that we have [Music] don't love that this is across the street but that'll be fine so we have basically everything that we need to get going on this so let's extend out a little ways a few blocks with some higher density development before we transition so the other thing we we have city policies available to us and one of the things i like to generally do is place a high-rise ban everywhere and then only target that high-rise development so let's see we [Music] do not have that here i'm going to pause this real quick one thing i'm thinking is let's place this high-rise ban but then let's remove it from specific districts so clearly we don't want to start knocking down buildings that we've already built but i kind of want things to have a natural transition back so this neighborhood that i'm building right now is unreasonably big but i'm gonna do it just for the sake of the high-rise band we can always break this up in the future [Music] yeah reasonably this is probably four neighborhoods or more not just one gigantic spruce park [Laughter] and actually see that beach hills over here doesn't extend all the way to the water so we would knock down this row of towers along the water if we were to keep this policy in effect so absolutely do not want to do that so we will not now i think we can get this running again and the reason i wanted to do that is you're going to see that there's going to be a gradient from these really tall buildings over here to lower rise ooh i made a mistake i did not get rid of the high-rise ban and you can see that some buildings went away right off the bat because of that so hopefully i got it fast enough unfortunately it looks like most of our main drag lost its buildings and boy do we ever have some death problems over here [Music] so i just want to make sure we don't have any pollution problems with our water facilities we have ground pollution but not drinking water pollution that's the one that's you know a little more problematic so at this point i think we're probably just experiencing a natural death wave uh mixed with uh our cemetery capacity really being maxed out and are crematoriums not keeping up with the need of the city so let's just kind of plan to have some more of these facilities put in place this is probably not the ideal location for this but i think for the time being i'm gonna leave it no i can't that's way too bad so i'm okay with this being on the local road i am not okay with this being kind of at this intersection with all these vehicles loading into a signalized intersection that is not just not ideal it's it's it's gonna break things so at this point you might be wondering wow we have not built any residential yet how are we ever going to reach our population milestone and i assure you we're going to do it so i'm going to go a little ways back with our residential development kind of just do a large swath of it and we're going to use this collector it's kind of the bound boundary for all of our high density development in this area and then transition back to lower density development so with all of this we're going to see our residential development demand completely disappear and that's quite all right i also kind of want to pause this for a minute and take a look at some of our special buildings and see what we have available to us because we might want to start placing some of these like i think the transport tower let's see what it does just an office building it's a requirement for the space elevator no real purpose outside of that it's just a neat big building but we have a nice interesting building at this intersection you'd see it when you're coming up we have a few other interesting amenities so we have the high interest tower which i always think looks great on a coastline so what i might do is just there's not much that's good back here but i think that the high interest tower would be a good fit it's not going to be disturbed by any of the noise issues that we're going to see back here it'll boost the values up of these properties that are kind of suffering a little bit from the train station and people will be able to walk to this fairly simply the one thing i want to do is i want to make a pedestrian connection through here which will unfortunately mean that i am going to take out the law firm so let's do that right now and then let's extend this office development over here i think we'll do the same thing in this area kind of a transition up that is a very large building wow so we certainly want to if we're going to have that kind of a building we want it to be served by high quality transit we certainly want to be in an area where we don't have a high-rise ban so because we want the buildings near it to to have a similar density or at least as similar as we can be it's not gonna be perfect so i kinda wanna look at a few more of these buildings we have the expo center i think that that would be good to get near a to get near an airport in the future which we don't have access to just yet [Music] okay so i kind of just wanted to cycle through for a minute and see what our needs were i think we're gonna have some more commercial over in this area and i always want to keep it four wide if i want to maximize my density now i can get rid of some of these power lines that are no longer necessary because we're connected up all the way we through also make some targeted connections over here maintaining our grid [Music] and i might try to make a pedestrian connection underneath here to make sure that people can still get through this area that's gonna work just fine although i don't love that it doesn't actually connect so i'm going to make that change myself so i'll get rid of the grid and i'll get rid of the road length let's see if i can that is still no good [Music] if i start out in the middle okay much better a nice smooth path connection underneath there so at least people can walk through and i kind of want to have a kind of a little employment district particularly in this area i think it could be it could work one of the one of the reasons why i think so is it's again commercial is not as disturbed by noise as residential so and you can see the demand is just through the roof and they're totally fine they want access to customers they want access uh to trains to get their employees to work so they're gonna be completely okay with the noise intuitively i think that makes sense in a central business district employers are not concerned that it's a little bit too loud they want to make sure that it's easy for their employees to get to work that there are good restaurants and amenities to get to um and that it's that it's a you know kind of a happening place at the center and note of activity [Music] now this cul-de-sac is really really long i don't like that i think that that's bad practice and i don't know that it would actually happen in reality but i'm gonna let it slide here because i don't really have another good alternative the only alternative i have would be to punch a street through here and make it enforce a connection maybe i'll do it i don't think it'll be well used well well utilized that's probably not the end of the world but if i see backups that's the first road i remove and i know i worked really hard to put these trees in before maybe really hard is a bit of an exaggeration it wasn't that hard to put trees in but i think i'm gonna flank this now with buildings separate things back a little bit and and create a row of trees really close to that train track let's do a little bit of landscaping [Music] all right 32 000 we are becoming a capital cities now we get harbors available to us we can buy another tile ships let's see we also get some new unique buildings got some more we got to construct a harbor and we get some more uh buildings available to us so why don't we get right to that so we've got two so we've got this cargo harbor which i think would make a ton of sense to put down in this area the main problem that i see is that we have some of our water facilities so i might actually purchase this tile just for the harbor cannot connect to route okay so this is going to be a problem you'll notice we have rivers along here but i don't see any yellow dashed lines which denote that we have a route so without a route we are actually not able to place harbors of any kind in this map so it's unfortunate but it's really important when you pick a map to understand the limitations of that map so now we just bought this tile and can't do anything with it it's a it's a sad situation but it's the one that we are stuck with so we're just gonna deal we'll come back over here and uh we'll be fine we'll make it through it so i do want to take a look what other buildings we have available to us really not much of anything we have this winter market which i might try to put a little bit closer to maybe across the street from the mall of moderation and really have this shopping node i like that that said i do want to center it i think oh that is ugly with those great issues so let's get that fixed or place a tree one of the two so i'm gonna take our the strength up grade at the level of the uh of the prop and then i'm gonna feather it out along the edge and i might take the strength down a little bit and the size up and really just stick around the edge and gently adjust that might have to go back a few times to make adjustments alterations totally fine this doesn't have to be perfect in fact i think it's better if it's not makes it makes it feel a little more natural when you look at this now it looks like it's been graded up into this site the site is flat and uh year-round you can buy a christmas tree so great spot for that and lots and lots of people parking here so perfect in fact let's jazz this area up a little bit [Music] so clearly this would be a little uh shopping note i'm going to pause this for a minute while i do some zoning and some path selection or replacement rather not selection we'll place pads along here [Music] and i want to give a little bit of separation because i think we're going to put some christmas tree look or some some uh pine trees along here to make it look christmassy and we don't have those available so we're not gonna place any the only uh we have great redwoods which that is ridiculous well that's unfortunate i thought that we had some sort of pine tree available to us we do not uh so [Music] we'll put a green tree i'm not going to abandon placing trees just because the tree i want isn't available [Music] and we're gonna need water pipes over here so we will place those very nice so that gives this neighborhood a nice little shopping district that they could go to let's head back over here i think we could do a little bit more with our commercial district so we're going to just kind of monozone this entire area that's not great to do but where we know that we're going to have all of these noise issues probably not the end of the world and then i want to do a little bit of landscaping to make this feel a little bit more real could also probably do some grading here but i think the landscaping will do the trick of of hiding some of this [Music] and that was probably wholly unnecessary but i just did placing all of those little tiny bushes at the railway but you know what sometimes you just want to go big and that's what i was doing there so one of the things you'll notice here is that we're having some pretty significant traffic problems along this road here and a big part of that is this is probably just not a great place to have a connection i knew that right off the bat but we're dealing with it and i mentioned right off the bat that i might eliminate this if it causes problems i figured it would we'll just get rid of it not the end of the world this cul-de-sac will work just fine so now we have this other neighborhood that we need built out so i see we're getting a lot of industrial demand at this point but i don't really want to have more industrial districts over here outside of you know i guess we could flank this area with industrial that said i'm really reluctant to kind of load this area up with um uses they're gonna really load a lot of traffic onto the road so i might just fill this in with industrial or without with with office type uses and that will help take away some of that industrial demand and you know i think it'll it'll frame this a little better and i imagine that these office buildings would be headquarters for some of the industrial buildings over here and to clean this area up i might move this incineration plant a little further from these offices i can't imagine that they would readily develop next to that anyway and then we do have an opportunity to develop industrial along these railroad tracks and that is a super logical place for industrial it happens all the time makes perfect sense to me i do see we have an opportunity to make a targeted roadway connector path connection here so we're going to do that as well very good so now you can see that we have some of our demand rebounding for commercial and residential i do want to continue to pursue that so we're going to have some offices buffering the residential from what will now be commercial along this collector road this is a great place for commercial because there's a lot of traffic going down that road we also want to take a look at our junctions again we have a lot of unwarranted signalized intersections so we're gonna start to see our traffic dip if or our traffic uh traffic flow dip if we don't take care of some of these junctions it's like that reality too if with stop signs and signalized intersections you'll see that those sometimes become political decisions unfortunately and when that happens you can get signals uh where they're not warranted or stop signs whether they're not warranted and they don't function correctly and uh that's just basically because people are um they're not expect they're not expecting that uh and in some cases it's breaking up traffic flow arbitrarily so we don't want to do that if we can avoid it politics do not influence this game so let's keep the politics out of it all right very good minimal signalized intersections arbitrary one here we'll remove that and you can see we're already in a good spot now and that's interesting as you're coming into the city you'd see all of these towers behind some of the mid rises and then the other side of this arterial this collector we're gonna have some lower rise development and i'm thinking to make this feel maybe a little bit more 1950s suburban we'll have roads that maintain they will they'll maintain the grid but they'll do it in a curvy way so that's kind of what you see there are street typology street uh when you look at the way that streets were oriented in different time periods you'll notice that there are characteristics of roadways that are quite common and in this particular time period in the 50s lots of this kind of thing we'll we'll liven this area up by adding a jog in the road that'll do the trick uh so and now what you see is a lot of uh kind of a mixture of this and early 19th century uh really well organized grids maximum efficiency uh maybe at the sake of being a little less interesting to navigate but very efficient maybe maybe brutally efficient in some people's minds [Music] okay so we've got some connections through here and now we'll just connect up these grids and they're going to be a little funky and weird and that's totally fine i think that it makes the area feel a little bit more natural and this will be an area where we can have some commercial activity to break up this industrial district and the residential district [Music] okay so this is going to be a kind of a low-rise neighborhood shopping center and that's what we'll use to separate this industrial and this uh soon-to-be residential district [Music] and i'm gonna make this connection through here we're using a highway so because we're using a highway connection through here there's no sidewalk connection around this roundabout we just kind of a missed opportunity if you don't make that connection the other thing is we have the opportunity to make some targeted connections into this neighborhood so we're going to do that as well [Music] all right i like that so we need water in this neighborhood [Music] i think we should add some park space um i don't know that we're gonna have a ton it's gonna be a small playground and a dog park or we'd have a large playground see if we can fit that in without destroying any of our paths perfect and a dog park everyone loves a dog park that's why developers can uh offer up a dog park and make people fall in love with their projects so okay we have this neighborhood it will fill in and we're tapering our density back from high-rise to mid-rise to low-rise and then out here we could do something really suburban if we wanted to [Music] and you know kind of have this downtown core along the waterfront which to me would make a ton of sense [Music] okay so again we have a lot of commercial demand i think we're going to try to meet some of that in places where it makes the most sense to do that i do want to take a look at these cemeteries though because i think they're both full both of the old ones yep so we're going to want to empty those out and we might want to look at our crematoriums because they are going to be overburdened at this point and you can see that this area has no crematorium availability so we might want to add one and i don't want to demolish anything for it so we'll just add it over here it's on a local road with fairly good access to this collector network so it should be okay so part of me just wants to add trees down this road but i think we'll avoid that for now we've got a lot of growth we need to take care of so one of the things i think i want to do as i look through here is i kind of want to parallel this collector road with a local road i think it might be nice to have some continuity through here so let's create some sort of parallel connection i'm gonna i'm gonna put this temporary road in there in place you might be wondering why am i putting this road in this place at all honestly at this point i'm kind of just freestyling and i think that you kind of get to that spot in the city's development where you're doing things that aesthetically please you and that's 100 where i'm at in this build where i'm just doing things that feel good to me don't necessarily have to have a you know a real concrete reason for everything i do have a concrete reason for hitting that dirt road right there we are past that so i'm gonna get rid of that i'm gonna mirror this same design on the other side [Music] so i'm trying to minimize uh the number of intersections in this area we are going to add some more but at this point i'm just kind of trying to make some of these connections through here and i think that these are some good ones and this creates some kind of interesting this creates some interesting blocks as well and i like that it's uh kind of a more nets it's a more natural development pattern than uh is existed in other parts of the community we're just kind of flowing these roads together in some ca in some cases having some interesting coincidences happen so when i'm developing large swaths of low-density residential areas i sometimes like to go through and do a whole bunch of zoning or do a whole bunch of roadway design like this uh this is the kind of thing i don't get to do with my job so for me it's a lot of fun uh you don't have to do it this way but i do think that it can make things a little uh a little easier to predict in terms of infrastructure development so i'm thinking of this all as is planning work so all of this is is being planned ahead of time not necessarily being built although we know that i'm building it right now so and i i really really like the way that this is turning out [Music] um that said we do have some significant in significant needs so i think we're going to take care of some of those right now continue some of the patterns that we already have established so we have kind of this corridor of commercial development and then we're going to have some residential development right behind it and we're just going to fill this entire area in not overly concerned about how orderly it is necessarily this will fill in the only thing i want to make sure is that we aren't going to break our path connections and i notice over here that we have path connections that we could make that we never did so i'm gonna make those now much better much much much better and i think it would be great to add some landscaping behind here this would buffer some of these residential uses from the noise of this arterial this is really functioning as a highway at this point very minimal access so we want to get some big landscaping back there significant landscaping and kind of varied up and i've demonstrated before so i didn't it's funny as i'm as i'm building this it's really difficult for me to see uh the the amount of mitigation that adding trees places but i time lapse this and it's it's incredibly evident and to me that makes total sense uh planners will often recommend landscaping as a means of mitigating noise um that that can that can be problematic for certain types of uses and people do this intuitively you'll see a row of arbor arborvitae or something in someone's yard to buffer uh from the noise associated with a busy road it's it's a natural thing to do and i think it's one of those things that in game you might not always think about that you need to so we're having water problems again and now i'm gonna go back to the to uh the past and just crank up the dollar amount that we're spending on this because i don't really feel like addressing this right now i'm also gonna look at this so we have our water um our water usage that we could modify here which kind of see does that does that impact yeah it's water and sewage and maybe at that point we could take this down we'll see what kind of impact that has so we're going to need to do maybe a mixture of both so 120 and this is a stop gap solution in my mind it's significantly more expensive to do this you could see that we're not generating nearly as much revenue as we were in fact i think that this policy might be really damaging because it's by building and to kind of get the same level of of impact we could crank the dollar amount up that we're spending percentage-wise i guess we're not getting necessarily the same bang for our buck [Music] and that's certainly not as is as useful because you look at this at this policy and it just now we're completely fine but it just kills our budget you can see it's just going down that said i want to build rapidly so we're going to deal with that we're at 41 000 we're growing quickly and with this land that we've now allocated for development i think that if we can meet the needs of our industrial and and uh in commercial zones we might be okay we might be able to get to it to our 50 000. [Music] okay so we've got water serving this entire area we still have a really significant industrial need and i don't want to fulfill it right now truthfully the one thing i could do if i really was was desperate to to fulfill this would be to come up with some sort of industrial development back here but i'm not all that interested in that just yet i do kind of want to look yeah there's not much else that we could do in terms of specialized development in this area i want to keep this clean i guess this is you can see there's a yellow tinge so maybe i could extend this out here we'll have some more food production in this area it's probably about as far as i can go so some urban farming at this point explicitly known to be urban farming and i didn't make a roadway connection through here i think at the time i was thinking this is a good area for a park or kind of a grassy area behind it behind this neighborhood i've changed my mind we are going to use eminent domain and blast a road through there to make it quick connection and i think i'm going to take this neighborhood and d-zone it for agriculture which would never happen uh once once you lose that agriculture on a land it's it's gone for good basically that said this is a game and we can do what makes us happy and that's what makes me happy right now okay so now we have a significant commercial demand i think we're gonna flank this area with another neighborhood shopping center and then we're gonna load up on residential but before we do that i do want to protect this road from me so i'm going to add that path connection along here just to make sure i don't inadvertently zone [Music] just a little bit of insurance that that i won't make a big mistake i also want to look at this roadway network i don't think i completed it everywhere i want to make some connections these are really big blocks i think we need to break it up one time at a minimum take some targeted connections through there now we have more reasonable block sizes you could walk this much much much much easier than before and before we plan out our residential development we're going to want to look at our school situation clear need for a high school i think we're going to place that in this local road over here clear need for an elementary school every time basically that you develop a residential neighborhood there's probably going to be a need for an elementary school or two uh that's not all that dissimilar to to actual development you develop a a whole neighborhood there's a significant chance you're gonna need to look at the school situation because it's going to break down eminent domain in that house to build a school so we're at the edge of our high school and our elementary availability even though we have a lot of elementary schools and a number of high schools it's the demand is just high in this community now we haven't done anything with transit in a while i don't think i'm going to do anything today but in the future we're going to want to serve all these residential areas with transit because otherwise we're forcing all those people into their cars interestingly we're not breaking down from a roadway network standpoint maybe not interestingly i'm not surprised i think that because of the way that we have planned the roadway network reasonably transit's helpful but not necessary and that might not be what people want to hear uh it's it's it's the in the game if you use proper roadway hierarchy you put your signals in the right location you're probably not in dire need of significant amounts of transit but i believe in it anyway so i'm gonna put it in and i like the challenge of getting uh your traffic flow as high as you can it's absolutely high as you can so let's look at our park situation not a lot over here so let's get something in place [Music] so we'll have a couple of parks over here not a lot i don't think it's gonna be super necessary that we get a ton maybe a basketball court [Music] and then we're just gonna fill this in lots and lots of residential development i think we could be really uh judicious about the use of residential along this collector it's not ideal but it does happen routinely you end up with pretty significant residential development along a collector road it certainly has an impact on on the desirability of the land but people still buy it if the community it was a good place to live housing stock is limited there are a variety of scenarios where it uh can be desirable despite despite its uh the situation of being on a collector just kind of made a couple of small connections through here to break this block up a little bit and we're going to finish this area up with zoning and then i want to do a little bit of detailing just landscaping nothing significant but i think it's important to as you bring these neighborhoods in think about the experience that people would have at the ground level what people experience are trees they experience uh the the natural and built environment so it's important to keep track of both of those [Music] all right so lots of growth one thing that i know is hindering our development though is power at this point so again i think we are going to play the crank up the budget game and just crank this up to 150 for now we'll have enough power to get by for the time being and residential demand is uh you know really plummeting i think a big thing that we can attribute to that is number one the amount of zoning available that will lower the demand and the rest of it is you know the need for jobs i'm kind of curious when we go into city statistics what are we looking at right now obviously our population is going through the roof we've had some death things happen but employment percentage is what i'm interested in and you can see that we're dropping we're around 90 percent and i i think that that is because we don't have enough industrial and commercial so i said i wanted to cool it a little bit on the industrial but i'm gonna extend this out a little bit i think it's i think there's a need i do want to place this arterial though in the future we're gonna want that there and i don't want to inadvertently place a local road in the way so this would generally occur under an official map at least in my state you'd make sure that that right of way is reserved so you don't end up in a situation where the community inadvertently allows development to occur in a place where that right-of-way is needed for another use alright so now we've got these connections made let's get water into this area and then we'll have this be kind of a larger industrial district i am concerned about this area uh the the primary reason is it's not good to concentrate this amount of industrial development it clogs up roads but it does help us reach colossal city and get a floating cafe so i guess you take the winds where you can and the losses where you have them oh we're so close to a museum of modern art okay and we can build a cathedral at some point we'll get there but i want to crank this up i do want to pay attention to the uh kind of the congestion in this area i think we we certainly need a collector over here we only have one block width of of of this neighborhood and i think that that would increase in the future and make it a little bit more palatable to to to you know continue to make a connection over here so i'm noticing that our traffic flow is dipping a bit not a big deal but i'm just a little curious why are we dropping besides population growth that would do it but uh what is spurring some of this out i want to make sure i didn't make any mistakes and i think we're good i think we're really good there's a mistake there is a well first of all i need to not be in the zoning view um right here miss the stop sign it's clearly the reason why our traffic is getting worse over time no i you know this is this is a transit issue in my mind i think that we're in a spot where it's just impossible for people to get anywhere without hopping in their car and we're gonna have to remedy that in the future but you know 84 traffic flow is pretty good i'm not worried at this level and i'm certainly not worried until i see things stopping this to to me is more problematic than anything else and there are ways even to address that this again could have probably been a candidate for a roundabout or some other treatment but it's not that bad okay so we have melotza commercial demand again so what that probably means is we could use another neighborhood shopping center or an extension of this district over here [Music] but i also kind of want to make sure maximizing density in all the areas that we already have developed but this really does seem like the most logical spot that and over here there's not much else besides commercial and industrial that we could develop near these uh these wind turbines so let's extend these commercial districts out just a little bit [Music] so clearly that's not going to be enough to get us where we need to be but it is going to make a difference it's and at this point every little bit helps so there's a some things that we could do over here that i think might be beneficial as well uh we have some traffic issues over here but they're not that significant so i'm going to extend this out another block and i think i might just bring this entire industrial district one block closer to the highway we'll make that purchase of that tile worth our while by adding one two three four five six seven blocks worth of industrial it's actually a lot now the really the thing i'm most curious about is if you look we don't even have to extend utilities as long as we don't cross this road same thing over here with water or without with a commercial so i'll kind of extend it i'll extend the exact same pattern now these would not be really well producing commercial properties imagine what customers do you have besides the people over this industrial district getting off from work and coming over here to your store full of dead bodies yeah big bite taking the hearse out of here all right there's still someone there i guess there were multiple dead bodies at the big bite remind me not to eat there same thing at the appliance door dead bodies so this is probably because we were emptying these cemeteries and they are now empty so let's get these operational again and then maybe just maybe all these bodies will be removed from these buildings although we might just be going through a death spike right now based on when things things occur you can end up in those those kind of waves of of death and you see that one block did a world of difference in balancing out our rci and got us a lot closer to where we want to be in terms of population so i might kind of i might just create a grid to finish out this area [Music] so this is admittedly a very boring area it's industrial i feel like whenever you're developing an industrial area being i guess is as uniform and predictable as you can it isn't necessarily a problem it certainly doesn't make for an interesting roadway layout but in an industrial area particularly when you have massive industrial areas which i would 95 of the time encourage you to avoid um predictability is fine predictability is actually probably in your best interest [Music] we've had a lot of of uh commercial and industrial development over here i think i'm going to have a little bit of residential development because i think now we're finally in a place where it's far enough away from all of the noxious uses that it's suitable let's take a look at the kind of the sound cone with yeah this is the the very closest that we should probably get because there's lots of sound pollution in this area so we could certainly use schools [Music] i will place a couple of schools over here and a park absolutely would be necessary over here that said we do have this floating cafe so we'll take that as an opportunity in this area and since we have no boats coming through here might as well use the water as we see fit because nothing else is going to come over here so there are a few other areas i kind of want to see the topography so let's see 20ish meters 30 in some areas that would be a very high floating cafe [Music] we're still going to do it there we go [Music] very nice so let's take a look again at our traffic we're good there police coverage five percent crime rate not bad we do have uh we're doing okay with jail jail availability we could probably do better fire hazard significant fire hazard so we're going to want to take care of that this will help some of our industrial areas level up which in turn will ensure that uh we don't need to build more industrial than we actually need we're experiencing the exact same thing over in this district i think i'm going to relocate this this firehouse over to the residential part of this area and build a proper fire station i think a firehouse would be totally reasonable in this new neighborhood over here though and that will prevent this city becoming a little mini verde beach although without natural disasters dlc we're going to be fine another firehouse and we should really have drastically reduced our uh fire hazard down to 23. that's a lot better than where we were i'll take that so let's take a look at our schools and at this point we're kind of just putting out many fires so our elementary school availability we're meeting it the same thing with high school it's on the edge university we're fine public library uh we have two that's good healthcare we have not done anything with healthcare for a while so we're gonna need at a minimum some clinics and probably probably going to want to think about child care and death care as well their child care and elder care as well so i think we're going to sneak in an elder care facility use eminent domain and a whole bunch of stuff over here we'll use the elder care facility as the buffer between the industrial and everything else no that's terrible i can't do that we have to respect the elderly and that is not respecting them so thanks grandma you are the buffer between the factories and my house okay same thing with child care yeah we have significant swaths of the community with zero access to child care as a father i can tell you that child care is immensely important to be able to access and it's probably one of the things that's most forgotten about by just communities in general not gonna just blame planners or elected officials i think it's everybody it's a use that's easy to forget about but one that's necessary everywhere and everyone has a different preference do you want your child care to be close to your place of employment do you want it to be close to home i've gone both ways uh i think i'm i've settled more on the i would much rather have my child care close to my home um place but that doesn't mean that that's how everyone feels so you kind of need to have child care all over the place and now we're in a very good spot with our children's healthcare elder care yeah we're we're in a spot i will improve this as well there we go so it's not perfect but it's much much better truthfully i'm guessing that this would be a very suitable place for elder care i'm just really dubious about knocking down this many commercial buildings but i'll do it anyway i care for the elderly and i want them to be in a good spot and you know so one of the hottest things being built right now interestingly enough at least in my area is senior housing subsidized senior housing with the baby boomer population aging out of their homes and wanting to downsize it's very popular at this point to get to build these sorts of structures they're becoming towers uh baby boomers are wanting to live in more urban areas kind of the inverse of what you saw with millennials um just just a few years back and uh it's interesting and that's one of the things that planners often think about is the trends to anticipate and it can be tough who would have thought that we'd be in this situation with uh the world order that we're that we're in right now it's just not not one that was on anyone's radar and it's the same thing with housing preferences you can survey people and ask them all the questions that uh you think would be beneficial and you might get wrong so with that we are nearing our population threshold so that's a very exciting news to add on a full uh you know 25 000 population this quickly this orderly and with this little impact to our traffic flow and overall city health i think is pretty impressive and some of this traffic that you're seeing is because the city is growing and getting better and bigger um so it's not necessarily concerning to me so we are going to need to do some things in the next episode and we this will be a series now this is at your request i'm very pleased to continue this series so in the next episode we are going to continue to build things out we're going to need to remedy some of these power and water issues that we're putting off and we're gonna need to look at trash processing because as you can tell we were doing fine before but things are gonna start to break down soon so we'll need to take care of that i might build one or two incinerators now but that's not gonna be enough and i know that you know that so we have reached fifty thousand fifty thousand seventy six forty eight population and we've got a nice little city right now i like it we're in a good place and this is because of orderly development placing uses in close proximity to one another so people can walk to where they need to get to we have good transit service in the densest parts of the community but we need to add it everywhere else so that'll be a part of what we do in the next episode but let me know what you thought about this build i'm going to save this save file to the steam cloud and i will leave in the comments a link to it and i thank you for joining me on this journey today uh if you like this video please consider hitting the like button if you're not subscribed to my channel please consider doing so and if you want to be notified when i release new videos hit that notification bell i want to thank my patreon supporters whose names you can see here and i hope that you join me again for the next episode in the series we will end with a brief cinematic of the city starting now [Music] [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 178,426
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Keywords: cities skylines, cities:skylines, how to start a city in cities skylines, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines how to start your first city, cities skylines beginners guide, cities skylines how to start your city, city planner plays cities skylines, how to play cities skylines, cities skylines beginners, cities skylines how to start a city, cities skylines no mods, Cities skylines no dlc, cities skylines tips, cities: skylines, cities skylines xbox one, cities skylines ps4
Id: zSdw3YDhejA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 9sec (5409 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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