Designing an Inner City Mini Transport Hub in Cities Skylines Vanilla!

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hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here we are in the city of antarctica thank you very much for joining me so we are going to build a university today we're going to expand our city today we've got a lot of little issues and problems that have popped up with the builds that we've done our citizens are crying out for aids they're also crying out for techni tea i keep saying tetley t why do i keep saying it it's yorkshire tea i've got boxes of the stuff and techni seems to have been burned am i being brainwashed in my sleep by techni tea are they coming over and trying to steal my loyalties look we've got a yorkshire two van there for everybody to see there we go delivering so let's just zoom out a minute and just take a look at what's going on by the way we also had an expansion to level four for our forestry processing area so let's just take a quick look at the benefits that gives us there we go so we get access to the engineered wood plants the soft paper factory wood chip storage forestry maintenance building and the large tree sapling greenhouse which is fantastic so we'll come back to those buildings another time we'll just let this thing keep ticking away interesting to see yeah we need a bit of a boost in workers so that's fine so a couple of we're going to pause the game because we do have a couple of issues as you can see and i want to keep on top of these because in hard mode things can suddenly go downhill very quickly first of all possibly the easiest one to fix we have a lot of trash problems um so let's have a look at our garbage processing is pretty poor um i think i mean it's all the way over here i mean that isn't totally filled but all the trucks are out all the trucks are out all the trucks are out and all the trucks around you can see them all here they're not really getting caught in a traffic jam there's just quite a few going out but i think they're struggling to get down to this end of town uh we do have a snow dump down here so some sort of facility around the back here would be okay i think so i'm just going to sort of move these out like this and i'm just going to build that and get closer across the back there and we'll go for let's have a look maybe just another recycling plant i could probably fit two on here if it would let me do these roads properly i'm gonna do one for now and hopefully that will cover this side of the road yeah you've got that let's go to the end there we go excellent so almost up in our processing i think we'll go with that we'll see how we go excellent okay let's just pause a sec so what's going on here suddenly everybody's complaining about low land value make sure there are parks and the ground is not polluted now that is weird we did not have a problem with that before and as you can see all of these people here are complaining and these people up here and these people over here now one of the things with and these people up here one of the things with hard mode is that you need much more service coverage to keep people happy so we have a quick look at the land value i mean here is good so these couple of complaints here you can just shut up because you've got high land value down here isn't the best we do have this park over here but i think maybe we could um give these guys and girls just a little cheap dog park in here somewhere i hate the fact that dog park is just a little bit too wide and will affect any paths that we have i'm going to put that right opposite that path there and just see yeah the lines slightly adjusted themselves the green just came out a little bit and maybe yeah ever slightly and maybe just a slightly bigger park on the corner here i think would be nice oh there we go we've got night time kicking into everybody's pleased about that there we go nice do like these sort of parks and we could maybe build sort of around that as well why not let's make that into a where would be coming off of this road here that would be the closest we can get and we can go up to there belong to there just add a little bit of interest take out the houses and just plonk a few trees along here why the heck not we do have a nice amount of money which i'm really pleased with so i'm just gonna do a nice little row of trees just along there excellent we've got some of these small little bushes which we can sort of add around for some detail oh we can hear upgrades going on something's happening yeah there we go so they're not complaining as much down here which is nice and these are still complaining over here i'm surprised that it's such an issue what's going on with this bit of land here nothing we've got this path that goes through [Music] so i'm just wondering if we could do something here it's going to mean deleting that we're going to grab the normal road which isn't really going to please people i don't think i'm going to fit something in it you know if we go like that [Music] they're going to have to rebuild which is fine let's take out that and pop that in and then here i want to squeeze a little in as well uh wrong button that's this one i mean the dog park is like the smallest one oh that was also safe available to us which means we're going to lose something there but we'll go with that we'll get some shops back in and then we can just connect this up again as well let's grab it's this part isn't it we're using okay let's turn off all of my guidelines and see if we can just squeeze that in there we can so they still get their connection through yeah let's go with that over here i don't know why they're complaining it's very weird i know we've got this going through is it the noise i mean the noise is overlapping a little bit it's not huge i'm going to leave that we're going to leave that going and see what happens this up here is terrible as well look that is really bad isn't it okay i'm going to come back to that because i'm not entirely sure what else i can do to fix that now the other thing that we need to fix is we've got a lot of people complaining about not enough educated workers there's quite a few of these around so if we have a look at our education tab and i'm just wondering whether doing our campus is going to help with the lowland value city-wide because you can sort of increase the overall city land value i can show that down here i think average land value there we go yeah so we can sort of beef that up on a city-wide sort of thing but yeah if we look at our education tab so elementary school we have capacity we've got them dotted around um all over the place so that's good high school we're struggling with so that one is pretty much filled these people over here are struggling so let's pop a few more high schools down we've got plenty of money now so it's not an issue i'm gonna go with this one i'm assuming we've got some stops along here and we're getting a bit close to our industry aren't we as well over there now we've got some offices yeah maybe we'll just sort of build something off of here uh like this nothing too big there we go we're gonna change that to some shops and then we'll pop in i'll do that to one side there yeah and then we can add in a nice little park alongside that something school related the tennis courts yeah everybody loves tennis in the snow had plenty of comments about that but that's good anyway that'll give more access to these people over here you've got i wonder what suddenly changed for the land value to do that yeah that's gonna that's gonna fox me for a while that is okay well i might look into that a little bit more in a minute um yeah so high school coverage now we've got better coverage you've got better capacity i should say university we have none and we have eligible 3112 so for instance if we take a look at this building here they would like one highly educated worker if we look at this building here they were abandoned because education was too low so that is basically the next thing we need to do and we saw the beer marks of this area over here for our campus now we've got some noisy facilities here which is fine um when we've got recycling center but we're not going to get any pollution from that are we [Music] i think we are a little bit aren't we when that starts filling up but i'm wondering if we can sort of just take a bit of this as a campus and it could even go over the road so for instance if we took like this road up here and we could do something with it over there and then we'd need another way into the campus so how about we sort of went like i feel like i want that there so that could be the way into the campus would that go straight across there i think that's a junction right by a junction but yeah i don't mind that let's do that now let's just check our road configuration let's just keep the game running so don't need stop signs there don't need oh let's shut that menu chuck that menu i was gonna say i probably don't need stop signs there yes they can come in this way rather than coming here through you know the tram entrance and all this other stuff that's going on here how's this guy going six trucks out look it's already almost full that is nuts there is so much trash out there that is really bad um and i can't fit this one alongside here because of the road let's just see if i can redraw that road in will it there we go excellent so i'm going to put a second one over here wow we're going to be spending so much money on these but we just need to get these going so here here we go so let us jump into our education and campus we've got two choices we've got trade school liberal arts and university which doesn't open until 28 000 population and we're having lots of people leaving at the minute probably because of low land value darn you um so let us get this in down here and i'm thinking i would like that right opposite there there we go so when you come in you see this imposing building set back from the road which is great and that has now changed this campus area too let's swing around this way campus area aha so we need a name for our campus area uh let me know snow related tea related all the usual things and yeah we'll try and do something with that i feel like we need a little bit of light i do enjoy seeing the city at night but let's get some light so we can find it a little bit easier to build [Music] ah there we go that's a little bit better excellent so let's swing it down this way and see what options we have um i do like all the little parts path connections that we get off of here so trade school path with decorations we have the trade school dormitory we have the trade school study hall we have the groundskeeping and we have the book club and that is it okay so dormitory wise i'm thinking maybe off down the side here would be good um you know because we do have this road up here which i think actually i'm gonna upgrade to the one with sound barriers along here let's just see how much of a difference that makes with the sound so i mean barely overlapping over here and i've done this before and i'll get people saying why don't you upgrade both sides and it's normally because look there we go i've only needed to do one side and it stopped any sound i can't do that one leaking out of here which is good um is there any other highways that could do with sound barriers yeah this up here could do oh yeah i can't do that can i because they're too close together all right yeah that will do oh my goodness so many people dying although we're growing look so i don't know what that land value thing is i think it might be just a little little bug or something or you'll probably let me know in the comments the stupid bone edge thing i've done okay so let's bring these up here for a start how big are these dormitories quite large but they've got some space behind so i'm thinking if we can go would they fit in the other way if i had like a path going there they wouldn't fit in that way okay that's fine so i'm gonna put one there and then one there or one next to it here yeah i'm gonna do one next to it here with a little gap in between and we'll take this and we'll just bring that up to there for now there we go with the nice lights coming down the side here yes okay we can well we know there's no sound coming down here we can put a load of trees make that look nice that'll be good um and then this little section here i'm going to bring that all the way across we can add in our groundskeeping and they can have their own little area that is going to be there and then we've got the book club um which i think might as well go the other side here and i think that'll look quite nice yeah i think that looks okay i feel like i need to move it over a bit you know what i'm going to leave it i'm going to leave it there i think that's all right and then we've got our study hall so obviously where they're going to go to study i want this to be maybe off over to the side here a little bit so i'm going to sort of come up to there how big is this yeah we're going to pop that against this one there we go excellent and we're going to take that up the side excellent overlaps nicely but that one doesn't let's go a bit higher nope it's going to be up there okay that's fine oh everyone seems quite happy and now we're getting people upgrading you can hear the little ding ding ding so just having these in here look now our average land value is 42. so i'm wondering whether because i do know like i said hard mode needs more services and services of course affect land value as well as other things i'm just wondering whether this average land value thing is going to be something we need to really keep an eye on so yeah we'll see how that goes i'm going to pop that there and then you need some over here i'm going to just carry that all the way along that's going to be covered that's going to be covered yep heating availability is fine water availability is fine there we go excellent so what are we getting in here so students we can have 500 we need to get to the next level campus attractiveness we're almost there so let me just do a little bit of detailing and that might just take us over that limit so okay there we go so students we've got absolutely tons of students we've got a capacity for 1112 we needed 500 so we can get to the next level attractiveness yet we're over that so all we need is two academic works now you will probably remember this from before we can give money to academic works and there's a percentage chance of creating them uh that increases more academic staff so this is twenty thousand um a week so um there is absolutely no way we're gonna be able to afford that i'm gonna go for i'm gonna go for the 1000 and we'll see what happens there and it's going to be an i.t and engineering oh that costs give a research grant to 50 000. um what does the research grant actually do because that is not tied to this is it i know we haven't got enough money for doing that anyway i'm not entirely sure but could we do any of these so visiting scholars increase faculty bonus 25 percent increase faculty upkeep by 25 what's our upkeep at the moment quite a bit uh free lunch one dollar students increases happiness maybe not doing those at the moment because we don't need to so i think we're just gonna leave it like that and wait until that grows a bit and we get more people in and look no one's complaining about land value anymore nice what are we at 43 that's probably because all the people that were complaining have now moved out yikes so we'll have to see how that goes um let's have a quick look at any mass transit we have around here so we've got our trams are literally stopping um right outside uh tram there we go so i don't think we need to change that i don't think we need to bring the tram into this area they can walk out from there that is fine and maybe we could just add a couple of three walking paths just here and there for people to get across if they want to let's add one here over here they can get through i feel like we could connect this area to over here would be good um yeah let's see if we can do it here yeah we're going to take out a fence that's fine this is going to be temporary at some point there we go we're going to end up sort of upgrading this area but just making it easier for people to get in and they can cross over yeah i think that's okay they can all get across here all right excellent i feel like this bit at the front here we do have a need for some shops so let's put some low density shops in there and we've got an auto save excellent quick super tea i could do that so we could probably do with allowing this to run for a little bit one more thing i'm going to do we have a need for some industry or offices we could just add some offices down here just to block any noise or anything that comes over from this side we've got the trees over there i don't think having some offices there is such a bad idea there we go and this is all going to slowly fill in which is exactly what we need [Music] and there we go look people are loving this path over here to get over to our university so that is just what we needed and this is filled in quite nicely we've got some bookstores some wine and liquor this bookstore's facing the other way that's fine i like the fact that it's backed on on two different sides excellent looking good we've got a bit of a an office block there on the corner that's okay maybe a big high-powered solicitors or something like that and a few smaller buildings as well i think that just fits in with this area really nice i can hear lots of people upgrading which is fantastic yeah everyone's really happy with the city excellent cool okay right so i want to get this little slot here done so i think it was last episode we sort of turned it into a mini little teeny tiny transfer hub sort of thing and i asked your ideas as well what to put in here a couple of episodes ago so i'm gonna go and check out the comments and see what we can come up with okay just while we're doing that we're getting some electricity problems which are affecting us over here so i'm gonna add in a another geothermal plant and i like this sort of pattern that we've got going here what's that one geothermal heating plant geothermal power plant oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what i'm doing what the heck's the difference i know what the difference is so we're gonna pop one of these on i wonder whether to face that the other way no let's do it like that let's do it that way and that bumps that up ideally what i'm aiming to do is to get my budget back down to just um a hundred percent um or 101 because it's a tiny little boost but it gives you an extra truck or an extra vehicle in that category that's why i do that so i'm going to do i haven't got buses yet i don't have trolleybuses but i'm going to do it with all of these before i forget there we go but ideally i'd like my water and my power to have enough and not be so high because it's costing us so much money let's just have a look at our water options because we have unlocked now the large water tower so we've been using the water tower which gives us 60 000 meters cubed a week upkeep 300 this is upkeep 900 but gives us 160 000 meter cubed way to probably one of these somewhere and we will probably solve our problem could we perhaps pop that in the middle of this roundabout here for no other reason than it means it will be in the middle of a roundabout let's do that i'm just trying to get me markers on so i can line this up there we go all my guidelines are on let's go back here i'm going to run that there you go i'm going to put that across there and then that is probably about as near to the middle as we're going to get so i'm going to pop that on there and it does this weird thing where it puts a divot into the ground i have no idea where why it does that oh because we're playing vanilla that's probably why but then that's okay could i just hide it with some of this oh darn it that needs heating pipes as well okay let's upgrade this to a heating pipe there we go and of course it's probably going to need electricity which for now we're just going to run a cable over here it's going like that and we'll just come straight into there oh darn it let's just go straight into there that will do that will do for now so let's see what that's going to do to our water okay that's going to bump that way up high which is fantastic so then it's just sewer treatments if we come back over here to where we were before i've just got turned around a bit there we go so where's our sewer treatment here so we've got the eco inland water treatment plant do we have something better now we have the eco inline water treatment plant that's the same thing and that is the biggest that we've got at the moment so i'm thinking maybe we'll just pop some of these in what is that going to give us another 60 000 meters cubed a week and one of these cost us 600 a week let's pop three of those in there we go they're on sewage treatment through the roof so let's pop this down to what we do 101 percent and see what we're doing so we can actually save ourselves some money which is fantastic we go and when we've got a bit more money we'll put a bit more electricity in to keep us covered but i think we're doing okay for the moment yeah we're not going to get quite down to 100 yet are we up that a little bit there we go excellent very good oh now of course we're having a huge drop in temperature which means lots of people are complaining about our lack of heating which at the moment i've been using the geothermal heating plant which i can afford to do another one and i would love to have that here lined up with this one here so i am going to pop that one in um and then we are going to let's connect that this way there we go so that should take us well over the limit of what we need there we go excellent so any more drops in temperature will be fine right so we're just looking at our transportation view at the moment because a lot of you said to use this little section as a transport hub of sorts and as you know we have done um with our trams that we've got going here and just looking at the routes that we've got uh we've got two routes that go around here i believe one goes clockwise and one anti-clockwise yeah which is bringing in a lot of people here um let's just have a look so that will be these two here so yeah lots of people using those which is fine so they need to be adjusted a bit and probably could do with another one let's get that up to five on there any minute now there we go so that's the blue line um our purple line probably could do with another one or two on there i'm gonna up that to six and that's five and that's six there we go but then the other lines a lot of you were saying to split them so if we just turn off so we can see we'll turn off that one and turn off that one so i've just got this one extra line here the first one it turned around at the end here comes through our little transport hub we're going to build it goes up this main line alongside the bridge i haven't seen my last episode yet where i put this in i think i mean i've seen it i mean you haven't seen it yet i haven't seen your comments is what i'm trying to say so if anyone had any different ideas um but we've got that going up there and then it goes round our residential and back again but it also splits off to come up here to our industry and a lot of people said to do a separate one for the industry so what i'm going to do is just take out all the industry stops that are up here for now there's one over there and then there should be just two on that road if i missed one let's go around let's go down let's go along i feel like i've missed one somewhere otherwise i've got no reason to come up this road oh yeah i've got here and then here and then we've got this is the road i was thinking i was on before there we go and then down here and then it will stop going up there there we go so that's going to stay going up and down this main road and back again and then what we could do so i'm just looking at the stops we've got quite often we've got stops here i want stops here as well and as it's separate from the road and it's not going to cause any problems i'm going to do that um then we've got stops there we could can we put stops here yeah because it stops there as well so that will help these guys and girls and we've got stop stop stop stop stop splits off stop at the transfer and then stops down the main road yeah excellent and then what i'm going to do is add another one in here um so i can do a new line i don't want to do them all on top of each other and we've got quite a few coming in here let's just move that one if i can over there and that one as well i'm gonna get the people running and then we've got another stop in the middle there and then we'll do a new stop there and this one is going to go up the main line um so it's also going to stop at the same places so it's going to overlap this one a little bit there and here but then it is going to cut across and go up here so now we're going to stop oh another quick auto save sympathy now we're going to do our stops up here and this is going to oh we can stop right outside the school can't go up there obviously um yeah we'll do one there now this is going to go around our industry area so it's separated out yes i'm putting the stops in different places spreading them out a little bit more i think there we go and then it's going to come back down here on the opposite side and it's going to stop there it's going to stop there yeah that'll be good then we'll stop all the way down there and then hang on a sec oh i started on the wrong side of the road didn't i should have gone up there and then back down there again um so if i do complete line there but then what i'll do is i'll move that to this side of the road i think it's still going all the way around let me just fix that i'll be right back with you oh of course it has to go the other side isn't it so what we'll do is we'll add some stops in as it's going to come down here anyway um we'll add some stops where there's obviously other stops so there's a stop i can't really see let's turn these on again put the yellow one on because that comes down here there's a stop there there's a stop here uh drag line to add stop there we go and this side give me the purple no give it a purple yes there we go and then we'll have one out here as well there we go excellent so it just it does overlap this other one a little bit but it takes in this area up here fantastic so hopefully that'll work a bit better and then so that one was our purple one how many vehicles 13 oh wow there is so many people already waiting at this at these stops that is just nuts i might just leave that on 13 because that's a lot of people wanting to get to work and we'll see how that goes and then the other thing i want to add into this area here as well is buses because even though we have these tram lines go up the main bit there's no buses sort of in the middle we are relying on a lot of people walking but i think a nice little bus set up here would be good as well now we don't really have at all any roads where the bus lanes on that's not something you're going to get in here so i'm just wondering whether to do something like this just to add in a road across there and then a road up here i don't want it to intersect with that one like that and then we could take a path yeah this ain't ever in a million years gonna let me put a path in there is it nope i'll get a bit closer go no okay let's make this road a little bit smaller so if we go oh let's put on me snapping if i go to there let's turn off row guidelines oh yes the beauty of no mods let's go there instead and then see if i can go from here yes x and there we go so now they can get across onto here and we can put a couple of bus stops on here so we do need a bus depot of course we do uh we have the biofuel bus depot what's that 1200 a week 900 a week fifty thousand or thirty seven thousand i think we're just going to go for the bog standard bus depot and i think that's gonna go over here where we have at the moment all of our different service type vehicles and that actually fits in there rather nicely doesn't it yeah i'm liking that and i think i'm also going to just grab this gravel path can i just put like two in there just to sort of fill in that area a bit and maybe one over here yeah i think that's good that's fine excellent and then we can add some bus stops in so let's oh we do have these bus roads don't we of course of course of course i was thinking of smaller ones for this area but never mind so what i'm going to do is i want to run like a bus up let's just take a look at our road so this road here is almost like a cut through road and we've got this main road down here but i'm thinking if it can come up here and up there and just back again it would cover most of this area without it being a big problem so let's see if we take that one there and then we're going to stop every other block along here like that like that that's a bit close let's go let's change this let's go there and there and there and then it can turn around over there okay it's going to do that we could just loop it around do you know i'm going to loop it around instead then we're going to go every other block alternate to that and then we can bring it down here and be on the other side of the road everybody's really happy about this do you know what i'm going to bring these back i'm going to come down here look instead take that in and then go around here and up the other side and join it and then we'll go the opposite block um we'll skip this one i think shall we i'm a bit worried it's a bit near to the there we go then we'll go there and then we'll go there yeah something like that so it covers all of this and we also of course have our high school down here but if i bring that down there it's then going to swing onto the main road to come back so i think this stop here will have to do for those wanting to get to the high school um there's people waiting there already which is great let's see how many buses that's going to do four vehicles is that the maximum five all right we're going to change the color of that and there's already people getting there which is great and then i'm wondering whether so this tram goes all the way around the outside i think these people here are pretty well serviced and i think to be honest most of these are as well yes that should be okay look here come our buses so let's follow this new bus oh just enjoying the views of our city even though it's a snow city you get the nice colors of the buildings and i just think it looks fantastic doesn't it and he loves it so much he's coming around for another look what a guy okay so we want to keep an eye on how many people end up waiting over here but we could use this to add some more stops in maybe some other roads up here for some other stops here we go it's coming in to pick them up just wonder whether we could sort of maybe change this to be one way in the one way out instead of that because he's got to swing it round quite a big swing at the end doesn't he we went up here i'm just going to be too close to that one oh let's leave it like that let's just let's just leave it like that look and these are coming off to transfer to the bus ah that is brilliant so let's just take a quick look at other line uh how that's doing so we've got that one there so the new tram line to the industry that was the purple one wasn't it yeah there it is oh wow you've got tons of people waiting here and we've got tons of people waiting up here and these ones are all empty okay so they're all sort of working their way through which is fantastic so we've got a bit more money um so let's just have a quick look at our budget again with our aim to getting this down do you know what actually i think we're so close we can put that down can't we why did i not put that down before down to 101 and that's 101 we do need a little bit more electricity but i'm just going to leave it like that for now excellent excellent excellent and just looking at our campus area we're nearly at the end of the first year so as we said i mean we've only got 32 chance i wonder if i just whack this up just for the rest of the year and just see what happens i mean it's 36 percent 32 percent is that um base chance academic staff it really doesn't add that much more for a whole heap of money doesn't it i mean that is just nuts and we're losing money like mad i'm gonna forget it i'm gonna just leave it on what it was oh it's a thousand wasn't it and we're just gonna go with that yeah okay just done a little bit of research of course the research grant i've just checked on the wiki will result in one additional academic work regardless of the number created by chance so we could force one at least and let's go for it and engineering so we paid for that one and then we might get a second one because of this so let's just keep the game going to the end of the year and we may just may jump up to the next level let's see what happens and here it comes the next year yay excellent we've unlocked a new reputation level fantastic it says plus one but we've unlocked i'm confused oh no these are the things we had anyway isn't it trade school ground keeping study hall no we haven't unlocked the next one got two toga parties going on which is good yeah we've only got one academic work so darn it we need to go another year to see whether we'll get our second one again i could just pay for it outright we might just see as we get towards the end of the year but as for now we don't have any extra to pop in okay [Music] [Music] okay so we've got some space at the back here if we wish to bring in another road with some other buses to go to other parts of our city which i'm sure we will do as we expand over here so i'm going to leave this space free um so this is a nice little transport hub i feel like i want to just give this its own little zone um through here so then we can give it its own cheeky little t related transport related name which i know you lovely people are going to come up with because you're just so fantastic with coming up with names for so it's for the university and for our transport hub as well do you know what actually i'm going to do the transport hub we're going to have transporty heights love it there we go default style excellent that is what that's going to be called beat into it you need to be quicker obviously cool okay that's good so we're just gonna quickly check uh what we've got going on here there's tons of people here look there's 200 waiting here um and not enough buses to pick them all up so we're going to add that up to eight then we're just gonna go through these ones here so what have we got hundred and sixteen hundred something gets down here it's filled up so seventeen 20. i mean this is just ram in these lines isn't it it's absolutely ram in the lines this one is okay they're keeping on top of that that was two number three 16 23 14 yet they're keeping up with that and number four we've got 26 up there when it loops around some time it gets here it's filled up uh down here these are mostly sort of almost filled up let's go for 15 on that and we'll there we go and see how that goes excellent so i'd like to expand a little bit as well um looking perhaps um over here let's have a look so yeah this plot of land over here what can we do so we've got this big road the collector that comes through here joins this other collector which goes up to the highway here which is humming along nicely um it is gonna need more connect collectors in the middle here definitely um because some of these blocks are going to be huge i'll tell you what let's i'm going to start using the two-lane road with trees and we are going to mimic these grid shapes we've got here so these are 1650 so what does that bring us to 1650 yeah so that was 12 long wasn't it so we're going to have these along here i'm going to pop these in and then we're going to just sort of see what the shape looks like and whether we're going to have to because at some point it's going to bend to match over here isn't it so let's just pop this in and see how it goes okay so that's what it's going to give us which i think is okay we've got a few little odd spaces which i don't mind because that adds a bit of interest and it is going to follow this grid for now and but once we get past this road we're gonna start transitioning into other types of building um this along here yeah i think well it's quite a large block isn't it um i didn't want too many roads coming onto the main road here but i think that's going to be okay let's just check our junctions yeah it's popped all of those in so if we adjust roads grab that road and make that a priority road coming through there and then we'll just double check the junctions that it's given us so we'll turn off those stop signs turn off that and we'll get stop signs and we'll do that all the way along here as it's coming onto a connector and we'll do that there this may end up being a traffic light we'll see how it goes i mean this one's managed okay isn't it all we've got traffic lights there we don't need that and we're probably gonna get that along here as well yeah so we'll change that we'll change that and then at the end here we'll just leave that as it is oh we've got it here don't need that don't need that don't need that that should be it oh no one more anymore for any more no you're good actually i'm going to remove that for now because there's no traffic excellent excellent excellent so i am thinking about having a sort of shopping precinct in the middle here if we delete some of these roads maybe even these two as well it's gonna cost us a lot i mean the poshma we've got is 56 000 the mall of moderation which actually i still think it's quite a nice build that could go in here as well um and then we've also got the hyper market quite a lot of noise in those three but i think you know we could bring that in here and do something rather nice but we have reached the end of this episode so if you've enjoyed it please leave a like don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss out on our modded series tomorrow and as we continue this unmodded vanilla series the day after that and thank you for your continued support as well i do appreciate it have a fantastic day see you soon bye [Music]
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 110,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to start your city, how to start a city in cities skylines, cities skylines no mods, cities skylines vanilla, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines traffic fix, cities skylines fix your city, cities skylines how to start your first city, cities skylines vanilla lets play, cities skylines transport hub
Id: Fh31S4dd9O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 35sec (2735 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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