Which Are The Best Cities Skylines Content Creator Packs & Why?

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[Music] hello people and welcome back to another city skyline today video and we're all having a wonderful day today we're going to have a look at the content creator packs i'm also going to bring in the stadiums visual pack into this list as well just so we can place it somewhere but mainly we'll be focusing on the eight content creator packs that have been released for city skylines so content creator packs they kind of function as micro dlcs and very much focus on adding very unique assets into the game and there are some really good ones here as well before we do get started just a quick thank you for all the support on these two videos you guys are really enjoying them i really appreciate that and i'm happy to make them and we have had a few requests for a vanilla map tier list as well we'll definitely do that but either way let's get started with ranking the content creator pack shall we and we'll start out here with art deco i'm going to pour this into a healthy beetier so the art deco content creator pack adds in three new uniques six residential and six commercial buildings and was developed by matt shrimbley's crooks and it very much does what it says on the tin it adds in very kind of art deco looking assets which of course is a kind of visual arts and architecture movement it was actually appeared in france for the first time before the first world war and i'm going to put it middle of the road because it is quite a specific looking dlc and some of their assets can be quite hard to place at times but but with the three uniques that were added the eddie cavanagh building the penile street and the majesty have all become pretty sword additions into my skylines even though they do have a very distinct visual style to them you can usually get away with placing them in downtowns and the six commercial buildings that were added to the central hotel the chirp cinema the ice cream parlor the laundromat the radio station the starlight hotel of course all continue to follow that very art deco theme and are nice additions into our commercial areas and the residential buildings actually make some really nice repeated patterns that we've used them a few times in my series especially the little kind of blue two-story apartment ones they have a very distinct kind of condo vibe about them and they they are they are nice the reason i'm kind of putting it middle of the road is again because it is a very distinct unique style and but it's by no means a bad content quarterback definitely worth picking up but probably not the first one you should grab so for me it's going to go middle of the road beta next up on the content creator packed here list is bridges and peers and for me this absolutely goes into a must buy so this was developed by andreas amesto cortina and it adds in seven unique roads three train tracks two pedestrian bridges and fourteen types of keys this pack is amazing for those that really like detailing the amount of variation we get alone with the keys makes this pack worth picking up i'm a huge fan of bridges and piers great content great pack the bridges are also really nice as well we kind of get three variations of american and three variations of european all of which have this very nice stone texture to them makes a huge difference in kind of your bridge networks especially the american trust bridge and the two-lane european bridge are two of my favorites the train tracks honestly i haven't found much use for the two one-way tracks that were added at the european rail bridge 102 but the high speed rail ride it looks really good although it should be mentioned that they don't look any different when that on the ground is only as they're elevated with the train tracks that you see the difference and like lies with the new pedestrian paths as well the american pedestrian bridge is really good and a similar story with the european pedestrian bridge i haven't really found a way to use this effectively yet its pillars are a little bit awkward to cross over roads but maybe you guys have found a good way to use it for me i'm still kind of testing the best way to kind of place this type of elevated pathway and again they only take on their new skin once they're elevated when they're on the ground they still function as a regular vanilla walking path but for me the real meat and potatoes of this content crater packs comes with the piers we get a whole brand new sea walls which pedestrians can actually walk on so their function is walking paths as well and pre-bridges and piers the only things we had to decorate waterfronts were the vanilla keys which whilst they have their place and are slightly more industrial looking having the ability to decorate especially really heavy commercial waterfronts and kind of waterfront parks with these new types of keys makes a huge huge difference to how our cities actually look so if you're kind of looking to change up the aesthetic of your city bridges and pairs does it really well so for me if you're without bridges and pairs and you like detailing and taking time to add all these little intricate details onto the waterfront especially the piers and the new bridges make a huge difference to that so bridges and piers 100 i must buy content create a pack for me next up we have european suburbia and this is going to go into 80 for me so the european suburbia pack was developed by moderate samantha of any woods and brings in 81 new residential buildings which are very much inspired from european cities in england germany sweden denmark netherlands you kind of get a general vibe for them once you see them and there's nothing really wrong with this park and it is very much residential focused and in my opinion the assets that are added with this park are much more realistic residential buildings even towards their level kind of fours and fives and i think we can mostly agree a few of the base game vanilla residential assets once they hit their level tears they can become maybe a little bit too eccentric too futuristic maybe that's just my opinion so if you're looking to keep a very realistic looking suburb european suburbia is great for that i'll keep it out of must buy because it is only residential buildings uh there's no commercial or no unique that rider with this pack which isn't a bad thing it's still a really really good content creator pack i use it all the time and i actually kind of prefer the european suburbia assets now because i just find some of the base game at residential assets a little bit too too wild i think is the right word to use maybe that's just because i'm from this side of the world and the residential assets here speak a lot more to me but you can certainly get away with placing them in american themed cities or australasia or kind of far east asia they're definitely not out of place there even though they are very much european themed so european suburbia really good content creator pack adds a lot of new visual assets into the game which is always appreciated so very strong high 80 for me next up we have the high tech buildings content created back and for me this is going to go into a tier alongside european suburbia so this pack was developed by mauro vos and again kind of does what it says on the tin adds in eight new unique buildings which are the electric car factory nano technology center the research center the robotics institute semiconductor plant the software development studio the space shuttle launch site and the television station and we also get two new park assets which are the biodome and the vertical farm and then also five new service buildings which are the choir preservatory the faculty intelligence agency medical laboratory and the wave power plant so all the assets are added with this content creator pack very much follow its theme they're all very high tech looking and can work in a variety of different scenarios i often like including these assets within kind of dedicated power plant builds or very much scientific areas their assets are also quite big as well so they work nicely in downtown settings which is always nice to kind of vary up our skylines a little bit more the two parks that are added to biodome and the vertical farm again two very distinct looking buildings and i've actually used these as part of kind of farm areas so rather than just developing a farm to be a farm i kind of tried to take in more of a hydroponics facility vibe and these assets really helped with that and then likewise as i mentioned with some of the unique buildings like the nanotechnology center and the semiconductor plant all work really nicely alongside power station assets especially like a nuclear power plant and the cryo preservatory building is really nice it's a much more aesthetically appealing crematorium and again the medical laboratory really good looking asset with the faculty building it does function as a higher education but with the campus dlc you almost never use this building and even if you don't have campus the the base game universities and the green cities university are still nicer looking assets in the faculty so i haven't really used it that much so again if you're looking to add a bunch of new unique buildings into your unique buildings tab and i want that very high-tech theme with them then of course the high-tech buildings content created back is going to be for you i use this pack a lot so if you're not a fan of the high-tech vibe this will probably fall a lot lower down on the list view but for me i use these assets all the time in pretty much every city that i make so it's a really strong a to contender for me next up is the modern city center created back and this is going into ammo spy for me so the modern city center pack was developed by jason ditmars and adds in a brand new total of 39 new uh high density commercial assets now to actually get these assets of spawning to paint our district and then change that district style into modern city center and just the assets that are included with this make an enormous difference to downtowns again kind of a similar story with the european suburbia pack i'm not a huge lover of a lot of the high density commercial assets they're kind of plastered in awkward neon signage and the modern city center takes away all that and adds in much more realistic funnily enough modern city center buildings there are some wonderful repeated patterns in here especially with the uh four by four kind of parisian looking ones i've used these up against a waterfront and you can go in to kind of plot the growables or ricoh and organize these buildings to create layers of depth along the street with these assets which looks really really great and for me now i can't really imagine building any kind of high density or downtown area without using the modern city center stuff it's a much more aesthetically appealing high-density commercial alternative so if you're kind of bored of that neon sign blasted high density commercial that we get with the base game modern city center totally changes that and rips it all out for some much nicer and much more realistic looking assets and as kind of a very detailed and aesthetic focused player and this pack really appeals to me it could be lower for some people but makes a huge difference to the downtowns and especially the skylines assets look wonderful at night time so modern city center is an absolute must buy in my opinion next up is pills of the east which is technically a cosmetic pack rather than a content creator pack similar to stadiums but we'll include it in this list anyway just so it's somewhere in one of these i can't really put this into possible because it's a free dlc and was released as the second anniversary for city skylines as a little gift and a thank you to players so i'm going to put it into seats here and you know you can't really pass on it because it's free it doesn't do that much it only adds in at three new unique buildings which are the panda sanctuary the oriental pearl tower which i believe is modeled off the tower in shanghai that could be wrong please correct me if it is and the temple complex and the assets are very very heavily asian themed and it can be quite hard especially in the unmodded game to build an authentic asian city i have managed to use the panda sanctuary in the temple complex as kind of larger central park builds for those following minor various series we all know exactly how we use these but the oriental pill tower stands out like a sole thumb in unmodded cities at least in every instance i've seen it used and we also had um a new tree added as well which is the bamboo which again does have its place but quite hard to use because it's such a distinct species of tree from a very particular part of the world it's okay you can't complain it free dlc right so you certainly can't pass on it if you want some extra free unique buildings then just get this dlc for free but for the majority of my cities i tend to not include the three uniques that i brought with this pack so it's seated but at the end of the day it's free dlc you can't complain it's worth grabbing next up is another cosmetic pack and this is the stadiums one which kind of ties into the match day pack as well i'm gonna have to put this into possible because you can't actually get it anymore so the stadiums dlc was essentially an expansion for the matchday dlc and it added in uh four real life stadiums and these were uh chelsea stamford bridge barcelona new camp at the juventus stadium for juventus and psg's partner prance and it was removed from the store because paradox only had a one year license for this pack and obviously you know you're kind of working with football brands and there's lots of legal licensing involved with that uh so it's not actually available anymore and if you didn't get it within the time frame when it was released in 2016 it was only around for 11 months and then it's gone which is a little bit of a shame and but you know the workshop is there for pc players to go ahead and get a bunch of new stadium assets it would have been cool to still have these assets in the game you know some actual real-life stadiums alongside the kind of base football stadium that was added with that match day dlc but you know for those that are familiar with football or soccer there is very complicated licensing issues involved with using their kind of brand names and official stadiums so if you did get it well done it's nice to have some new real-life stadiums in if you didn't it's not available anymore so for that reason it has to fall into possible i will also talk about the tethered mini expansion the match day dlc here as well it did add in the new football stadium and we also got some new policies which was the free public transport on matchdays come one come all match security which hires security personnel to keep their crime low around the stadium i've never had an issue with crime around stadiums again police stations handle this more than enough and then also this subsidized youth policy um which came in which spends money on training young players to increase the odds of your team winning this policy is crazy expensive to put on so again i've never used it the team tends to win nine times out of ten anyway in my cities so there's not too much to say about these stadium and match day dlcs so for me they're going to fall into possible purely because you can't actually get stadiums anymore on the matchday dlc it adds in a new stadium and some fairly pointless policies so again it's pretty possible next up we have the train stations content creator pack by bad peanut and this is going into a must buy for some reason across all the expansions and dlcs we hadn't really had any new train stations added and this content creator pack fixes all of that it introduces 12 new stations six for train and six for metro and four new transport hubs and one of my favorite thing about this train station content creator pack is that it adds layers of depth into the map which is something i didn't really realize the game needed i'm always kind of talking about layers of height and that eventual crawl up to the peak of the skyline to help create more authentic looking cities but being able to see these little open holes especially with the metro stations here kind of looking down into the ground and seeing the city alive down there that made such a huge difference i really didn't realize it was something we needed and i think we can all agree that the metro plaza added with this content creator pack is probably the most satisfying asset in the game to watch especially when all the metro lines are hooked in and this transport hub i think in my experience anyway it's the busiest transport hub having this many metro lines converge at one point it's just amazing i really really like it the glass box transport hub on the old market station and the crossover train station hubs are also really nice and the metro stations brought in there's obviously six metro stations kind of three elevated and three underground they look a lot nicer and a lot more impressive than the base game metro stations just a huge improvement to two really busy key methods of public transport that i think most of us end up using in the form of metro and trains the train stations again the they have bypass lines now which is great so international and cargo trains can go straight through the station really helps with that train traffic build whether there's a problem you're having within your city and just the design and the architecture around these assets they just look so good like bad peanut what what a modder because he absolutely nailed them really good content greater pack and so much better than the base game stations and if you're not a fan or don't have access to the workshop to download different types of train station asset then the train stations content creator park makes a huge difference to your metro and train systems in the city and i think i've found myself now almost entirely stopped using the base game train station and metro stations because bad peanuts assets are just so much nicer and really nice love train stations absolutely i must buy content greater back in my opinion next up we have university city content creator pack and this for me is going into atia so it's a very similar vibe to european suburbia it adds in 32 new low density commercial buildings 36 low density residential buildings and 15 props including signs and stuff like that the only thing that kind of annoys me about this park i guess we'll get this out the way first is that you can't specialize a zone to spawn these buildings like you can with european suburbia i don't know why they made it like that it seems kind of weird that you can't specialize a painted out district only spawn in university city assets if you want it to function like that then you do need the themes manager mod so kind of a downside i guess to the pack that's really negative about it the assets that were made by michael warren who's the designer behind this park are really nice much more realistic looking low density commercial buildings again they're not plastered in that neon signage that city skyline seems to be obsessed with they get some really nice kind of like sky bar assets some nice kind of old red brick looking commercial that have these archways on the front the residential buildings some of them have quite a run down vibe which can be really helpful for building lower income areas or perhaps a little more rural the university city buildings serve those purposes really nicely and it's a great addition of a whole bunch of low density residential and commercial buildings which is great it's always nice to see some more variation in our zonings and we use low density res and commercial a lot in the city so it's nice just to see some extra assets in that pool like i said the only real downside is the fact we can't specialize districts to get these assets to show specifically without the themes manager mod but that certainly doesn't pull it any further down the taillist than a i'm a huge fan of these assets and they're often kind of my go-to when using either ricoh or plot the growables to kind of really heavily decorate commercial districts because they're just so nice michael warren did a really good job of modeling these assets there's some really nice like takeaway looking joints some like fast food places uh the residentials have these little porches and kind of like run down gardens behind them i often end up using the university city assets over the base game vanilla assets now instead and when you start combining european suburbia and university city assets together you get much more unique looking districts yeah it's really cool again only downside is you can't specialize a district but university city a really good content creator pack and certainly one you should maybe consider picking up first next up on the content creator to list is concerts and i'm going to move this into btr so concerts was never actually released on the consoles it was never particularly explained why but it gives us four unique buildings which is the festival area itself which moves through three different uh kind of tiers or levels if you will fan zone park a music club and a media broadcast building i'm a huge fan of the music club and media broadcast uniques they work kind of away from their intended purpose the music club in particular has a really nice kind of red brick design and works uh quite nicely within kind of older areas or perhaps a european themed build so we actually did a modular build on a festival area because i think it's one of the harder uniques to place and this thing takes absolutely years to move to its final level you'll be waiting a long time for this to hit level three and its appearance does change with each stage of its levels as well which is quite nice you can also add in two new policies onto the festival area itself as well which is an ad campaign which increases the popularity of the bands by plus one per month which is a criteria you need to help this level up and the media broadcast building also included in this pack increases the effectiveness of those ad campaigns by 20 so that's pretty cool and there's also a premium studio which will increase the chance of a successful concert uh a cost of 3 000 a week which is pretty expensive so i'm going to put it middle of the road one because i haven't really played with it that much i do like the uniques but the festival area itself just takes a long time to level up and can be quite hard to place and the fact that this didn't release on consoles seems a little bit unfair to the console players i had a little google search and couldn't find a reason why it wasn't released maybe you guys know below but either way it's certainly not a bad um expansion it doesn't qualify as a content creator pack it's actually a mini dlc uh kind of like the match day one was it's okay if you're on the pc and you want to play with some of the uniques and maybe develop like a music festival area which we will have a modular build for in the top right corner of the screen here if you want to go check that out but contest is okay middle of the road not bad not amazing it's going to go for btw for me last but certainly not least is the modern japan content creator pack and i'm going to drag this up into a must buy so modern japan adds in 20 buildings and six props which are all designed by the modder ryuchi kaminogi i'm probably heavily butchering that name so apologies if i am but the assets at this pack add in are absolutely amazing the vast majority of which are very much focused into adding in to your downtowns especially the office skyscraper company headquarters the high-rise building the station department and the rail yard shopping center there's also some really nice looking office buildings like the small office building district office the register office city office building just downtown hotels it's just really good like these make such a difference to your downtown buildings and they're usually kind of my go-to when i'm crafting that skyline especially the office skyscraper and the office skyscraper is the second tallest asset behind art deco's penile street now and it just dominates your skyline so well really nice it also adds in various kind of little driving oriental restaurants as well that come with uh car park decals out the front which for those without mods it's nice to see some kind of car parking asset within the city because every city has car parking everywhere pretty much and the small little oriental drive-through restaurants make really good uh highway rest stop assets we use these all the time and especially the service station and restaurant asset is the largest one but you can also get away with bringing in the oriental market or the noodle restaurant in as well just really really nice assets there's also two new service buildings in the form of a general hospital which serves as a new hospital which is nice and again it's a much more realistic looking hospital and the waste disposal unit is another way to process garbage it's not one i particularly use often i tend to lean into sunset harbors waste processing complexes more to deal with garbage in the city but it's nice to have the waste disposal unit there from the japanese content creator pack if you want to use that as well so a ton of unique buildings and a couple of service assets you can't really complain but it's the way that these assets look and raichi did a wonderful job of modeling these assets and they just make an enormous difference to my downtown districts office part builds and highway rest stop areas they're kind of my go-to now especially with the office skyscraper in the company headquarters they're kind of the two assets i place first when i'm looking to build the downtown areas because they're such perfect high-rise assets they look really good rise above the skyline so i can't imagine crafting a downtown area without modern japan so for me it's gonna fall into an absolute must buy content creator pack okay guys that is gonna do it for today i wanna thank you all so much for watching if you've enjoyed the video likes comments and shares below really help me out equals much if you haven't enjoyed it please feel free to leave a dislike as well just a quick thank you again for all the support on these two lists uh that first public transport one's on like 47 000 views now which is really good for me so i'm really glad you're enjoying them i'm happy to keep making them we will definitely do a vanilla map ranking across all the dlcs and expansions that will take a little longer to make so we'll probably do that one next but if you have any requests for themes on more of these tail lists as always drop them down in the comments below but otherwise i will shut up and we'll leave it there well thank you all so much for watching as always enjoy the rest of your day [Music] you
Views: 13,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, ranking, tiermaker, tier list, content creator packs, dlc, overcharged egg
Id: eBINgkxaVuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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