Unleash Gales POWER!, the Ultimate Evocation Wizard BUILD in Baldur's Gate 3

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the evocation Gale one of the more powerful Mage builds I've been working with now this is a pure wizard so expect some good amount of options with spells and the ability to obviously get any other spell in the game just by learning them as we start off we are obviously going to pick wizard hand trips doesn't really matter but we are going any vacation so I've chosen each one of the evocation spells by a bolt shock and grasp an array of Frost with the level one spells we've cost gone with Mage Armor and absolute staple and required for all wizards Mage types out there gun fun wave because of its utility in taking out large groups throwing on off cliffs in the yellow games very very helpful and chromatic orb to deal a lot of damage on whatever kind of element we want we have a few support skills here like Shield which is incredibly amazing when you're taking ranged attacks or nearly any jet tax in general and which bolts which is in my opinion a terrible spell but it is a lightning spell that we were able to use early on [Music] as for attributes you have strengths at eight dexterity at 13 Constitution at 14 intellect at 17. wisdom at 12 and charisma we are going to actually alter that to be 8 15 14 17 12 and 8. we don't need Charisma we're not charismatic um although the character may be charismatic the build does not utilize any Charisma based things so we are going to just Chuck that into dexterity to allow us to have a little bit more tankiness and uh survive more saves as for skills we are going with investigation and insight these two are very good for traveling around with your party having a very high investigation and insight skill is certainly helpful continue so that is level one next we are going to keep leveling him up this is again a pure wizard build designed for sane amounts of damage and controlling the battlefield with aoes so as I said subclass evocation straight away we get sculpt spell create pockets of safety within your evocation spells allies uh automatically succeed the saving throws against these spells and take no damage from them incredibly useful very useful so we don't kill our party while we are absolutely blowing up around us first couple of skills I usually go with these ability skills here just because of their utility in the early game all the way till late game they're just so useful I'm going to just leave this for the time being actually we'll get rid of hold um monster and grab phone of ice absolutely no is an incredible spell that I used all the way to end game I did not realize we got that so early all right next lot of spells wizard level up we gain additional spell slots next lot of spells is cloud of daggers incredibly useful area denial spell um pop this down on a doorway that people have to come through they have to take damage as they're coming through next up we have Misty step the best uh traversal spell in the game you want this absolutely 100 you want this now we're heading up to level four this is now real power boost we're going to get another can trip light light is incredibly useful in the Act 2 and does become useful in act three as well so it is never not useful the Spells we want now are better and we also want where is it magic Missile so Shredder does thunder damage um which is a great additional damage but it also allows us to do a big burst of damage in an AOE um and uh against non-flesh enemies very powerful and magic Missile is honestly just a staple really now we are going to go with um War pasta warcaster is incredibly important for the concentration so we're going to be using spells like haste and such on our allies um having an advantage on saving threads to maintain concentration is incredibly important as we go through the game um the additional reaction to shocking grasp um for any reason moving out of melee range is kind of just icing on the cake it just comes with it but what what we're really after is that bonus to concentration moving on to level five [Music] we get more spell slots and even more spells straight away Fireball as soon as you get a fireball get fireball 100 and haste because you're going to be one of popping haste on your allies at the start of the turn whoever is your highest damage dealer you want this bad boy on them while you're throwing out fireballs new subclass feature of the evocation your cancerous become harder to evade and I just invade entirely and a creature sees it saving through against one of your cantrips it still takes half damage uh it takes half of the cat tricks damage but suffers no additional effect so this is really good when you just want to throw out a uh little um what's Fire spark whatever it's called um very very very handy next we want to grab Glyph of warding absolutely amazing skill again more AOE damage you are allowed you can select a type of damage whether it be push damage ice damage lightning damage fire damage and so on incredibly incredibly good spell next you're going to grab hypnotic pattern a great controlled spell for large groups um that's kind of just it it's an amazing control spell I'm going to go ahead and remove these for the prepared spells and add these two bad boys I'm gonna move this so this is what level six level six we should be starting act two so we can get rid of Thunder Wave now um and add lightning book get rid of which Bolt add Misty step uh yeah that's that's actually a really good setup you can swap out one of your damage skills for example cone of ice for cloud of daggers it's always a good option but I like the ability to send out all kinds of elements so I'm going to stick with the core 3 lightning fire and ice oh level seven should be still in Le act two straight away Honda Elemental being able to conjure a Elemental Ally is incredibly important you always want a Ally up when you're going into a hostile area or when you know that a fight is coming up you want to pop that bad boy up next is a wall of fire 100 you want this this is also a concentration spell so it gets benefits from our concentration trait from warcaster now wall of fire is one of the most damaging abilities in the game you can click an area extend the wall out and cover an entire entryway so people have to run through the fire who gets you if you are fighting Undead or other enemies that are weak to fire they won't be able to get close to you this this thing will kill them before they even get anywhere near you you can use it offensively as well by placing it underneath the feet of enemies that are high up or you just can't quite get to um so they either burn to death or they have to move we're going to go ahead and get rid of clone of ice at this level add wall of Fire get rid of I don't know why which bulb was there and add the minor Elemental level 8 which should be coming up to the end of act two we are going to be grabbing the dimension door incredibly useful for getting you and your party around it's an additional traversal skill it's just like Misty step very good to have and the one is ice storm ice storm is very situational but very good when you're you know you're going to go into an area where there's a lot of enemies that are immune to fire next up we have our level eight feet this one's going to just go straight in to boosting our skills boom 18 in select 16 dexterity they're going to be rather rather tanky next up we have lo5 skills this one there's really not many options that I like um dominate person is cool telekinesis is really cool you get to throw things around but really all I want us to get is that conjure Elemental that conjure Elemental is absolutely amazing so let's have a look at some lower level skills then that might be useful for us for example let's say enlarge and reduce this is more of a utility you can reduce the size of your party members and allow them to squeeze through smaller areas again and not not really 100 required it's more of a utility item so we are going to remove our old summon and add in some more things like this so we have more Fort level four and five spells foreign moving up to level 10 we get our next subclass feature which is in power evocation your grasp of evocation magic is tightened and you can add your intellect modifier to damage rolls with any evocation spell that is insane so the more we use the invocation of spells like the more invocation spells we do see more damage we output very very useful uh let's see what can trip could we use Mage and can't go wrong again I don't really care too much for the rest of the level fives so we're going to fill up our area with lower level utility uh for example counter spell oh could have gotten that a lot earlier make sure you get this a lot earlier I also will grab the resilience spear a spear brother yes as soon as counter spell becomes available to you rabbit I'm very much mistaken for not doing that coming up to level 11. we have our first level six spells now uh I mean the problem with these is they're so expensive you don't get many um high level spell slots that you can use so honestly pick what you want because we're probably not going to be using them I honestly would suggest using um your six level spell slot to UPS level the elemental into a miradon I believe they're called so we're going to use our sixth level up up level our our summon rather than having other things going on what we'll do we'll grab it we'll Chuck's cloud of uh daggers in there foreign collecting lower level skills because they are more useful to us than the high level skills [Music] um even wall of ice I I found wasn't super useful so at this point just grab what you kind of want [Music] now our final beat is obviously going to go into ability Improvement to get our intellect up to 20 so we get the maximum amount of damage coming out of our invocation spells using our sub skill empowered evocation that's pretty much it for the build now having a look at the armor we're going to just pop this and obviously that'll that increases up to 19 which is a solid number very solid for a caster it there's really no suggestions I can give um or items everyone have their own preference I do use Quick spell gloves though um and trips that cost an action cost a bonus action instead uh once per short rest so every short Rift we get an additional hand trip attack which of course is going to be Firebolt uh a very very good spell I do have a a staff I have no idea where I got it from very sorry for that but I do use a staff called fire incandescent stuff which gives us an additional Firebolt and additional Fireball to use without spending a skill spell slot um for the evocation wizard I feel this is one of the best staffs you could get a free Fireball absolutely amazing even though it's uh just the base level it's still incredible and that's pretty much it so for fighting strategies you want to start with a misty step to position yourself this is classed as a bonus action so you still get the ability to use a spell um you should already have your conjure um murmidon out which as you can see up leveling to level six uh you should already have them out uh before a fight and then you're going to want to start casting your wall of fire to uh deny a area um both wall of fire and cloud of daggers are concentration so you're going to want to pick which is best for the situation and then just start throwing out Fireballs start throwing out ice storms and lightning bolts do your hearts content if you want to do a lot of single Target damage scorching array is probably the best for that um just because the sheer amount of damage that that spell does and let's have a look at our lifted powers I have gone ahead and chosen the favorable beginnings and the luck of the five Realms to give us a higher ability to hit with our first lot of attacks I've also gone with concentration blast which I don't really use but I've used it to go to psionic backlash which when an enemy within nine meters cast a spell you can use your reaction to inflict a 1d4 psychic damage to the castle spell level which is great because it's just a reaction it's an additional little bit of damage that you can cast on your enemies now concentration blast as I said I don't use it too often but you will have concentration up pretty much all the time so it is an additional simple Spell option that you can use and it does um 3d6 um psychic and heals you uh if the target was concentrating so it's kind of a good utility spell but I honestly I I would prefer using other else spells over this spell I would always throw out a fireball and then throw out a concentrated blast another thing that I I want to point out for this this um build it's always have Scrolls on you now any spell of fire spell or any any real spell that you don't have equipped You're Gonna Want like one or two Scrolls I just finished a major fight so I'm very low on Scrolls but you're going to want to keep your Scrolls don't sell them keep them Chuck them on the wizard because the whole deal about a wizard is its situational um superiority you see a monster that is causing lots of issues to your party bang we have a scroll of hold monster problem solved you wanna pop down a another you're out of skill slots and you but you want to pop down another Fireball a wall of fire boom Another fire wall of Fire you can't use your dimension door anymore boom dimension door I cannot stress how important scrolls are bore the wizard have them keep them use them uh that's pretty much it if you've made it this far please like And subscribe thank you very much for watching and I will see you next time
Channel: Shin-Okami
Views: 8,287
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Keywords: buldars gate 3 patch 5, lets play buldars gate 3, whats buldars gate 3, buldars gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 classes, Astarion, bg3, tank bg3, bg3 build, bg3 builds, bg3 tank, bg3 immortal, bg3 solo, bg3 review, dos2 builds, bg3 speedrun, baldur's gate 3 astarion, baldur's gate 3 shadowheart, baldur's gate 3 shadowheart romance, Baldurs gate 3 gale, Baldars gate 3 halsin, Baldars gate 3 Laezel
Id: Em9kHE7AGxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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