This way Karlach won't leave even after destroying the Grove in Baldurs Gate 3

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we are walking inside Emerald Grove The Grove is destroyed I have my two favorite companions will and Carlock with me and it seems like they do not mind even though the Grove is destroyed rather they're busy singing and stealing from dead [Music] bodies but the Goblins do not like it not everyone subscribes to what is mine is yours it seems so far the scenario looks quite opposite doesn't it let let me show you something more look at my party members my dream party you can say car M and will so guys after trying a lot of times I have finally found a way where you can keep will and carac in your party even after destroying the growth Additionally you will get me as companion and if you want you can romaner I'll show you everything step by step I would recommend you not to skip even a single part because a single Choice can completely change the final outcome hello guys this is Tam here welcomeing you to G on talk without any further talking let me get you through the step-by-step guide first I'm taking will in my party now I'll go to zor in Emerald Grove try to follow my dialog options here this will lead us getting the quest to kill Gaga I heard what happened thank you for protecting the child if The Druids are this far gone then it's not just goblins we have to fear so we can risk violence here or face it for certain on the road quite the choice isn't it no The Druids are too powerful we can't stand against them all it's corker's influence without her twisting things I believe The Druids might seee sense a low thought but I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered it but The Druids would Slaughter us we'd have to get close to CER within Striking Distance I can't manage that but they've already let you pass once you're taking a risk for us we'll see that you're rewarded I'm still hoping kga can be swayed from this madness but if not leaders need need to make tough decisions we do what we must I don't know how Carla could have reacted on the killing agreement with zor so I have not recruited her yet but now it is time I recruit her once she is recruited I'll go for a long rest where mizura will come and punish will for not killing carock will you've been naughty in the morning I'll play a game of suicide where both will and Carlock will die at first I'll take them to a high place then I'll hit them several times to damage their hit points once the hit points are low enough I'll make them jump down and they'll [Music] die after that I'll entrust them to Wither's SWS the Miss now it is time to kill Gaga be well prepared go to the Grove and start the fight The Outlander has betrayed us I should have known Dr it we cannot compromise any [Music] [Music] longer after killing Gaga we have a very important task to complete we have to steal the all of Sylvanas don't use your main character to steal it rather use a companion now leave The Grove immediately do you understand what's happening stealing the idol was the final nail in the cofin now all the Tiff Lings and Druids will fight each other and the Grove will be destroyed so you can say we have destroyed the Grove even without participating directly take a long rest and everyone in the Grove will die by this time now I'll go to the Goblins Camp to talk to Menara like before try to follow my dialogue options where I'll show The Grove location to Menara worshippers of a false god their existence is an insult to the absolute claim on this region there is a weapon the absolute seeks I'm sure those riches have it hidden away there we will find it amongst the dead and the ashes her excitement is palpable she lingers on thoughts of victory of unbelievers blood spilled and of the weapon she will seize it in the absolute's name you suddenly feel a strange anxiety take hold not your own but that of the GI artifact you carry somehow it's afraid you attune your mind to it the artifact does not want toart from you it does not want to fall into the absolutes clutches the thief whimpering in our dungeon try to flee to their sanctuary we will continue to remove parts of him until he tells us exactly where it is he's been resilient but he'll talk she is seeking the grow visited already feel her mind closing around yours speak true Soul the hunt must begin soon you are sure and how did you find it excellent now show it to me be my eyes her mind enters yours a splinter of ice in your memories tling faces flicker into view as she attempts to learn the Grove's location she sees the entrance to the Grove as the adventurers Retreat inside joining the tlinks and then sees the corpses of those who have already died I see the slaughter has already begun we will eliminate those who remain together true all join me in my War band at the Grove it will fall after that I'll go for a long rest now it is time to go to Emerald Grove let's see what's going on seems like called the Druid Sant Flink her dead now let's talk to Menara I'm not even sure if they drink liquor if they do praise the absolute she will reward us well for this Exquisite Carnage there were few left alive you began the slaughter without me I assume the true honor is to serve the absolute She Loves You fiercely I see that in the strength she has given you and she has so much more to give there is a bond between us trol I can see what you are what you want and you can see what I want through her eyes you see yourself skin glistening with sweat hands bound ecstasy or Terror maybe both you feel her breath on your neck her fingers running down your spine and then it is over I will come to your camp tonight we will celebrate this Victory the Goblins praise the absolute but their celebrations also honor their leaders when you Tire of their company come to me tonight you are mine before the long rest it is better to save the game as you will have to go through some dialogue checks I'm not choosing the option to romance M here showing respect to YouTube guidelines disappointing but perhaps you lack the imagination to satisfy me but anyway romancer or not it doesn't really make any difference now it is time to resurrect will and Carla let's see how they react this is the price of [Music] bals feeling elcid go on gods watching you consume that tadpole was more disgusting than the tadpole itself see they're not leaving the party or camp but what would be their reaction if I recruit minara to get minara you'll have to go to mount pass first from there you'll have to go to the moonrise Towers but before doing any of this we need to complete kac's Quest by defeating the paladins of tiar otherwise kak will leave you permanently just to say by the way that not really paladins lackes of the arch devil playing dress up as paladins of tear no honor among Devils after that you'll need to reach them mon rest Towers where you will find Mena going through some tough situations take her below no please Mercy please risc M from moonrise Towers tell her about your camp and then she will go to your camp goodbye for now I will see you soon from there talk to her and she'll join your party thank you and most importantly carlac and will have no negative reaction on that this is how you get all three of them in the same party that looks great except one thing I don't like the horns of will but there is a way to get no har will even after recruiting carac you'll have to cheat mizor for that if you do not know the way to do so you can take this video from here so guys that was all for today if you have liked this video please consider subscribing have a nice day [Music] goodbye [Music]
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldur's gate 3 review, Baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 guide, baulders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldur's gate, baldur’s gate 3, balders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, BARBARIAN, BARD, CLERIC, FIGHTER, MONK, PALADIN, RANGER, ROGUE, WARLOCK, WIZARD, SHADOWHEART, WYLL, MINSC & MINSC, bg3 ending
Id: Kd1X0D6K0dM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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