BEST WIZARD SCHOOL? Detailed Subclass Guide for Baldur's Gate 3

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whether you're jumping into the game for the first time or finally making one a wizard can be a little confusing when it comes to breaking down all of their individual schools in this video today we're going to go through each one of the individual wizard schools or basically their sub classes and talk a little bit about which one might fit best for you in your playthrough of balers Gate 3 now if this is your first time on my channel the way I do things here is by upfront the knowledge of my videos so that you can quickly see if this is the right one for you or go further into more detail whatever makes most sense for you so with that being said um I'll just say that the two schools that I think maybe are quote unquote the best in the sense that hey I'm new to the game I don't really understand a lot of the mechanics to everything I just want something that I can choose that is not going to be a bad idea and it's still going to give me some sort of return or whatever it is and those it breaks down to two uh the school of evocation or the school of divination either one of those you're going to be just fine with especially evocations very first ability sculpt spells which makes so that your allies don't take any damage from any of your AOE spells so that's something that you could just take at any competency level in the game and actually have a very strong or fine wizard right like hey I don't have to worry about my Fireball roasting my own Bros and divination is also very strong because of portent and its ability to kind of add dice rules into things so if that's all you wanted to know then please feel free to shut the video down that gives you at least some idea of the wizard that you want to make or maybe the wizard that you want to set Gail as or any of your other companions because remember you can respect all of them if you are heading out please don't forget to like comment and or subscribe I have a current fewer base of 89% unsubscribed viewers so I'm trying to change that metric by the end of the year so every little bit helps you can go ahead to navigate to any part of this video that in you the most using the chapters both the timeline and the description and don't forget to check out my playlist of all my balers Gate 3 guides if you have any other questions about anything else within the game well let's get started here on what is the best school of Wizardry in balers Gate 3 loading into the game let's talk very quickly about some general information about all the schools so I don't have to kind of keep bringing it up with every single one of them so in Dungeons and Dragons Dungeons and Dragons whatever the hell the name of this game is um you have eight schools of magic or eight um different subclasses here you can choose from as a wizard now this doesn't matter matter if you're a cleric a sorcerer a Ranger a druid it doesn't matter everyone pulls from these eight schools and your spells will always have some sort of modifier of being one from one of these eight when you select one as a wizard you aren't necessarily barring yourself out from any other spells if you are an abjuration wizard you can cast necromancy spells if you're a necromancer you can you can cast divver or divination spells without any problem there's nothing that bars you from doing that so don't think that this kind of gates you or focuses you down one specific Lane really the best benefit of selecting a specific sub class is the discount for scribing that scroll into your Spellbook so take divination here or any of these for any matter it'll say learning divination spells from Scrolls only cost you 25 gold per spell level not 50 so if I wanted to describe a level three spell that would be 150 gold but if it's a level three divination spell it's 75 gold there you go and then outside of it you get your subass features which is going to give you some sort of benefit typically towards that um specific spell school or it might not it might be something that's just kind of a generic bonus whatever it is so an abjuration an abur doesn't necessarily cast abjuration spells better than a necromancer you just maybe get them out a better better um you you can describe them at a cheaper rate and you get a different subass feature than a necromancer take for example here Arcane Ward the residual magic of your spells forms a ward around you that protects you from harm every time you do uh a little bit of Magic versus necromancy here Grim Harvest once per turn if you kill a creature with a spell you regain your hit points so you can see that none of these are going to make a difference if you want to cast specific spells and you're like you know what I don't want to go down this path I'm going to I feel like I'm going to get barred away from it or maybe I don't want to cast all these spells all the time doesn't matter it's just pretty much a scribing discount and specific subass features that's it so that's some general information let's jump into our first one with abjuration so abjuration is a very interesting subass CU I think it's one that a lot of people gloss over because it doesn't seem as good as when it comes to being a pure wizard so the way I'm going to do this is talk about the three abilities that each one of these sub classes is going to get at 2 six and level 10 we're going to talk about the spell School of abjuration and for every subsequent sub class and then I'm going to talk a little bit about how this can kind of be spiced either into the wizard or how you can go across into multiclassing whatever it is so also too in the link below in the description I'm going to put a link to bg3 Wiki where it shows you every single spell in the game uh there are some sites that have a uh breakdown by spell school but I didn't want to support that site so you can go ahead and Google it if you so wish but abjuration is very interesting in that this is it has an exploding spell class feature uh subass feature it's called Arcane Ward here the residual magic of your spells forms a ward around you that protects you from harm that doesn't make a lot of sense how does it work let me show you um I think that's the only one that that that'll work here so let me go ahead and press accept and we're going to leave this and jump right here so you can see that I've got this here right now Arcane Warrior your Arcane Ward blocks damage equal to its charges and then loses one charge casting abjuration spells will add charges equal to the the level of the spell meaning if I were to cast a level five spell it would add five charges to this and the way that this really works here is you want this to basically um boost every time you use it so like let's say I'm going to cast this Mage Armor it's a level one abjuration spell and just goes up by level to level three now so basically what this is going to do here is U and I think this can go up to a maximum um I'm looking at the bg3 wiki each time you cast an abjuration spell the intensity of the ward increases by the amount of the Spells level up to a maximum of 2x your wizard level meaning if I'm level five wizard then the max that this can become is 10 um each time you take damage the ward blocks an amount of damage equal to its intensity and it's intensity is increased by one again what that means here is if this intensity is at 10 and I take 11 points of damage it will block 10 of that damage I'll take one point of damage and the intensity goes from 10 down to nine so that's how that works but what you would do here is you would use abjuration more so if you are not going to be a pure wizard you definitely can if you want to be if you want to be a defensive wizard go for it but what abjuration really is going to spice very well into is an eldrich Knight and I don't mean an actual eldrich Knight but being a fighter and going down Battlemaster and choosing the wizard subass of um abjuration enables you to really get some really cool characteristics because that Arcane Ward gets better and better as we go ahead and level up here so let me just go ahead and quickly just I'm just clicking things to get oh gosh to get to level six because level six is what I want to show you that really allows you as a wizard or a wizard fighter in this case to really have some fun capabilities so projected Ward is what you get at level six when a nearby Ally takes damage and you have an active Arcane Ward you can sacrifice your ward to reduce the damage they take so this enables you to spice into fighter and kind of become a character that has a little bit of like a tanking role right I mean you I say fighter because uh I think of Aldrich Knight when I think of abjuration and alrich Knight is very lackluster um by comparison to just simply multiclassing as a um Wizard and fighter then at level 10 you get improved abjuration so each time you take a short rest the intensity of your Arcane Ward increases by an amount equal to your wizard level so if I were to take a short rest right now at level 10 my intensity would go up by 10 so you can see that the school of abjuration maybe on paper seems like a school that doesn't make a lot of sense as a wizard I want to cast spells and do damage the defensive characteristics of it I it's just you already are implied as a wizard you're not going to have as much defense and it's a cool thing to kind of mitigate that right you mitigate the massive amount of Defense you don't have either by Armor class or health with really cool defensive capabilities from the adjuration but I think that an abur or going down the school of abjuration subass can really have a lot of fun if you put this into a paladin if you I not CU intelligence but still if you put this into any kind of combat character and pull Arcane Ward into your character you start the game out you maybe get your wizard level to level six that way you can project your ward onto other characters for defensive capabilities but you use um Mage Armor or any of the other abjuration spells because there's quite a few Shield is a really good one um let me see if I if I oh okay of course this is well protection from energy is one that you can see right here uh uh blade Ward is another one take only half the damage from blooding piercing and slashing attacks and if you're up close and personal just go ahead and use it does cost an action sure but still my point remains here that you can just kind of have these things floating off all over the place and shield is I I chose Shield earlier but Shield is a reaction spell which is really cool so here you go Shield level one AB abjuration spell when you are about to be hit by an enemy increase your armor class by five you take no damage from magic Missile so this is a really cool way to get some quick reactive Arcane Ward online it's a subass that I think a lot of people sleep on but it's one that I think spices out to melee classes very well in a multiclass scenario for the wizard the next sub class we want to talk about is evocation and this one's very straightforward this going to be a pretty short section uh but the first thing here is sculpt spells create pockets of safety within your evocation spells allies automatically succeed their saving throws against these spells and take no damage from them meaning of course if I were to C cast Fireball is a really good example it has a big huge radius it if you read the text of any spell Hos spere Hos spere that deals Thunder damage and possibly creates a service on impact ultimately choose a different type of damage usually anything that will say something like oh there goes blind creatures up to a combined 33 hit point creatures is saying that it will hit both aggressive and non-aggressive enemies and allies it will say exactly in the verbiage um blind enemies or something like that it'll say that it'll only attack or hurt enemies so with evocation these abilities each feable Target your ally is a feable target unfortunately is hit with 3 to 18 fire damage well not with evocation because this is an evocation spell keep in mind though color spray is an illusion spell so even if I took the evocation subass my uh sculpt spell capability does not apply to this it would would still blind my allies so just kind of be mindful of those things anything that is an AOE ability is not free of doing damage to your allies unless it is specifically an evocation spell but that's our level one our level two capability with sculpt spells let's take a look at level six and that level 10 before we talk about that level six ability it's worth noting that your spells through evocation are going to be pretty much any kind of pure direct damage spell so when you take a look at something like burning hands like we saw before uh did not know that was a conjuration spell um but witch bolt burning hands those are two really good examples Fireball chain lightning um pretty much any just kind of very stereotypical wizard damage spell is an evocation spell all right level six gives us potent cantrip your cantrips become harder to evade when a creature succeeds its saving throw against one of your canant trips it still takes half the can trips damage but suffers no additional effects so this is a great way to just always kind of have a reliable amount of damage with your cantrips remember canant trips are Level zero spells they do not take up a spell slot you can cast them every single turn if you so wish so if you wanted to say get eldrich blast or Ray of frost or or any of the other ones you can constantly be using them and on top of it if it's going to be easily resisted it at least will do half damage and remember your cantrips will scale as you start to level up they won't always be very low level damage spells they will start to get better around the I I think it's around the LEL six they start to get better so they'll scale and get uh more potent and do more damage and they'll become even more potent with this potent can trip capability here and lastly at level 10 you get empowered evocation so now you can add your intelligence modifier to damage roles with any evocation spells remember there are a bunch of different roles that happen when you cast a spell you have your DC you have all spell saving throws all sorts of stuff but once all that happens and the actual damage kicks in you get to add whatever that number is that is your ability modifier your intelligence modifier to the damage rooll so let's say I cast Fireball they save blah blah blah blah blah it's going to do 10 damage well now it does 13 damage because of this and there's plenty of other ways to increase your intelligence within the game obviously but there's other ways to add to that damage roll through a ton of wizard equipment so this can be a really awesome way to just add a lot of layer damage so overall evocation is just a very straightforward subass that if you want to just have a wizard that's throwing spells and doing damage focusing 100% on that this is going to be the subclass for you because you are going to be an absolute monster adding tons of damage you're always going to have some form of way to do that damage with potent cantrip and your allies are going to be safe from your AOE spells from invocation with sculpt spells our third subass is the Necromancer or necromancy and this very similar to abjuration spices very well into melee classes because you can have a lot of fun with being being able to essentially summon up Undead minions to do your bidding because honestly the level 10 capability for The Necromancer isn't as awesome as the level two and level six ones so with necromancy you have this ability right here Grim Harvest once per turn if you kill a creature with a spell you reg you regain hit points equal to twice the spell slot level used Thrice if it's a necromancy spell Undead and constructs are unaffected so if I kill someone with a fireball I think it's a level three spell level four spell let's just say it's level three then I get six hit points left or back if I kill someone with just say inflict wounds and I I think that's a level one spell I would get okay three hit points back it's not as cool but still you triple that number whatever it is um and what's nice here is that if you're playing a paladin if you do go an oathbreaker Paladin who summons Undead and uses the aura of hate and has divine Smite Divine Smite is an evocation spell and you can use higher spell slots to cast it so you could use a level three spell slot kills some with it and you get six hit points back with grim Harvest which is spicy it's absolutely Majestic um for your necromancy spells you'll obviously get anime dead which we're going to talk about here at level six but some other ones that you're going to get access to are going to be stuff like bestow curse blight blindness bone chill which is a uh um a cantrip I was couldn't think of that word Circle of Death contagion uh speak with the Dead all of the Rays for the most part most of the Rays at least uh Ray of enfeeblement paralyzing Ray Ray of fear Ray of sickness those are all um uh necromancy abilities and especially vampiric touch wounding Ray um those are all necromancy capabilities so that's just to kind of give you an idea here uh oh false life there you go necromancy spell of what spells you be taking advant advantage of as a necromancer so you'd use a lot of General crowd control you'd have a good amount of uh direct damage spells but those spells are more geared towards status effects more than anything and of course the ability to animate dead so let's jump to level six because that's where I get spicy here for the wizard and talking about anime dead level six Necromancer just automatically gets anime dead and you create an undead servant from a corpse that's a crucial portion you have to remember about this you're going to be carrying Corpses around so that you can summon them up and when you do summon them up they are not on any kind of timer you just you summon them and they are with you forever well until they die and actually I think it's until you even do a long rest but still what you get from this is the ability to get an additional summon every time you summon something so when you use animate dead you raise an additional corpse lovely and then you get better summons so creatures created with animate dead have additional hit points equal to your wizard level so in this case that'd be level six and your proficiency bonus is added to their damage and at this point I think that's still oh no it's three I think at this point it would go up to a positive plus4 which is opposed to a negative positive four it goes it's a plus4 bonus at the end of the day which your max level and this evolves because animate dead at level three you get one minion it's just you cast it and I just disregard this for this for this little bit of discuss question anime dead then evolves at the fourth level when you cast it you get three minions and then if you're Necromancer you get a fourth and then when you cast it at the fifth level you get one ghoul or a flying ghoul and when you cast it at level six you get three ghouls or three flying ghouls so this spell becomes really crazy if you're a necromancer and those those summons remember like I said they're not on a 10 turn limit they stay with you until a long rest so you've got and I think they even last beyond the long rest I think they changed it in a patch just recently so these Undead are following you until you summon more so at level six you would get because of your abilities here four ghouls or flying ghouls so if you want to play a character that's using a ton of summons uses direct damage and some status effects and some crowd control Necromancer is definitely for you and if you want to bring this into an oathbreaker Paladin going six um wizard Necromancer and six oathbreaker you're going to get so much value train going because of all of your subass features because of Aura of hate giving you additional damage there because of your Grim Harvest helping you act out as a heal especially if you do any kind of necromancer spells and there's plenty of necromancer spells that you can take advantage up at this point so you can see that the Necromancer is probably one of the most fun and diverse uh subclasses at level 10 I'm not even going to push myself all the way there you get inured to death which means that uh you are resistant to necrotic damage and your hit point Max cannot be reduced that's all that happens at level 10 so I honestly I definitely think that level six Necromancer level six oathbreaker is a really really really cool subclass or multiclass capability that you can take advantage of conjuration is a school of magic that I think as far as subclass goes it's a little lackluster and I'm just going to be completely honest with you there if you want to play a character that focuses though on summoning familiars and summoning Spirit Guardians everything of the source plan our allies this is going to be the one for you conjure Elementals though is probably the best portion of the conjuration ability especially when you get to like the meridon um that's a very specific route you have to take um with the conjuration School you get this ability minor conjuration create water it's not bad it's not amazing but it's not it's not terrible because you can actually kind of use it in fun ways because this allows you to create water as a um source of water on the ground so you can use it to combo in a um what's it called spell a a lightning spell and it will cause electricity and can shock things you can use this to douse the water that or I'm sorry the ground that has maybe flames on it whatever it is um forming water surface is actually pretty cool unfortunately though it does cost you an action I'd must Str rather use an ability instead if this was like a bonus action I could actually see minor conjuration crate water to be pretty cool and useful it can be useful more in the narrative portions of the game where you have to move through or navigate portions like you're trying to kind of jump around and there's maybe a fire surface this is kind of nice and as far as conjuration spells go like I was kind of saying earlier with condra elemental and someone familiar and all them there are some spells you probably don't think of as conjuration spells like acid Splash which is a cantrip that's a Conjuration Spell arms of Hadar which is a warlock spell that is a Conjuration Spell but so as in snaring strike entangle um what's a poison spray those are all conjuration capabilities uh fog Cloud grease Cloud kill all conjuration even call lightning is a Conjuration Spell because you are Conjuring that lightning not to be confused with chain lightning which is an evocation spell so conjuration does have its definite uses but I think that the problem I have with conjuration um is that that's the level two ability let's jump up to level six to take a look at benign transportation and here it is teleport to a nearby unoccupied space or swap places with an ally so 30t range um and it's pretty interesting right so I get that ability to kind of like move around very similar to a misty step right so if I find this on my bar somewhere go ahead and do that can do this and we move over there voila and that's barred right we can't use it now for um until a long rest or to replenish this future the enity must cast a Conjuration Spell level one or higher so if I go to do this you can see that does not replenish it I actually have to use a level one spell cuz this is a can trip that's a class action in this case class class action lawsuit summon up a little froggy poo and now we've replenished our benign Transportation so this is actually a really cool Mobility spell that you get access to at level six and it allows you to move around quite a bit it's cool D and also at level 10 you get damage taken while you are concentrating on a Conjuration Spell will not break your concentration which is actually very good because uh Cloud kill I don't even think I have it active on me web um any of those kind of uh fog grease any of those kind of permanent placement abilities that that allow to uh allow to allow for a lot of status effects or whatever those are concentration abilities so having the ability to kind of Dodge that concentration breaking is very nice so that is actually a very nice ability to have at level 10 but it only works for conjurations spells damage taken while you are concentrating on a Conjuration Spell will not break your concentration so if you want to focus on the conjuration portion of the game trying to summon up your familiars your planner allies stuff like that this is really going to be the one for you the one thing though I just wish this had instead of conjuration water I wish you had the ability to make to to add maybe your proficiency bonus or your intelligence modifier to damage or spell damage roles of your conjurations and that would make it a lot more worthwhile because as it stands I can't make conjurations any better than anyone else who can conjure in this game versus necromancy I'm using anime dead and I'm getting better anime or better uh animations and those animations at the same time are I get more of them so conjuration doesn't really benefit from that so I find that very frustration frustrating again though keep in mind that this is not just simply summoning things right it's grease is a Conjuration Spell cover the ground in grease anytime you conjure something from nothing and put it somewhere either either an a creature or lightning it counts as conjuration the enchantment School focuses on spells that are pretty much going to lock people down you you're going to you're going to charm them andc capacitate them in some way shape or form and that's true of stuff like Tasha's hideous laughter here which kind of sends them prone but this can also be true of spells like uh Bane or bless which actually add 1 D4 or subtract 1 D4 depending on which one you're using dominate Beast dominate person enthrall friends these are all enchantment spells same thing with command hex all enchantment abilities sleep is a really good one vicious mockery of course animal friendship those are your your kind of typical list of Enchantment spells now the big action here is Hypnotic gaze charm an incapacitate a creature it cannot attack you it cannot act you can can maintain your hypnotic gaze each turn to extend its duration so basically you'd use this as an action to keep this going every turn that you want to have it going for two more turns basically and if the person takes damage then they snap out of the hypnotic gaze it's a pretty cool ability I guess yeah it's it's one of those ones that's like it has a very limited use case in that you have to be in melee range which makes it really rough to use and there's wisdom saves are assault associated with it so another thing to consider too with enchantment is that enchantment is very beginning I'd say maybe in the the beginning portions of the game but starts to fall off very quickly towards the end of the game uh sleep for example loses its usefulness very quickly because it's capped out by the hit points required and wisdom saves become a lot easier for the enemies to make because they have much higher wisdom towards the end of the game but stuff like Bane bless hex dominate beast in person command those are almost always useful so don't think by taking the enchantment school you're taking a a school or anything like that I'm just saying that a lot of those abilities like hold person hold monster which are great um towards the latter portion of the game they're they're easier to resist so you have to either get Bane on someone so they cannot resist it whatever the case is and try to really kind of push things through as far as your level six and level 10 abilities level 10 is pretty interesting because it allows you to split your enchantment so if the would only target one person like say for example hold person only targets one person or command only targets one person split enchantment will split it will allow you to uh Target Two creatures so at no reduction or or penalties or anything like that and then at level six you get instinctive charm so I'm actually not even going to jump to level six we're going to go ahead and press accept here and I'm going to press this button because instinctive charm basically gives you this channel the dark dark lure of the tadpole to charm an enemy that attacks you preventing them from attacking you until their next turn it's essentially the same thing someone is going to do a anyone who attacks you they have a reaction instinctive charm kicks off if they uh fail their wisdom saving throw then they are Charmed it's the same exact thing so the cool thing here is and why I've brought this up is that you can actually have instinctive charm active at level six and this active both require a long run rest to allow you to use them again so you can get two layers of being able to charm people as a reaction if they hit you so enchantment school is again focusing on locking people down hold person uh dominate person dominate monster hold monster those kinds of things but also stuff like Bane and bless and also giving you some sort of abilities with uh Tasha's hideous laughter vicious mockery and sleep the Divination school is one that's unique in that there are I know like six spells detect thoughts Hunter Mark see invisibility speak with animal true strike promise of wealth and guidance that's it that's the only divination spells that are in this seven seven total spells that are in this game but what you use divination for is the portant capability because you're divining you're scrying into the future and what this allows you to do is basically gives you special die called portent dice during the day you can use your reaction to change the die of any attack or saving throw rolled near you to one of your Porton die and why that's so strong is this applies to everyone and the near you is 60t 18 M that's a pretty significant range and this allows you to basically kind of completely swap a situation you know what you're doing an alpha strike on a really hard-hitting boss you really need these hits to kick in and maybe someone's using weapon master so they're already at a disadvantage you can use portent to push an attack roll or a saving throw through to do the damage or maybe you are getting hit by a really heavy hard hitting boss and you really don't need that hit to connect use a portant ey and you can swap this out it's very similar to Lucky but it's something that you can extend out to other people and that's why it is so lovely and this will evolve at level six which gives us expert de divination so that's all that there is to see right here let's jump up to level six though to talk about that because that's a pretty spicy capability as well and I'll show off those port and die expert divination here you gain an additional port and die and when taking a short rest you receive a prophecy completed to regain missing Port dice so in order to show off how that works we have to take a look at the Port dice themselves we have to use them you can't just simply do it and have something work so first off I want to discuss Port dice cuz I haven't actually shown them so you can see these little numbers at the bottom of them but if you hover over it's easier to see so this is port and die five port die 10 and Port die 11 every time you long rest the game will randomly roll the dice and it will assign the die so I will always have basically a five that I can use or 11 or a 10 that I can use with my D so example here kale cast Fireball on fist fist needs 16 to save they rolled an 18 well I can change that to a five very easily and we're going to do it so I've done that and they now do not resist the fireball I just cast at them and it Ables me to kind of push through with what I wanted to do so that's how your Port die are actually used you're going to use them either in that situation where I'm changing their saving throw I may be trying to add to my attack throw or whatever saving throw maybe I'm trying to defend for myself whatever it is you the game will Auto apply it if possible so now that we've used some of our Port die let's go ahead and do a short rest that took the edge and what's going to happen here is I can see this props up prophecy a little prick uh that's me but also so deal at least one piercing damage to enemy to regain a port ey and then this one prophecy guarded casting an abjuration spell will result in a New Port die so you can see my original Port die of 11 is still there I use my 10 and my five let's go ahead and cast this that's going to complete a prophecy you can see that that disappeared over here and now we have a o Port die of six which can also be good right you want high and low ones because you can use the low ones on your enemy you can use the high ones on yourself and doing any kind of piercing damage which I believe my my bow here would do this would doing one point of piercing damage would replenish this prophecy as well so this is a really great way to recycle all these PTI to get all the value out of your PTI that you can every short rest you don't have to do a long rest to regenerate these dice it's kind of a fun little uh metag game challenge for the um div divination school and the last thing you get at level 10 for divination is Third Eye Blind I mean third eye dark vision you gain the ability to see in the dark out to a range of 80 ft until long rest or third eye see invis inv visibility become able to see invisible creatures and possibly reveal them to others and these would both act as a ritual spell so would not uh take up a spell slot you just cast it right when you wake up every day every after every long rest and you just get these active and that's they're actually pretty nice right being able to see a invisibility can come in a lot of use especially in certain portions of the game um and if you are a human have dark vision is always going to be lovely but this is the equivalent of having Superior dark vision cuz dark vision only lasts up to 40t this is 80 fet so this would give you basically Superior dark vision if you are not a human if you already have dark vision and if you are a human it's going to give you Superior dark vision so you can see all the benefits you get from divination so divination is a little bit more heady you know it requires you to know a little bit more about how the game works and how to navigate using those portant ey but you can see it's a very strong school since you can apply these scroll or I'm sorry these die to pretty much everything in the game as long as you're within that 60ft radius our second to last school is illusion and illusion is an interesting one because you have 32 spells in illusion and 24 of them are disguised self different variations the disguise self disguise self fem Dr disguise self male Dr you have basically all permutation of race there's 12 races that's 24 spells so you don't have a wide range of spells to tap into you have blur color spray fear greater invisibility hypnotic pattern invisibility minor illusion Mirror Image fantasmal Force fantasmal killer seaming Shadow Blade and silence that's the rest of the Spells so you're not tapping into a bunch of spells and your three abilities from the illusion School are not that incredible uh and again I don't want to discourage anyone from choosing a subass the best subass in this game is the one you enjoy playing the most I just want to be completely transparent that level two you get this one improved minor illusion so you can use minor illusion as a bonus action that's kind of nice level six you get C invisibility as a ritual meaning you can just go ahead and cast it it's not going to take up a spell slot and then at level 10 you get illusory self meaning that as a reaction you can basically go um you can create a duplicate of yourself which is which is Nifty but it's a level 10 ability so it requires a huge investment in the illusion school and for the wizard where you probably better off choosing a different subass because of the the lack of very interesting awesome illusion spells in the game I think I mean they're great though right like blur is a great defensive capability uh silence you'll use throughout the entirety of the damn game fantasmal force and fantasmal killer are really cool high and low level depending on which one you're looking at uh damage spells from illusion I just really wish it had even more punch within the school to pull from different uh spells yet you're not you're not any better at using the sky self as an Illusionist than you are as maybe an evoker and that I think is is kind of one of the things that rubs me the wrong way for the subass options is that you're just not any better at casting the Spells when there's such a limited amount of illusion spells that exist so this is a very quick and short section because there's not a whole ton of Illusion going on let's jump to the last one a bit of a Dark Horse into the transmutation looking at evocation divination we have two very strong Front Runners for very good subclasses right because you have really good evocation spells you can dip into or divination helps the whole entire party transmutation is one of those ones that I think is a really awesome subass but you just need to have a good knowledge of the game and you have to have a good knowledge of like kind of what's in your backpack because this is all about basically being an alchemist like I mean you're not you're not going to turn your brother into a suit of armor but you'll have a lot of really cool capabilities to take advantage of and your transmutation spells are far and wide uh enhance leap enlarge bark skin Stone skin cat's Grace uh enhan ability as a whole is a is a uh is a uh uh transmutation spell gaseous form good Berry slow Spike growth is very good telekinesis thury Thorn whip wind walk lightning Arrow those are all transmutation spells pretty much all the ranger spells are pretty much transmutation spells put it easily um and on top of that you get this ability experimental Alchemy you can two alchemical solutions instead of one when combining extracts if you succeeded dc15 medicine check so this is the time that choosing medicine as a proficiency is actually super worthwhile because it allows you to push past this DC check very quickly and easily in the game I'm just going to choose two things here um am I am I going to I was going to say am I going to show off I like I don't think there's many transmutations here right there and right there you get these two are transmutation spells these two are transmutation spells enhan leap and long Strider those spells are all your transmutation capabilities but there's even more like I said we talked a little bit about them just a second ago but again like bark skin uh enhance ability enlarge stuff like that all transmutation let's go ahead and accept this let's pull up the screen you probably never pulled up in the game by pressing h on the keyboard don't know what it is on uh console you've got your um all of your uh uh potions you can make right well this is an Al chical solution all the rest of this these are supplements salts Essences ashes vitriol I mean susp they say exactly what they are right and your actual Solutions are these guys right here so whenever you go to craft these items you would have a chance of producing two rather than one and this is really cool because let's say I want to take advantage of the Elixir the Colossus which is very very good if I'm say maybe giving it to carlac or any kind of Frontline fighter cuz it lasts until long rest which is stupid strong um or if I want to use potions of speed I can just be making tons of these at a very high rate I don't know where all my Al alchemical ingredients are but if I survive not survive if I pass that DC check I just simply um get the ability to just have a whole second one so I put all my ingredients in my bag let's go ahead and craft one of these we failed a medicine check we failed a medicine I don't have a proficiency of medicine so aha roll a critical fail even better there we go so we succeeded and we got an extra one from that right so I go all the way down to the bottom or wherever my potions of speed are and we have gotten another one because of that additional medicine check so this is going to give us more of our potions of speed as we're taking advantage of our Alchemy uh uh menu which we probably never ever use but it's a great way to get a ton of really awesome potions online in Mass even if it's just simple potions of Greater healing or Supreme healing which you'll use quite a bit depending on how your party is set up so really great thing that you can do with that and the fun doesn't end there at level six I get transmuter stone and what this does here is it allows me to create a stone that I keep in my backpack or any of the people in my party you can only have one stone active so do keep that in mind you can't just simply spam through all these and just go through it but you can give dark vision out you can increase Movement by 10 ft I can give any character I want Proficiency in Constitution saving throws remember Proficiency in Constitution saving throw gives your proficiency bonus to Constitution roles meaning if I want to do a concentration roll it's a constitution saving throw so I can give this to a druid to a cleric to myself to even a ranger that has Hunter Mark whatever it is I would simply add that in and then I get a resistance to any type of Elemental damage acid cold fire lightning or thunder I simply press this button and it creates a stone it goes into my backpack here at the very bottom and I can hand it to whoever I want and they have this capability it's worth noting too that this can simply be recycled with any transmutation spell very similar to the one that we had in a conjuration right so I'll cast feather fall on myself and this is now reset so if I want to swap off to a different type of resistance or I want to give a movement to someone I don't need to cast a spell that takes a spell slot this featherfall is a ritual so it will never take a spell slot for me so you can constantly have these transmuter Stones swapping around to the ones that make the most sense for you lastly at level 10 you get shape changer transform into a blue J able to fly the blue jay's hit points drop to zero the target reverts to its original form with its original hit points so let's just choose things real quickly jump into the game so we'll press shape changer and now I'm a little BL J now the point of this you and keep in mind too here you're locked into for five turns this is really good at displacing yourself quickly in combat if you need to right all right let's just get out of this fight go over there I'm only going to Dash and I'm going to Sprint or I'm sorry fly and that's nice right because uh fly is movement speed so I can go ahead and dash and double my movement speed and then fly I do that and then fly like super far if I want like move away oh not anymore and you will do that you'll if you're flying midg go you'll you'll swap out and uh be flying still what's important about blue J which is kind of nice outside of combat though is in a lot of the narrative portions of act three when you're kind of navigating through the city and you need to get to hard to reach places and do a little thing like like skull duggery do a little b& a little breaking and entering the this ability is actually very useful it's not as maybe useful as some of the other things that we've seen from some of the other sub classes but as far as a lot of the other subclasses having lackluster level 10 capabilities this one's pretty pretty applicable you can actually use this quite a bit in the game to fly to a harder reach place to do something then get out of it immediately because you can just simply swap it and out it doesn't take up a spell slot so who cares you just use it go do what you want to do narratively then fly away whatever it is so that is our transmuter it is a very different school it is one that is focused on a lot of very cool spells and it has a lot of very fun applications but it's one I think like I said it does take a good knowledge of the game how to navigate chemical solutions to the best of their ability a medicine proficiency there's a lot more layers to this than I think evocation or divination which are a little more straightforward for people now that it brings our video here to a close so hopefully this helps you out in deciding how you want to build your wizard out or how you want to build Gail out which subass you want to take do you want to use abjuration to create the actual true eldrich Knight you've always wanted to make because ELD Knight itself is a little lackluster you choose the abjuration school and you can cast gam near every single wizard spell and have tons of fun or do you want to make some sort of necromancer oathbringer what oath breaker that has a ton of really awesome layered Necromancer capabilities or maybe you just want to be someone throwing Fireballs of evocation there's so many ways you can apply these sub classes in a lot of different ways to your playthrough of balers Gate 3 don't simply look at this as me saying he yeah never choose illusion if you want to play illusion then play illusion please always select the subass that fits the narrative you have in mind for yourself did you go with the background of charlatan and you want to maybe say you know what I at one point I was a street performer that focused on being a magician and I decided to go to uh wizard school and University and that's how I became an Illusionist and that's that's the the the head Cannon I've created for my character then guess what that's the best character that you could ever play in the game because it's the one that you want to play so as always guys thank you so much for watching here today if you have any questions or you have any recommendations or how to approach these sub classes please let it be known in the comment section below I'm always down for different ways and approaches to the game but have a good one and take [Music] care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 56,981
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Keywords: BEST WIZARD SCHOOL? Detailed Subclass Guide for Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, bg3, bg3 wizard, bg3 wizard subclasses, bg3 best wizard subclass, bg3 best wizard school, bg3 wizard schools, bg3 wizard conjuration, bg3 wizard divination, bg3 divination vs. evocation, bg3 wizard evocation, bg3 necromancy, bg3 necromancer, bg3 abjuration wizard, bg3 illusion wizard, bg3 enchantment wizard, bg3 school, bg3 spells, bg3 spell list, bg3 wizard portent dice
Id: bvwtCTktF7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 20sec (2720 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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