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welcome welcome welcome I want to show you how to perform quick pocketing in Baldur's Gate 3. now pickpocketing is a little confusing and there are several things you should know about it uh spoilers for act three just a little bit um but nothing really mostly minor spoilers about items that you may acquire throughout your journey but this is more of a generic guide and it should give you an idea on how to be a proper pickpocket and how to actually do it reliably and not get caught unless you safe scum if you do safe scum this might not be as useful but if you don't want to spend your game reloading back and forth then read on listen on or do both maybe so how to be a successful pickpocket step number one be a rogue in this case I have a star in he is level 11 which gives him everything necessary to be the best pickpocket in Baldur's Gate 3. first we will need to go to the abilities 20x30 is a must dexterity gives you plus five to safety checks which includes slave hand which is how you pickpocket people now obviously you also want a sleigh of hand so if we look here to dexterity it is at Plus uh 17. and that is because of several items I've equipped um generally speaking you can only get it up to 12 I believe without items or is it 13. I think it is 13. um that's plus five from dexterity and uh plus eight from having the the uh Rogue ability of expertise actually bars get it too but that gives you a double proficiency bonus and if you're at level 11 your proficiency bonuses plus four so that's plus eight so plus 17 and how do you get there well you have the Smugglers ring which you get from act one as well as the Unlucky thieves gloves which you can get in act three as a random reward there's also another item uh called like the gloves of the absolute or something like that they give plus one to set of hands you can get those in act one and I believe you can get them like immediately like almost immediately after the tutorial that's all of the items that you can really get to improve your slave head that I'm aware of um some of the other things that you need are the silver pendant which allows you to cast guidance now you don't specifically need this but it's just helpful to have the character that you're pickpocketing with have guidance as well and I'll explain why and uh this the mass of the shape shifter which allows you to cast shape shift this is a special item you get as a reward for having the digital deluxe version of the game you don't necessarily need this but it pairs very well with another item which is the shape shifters boom ring which gives you plus 1d4 on all checks while shape-shifting or disguising which this allows you to do and that's pretty much all the items you need actually [Music] now why are these items important so this gives you 1d4 on all checks right and this allows you to shape shift at any point so if you shape shift or disguise yourself and now has 1d4 on all checks including big pocketing now these gloves already add the bonus so that's another plus four just left hand and with this ring that's another 1d4 where the guidance is another 1d4 and I also have bortic inspiration cast on a Starion which gives him a 1d8 or 1d6 or 1d10 depending on which level the board is at on any ability checks just one though the next ability check made and that's something you can toggle off or not right here wait what was it right there so the bartik roll I can toggle that off and on if I don't want to use it I can tell it off but for this example I'm going to leave it on so um let's get into the pickpocketing so first you need to cast to guidance very important guidance is on the timer so he's got 10 turns then stealth and approach your mark in this case we're gonna approach this bad boy going to turn based mode and here we are so what are we looking at here these are the items you can steal obviously and uh I'm not actually interested in most of these there's only like a couple of things I had once and um for this example I want to try stealing the most difficult item I can which is I think going to be over here somewhere unless I skipped through it let's see no this one right here so click on that Target number of 13 what does that mean 13 means that you need to roll a 13 on your die in order to steal this item successfully Rogues have a special ability called reliable Talent which treats any dice rolled as a 10 if it's lower than a 10. so if you roll a 1 it could fail it's still treated as a 10. other words as long as you're proficient in the skill it cannot crit fail and it will always roll at least a 10. and for asarion I also have a cast uh where is it at cat's Grace which gives him advantage on dexterity but this is not necessary with this particular strategy so the way these uh these uh checks work is that items that are very they're very inexpensive like let's say you're trying to steal this dagger it has a negative six negative six isn't what you need to roll uh that's not the target number you need to roll a um basically less or more than a one to succeed the actual DC for this is gonna be I believe eleven so let's take a look if we go here and look at I lost condition partic inspiration that was actually not intended whoops but that's fine so skill check 13 1d20 plus Advantage sure and like I said difficulty class of 11. and the way you arrive at that is 17 minus six so the base class is 17 and it changes based on that now I'm not sure if that can change I have seen other numbers I believe it depends on the merchant the difficulty and a few other things but I am not 100 sure all I know is the number you see here is the number you need to roll so for example here I need to roll at least a seven with reliable talent that will always automatically succeed because I cannot roll less than a 10. and this takes into account your bonuses as well so like for example if you have plus 17 just left hand it will take that into account so this is not seven this is like 24 that I that I actually need to get like that's the DC and let's make sure 24 exactly now this item is a 13. 13 plus 17 is 30. I cannot automatically succeed that check however this does not account the 1d4 from guidance and the 1d4 from the shapeshifter ring and the 1D whatever from bardic inspiration which is why I was kind of sad that I got rid of it now try this regardless I have a very good chance of gaining this item so long as the 1d4s wrote a little higher than the one on each so as long as I get a two to one or anything higher than that this will automatically succeed regardless of what the actual die roll is and it succeeded so let's take a look difficulty class of 30 exactly skill check 13. so it automatically succeeds with the skill check itself but the mark of shapeshifter was a two and the guys was a two so would have succeeded either way 13 I believe is the highest role that I've seen so a DC 30 is the highest uh slave handshake you'll need to pass and with bardic inspiration and with all the other bonuses I've listed you can automatically succeed it so there's no chance of failure whatsoever if you're completely maxed out earlier in the game these bonuses don't matter as much because the way uh the game calculates the DC is based on how expensive something is so for example these gloves are worth 570 so they're not as difficult to steal as like let's say this gold which is worth 18.35. so once you get to like 2K that's kind of where it maxes out this is a 10 that's 770 let's see what is what is another item that's very expensive like this one right here so that's 2400 anything over 2K gold I believe Max is out at 30 DC and I don't think it goes higher than 30. so these boots I can automatically grab gloves got it yep easy absolutely easy I can literally steal everything and unfortunately there's really not much else I want I'm just kind of going through to see if there's anything else that I may need uh you of course don't need to steal everything but if you wanted to you could if you wanted to you could and just for funsies I think I'm just gonna steal all this other stuff as you can see everything is in Auto success and unfortunately astorion is now encumbered because he's got so much but they have played plus two I will not try and steal that just because it can fail I will instead steal the chainmail which will not fail the chin male has a 29 and my Max is 27 plus two so a 29. so it will automatically succeed regardless of what I roll uh in this case it rolled higher but even if it rolled once for everything it would still succeed that is the basics of how pickpocketing works and like I mentioned in earlier acts this you don't need to Max that out this is only for like end game stuff where you just need to succeed and for that as I've explained reliable talent and everything else you pretty much have to have unless you want to save and reload and safe scum essentially so aside from that there's only one more step left and that is getting the heck away as soon as you're done pickpocketing close the window and uh sneak away for this I'm gonna go ahead and use stash Dash and uh [Music] where do I go unfortunately I can't Dash because austarian is is uh yeah he's kind of slow right now so we're just gonna sneak away all sneaky like and uh stay there and turn to do skip turns despite everything so the shopkeeper is gonna find out better than pickpocketed and he's gonna be like wait that's not cool actually I'm not sure I can jump let's take a look if you have too much loot and um my character has too much loot so I have to drop some of the stuff off for him to be able to jump let's do that right now and so the funny thing is these gloves add coal into your inventory whenever you steal items totally worth it but uh yeah that is something that they do so I'm just gonna move all this stuff over to this character and then the Starion is gonna hop in a Skip and make a clean getaway over here because Rogues have a way to reduce fall damage he can actually jump from higher higher than other characters without taking damage which is pretty cool anyway exit stand right there make sure your characters are far away as a shopkeeper freaks out and tries to find their items now this takes about 20 to 30 seconds for them to sort of like look around and aggro and then after that they'll go back to their normal routine it looks like he's done looks like he stopped that is a clean clean pickpockets nothing else really to be said you can resell these items oh wait a minute wait a minute so like you actually called the uh flaming fist that's interesting so the Flaming Fest are gonna look [Music] yeah so they're gonna look around and uh you want to be as far away as possible in fact my characters are gonna stay on my way just go away the thing is it doesn't matter if um on my way they know uh who did it or not like if they're next to you they'll still aggro it's kind of weird so essentially having characters as far away as possible until whoever is looking for the theme stops looking and that's all there is to pick pocketing I hope this was helpful you can pretty much pickpocket anything in the game and uh you know go out there and be the best Thief that you can be that's it thanks for watching and have a nice day bye
Channel: Distinguished Opinions
Views: 12,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BG3, Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate 3, pickpocket, stealing, gold, free loot, loot, items, Rogues, Rogue, build, guide
Id: Hm2xbUIjNoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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