Can I Beat Pokemon Sword with ONLY Mew?

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hello again everyone and welcome back to another Pokemon challenge video I'm Harry or Hitler Darcy and this time can I beat Pokemon sword only using me if you haven't seen the last video where I took on Pokemon shield using the free alone starters make sure to check out after this video I've been planning to do this challenge for a while now and although it's been suggested a few times I really like the rules that just the random Dino commented well apart from the Pokemon shield one because I really don't hate myself that much to have to fight Alistar I had loads of fun with his challenge as even without TRS mew had great type coverage and solid stats with a hundred across each if you enjoy the video would be great if you could subscribe as i did loads of interesting pokemon challenges here on the channel as always make sure to tell me what challenge you would like to see next down in the comments below now i'll consider them for the next video anyway that's definitely enough rambling from me let's get straight into the challenge [Music] okay let's run through the rules as i have quite a few this time first i can only use mew in battle after transferring it from pokemon home second i can't use any glitches or exploits to help me progress through the game third i can't use any items in battle except for held items and for i'm not allowed to use any TRS only TMS i tried to keep to the minimum amount of battles and stay at the same level as the gym leaders ace but there was a few occasions where i accidentally ran into a trainer that i could have avoided so i won't include these as proper rules but i tried my best to stay as low level as possible with that out the way I begin the challenge by naming myself H with a bunch of Zed's as I was pretty tired when filming this playthrough I'm very funny picking score bunny I smashed hop to the ground and rushed through to get in my pokedex allowing me to transfer in me from Pokemon home I have a level 5 view from the 2010 event which will be the perfect starter Pokemon so let's bring that in you may have noticed that I had a second Mew in that box and you may also know that I give away Pokemon on my discord so maybe if you want a chance to win Mew you should come join my discord right please join my discord I need friends booting up pokemon sword here is my level 5 mu this is a real move from the pokemon pearl event way back in 2010 you can probably see it's in a cherish ball and has a premiere ribbon then again I don't even know if this proves is real anymore so you're just gonna have to trust me heading up route 2 I shoot up grab TM payback but I forgot so let's have a battle against hop with only pound mu has way higher stats than any Pokemon at this stage in the game so we win the battle with ease taking all three Pokemon Bailey losing any HP Leon gives me an endorsement for discovering a Pokemon not even in the gala decks and then we grab TM payback before heading to the wild area hop gives us TM swift which we teach to MU before leaving home and never returning reaching the wild area with nothing but a mu we gather some supplies in the form of TM bulldoze and garb an apple before heading into moto stoke mom gave us some pocket money so let's waste at all and new cloves and then I head up to the leek challenge to sign up with number 151 because it's Muse number right hashtag bring back national debts I'm joking I'm joking please don't comment that I whoop some team y'all grunts in the hotel lobby and now it's time to take on hop in a second battle I still don't have a psychic-type stab move here so I start off with two Swift's to take out the wheel ooh is no trouble either and three more Swift's take out to finish Ruki taking two more hits with swift wins the battle against hop pretty swiftly haha from such an idiot seriously straight through route 3 in the mines and now it's time to fight beat the miner that TM payback we picked up earlier makes this battle easy or you could say I beat this battle swiftly wait I don't think that works here does it I lied about this battle being easy and I barely managed to take down the sluices after a payback takes as low and it uses endeavor to equalize the HP damage a second payback and we take it out our Tina is up next and if payback takes it low and luckily Moo survives on two HP allowing it to hit next turn with a payback thankfully I'm spared the embarrassment of losing to beat the newb and survive psybeam and to pave axe win us the battle wow if I didn't have leftovers I probably would have lost that before we take on the gym I grab TM pin missile on route 4 which would be super effective and likely very useful against the first gym if I end up missing any TMS on this playthrough that would have been useful make sure to tell me down in the comments below here we go it's time to fix the first gym a pin missile onto gasa floor hit several times taken out easily in one move without the costs out I Dynomax and used much water by dealing under half HP in damage a return max over growth does nothing to Mew and I win the battle with two more max father buys beating the first Jim pretty easily Milo the guy with seeds as his nose hands as the grass badge and then we head onwards to the next Jim I whipped some team yell grunts on the next route to earn myself a bike and now it's time to do the same against hop well without earning another bike we lose up and two hits from Swift easily take it out Corvus choir is no trouble either and continuing to spam Swift we take it down easily leaving just big groupie who also faces the wrath of fast moving stars and it's easily taken down hopefully the challenge stays this easy but somehow I really don't think it will making it to hull breach we have a quick chat with Captain Underpants over here before we head down to the second gym but before I head there I grab TM electro web which would be very useful in this water type Jim I start the gym with an immediate Dynomax and then use max lightning which wipes out both golden and arrow kuda in just one hit leaving just the Dreadnought using a third and final Max lightning almost wins the battle in free hits leaving dreadnought on low one electro web and we win the battle super easy earning the second gym badge heading into gala mine we meet everyone's favorite miner bead who wants another battle so louis's is still the first pokemon out and this time I use pin missile with its potential to hit five times and two hits take it down go feet are sent out on another pin missile hits three times knocking out no problem even with the addition of pony toe to his team bead still sucks and I take it down with another pin missile hey and guess what another bug type artillery one last time to win the battle without any beats Pokemon even getting an attack in maybe me was just a bit old P this early in the game I clear out some team yo grunts who have been mining for diamonds and then make it back to hammer lock ready to take on the next Jim but before that we have our first battle against Marnie moose still super strong against his base form Pokemon and I start by taking out Croagunk with a super effective bulldoze scraggy is no issue either and a few Swift's take it down leaving just the more Pekka using a bulldoze just some good damage and after surviving a bite one more bulldoze finishes the battle now let's head to the third gym to battle hop thankfully it's not but every challenge run I always expect this to be a battle against hop for some reason I think it's just him stood there being so intimidating it's just always lurking in the background hops gonna come kill you while you're sleeping time to beat Kabu and his fire-type gym using bulldoze should make this gym a breeze I start with a bulldoze onto nine tails dealing half HP by obviously get burnt by will-o-wisp as always so our attacks would be way less powerful with the reduced attack it takes free more hits from bulldoze to take out but Muir's left on half HP reaching level first he hear me learns ancient power which is a special attacking move and also super effective allowing me to avoid the reduction from burn Arcanine is sent out on a further reduction to my attack mates this ancient power even more beneficial with just two pokémon remaining i Dynomax and use a max rockfall to take out the arc nine in one hit just caboose eight center scorch remains and a four times super effective max rockfall takes it down super easy to win us the gym badge if I didn't have ancient power here I don't think this would have been so easy so I got pretty lucky when I leveled up here with free gems down it's time to head to hammer lock on our way to still one side but first the gym leaders have come to say anyone who isn't subscribed to hate sir Darcy should right now on the last video only three percent of viewers were subscribed so how about you guys fix that please sorry about that I don't know why they had to say that but they seemed really keen to making it to hammer lock I now have access to some good TM so I can purchase in the Pokemon Center here I purchase brain and thief which are both fairly powerful moves from you to use at this stage in the game I was looking for more moves that be super effective against the upcoming fighting gym I couldn't find any if I miss some obvious ones obviously make sure to tell me down in the comments below after speaking to this guy in glasses he shows me his plan to create the Eye of Sauron in gal R I'm not really sure how no one knew this guy was gonna be evil right with a bit of story rubbish to spam through now it's time to head up to still one side and take on the gym making it to still on side I grab a useful TM v no shock before fighting hop in another battle pop sends out cram rent for the first and only time and we take it down easily with two ancient powers frackie is sent out and is actually a bit of a threat here with knockoff which does some good damage to Miu and removes our leftovers I managed to take it down with to Venice shocks taking about half HP and damage Scylla cover is bad and falls to one brain leaving just Hawk soul which also sucks two hits from ancient power and it's gone we beat up hops sooo bad the one of his eyes is now permanently blind sorry hop the fighting-type gym is coming up and I had hoped for a psychic-type move moving into this gym but I couldn't find any I set up with TM fly which is found in a building just outside the gym pretty convenient to be honest it's time for the fighting gym this should be pretty easy with our psychic resistance and a super effective flying move it's probably gonna be pretty tedious though as I'm just gonna spam fly the whole battle hitmontop is bees first pokemon sent out and two flies take it down no problem pangoro with its jewel dark and fighting type here could be a problem and after one fly takes a third of its HP a return night slash takes me down to half assuming miss next fly lands which it does we take down the pant Goro sir fetched uses a detect on his first turn which allows us to hit it on the second with fly a returned brutal swing to some good damage on to MU but letõs helped keep our HP topped up it took me a while but she finally figures out that flies my only strategy and this time uses detect on the second turn I was gonna say that was pretty smart but then apparently just completely forgets the next turn and would take down so fetched with another fly with just G max Machop left during our own Dynomax and using max airstream twice wins us the battle B hands is a fighting badge and now it's time to stop her evil alternate form bead from smashing up the mural outside G Ocean is up and fief takes it to just a sliver of health leading to a super portion this doesn't heal it all the way and a second thief manages to finish it I used the wrong move on hatch room and a Venice shock does barely anything to start off but then I follow up with the right move and to steal wings take it down gopher eater swept no problem with two more attacks from thief leaving just ponyta which is also taken down from another thief to win us a battle this time beat isn't sent to jail but instead we all agree that the best way for him to learn is just ban him from the league challenge I know I know the main story is boring I prefer the one where bead always goes to jail through the pathetic glimmer tangle and we are ready to take on the fairy gym I doubt this gyms gonna be difficult either as we have super affected poison and steel-type moves to use especially when we get extra stat boosts for answering questions in battle tweezing is the first Pokemon sent out on a super effective steel wing to some good damage leaving it just above half HP a second steel wing takes it super low and wheezing follows up with sludges which had me pretty worried about getting poisoned thankfully we don't get poisoned and opal doesn't use a potion allowing us to take it down with a third hit just free pokemon left now and I decide it's a good idea to dynamite a max quake is super effective and more oil is taken down to red boil has crunch but with the added HP from Dynomax it allows us to tank it pretty well and the second max quake finishes it off I haven't needed any Dynomax candies so far in this run so my goal is to beat the whole game without any the final max steel spike takes toka kiss to under half and I finish with an ancient power next turn leaving just the alchemy steel wing is my highest power super effective move so I start with that but somehow the giant cake manages to dodge it even though it literally looks like a can't move I guess that makes sense right it's Pokemon a try again was stealing and it deals half HP but alchemy is able to heal itself with GMAX finale it takes two more steel wings but we finally finish the battle and we was able to comfortably stay above half HP for the whole battle hopefully the difficulty starts to increase soon because I really haven't had any problems so far ahead backed hammer lock with opal after beating the gym which takes us about 50 hours to walk there because awful is just so slow now I have a few things to do here before my next battle against hop we now have access to this Pokemon Center which allows me to get the elemental Fang moves as TMS which will likely be very useful especially ice bang which I can use on the upcoming dragon-type pokémon next is obviously the most important part let's make a trainer card perfect see look how good this looks here's the code card if for some reason you want this mess with that either way let's go fight hop he has definitely been waiting long enough considering it took us so long to walk here my new TM fire Fang is effective against revenant and I take it down no problem with two hits this is the first time I think hopper sent Boulton second in any of my challenge runs which I assume it's because it has some kind of dark type move like bite or crunch I don't actually get to find out as a super effective date takes it down in just one hit when the boom is out on a super effective fire Fang taster to just under half HP answering back with its own super effective knock off removes the leftovers and does some good damage I finish off next turn with another fire Fang using dig again here allows me to take out heat more no problem in one hit leaving just Snorlax the Snorlax moves first and hits me with a body slam allowing me to come in with a you know reverse and revenge to take it out this battle is usually pretty hard so I'm quite surprised how easily I won here it's straight through route eight and we make it to sir Chester ready to take on the rock type gym I decided to switch up some of Muse moves here so I have a water type for fighting G marks colossal and then head straight into battle it's time to fight the gym leaders name that I can never remember and barbaracle is the first Pokemon sent out I start by using Digg which takes it down to yellow after getting hit by a razor shell and taking loads of damage somehow a second dig finishes it off my best boy schakal is sent in and hitting it a few times with a brine ticks out pretty easily - Pokemon romaine and other side it's time to Dynomax and using two monks kaisers takedown stone journal and really easily the max guys as i use set up well for fighting colossal with the raining weather and a final turn of Dynomax with me moving first a lucky critical hit Max Keiser finishes the battle in style winning us a sick gym badge now we have another battle against hop which personally I think would have worked way better after the seventh or eighth gym in this game as it always feels so soon after the previous one in these challenge runs again I switch up my TMS before going into this fight so I have fire Fang for the upcoming korver night in villa boom da bull is the leading Pokemon and after taking damage from take down using revenge takes it down in one hit I tried the same onto Snorlax and after using crunch a revenge takes it down to just a sliver of health which luckily allows the hail to finish it off Billy boom is sent out and knock off could really mess me up here but my good luck continues and fire Fang causes a flinch allowing me to finish it off with the second the next turn core of a knight is sent out and I keep up using the fire fangs with the first doing about 1/3 and HP damage on the second hit and critical hits and takes it out he was on a roll right now and been coaching this sent in and the dick takes it straight down to yellow before hop uses a potion ii dig critical hits and takes out in one hit I'm not really sure what just happened but I will take it I'm so sorry hope it's time to head down to route 9 and get surf well it isn't even surf in this game is it it's literally employable tires for the side of your bike I want to surf back with the ability to travel across water it's time to get some good teams including finally a stop sign Keith first I had to route to and surf across the lake to get TM cycle cup then I head to the island in the wild area to get air slash back to route 9 and I grab avalanche and finally I get a little sweep from the wild area getting back on track I make it to spike muffin and we have a battle against Marni I teach the newly acquired air slash and low sweep in preparation for this and head straight into the battle starting out with low sweep and attack onto light power takes it down to the lowest possible HP torment stops us from using a second attack and Marni uses a potion so I follow up with revenge to take it straight back to red next turn liepard uses nastyplot some new finishes are off with another low sweep scruffty is the next poke one out and a lucky flinch from air slash allows me to take it down at two moves without taking any damage with Toxicroak sent out I start with another air slash but Toxicroak is able to move first and uses a swagger but luckily it misses and the air slash one-hit kills it seriously I'm getting so lucky in this room just more Pekka remains and muse on full HP and it's looking good to win it on my first attempt more Pekka uses bite first which does some good damage and me follows up with a low sweeper taking it all the way down to read a second bite causes me to flinch and a third critical hits hitting takes it out well I think I definitely spoke too soon about being lucky I guess that's my luck back to normal now I restart the game to avoid me being any higher level and it's time to try again liepard starts with a torment again and a low sweep takes it down easily air slash actually causes crafty to flinch again somehow and I finish off next turn with a low sweep a critical hit sucker punch from Toxicroak takes muta just above half HP and the air slash finishes out with one hit and now just the super more Pekka remains Mew starts and a low sweet takes it down to low returning when it's owned by mu is able to survive and not get flinched this time next turn more peck or actually use the portion but it doesn't matter two hits from the fighting moves take it down and win us the battle allowing us to head straight into spike Murphy to take on peers I switch up some of my TMS to have a fairy and ground type move to countless time a Pierce Pokemon now it's time to take on the dark type leader and this could be pretty difficult scruffty starts by luring our attack with intimidate but surprisingly doesn't go for a fake-out like it usually does starting with a draining case we take scrap tea down to low but then it returns with its own super effective payback taking muta yellow a second draining kiss regains a bit of our HP and finishes off scruffty I keep up the trend of kissing Pokemon to death and I use another draining kiss on malamar taking it to half before tanking another dark type attack with the health regained using the second draining kiss takes out safely and Mews taken right back up to green HP the opposite goon is sent out food and I tried to go for a Big Brain play by using a non attacking move expecting it to use obstruct which thankfully it does and I use charm to lower its attack I keep using charm so I'm safe from a lot of its physical attacking moves and I take it out with a few hits I brought in TM dig for fighting with scum tank after hitting it with digs gun tank uses screech which sharply lowers muse defense so I need to be careful for dark type attacks using dig against gun tank is taken low but manages to hit a toxic while Muse on the ground gun tank uses Sucker Punch to gain priority hitting new all the way to red barely surviving allowing me to follow up with a draining kiss to win the battle that could easily have gone way worse by earn the dark badge on my first attempt when I leave the gym I hear a bunch of explosions but let's just ignore them right and head straight to hammer lock it's fine before heading in I catch myself some bait to fill the second slot in this double battle it's time to fight right on the dragon leader with the only two dragon Pokemon I think it would have made way more sense if he was like a weather type gym rather than have a dragon badge Mew is the fastest pokemon and moose first and an ice Fang takes down the Flygon in one hit this is actually pretty great because it avoids the attack reductions that usually uses from breaking swipe bait just does some bait things next I tried to start building up my attack stat ready to fight the Jarawa dog by using some max knuckles on to Google Earth which deals half HP and damage a second max knuckle takes down the giggler we are now paralyzed from glare from the Sun the Condor which could mess up this whole battle thankfully Mews ability actually mirrors effects and Santa Conda is now also paralyzed the Jarawa dawn is sent in and goes straight to Dynomax using a max rock fall onto Mew dealing some good damage he misses its first max knuckle and Santa Condor uses earth power dealing some damage so it isn't looking good for the win this round the Santa Condor starts with the protect and another max rock fall deals some big damage to mew mew is moving last and The Brick Break lands dealing half HP damage to Gerard on the final max rock fall from Gerard on takes me to 40 HP but moving second mew takes down to ala dawn with a brick break leaving just the sun the condor an earth power attack and sandstorm chip damage taking you down to two HP and i barely survived regaining a bit of HP with the leftovers the next move I went for a draining kiss to regain some of my HP and I just had to pray that I didn't get paralyzed thankfully means move hits and gets back some HP just for it to be taken away by another earth power back on 18 HP I pray that the last ice Fang hits which it does and we win the battle it was so close so putting on my Knights I quickly speed through the fake victory road and make it to wind and ready to take on the League the wind and Pokemon Center has a direct upgrade to our Fang TM moves so I buy these for you to use switching up Muse moves it's time to head straight into the first battle against Marni a brick break is too much for liepard and it takes out in one hit scrap d is sent town and air slash does some good damage but a crunch answers back taking our third of Muse HP scruffty gets a full restore and a draining case in air slash finished by taking it out using my stab psycho cut is too much for Toxicroak and easily takes it down with just one hit with just two Pokemon left it's time to Dynomax against the more pecker I start by getting the ball rolling with a Mac Starfall which takes down whop echo in one hit just leaving the grim style keeping up with the stifles it hits hard and takes grim snail to just below half but so does a GMAX news from grim smile on to Moo thankfully we are faster and the final Mac Starfall takes out and wins the battle in pretty strong fashion now it's time for hop to lose here we go using brick brick starts off by taking double to yellow but a return body slam paralyzes Moo and coupe messes whole battle up but next turn a hit with the brick brick to take it out he likes breaking bricks and a critical hit takes down Snorlax too yellow and another critical hit takes down Snorlax too easy with the brick Smasher print Cochin is sent out and straight underground with dig to deal half HP in damage the second hit from dig isn't actually able to take it out as plain coaching keeps using curse to boost his defense I tried to end it quick with a psycho cut but hop has other ideas and uses a full restore so it's time to play the long game psycho cut is dealing about the same damage as a dig so I stay with it and chip away at PIMCO chance HP apparently the paralysis actually means nothing in this battle and Mulan's every single hit to finally take it down after about 5 hits big dummy presses the wrong move and wastes the turn using psychic up before diner maxing and using a max Flair next turn to take out the core of the night the final Pokemon is Rilla boom which starts off with a max darkness if Bailey doesn't he damage keeping up the trend that paralysis meaning nothing and max flair lands and takes down really boom easily in just one hit to win us the battle someone that knows the master of paralysis make sure to tell me down in the comments below how low a chance that was of happening that was pretty mad we have a quick pause and League where Mew needs to go use fire punch on some steel types before a battle against Oleanna at the top of Rose tower frost lasses Oh Liana's first Pokemon and a super effective critical hit fire punch takes it down cleanly with just one hit Milotic is no match from you with its counters and to funda fangs take it down with free Pokemon left it's time to Dynomax a max quake starts off and destroys salaah soul and a max Flair's does the same Sabrina leaving justly Giganta banks garbodor one more turn of Dynomax from you and a max quake takes it really low I returned GMAX malodor does pretty much nothing allowing me to finish off the battle with a psycho cut chairman Rose talks about his plan to build the Eye of Sauron and tells us he's gonna blow up the stadium tomorrow to be honest that sounds pretty worrying maybe I shouldn't trust the chairman now that it's the next day it's time to take on the budget elite for where you get free heals after every battle first fight is beat more Isles intimidate laws Musa tax so our fire punch isn't able to do that much only dealing half HP more I'll attacks back with a crunch dealing about a quarter damage allowing a second fire punch to finish it off the steel-type moves smart strike takes down raka - with only two hits leaving two Pokemon left it's Dynomax time and it tastes just one max steel spike to take down Gardevoir leaving just G max - another max steel spike does some good damage leaving under half HP the Hatchin attacks back dealing a little bit of damage allowing me to finish the battle with one final max steel spike beating beat I head straight back onto the pitch and it's time to fight Nessa next this might have been one of the worst battles of all time and I'm gonna try speak really fast and see the whole thing and one take you ready here we go - Fonda franks kazakh elisa pod - emergency exit - morph under fangs take out cking Calista pod is sent back in and uses a full restore - more fun - thanks cause glissade - emergency exit using another Fonda Fang takes Barracuda to the lowest possible HP attacks back with fruit chop what how can a fish chop doesn't matter phone if Hank finishes off good his support is back in and the fund of Fang finishes it off now it's Dynomax time mics lightning takes out pelipper easy and just dread Noah's last max lightning takes it to yellow attacking back with max darkness and Muse taking to half max lightning finishes it off to win the battle you see that was an interesting battle right boring don't worry the next battles really interested in a promise yeah obviously I'm joking psycho cut wipes the entire team I should have played shield I actually thought this run might have been difficult at some points using psycho cut kills hawlucha sir fetched and grap locked all in one hit off the fear links is actually able to survive and it takes two hits to take it out leaving just match up watch this I used max flares to make the battle super interesting right I bet you're on the edge of your seat for this yeah max mine stomp finishes it straight away winning the battle just right Hannah's left it has a bit of variety in this team so this might be a bit more interesting using a dig starts off the battle and torkoal is taken to yellow HP but then it uses yawn and sense mute asleep torkoal keeps using solar beam which does barely any damage and I spam through the sleep before using dig to take it out Flygon felling one hit in the gym battle and it's no different here as a nice bunch takes it down in just one hit you still like sticking holes and two more hits with the JCB excavator takes out turret inator goodra is pretty tanky so it takes two hits from ice punch to take it down leaving just the ACE jure a load on time to go Dynomax and a max and knuckle deals about a third HP in damage before casually tanking and max rock ball like it's nothing the Dryad on barely survives the next max knuckle so it takes a throw to finish it off and beat Brighton which puts an end to the budget leap for time to fight the budget champion now I'm joking Leon isn't that bad oh yeah forgot chairman rule said he was blowing up the stadium today I guess it's best if I go stop him it's time to punch some fire a fire punch takes down X cover layer easily / circa knees - punches to take out I Dynomax pretty early with just three Pokemon left and a max flare takes down Ferrothorn in one clink kong is the same and another max flare takes it out big steel elephant is able to survive the last max flare so I need to follow up with a punch to take it out and win the battle please stop blowing up stuff chairman rose I quickly stopped on the roof to catch a legendary and now please can I finally get my battle with the champion delicious finally a good pokémon battle I brought amnesia so I could get around the attack reduction of anger / and also boost my defense against Leon's primarily special attacking team first round Iggy / uses King slash so I get my +2 special defense from amnesia even with a go / switching to attack form I keep up the special defense boo - max 8 plus 6 which massively reduces the effectiveness of Shadow Ball aigis lashes on cooldown from King shield so I make my first attacking move with a fire punch to take a third of its HP next I take the risk of going for a second fire punch hoping the egg slash stays in the attack form which it does allowing me to take it down dragon poll is up second and I predicted it would use shadow balls here which do pretty much nothing to Mews beasts of defense moving first the Shadow Ball critical hits and almost takes from you out down to 21 HP attacking back in regaining some of the HP with draining kiss I deal about half HP and damage it's pretty back and forth here as Leon uses a full restore but the constant HP stealing moves takes me back up to high HP before drugged Apple is finally taken down I brought fun to punch for both Charizard and tally on and it's pretty effective here in telly on reduces Musa tact with tearful eyes but it's fairly easily taken down with two punches Haxorus is sent out forth and it's physical attacking so i Dynomax to add the extra HP which is still only 1.5 times as I haven't used any Dynomax Candy's a Mac Starfall takes Haxorus under half and a return outrage doesn't do that much back the second Mac Starfall takes out and mr. rime is sent in next it's my final turn of Dynomax and I use a max Flair to take mr. rime under half HP it answers back with a tea to dance which obviously doesn't often because we were protected by the fairy type mist I use a fire punch to finish it off and just Charizard remains I start with a funder punch which deals a bit of damage to Charizard but it returns with a max airstream that pretty much doesn't often term you with this extremely high special defense it's back and forth with these moves and Charizard is left on yellow when it's Giganta max ends and the leftovers helped keep me on pretty high HP with the boost of speed Charizard moves first and a critical hit fire blast deals high damage to mew taking it all the way to low yellow returning with a funder punch takes it to just a sliver of health barely surviving thankfully Charizard misses its next fire blast allowing me to finish the battle with a winning funder punch and with that we beat Pokemon soared with only mu I wonder how much more difficult it would have been having to play Pokemon shields Ghost gym playing Pokemon sword actually ended up being really easy and I probably should have done shield but it's too late now I still had loads of fun but the challenge though as I got to use a variety of different moves with new learning every TM if you enjoyed the video make sure to drop a like and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already also make sure to join the discord if you want a chance at winning them you used in this video what challenge do you want to see next time make sure to comment down below or come tell me on discord with that thank you so much for watching everyone I will see you all next time in another challenge video [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hazzaa
Views: 2,876,766
Rating: 4.9084554 out of 5
Keywords: HZRC, HZRC youtube, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, pokemon challenge, pokemon, can i beat pokemon sword, can i beat pokemon shield, can you beat pokemon sword, can you beat pokemon shield, mew only challenge, legendary only challenge, pokemon legendary only, pokemon mew only, mew challenge, pokemon sword mew, pokemon shield mew, how to get mew, pokemon challenges, can i beat pokemon with mew, HZRC pokemon challenge, hazzaa pokemon, hazzaa
Id: h7vH3jXim7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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