The 4 King Georges | Compilation | Horrible Histories

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Georgians did you know George the first King of England actually came from Germany and that made things a little tricky for him the right honourable Member of Parliament mr. Robert Wahlberg Your Majesty I bring grave news I'm afraid the company was set up to profit from slave trading in South America has it seems been promising rather more than it can deliver without firm action this crisis could well spell the end for both of us versus thus your English seems to have got worse again your majesty thus have you been back over to Germany again yeah yeah yeah it's liebe Deutschland yeah yes I know you love Germany someone say for an English King you spend rather too much time there that's nothing we have a bit of a crisis yeah yeah I'd like to help solve the crisis but I don't have enough power yeah yeah do you understand me or you're just repeating the word yes in German yeah yeah Your Majesty you cannot make this problem just go away simply by repeating yes after everything I say don't know I think about it would you like me to solve that crisis for you yeah and would you be willing to make me First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer basically making me in charge of the entire country a sort of prime minister but no the other word yeah that's the one well thank you very much if you wouldn't mind just signing there make it all official wonderful well that's that then um I think about it would it be okay for the country to buy me a nice big house you know as Prime Minister no problem did you understand that or you just saying some English words you remembered no problem yep thought as much the Royal doctor your majesty don't need a doctor I was just telling the Prussian ambassador here that is a pot plant to your majesty well as I was just telling this pot plant here I feel this fit as a pig in Sweden seize the patient unhand me you neighs I'm afraid his Majesty is quite mad madam absolutely furious please His Majesty must see that he's not well I suppose I have been a bit off-color as has his wee-wee bright purple yes thank you I think we'll leave the diagnosis and treatment to those who was trained in the medical profession only science can provide the solution science and mustard mustard what a good idea I'm a sausage sizzle sizzle sizzle penis that's clearly not working we'll try another Georgian cure it's bringing sad I'm not going to blind you with science just assault you with this red-hot poker it's quite simple really we just wait for a blister to appear and then pop is this really supposed to cure him yes that and shouting at him stop being mad get better we Georgian doctors have made great strides in the treatment of this affliction shouldn't he be giving him some sort of medicine oh I already have he's on a spoonful of arsenic twice a day arsenic yes mixed him with some other stuff but a stick is highly poisonous you're giving to make him worse worse are you trying to tell me that I the Kings own physician and making the King worse are you insane sane because if you are insane I shall have to treat you to why don't I help you treat him yes you don't be mad get better don't act weird all the time jump it reveres Lian Georgian Come Dine With Me George the third served up a plate of branches welcome to my dining room now who wants a steak from my beef tree ah all the fathers in all the world he had to be mine friend of the Prince Regent and famous dandy Beau Brummell didn't have time to serve anything at all that looked absolutely gorgeous after taking his usual five hours to get dressed oh I don't believe what if my cast is a millimeter longer than the other you chaps mind if I change yes and famous traveler surgeon an entrepreneur deen muhammad brought the others to the first-ever Indian restaurant in London where they experienced a rare treat called curry I fear the taste may be a little strong for the British palate it's unlikely to find many fans over here are you gonna finish that it's day four and with his guests on the way the Prince Regent and future George the fourth heads down to the kitchen but he's got some bad news for his chef basically everyone's favorite Prince it's horribly in debt so tonight if he could just give us the absolute basic minimum okay 60 courses of the finest European cuisine got to tighten one's belt while the money short and dad still got control of the Royal purse no my luck he's probably eating it George's personal cook is celebrity chef Antonin Kareem the man who invented haute cuisine yes Anton ins worked for all the grades me Napoleon the Tsar of Russia me good food can be very simple take a mouthful of us don't mind if I do breadcrumbs mushrooms not make cream lobster tails chicken jellies Southers last glance yes what simple dish isn't complete without a bit of sheeps brain that make George likes it the Prince Regent's guests have arrived and are ready to eat although King George is having trouble parking his invisible kangaroo kangaroo as usual the meal is served a la francaise which means put everything on the table and grab whatever you possibly can boy save some for me chillax George there are 60 courses time for those all-important scores it's a stylish seven from Bar Bravo look food Wharf but as he'll be needing help from the prince region to open a bar house in Brighton Dean Muhammad's giving him a ten and it's a chicken from George the third meaning the winner of the 1000 pounds is yes oh yes I can finally start paying off my debts Oh cute I promise to use this money responsibly or we could all go for supper on me Oh Oh George how do you do it how do you look so fabulous George you are worth it I have some dreadful news huh how did wigs on coming back are they it's far graver news than that I'm afraid so I must tell you your father is dead [Music] get oh so I think you may have misheard me that's dead that's dead oh gosh I'm kidding ah you you didn't sir shouldn't you be upset upset I nearly 60 years old I know it don't look it it's very good of you to say but I wasn't going to but I've been a bog-standard Prince for nearly 60 years nearly 60 years I've been waiting for my father to kick the bucket yes but Sir I have to advise you that your subjects will expect you to be grief-stricken in floods of tears congratulations your majesty my majesty your majesty my majesty you're all right sir are you sure you can't squeeze out just a small tear certainly not thick wig I only cry about things that matter so how do I look for my coronation aspectek look at my fobs very muscular very manly I'll tell you a secret it's patty patty huh that explains the seat of your trouser well well between Hugh's ease and meeseeks it might be a tad too much pad on the old derriere padding you know what might hear what about if you wore a corset I am wearing a girl well at least he's crying now you all know the paw prints the other friends are that gay down there get out he's a keen King George the fourth is well known for his love of art fashion architecture Catholic women and food vast amounts of food I can hear you I can hear you when you say that but today we aim to find out the truth about his past tracing his family tree as we ask the question George the fourth who were nerdly you we've enlisted the help of leading family historian Sir Francis guesswork who has come here to Windsor Castle to meet the king himself well from the records I found so far birth certificates and that sort of thing I think there's a very strong possibility that you are descended from royalty well of course I'm descended from royalty I'm King oh so you knew well my dad was King my great-grandfather was King and his father was King so yeah I had an inkling Oh ah but did you know that your great-great-great uncles father was also a key yes King Charles the first beheaded by the Puritans right but did you know that your great great great great great great this is boring what are you doing well how am I meant to research your relative without my notes well we can go and pay them a visit if you like how they did the family tombs in a little chapel on the castle grounds come on let's go look in an unusual twist on what normally happens in this show the king of England has taken our historian into some George's Chapel to prod some of his dead relatives it's all gone a bit weird really no er who would you like to see first and I don't really want to see anyone Oh big girl look Henry the eggs yeah yes he was a big lad 6.3 or just under you know how I know that I got drunk and measured him right who should we look at next I know Charles our first I found this to me on the day but I haven't opened it yet but I thought he was bedded no they sits his head back on and they buried him here oh this one's sealed nice and tight there he is there's old Charlie it's very well preserved well it's a well-built tomb you see still had its airtight seal fascinating job Liz of course the body disintegrates rather quickly once the air gets to it you know bones crumbling skin cracking eyes popping oh I guess you can say that King Charles has got his eye on you Oh honestly some people have new respect for the day [Music] I'm George the fourth the Regent King which means I was just standing in acting King because my dad George the third gone barking mad - another great palaces I did design barking new was one of mine part and fashion ISO rating and wise that's more complicated actresses and duchesses I couldn't stand my he couldn't and his wife go away I only married Queen Caroline when my debts began to climb because if I agreed to tie the knot I said I'd pick off the Lord but the wedding caused all sorts of strife because I already had a wife dad did side with the meadow [Music] I planned my wife for my coronation and knowing Heita she probably died just three weeks later but all those pies that Nikon ten years later I died actresses I couldn't stand by [Music] all that you man I was really fair [Music] please welcome to Horrible Histories the four King George's of the Georgian era with born to rule my took the throne of England just cos I was practiced on to trauma prince whose English that King George nom baba I like to argue now that's clear especially with my father here and when he died of diarrhea I fought with my son I broke records with my 60-year reign and I broke the scales with my giant frame King George for three but and two you had to do what we told you to just because our I was a hunk girls adored me ladies all swooned before me savor - anything for me I'd have their husbands kid had a war with Prince Charles Bonnie everyone said that I was Papa funny I spend everyone's money on subjects were not drilled I was the saddle and I was the bad one I with the mad one I was the fat one we were George's son three fall and to England [Music] and him [Music] people hated [Music] would have [Music] [Music] [Music] you'll enjoy
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Keywords: horrible histories, horrible histories full episodes, horrible histories movie, horrible histories trailer, horrible histories tv show, horrible histories episodes, horrible history, cbbc, horrible histories episodes in english, horrible histories songs, cbbc history, terrible tudors, history for kids, tv show for kids, fun history, horrible histories kings and queens, horrible histories king george, born to rule, horrible histories born to rule
Id: hp6cCY82UT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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