American Reacts to Horrible Histories

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to an american who has just started collecting grass my name is evan edinger and as you've seen from the title today we're going to be watching some horrible histories now before we jump into it a couple things right off the bat one this video is sponsored by nordvpn thank you very much nordvpn you'll be hearing more about that in the middle of the video two i try to avoid doing any reactionary style content on this channel especially as of late for a couple reasons one copyright strike fear two demonetization fear and three i just prefer not to i i would hope that basically if you do like this show please support the original creators on cbbc's youtube channel or the horrible histories youtube channel linked in the description box below and also it's available on netflix if you can't watch it in your country's netflix well i mean this sponsor well the video will help you out there now sketch comedy is a huge thing in the uk we've talked about it on this channel before but there are so many tv shows that are just sketches you got hugh and laurie i don't think i've ever been more emotionally knotted up than i am at the moment you got just the sketch kings right for adults these are adult tv shows so i guess it makes sense that even kids shows in the uk have sketch variants now i do call horrible histories a kid show because it is on the cbbc you know the the children's bbc i hope that's what it stands for actually can't i don't even know what that stands for but it's a kid's show marketed to kids targeted kids but it has a huge cult following of adults good sketch comedy doesn't matter if it's for kids or for adults it's just good comedy at least that's what i'm told i've not seen much of anything from horrible histories i missed out on that because mistakes we don't we don't have this type of thing so i'm excited to see what we're gonna get into for the last couple weeks you guys have been hounding me in the comment section begging me to watch this show and so without further ado horrible history if you guys follow me on twitch plug i i did ask some of you guys what your favorite episodes were here's the first one we have shouty man shouty man victorian child five victorians no that's luke's all good victorian homes had fireplaces and you won't believe what we use to keep our chimneys clean oh here we go and i'm here to tell you this guy reminds me i don't know why it's just the whole premise reminds me of a tomska sketch already victorian child the chimney cleaning revolution new victorian child claims even the most difficult of ben's don't you oh you know like mary poppins victorians really used children the chimney flue on the left is clogged with dirt and soot whereas the one on the right is completely such free it's been cleaned with new untreated there it is now help um i'm stuck and just look at the results well victorian child now has eye infection skin irritation and breathing problems but when your chimney is this clean who cares who cares we'll even throw in this pack of pins to make sure your child remains motivated oh up here go little fella okay that's uh historically accurate victorian child comes with a full guarantee if it's injured falls to its death suffocates is badly burned or gets too darn big we'll just replace it with another poor child great great try new victorian child today i mean shove a kid up your chimney and the dirt is gone used before 1864 because then it's abolished well they had to they had to abolish this i mean i'm pretty sure i did learn that you know chimney sweeps were mostly young children back in the day but i didn't know that it makes sense it was abolished like you just can't do that anymore but you just can't do that anymore but wow right off the bat funny actually historical sure now i'm assuming shoddy man is a series so if i look up shoddy man there'll be lots of other shouty man adverts i like that it's a mashup of history and modern day annoying marketing tactics i thought this is the shamwow guy for chimneys how did they clean chimneys after victorian child victorian paid adult with sweep i don't i don't know next up we have the rise and fall of the british empire a classic trope of course which is a news hello and welcome to the news at when when at when the modern day news are to end the modern day it's lovely how come britain has connections with so many countries around the world here to explain she reminds me of it with the british empire report bob all right you sam well there it is the world and right there in the middle of england tiny little country with a big idea to take over everywhere else and become really really powerful so in 1583 a tudor champ called humphrey gilbert lands over here in a newfoundland called newfoundland he claims it for england and so the empire begins sadly he doesn't leave anyone there to look after it and then he dies on the way home so all in all it's not a brilliant trip but england tries again in steward times back across the atlantic they go and this time they claim canada and the caribbean and most importantly the east coast of america which means we finally have a british empire and everything's going great awfully awfully well but not for long the american states declare independence not only do they declare they fight for it and they win ah it's a disaster so britain has to go and try its luck somewhere else fortunately captain cook discovers australia oh we'll have that and also decides they would also like a bit of asia over here yes you see there's a british business in asia called the east india company which trades in things like tea and biscuits and napoleonic wars against the french empire i love these effects as well they're so like just just explosions sound effects all over the place ruled by a tea company and who can blame them they decide to rebel the british army however crushes the rebellion and queen victoria takes over the country as indian empress which this is actually surprising meanwhile over here it seems to the dutch woman also very fast naughty naughty so britain has a couple of wars down there the boar wars and gobbles up a few more countries along the way in fact by the time world war i did not know uk had that many countries in uh and you can't run an empire without money especially when the people don't want you there in the first place so india leaves and everyone else isn't far behind 1948 an island goes sea island oh crap ireland was there as well i forgot about south africa and zanzibar and malta then singapore then fiji then hong kong then the screen goes dead and then the cats put out then the phones unplugged the lights go off the milk gets cancelled the gas is disconnected and i have to hand back to sam fuck you sam thanks bob they always say like this the sun used to never set on the british empire dang i really i just there's so many countries in here i did not know at one point were british colonies see children's show but i'm i'm learning right now okay if you'd like to watch any of these full episodes of horrible histories you can watch them on uk netflix at the moment but if you don't have access to uk netflix well today's video of course is sponsored by nordvpn saving me from demonetization nordvpn of course being the world's best virtual private network if you didn't know what that meant already where have you been where have you been personally i've been using nordvpn for well over a year just because it is the best solution for what i need to do when i want to watch shows in german but they don't have them with the german subtitles because for some reason germany thinks oh they live in england they don't need german subtitles i just changed my browsing location if you want to watch horrible histories but you're not located in the uk if you watch the show in full hd and not have to worry about it being slowed down because the vpn is bad because it's not it's normal also personally i search for a lot of things on the internet and sometimes i don't want the government knowing that i'm searching for kinky british american video what i don't know all i'm saying is i don't like the government knowing my search is three for certain things you know what i'm saying i don't want him to know now usually in the past if you'd signed up to evan or use code evan to check out you'd be met with an amazing plan however this amazing plan is is actually ending it's 3.49 a month or for your brits less than the cost of a meal deal literally come on it's three pounds a month just save on one meal deal you get privacy you get to change your browsing it's really useful like i said it is your last chance to sign up with this code for the current deal don't know what the deal is gonna be in the future but probably not gonna be this good so thank you very much sponsoring this video without further ado let's get back to the horrible histories all right time for more horrible histories what do we got the next one supposedly is the best one we'll we'll see we got stupid deaths i think this is the one that i've heard of the most just the words stupid death right so this is uh the death of pythagoras of course the man who invented a triangle i'm just kidding oh this is the skeleton character next time it's not you i've just seen him in so many kids and then i said that's another fine mesh you've got me into a fine mesh because i was wearing chain mail oh pythagoras greek philosopher and mathematician your name rings a bell aren't you the fella who invented the triangle formula oh wow that's versus theory okay tell me i know this the square of the thingy majig is equal to the two sides of the hippopotamus when it's sitting at acute angle nearly the square of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides you looked so angry you lost me hippopotamus mate go on then on this story i hope it's easier to understand than your theory right well i started a religious movement known as pythagoreanism yeah we had a set of quite unusual rules never touch a white cockerel never stand on your fingernail clippings and never ever touch beans never touch a bean just ask louie we'll never we'll never work in the uk well anyway not everybody likes my little club in fact some people even wanted me dead go on okay i was being chased by some would be assassins well i was easily outstripping them i'm quite fit i got to a field the only trouble was it was a bean field oh we pythagoreans aren't allowed to touch beans so i refuse to go in they caught up with me and they killed me stupid they're funny because they're true okay i genuinely didn't know that's how pythagoras died like like i said i actually like that this is quite educational i'm wondering how much of the british population know a lot of their history from this lovely program i'm very much enjoying this if this is where we go when we die i'm not afraid oh that's a lovely comment i wonder if there are any people still practicing pythagoras's religion at this point be peculiar i mean now i know one person that is it's not even a person it's just my toast beans ain't touching that okay no offense but also no i'm offending you okay i'm sorry all right what we got next five victorians loyal victories all the tap water came from the river thames unfortunately all the sewers emptied straight into it as well imagine that oh oh yeah i mean that makes sense okay little sketches here we go have you washed your face yes no you haven't now go on do it properly now every british woman just reminds me of catherine tate i'm obviously uncultured and i apologize lovely house plant yeah that's much better good girl that's right tap water came from the thames which was so full of everyone's poo that it really really stuck oh the great stench of london it was so smelly that the problem was actually discussed here in parliament i wonder what that meeting was like [Music] morning everyone so what's this meeting at adobe you know i hate coming into parliament well we thought it might be time to address the problem of the smell what smells that then don't you remember sir before the clothes pegs oh yes i remember now so where's it coming from i think i've just had an idea why don't we coat all the curtains in the building in chloride of lime then the fumes would overwhelm the stench from the river yes just bleach everything no but it'll stop it from bothering us good enough make it happen that's literally what they did amazing well obviously they must have done something eventually better finally be rid of that awful smell of lawson best be on the safe side uh do lawson's trousers while you're at it [Music] i like how they tell us that they basically bleached the curtains and that's all they did but i i now want to know well obviously something eventually happened i know at one point the smell was so bad in the fleet river that it was like just full of dead carcasses from all the butchers and just throwing awful out there and they had the rivers no longer rest in peace but at one point i've seen pictures it was dreadful this dread thank you horrible histories we have next up silly victorian names viewers may like to know that all the names in the following sketch are genuine victorian names good day you still feel like the baby name it thank you that's bernie gilbert like that's what it looks like i've seen him in a couch mr butler isn't here today so i'll be taking the register uh now i don't know any of you so be sure to call out when you hear your name that's it raspberry lemon that's a good name burger buffalo a type of medicine right you sound like jamie oliver's kids no miss those are children's names they're not answering because they're off sick bother and raspberry honestly christian names have got really weird since victoria became queen well okay on with the register no i miss sit down what are you talking about you said i'll go on the register i'm okay okay johnson well okay okay unless i give permission never get out of your seat yes miss why are you standing up you said never get out of your seat i'm never never rookbook there's nobody got an ordinary name in this classroom yes this is this all right be quick toilet what's my name bernie gilbert's toilet that's quite a normal name my sister's called baboon toilet and baboon this is basically a key and peels your parents must be evil this is a wrap that's evil it does look like yes i've got an ordinary name miss it's susan oh yeah [Music] shall we i'll say your name you say here this is such a good sketch try not to say your name's accidentally happy yes miss happy is the name right register here we go freezer breezer here is princess cheese who miss minty badger no scary looker no i'm sorry why would anybody call their child scared look at that forget i asked now so you can stop bullying america for shooter and stuff now please miss great farting minty badger and princess cheese it makes what celebrities call their children nowadays almost normal yeah right amazing actually that was my favorite one so far i guess that's just my type of comedy and also like i said it's it feels so much like a classic youtube sketch like that's just such good classic youtube comedy also i just love the effort that all of these like episodes and sketches have gone through i like the fact that i'm assuming most all these are recurring characters like the weatherman character obviously stupid deaths is just such a good idea to talk about history in a funny way and talk about all these funny deaths that have happened through history also shouty man i feel like i do wanna watch more shouty man videos and there are a couple more i do want to watch after i'm done filming this video off camera because i can't just record everything there's this one that really peaked my interest called master chef as a first world war soldier which i thought looked funny and also historical viking wife swap i it just seems like a type of show that like i said even though it's meant for kids i'm actually gonna enjoy it the only comparable thing i think we had in the states in that it was a fun show about history was liberty's kids which is only teaching you about american history specifically around the revolutionary war by way of cartoon i liked it but man i do feel like i really missed out by not having watched this as a kid damn that's why i need to watch it as an adult anyway thank you very much for watching today's video hope you enjoyed it uh please give the video a big thumbs up if you like this style content because like i said i don't do it that often uh if you want you can subscribe don't have to but anyway i'll see you guys next sunday for a special video goodbye
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 203,509
Rating: 4.9629102 out of 5
Keywords: horrible histories, stupid deaths, evan edinger, american reacts to horrible histories, american reacts, horrible, histories, british tv, british kids show, evan, edinger, 2020, british vs american, american, react video
Id: 8hrPFhx3Pkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
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