The Fabulous French 🇫🇷| Compilation | Horrible Histories

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[Music] hello and welcome to the news at when when 1789 and the peasants in France have grown tired of being poor and hungry while king louis xvi and his rich friends live in luxury the French Revolution is about to begin let's go over live to Mike Peabody who is outside the Bastille fortress in Paris Mike thanks Sam you join me right outside the Bastille France's most infamous prison where a large mob of very angry Frenchmen has gathered we are barely under Lee yeah I just said that two negotiators are being sent inside to arrange the release of the Kings prisoners and we're going to put C Governor on trial for totally they're going to put the governor on trial for treachery I'm not a just sit sit let's see if we can follow them inside what he said are you the governor of this prison know that right there is the Maquis bernard de Launay the governor of this prison thanks mate thank you I'm sorry thank you yes I am the governor of the prison we are here on behalf of all our revolutionary brothers who starve in the streets while you aristocrats live in luxury we demand the release of all prisoners and Elsa's panel shockula wait would you like one I wouldn't mind with the man our list of all of our revolutionary brothers and sisters who's starving list is that a crayfish its lobster caviar oh so there we have it in an extraordinary turn of events the negotiators far from putting the governor on trial have instead decided to sit down for a meal with him a little bit far away from their own revolutionary principles I would suggest it always has been captured so we stopped the base dear no I am fine fine like these fine fine cheeses Oh have you tried the governor no but we have trans Devine wanna see if you want the job done properly you have to do it yourself the Revolution so there we have it thanks in part to a long lunch the Bastille has been stormed the common people of France have risen up to declare war on the rich louis xvi if you are watching i've watch your neck if I were you and that is how we do with the upper classes well that's a jolly good show jolly good show yeah you're not upper-class hmm no no no no no no no I just um no I sort of middle class really good it's a minor pilot school this is mike peabody reporting live from the bastille for hhtv news really wishing he was somewhere else Bossier and welcome to Middle Ages for also home to poor peasants like me and rich aristocrats like this prankster hey what the prank man my name is Robert Artois and you are watching you've been up why the red heart hidden-camera shows at his birth book and gnarly UCI knows those words I am Street no okay as usual we have rigged up my beautiful French crib with the coolest most up-to-date pranking technologies and Middle Ages can offer all we need now is some friends to come round some Dukes duchesses and Sam we crank up see pranks alright looks like we got a bag my prank friends right there is Angelina she's a good friend of mine a real good friend of mine she's also an honest-to-goodness princess from the neighboring County now what Angelina does not know is I have buried this clever water pipe in the middle of my garden path it is specially designed to spray coal Jets of water of ladies dresses boo boo bang bang baby [Music] [Music] I mean you me Robert about wha you know me come on baby we made it the county Christos dinner party you look so beautiful that night with hair that is not important did you feel that boy because you've been a bad girl oh look who else is pop by to say hi it's my main man they Portuguese ambassador time for me to go say hello I killed maybe I just leave it for a little bit okay don't free has just been a try okay I think you will agree these dudes have made excellent spots no Oh half a big brother who are you okay then next week we have more fun we have more playing he not wanted it's not what I tried yeah no that's not good [Music] well you join us here in Vienna at the climax of this thrilling encounter between keen chess player and part-time military genius Napoleon Bonaparte and the extraordinary chess-playing robot known as the Mechanical Turk yes indeed stunned dramatic scenes here as Napoleon's really being tested by this strange machine question on everyone's lips how does it work and it's the French generals move you play a fine game a mechanical friend but I fear you have met your match yeah the Mechanical Turk spheres has given nothing away largely because it doesn't move I can see you getting out of this one and if I'm not much mistaken that is checkmate donut the Mechanical Turk has beaten the friendship for a Cause and shockwaves here in Vienna but no how did you know he's not very happy about that he stormed off the Mechanical Turk has the form of a chess grandmaster well Stan that's probably because there actually is a chess grandmaster hidden inside it Shh it's a little secret hello and welcome to the news at when when 1789 when the people of France decided that King Louis the sixteenth and his rich friends had been living the high life at their expense for long enough and that it was time for common people to run the country here with more details is Bob Hale with the French Revolution reporter Bob Thank You Sam well sacre bleu me if that isn't France which it is if it's not the 1780s which it is and if that right there is in a very angry Frenchman which it is and he's got every right to be because back then France was very much a country of their hands and their have-nots with the push people at fine food fancy clothes palaces and helicopters while the poor people like this chap don't even have the bread on their table but how can what I don't think I did say helicopters but how do these pushers afford all that stuff I hear you ask well by taking money from poor tax payers like our friend here and in borrowing even more money for how the countries which means goodbye 1789 France is riddled with death and most French people are penniless and hungrier than an alligator on the moon or while King Louie the sixteenth and his posh chums I'm livin it up big styling terrible really but I guess that's just the way things are it's not like you didn't know about it right the Communists strike up a plan to remove the king and run the country themselves which signals the start of the one and only the world's famous ladies and gentlemen it's the French Revolution sorry I I got a bit carried away and the revolutionaries don't hang around they storm the Bastille the famous old fortress here in Paris Bhupati to show the king who's boss and partner to steal a load of explosives well that's angry month for you so King Louie fearing for his life dresses off as a Russian aristocrats Butler weird and runs off to hide up here in a place called something or other a cunning plan that works this much yep not at all the king is captured he's brought back to Paris and told that he's not in charge anymore he keeps the crown but he loses most of his power influence and helicopters and that's what I didn't say helicopters and things go from bad to worse for King Louie in 1792 France declares war on Austria and neighbouring country who want the revolutionaries out and the King back in so they tell the revolutionaries it if they don't put the King back in just start doing some pretty horrible things for the French people a very clever tactic that works this much yep not at all turns out the revolutionaries just hate being told what to do they completely ignore the threat accuse the king of plotting with the Austrians and cranny's head off then they cut it myself then frankly they just get a little bit carried away soon they are cutting heads off left right and center declaring anyone who doesn't agree with everything they say as an enemy of the revolution a crime punishable by yes you've guessed it having your head cut off in fact if we look at the head carrying law formateur we can see the telly between sixteen and forty thousand heads were cut off in just two years so many in fact are they not only broke our thingy but they had to invent a whole new head cutting off thing he called the guillotine so at that time it was all Kali's it off cut his head off cut her head off until finally after five long years and lots and lots of heads being cut off the people of France said stop cutting people's heads off and they took from hand responsible for most of the heads being cut off Maximilian broke spear and yep you've guessed it they cut his head off that's the end of the French Revolution the end of the French royalty and if I don't get a cup of tea and a biscuit in the next three seconds it might very well be the end I'll Bob see oh thank you so much thank you thank you oh I feel so much better you you know now I think of it I did say helicopter that didn't though I think I just needed a holiday Sam couple of weeks in the maldis beautiful thank you why you oh sorry I am did you cut the shovels I'm going to marry you today or something what where's King Charles the first I'm supposed to marry him but you you could do worse I'm a Duke he's a king oh yeah yes it was easy anyway he said to say he's very sorry but he's a bit busy so would you mind if I sort of stood in for him for the old wedding scene yeah well you know it's a bit difficult for him this is all tricky business with religion and your cuddly is not the class of course you in France is not so in the end I just thought it might be easier to pop down and sort of get married for him to marry me no no no he's got this whole second wedding plan when you get the incan next month yeah a big Church in Canterbury not sporty stance aramony big silly cake do you Henrietta Maria take a man who is not here but somehow knows this man to be your lawfully wedded husband I do yeah apparently it is e then I now pronounce you friend of the husband and somebody else's wife you may kiss the other fellows bride dare you I'm the wife of King Charles the first I think it was Tony I always cry at weddings I'm here with one of the 1,400 French force known as Lala's Anwar the Black Legion Napoleon picked you for this invasion you must be the very best no no the very worst nor the best are busy fighting in Europe Lily John war is made up of convicts who were given the option of fighting or rotting in jail but shouldn't you be preparing for battle I mean the English could try to repel your invasion at any moment no I tell you we are completely safe my spies tell me there are no British forces for a hundred miles and I will stake my reputation on that sir I think the British army are coming over say in there goes my reputation they are upon us on my orders surrender but I think it's just women though I think they're surrendering to you surrendering to us where we just came down to the beach to see where Frenchmen look like well I think um it's your red jackets from a distance your red jackets make you look a little bit like the British Army this is just traditional women's dressing wear yes I'd keep that under your hats if I were you well at least until you tie them up oh good thinking come on girls let's get these men tied up so there we have it the very last invasion of Britain defeated by a few Welsh lady sightseers this is mike peabody live from Fishguard for hhtv news back to you in the studio so until mama sorry keys stiva waving please very irritating this week we're in France for a special royal edition of historical wife swap the King of France Lee with the 16th and his wife Mary Antoinette will be doing a wife swap with mr. and mrs. French peasant but how will these two extremes in the French class system get on welcome to my humble abode mrs. Basel Oh you're Klaus is they appear to be around your ankles I know I do it all the time to make my friends laugh because I am your lovable eccentric King Louis the sixteenth ah we are going to have so much fun Benoit you sure mrs. peasant to our room oh if you don't like it you can pick another one we have 700 rooms there at the side ah meanwhile over at the peasant cottage which way is Mac oh this is your room that's my room it is so much weight sets they keep falling down as French peasants are starving to death anyway it's very funny when Louie does it so nothing was going any better at the Royal Palace tell me mrs. B would you like some cake oh yes please bring some cake please I am a lovable eccentric no I my notes Benoit we dream years old do your minds only I haven't eaten for weeks be my guest the King just asked me if I wanted to have a bath in crushed strawberries these Royals are so out of touch with peasants are starving as they are having baths foolish top of his eye obviously I will scoffs a lot I am a starving peasant it's suppertime at the peasant cottage you don't expect me to eat across do you think I look like a cow serious question but surely you peasants don't really eat grass last year there was a terrible harvest and now the price of wheat is so high we can't afford bread so yes some of us have resorted to eating grass I must say this whole experience has been a real eye-opener for me I mean poverty is hardships I have learned so much like never hang out with peasants the wife swap is at an end and it's time for the Royals and the peasants to settle their differences oh look at that your trousers around your ankles this country does not need a lovable eccentric for a king falses penniless and yet you lost your spending money like it it calls on please she's silly because it doesn't how can you bear to see your country in such a state excuse me I'm from Austria seasons actually my country it's true I don't think you are helping let's start a revolution that's worry darling I know exactly how to deal with this look I don't think he's working right [Music] in 1812 the Emperor of France Napoleon Bonaparte assembled a six hundred thousand strong army and invaded Russia but only one in five of his soldiers survived the Survival Guide Bonjour if you are watching this then you must have joined the French army vivre Napoleon's super cool watch carefully this Survival Guide matches save your life more friend tip burn in the French army you have to march up to 40 miles a day that's right 40 miles a day zut alors but we all know what that means please there's big time but don't worry there is a solution simply drop an egg into each of your boots warning when not what completes with her tipster food can run short especially if you're on the long march through the miserable Russian winter I wish I had not dropped those eggs into my boots now so angry I could've done all well that's good news because that's what you will be eating if a cavalry horse dies you will have to eat it just to survive tipped wah it's a smoke of battle it is easy for soldiers in the front ranks to be shocked by the ranks behind said one quarter of all casualties in the French army are shot by their own side your best plan is to stand in sea back row oh no it's me finally tip cap if you want to guarantee your survival in the French army simply pay someone to take your place if wallah now if anyone asks your name is Benoit you're 32 years old and you're in charge you never saw that right coming soon to a field in northern France I should call the most memorable battle of the age a true story of conflict between the superior French Knights we're vastly outnumber the English we are that around and we are playing at home this is going to be slaughter and a Welsh and English underdogs outnumbered in equipped at desperate what are some this mouths a bread for lunch oh yeah yeah what's I had I wrote for dinner oh so much now I got to get badly wounded I can shove the mouth in the world and it kills in fiction oh no I'm gonna film illustrate there would be no mercy this is going to be snotter you said that already I know I just like the world slaughter all the English archers had what was their determination still coming taking a long time are they yeah this cook and lots of mud okay heavy too many nights to little room lots of arrows and the lots of man we probably should have thought this through a little better witness the easiest comeback of all time just wonder I've learned double ship it off I started do you think we could call this a draw where's your off don't mind I'm sitting on it Asian car and name to be remembered a battle best forgotten probably which strip them and show their armor [Music] this is the tray pleasant this is fabulous food any chance you could pass the cow oh no no no cows are dirty things with utters what we're eating here is buff isn't that right Cherie whatever any chance you could pass the beer thank you Oh Marie okay is there any more - hey oh really Lauren zut alors - please excuse my husband's Anglo Saxon it's pork since when since 1066 when William the Conqueror invaded England and we educated people started talking French or rather slipping the odd word or should I say mo in here and there just to show we're not complete peasants or Charles as Lawrence still insists on calling them well I've weep I think it's a fabulous idea to embrace a the new France I don't which are a oh yes we certainly do any chance you could pass the Mouton Bravo uncle that's the shape do you always have to embarrass Amy you walk it's hard on anyone else need a train Oh could you not at least try and say beverage no I couldn't marry so I'm an anglo-saxon I eat food not dinner and I hunt I don't chase and when I break wind it makes a smell not on odor Norns won't listen I think we best beat the traffic thanks a lot Mon plaisir Cherie Horrible Histories Productions presents Napoleon's final battle Waterloo starring Napoleon Bonaparte as the Emperor of France the Kingdom Italy the protector of the Rhine and all the other things he called himself what I like tectus Waterloo the story of how the little military genius from Corsica hey this is a little okay I am actually average height for my era took on the combined might of the British and Russian forces depressions have arrived well no one told me witness for yourselves one of the bloodiest battles of the Napoleonic Wars wish I could I cannot see a thing and it is not because I am short and learn for the very first time the real reason for Napoleon's defeat general what are your orders I don't know I can't see anything perhaps if his excellency what you climb upon his horse he might get a better view of the battlefield I cannot I can give you a plant cup if you no it is not because I am short it is quick lions piles of work okay have a problem with my bomb bomb very painful if I sit on my horse it will be agony in fact I think I am going to have a lie down but Sir without your tactical brilliance we will be easily defeated zip Russians are attacking our rear you mention rear Waterloo the story of her great military leaders career came to an end oh please don't mention ends thanks to a sore bottom and definitely do not mention bottoms coming to a muddy field near Brussels on Sunday the 18th of June 1815 how long is he feeling about three hours three hours yeah I'm never going to be able to see through said it's the DVD the early 20th century has been waiting for you just a butcher's explosive actor that's been selling out to the Moulin Rouge cabaret in Paris the sweat Olivia which instrument is playing it's the Ottomans windy performance on the pumpkin on live of the motherhood cabaret club in Paris always goes down it's strong even with royalty in the audience I'm a big fan don't miss his famous family impressions it's this not sure that's now touring the biggest theaters in Europe I love watching this show [Music] everyone's guessing about welcome to France I am Claude your contact in the French Resistance I understand you have some instructions for me yes they're in my suitcase you go wait a minute you come all the way to german-occupied France to tell me I need a wash and to brush my teeth no of course not although the secret instructions are hidden inside the soap and the toothpaste they're written on silk oh this is very clever so if the Germans search your suitcase they won't find anything ingenious we thought so so tell me what do you have even inside these things well the hairbrush contains some spare money and the chess set has a map of France hidden in it just in case I lose my way amazing your British secret agents have so many things hidden inside other things it is wonderful but I see you also I've brought some dinner and what this bottle of one oh no no be careful with that the bottle of wine is actually a bomb of course it is I should have guessed next you'll be telling me that you are reading a machine gun inside this fish yes is it that obvious I'll have to tell the puffins in London to work on that they really are geniuses you know they've even made mines that look just like animal poo ah so you are telling me this ghoul Pat is actually a land man Oh even smells like the real thing no no that is an actual cow Pat I didn't bring that with me will you pass me the soap please [Music] Danko stop died out Tate you and stone the past is now long straight how did you enjoy Horrible Histories
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Id: ZTIVvlpew9Q
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Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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