Scary Schools! | Compilation | Horrible Histories

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[Music] settle down class now you've passed your Great Wall pyramid Senate yeah the time has come for me to drum some facts into you about spelling oh it seems to me or ABC skills are less the terrific so up boys as we mastered the joys of the lovely hieroglyphic well everyone needs the ABC it's as simple as watching football skits you know how to sing don't rape me easy to spell this hand I think our ABC [Music] you'll pass with ease and fun it's a breeze the rules are scientific don't have to be smart all you do is start with simple phonetic lifx next again to let is a set morphine's called logger graphic finally further form of determiner - everyone needs that the Mingo house sir it's simple but some can be duck everyone you all know how the rancher play except for me to tune effort into Carmen [Music] if you find it hard don't be afraid to go and ask your mommy parade now it's time for a spelling bee that's not how you spell may seem a foot read read easy cat big dog rat duck frog make your spelling magnetic you can go up and down left and right and around no punctuation in hieroglyphic abcdefg just 700 character sorcerer now that's done let's have some fun with numbers here we go everyone needs the 1 2 3 it's a simple as you can now count to 99 easy to ride it's her I hiiiiii one two three basket teachers coming I'll run to us hey very good see you're working up I'm afraid we must push on someone tell me where we got to yesterday so yes abacus math sir we were counting how many criminals heads we could chop off in one contest oh yes mess so if we're to take so what is the overzealous when do we get to fight in the Coliseum sir the Coliseum is for elite gladiators and I'm a masters at a gladiatorial arts which of you will become raging right areas huh we're tridon and your net or a vile Venator doing battle with wild animals you overzealous are not ready for the Coliseum what did you get in your last fight in wild animals exam I got be you've got a be smallest and easiest to fight of all the animals but what would you do if you were up against a lion in the arena well speak that boy [Music] exactly now where were we masa that's good so if I was to cut off four men's heads and add them to the ten slaves arms I'll cut off the day before what would we have yes a great afternoon's entertainment for the people of Rome sir correct answer clever us blow this world our yeah oh okay everyone pack up violently before you go make sure you are ending your own work [Music] and you must be Linda and Nigel where are Colossus parents are culeros I see what's wrong well I've been meaning to speak to you about your son's behavior for some time is he in trouble well I have a list here of what he's been up to in the last week alone screaming shouting fighting with other pupils attacking the teachers bringing weapons into school cheating lying stealing bullying I mean the list goes on and on mr. and mrs. our class your son yes is the perfect Spartan child he is going to make a fantastic Spartan warrior you must be very proud he's very proud all right it is a Spartan school so damn crying hey well you helots you zealots you Peloponnesians you lack of demons all of Leonidas army let's get barmy the Spartan School Musical [Music] [Music] today and starting high school a boy is a dirty man I packed my sword and shield me don't use paper in pan everyone's a jock here we don't have fun sweetie kids were left to die aspectus father birds we're taught to love a fight we're talking I'll to be meek and if we're good they beat us tasty meals every week [Music] a Spartan kindergarten under Fawcett's understood I spied commit their naughty and I try come if they're good I'm feeling rather peckish of God it feels a girl caught I'll have to punish you ungrateful Spartan brood we promise not to steal without the thieving sword stealing is considered good what's wrong is getting caught we have a bunch of contest to see who is the best the meanest meanest toughest roughest Spartan contest this one is my favorite game lessons of good fun I want my mom we pass our last exam in this bar graduation straightaway we go to work no time for celebration 10 years active service in the army no diapers only ones jumpers killing clothes wondering about love it's bound into your third high school doesn't eat romance it teaches fighting dirty [Music] you shouldn't have been stealing his missus Jake gonna make me pay for it well I'm afraid it's not mrs. Jones today we have another of our substitute head teachers from the past oh no mr. breezy does from ancient Sparta will see you now I'm simply telling you no one scared you Ari two days in a row ah I can see why you're in trouble straight away a boy wearing shoes on his feet criminal I still have to beat you actually mr. Burrowes Edith Lewis has been stealing what stealing well done lad that's exactly the kind of behavior we encourage at Spartans school maybe we'll forget about the whole shoe thing shall we off you pop I knew reducing the food portions would lead to behavior like this mr. Rossiter stealing is wrong it should be punished nonsense it's a great lesson for any warrior win by any means we need to teach these children to be sneaky if they're going to win battles that's a relief I thought I was really in trouble when they caught me what caught you stealing may not be frowned upon but being caught stealing certainly is I shall have to beat you after all actually mr. procedures I don't think you're allowed to do this I'm pretty sure it came up in a governess meeting and it was a no-no completely ridiculous next thing you'll be telling me I can't line up boys in front of a statue of artemis and whip them till they drop to find out who's strongest no I'm pretty sure you can't do that either but we do have a play at Christmas is is that the same kind of thing no not really now I shall have to beat you prepare for your beating boy where's my beating stick have you stolen it no sir I'm hurt you'd even suggest it there's hope for you yet off you go [Music] yes that's right the new head teacher wants a minimum of 60 pupils for class I know it does seem strange but he is from the tutor age anyway I've gotta go okay I didn't do anything I'm sorry Sam I really have no idea why wants to see you come on yes double pepperoni please and plenty of spots and very keen on the Eastern spices yes truant indeed don't think I didn't see you breezing through the school gates at 8:20 this morning well what do you have to say if he was a boy that's when school starts not intruders school it isn't school starts at dawn and dawn this morning was at 4:30 a.m. so where were you at home in bed ah he admits it does he well then three strokes of the cane it is mr. Bullen yet what's that on your head nothing precisely losing a cap that's worthy of another beating I'm afraid Oh blasphemy well well that deserves another beating we have a bad apple here hang on a minute what's all this in your bag school stuff how dare you bring these frivolous playthings into school mr. Bullen those are all official school books some sense all a boy needs to learn is one of these we call it a horn book it has the alphabet and Lord's Prayer on one side and plenty of space to write on t'other shouldn't we be encouraging them to read books are you trying to ruin this child upper-class parents won't thank you for turning him into some sort of bookworm a Tudor gentleman's life is the huntin Hawk who's that for oh it's for your own good boy you see Judah teachers believe that beating pupils helps to keep them warm now off you go back to your class and be here at dusk when school finishes to receive your beating stay do you have a dagger about you boy what no I thought not right you better power mine yes Judas schoolboys need to carry theirs at all times keep the nib on that quill pen shop dismissed Oh Margaret where did we go so wrong so that's your homework learn a hundred English words do we have to miss yes you do the English run all the schools in Wales so which language do we speak and what happens if I hear you speaking Welsh we have to wear the Welsh not miss that's right you have to put on the Welsh not like Jenkins here Jenkins you used a Welsh word didn't you yes miss which word did you say miss I know it was come reef ha ha you said it you said a Welsh word you have to put the Welsh not on what are you sniggering at girl sorry Ms I just can't believe he said come rhe no dear what are we going to do now Welsh not miss correct and we all know what happens to the last person to be wearing the Welsh knot at the end of the school day don't tweet yes miss they get a beating yes what does come Ramin it's rash for Wales but the bells about to go so bend over for your beating ah somebody's been speaking Welsh are they yes headmaster some people never learn the silly plot ask me what Kamri me [Music] let this be a lesson to you sorry Queen Victoria was born in 1898 Queen Victoria became Queen in 1837 we do not drink ink no no children that was just for pleather be children you do not have to repeat everything that I said I smell of weed that was an exact repetition the Headmaster's coming now behave the silly old goats will have me dragged off to his office is everything all right mr. Conrad a word in my office please I think you'll find the conditions at our Victorian school to be quite exemplary inspector I'll be the judge of that headmaster that's why we have these random school inspections well I was administering 30 lashes to this boy and then I broke one of my canes so I was giving him 30 more lashes but damaging school property I see and what did he do he misspelled the word antidisestablishmentarianism how long will you be in the stocks three days and another three days pasaba what was your crime my child good you're learning explain nah this boy is being put into the cage this is one of my absolute favourite punishments you will then be suspended from the rafters what for oh nothing he's my son I don't want to be accused of favoritism what do you think then inspect them gentlemen keep up the good work marvellous Jenkins you can sit back down now what you can sit down I obviously haven't beaten you enough boy [Music] isn't here today so I'll be taking the register now I don't know any of you so be sure to call out when you hear your name raspberry lemon lettuce burger Bovril I'm sorry I I think I must have picked up a shopping list no miss those are children's names they're not answering cuz they're off sick Bovril and raspberry honestly Christian names have got really weird since Victoria became Queen well ok on with the register the lame is sit down what are you talking about you said I combed the register I'm ok ok Johnson well ok unless I give permission never get out of your seats yes miss why are you standing up you said never get out of your seat I'm never never look Brooke has nobody got an ordinary name in this classroom yes toilet all right be quick no that's my name I think that's quite a normal name my sister's called baboon toilet and baboon your parents must be evil no that's evil Allah yes I've gotten order in a mesh excision oh that's more like it using semolina thrower right let's just try and get through this shall we I'll say your names you say here and I'll try not to say your names accidentally happy yes miss don't tell me your names happy right register here we go Freeza Freeza here miss princess cheese hey miss minty badger in this scary look hurt now I'm sorry why would anybody call their child scary look forget I asked now I am you have any questions while I'm showing you around the school please don't hesitate to us Thank You headmaster now how hard will it be for Samuel to get in determination is perfectly straightforward examine your bank account if you've got enough money we're in what is your attitude to discipline discipline is very important at this school we really really wish we had some do not throw stones in the Quadrangle fire pistols at the headmaster it's just like to walk this way it's like a thought sure I think it's classified let's go boys yes sir just a little pupil rebellion nothing out of the ordinary all the best schools have them well do that yes I'm looking at you you're late sorry sir don't be a pupil favorite teacher no no Colonel Warwick British Army headmaster always calls us in when a rebellion gets out of half they've broken several schools I think this time you may need bayonets is that don't you see me in my office you'd like to see the library yes please both hands if we surrender they might let us across without firing latekka doors why don't I introduce you to veteran in good old Queen Victoria's day Industrial Revolution meant bosses said please we need more employees we needed a solution who will climb out June nice Victorian family is so desperately poor let us employ [Music] from [Music] a monster now you're all in my employ cleaning in the factory we don't let me strong and the hours are long this work is unsatisfactory not to get caught in spokes or drama and engages to stop machines and get you out well cost you are [Music] [Music] can't you see the cry is what we talk [Music] gets back to your tea [Music] [Music] [Music] enjoy
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Views: 834,743
Rating: 4.9019732 out of 5
Keywords: horrible histories, horrible histories full episodes, horrible histories movie, horrible histories trailer, horrible histories tv show, horrible histories episodes, horrible history, cbbc, horrible histories episodes in english, horrible histories songs, cbbc history, rotten romans, terrible tudors, vicious vikings, awful egyptians, history for kids, horrible histories school, horrible histories spartan school musical, victorian school punishments horrible histories
Id: E1mZqJIeaMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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