Hoi4 Construction Guide

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hello and welcome back to another hearts of iron for video so today's you saw in the title this is gonna be my guide on how to build a strong economy now this video isn't exclusive to any one country I'm gonna be going through all sorts of stuff I'm going to be explaining the construction process itself how sibs and mills differ and what they're good for how your economy laws impact that and also what research is just good for certain playstyles countries and things like that so there's a lot of stuff we're gonna cover today I'm gonna try and keep it 5 to 10 minutes in length so that way you can watch this video really quickly and then just jump right into your own game and get started with trying out some of these things so anyways should be fun let's get right into it ok so first things first we're just gonna hop into our construction tab right here and just go through a little bit of everything in this list so on the top left this represents the total amount of factories you have available 31 is the amount of SIVs and 9 is the amount that's in use already so the way that you have civilian factories in use you might be wondering well I'm not building anything why am I losing factories so that comes down to your consumer goods and traded goods and that's what these two numbers are right here so traded goods obviously is when you're trading with another country for some resources so you can see there we're trading one civilian factory for 8 tungsten and that number is always going to be the same every time you increase the amount by 8 of whatever resource you give up one civilian factories so it takes away from your civilian factory count and the most noticeable one here is consumer goods so consumer goods just represents a certain portion of your production capabilities that you have to give up to the civilian population and that's just to represent kind of a real-life scenario it's to make it more accurate essentially and this is only impacted by a national focuses or B or sorry national spirits and then your economy loss so I'll show you quickly right now where you can change this so if you go on your flag and then you hover right here you can see we're on partial mobilization now if you're playing a democratic country you're typically going to be on a civilian economy so you can already see Germany has an edge because they have 10% less consumer goods factories meaning that 10% more of their civilian factories are going to be available for construction so it's always important that you're paying attention to what economy law you're on and you want to always try and get to war economy as soon as possible so you can see one of the requirements is 50% war support fascist and communist countries typically are going to have higher war support than Democratic ones at least until the war scaling up at the top there actually reaches higher levels so it's always important that you change this number because you can see there a 15% difference between civilian economies well it doesn't seem huge it's quite noticeable and unfortunately I can't really show you that number at the moment but trust me it is there if you were to have you know sixty factories and you suddenly have 10% more available it's like having another five for factories that you can then use towards building more sips more mills and all that good stuff so it's always important that you're paying attention to how much consumer goods you're giving up and trying to change that economy law as soon as possible now the last number at the top here is just your construct construction speed and this is typically going to be impacted by your research so I'll just hop into that one right now so just research up here and then you want to go over to your industry tab so there's three branches that sort of matter production is exclusive to your equipment production so we're not really going to talk about that one right now but the big two are industry and construction so right here you have two choices concentrated and dispersed industry and my best way of explaining this and how you should sort of use these industries themselves concentrated is built for a blitzkrieg strategy and dispersed is built more for a traditional warfare drawn-out Wars something that's gonna last over a year in length so I always recommend concentrated is good for fascist countries because they typically have war goals that occur early on in the game and if you are playing a very good country or you just experienced enough you can typically end your wars very early on and even if you're facing a strong enemy you can typically overwhelm them because of you're certain bonuses so concentrated is so good for a blitzkrieg strategy because you have the bonus factory output a 5% over every one of these levels so you can see there max factories in a state if that doesn't matter and same with Dockyard but factory output is 15 percent whereas we go to dispersed you can see factory output is 10 percent now the trade-off here is that dispersed gets Dockyard output 10% again but you also have a reduction in your bomb vulnerability and then you also gain a production efficiency base and retention so what that means is when you're switching over on your production tabs so if we go here and let's say we had a better gun that we wanted to upgrade to so it's like level 2 guns what happens is rather than losing all of this production efficiency we're still going to retain a certain amount over the base limit so it's very good if you're playing a country where you anticipate switching your equipment around a lot and this is why I say concentrated is so good for a blitzkrieg strategy because you don't plan on doing that you know if you're looking at Germany for example and you're doing a concentrated industry I can take out the Allies 9 times out of 10 by 1939 if I want to so it makes absolutely no sense to go with disperse because I can focus on concentrated have an extra 15 percent factory output for the course of let's say by 1937 I'm gonna have an extra two years of 10% higher factory output whereas if you're using dispersed industry you're not going to be at the same level as I am it really only benefits you when you're switching your guns and equipment over consistently and that applies to your air force or any other equipment that you're putting out in the field for your land armies and your air force so that's generally how I view these two you can certainly give them a go I highly recommend trying out both and finding what works best but generally again concentrated is meant for more of a blitzkrieg strategy short Wars where you're going to utilize that extra equipment and having a few extra divisions in the field can help you overwhelm your enemy faster than they can put up a fight and ultimately if you put this into a late scenario that's where dispersed really starts to shine through you'll certainly have the advantage over someone using concentrated if the war becomes drawn-out now the last part in the construction tab here is just construction so every time you complete one of these it raises your construction speed by 10% and that was what I was mentioning over here this number at the top so it just increases it by 10% and your economy law can also change that a little bit as well so the last part to this guide itself is going to just be walking through this and what I like to actually do for civilian factories so civilian factories you always want to build at the start of the game and there are a few exceptions to that maybe Spain Japan and any other country with a very early on war but otherwise you don't want to focus on military factories because again civilian factories are building everything in the game so if you don't ever increase this number you're just shooting yourself in the foot because you'll never have the economy capabilities or economic capabilities I should say to actually build military factories quick the other thing here if we just start placing some right now the other thing civilian factories do is they allow you to repair factories that are damaged in war so when something becomes damaged it takes away civilian factories for a certain period of time from this list at the top and it's going to use them to repair so anything you're building is gonna be delayed it's gonna be slowed down because it has to spend time your economy has to spend time rebuilding things that were broken now it doesn't take as long to fix a civilian factory or a military factory compared to building a new one but if you don't ever increase your civilian factories you'll never have the capabilities to repair your factories while at the same time continuing to build more stuff so it's always important that you start with civilian factories and generally what I recommend for new players I would say you're best off trying to build civilian factories until 1938 and even at the latest the start of 1939 because in that case if you're playing Germany or any other major that should give you more than enough time to build up your civilian economy where it you'll have a nice comfortable amount of factories you can then focus on building some mills and if you - you can always go back and build some more civilian factories that's up to you but if you don't focus on that at the start of the game you're really just hurting yourself in the long run and you will certainly struggle in every campaign and every fight that you enter and it doesn't matter what country you play if you're not building civilian factories you are going to be struggling the exception to that obviously is if you just go on a super aggressive front and take everything from other countries but for the most part if you're a new player and you're watching this that's not something that you really want to be doing for your first playthrough certainly it can be done but you probably will struggle so anyways there's probably not much else that I really need to cover here again concentrated is good for a blitzkrieg strategy and larger countries and dispersed typically suits countries that are anticipating long Wars and also just minor nations sometimes they can be kind of split 50-50 I mean if you want to focus on having just high levels of output and not worry about a slight bonus from you know artillery - then certainly just stick with concentrated and focus that way and you'll have a few extra divisions in the field because you've got an extra 15 percent production over any other country so that's generally how I play my games and I just wanted to try and break this all down so it made a little more sense as always if there's anything that I've left out or you're still confused on just leave a comment down below and I'll try and get back to you as soon as I can anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the video I'm signing off
Channel: ScumpyDawg
Views: 16,102
Rating: 4.9005327 out of 5
Keywords: hoi 4, hoi4 guiide, guiide, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hearts if iron, hearts of iron, hoi4 construction, hoi4 how to build, build civs, hoi4 civs, hoi4 mills, hoi4 economy laws, hoi4 mod, hoi4 germany guide, hoi4 economy guide, hearts of iron iv guide, hearts of iron 4 construction, hearts of iron 4 how to build, hoi4
Id: 8_PSljflxfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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